#x wing: rogue squadron
alphacomicsvol2 · 1 year
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Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron #26 (Family Ties #1 of 2) Cover Art by John Nadeau
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 year
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Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron #32 (Mandatory Retirement #1 of 4) Cover Art by John Nadeau
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2stepadmiral · 6 months
Something I love about Luke, Leia, and Han is that before the Skywalker twins reached their mid twenties, the trio shared about three braincells.
I mean, before the Death Star, Leia and Han probably had a respectable amount each (Leia needed to be smart as an up and coming Rebellion leader and Han definitely was clever as a smuggler and conman), but after that first argument in the detention hall in the middle of a desperate firefight that culminated in a dive into the trash compactor, some cosmic alignment of their inner natures mixed with the will of the Force resulted in both of them being brought down to Luke’s level.
Now, over the years, they all became much smarter and better at working together, but right from the death star onwards for the first few years, they shared about three brain cells. Individually, each of the three were in possession of maybe one at all times, and were decently competent on their own. Luke was a great pilot and field commander, Leia was a fine strategist and mission planner and inspirational leader, and Han, of course, was a very competent smooth talker and mechanic, as well as a brilliant pilot. But put them together in a room, or on a mission together, and usually one of them is going to end up with all three brain cells while the others are up on their shit.
Luke usually ends up with the brain cells when Han and Leia are bickering. The slightest thing sets them off, and suddenly Luke is the voice of reason, which she is very much not used to being.
“I thought you said this was a shortcut, not the front doorstep to an Imperial station for the sector.”
“Hey, I’ve slipped through this way a dozen times before, and never had any trouble. You were supposed to be monitoring the base.”
“Oh, sure, captain, blame me for you forgetting there is an imperial outpost over here.”
“ < exasperated sigh> Alright, Chewie, let’s power up the guns, and hope that these two don’t crash into a Star Destroyer.”
When Leia has all three, it’s usually because Han is on some reckless Corellian daredevil kick, and Luke is in adventure crazed teenager living his dream mode and is too focused on his x-wing or his squadron to see the big picture. Both mindsets are often at least indirectly because of the influence of Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu.
“Luke, stop fiddling with your X-wing, we have a scouting mission.
“One second, I’ve almost got the inertial dampeners just where I need them. Wedge and I were talking, and I think if we have these in sync during our next mission, we should be able to reduce drag by 1.56%.”
“You can finish when we get back.”
“ Wait, we’re not taking Rogue Squadron?”
“<sigh> what part of scouting mission did you miss? and where is Han?”
“I think he’s with Wedge and Tycho.“
“Oh no. What laser brain stunt did they dare him to try this time?“
“…Well, they might’ve said something about flying the falcon through the gap of a communication tower on an Imperial II Star Destroyer?”
“Kriffing Corellians. And you didn’t think to order Wedge and Tycho to stay away from Han?”
“…Han is good for squadron morale.”
And on the disturbingly frequent occasions when Han is in possession of the brain cells, it is, without fail, because Leia is in full devotion to the cause of the rebellion mode, and Luke is in strange-mystic-Jedi-shit-is-calling-me-and-I-must-answer-the-call mode.
“Hey, princess, are you still on that Agamar campaign?”
“The people of Agamar need our help, Han. I need to figure out a way to neutralize these Golan batteries.”
“Um, sure, OK, but we’re currently on a completely different mission, and I kind of need you to be ready to man the guns when we get there.”
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be just fine when we get to Ord Mantell.”
“Ord Mantell? Uh, this is a mission to Taris.”
“What? oh, you’re right, sorry. I’ve just planned so many of our next few missions, I kind of forgot which one we’re on.”
“… When’s the last time you ate?”
“I’ll eat once I figured out how to bring down these Golan shields.”
“…Hey, Luke? Any chance you could talk her worshipfulness into having some rations? …Kid?”
“ what? oh, sorry, Han, I was reading this account on spirituality by Plo Koon, and I thought I might’ve heard Ben’s voice coming from the engine room.”
“…Ben Kenobi is dead, Luke.”
“I know, Han, but sometimes, I can hear his voice through the Force, guiding me, helping me. I’ve been trying to research why and have been reading these journals Ben had in his home on Tatooine, and…”
“Kid, when’s the last time you ate anything?”
“… now that you mention it, I’m not sure.”
Moments like these are frequent until maybe Hoth, and after Endor, these moments become very occasional and much more casual as the trio becomes closer and more accustomed to each other’s quirks.
“I thought you fixed the deflector oscillator before we left!”
“I did! Don’t blame me if the Alliance stuck me with substandard parts.”
“Save it for later, you two, or you’d better let me and Chewie take over while you sort it out. I have a Star Destroyers coming up on our bow, and Zsinj would love to hear that the Falcon was shot down.”
“Fair point, kid. We’ll discuss this later, princess.”
“Fine by me. I’ll try and get those shields dialed in.”
“Luke, I need you to come with us. I’m meeting with the Queen of Naboo, and I need you as an escort.”
“Sure, Leia. Let me just finish these adjustments and I’ll be ready to fly. Oh, no X-wing?”
“Not this time. Have you seen Han?”
“I think that he went to help Wedge and Tycho perform reflex tests on the new rogue squadron recruits. They should be down at the gorge.”
“With speed bikes, I presume?”
“I think so, but Han told me to tell you he would be careful. And wear a helmet.”
“Well, I guess that’s something.”
“Han, give me my data pad, I need to prepare for the meeting with the delegation from Ryloth.”
“The Twi’lek research can wait until you finish your supper, Leia. It’s in the gallery, I made plenty, and don’t come back until you’ve had at least two portions. You need to keep your strength up while you’re helping to build the New Republic. Mon Mothma can’t expect you to do everything without even having a proper meal every now and again.”
“… Can I continue while I eat?”
“Not until you’ve had at least one full plate. <sound of grabbing a holocron> You too, kid. You need to stop making me be the responsible one around here.”
“Han, you know that I can just grab that back from you with the Force?”
“Yeah, and what kind of message would that send to the galaxy about the new Jedi? They go around stealing holocrons instead of just eating their dinner like a normal person? Go on, have some food. I made some Karkan ribenes with tomo-spice.”
And right around the time they start figuring this dynamic out, they start to notice that Chewie is less irritated with the three of them. Little do they know, because, again, three brain cells shared between the three of them, that Chewbacca has been actively trying to loan them any of the hundreds of brain cells he’s accumulated over the course of his 200 year long Wookie life and has been furious with how unresponsive to his wisdom they have been.
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fakewedge · 15 days
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love the ribbing that star wars is always adding to jackets
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star-wars-forever · 1 year
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Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron #28 (1998)
art by John Nadeau
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But if they ever ask about me, tell them I was more than just a great set of boobs... I was also an incredible pair of legs.
Erisi D'Larit
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the-gershomite · 10 months
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Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron. Wizard 1/2 -August 1, 1995
written by Ryder Windham
illustrated by John Nadeau
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magnetarbeam · 1 year
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Sure enough, once his sister shows up:
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Second best adopted sibling relationship in Star Wars.
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devileaterjaek · 3 months
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captainsophiestark · 3 months
Wedge Antilles x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Star Wars
Summary: Wedge and his SO have a happy, calm relationship, and watching their dysfunctional friends on the Hoth base has become an entertaining passtime for them.
Word Count: 1,129
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"You are the most ridiculous, selfish, laser-brained man I've ever had the displeasure of meeting in my entire life!"
"Oh yeah, keep talking Princess! And go ahead and conveniently leave out the time you screamed my name at the top of your lungs when you thought that wampa was gonna get me! I know you care, even if you refuse to admit it!"
"Just because I didn't want someone carrying important informaiton for the Rebellion to get eaten by a wampa doesn't mean-"
I tore my eyes away from the argument unfolding before me when my hand bumped against Wedge's. I fixed him with a look, and he quickly pulled his hand back with a laugh and a smile. I shot him a wink, then pulled out the handful of popcorn that I'd been going for. He grabbed one of his own right after as I leaned further into his side.
We'd both been taking a spare few moments to grab lunch when Han and Leia, two of our good friends, had come storming into the caf arguing up a storm without paying anyone but each other even a hint of attention. It had become a regular enough occurrence since Han joined the Rebellion and we'd moved into our Hoth base that people basically didn't even notice anymore. In the early days, Wedge and I would try to intervene or mediate, but we'd long since given that up.
Now we'd officially reached a new level. We were currently kicked back together, his arm around my shoulder and a bowl of popcorn in my lap, as we watched our friends bicker.
"Which one of them is going to admit feelings first, do you think?" Wedge mused, muttering in my ear low enough that nobody else could hear it. I hummed, pausing to think about my answer while I chewed on another handful of popcorn.
"Well, I don't think it's going to be Leia. She's way too stubborn to let him win like that, I think."
"So you think it's gonna be Han?"
"Yeah, but I don't think he'll do it very gracefully."
Wedge nodded beside me and took another handful of popcorn.
"That would make sense."
I snorted, leaning into him a little more as I turned my attention back to our friends. They were still in the middle of their shouting match, and didn't seem to be slowing down any time soon. It was honestly a little impressive how long they could go at full volume, hand gestures included, without losing energy.
At first, it had been kind of a problem on base. People had to take long detours to avoid getting in the middle of spats between two high-ranking Rebellion members, which was time consuming and incredibly awkward when someone was forced to turn around mid-hallway to avoid Leia and Han. But then it got old, and we all got tired of trying to give them space and privacy. And they clearly didn't care too much about keeping things private, since they usually didn't pause their arguments, even when Rebellion members walked straight through the middle of the two of them.
"Hey Wedge?" I mused, my eyes still on Han and Leia even as I addressed my boyfriend.
"Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you?"
He'd been mid-grab on another handful of popcorn, but he stopped short at my words, dropping his hand and leaning away from me enough that he could look at me, one eyebrow raised.
"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. Moments like these just... make me grateful. That we're both mature enough to talk to each other about our feelings, and that we're the couple cuddling together in the cafeteria eating popcorn and not the couple screaming at each other in the hallway."
Wedge chuckled, pulling me tightly back into his side again and rubbing a hand up and down against my arm.
"I'm grateful for that, too. And I'm sure the rest of the Rebellion agrees with us. I don't know if we could handle more than one pair of constant arguers."
"I know I definitely couldn't." Wedge huffed another laugh, and I grinned at the sound. Han and Leia seemed to be winding down now, which meant Wedge and I would need to move shortly if we wanted to avoid getting shouted at by one or both of them for using them as our entertainment.
"So... any chance you have a Rebellion task to do that I could help you with?" I asked, turning to face him more fully. "I technically have some things to do for Rieekan, and a few others for Ematt, but I'd rather hang out with you if you can give me an excuse."
"I actually could use an extra hand working on my X-Wing. I've got some repairs to finish, and I could probably handle them myself, but an extra set of hands and eyes would definitely make things easier, too. And I want you to hang out with me, since I can give you an excuse."
"Perfect," I said, shifting forward to sit up more fully and getting ready to head to the hangar. "Looks like we've got a plan, and just in time, since Han and Leia seem to finally be wrapping it up."
"You're right, they are. Better hide the popcorn."
I laughed, helping Wedge as we stood together and he slid the (now mostly empty) bowl of popcorn behind his back. We headed for the edge of the cafeteria just as Han and Leia fully broke apart and went their separate ways. I shifted a little closer to Wedge to make sure no one noticed the popcorn bowl as Leia passed us with a curt nod.
Once we'd safely disposed of the evidence by putting the popcorn bowl with the rest of the dishes, we headed out of the caf together, Wedge's arm wrapped around my shoulders and both of us grinning.
"Now, look at how mature we were there," he said, playing up the pride in his voice. "We worked together like a well-oiled machine to get away with something, right after admitting to each other we wanted a reason to hang out for the rest of the day, rather than coming up with arguments as an excuse to be in each other's space."
"Oh absolutely. We're the model of a good couple."
Wedge and I shared a look, then both started laughing together as we wound through the hallways of the base. I felt more comfortable with him than with anyone else in the world, and I never let myself forget how lucky I'd been to find him.
It always just hit home a little harder after observing our friends interacting with each other for more than a few minutes at a time.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
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alphacomicsvol2 · 1 year
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Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron #28 (Masquerade #1 of 4) Cover Art by John Nadeau
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 year
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Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron #20 (Requiem for a Rogue #4 of 4) Cover Art by Kevin Ryan
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captaingondolin · 9 months
was anyone going to tell me that Marc motherfucking Thompson of Thrawn fame read the (at long last!) unabridged audiobooks of X-Wing Rogue Squadron???
you need more pilot babes in your life. more wedge. more CORRAN MY DISASTER BABY. CORRAN READ BY MARC. TYCHO 'ANGST' CELCHU READ BY MARC. i'm kicking my legs up giggling twirling my hair
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fakewedge · 1 month
i read the stackpole books before the rogue squadron comics so this realization is probably a little delayed but the difference between pre-lusankya tycho and post-lusankya tycho is so jarring. pre-lusankya tycho will hear people saying that the battle of endor didn't happen, get up, yell at them, and then end up in a fistfight with them. pre-lusankya tycho will have to be told by wedge to calm down. and then he'll get captured and taken to the lusankya and go catatonic. and then post-lusankya tycho will agree to have his every move watched and not push back on being arrested for a crime he didn't commit because he believes that fighting isn't going to free him. post-lusankya tycho will be in the courtroom for his trial and be so quiet that the reader forgets that he's there. it's dire. he fucking learned helplessness
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star-wars-forever · 1 year
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Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron #20 (1997)
cover art by Kevin Ryan
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joellesolo · 6 months
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I know I didn't make a follow up post about Disneyland, but long story short, I survived, and it was incredible. I wish instagram still was connected to tumblr, you would've seen all my updates. If you want to see the pictures I posted, here's my instagram (you have to scroll a little because we celebrated both Easter and Lily's fourth birthday since we've been back) but it was amazing and I've since been suffering from the post-Disney blues more like depression 😭 since we've been home.
Galaxy's Edge was the BOMB and I just had to share my freaking ROGUE SQUADRON HELMET that I didn't even know EXISTED, because I wore my HU rogue squadron tank top (with the hoodie that you can't see) of course on Star Wars Land day (our last day) and it was just too perfect to pass up. It is so cool you guys. I AM SO COOL NOW. I CAN BE ROGUE NINE WHENEVER I WANT. I'M BASICALLY CORRAN HORN NOW!!
The blue milk was delicious! I wish I could've tried the green milk because it's supposedly even better, but it has grapefruit in it (damn you psych meds!!) so that was a bummer, but oh well. The x wing was SO COOL, and so was the Millennium Falcon (again, go to my instagram to see it (am I fishing for likes?! maybe 😉)) and while we couldn't ride the Rise of the Resistance because they don't do single riders, I was an engineer on Smuggler's Run and the group I was with was really welcoming and it was pretty fun! Also, my R2D2 ears were SO cute but SO uncomfortable which was a bummer, I had been wanting them for months and ended up preferring the cheap etsy ones I got me and the girls (you can see them in the instagram pics from the first two days!). But we met R2 while I was wearing the R2 ears, so, you know, that was PRETTY FUCKING COOL 😱
Last but not least, we found these amazing ILYIK spirit jerseys and while I typically am not a fan of the spirit jerseys I just couldn't pass these up. We have ILYIK engraved on our wedding bands, they were on my R2 wedding heels, on our cake topper, and on our third anniversary we painted this which has been above our beds ever since (this fall is our eighth anniversary)(look at us, what babies!):
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We did rope drop to fireworks every single park day, with one rest/pool day, and fuck it was exhausting and I was in soo much pain and so exhausted, but it was so damn worth it. SO WORTH IT YOU GUYS. I cried when we left the gates the last night, because it had been soo magical and such an incredible time and I had been so happy and... when am I going to be that happy again?! Fuck if I know. Seriously 😭 hence the post-Disney blues/depression...
It was just amazing. Magical. Everything you could've hoped for. The girls had the best time. I was so stressed out and sure, I forgot ninety percent of my personal hygiene stuff because I had to pack everyone else's shit but hey that's motherhood for you.
Okay, this was supposed to be a Star Wars souvenir appreciation post but it's getting away from me a bit... anyway. I survived Disneyland 2024. I wish I could go back. Someone take me back?!
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