#vivian van dinzel
megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce III Chapter 12
Chapter 12: Xenoblade’s Finest Hour (Disclaimer! I own nothing of Xenoblade Chronicles!) I was taking a shower. Later I laid on my bed after having a long day. There was a knock on the door. “Michael, its me, Vivian,” said Vivian, “Please open up.” I opened the door. She embraced me with a hug. “Are you ok?” Asked Vivian. “I am now,” I said. I saw Lin and Russell with her. “I think I owe you an apology for earlier,” he said. “For what?” I asked, “You didn’t do anything.” “No actually I did,” he said, “I tried to keep you and Vivian apart, and I was too blind to see the compassion that you had within you.” “What?” I asked. “You saved my life,” said Russell. “Oh yeah, that was nothing,” I said, “But honestly I’m really sorry you had to see that side of me.” “Its ok Mike,” said Vivian, “You didn’t do anything, but I forgive you anyway.” “I don’t think I really deserve your forgiveness V,” I said. “Well you have her forgiveness, whether you think you deserve it or not,” said Russell, “And you have my gratitude for saving my bacon, whether I think you deserve it or not, which you do.” He looked down. “I think its time I told you why I’ve hated black people for all these years,” said Russell. “Vivian already told me about it,” I said, “And I’m so sorry about…” “That’s the story I told Vivian, but its time you both knew the truth,” said Russell. “What?” asked Vivian and I in unison. “Jinx,” I said. “The truth is… my first love was never killed by a black woman,” said Russell, “My first love left me for a black man.” Both of us were surprised. “I dated her for all those years and was about to propose to her, but she was seeing this new guy and he swept her off her feet,” said Russell, “I’ve been stingy about black people ever since.” “Oh man,” I said, “I’m so sorry to hear that.” “I also owe you an apology Vivian,” said Russell. “What do you mean?” asked Vivian. “The reason I tried to keep you from doing music is because…… I feel like I made a mistake,” said Russell, “With Zachary, and I didn’t want to be reminded of it.” “What are you talking about?” asked Vivian. “I didn’t lose Zachary to the band…. I lost him at home,” said Russell, “I let him think that the family business meant more to me than supporting him, and unknowingly pushed him away.” He looked out to the city. “I hurt him and I didn’t even realize it,” he said, “I don’t know what to do.” I put my arm on him. “You start by doing the hardest thing,” I said, “You forgive yourself.” “If I could see Zachary one last time, I would tell him that I love him no matter what,” said Russell, “And that….. I’m sorry.” “Apology accepted,” said a voice. We all turned around to see my friends, Vivian’s parents, and her older brother, Zachary. “ZACH!” said Vivian. She ran up to him and gave him a hug. He got a look at me. “And this must be Michael,” he said. Russell turned to Hank. “Listen I….” said Russell. “No its ok,” said Hank, “We both kinda acted like idiots and I’m sorry.” “Its ok son,” said Russell, “You were right though. I was wrong to assign us labels.” “Well, its about time you realized that its impossible to describe someone with a simple label.” “So how was the performance?” asked Zachary. “I didn’t really get to perform,” said Vivian, “Thanks to Edmund.” “Actually…… I kinda figured that Edmund would figure out that it was you who helped me expose him,” I said, “So Lin and I decided to get one step ahead of him.” “I took a copy of the CD you gave me and made more copies, then made the CD jacket look a tad bit like your diary, and swapped the copies of your Diary with the CD,” said Lin. “You what?” asked Vivian. “I told you I was gonna help you become amazing,” I said, “Edmund doesn’t know that he just helped you get one step closer to your dream, and now the pub wants you back.” “I gotta hand it to you V, this boys a genius,” said Talia. “I mean think about it; You got Edmund, Edmund thinks he got his revenge, and that’s it,” said Denise, “Bada-Bing. You’ve even.” “He may have gotten off easy, but at least he won’t win any popularity contests soon,” I said.
Johnny was as happy as could be. He finally paid off the money needed for the surgery. He was deciding what to do with the rest of the money. Edmund approached him. “Hold on a sec buddy,” said Johnny, “I’m thinking about something.” “I can guess what’s on your mind; what are you gonna do about that damn Xenoblade,” said Edmund. “Actually I’m thinking about what I should do with the rest of this money,” said Johnny. “Well I think I have something that’ll get your head out of that thought for a while,” said Edmund, “You’re…. gonna help me kill Xenoblade.” “Kill?” asked Johnny, “I never said anything about killing, and he already helped me with my situation, so count me out.” “I wasn’t offering you a choice pal,” said Edmund, “Allow me to introduce you to ‘our’ other half. We call ourselves…..” The black suit formed his new costume. “Leech!” he said. Johnny was prepared to fight him. “Let’s try to watch our temper here,” he said, “There’s girls present!” He knocked a tree down revealing Lola tied up in a web. He somehow leeched off of her abilities. “Lola!” said Johnny. “Johnny just do what he says,” said Lola, “He said he’d let us both go if you did.” “Aww true love,” said Leech, “Just like in the movies.” “What do you want from me freak?” Asked Johnny. “Its not what we want,” said Edmund, “Its what Xord wants. And he wants your help in building a stronger mech.” Knowing that he had no choice, Johnny subsumed. “Now, let’s talk about how we’re going to destroy… Xenoblade,” said Leech. Anela was on her way back to the lab to work on a project. She just got back from doing a play, The Library. “Now to do some finishing touches to my invention,” said Anela, “The early bird gets the worm.” She went into a taxi cab and saw Edmund. “So where to?” he asked. “What do you want Edmund?” asked Anela. “You see, I have this rodent problem, and I think you’re the only one who can help with it,” said Edmund, “I was trying to find out….. how to get rid of Xenoblade, and it just hit me; What better way to lure him than with his best friend.” He tied Anela to the back seat and covered her mouth. I was watching TV and then Micah came running in. “Michael you gotta see this!” she said. She turned it to the news. “Los Angeles is holding its breath as the hostage crisis continued to unfold,” said the announcer. We were looking at a giant black web in the middle of two giant buildings. “A young woman was held hostage suspended 30 stories above ground in a web,” said someone at the site. “Every attempt by the police to rescue th hostage has been thwarted by Xord,” said the announcer. Xord escaped and had a new powerful mech suit. “Joining him is a strange black suited figure earlier believed to be the black suited Xenoblade, but was now identified as something entirely different.” Leech was attacking officers. I saw that the hostage was Anela. I went back to get my suit. “You’re not going out there by yourself are you?” asked Denise. “I have to,” I said, “I created this, now I gotta stop it.” “Well then what are we waiting for?” asked Ratchet. “Guys I can’t let you get hurt for my sake,” I said. “I don’t believe you have a choice,” said Micah, “If you think we’re letting you take on that guy by yourself, you’re wrong.” “I’m going with you too,” said Vivian. “V….” I said. “You can count me in too,” said Samus in her new Varia suit. “Samus….” I said. I realized they were right. We suited up and headed to the twin building location. Dozens of people saw us and clapped their hands. “The Xenoforce has returned and answered the prayers of Los Angeles!” said the news lady. I looked for the car Anela was in and jumped on it. “Anela, I’m here to save you,” I said. She saw me. “Michael,” said Anela, “They’re gonna kill us both.” “Not if I can help it,” I said, “I’m gonna get you outta here.” Anela saw Leech heading towards me. “Watch out!” said Anela. He tried to attack me and I dodged. Part of the car was damaged. He revealed his true face. “Hey Xenoblade,” said Edmund. “Edmund… you bonded with the suit?” I asked. “Oooh we’ve got a vision coming up,” said Edmund as he snatched up Anela, “If you know what we’re talking about.” I jumped at him and he punched me. I fell on the web and balanced myself. He jumped down to where I was. “You knew this was coming buddy,” said Edmund. He tried attacking me and I dodged him. Aside from having Arachind Girl’s moves, he had some of my abilities as well. “We can settle this like men,” I said. “You have a point,” said Edmund, “We’re thinking about….. humiliation…. Kinda like how Michael humiliated us.” “What?” I asked. “You mean he never told you what he did to us, what you did to us?” he asked. Johnny was watching everything unfold. “I gotta help them,” he said. He rushed and got his suit out. “You made a mess of our life, now we’re gonna make a mess of yours,” Edmund menacingly said, “How does that sound?” Anela got a brick and threw it at him. I knocked him down and we were fighting each other. He managed to get free and I flew up and followed him. Johnny was heading up to find me while putting on his costume but someone knocked him out. It was Xord. “He gave you a choice boy, but you chose wrong,” he said. “Look I’m in a rush so I’m gonna make this quick,” said Johnny. He punched Xord but hurt his hand. He dropped his gauntlets. “I’ll be taking those,” said Xord as he put one of them on. Johnny saw another one and tried to grab it. “No you don’t!” said Xord. He pushed a car near him and he fell down. “I wasn’t so sure about this idea, but… damn!” he said. He kept beating up Johnny. Meanwhile I was still dealing with Leech. “Look Edmund its me you want,” I said, “Just let me get Anela to safety and we’ll deal with this afterwards!” “And what, let you walk away, after what you put us through?” asked Edmund as he was breaking through walls, “We don’t think so!” I got out my monado and Edmund got out some kind of strange red blade. “Look Edmund, you’ve gotta…” I said before being interrupted by almost being cut to pieces. “Stop calling us that!” said Edmund, “We’re Leech now!” Johnny tried to stand up but was to weak. “Why are you working with him?” asked Johnny. “I guess you’ll never find out,” said Xord. He was about to finish him but a web caught the gauntlet. It was Lola in her Arachnid Girl suit. She grabbed the gauntlets and gave them back to Johnny, then she webbed Xord to the truck. “You ok?” asked Lola. “Yeah,” said Johnny. “Then let’s go help our friend,” she said. She swung up to the building. “Johnny?” asked someone. It was his mom. “You need to get somewhere safe,” said Johnny, “I’m sure Johnny is fine ma’am.” “I’m not going anywhere without my son,” said Johnny’s mom. “I’m sure he’s safe,” he said. “Don’t patronize me, I lost my father, I won’t lose my son!” she said. “You knew?” he asked. “We have to leave,” said Johnny’s mom, “Someone else can risk their life on this, but not you. Not this time.” “I know somebody else can, but no one else will,” said Johnny, “If you know who I am, you know that I have to do this.” He went off to help us. I was still dealing with Leech. I was able to hold my own, but anything I could do he could do better. “I can do this all day Edmund,” I said. “We’re sure you could,” said Edmund as he pulled out his blade again, “But unfortunately we’re on a tight schedule and must bid you adieu.” He was about to attack but then a grenade was launched. It exploded releasing web. Leech broke free but then Denise sped in and attacked him. Vivian and Lin and the rest of the gang joined in. “Looks like you’re outmatched,” said Denise. “That may be true,” said Edmund, “But how will you fair when the stakes are raised?” The ground started to rumble. Xord was now in a giant mech the size of a building. Samus called her battleship and jumped in. “Now I will crush you all like roaches!” said Xord. He started fighting us and we all evaded. Xord started firing at us. Bryan caught a missile and crushed it. He didn’t get a scratch on him thanks to the armor. While they were busy I went up to save Anela. Leech was about to stop me. “OH no you don’t!” said Maddi. She shot a paintball made of ice. Lin then used her diffusion gloves to freeze him in place. I broke the car door open and got Anela down safely. “You ok?” I asked. “Yeah,” she said. “Good to know,” I said. “Hey Michael!” said EJ, “Am I interrupting?!” EJ carried Lola on one of her webs as she swung around fighting Xord. I jumped on the back of Xord and tried to find a weakness. “The guy’s strong but he ain’t so bright,” I said, “Now if I could just find a weakspot….” Edmund saw me. “Xord!” he said, “Xenoblade’s trying to stop you!” “God you are so annoying!” I said. He knocked me down. “This thing got anymore?” Lola asked. “Hang on!” said EJ. “To what?!” asked Lola. He swung her around and she landed on the back. “Every mech has a weakness,” said Lola. She used her eyes to scan for one. “Found it!” she said. She punched it hard and found a bunch of wires. The weapon defenses were shut down. “Samus now!” said Lola. Samus started firing at the mech. After a few blows it was shut down and started to crumble. EJ was looking for Leech. Behind him 2 eyes were glaring. We all met at the top of the building. “EJ, where are you?” I asked, “We still got one more to fight.” We heard laughing. Denise saw somebody with wings. “Ej if this is a joke, then its not funny,” said Ratchet. We saw EJ drop to the floor. Leech copied his flight abilities. “EJ!” I said as I ran to him. “You actually know this comic book geek?” asked Edmund. He looked at him then back at me. Then he looked at Anela and back at me. He realized something. “Michael…..” he said, “When I saw Xenoblade destroy my last resort….. I saw YOU destroy my last resort.” “Edmund…. Why did you do it?” I asked. “You left me no choice,” said Edmund. “Edmund, that suits trying to destroy your mind,” I said, “Its trying to take you as its own.” “Look at me, I’m a new man,” said Edmund, “As for you…. You don’t give this city hope, you take it away.” “No,” I said. “Now I’m gonna take away yours,” said Edmund. He flew at Anela and grabbed her. “Edmund!” I said, “Edmund put her down!” I chased him to the top and tried to stop him, but he was too quick. “Edmund stop this right now!” I said, “This isn’t you, put her down!” “Edmund….” Said Anela. “EDMUND’S DEAD!” he snarled. “Edmund this is between you and me!” I said, “Just drop her and we’ll talk! You wanna fight? Fight me!!” “Poor choice of words,” said Edmund. He literally dropped her. Denise jumped up and caught her. Edmund then flew at me and pinned me. Using the wings he managed to cut my mask and wound me. Everyone watched in horror as Edmund continued to pummel me. “Look at everyone’s favorite hero now!” said Edmund, “You stupid pathetic waste!” He gave me a scar on my face. “You’ve been #1 for too long Morrison, now your time is up!” he said, “And don’t worry, I’ll take good care of your friends!” Samus shot him in the back and came flying at him with a jet pack. She then used her Noise Beam on him and it made him weak. I remembered the black suit’s weakness. “I got it!” I said, “Johnny, you still got those gauntlets?” “Yeah,” said Johnny. “We’re gonna need them,” I said, “V, give me some cover!” “Got it,” said Vivian. She threw a smoke ball and made everything dark. The others moved in and started to pin him down. Lola webbed his hands to the floor. “NOW!” I said. Johnny used the stun mode and made Edmund weaker. He kept doing it and the suit slowly started to come off of him. Lola pulled him out using the webs. Micah made an ice slide for everyone to get down. I stayed to face the black suit that has now taken a physical form. “Get outta here Michael,” said Johnny, “I’ll handle this.” “No way,” I said, “We fight together.” “We don’t have time for this,” said Johnny, “Now go!” The black suit was about to lunge. “I’m not gonna leave you!” I said. “I said GO!” said Johnny. He pushed me on the slide and I slid down. He then faced the substance. “Eat this motherfucker,” he said. He slammed his staff on the ground causing the entire building to collapse. “NO!!” said Lola. The building fell down, and Johnny was running to the top and made it. The substance was destroyed in the debris. When the dust settled we spread out searching for him. “Johnny!” I said, “Where are you?!” We saw his staff, but we couldn’t find him. “No….” I said. “Johnny, you JERK!” said Lola with tears in her eyes, “You can’t leave me like this.” He was right behind us. “I’m not going anywhere,” he said. Lola ran up to him and hugged him. Edmund was lying on the floor. “Just finish me off,” said Edmund, “I don’t wanna live the rest of my life like this.” “That’s not the answer Edmund, that’s just the easy way out!” I said, “You think you’re the only one dealing with hard times?” “What?” asked Edmund. “There’s people all over the world dealing with similar problems, but the only difference is thye don’t have your money or anything else that you have!” I said, “Even if you can’t help yourself, you can still use what you have as a benefit for others.” Edmund was listening. “You have amazing talents, and now you have a responsibility to use them as a benefit to humanity,” I said, “The greatest man I ever knew taught me that.” “Michael….” Said Edmund before he laid down. Johnny’s parents showed up. “Son, I have one thing to say to you,” he said. “Oh boy,” said Johnny. “I have never been more proud of you,” he said. “We both are,” said his mom, “You said you were gonna make up for what you did and boy did you make up.” “I guess you don’t want me doing this stuff anymore?” asked Johnny. “That’s for you to decide,” said his dad, “For us to try and stop you just wouldn’t be right.” Johnny smiled and hugged them both. Vivian and Lin’s parents arrived. “Lin are you alright?” Talia asked, “We saw everything.” “I’m fine,” said Lin, “Thanks to Xenoblade.” “Well actually it was Lin who saved my life,” I said, “Guess that’s two I owe her.” I pulled out a little badge. “In fact, I think you’ve earned a spot as a junior member of the Xenoforce,” I said. She took it and placed it on her costume. “Lin I’m just so proud of you,” said Talia. “We both are,” said Hank. “Well Dad… I mean Hank,” said Lin, “If it wasn’t for you two believing in me, this wouldn’t have happened so thank you both.” Somebody was watching us. “Should I approach Captain?” he asked. “No, leave him be,” said his boss. Later at school, Vivian was cutting the ribbon for the new and improved Light Music Club. Everyone cheered. I scooped Vivian down and kissed her. “Thank you so much for this Michael,” said Vivian. “Who would’ve thought that Vivian and Michael would do this for us?” asked a club member. “Michael might actually make a good principal someday,” said Principal Gibson. “Y’know, you’ve always been like a father figure to Michael,” said Anela, “I’m sure he appreciates your support.” It was the night of the dance. Each of us were rocking it out in tuxedos. Vivian had a pink and purple dress that I bought her with some money. Ratchet came in the door with Denise holding hands. “It actually happened…. He’s dating that loser,” said a student, “Ratchet Lombax and Denise Richardson are dating?!” Everybody cheered. Everybody was having a good time. Denise and Ratchet were dancing with each other. Denise was no doubt impressed with the hard work Ratchet put in to the dancing. “Wow, you really are good at dancing,” said Denise. “Thanks,” said Ratchet, “Cara Lynn helped me a bit.” Denise chuckled. “You know, I forgot to give you something when you asked me to the dance,” she said. “What’s that?” asked Ratchet as he was blushing. “This,” said Denise as she smiled. She kissed him on the lips. I was outside looking up at the sky. “Thanks again for your help dad,” I said, “It really helped me.” (To the 4th wall) I became a famous hero, experienced the dangers of an alien substance, and did a lot of terrible things, but in the end, I’m still the man Dad wanted me to be. Vivian came out. “The party’s inside buddy,” said Vivian, “What’s up?” “Just thinking about what Dad would think of me if he saw me,” I said. “Well, he’d probably be proud of the man you are,” said Vivian, “I know I am.” I smiled. “Thanks V,” I said. She took my hand and we went back inside. Another happy ending. Well, till next time, this is your friendly neighborhood Xenoblade with this message; If you get lost in the shadows, there’s a fire inside you, and you know that I’ll find you. Torches by X Ambassadors Bring on your forces of nature Bring on the storm that's raging And if you get lost in the shadows There's a fire inside you Be the light that guides you Come on, carry your flame Carry it higher Leave it in the darkness Carry your torches Come on, carry your flame Set the night on fire Leave it in the darkness Carry your torches Bring on your bows and arrows Bring on your plagues and pharaohs Cause if you get lost in the shadows There's a fire inside you And you know that I'll find you Come on, carry your flame Carry it higher Leave it in the darkness Carry your torches Come on, carry your flame Set the night on fire Leave it in the darkness Carry your torches Torches Torches Torches Torches Ooh Come on, carry your flame Carry it higher Leave it in the darkness Carry your torches Come on, carry your flame (torches) Set the night on fire (torches) Leave it in the darkness (torches) Carry your torches (torches) Carry your torches (torches) (Torches) Carry your torches (torches) Torches, ooh Torches Torches Torches, torches, ooh Edmund was in jail walking to his cell. An olf friend saw him. It was Dargan. “Edmund pierce?” he asked, “I can’t believe my eyes.” “How are you?” asked Edmund. He noticed he had some mechanics on his left arm. “Now before you say anything, I want you to know, this is not on you,” said Dargan, “Its on our friend…. Xenoblade.” “Good to know,” said Edmund. “Listen, I got a couple of friends who’d really like to meet the little bastard, take his picture, get his autograph, and cut him to pieces,” said Dargan, “I also heard this interesting rumour that…… you know who he is.” Edmund was about to tell, but remembered what I said to him and that I saved his life. “If I knew he was, he’d already be dead,” said Edmund. “Just play it cool for now,” said Dargan as he walked away. “Edmund, your butler’s here,” said a security guard. As he walked over, a little bit of the black suit slithered down his back. Yesterday by Imagine Dragons Here's to my future Here's to my yesterday Here's to change Oh, here's to my yesterday No tomorrow without a yesterday Here's to my future Goodbye to yesterday All these years I've been searching For who I'm supposed to be All this time I've been wasting 'Cause I was right in front of me Oh, it's a crooked old tradition By a masterful magician But in all this trouble I've met I haven't got one single regret, no Here's to my future Here's to my yesterday Here's to change Oh, here's to my yesterday No tomorrow without a yesterday Here's to my future Goodbye to yesterday Yesterday Oh, I'm a hopeless crash collision 'Cause I'm a hostage to my pride And by my own volition I've been a saint, I've been the truth, I've been the lie Oh, it's a crooked old tradition By a masterful magician But in all this trouble I've met I haven't got one single regret, no Here's to my future Here's to my yesterday Here's to change Oh, here's to my yesterday No tomorrow without a yesterday Here's to my future Goodbye to yesterday Yesterday A new day you can go, you can do Anything you wanna It's your play, swing low, go high Anywhere you wanna You can reach for the moon Anywhere your dreams could take you Go astray, fade away Just leave it to yesterday Here's to my future Here's to my yesterday Here's to change Oh, here's to my yesterday No tomorrow without a yesterday Here's to my future Goodbye to yesterday Yesterday ‘Hi, I’m Nicholas Shay. I’m filling in for Captain Falcon since she’s on a mission, but I’m here to talk to you about the most important trait a soldier or student could have; Patience. Sometimes patience is the key to victory, sometimes it leads to very little and it seems like its not worth it. And you wonder….. why you waited so long for something so disappointing. ……..How many more of these?’ (In case you're wondering, yes this is a troll of a post ending scene) XENOBLADE WILL RETURN…….
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce III Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Birth of the Battery (Disclaimer! I own nothing of Xenoblade!)
I was walking with Vivian to her house. “Wow, this is a pretty nice house,” I said, “It was really nice of you to invite me for dinner. Are you sure I didn’t need to dress up for your parents?” “Of course not,” she said, “My mom and dad are laid back people.” “That’s good to know,” I said. “Good thing they asked today because….” She started then looked away. “What?” I asked. “Its…. My grandfather,” said Vivian, “He’s kind of….” Someone opened the door. It was Vivian’s father. “Mr. Van Dinzel,” I said shaking his hand, “Pleasure to meet you.” “Please, call me Hank,” said Hank, “My daughter’s told me a lot about you.” Vivian’s mother was cooking dinner. “Michael, what a surprise,” she said as she greeted me, “I’m Talia.” “Hi Michael,” said Lin as she came down. “You already know Lin Lee Koo, out adoptive daughter,” said Talia. “See Mom and Dad, I told you he was a famous guy,” said Lin. “Now Lin, its Talia and Hank,” said Talia, “Ok we’re equals in the house.” “I’d rather just call you ‘Mom’,” said Lin. “What Talia is trying to say, is that we’re happy that you made a friend,” said Hank.
There was another knock at the door. “I’ll get it,” said Talia. She opened the door and it was Vivian’s grandfather. “Dad,” said Hank surprised, “I thought you weren’t due here until tomorrow.” “Well I wouldn’t want to miss seeing my son,” said Vivian’s grandfather, “Who’s this boy?” “This is my boyfriend Michael Morrison,” said Vivian, “I told you about him when you called.” “Not merely enough,” he said as he went to the table. “That’s my Dad, Russell,” said Hank. Later we were having dinner. “This is delicious Mrs. Van Dinzel,” I said. “I’m glad you like it,” she said, “Help yourself, there’s plenty for everybody.” “Oh V, I found this awesome record by this musician, Stevie Ray Vaughan,” I said, “The title track, Pride and Joy is amazing.” “We can listen to it after dinner,” said Vivian. “There will be no Rock n Roll music played in this house,” said Russell. “Dad, please,” said Hank. “Hank that music teaches kids to disobey their parents,” said Russell. “Some music is positive Mr. Russell,” I said.
“Its all garbage, it teaches kids to stay out past cerfew and God knows what else,” he said, “It tears down everything people like me have worked long and hard to build, well not in this house!” “That’s not fair Grandpa,” said Vivian. “That’s my last word,” he said. Dinner was a bit awkward for me. Later we were walking back to campus. “Sometimes I swear my grandfather….” Said Vivian. “Oh quit worrying,” I said, “Some of my relitives hate rock n roll music too.” “Really?” asked Vivian. “Yeah, its not a black and white thing its an old thing,” I said, “As far as I’m concerned, everything is alright.” “I’m glad,” said Vivian, “Hey, wanna see some stuff Lin and I are working on for the science off?” “Sure,” I said. Later we were at the lab. I saw a few of my friends there too. “Hey its Vivian,” said Bryan, “How’s it hanging?” “Pretty good thanks for asking,” said Vivian, “I was about to show Michael what I’ve been working on.”
“Well check out these bad boys,” said EJ. He was showing her the new flight wings that I was working on. “I plan on using these bad boys and a mix of Tae Kwon Do for the Science off,” said EJ, “Michael was the only one who would help. I tried to get Anela to make me a cerium that would give me super strength and agility, but she says that’s ‘not science’.” “Its really not,” said Anela. “Well I guess the repulsor gauntlets I asked Bryan for aren’t science either,” said EJ. “Nope,” said Bryan. EJ was listing his ideas. I followed Vivian into her lab. “So, what have you been working on?” “I’ll show ya,” said Vivian. She had a smoke ball in her hand. “Smoke balls?” I asked, “I think those were already invented.” She threw it at the wall and smoke came out. She then somehow absorbed it.
“This is what I’ve been working on,” she said. She had some kind of gauntlet on her arms. “How’d you do that?” I asked. “These gauntlets are built with a smoke absorber, so that way whenever I’m low on it, I can press this trigger,” said Vivian, “And this trigger near my thumb can be used to shoot out smoke.” She showed me what they could do. “With these smoke gauntlets I can either shoot out a smoke ball, or a smokescreen,” she said, “I just have to adjust the nozzle here and there to decide what kind of smoke I wanna use.” “Here’s what I heard,” said EJ, “Blah, blah, blah, science, science, science, smoke.” “Ignore him,” I said. “You know, I gotta admit, I wasn’t sure what to expect on our date,” said Vivian, “You always say you’re no one special but a lot of people have such nice things to say about you.” “Really?” I asked. “Yeah, and I’m glad I figured out the time to figure out why.” “So….. I’m doing ok so far?” I asked. “Yeah,” said Vivian, “You could say that.” We moved closer and were about to kiss then the alarm went off.
The lights were shut off. I used my digital headband to get some light. Vivian saw some people. “Hey!” she said. I recognized them. “It’s the space pirates!” I said. I saw some sparks in another room. “Shit!” said Denise. I went over to her to give her a hand. “What happened?” asked Vivian. “Those creeps came here and they’re destroying everything!” said Samus. I looked at it. “I can handle this!” I said as I got my tools out. I dealt with the wires that were broken and repaired them while Micah stopped the buzzing. After some hard work, the lights came back on. I then heard a scream. That sounds like Anela,” I said, “She must be in trouble!” Ratchet, Samus, and I rushed to the room she was in and we saw the creature. “Ridley!” said Samus, “Its gotta be a copy of him!” “Anela move!” I said. Anela started to crawl away. Ratchet and I started throwing debris at Ridley. “I don’t think its working,” said Ratchet. Ridley turned around and saw Anela near a wardrobe. He pushed it away. “Help!” she said.
I reached for my monado but I forgot I left it at the campus. “Shit!” I said, “Looks like I’ll have to do this the old fashioned way.” I jumped on his head and started punching it. “Samus, activate the plasma beam!” I said. Samus changed her cannon to the plasma beam and started shooting. “Its working!” I said. “I can see that!” said Samus. Ridley tried shaking me off of him. He then grabbed my leg. “Oh no,” I said. I saw a vision of the Ridley clone about to attack me. The vision ended and the ridley clone grabbed a huge piece of debris and tried whacking me with it. I ducked before it hit me. My headband fell to the floor. “Double shit!” I said, “Ratchet, grab that!” Ratchet ran up to it and caught it.
“Now what?” he asked. “Imagine something!” I said. Ridley tried hitting me again. “What exactly?” asked Ratchet. “Anything!” I said. Ratchet imagined a giant baseball bat. The baseball bat then whacked Ridley and he was down for the count. “Thanks,” I said. “Don’t mention it,” said Ratchet. “Is it dead?” asked Anela. “I don’t think so,” I said, “Just knocked out.” Professor Archibald, the person in charge of the science off rushed into the room. “What happened here?!” he asked. He saw that the ridley clone was beaten and plasma all around it. “Well you see….” I said. “It was my fault,” said Anela, “I must’ve somehow rigged it to wake up.” “Nonsense Anela,” said Professor Archibald, “Something else must’ve happened, but I don’t blame you or your friend Michael for what happened.” He turned to you. “As for you, I hope you realize how lucky you are,” he said, “Not much people who only spend less than a week here managed to take on a malfunctioning machine, nor did they live to tell the tale. You….. will be promoted.” “What?” I asked. “For sheer dumb luck,” he said. I looked at Anela. “I owed you Mikey,” she said.
I noticed some of the inventions were taken from us. “Shit,” I said, “It was a diversion.” I noticed my suit that I made was gone. “Damn it!” I said, “I should’ve kept guard over here.” “Don’t blame yourself Michael,” said Anela, “Nobody was hurt at least.” “Samus, let’s get out your power suit,” I said, “We’re gonna find these punks and take them down.” “Yeah, about that….” Said Samus. She explained to me about what had happened while she was away. “Really?” I asked, “REALLY Samus?” I was looking at the Power Suit I designed for her and it was badly damaged. “I acted with good intentions,” she said. “Don’t talk to me about good intentions,” I said, “You know I have a good intention to prohibit your ass from test driving anymore of my inventions.” “I’m aware of that,” she said. “Well it still functions right, so get it fixed up just like you found it,” I said with a serious tone, “And don’t have Anela making a bunch of modifications like a goddamn jet pack.” “Yes sir,” said Samus. “But….. keep the color scheme,” I said, “For some reason it looks good.” I walked away. “Talking to me about Good intentions,” I said. Samus turned to Anela. “Yeah we’re gonna have to kill the jet pack,” said Samus.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
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A rockstar girl and Michael's new girlfriend. She plays the guitar and also attends the same school that Michael does. Her goal in life is to follow her older brother's footsteps and rock the world with her music. Vivian also wants to bring back an old Light Music Club with the help of her friends, Jade, Sheldon, and Jake.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce III Chapter 9
Chapter 9: From Bad To Worse (Disclaimer! I own nothing of Xenoblade Chronicles) Ratchet was trying out some dance moves. He kept slipping. “Dang it,” he said, “I’ll never get this part right.” He kept trying but failed. Cara lynn opened the door. “Ok, what is going on here?” she asked. Ratchet sighed. “I’m trying to learn how to dance so I don’t mess up with Denise when I ask her to the dance,” said Ratchet, “I’ve watched dozens of videos, but it looks like I can’t dance for shit.” “Maybe I can help,” said Cara. “No thanks,” said Ratchet, “I don’t want you to see me make myself look like a fool.” “You’ve already convinced me that you act like a fool,” said Cara, “Now give me your hands and trust me alright?” “Ok,” said Ratchet giving in. “This should be interesting,” said Clank. Cara was teaching him the basic steps. “The most important part is to not step on her feet,” said Cara, “Then put your arm around the waist and hold her hand like this.” Before he knew it Ratchet was dancing. “Wow,” he said, “I’m actually dancing.” “Aww how sweet,” said Grim. “Grim?!” asked Ratchet and Cara in Unison. “Jinx,” said Ratchet. They quickly got away. “So I hear you’re planning to ask that girl to the dance,” said Grim. Ratchet sighed. “So now you know,” he said. “Ratchet, when I was your age, I was into this girl who was beautiful, and I tried everything to get her to notice me,” said Grim, “Nothing seemed to work, but I tried the next best thing.” “You tried again?” asked Ratchet. “I decided to be myself,” said Grim, “That’s the best way to win a girl’s affections. You don’t have to do big things to get a woman to notice you, just the right ones.” “Be myself,” said Ratchet, “Yeah, I think I can do that.” I was working on an invention for the science off. “Bryan’s gonna love this,” I said. I saw Crane walking by. “Hey Crane,” I said. “Want an apple?” he asked. “No thanks,” I said, “About the door and yesterday…. I’m sorry, it was nothing to be angry about.” “Oh its nothing to worry about,” said Crane, “I just hope you get through whatever is bothering you.” “Thank you,” I said, “I appreciate that.” I was asleep after a long day of school. I thought I heard something and woke up. “Its probably nothing,” I said going back to sleep. Somebody put their hand on my mouth and I instantly woke up. It was Vivian. “V,” I said, “How’d you get in here?” “Your window was open,” said Vivian as she sat down. “Are you ok?” I asked. “I feel like I haven’t been completely honest with you,” said Vivian. “About what?” I asked. “Well, I did tell you about my brother and such, but I didn’t tell you what happened with my grandfather,” said Vivian. I sat up. “The reason my grandfather is so stingy about black people is…. His first love before Grandma Casey was killed by a black woman,” said Vivian, “He was so shattered by what happened that he grew full of hatred inside for blacks.” “Oh man,” I said, “I had no idea.” “And ever since the whole situation with my brother, grandpa was trying to force this label business on all of us, and thinks I’m more suited for the schoolgirl look,” said Vivian, “Which is why you sometimes see me with a tie. But that’s also the uniform for my job at the coffee shop.” She held my hand. “My mom and dad moved away from Grandpa so they can give me and Lin all the freedom,” said Vivian, “But he’s always visiting just to make sure we stick to our labels. I try to get Dad to stand up for himself but he can’t.” “Wow,” I said. “Grandpa wants me to dress different, talk less about how I’m feeling, and have the kind of friends he wants me to have,” said Vivian, “My grandpa is so normal, maybe too normal.” She looked at a picture of her and her band when she was younger. “That’s why I keep the music thing a secret from him with help from Mom, Dad, and Lin,” she said, “They’re the only ones who believe in me.” “That’s pretty deep,” I said. “You’re the only one I’ve told this to,” said Vivian, “I was worried that you wouldn’t like me as I was, that you would want me to be somebody else.” “That’s bullshit,” I said, “I think you’re great just the way you are.” “Really?” asked Vivian. “Yes, and honestly what your grandfather thinks about you doesn’t even matter,” I said, “Don’t let him mold you into something or someone you aren’t.” Vivian smiled. “Just grow up and be the person you wanna be,” I said. “Well….. honestly,” said Vivian, “I kind of wanna be the girl who kisses you right now. Cheesy right?” “No, in fact you should be that girl,” I said, “After all we’re going out and…” “Oh my god,” said Vivian smiling, “Ok shut up.” She kissed me and we started making out. Somebody knocked on my door. “I wonder who that can be,” I said, “As if I didn’t already know.” I opened the door to see Johnny’s parents. “Hey its been a while,” I said. “It certainly has,” said Johnny’s mom, “How are you doing?” “Doing good,” I said, “What brings you by?” “Well… would you happen to be the creator of this suit?” asked Johnny’s dad. He showed me a picture. It was the suit that Battery had, but it had similar looks of my sound breaker armor. “Yeah it does,” I said, “Where’s Johnny?” “Well the thing is…” said Johnny’s mom. “Wait a minute…” I said, “No way!” “Johnny stole his tech?” asked Vivian. “Well not exactly,” said Johnny’s mom, “Those space pirates dropped a package and it landed at our house.” “That’s why we came,” said Johnny’s dad, “We figured you could use a bit of an explanation.” Later I was explaining everything to my friends. “He called everyone, he did everything he could, and nobody would help him unless he had the money,” said Vivian, “Some doctors told him the surgery was beyond their expertise.” “The nationwide hospital… that’s OUR nationwide hospital, told him he should accept the inevitable,” I said, “Can you believe that?!” “So Johnny is trying to come up with all that money to pay for surgery on his girlfriend’s father’s legs?” asked Anela. “Well not all of it, his parents contributed a bit,” I said, “But the point is, he’s not guilty of stealing my suit, not anymore.” “So what are we gonna do?” asked Lin. “My suit has a tracker,” I said, “Next time he does a Scavenger’s For Hire job, I can help him and hopefully convince him to give back the suit.” “While we’re at it, I’ve heard a juicy rumor,” said Samus, “It turns out that somebody at our school has been working with the Space Pirates and was responsible for the heist that happened.” “Who?” I asked. “We’re gonna have to find out,” said Samus. Edmund was watching us. He then called a number.
I was in the computer lab looking at security videos. I put in a specific date and noticed the space pirates appearing. “Looks like we might be getting close to our suspect,” I said. I kept looking through the footage. “Pause that!” said Samus. “What?” I asked. She pointed to somebody. “Who is that?” asked Anela. I zoomed in on the person. “Scan for face recognition,” I said. The computer scanned the person’s face. It was Edmund. “Edmund!” said Micah. I looked more at the video but it shut down on me. “What the hell?” I asked. Edmund, Vivian’s grandfather, and professor Archibald appeared. “What did you do?!” I asked. “A better question Michael, is what did YOU do?” asked Edmund, “A heist was pulled at our school and you covered it up.” “No YOU covered it up!” said Vivian, “And then you made it look like Michael planned the heist!” “Young lady!” said Russel, “Edmund pierce is this school’s top student, and you disrespect that by trying to frame him!” “I wasn’t framing anybody,” said Vivian, “We have proof that Edmund is responsible for what happened?” “So where is it?” asked Edmund, “Cause I don’t see anything.” “I’m surprised at you Michael,” said Professor Archibald, “You should be ashamed of yourself blaming Edmund!” “Well this is a fine mess you got this school into,” said Russell. “Nobody asked you anything old man!” I said. “Michael leave it,” said Vivian, “Don’t make this any worse than it needs to be.” “There’s only one course of action for a situation like this,” said Edmund, “Michael get disqualified from the Science off!” “Now wait just a minute!” said Lin. “Archibald, you disqualify that boy,” said Russell. “I’m sorry Michael, but until this is solved I have no choice.” I looked down to the ground. “I understand,” I said. Archibald and Russell left. “And one more thing,” said Edmund. He took his slushie and threw it at my face. It had rock salt in it and damaged part of my face. I screamed in pain. “That’s what your ass gets for destroying my laptop!” said Edmund. Anela went to comfort me and gave me some ice. “This place is full of freaks,” said Edmund walking around me, “We’ve got a pink haired rebellious brat who does lousy outburst on an electric twanger, a comic book geek who dreams of flying, a big guy with so much strength but gets pushed around constantly, a gloomy long haired four-eyed freak with a fetish for paint, a speed junkie, a girl who loves treats and then there’s you.” He looked at me. “A tinkerer who wants to ‘help’ the world with his latest inventions,” said Edmund, “You’re just a group of low lives with no goal or determination whatsoever.” He glared at me with a grin. “I on the other hand have goals that I always achieve, but you can’t even put your plan to motion,” said Edmund, “’Let’s show the world what good our creations can do’ right?” He slammed his hand on the floor. “Ever since you showed up, a form of hatred for you has been brewing and spread to ever inch of my body!” said Edmund, “You stole my status as popular student, and you have the gall to say I’m the snooty one who cares about nobody but myself?! Some fucking resolve there you brat.” “That’s enough Edmund!” said Anela. Edmund smacked her and she fell to the floor. “The next time you wanna make your mark on the world, try doing it WITHOUT stealing MY status as this school’s best student! Something to keep in mind,” said Edmund, “That being said, have a good day.” That was unforgivable. Laughing at me, calling me names, and trash talking my friends. And after all of that I couldn’t muster up any courage to say anything. I finally had enough of Edmund. I ran up to Edmund and then punched him in the face. “You piece of shit!” I said, “I’ll frickin kill you!!!” I started punching him until my friends pulled me off him. “Get the hell off of me!” he said. They pulled me out the room. “FUCK YOU!” I shouted, “FUCK YOU EDMUND, FUCK YOU!!” I struggled to get away but I couldn’t. “You piece of shit!!” I said as I spat out blood, “Fuck you!!!” Vivian grabbed one of my gauntlets I dropped. “Well that about settles…” said Edmund before he turned around. Vivian punched him hard in the face. Back at Vivian’s house Lin was crying on Talia’s lap. “I can’t believe he would go and do something like that,” said Lin. “I know sweetie, I’m upset with Grandpa too.” Russell came in. “Lin, go upstairs and clean your room,” he said, “It’s a mess.” “Why did you do that?” asked Lin, “Why did you go and get Michael disqualified from the science off.” “You don’t know what’s going on Lin,” said Russell. “Like hell I don’t!” said Lin, “I know you don’t like Michael because of his racial background but it isn’t right! That’s how people use to treat me!” “Lin..” said Russell. “Its not fair what you do to people!” said Lin, “And you don’t know shit about Michael like I do! He’s nice to me!” Russell smacked her face. “Don’t you EVER raise your voice to me like that again, do you hear me?” he asked, “Now go clean your room!” Lin ran up to her room in tears. “She’s right and you know it Russell,” said Talia. “That boy made a deal with the devil,” said Russell. Vivian came in with her hand bleeding a bit. “Vivian what happened?” asked Talia. “Edmund was bulying my boyfriend so I decided to teach him a lesson,” said Vivian, “Nothing stops that bastard from bullying except pushing back.” “Well good for you,” said Talia. “No that’s NOT good,” said Russell, “You had no right to go and do that young lady.” “That’s right,” said Janice. “I am not in the mood for your bullshit Janice, so shut the fuck up!” said Vivian. “V, please,” said Talia, “She’s still your cousin.” “I don’t give a shit,” said Vivian. “Girl you watch your mouth!” said Russel wagging his finger at him. “Get your hand outta my face,” said Vivian, “Mom are the cookies ready?” “Of course darling,” said Talia as she handed them to her. “Wait V,” said Hank, “Before you go, I have something for you.” He brought own a case. “What is it?” asked Vivian. “You should open it and find out,” he said smiling. Vivian started to open it. It was a guitar. A Fender Jaguar. “Wait… is this?” asked Vivian. “Why would you give her that?” asked Russell. “Because it’s a present from her brother,” said Hank. “It doesn’t matter, we had that issue all those years ago and you give her that?” asked Russell. “Yes,” said Hank. “It’s the guitar my brother used,” said Vivian. “That’s right,” said Hank, “He must think you’re ready to use it.” “I can’t believe this,” said Russell. “Leave it alone Dad,” said Hank. “Maybe I can use this on Garage band,” said Vivian as she brought out her tablet. “And there’s a computer with it too?!?!” asked Russell. “What?” asked Vivian. “What’s that?” asked Russell. “It’s the guitar, and it’s the Tablet I got,” said Vivian, “Now let it be!” “Now I can’t let it be, its ridiculous!” said Russell. He snatched the guitar from Vivian. “What the hell are you doing Gramps?” asked Vivian. Janice was laughing. Russell slammed the guitar on the ground. “Grandpa!” said Vivian, “I just got that! Gramps!” He then took it outside and slammed it at the tree effectively destroying it. “Oh my God!” said Hank. “I’m not having another rocker!” said Russell. “You are an IDIOT!” said Hank, “Why the hell would you do that?!” “Have you forgotten what Zachary did to our family, the pain we endured after that loan?!” asked Russell, “You of all people should know that!” He turned to Vivian. “And you,” he said, “When are you gonna get serious about your label?” “You’re not the boss of me,” said Vivian. “AS LONG AS YOU LIVE IN THIS FAMILY I AM!” shouted Russell, "I will not sit here and be disrespected by my own grandchildren! No mo music, PERIOD!"“That’s what you get for smacking a bottle over my head bitch,” said Janice. Vivian smacked her in the face. “Speak when you’re spoken to bitch, or otherwise shut up,” said Vivian. “YOUNG LADY!” he shouted, “You apologize to her right now!” "Stop it Russel!" snapped Talia. "Or what?!" asked Russel rudely,"SHUT UP!" He smacked her. Vivian pushed him. "Fuck is your problem?!" she shouted, "You don't touch my mother like that!" 
"You're just like your brother," said Russel, "You two think you can just go around getting whatever you want and forsaking your family for your selfish desires. And the worst thing about you two, you always think you’re right and we’re wrong well it ends here and it ends NOW!!!!" He turned to Hank. You are going to go up to Vivian’s room and get rid of all of her music stuff, and you are going to tell her to break up with that African American bastard,” he said, A”nd you’re going to do it right now.” He turned around. “No I’m not,” said Hank. Russel turned back around to him. “What did you say?” he asked. “I said..... No..... I’m.... Not!” said Hank. “I am your father and I am ORDERING YOU TO......” Hank finally had enough and punched Russel in the face. “Look here shut up you fat FUCK!” he snapped. Everybody was surprised. “Henry Dinzel!” said Russel. “Oh don't you 'Henry Dinzel' me!" he said You’ve been terrible to Vivian ever since this whole incident with the loan." “That’s because Zach stole it from us and ran off!” said Hank. “He didn’t steal the loan,” said Hank, “I gave it to him.” “Why the hell would you do that?!” asked Russell, “You know we needed that money!” “Cause I wanted my son to be successful in his career, but that isn’t the point” said Hank, “You’ve done some messed up things Dad, but what you did to Michael was unforgivable!” “Oh is it, well what about Vivian?” asked Russell, “She put a bottle over her cousin’s head, and then she punched the lights out of another student.” “Well that was all self defense,” said Hank. “No it wasn’t,” said Russell, “It was 2 against one!” “To you only,” said Hank, “I’m Vivian’s father and I say she doesn’t deserve to be punished. “Listen Hank, as your father its my responsibility to speak to Vivian for you and punish her,” said Russell, “Especially when she steps out of line!” “Well I’m speaking for myself now,” said Hank, “And I say this family has no need for your labels.” “What?” asked Russell. “I love my family exactly as they are, as they love me as I am,” said Hank. Vivian was surprised as this was the first time seeing her father stand up for himself. “There will be no labels on my family,” said Hank, “Not now, not ever!” Russell was surprised. “Now get out!” said Hank. “Are you serious?” asked Janice. “Yeah I’m serious, you go too,” said Hank. “You’re not kicking your own father out!” said Russell. Later he was thrown out same with Talia. “Sorry honey,” said Hank as he brought her back. He then threw Janice out. “And stay out!” said Hank as he slammed the door. He turned to Vivian. “By the way that wasn’t the guitar that Zach sent to you,” said Hank. He gave her the real one. “The Fender Jaguar with the gold Vibrato Bar,” said Hank. “Then the one Grandpa smashed….” Said Vivian. “That was the piece of crap knock off that I got from Brooklyn,” said Hank. “Dad, be honest with me,” said Vivian, “When I said I wanted to follow my brother’s footsteps, were you angry with me?” “Angry?” asked Hank, “I love you Vivian, and I was never more proud.” Vivian smiled. “You are amazing just the way you are,” said Hank, “And don’t you ever let someone tell you any different. Now go check on your boyfriend.” “Yes sir,” said Vivian, “And thanks for the cookies Mom.” “You’re welcome,” said Talia. She also had something else in her hand.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce III Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Phazite (Disclaimer!) I took a piece of the suit off and showed it to Professor Stephens. “What do you think it is?” I asked. “It’s a strange specimen,” he said, “I’m not really one for biology, but I can run some tests and then give you some results.” The substance started to crawl to me but he trapped it. “If I were you I wouldn’t let any of it get on you,” he said. “Why not?” I asked. “It has the characteristics of a Phazite which needs to bind to a host to survive,” said Professor Stephens, “When these things bind, they’re hard to unbind.” I headed home to get some things and saw Mom. “Micah said that you were having trouble sleeping last night,” she said, “Is everything ok?” She always knew I needed to talk about something. Later I was sitting down telling her about the dream. “I had a dream that Chrome Richardson, the guy responsible for Dad’s death, he was murdered,” I said, “And Xenoblade killed him.” “Xenoblade?” she asked, “But why? Xenoblade never kills people.” “Well…. I felt guilty about not being there for Dad,” I said, “And I just couldn’t let him get away with it… but in reality I chose to spare him.” “And you made the right decision,” she said. “But if he did die, he would’ve deserved it right?” I asked. “Michael its not for us to say whether or not someone deserves to live,” said Mom. “But he killed Dad,” I said. “Your father meant the world to all of us, but he wouldn’t want us lasting even one second with vengeance in our hearts,” she said, “It’s a poison that can take over your body, and then turn you into something ugly.” “Ok,” I said, “Thanks for talking with me.” She gave me a hug. “I love you Michael,” she said. “I love you too Mom,” I said. I headed back to campus and then heard something. “A man in a white suit is combating the space pirates. “Battery,” I said. I decided to take out my old suit but realized something. I opened a treasure chest and got out the black suit and decided to spring into action. I noticed space pirates heading into a lab. Battery saw me. “Xenoblade,” he said. “Battery,” I said, “Looks like we’re after the same guy.” “Guess so,” he said. He opened a secret entrance. Janice saw me. “Whoa,” she said, “Xenoblade, I love the new outfit.” I noticed her. “This is exactly what I need to break that record,” she said, “Give me some of that digital action.” I imagined a hand and swatted the camera from her hands. “See ya bitch,” I said. I jumped down and followed Battery. “WHAT THE FUCK!” she said. She took out another camera and started taking photos. Battery and I were looking around for the pirates. I heard some sounds and threw a fusion grenade. The pirates saw us. “Is that Xenoblade?” asked one of them. “Do you want to activate instant kill mode?” asked Casey. “What, no,” said Battery, “What else is there?” “This suit is programmed with 100 battle combinations,” said Casey, “Should I list them?” “Just find one that works for this fight,” said Battery. His gauntlets started to glow. He punched one of the pirates and he was stuned. “Whoa!” he said, “That really works. One of the pirates had a piece od debris and threw it at me. I managed to grab it and throw it back. I then jumped at one of the others and attacked them. “Where did suit come from?” I asked myself. I was faster and stronger than I was with my old suit. “Who cares where its from?” I asked, “I love it!” One of the pirates tried attacking and I punched him in the face hard. Another one hit me with some kind of sound barrier attack. The suit started to melt, but part of it made some kind of whip and smashed the weapon. “The hell?” I asked. Battery saw somebody in the skirmish and recognized him. He went to go save him but more space pirates got in the way. He took them down with his energy stick. He then opened the door. “Give me your hand!” he said. The man screamed for help. “Joseph!” he said, “Look at me.” He looked at him. Battery brought him to safety. “I’m good,” he said, “Go.” He went back to help me. After a long fight, the space pirates were arrested by authorities. “I needed that workout,” I said. The next morning I was heading to campus. Anela saw me. “Michael there you are,” she said, “Where the hell have you been?” “I just went back to my place to pick up some stuff,” I said. “Oh please,” said Anela, “I saw the news, so I know you did much more than pick up some stuff.” “Ok, I ran into Battery and gave him a hand in stopping a raid from the Space Pirates,” I said. “You could’ve just told me,” said Anela, “But was a change in costume really necessary?” “Well, for some reason, it just made me stronger,” I said, “But let’s not worry about that.” “I suppose you’re right,” said Anela, “But next time, give us a holler if something like this happens.” “Sure,” I said as I grinned. I saw Vivian. “Hey Michael,” said Vivian, “What’s with the change of color?” “What?” I asked. “I’ve never seen you in black before,” said Vivian, “Its pretty hot.” “Thanks,” I said.
Vivian went to a soda machine and got herself a blue voltage mountain dew, but somebody took it. It was Janice. “Thanks,” she said, “My fave.” “Uh can I have that back?” she asked. “Yeah, as soon as you apologize for what you did to me,” said Janice. A few of her friends surrounded her. “Janice told us you stole some of her club members, so we have to teach you a lesson,” said Barry, her big gun. Edmund joined in. “This is what you get,” he said. They were hassling her, and I wasn’t gonna stand for it. Bryan intervened. “Hey, why do you have to pick on Vivian for?” asked Bryan, “Listen why don’t we….” Barry pushed him. “Don’t touch us punk,” he said, “Why don’t you mind your own business.” “HEY!” I said. They all turned to me. “You morons do realize that’s my girlfriend you’re messing with,” I said. “Hey, we have some things to say to this bitch,” said Barry, “So go back to your lab and mind your own business.” “Not this time asshat,” I said. “Now listen…” said Barry, “What’d you say?” “I think it had something to do with you wearing an ass for a hat,” I said. “Well this is a twist,” said Janice, “Looks like Tinker Bell’s developed a bit of a backbone.” “Oh I’ve developed more than a backbone,” I said. I took a drink and then spat in her face. Her goons got a hold of me and she punched me in the face. “We can do this all day,” I said. Vivian knew she had to do something. She saw a bottle and grabbed it. “Get the hell away from him!” she said. She smacked it over Janice’s head. “Hey!” said Barry, “Nobody does that to our boss.” “Back off!” said Anela. She had her bat ready. “What the hell’s wrong with you?” asked Anela, “Picking on a nice innocent girl?” “What the hell you gonna do cupcake?” asked Barry. Anela grinned and hit him. “What you gonna do, that’s what I wanna know!” said Anela pounding him, “You gonna talk to me like that huh?!” She then whacked him so hard that he landed on a flagpole. “Goddamn!” I said. I went over to him. (To the 4th wall) He got knocked the fugg out!” Anela turned to the others. “You want some too?!” she asked. “No!” they said in unison. Vivian helped me up. “Thanks V,” I said. “Don’t mention it,” said Vivian, “Thanks for sticking up for me.” “And thank you too Anela,” I said. “Anybody messes with my friends messes with me as well,” said Anela, “And V, I saw your performance. Great job!” “Thanks,” said Vivian, “Its all thanks to Michael here.” I blushed. “I’m nobody special,” I said, “Just doing my job.” Later Vivian was working on upgrading her smoke gauntlets in the basement. “Vivian get up here!” said Russell. “Oh great,” she said. She came down. “Have you been bullying people at school?” he asked. “No,” said Vivian. “Well why did Janice come over to our house then?” asked Russell. Janice had some bandages on her head. “Janice tells me you attacked her and her friends at lunch today,” said Russel. “That’s not true at all!” said Vivian. “I beg to differ,” said Barry. “Smacking a bottle over somebody’s head?! Now I know I’ve raised you better than that Vivian!” said Russell, “What you did was not only stubborn, but COMPLETELY inexcusable!” “But gramps…” said Vivian. “Get in your room RIGHT NOW!” he shouted. He slammed the door. “LOOK AT ME!” he said, “Just tell me why you did it.” “Because she was bullying my friends,” said Vivian, “And I had to stop it.” “That’s not acceptable!” said Russell, “And more importantly, its not part of your label!” “Again with the labels?” she asked. “Yes,” said Russell, “This family needs labels so people will accept us in the world. You’re a high school student.” He showed her the label he made for her. “Nowhere does it say for you to get into fights and get involved!” said Russell, “You stand there and do nothing.” “I don’t feel like a high school girl,” said Vivian, “I seem more like a motivator or something.” “Hush Vivian,” said Russell, “Life’s not about what you feel on the inside, its about acting and dressing up the outside so everybody knows who you are by looks and attitude alone!” Janice came in. “Now you apologize to your cousin,” said Russell. “But she….” Said Vivian. “NOW young lady,” he said. “I’m sorry I smacked a bottle over your head,” said Vivian. “Good,” said Russell, “You’re lucky you didn’t cause serious damage, but I’m warning you now; Anymore funny business, any at all, and you will regret it.” He and Janice left. Vivian decided to head back to school to see me. “Where are you going?” he asked. “To see Michael,” said Vivian, “He’s helping me with an invention.” “That African American boy?!” asked Russell, “Its bad enough that I have to deal with them every day, not one of them is near my granddaughter!” “Who are you to judge my boyfriend because of his color?!” snapped Vivian, “He’s not like Zachary.” Russell smacked her. “Don’t you DARE mention that name in this house!” he said, “Its thanks to that bastard that we’re in this state!” “I can’t deal with this anymore,” said Vivian, “I’m going out.” Russell stopped her. “I forbid you to see that boy!” he said. “YOU CAN’T KEEP US APART!” she yelled. She ran out the house. “Dad, how could you be so cruel?!” asked Hank. “You want your grandkids being half mixed?!” asked Russell. “Who are you to judge Vivian’s boyfriend based on color?” asked Talia, “I think he’s a nice boy.” "I think he's a good match for Vivian and he shows that he cares about her," said Hank. "My god Henry, you're too lenient with your kids," said Russel, "That's probably why Zack ran out on us." "Excuse me?" asked Talia, "If anyone drove him away it was YOU, with your insane obsession with these labels!" “I’m going out,” said Russell as he left. “Man, what’s up his ass?” asked Lin. “It’s a long story Lin,” said Hank, “Let’s just say grandpa has a lot up his ass.”
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce III Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Effector (Disclaimer! I own nothing of Xenoblade Chronicles!) I was walking around campus meeting up with my friends. Anela was working on a project. I saw this as an opportunity to scare her again. (To the 4th wall) She won’t even see it coming. I snuck up to her and prepared to make a scary sound. “Don’t even think about it,” she said with her bat ready. “Damn it,” I said, “How’d you know it was me?” “I’m your best friend, I know everything,” she said, “Now where’ve you been all day?” “Gee that’s odd,” I said with a grin, “I thought you knew everything.” Cara Lynn was walking around campus and accidentally bumped into Anela. “Oh, hey Vanilla,” she said. “Its Anela!” she shouted. I had something ready for Vivian. I saw her walk by. “Hey,” I said trying to get her attention. She turned around and saw me. “Oh hey Michael,” she said with a smile. “Are you ok?” I asked. “I got a few problems here and there but I’ll survive,” she said. “Your cousin or grandpa giving you problems?” I asked. “How is it that you know when I’m upset or need to talk about something?” she asked, “Its like magic.” “I was at the music store and one of the workers mentioned you,” I said, “They said you play one hell of a guitar.” “Oh yeah I went to some of their jam sessions,” she said. “I wanted to get us something for our one month anniversary and they found just the thing,” I said as I got out this pedal, “Its said to change the sound of your instrument and make it sound wonderful, and it was called an effector.” “Its not just an effector said Vivian as she looked at it, “It’s the Electro-Harmonix Big Muff, NY model.” “Do you like it?” I asked. She kissed m on the cheek. “I love it,” she said. “Any luck finding members for your Light Music Club?” I asked. “Nope,” she said, “But I do have one more trick up my sleeve.” Janice was heading into her office. “We’re one newspaper away from breaking the record of most news made in a semester!” she said, “Everybody get off your asses and get to work.” Her club members were super tired. “I just wanna sit down and make some Z’s,” said Richie. “Same here,” said Leslie, “My back is killing me.”
Janice came into the room. “GUYS!” she said waking them up, “Keep it together, we got one more newspaper to make. We do this and we break the record and you can take 2 weeks off.” They went back to sleep. “WAKE UP!!!!” she shouted. “God, every time we wake up she’s still there!” said Arnold. “I’ve already thrown out my back with all these papers!” said Leslie, “Why the hell are we killing ourselves over this?” “The record!” said Janice, “Don’t you guys care about breaking that record?” “No,” answered everyone. “Well I do!” said Janice. “Hey Jan,” said Vivian behind her. “What do you want?” asked Janice. “Just came by to say you were right,” said Vivian, “Couldn’t find any solo members that weren’t in clubs.” “Aww looks lik you got more sour grapes for everybody,” said Janice, “C’mon guys chow down!” She ate some of them. “Looks like your Light Music Club dreams aren’t gonna come true just yet,” she said. “Oh we’re not giving up,” I said, “Just gonna start recruiting club members already in clubs.” “Um, why would anybody leave their club to join yours?” asked Janice. “I’m not sure,” said Vivian, “Maybe they’re feeling unappreciated.” She gave Wyatt a pizza. “Now that’s what I’m talking about,” he said. “Or maybe they’re overworked,” she said as she gave Leslie a backrub, “Or perhaps they’d rather take some time to relax.” She sat Lilly down on a lounge chair. “Or maybe thye wanna do something that fits what they like.” He gave Arnold a Nintendo DS. “Plus in my club we make sure everyone has fair share and are treated equally,” I said. Janice spat out her grapes. “Wait a minute!” she said. She went around ruining everything and broke Leslie’s back again. “You posers aren’t here to deliver sour grapes,” she said, “You’re here to poach my club members!” “I’d never,” said Vivian, “I mean unless they were interested of course.” “Oh we’re interested,” said Wyatt. “What?” asked Janice. 6 club members signed up to join Vivian. Jade and Jake came out. “V you gotta see this!” said Jake. There were tons of members lined up to join the Light Music Club. “Whoa,” said Vivian, “Dreams do come true.” I got a call from Samus. “What’s up?” I asked. “I’ve found a base where those space pirates are hiding,” she said. Vivian was talking to Lin. “I’ve found out where those creeps are,” she said. We looked at each other. “Please excuse me,” we said in unison. I suited up and so did she. I was flying off to the said location where Samus told me about. “I’m in,” I said. Samus had her arm cannon ready. We were sneaking around making sure there were no guards. I heard footsteps and turned around. It was Purple Haze. “Xenoblade, what a surprise,” she said, “Who’s this, your partner?” “Something like that,” I said, “So what brings you here?” “These punks stole some technology from a school and I’ve been assigned to steal it back,” said Purple Haze, “What do you say we work together.” “I say it’s a date,” I said. We went around looking for any signs of the Space Pirates. Somebody spotted us and hit the alarm button. Some more space pirates showed up. “Damn,” I said. I noticed some of them were wearing protective armor. “Samus, activate the wave beam on that arm cannon,” I said. Samus shot them down while Purple Haze used her smoke abilities to fight. I had something else in mind. (To the 4th wall) Anybody ever read the Spider Man Comics? Spoiler Alert! I put on 2 gauntlets and punched one of the space pirates in the chestplate demolishing the armor. “Nice duds,” said Purple Haze. “Thanks,” I said. One of them was about to attack but th winds caught up. It was Denise. “Mind if I join the party,” said Denise. She sped around fighting off the space pirates. Her new Xeno-suit allowed her to move faster and hit harder. One of them tried to grab her but she sped around and punched him in the nuts. “Thought you were busy helping Ratchet with one of his inventions,” I said, “But I’m glad you’re here to save my life.” “Nice to see you too,” said Denise. She did her trademark move, Cyber-Overdrive and went around short circuiting the space pirates weapons. She then lightly tapped her foot on a piece of tech and made it fall. “Now that’s what I call being a badass,” she said. The other space pirates retreated. Samus prepped her arm cannon to fire but I stopped her. “Let ‘em go,” I said, “We got what we came for.” The cops arrived taking back some of the stolen tech. There was no sign of my suit. “Damn,” I said. I saw a strange canister. “What’s that?” I asked as I looked at it. Sams looked at it as well. “I’m not sure,” she said, “But I say we take it to the lab and analyze it.” I took it. “I wonder where my sound breaker armor could be,” I said to myself. The space Pirate leader, Dargan called his boss on a computer. It was a man covered in shadows. “Are the deliveries in set?” he asked. “Well…. We have some of the materials, but some of them were taken,” said Dargan, “Not by the cops, but by some guy calling himself…. Xenoblade.” “So he is real,” said the shadow man, “He shouldn’t be a problem for you though if you fashion the technology into weapons.” “Consider it done,” said Dargan. Johnny was checking the mail and noticed a package. There was no name on it, nor an address or anything. “Did somebody lose a package?” He decided to open it. It was carrying the sound breaker suit.  He put it on. “Thank you for choosing this suit,” said the suit voice, “Scanning and classifying subject date.” The suit scanned him. “Subject identified as Johnny Cain, data storage complete,” said the voice, “State your prime objective.” “To help make enough money by doing jobs for Scavenger’s for Hire,” he said. “Before you can begin, we should start your training,” said the suit. I was heading back to campus. I looked around to make sure nobody was there. I then jumped through the window with ease. I then silently closed the door so I could change. I turned around and saw Lin lookin at me. She dropped her project. “Lin…. I can explain,” I said. “You’re the Xenoblade….” Said Lin, “From Tumblr!” “No, this is just a costume,” I said. “You just jumped through a window!” she said. I took Lin to another room and explained everything to her. “Wow, so all your powers are high tech too,” she asked. “That’s right,” I said, “And I met Purple Haze up at that hidden base as well.” “Wait, Vivian saw you there?!” she asked. “Vivian is Purple Haze?” I asked. “That’s right,” she said, “Does she know your secret?” “No she doesn’t,” I said, “Anela knows, and so does Principal Gibson, and my mom, but that’s it.” “Wow, you’re like a superstar,” said Lin. I saw another Captain Falcon video on the TV. “Do you know her?” she asked. “Not really,” I said, “But I wish I did.” “I also bet you were with Vivian for the yearly school photo,” said Denise walking by. “Oh shit,” I said. I made it to the center of the school where each year we shoot our yearly photo of all our classmates. “Sorry I’m late,” I said. “Don’t worry, I had some things going on too,” said Vivian. Denise went to Ratchet. “Hey, mind if I squeeze in next to ya?” she asked. “Yes.. no… I mean,” said Ratchet, “Why would I mind squeezing next to… you? Is it hot in here?” I saw Edmund out in front. “Great, its him again,” I said. “Don’t let him get to you Michael,” said Anela, “If that guy gives you a problem, then let me know.” Later there was an orientation for the Light Music Club. I was really happy for Vivian because she was finally living her dream. Janice was pretty upset that most of her club members left. (To the 4th wall) Well, I guess a person can make a difference. Nuff said. I looked at a poster for the upcoming Xeno-fest. “You planning on going there?” asked Vivian. “Yeah,” I said, “Xenoblade personally invited me to come.” “You two seem like good friends,” said Vivian. “Same with you and Purple Haze,” I said. “Well I did invent the smoke gauntlets for her,” said Vivian, “The ones I have were a prototype.” “Cool,” I said. “Michael, I just wanna tell you right now,” said Vivian, “I have no problem with your height. I’m the kind of girl who can handle dating a short guy.” “And I have no problem dating a tall girl,” I said. “Sometimes I feel like I’m absurdly tall and that’s why guys wouldn’t think I was cute,” said Vivian, “But then I found you.” We were holding hands. “Well, at least you don’t make such a big deal about your height, unlike a certain drummer,” said Vivian. “I heard that!” said Jake walking by. “Sorry!” said Vivian. She then whispered “its true.” “No wonder why Jade calls him her “little” big brother,” I said.
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