girl4music · 20 days
Just seen the ship name “XeGab” for Xena and Gabrielle. Never seen or heard of that one before.
I’ve always used Xabrielle or WarriorBard. I know they don’t have an official one due to ship names not being a thing back then. But still… it’s nice to use one every now and again. I’ve always thought Xabrielle was cute.
Let’s be honest - Xena would throw me into a bush if I ever used that ship name in front of her. So I’d just get Gabrielle to say it to her instead. She’d get her into it.
No matter how silly or corny it is, it seems to always work for Xena when it comes out of Gabrielle’s mouth.
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mushi-shield · 27 days
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sapphicstyle1 · 7 months
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aflawedfashion · 2 months
I just saw Xena x Gabrielle called xegab and I hate it
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icegoddessrukia · 6 years
1, 2, 5, 23, 36, 39 Xena x Gabrielle
Wow I haven’t thought about this couple for ages, thanks for the ask! Tbh now I feel like re-watching Xena lol 
1. How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
They fall asleep next to the fire every night. Xena tends to stay on her own side and pretends she doesn’t want to cuddle but Gabrielle of course who’s not one to take no for an answer latches onto her like a koala bear and steals the blanket. 
2. How’s their team work? Do they share well?
They work amazingly well as a team when they want to yet at the same time because they are such different personalities they definitely bicker quite a bit. Xena can be arrogant, stubborn and once she gets fixated on a goal she ignores everything else, whereas Gabrielle tends to look at the bigger picture. Xena is stoic and Gabrielle’s babbling can sometimes drive her nuts. They’d share well when it comes to most things 
5. Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?
Nicknames or pet names…don’t see that however Xena occasionally calls her “love” or “beautiful” and whispers sweet nothings into her ears. Here’s the thing, Xena is not a sappy person whatsoever however Gabrielle would definitely bring the romantic out of her and she’ll only show that side around her. Meanwhile Gabrielle would definitely come up with a few nicknames just to annoy Xena’s ass
23. How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
I honestly see them being one of the happiest, giddiest couples yet at the same time they can be incredibly intense, especially when placed in a life or death situation. 
When they embrace, it feels like the most natural thing in the world for both of them and this is even before they become a couple. Xena lets her guard down because Gabrielle is the only person she is comfortable enough with to show all of her vulnerabilities, meanwhile Gabrielle feels safe. When they kiss, it’s steamy, like something out of a romance novel - both are extremely passionate. A kiss never ends up just being a kiss. Both like to tease and flirt, Gabrielle especially is sneaky as we’ve seen in the series. She’ll casually kiss Xena’s cheek or grab her hand and slip away before Xena can figure out what she’s doing. 
36.  What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?
Their greatest strength is probably their complete loyalty and devotion to the other - to the point that both are willing to die for the other. Their relationship has been tested to the extreme, to the point where Xena was prepared to throw Gabrielle over a cliff, they’ve both seen the ugliest sides of each other, they’ve fought, they’ve seen each other at their weakest, they’ve been through sickness, death, betrayal and yet they still remain at each other’s side. They still forgive each other time and time again. 
Their greatest weakness is probably the fact that they each have a completely different philosophy on life and they are each so set in their beliefs. They also often don’t communicate well, as seen in both The Rift arc and The Price (Which is incidentally my favourite Xena episode of all, showcasing the moral/philosophical differences between their characters) - they’re both in such completely different worlds and just can’t meet eye to eye sometimes
39. Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they were in love?
I believe they both began to realize their feelings around the time Gab was betrothed to marry Perdicus during Return of Callisto. You could see the discomfort on both of their faces. They had grown so attached to each other and accustomed to each other at this point that neither of them had entertained the possibility of being permanently separated from the other and it was kind of telling that instead of Gabrielle being happy to be married or Xena being happy for her friend they both became depressed. 
It was at that point that Xena in particular realized that she couldn’t stand the idea of Gabrielle leaving for good and being married to someone else. I believe she truly acknowledged Gabrielle as a woman by this point rather than simply the annoying little brat tagging along. Xena definitely made the first move…we even saw that in the series, though she was in someone else’s body at the time. 
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mushi-shield · 6 days
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mushi-shield · 20 days
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mushi-shield · 2 months
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mushi-shield · 2 months
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