amplifyingtrace · 3 years
Starter for @sheddingxkinn { Student Achim }
It had been a long day of training with the rest of her class, however she still went to continue on by herself. Since she didn’t have anyone to help her with her quirk, due to it only working on other people, she was going to continue training the rest of her body.
Leia decided to start off by doing a few of her old gymnastic routines, after proper stretching of course, since she hasn’t really done them in awhile. The last thing she wanted to do was forget everything she’s learned as being quick and nimble on her feet was very helpful.
The balance beam is what she decided to start off with first, doing some quick backwards flips to one end of the beam to the other. Once reaching the end she pushed herself up and off the edge, up into the air doing three flips as she went. Landing onto her feet at the end and doing her finished pose with her arms up in the air.
Leia sighed lowly, smiling to herself as she didn’t stumble when landing and when turning around she spotted someone standing in the doorway.
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“O-oh...! Um! Hello I was just practicing a few of my old routines.” Why was she suddenly feeling so embarrassed about being seen? It wasn’t like she didn’t go into competitions when she was younger, winning a few medals. 
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hellfirexandxashes · 3 years
@sheddingxkinn​ started following Dabi
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Where are this kid’s parents? Why is everyone letting little kids and teenagers run around unsupervised? Does Dabi have to do everything around here?!
“You need something lil’ guy?”
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thdredwrd · 3 years
@sheddingxkinn​ { Student Achim }
"Oi! Achim!!” Theo called out to his classmate with a large grin, patting his back a bit roughly once reaching him. It was how he showed affection and also he loved the reaction Achim gave him.
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“You want to grab some food with me? I’m bloody starving!” His stomach growled loudly making him laugh loudly. “Be my treat! Whatever you want I’ll be buyin, not sure what I want either.”
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2s-a-crowd · 3 years
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starter for @sheddingxkinn​ {WildChild}
He really needed to keep better track of his cigarette supply.
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1 a.m on a cold ass night and instead of being curled up in bed he was standing at the counter of a dimly lit dingy little gas station wearing a paper bag on his head and counting his change to see how many packs he could afford this month. The cashier didn’t even blink at his outfit and Twice was glad for it, setting down his money on the counter and pointing out his brand silently.
Getting his cigs and change Twice paused before buying a candy bar with the left over cash and nodding in thanks to the indifferent stare of the cashier. Outside the cold air sent a chill rippling across his skin and with a curse Twice headed for his bike but stopped short, catching sight of something from the corner of his bag’s eye hole.
There was something rustling about the trash beside the gas station, something with bright yellow eyes.
“Ah! Hey kitty!” Crouching down Twice extended his hand and made soft sounds trying to catch the creature’s attention. “Psh psh psh! Here little guy, I got some head pats for ya!”
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egotistixx · 3 years
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Fan-child meme - accepting
@amplifyingtrace asked: 🍼 + Leia and Achim baby
Akihito Hikaru, 5 years old, has tiny fangs and is a licensed cinnamon bun. Took after Achim in his love for nature, parks, hiking and sneaking out to catch squirrels and climb trees. Took after Leia in actually being a smart kid and knowing how to use his quirk pretty well from an early age. His Quirk, “Sonar” makes him sprout huge, fluffy ears he uses to pick up the faintest of sounds even from miles away, and pinpoint a person’s exact location. His hearing is so fine, he can pick up a person’s breath or the sound of their heartbeat. He can also tell when someone is lying based on changes in their breath or heartbeat. 
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pluviacuratio-a · 3 years
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@sheddingxkinn​ whispered:  [ touch meme ] Small chubby hand gently runs his small fingers through her hair, as if it were the fur of a cute animal. The boy's freckled face lights up and a wide grin stretches his lips. "Y-You have preeeetty hair!"
{ ♪ } -- Her expression was the definition of warmth as he ran his fingers through her hair. It hurt a little, yes, because of the curls. However, she wouldn’t say or do anything to show him as much. Not now. He seemed so happy with the fact that she had ‘pretty hair’ that she would take a little bit of pulling for now. 
     “Thank you, love. You have pretty hair, too!”
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   She reached forward and gently ran her fingers through his hair as well. It was a bit tangled, but she worked through those with minimal effort. Hopefully, she hadn’t hurt him at all. 
     “You know, little one, you’ve never told me your name. Mine is Bella. Can I ask yours?”
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ladydemcn · 3 years
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     She paid the taxi driver in cash and a quick little flash of her tits because he’d been ogling her in the mirror the whole ride -- but now she was smack-dab in the middle of dense woods, lost if not for the faint lit windows up the driveway. The wind would have easily swept her away had it not been obstructed by the many trees, and with her coat wrapped around herself tight, the Lady trailed up to the only house in about a mile radius. Smeared her eye makeup slightly to feign crying.
     Knock knock.
     ‘I’m so sorry, sir,’ she began, sniffling and rubbing at her wet cheeks, the rain whipping the windows of the cabin. ‘My car broke down and -- and I don’t have my phone on me and you were the only place I could find --’ She deserved a Grammy for her performance, truly. She’d sniffed the man out a while ago, very impressed, so it had been only a logical choice for her to end up here.
     ‘Would you... would you mind if I waited the storm out here?’
closed starter   ||   @sheddingxkinn​
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psticide · 3 years
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[ touch meme ] Big round eyes watch him from below with complete and utter awe glimmering within them. Without so much as asking, the young boy raises his hands and touches the pointy beak of his mask, curious about the texture and feel. "Whoaaa... a-are you a b-bird man?!"
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Where has this child been? What has he touched since getting into contact with his mask? He looked the messy, germ-ridden type, with dirt under nails and a quirk. He’s going to need to disinfect his mask with a chemical bath when he returns. No, he’s just going to burn it and replace it entirely. Stupid boy.
He’s got a cane for these specific purposes. Pressing the end of it solidly into the boy’s chest and nudging him back so he can’t reach him and put a favorable amount of distance between them. And he didn’t need to touch him at all to do so.
Children’s imaginations were something else. Eri used to come up with all sorts of things ... at the beginning, anyway. Hmm .. now that he thinks about it, this kid was about her age too.
“Don’t touch the bird man.” he tells him, because he knows from experience he has to break down what he has to say to make it understandable for the child. “It’s not very polite.”
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radiioman · 3 years
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
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{ @sheddingxkinn While these two beans haven’t gotten to get the waffle cone with ice cream and toppings in one of our current threads. I couldn’t resist drawing these two dorks on their kinda hanging out / kinda date outting. In the cute outfits they picked to go out in~ Enjoy!
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beastmaiden · 3 years
💋 [ fro Marcus? U.u ]
Heidi’s voice was soft as she reached her hands up to gently cup his cheeks in them, thumbs brushing against them softly as she slowly pulled him down looking into his eyes before closing her own and softly pressing her lips against his.
It was so unlike her to do something like this, her emotions usually hidden within her. However, things were different around Marcus. He understood her and she had understood him to a degree—So she felt some sort of connection with him and in order to get her words out she had to use her actions instead. A soft sigh leaves her nose as she stays there. She’s unsure how long she has him in her hands and slowly she pulls back, looking at his lips and bringing her thumb up to brush the green that transferred from her lips to his own.
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Another soft sight leaves her. cheeks tinted pink as uncertainty washes over her face. What was going to happen now? Was he going to feel the same way? Did he get it? Heidi was unclear and it was a frustrating thought for someone so temperamental as she was.
Slowly, she moves her hands from his cheeks and she takes a step back coughing into one of her hands. This was so frustrating and she wasn’t one to handle rejection well. Maybe she should’ve controlled herself better. Maybe she should’ve actually thought about what she was doing before she did it. However she had let her emotions get the better of her and control every fibre in her being, instead. Another sigh leaves her and Heidi shakes her head softly, unable to find the words to explain herself and her actions.
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razewindxagency · 3 years
“How the hell did you get here ?” / throws Student Achim at Nemoria/
First meeting | @sheddingxkinn
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"Oh Captain Pudge led me here! He said I'd find something amazing if I followed him here, and then I ran into you! So you must be the 'amazing' something!" Nemoria chimes, a wide grin stretched across her face as Captain Pudge, the pigeon, hovers around her head and cooing in what might be approval?
"Bonjour! I am called Nemoria, but everyone calls me 'Pidge'." The hero in training quickly thrusts out her hand. "Nice to be meeting you! It's very exciting being here at UA and greeting new people!" She's pretty confident in her English and Japanese now, so hopefully the other student could understand her well enough.
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heterochromatica · 3 years
Answer these and tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better/catch up with!
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Last Song: Kingslayer by Bring me the Horizon ft. Babymetal
Currently reading: Nothing except the BNHA Manga. I think.. owo
Currently watching: Ehhh.. nothing in particular either, desperately waiting for the next season of various shows though. Like the crown, Centaurworld (sue me) and so on, the list continues XD
Currently craving: Motivation, because the urge to rp is strong but Shoto is not cooperating the way I would want him do, someone shake him for me XD Also Fantasy AU for some reason is strong too
Tagged by: @nuravity​
Tagging: @miku-bnha @dynamitem @keshimasu @dynamitem @ofphantasma  @us-smash @legendsncvcrdce @friedsewerrat @futurexheroes @sheddingxkinn    
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egotistixx · 3 years
[ ooc ]
i WILL eventually do replies on Adri too, i PROMISE.
I’M JUST...very distracted by my wolf bois...
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pluviacuratio-a · 3 years
@sheddingxkinn​ || ♫
{ ♪ } -- She’d only stopped because she’d noticed him staring at that family. The redhead was no hero, but she could easily call the police and get this handled. For now, she made no moves, just watching him carefully. Of course, though, she’d opened her big mouth. But.. He didn’t look angry. He looked... she couldn’t put a word to it, really. However, the look on his face and how he acted after he realized she was there...? Bella suddenly didn’t feel the need to call for help. 
   Perhaps she was just being idealistic, but she relaxed her stance a little. A small smile crossed her lips and she nodded her head at his question.
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     “I’m okay. You didn’t do anything to me, and I’m not scared or anything.”
   Even though she probably should be. Still, she took a step forward, tilting her head in his direction.
     “Are you okay...?”
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quirkycombatants · 3 years
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“Wait, you fight in the arenas too...?” That wasn’t past tense. 
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