keanuquotes · 1 year
Join us in Omaha this Saturday for a book signing at The Bookworm! Saturday, April 22, 1 pm The Bookworm 2501 So. 90th St., Ste. 111 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 www.bookwormomaha.com/event/alexandra-grant-will-sign-love
What is Love? In LOVE: A Visual History of the grantLOVE Project, artist Alexandra Grant’s exploration of that question is documented through a retrospective of her journey engaging in civic art. In 2008, Grant began making editions of her art based on the concept of love and her trademarked LOVE symbol to raise money for arts projects and nonprofit organizations, and this philanthropic art experiment became the grantLOVE project. Partnering with other artists, makers, customers, and to support art projects and nonprofits, Grant explores how philanthropy and art can effectively intersect. This comprehensive history of the grantLOVE project—complete with paintings, prints, sculptures, textiles, jewelry, and architecture—provides a visual meditation on what “love” is, as conceived by Grant and the numerous collaborators showcased here. Compiling more than fourteen years of grantLOVE works and partnerships, this book invites you to reflect on the confluence of philanthropy and the arts and celebrates building community around the roles of love and empathy in contemporary art and culture.
Alexandra Grant is a Los Angeles–based artist who—through an exploration of the use of text and language in various media including painting, drawing, sculpture, film, and photography—probes ideas of translation, identity, dis/location, and social responsibility. She is the creator of the grantLOVE project, which has raised funds for arts-based nonprofits, and her work has been exhibited at galleries and institutions across the United States and abroad. Can't make the event? You can still get your copy of LOVE: A Visual History of the grantLOVE Project online: www.abramsbooks.com/product/love_9781951836290/.Copyright © 2023 grantLOVE project, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.
Our mailing address is:
grantLOVE project
PO Box 3424
South Pasadena, CA 91031-6424
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How would it be if gabriel and xabier get to meet each other? What would think gabriel of xabier?
Xabier’s a gym bro so I can imagine him and Gabe met through there
Reading about him, Xab seems like a sweet guy- maybe a bit loud for Gabe’s liking, but nice- he’d be chill with him
Trans Himbos solidarity!
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
its so so funny 2 me when people generalize shippers. like, people who ship *insert ship* are so chronically online, people who ship *insert ship 2* are so immature, people who ship *insert ship 3* are so rude about other ships, people who ship *insert ship 4* literally glorify *insert various negative things, only one of which is relevant*
where have all the multishippers gone. where is the nuance 😭😭 ive seen ALL of these in the wild. just, out there floating around. girl wdym they glorify pedophilia they r the SAME AGE 😭
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arken-neth · 11 months
[Image: A hisuian sneasel with a large purple mark on its face. it doesn’t look like any of the sneasels casi has]
they dyed him…
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conidiophore · 5 months
I know I'm going to read stuff I write tonight and he confuses tomorrow but I swear I feel normal eojihhtbiwm ezllllllllll. Except the fact that I can tellxrbis post is going to be weird to read in 12 hours such a weird feeling.
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confettitowns · 1 year
completed my masters in May and I now have my own kindergarten classroom.
I am terrified lmao
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farmersliga · 2 years
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borrelia · 22 days
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using cheats (watching on youtube) to figure out what the fucking input pattern is supposed to be for this section of spica. but i have to translate from arcade/playstation inputs to nintendo inputs so its not that helpful anyway
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s0re-loser · 9 months
That cunt wasn't kidding I have been in the house too long
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teebabygril · 1 year
why am I taking this so seriously. i said while shutting all my assignments just to open them again in 5 mins
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findingnemosworld · 1 year
𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 - 𝐱𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐨
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬
( 𝐗𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝. )
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟎'𝐬 𝐱𝐚𝐛𝐢 🥹
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( baby boi )
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Xabi had returned from training, expecting to be greeted by her only to be greeted with silence which both confused and concerned him - he walked in further to find a quiet living room, with a frown across his face, he walks towards his bedroom to find her lying under the bed, clutching her abdomen which shattered his heart as he realized what had happened, " Laztana " he murmurs, walking to her side of the bed, he kneeled down and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Her eyes flutter open, a weak smile adorned her lips. " Hi Xabs " she whispers.
" How bad does it hurt? " He asks with a soft tone, his hand caresses her cheek.
" Like knives slicing my stomach open " She whined softly.
Xabi nods softly, " I'm going to go to the pharmacy to get you what you need " he whispers, " Try to pull through, ok querida "
She nods softly, smiling when he pressed a kiss to her forehead before he walked out of the bedroom - and at around fifteen minutes later, he reappears with a large bag of treats, a pharmacy bag along with a bouquet of flowers, he placed the bags and flowers next to her before saying. " I'll go and make you some soup "
" You don't have to " She interjects.
" What kind of man would I be if I don't take care of my girl hm? " Xabi smirks, " Now relax baby, and take the painkiller "
She nods swiftly, and had taken the painkiller before breaking a small piece of her favorite chocolate while she waited for Xabi to return, at around thirty minutes later, Xabi enters the bedroom with a tray that had a bowl of soup along with a steaming cup of tea. " Sit up querida, this is hot "
She sits up as he places the tray down, and begins to slowly feed her as though she was a small child. " I'm not a baby you know " she giggled.
He beams, " I know, but you're my baby " he cooed, before leaning in to peck her lips. " Just like I'm yours "
She smiled before saying, " Xabs, can we cuddle? "
" Of course querida " He nods, helping her finish the entirety of the soup and tea, he took the tray back to the kitchen before coming back to the bedroom, he slips under the covers and pulls her in his arms, allowing her to shuffle closer for his warmth, he then pressed a kiss on top of her head. " Rest querida, I'm right here "
She hums softly, surrendering herself to sleep. " I love you "
He smiles, " I love you too "
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suicideenthusiast · 10 days
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watching uhyeahs stupid ass fnaf fangame videos and. what..... erm i mean thats very nice
nsme of game so i xab play ut
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arken-neth · 11 months
i love hanging out with xab. just a little guy in my area with me. he's so over here.
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bntarwarn · 1 year
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doodles involving @joetn's oc, xavier (affectionately nicknamed xab) and the magic council majors (mostly mariah. there's also her squad)
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rahimovaa · 1 month
Zülmə əyilməyən başı nizədə gəzdirər fələk,
Əyalını əsir edib, qətarə düzdürər fələk.
İstərəm üsyan eyləmək, çərxi fələk cəfasına,
Bəs necə göz yumum onun mən bu qədər xətasına ?
Zülm olunanda səbr edib, peyğəmbər əqrəbasına,
Şikayət ilə gəlmişəm bugün Hüseyn əzasına,
Zalım əliylə məsumu qoyar qapı arasına,
On bir İmam anasını gör necə əzdirər fələk,
Zülmə əyilməyən başı nizədə gəzdirər fələk.
Vəfası yox, cəfası var, cəfa verəndi dəmbədəm,
Kimsəyə qəmküsar deyil, qəm üstə artırandı qəm,
Haqqı əzib zəlil edər, batili isə möhtəşəm,
Əbəlfəzlin uzun qolun zülm ilə eyləyib qələm,
Saldılar atdan Abbası, olanda payimal ələm,
Yezidin, amma bayrağın səmada süzdürər fələk,
Zülmə əyilməyən başı nizədə gəzdirər fələk.
Görünməyən zülm idi bu, olundu ali-Heydərə,
Hansı üz ilə bəs çıxar o qövm ruzi-məhşərə ?
Ərşi də titrədib yəqin, dəştidə qəmli mənzərə,
Sanki buludlar ağladı, göydə Əliyyi-Əkbərə,
Çərx özü şahid olmayıb-dımı məgər peyğəmbərə?
Şibhi-peyəmbərin başın bədəndən üzdürər fələk,
Zülmə əyilməyən başı nizədə gəzdirər fələk.
Rəhm və mərhəmət nədir, o gün unutdu Kərbəla,
Türbəti ilə Həşrətək canlı sübutdu Kərbəla,
Xuni-Hüseynə suz idi, töküldü utdu Kərbəla,
Rubabın əşkini belə gözdə qurutdu Kərbəla,
Gözüylə şahid oldu həm, qulaq da tutdu Kərbəla,
Qundaq içində Əsğərə peykan əmizdirər fələk,
Zülmə əyilməyən başı nizədə gəzdirər fələk.
Ravi deyir gördüm Hüsey-ni dinlə bir məqalimi,
Çöldə gecə nə iş görür-sən, eylədim sualimi,
Dedi, aparsalar əsir kimi sabah əyalimi,
Təmizlərəm tikanları, bilərmisən xəyalimi?
Əziyyət eylər onlara, pərişan eylər halimi,
Təvəccüh eylə gör necə, ürəklər üzdürər fələk,
Zülmə əyilməyən başı nizədə gəzdirər fələk.
Dönəydi çərxin, ey fələk, sönəydi kaş afitab,
Hüseynin Əhli-Bəytinə tikanlı çöldü rəxti-xab,
Səkinə binəva edər zülfünü ruyinə hicab,
Çöldə kiçik Rüqəyyanı susuzluq eyləyib kabab,
Zeynəbi bikəs eyləsin, söylə nə cür bu zülmə tab?
Əlləri bağlı qul kimi Şamə gətizdirər fələk,
Zülmə əyilməyən başı nizədə gəzdirər fələk.
Hüseynin inqilabı bir, örnək idi bu ümmətə,
Bu gün də kulli aləmi zülm salıbdı dəhşətə,
Zühuru gözləyənlərin qalıb ümidi Höccətə,
Qisas onun üçün demək qalmayacaq qiyamətə,
Azər, edək dua gərək, sübhi-məsa o Həzrətə,
Gəlməsə, min cəfa ilə hamını bezdirər fələk,
Zülmə əyilməyən başı nizədə gəzdirər fələk.
Axund Azer Sani
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cass1x1 · 8 months
[TEXT] - i have an idea, probably gonna get us in trouble though. / xabian and fawn but like in a whatever if they don't have phones it's a letter of some kind
[a note delivered to lady fanalín at 11:46] if you have an idea that's going to get us in trouble, then i think we should definitely do it --xab [a note delivered to lady fanalín at 11:52am] where shall i meet you? do i need a disguise? or possibly a weapon? a shovel? --x
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