#x applefrost x
notwarriorswiki · 1 year
Ooooo Rosetail as a sunstar kit is such an awesome idea. Sunstar should’ve had kits (hell even had Thistle be Sun’s in my au) and Rosetail as his daughter is so cute. Also, love the growing hc of Rose being RedSpottedWillow’s mom, it just fits.
Any other family changes so far?
I always smile when I get an ask from Dorito. I should really start sending my asks off Anon to his own rewrite lmao
Anyway, here are a list of some adjustments that are canon to my AU but are not canon to the book series themselves
Redtail x Runningwind = Sandstorm
Darkstripe x Brindleface = Ferncloud, Ashfur, Elderkit, and Tulipkit
Willowpelt x Whitestorm = Graystripe, and then 2nd litter Sorreltail, Sootfur, Rainwhisker
Abandoned kits Dustpelt and Ravenpaw
Applefrost x Hollypelt = Stormtail, Smallear, and Rockfall
Rosetail x Nightstar = Redtail, Spottedleaf, and Willowpelt
Hollyflower x (a Siamese show cat) = Blackstar, Fernshade, and Flintfang
Rabbitear mothered Ratscar and Snowbird, making them WindClan
Snowbird x Smokefoot = Ivytail, Owlpaw, and then 2nd litter Berryheart, Cloverfoot, Yarrowleaf, and Rippletail
Ivytail x Whitewater = Ferretclaw, Stoatfur, and then 2nd litter Gullswoop, Conefoot, Bluebellblink, and Frondkit
Leaftail x Dewspots = Whistlepaw, Songleap, and Flutterfoot
Skyheart x Pigeonflight = Thrushwing and Stoneclaw
Shrewclaw x Ryestalk = Tornear and Ashfoot
Berryheart x Starlingwing = Sunbeam, Spireclaw, and Hollowspring
Princess' kits all join the clans - Cloudtail (TC), Kinkfur (ShC), Tawnyfur (WC), Mosspelt (RC), and Harveymoon (SkC)
Former kittypet brothers Clawface and Nightstar
Abandoned kit Mudclaw
Morningflower x Mudclaw = Antpelt and Leaftail
Hollowflight x Duckstream (Troutstream) = Splashtail and Fognose
Ambermoon x Toadstep = Sorrelpaw, Fernkit, Larksong, and then 2nd litter Plumstone, Stemleaf, and Flipclaw
There's probably more, these are what came to mind though
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memaiva · 7 years
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Drew some of my friend's characters. My one friend (on the left who I don't have their Tumblr x_x) and one of @applefrostdraws characters -w-
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fluffiermonsters · 5 years
Out of your aunt and uncle, who do you prefer Vesta?
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I like to think Alula is the kinda aunt that is super chill but also asks those awkward questions about your life.
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wicked-akuma · 6 years
can we get more of wendellin? (totally on anon)
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I can’t believe I missed this ask.
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You got me interested in Eeltail x Reedshine can you please make them hypokits
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the first of the EelReed kids!
I imagine in this AU it's placed after the events of MV
Eeltail helps Reedshine raise Apple, Willow, and Shy and when those three are close to becoming warriors, the two decide to have their own kits
Applefrost, Willownose, and Shyheart are full warriors when Badgerkit and Patchkit are born
For as long as the two could recall, they could never see eye-to-eye
Badgerclaw, knowing the life they had been born into, dedicated to proving that they were not born of any bad blood [even if they did not share the same controversial father as their older half siblings]
they are strict, rule-abiding, and can honestly be quite difficult to have fun around, as they throw themself into work and expect others to do the same
Patchfang, meanwhile, never really worried about those things. He wanted to have fun, to enjoy life. He was also the closest to Apple, Willow, and Shy, looking up to his older siblings every day
even though he's reckless and a wild spirit, he is a dry paw, a strange fear of the river clinging to his pelt like rainwater. It's not something he understands, nor can he shake the feeling away.
could it be he's living another cat's haunting memories?
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i came across this on a ship wiki (lol ik) but what do u think of nettlepaw(breeze) x perchpaw?? like, they have a crush on each other as apprentices and become mates as warriors. originally they bonded over sharing their stories regarding the mapleshade incident and comforted each other
(i also hc perchpaws name to be perchflight or perchstep, im not good w names so it might change, and he mentored applefrost, if the timeline can match up for that)
it absolutely matches up for that and i love it
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warriorfamilytrees · 4 years
Hi! I'm not quite sure if you're taking requests for family trees, and you can ignore this if you like, but I was hoping maybe you could do Appledusk x Reedshine & Kits if you haven't already?
Appledusk - red longhair with a dilute and black/chocolate carrier
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Reedshine - cinnamon spotted tabby, dilute carrier
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Willownose - dilute torbie
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Shyheart - gray tabby
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Applefrost - chocolate ticked tabby
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siren-legion · 7 years
submitted by @x-applefrost-x
The Notorious Great Grey Owl had been recruited by the company at a young age, she had been taken off the street, as she had been singing for money and at the local Church Choir. The young woman had no family or no home, so it was easily to just pluck her off the streets without anyone noticing. She quickly moved up the ranks as taking lives of others was nothing to her as she never had anyone in her life. 
Her real name is Cressida Aleron (Aleron means knight in French and Cressida means star), but since she has no records of her real name(The company does have it though), she goes by Dusk or Grey.
She’s Canadian and French but she doesn’t really know that aside from being able to sing fluently in French and English, she can speak a bit of Spanish as well and learning to sing in Spanish as well. She’s roughly 6’2 (or 1.86m). She has hazel-gold eyes and silver hair.
She’s 20 and single of course as she never really gets close to anyone. Her Birthday is June 18th. She’s Demiromantic Asexual
She got her wings when she managed to take the life of some guy who had planned on kidnapping her and selling her into human trafficking. She had been 12 at that time and didn’t seem bothered as he fell dead at her feet, his knife clattering to the floor beside her.
She can play both the guitar(acoustic and electric) along with the bass and a piano.)
Her Title is the Great Grey Owl, her hair already looks like a Grey Owl’s wing.
She can be sweet, but most of the time that’s only towards children and the elderly, otherwise she’s as cold as the Arctic Circle.
She treats the world how it treated her, cold, harsh, and realistic. But there are a few moments where her soft side shines through, but only those who have managed to make it past her walls get to see it. If someone does manage this, she will make sure to do whatever it takes to keep them safe, even if it means taking a hit for them.
French voice - Louane
English Voice - Florrie
She often sings rock, pop and acoustic.
She loves listen to hard-rock, and instrumental on her down time, heck she mostly appreciates the soft sound of rain or the gentle silence of snow fall.
When she isn’t singing for the company, she likes to dance, ballet in particular.
She’s working hard so she can get the schooling she wants so she could possibly teach dance or be a singing teacher, she works part time as an assistant at a dance studio that is right next to a music store and a coffee shop that hosts open mic night every thursday that she attends to listen and sometime collect.
She tends to pray on sexual predators and those who are not so innocent. But sometimes she just picks people based on their impressions of them. She sings Left Too Late.
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cl0verf00l · 7 years
a2 Shiro
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rilli-luci · 6 years
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Commission for @x-applefrost-x of Roman and Logan sitting in a garden and watching the stars. Had a lot of fun drawing this one.
Commissions are here
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linctlynklink · 6 years
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Deceit x Pat ship commission for the best @x-applefrost-x
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a-mcnarchparty · 6 years
Behind the Curtain and "wow, you are such an incredibly sweet person! i love seeing you on my dash."
Behind the Curtain:  I’d like to learn about your writing process.
I’m not gonna lie there isnt one 
It’s mainly just adapting to how other people type?? I guess as of recently my style has been heavily influenced by @coronabane , @darkchemy , @maskedmuses , and @x-applefrost-x
So basically, I guess my writing process is just being a chameleon? I kinda just blend into whatever is needed for that moment. 
So, with Snowy, I tend to write longer and more complicated things that have a ton of detail of thoughts and long spurts of dialogue. Snowy does this like a perfect mix of dialogue and narration, much like a novel would
Whereas with Apple, it’s a paragraph of tiny details that you probably wouldn’t think to mention if it was dialogue-heavy writing, with maybe a single line of dialogue if needed. Apple writes heavy narration, and its a lot like reading poetry in that way
Whereas Z and Aly do write very dialogue heavy stuff, and it makes me focus a lot more on word choice and displaying emotions through that and it causes a focus on formatting (bold italics underlines etc) and how that dramatically changes the way writing goes. It’s a lot like reading a script with these two
Basically, I guess what I’m saying is that I don’t have my own writing process-- I just blend into whatever is happening. It takes a lot of work to try and adapt to others, so that I guess is a process in itself. It’s taking quite a lot of time writing with each of these four to be able to write that way myself. So,,,,,yeah.  I hope that answers that??
Also,,,,thank you????????????
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hana-bby · 6 years
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 @x-applefrost-x ‘s fanchild Lucian and his ferret Toasty! Gotta apologize now since I don’t know how to draw flannels and beanies lol. I hope you like it though!
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fluffiermonsters · 6 years
Midas if you could have anything in the world what would it be?
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What happens when you give a creature the ability to experience greed, and the sentience to feel guilt about it?
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wicked-akuma · 6 years
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Cursed Princes
Midas Johansen - Me Icarus Johansen - @x-applefrost-x
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can you please give me a ship for Reedshine
please please please
that's a lot of please
okay so for Reedshine I'm challenging myself further and not gonna say ReedEel so-
Reedshine x Sweetbriar
Reedshine and Sweetbriar first met when both of them were young warriors, not thinking much of each other
many moons later, after the Mapleshade drama, the first thing Sweetbriar did was check on Reedshine at the gathering, the same gathering right after Oakstar had asked her to be his mate
Reedshine's clearly stressed about being a single mother, but assures she's okay
Sweetbriar frets for the queen during the moons Reedshine's in the nursery. By the time Reedshine returns to gatherings, Shypaw, Willowpaw, and Applepaw are apprentices
not too long after, Sweetbriar herself is expecting Oakstar's kit - but by now her relationship with the leader is.. shaky to put lightly.
the leader is cold and his hatred towards RiverClan has stretched out to harmless kittypets of all things. Every time she's tried to reason with him, he defends that kittypets need to be dealt with.
she hears him talking to Doefeather about raiding the twolegplace in the future if borders don't work.
as she nears having her kit, she listens as Oakstar plans on having a tree-named son, to take over as Birchface as the best warrior in ThunderClan
realizing that she's the replacement and that any of her kits would be the same, a plan rolls into action
going to the RiverClan border early one morning, she manages to catch Reedshine on a border patrol
the two meet up and speak, Sweetbriar expressing her fears and worries
Reedshine, who does not like Oakstar, helps come up with an idea - Sweetbriar faking her own death and coming to RiverClan, where Reedshine would make a defense for her, from one queen from a bad relationship to another
so taking some of Sweetbriar's fur, Reedshine scatters it and fish blood near the sandy hollow [which, afterwards, she shares the fish with Sweetbriar. Sweet is indifferent towards the taste, surprisingly]
they take her to RiverClan, where Reedshine makes up a story about Oakstar making expecting queens fight and how he raised a claw to Sweetbriar and she needed protection
Darkstar is skeptical of the claim, but with Reedshine's passion and determination getting to her, she agrees to keep Sweetbriar
Sweetbriar adds the request of not letting Oakstar see her at all.
Darkstar agrees to this.
as Sweet now prepares to have her kits, she meets Willownose, Shyheart, and Applefrost, who are very curious about her, especially since their mother defended her
not only that, but Reedshine visits the nursery often, knowing what it's like to be with kits while alone
and she's with Sweetbriar every step of the way
when Sweet's kits are born, there's only one surviving kit in the entire litter - a red-brown tom. Sweet recalls how Oakstar wanted this to be his replacement son for Birchface.
she doesn't like the idea
instead, looking into Reedshine's eyes, she names her son Reedkit in her honor.
this flusters Reedshine and she greets Reedkit warmly.
while Reedkit is still in the nursery, Reedshine and Sweetbriar officially become mates, making Willow, Shy, and Apple the older step-siblings of Reedkit
Reedkit grows to become Reedpaw, then Reedheart.
Reedshine and Sweetbriar talk about having their own litter together, but in the end decide that their four kits were enough for their family
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