slcyer-a · 7 years
hammxrtime replied to your post: i got a sewing machine & i wanna attempt to...
Well first: make sure you got the materials and maybe some extra in case of an accident Second: put some thread in that bitchin’ sewing machine Third: maybe practice sewing on some scrap cloth?? Just to get the hang of it or warm up??
yEAH i’ll probably start with some cheaper fabric just to get actually used to the machine before making anything cosplay worthy. eventually i wanna try to find some yang costume patterns but also?? might try making a shitty x-ray ( and vaaaav ) costume
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achievehuntrp · 10 years
"I hate you" (for whoever, from Gavin)
12. Good!
Michael was furious he was done with the fighting and he was sick of Gavin's shit. "You know what! Fucking fine, Good! I'm glad." 
Michael felt like he'd been stabbed in the gut when she said that, but he's initial response was anger, like it was with everything else.
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gavversfree-blog · 10 years
"You- uh." Gavin brought up a hand to rub his chin. Words were coming out before he could even think to stop them. "Are you sure? I mean, firstly that you are, and secondly that it's even mine. Because. I don't know what you've been doing lately." In classic Gavin fashion, he's just filling in the gaps with words. If he had been thinking clearly, he might've known how that's the wrong thing to say- even offensive- but he just doesn't know what to do. 
He wasn't a father. That's just. Not a possibility. Ray was mixed up. This was a mistake. There was some explanation.
Pregnancy was not something Ray wanted at the moment. She wasn’t married, and that meant she would be taking care of this child by herself, which she had no clue how to do.
But of course she was pregnant. She took all the tests, even went to the doctors, and it was actually happening. And after lots of thought, she knew there was only one person who could be the dad.
It seemed that the only option was to tell him, him being Gavin. And so far, he didn’t seem to be taking it very well. “I’m pregnant. It’s yours.”
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people who owe me cause im lazy and don' wanna message 'em:
nurse-ray here
demonwithrage here
ahgavino-free here
x-ray-and-vaaaav here
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rusher32 · 10 years
Things RWBY Fans will want in real life
The X-Ray & Vav Comic Book Series
One or ten song from the Achieve Men Band
(I created this one) A Mogar Graphic Novel depicting his rise to Power, Fame, and Glory, his love interest, and other things
(I also created this one) Another song from Tuxedo Bear from the Yang Trailer (I Burn does count but still another wouldn't hurt)
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demariasx · 10 years
He was in his twenties. He was in his twenties and yet here he was trying to not be extremely scared over a fucking thunderstorm. But none the less he was terrified and the only person he could think to go too just happened to live right down the street thankfully. It hadn't started raining so he grabbed his coat and ran down the street arriving at the house. He would knock on the door and waited hoping they would answer soon.
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ascentworld · 10 years
"Let's try this again... Hi." - Ray
—"Hello there."
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achievehuntrp · 10 years
{Thank you so much! Same goes to you, sorry I didn't send one, I'm shy and awful. Thank you!!}
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mileslunarp · 10 years
the-jester-queen replied to your post:the-jester-queen replied to your post...
x-ray-and-vaaaav replied to your post:the-jester-queen replied to your post...
ahgavino-free replied to your post:the-jester-queen replied to your post...
sarcasm-and-hair-dye replied to your post:sarcasm-and-hair-dye replied to your post://do you...
(Why not)
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"Hey I just met you,and this is crazy. But here's my number, so call me maybe."
"Wow, that was really corny," Michael blushed and chuckled a bit, "but fine." He took a pen out of his back pocket. "Uhh, I don't have any paper."
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gavversfree-blog · 10 years
"I’m pregnant and it’s yours." -Ray (yes hello there)
Those aren’t words that Gavin thought he’d ever hear. Ever. Sure, he wanted kids someday, but not before he was married, and certainly not… a mistake.
He liked Ray, sure- she was a great girl, one of his best friends, coworkers, someone he’d go to about anything, but… not someone he wanted to have a child with.
Did he? No, stop it- he can’t afford to confuse himself further with this feelings bullshit. The problem was that, regardless of his feelings, they weren’t together and this was an accident. She probably in no way felt the same about him. This was all stupid and ridiculous and wow, he was taking way too long to respond.
"Uh. I’m sorry, what?" His words were quiet and strained. Maybe he just misheard her. Yeah, that had to be it.
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oneforeveryverse · 10 years
"If you look like this, I'd hate to see the other guy."
"Yeah, well, that's what he gets for picking on a dude with antlers. Did you know that these things are sharper than they appear to be? They're handy as fuck."
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jjtheexplorer · 10 years
"Excuse me" -Ray
Send me an "Excuse me" and I'll give you my muses reaction to being interrupted while.... 
5. Falling Asleep
"Excuse me!"
The voice called out and jolted JJ awake. He looked up at who woke him with a sour expression. 
"God Ray....what do you want?......." He yawned, sitting up on the couch.
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demariasx · 10 years
Interruption -Gav
13. Your muse rudely ruins the nap mine was having.
Chris laid down on the couch closing his eyes. It was already 2 in the morning and he had been working on a DVD production for most of the night and all he wanted was to sleep for just a moments. But he started to hear loud noises and he stood up. Who even was up this late at night?
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achievehuntrp · 10 years
Closed Royalty AU {x-ray-and-vaaaav}
Gavin was going to finally be crowned King in only a few days. He was waiting in his room for Ray to show up because he requested for her the second he found out that he was going to be given the crown. Gavin was pacing across his room not sure what to think. He was nervous and scared and excited and- 
His thoughts were cut off when his door opened,
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firstkxng-blog · 10 years
♤ -Gav
Send me a ♤ and I will generate a number for what my muse will say to yours.
44.   “Who hurt you?”
His heart aches at the very sight. His Gav, hurt. He knows it comes with the job- she was born special. Gifted. A super-heroine in her own right. And it makes Geoff so proud that she uses her gifts to help people. Protect the weak and help those who need it. But it doesn't make it any easier, seeing her come home bruised and beaten, even when she wins.
So Geoff sits her down and cleans her up as gently as he can. Serves her a hot meal, and makes sure she rests. And when everything's said and done...  he knows he can't do anything. But he'll ask every time.
"Who hurt you, Gav?"
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