#x;;sheddingxkinn { Student Achim }
amplifyingtrace · 3 years
Starter for @sheddingxkinn { Student Achim }
It had been a long day of training with the rest of her class, however she still went to continue on by herself. Since she didn’t have anyone to help her with her quirk, due to it only working on other people, she was going to continue training the rest of her body.
Leia decided to start off by doing a few of her old gymnastic routines, after proper stretching of course, since she hasn’t really done them in awhile. The last thing she wanted to do was forget everything she’s learned as being quick and nimble on her feet was very helpful.
The balance beam is what she decided to start off with first, doing some quick backwards flips to one end of the beam to the other. Once reaching the end she pushed herself up and off the edge, up into the air doing three flips as she went. Landing onto her feet at the end and doing her finished pose with her arms up in the air.
Leia sighed lowly, smiling to herself as she didn’t stumble when landing and when turning around she spotted someone standing in the doorway.
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“O-oh...! Um! Hello I was just practicing a few of my old routines.” Why was she suddenly feeling so embarrassed about being seen? It wasn’t like she didn’t go into competitions when she was younger, winning a few medals. 
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thdredwrd · 3 years
@sheddingxkinn​ { Student Achim }
"Oi! Achim!!” Theo called out to his classmate with a large grin, patting his back a bit roughly once reaching him. It was how he showed affection and also he loved the reaction Achim gave him.
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“You want to grab some food with me? I’m bloody starving!” His stomach growled loudly making him laugh loudly. “Be my treat! Whatever you want I’ll be buyin, not sure what I want either.”
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
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{ @sheddingxkinn While these two beans haven’t gotten to get the waffle cone with ice cream and toppings in one of our current threads. I couldn’t resist drawing these two dorks on their kinda hanging out / kinda date outting. In the cute outfits they picked to go out in~ Enjoy!
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
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{ @sheddingxkinn did a ship baby a bit ago with Hikaru { x } and I decided to make one too! This is Akihito Ami - 4 years old. Two years younger than her big brother. She like her parents and her big brother. Loves nature, parks, hikes, chasing those pesky squirrels and climbing trees. She like her mother is quite polite, a sweet summer child, and mindful of others spaces. Ami is like her father on being a bit shy and occasionally stutters slightly when flustered.
Ami took a bit on figuring out how to activate her quirk on command, due to her fully shifting into a Wolf mostly when annoyed / angry. Thanks to her mother she was able to pinpoint exactly how to shift and shifts often. Either to protect her big brother or other kids who are being picked on. (She does wear clothes that shift / disappear into her fur so she doesn’t unshift without clothing) Her senses were already heightened, but more so once changing into her wolf form. She has “Sonic Bark” Move which is a mixture of subduing people by how loud it is by deafening / disorienting them for a few minutes and it giving her a sonar map around her of one mile, that she picks up with her hearing.
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
[ sheddingxkinn ] “💋” gib to big Achim pls u.u
First 5 people who send in a “💋” get a kiss from my muse. {Accepting 1/5 @sheddingxkinn
The pair happened to run into one another outside of campus, rushing to the aid of other heroes to help take down some villains wreaking havoc in the city. While at the same time being mindful of civilians and bringing them to safety.
They worked fairly well with one another, protecting civilians and each other from oncoming attacks and or falling debris. Leia using her capture weapon to pull Achim quickly out of danger and him doing the same for her, except more with his whole body.
Achim ended up protecting her one last time before the villains were finally taken down. Cutting his arm in the process, which Leia instantly felt bad for, but then again heroes never really came out of scuffles unscratched very often.
“Let me patch you up, it’s the least I can do.” Leia quickly dug into her bag on her thigh for some medical supplies in order to clean his wound before wrapping it up. Gently getting him to lean down a bit in order for her to properly attend to his wound.
“Thank you for protecting me, Achim” She smiled softly, tying his bandage securely before standing up on her toes in order to give him a kiss on the cheek.
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
Continued from { x } @sheddingxkinn​
While Leia had originally planned on staying for a little while after bringing an assortment of berries from her grandmother’s garden to share with him. She ended up with a very sleepy Achim on her lap after almost a half-hour had passed. She had a feeling he didn’t intend on using her lap as a pillow, or slowly falling asleep there, but she really didn’t mind.
He did look quite exhausted when she came to visit him, made her wonder just how hard his training had been that day. A mixture of school work, class training and perhaps his own personal training. 
Hopefully he wouldn’t mind if she helps him fall asleep in order to have a nap, or was it called a power nap? Whatever the name was, he was going to get some rest by her coaxing him to sleep with her running her fingers through his hair gently. Normally she would ask first if it was alright to touch someone, but he had technically touched her first.
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"What is it?” Leia asked softly, not wanting to chance waking him up before he could fall asleep. A tiny giggle did escape at how sleepy he sounded, plus the small pauses between words was really cute. “Why thank you and I think you are too.” She ended up pausing herself after what he said next, letting out a low giggle again. “Mmm I like you lots too.”
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
Oh, that sounds... pretty nice. But are you sure you want to get to know him better? That's probably going to be a little troublesome, better save yourself all that extra stress and all, you know?
“I don’t understand what you mean?” Leia furrowed her brows slightly in concern, more so about someone trying to sway her from staying friends with Achim. Were they only stating he was troublesome due to his appearance?
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“I admit I don’t know him that well, or anything about his family, but... what I do know is that he isn’t a bad person at all.” She paused, giving the other a smile. “Even if he ends up being troublesome as you claim, I doubt it’ll change my mind about still wanting to be his friend. I’m sure it’s nothing as bad as your trying to claim it out to be.”
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
Hey Leia... I think Achim likes you.
The sudden voice beside her startled her for a moment, thankfully she didn’t end up jumping slightly in surprise. But she did find herself wondering how they had snuck up on her so quietly without her knowing.
Leia did find herself confused for a moment at what they told her, of course Achim liked her, they wouldn’t be friends if he didn’t. Why were they telling her something she already knew? Or... wait... did they mean?
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“U-um... like as in a friend or.... like as in, um... a romantic sense?” She couldn’t help but find herself blushing a faint pink at the thought. Was that a reason why she’d sometimes catch him staring at her?
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
Sweet Leia, with your heart so pure and mind so naive... you're walking straight into a terrible predicament, all because of this little reckless boy. Because you wish to be his friend. Is it really so? Is it truly only his friendship that you desire? I've seen the way he looks at you, it's only a matter of time until you'll fall prey to a pretty boy's cheap charms.
At first they were being much more friendly when speaking with her, though still trying to also be firm at the same time to persuade her into cutting all ties with Achim. She couldn’t help but furrow her brows, not liking this new taunting like tone in the other’s voice.
“Aren’t most students in UA a bit reckless though? So you saying he is reckless doesn’t surprise me at all.” Though how reckless she wasn’t sure but whoever was speaking with her apparently did. Were they once friends, classmates, or was it something else? 
Leia paused a moment, tilting her head slightly to the side at what they said next. What were they talking about? Sure she likes him a whole lot and all, but does she like, like him? The thought made her cheeks flush a light pink a moment before shaking her head quickly. 
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“I don’t see how me wanting to be his friend, or anything involving us concerns you.”
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
Hey Leia, you seem to be growing pretty fond of that wolf boy, Achim, aren't you?
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"Of course I am! How can’t I be? He's really fun to be around and I enjoy his company a whole bunch!” Leia smiled widely, she was only speaking the truth though this probably wasn’t what they were asking.
“I know we are in separate classes and grades as he is a second year, but I’m really glad I met him and we’ve become friends. I’d really like to get to know him better though.”
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
👤+ achim u.u
Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character {Accepting }
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“Achim is really amazing!” Leia beamed, bouncing on her toes slightly in excitement. “He has such an amazing quirk! I still don’t know too much about it, but he is able to do everything a Wolf can. Meaning heightened smells, hearing and things like that.” She hasn’t seen wolf ears yet, but maybe that’s due to him not using his supermove, or ultimate move?
“He does seem a bit nervous around people sometimes though, or maybe it’s just new people?” She tilted her head in thought a moment, meeting new people can be a bit scary which she could understand. “But um...! He is really sweet and caring once you get to know him, I know he’ll become an amazing hero one day too!”
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
☎ gib achim a call when he's out looking for trouble pls
AFFECTIONATE SYMBOL MEME { Accepting @sheddingxkinn
For about ten minutes Leia stared at her phone screen, debating on trying to call Achim as he could be fast asleep by now. Just... she really couldn’t sleep, or rather sleep well as all she was having was nightmare after nightmare. Not always a continuation of the previous one, but they each had a running theme.
She shook her head quickly, trying to push the last short nightmare out of her head as she hit the call button. Taking in a deep breath while waiting for him to possibly answer, hoping her voice doesn’t come out sounding both too quiet and or as if she had just gotten upset if he does pick up.
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Just before the last ring finished, Achim picked up making her almost drop the phone down onto herself, letting out a tiny squeak in the process while quickly moving it to her ear.
“H-Hey...! Um... s-sorry I know it’s late but um... I can’t seem to sleep and thought maybe? You might be still awake? But if I accidently woke you up I’m really, really sorry!” She paused a moment to clear her throat before speaking again. 
“You were just.. the first person I thought of to call right now I hope it’s okay? I mean calling this late as you could’ve been fast asleep and I just woke you, I’ll make it up to you later if I did! I could make you some lunch tomorrow or maybe make something you really like?” She was now rambling and repeating herself while not giving him a chance to respond. “I just really enjoy talking with you, you know? You are really fun to talk too and hang out with and I hope that I am for you too.”
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
“$” - accidental text for Achim, maybe?
Texting meme { Accepting
[  📱 TXT : Achim ] 1:30am: Are you still awake?
[  📱 TXT : Achim ] 1:35am: ...That’s a silly question as you probably are since you barely sleep as it is and normally I’d be scolding you to get to bed. But... I can’t seem to fall asleep no matter how hard I try and thought maybe we could hang out for a bit.
[  📱 TXT : Achim ]  1:40am: \(º □ º l|l)/ !!
[  📱 TXT : Achim ]  1:41am: I am SO Sorry Achim! I didn’t mean to message you so late and I thought I was messaging-! I am so sorry...!  (/▿\ )
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye [ from student Achim u.u ]
Manhandling symbol starters { Accepting~
Leia stretched her arms and legs out as far as they could go for a few seconds while sitting on the floor beside Achim in the gymnasium. Of course leaving some space between them as she didn’t like invading other peoples personal spaces.
"Hey, Achim? Do you have a favourite hero?” She found herself asking after taking a large drink out of her water bottle. “Mine’s actually Eraserhead as he has a quirk like mine as our quirks only work on others. Just slightly different as he just needs to look at someone to use his, while I need to physically touch someone first.”
She paused a moment, smiling softly down at the bottle in her hands that was sitting on her lap. “He was the one who inspired me to become a hero, showing me without realizing it of course, that with quirks like ours we can be heroic too.” Slowly she shifted the bottle on her lap from one hand to the other, almost adding that her quirk was useless and more of a burden than Erasers. 
Which wasn’t true in the slightest and she was the complete opposite of that, but her self confidence and doubt would still get the best of her at times. A small part of it being from other students bullying her while growing up, telling her that her quirk was useless and stupid since it didn’t benefit her.
However... the loudest and most continuous voice was coming from her grandfather. Always quick to belittle her abilities, talking down to her in his hushed venom like tone whenever he had the chance. Ever since first stated she wanted to become a hero when she little with her childhood friends.
Suddenly Achim’s hand reached over to grip onto her jaw tightly in order to force her into looking him in the eyes. She blinked at him confused, not sure what he was doing and why he was forcing her to look at him.
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“Achim....? Ummm, what is it?” He was staring at her so intently, was it that obvious on what she was thinking?
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