#xgboost with python
theaifusion · 7 months
There are so many algorithms in machine learning but when it comes to complex data many algorithms cannot give good accuracy, then researchers realized the need for some other technique that has to be innovated to solve a problem with complex data. Ensemble learning is a technique that is innovated by researchers where we combine individual machine learning models to get a stable and robust model. Xgboost Algorithm in machine learning is a technique that comes under ensemble learning that gives very good accuracy and is designed to solve a business problem with complex data. Here's a complete guide to XgBoost in Machine learning using Python! Link: https://theaifusion.com/xgboost-algorithm-in-machine-learning/
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roamnook · 16 hours
"98% of Users Report Improved Performance After Implementing Machine Learning Strategies - New Study Reveals Unprecedented Success Rates"
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Source: https://machinelearningmastery.com/what-are-generative-adversarial-networks-gans/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiA48f3mL2GAxWFFFkFHVJqCUMQFnoECAgQAg&usg=AOvVaw0t4STd1bYV_W63L2jg9Zwi
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mitcenter · 2 months
Best 25 Python Libraries for Data Science in 2024
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In the ever-evolving landscape of data science, Python continues to reign supreme as the language of choice. With its simplicity, versatility, and a vast ecosystem of libraries, Python empowers data scientists to tackle complex problems with ease. As we step into 2024, the arsenal of Python libraries for data science has only grown richer and more diverse. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the top 25 Python libraries that are indispensable for data scientists in 2024.
The cornerstone of numerical computing in Python, NumPy provides powerful array operations and mathematical functions essential for data manipulation and analysis.
Pandas remains a fundamental library for data manipulation and analysis, offering intuitive data structures and tools for handling structured data effectively.
As a versatile plotting library, Matplotlib enables data visualization with a wide range of plots and customization options, facilitating insightful data exploration.
Built on top of Matplotlib, Seaborn specializes in creating attractive and informative statistical graphics, making it invaluable for visualizing complex datasets.
This comprehensive machine learning library provides simple and efficient tools for data mining and analysis, covering various algorithms and model evaluation techniques.
TensorFlow continues to lead the way in deep learning, offering a flexible framework for building and training neural networks of any scale.
Known for its dynamic computational graph and ease of use, PyTorch has gained popularity among researchers and practitioners for developing cutting-edge deep learning models.
With its high-level API and seamless integration with TensorFlow and other backend engines, Keras simplifies the process of building and experimenting with neural networks.
SciPy builds upon NumPy to provide additional functionality for scientific computing, including optimization, integration, interpolation, and more.
This library offers a wide range of statistical models and tests for exploring relationships in data and making data-driven decisions.
NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit): 
NLTK remains a go-to library for text processing and natural language understanding, providing tools for tokenization, stemming, tagging, and parsing.
Gensim specializes in topic modeling and document similarity analysis, making it indispensable for tasks such as document clustering and information retrieval.
As a powerful gradient boosting library, XGBoost excels in predictive modeling tasks, delivering state-of-the-art performance across various machine learning competitions.
Developed by Microsoft, LightGBM is another high-performance gradient boosting library optimized for large-scale datasets and distributed computing.
CatBoost stands out for its ability to handle categorical features seamlessly, making it a preferred choice for data scientists working with tabular data.
For analyzing complex networks and graphs, NetworkX offers a comprehensive set of tools and algorithms, enabling the exploration of network structures and dynamics.
OpenCV remains the go-to library for computer vision tasks, providing a rich set of tools for image processing, feature detection, object recognition, and more.
Dask scales Python workflows to parallel and distributed environments, enabling efficient processing of large datasets that exceed the memory capacity of a single machine.
Hugging Face Transformers: 
With pre-trained models for natural language understanding and generation, Hugging Face Transformers facilitates rapid development and deployment of NLP applications.
Plotly stands out for its interactive and web-based visualizations, allowing data scientists to create engaging dashboards and presentations directly from Python.
Bokeh offers interactive visualization capabilities with a focus on creating web-ready plots and applications for sharing insights with a broader audience.
Streamlit simplifies the process of building data apps and interactive web interfaces from Python scripts, enabling rapid prototyping and deployment.
PyCaret streamlines the machine learning workflow with automated model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and deployment-ready pipelines, ideal for quick experimentation.
Featuretools automates feature engineering by generating rich features from raw data, enabling data scientists to focus on model building rather than manual feature creation.
For web scraping and data extraction tasks, Scrapy offers a powerful framework for building scalable and efficient web crawlers, extracting data from websites with ease.
In conclusion, Python continues to dominate the field of data science in 2024, fueled by a vibrant ecosystem of libraries catering to diverse needs across domains. Whether you're analyzing data, building machine learning models, or developing AI-powered applications, these 25 Python libraries serve as indispensable tools in the data scientist's toolkit, empowering innovation and discovery in the ever-expanding realm of data science.
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ai-news · 2 months
This is how to use XGBoost in a forecasting scenario, from theory to practiceContinue reading on Towards Data Science » #AI #ML #Automation
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govindhtech · 3 months
Examine Gemini 1.0 Pro with BigQuery and Vertex AI
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BigQuery and Vertex AI to explore Gemini 1.0 Pro
Innovation may be stifled by conventional partitions separating data and AI teams. These disciplines frequently work independently and with different tools, which can result in data silos, redundant copies of data, overhead associated with data governance, and budgetary issues. This raises security risks, causes ML deployments to fail, and decreases the number of ML models that make it into production from the standpoint of AI implementation.
It can be beneficial to have a single platform that removes these obstacles in order to accelerate data to AI workflows, from data ingestion and preparation to analysis, exploration, and visualization all the way to ML training and inference in order to maximize the value from data and AI investments, particularly around generative AI.
Google is recently announced innovations that use BigQuery and Vertex AI to further connect data and AI to help you achieve this. They will explore some of these innovations in more detail in this blog post, along with instructions on how to use Gemini 1.0 Pro in BigQuery.
What is BigQuery ML?
With Google BigQuery’s BigQuery ML capability, you can develop and apply machine learning models from within your data warehouse. It makes use of BigQuery’s processing and storing capability for data as well as machine learning capabilities, all of which are available via well-known SQL queries or Python code.
Utilize BigQuery ML to integrate AI into your data
With built-in support for linear regression, logistic regression, and deep neural networks; Vertex AI-trained models like PaLM 2 or Gemini Pro 1.0; or imported custom models based on TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, and XGBoost, BigQuery ML enables data analysts and engineers to create, train, and execute machine learning models directly in BigQuery using familiar SQL, helping them transcend traditional roles and leverage advanced ML models directly in BigQuery. Furthermore, BigQuery allows ML engineers and data scientists to share their trained models, guaranteeing that data is used responsibly and that datasets are easily accessible.
Every element within the data pipeline may employ distinct tools and technologies. Development and experimentation are slowed down by this complexity, which also places more work on specialized teams. With the help of BigQuery ML, users can create and implement machine learning models using the same SQL syntax inside of BigQuery. They took it a step further and used Vertex AI to integrate Gemini 1.0 Pro into BigQuery in order to further streamline generative AI. Higher input/output scale and improved result quality are key features of the Gemini 1.0 Pro model, which is intended to be used for a variety of tasks such as sentiment analysis and text summarization.
BigQuery ML allows you to integrate generative models directly into your data workflow, which helps you scale and optimize them. By doing this, bottlenecks in data movement are removed, promoting smooth team collaboration and improving security and governance. BigQuery’s tested infrastructure will help you achieve higher efficiency and scale.
There are many advantages to applying generative AI directly to your data:
Reduces the requirement for creating and maintaining data pipelines connecting BigQuery to APIs for generative AI models
Simplifies governance and, by preventing data movement, helps lower the risk of data loss
Lessens the requirement for managing and writing unique Python code to call AI models
Allows petabyte-scale data analysis without sacrificing performance
Can reduce your ownership costs overall by using a more straightforward architecture
In order to perform sentiment analysis on their data, Faraday, a well-known customer prediction platform, had to previously create data pipelines and join multiple datasets. They streamlined the process by giving LLMs direct access to their data, merging it with more first-party customer information, and then feeding it back into the model to produce hyper-personalized content—all inside BigQuery. To find out more, view this sample video.
Gemini 1.0 Pro and BigQuery ML
Create the remote model that reflects a hosted Vertex AI large language model before using Gemini 1.0 Pro in BigQuery. Usually, this process only takes a few seconds. After the model is built, use it to produce text by merging data straight from your BigQuery tables. Then, to access the Gemini 1.0 Pro via Vertex AI and carry out text-generation tasks, use the ML.GENERATE_TEXT construct. The database record and your PROMPT statement are appended by CONCAT. The prompt parameter that controls response randomness is temperature; the lower the temperature, the more relevant the response will be. The boolean flatten_json_output, when set to true, yields a flat, comprehensible text that has been taken from the JSON response.
What your data can achieve with generative AI
They think that the potential of AI technology for your business data is still largely unrealized. Data analysts’ responsibilities are growing with generative AI, going beyond just gathering, processing, and analyzing massive datasets to include proactively influencing data-driven business impact.
Data analysts can, for instance, use generative models to compile past email marketing data (open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, etc.) and determine whether personalized offers outperform generic promotions or not, as well as which subject line types consistently result in higher open rates. Analysts can use these insights to direct the model to generate a list of interesting options for the subject line that are specific to the identified preferences. With just one platform, they can also use the generative AI model to create interesting email content.
Early adopters have shown a great deal of interest in resolving a variety of use cases from different industries. For example, the following advanced data processing tasks can be made simpler by using ML.GENERATE_TEXT:
Content generation
Without the need for sophisticated tools, analyze user feedback to create customized email content directly within BigQuery. “Create a marketing email using customer sentiment from [table name] “is a prompt
Summarize text that is kept in BigQuery columns, like chat transcripts or online reviews. Example prompt “Combine client testimonials in [table name].”
Enhance data
For a given city name, get the name of the country. Example: “Give me the name of the city in column Y for each zip code in column X.”
Spelling and grammar in written material, including voice-to-text transcriptions, should be done correctly. “Rephrase column X and add results to column Y” is an example of a prompt.
Feature extraction
Feature extraction is the process of removing important details or terms from lengthy text files, like call transcripts and internet reviews. “Extract city names from column X” is the example given.
Sentiment analysis
Recognize how people feel about particular topics in a text. Example prompt: “Incorporate findings into column Y by extracting sentiment from column X.”
Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)
Utilizing BigQuery vector search, obtain pertinent data related to a task or question and supply it to a model as context. Use a support ticket, for instance, to locate ten related prior cases that you can pass to a model as context so that it can summarize and offer a solution.
Integrating unstructured data into your Data Cloud is made simpler, easier, and more affordable with BigQuery’s expanded support for cutting-edge foundation models like Vertex AI’s Gemini 1.0 Pro.
Come explore the future of generative AI and data with Google
Refer to the documentation to find out more about these new features. With the help of this tutorial, you can operationalize ML workflows, deploy models, and apply Google’s best-in-class AI models to your data without transferring any BigQuery data. Additionally, you can view a demonstration that shows you how to use BigQuery to build an end-to-end data analytics and AI application that fully utilizes the power of sophisticated models like Gemini, as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the development process. View Google’s most recent webcast on product innovation to find out more about the newest features and how BigQuery ML can be used to create and utilize models with just basic SQL.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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Top Python Libraries for Machine Learning in 2024
In the fast-evolving landscape of machine learning, Python continues to dominate as the go-to language for developers. With an extensive array of libraries, Python facilitates the development of powerful and efficient machine learning models. In 2024, the demand for custom Python web applications with integrated machine learning capabilities is on the rise, making it essential for businesses to hire dedicated Python developers proficient in the latest libraries. Let's explore some key Python libraries for machine learning and their role in custom web applications development.
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TensorFlow 2.x:
TensorFlow has consistently been at the forefront of machine learning libraries, and in 2024, version 2.x has solidified its position. TensorFlow 2.x simplifies model building and deployment, making it ideal for custom Python web applications. Dedicated Python developers can leverage TensorFlow's capabilities for tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, and more.
PyTorch's dynamic computational graph and flexibility have made it a favorite among researchers and developers alike. With an extensive community and support, PyTorch is well-suited for building custom machine learning models, especially in scenarios where rapid prototyping is crucial. Dedicated Python developers can harness PyTorch for seamless integration into web applications, offering advanced functionalities.
As a versatile machine learning library, Scikit-Learn provides a wide range of tools for data preprocessing, model selection, and evaluation. It simplifies the implementation of machine learning algorithms, making it an essential tool for developers working on custom Python web applications with predictive analytics features.
FastAPI has gained popularity for its speed and simplicity in building APIs. With the rise of machine learning-powered applications, FastAPI becomes crucial for creating robust and efficient backend systems. Dedicated Python developers can utilize FastAPI to seamlessly integrate machine learning models into custom web applications, ensuring high performance and responsiveness.
XGBoost and LightGBM:
For those focusing on boosting algorithms, XGBoost and LightGBM continue to be top choices. These libraries excel in handling tabular data and are widely used for tasks like regression and classification. Dedicated Python developers can leverage these libraries to enhance the predictive capabilities of custom web applications.
Q1: Why should businesses hire dedicated Python developers for custom web applications development with machine learning?
A1: Dedicated Python developers bring specialized expertise in utilizing machine learning libraries to tailor web applications according to business needs. Their proficiency ensures seamless integration of machine learning models, enhancing the application's functionality.
Q2: How can TensorFlow 2.x benefit custom web applications in 2024?
A2: TensorFlow 2.x simplifies the development and deployment of machine learning models, making it an ideal choice for custom web applications. Its capabilities enable developers to implement advanced features like image recognition and natural language processing with ease.
Q3: What role does FastAPI play in building machine learning-powered custom web applications?
A3: FastAPI's speed and simplicity make it an excellent choice for building APIs in machine learning applications. Dedicated Python developers can leverage FastAPI to create efficient backend systems, ensuring seamless integration of machine learning models into custom web applications.
In conclusion, staying abreast of the latest Python libraries for machine learning is essential for businesses aiming to develop custom web applications with advanced capabilities. Hiring dedicated Python developers ensures that these libraries are effectively utilized to create robust and efficient solutions tailored to specific business requirements.
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amelia84 · 4 months
Top Python Libraries For Artificial Intelligence
Quick summary: There are many numbers of libraries and tools available for developers in the growth of Python but in this blog, I will suggest to you the best Python AI Library which you will be going to use in your next project for the successful completion of your project. So, If you searching for the best Python AI library you are on the right blog.
Python one of the most used programming languages in AI development application due to its accessibility and simplicity, as well as Python, is easy to understand to nontechnical background people. Moreover, Python is a vast eco-system, there are external libraries like a plethora that make the task simpler.
In Addition, The developer used the Python AI library for complex tasks like they don’t need to write code twice. The reason for the growing popularity of AI libraries because the best combination of consistent syntax, flexibility, and time saving of developers.
In this blog, we are going to discuss the top-quality of the Python AI library, Pros and Cons of the Python AI library so, let’s dive and explore the Python Artificial Intelligence library.
One of the well-known python AI library that accent unsupervised and supervised algorithms. Scikit-learn built on two basic python library Scipy and NumPy. The Scikit-learn library mainly used for analysis and data mining as well as helps in preprocessing, dimensionality reduction, and model selection.
computational graph abstraction. TensorBoard for visualization.
Not best for Building Models Not effective With GPU
TensorFlow developed by the Google team. Released in November 2015 the specialty is that runs on many platforms like CPUs, GPUs, TPUs as well as it is an open-source, Free software library. Moreover, it supports toolkits for developing models with different levels of abstraction.
computational graph abstraction. TensorBoard for visualization.
Sometimes works slow A shortfall of Pre-trained models
Theano is the competitor of TensorFlow but Theno is a robust python library that provides numerical operation with multi-dimensional arrays in high-level efficiency. Theano library uses the GPU for carrying out data-intensive computations moreover, in 2017 the development in Theano come up with a new cease. The library is most used in evaluating a mathematical expression, matrix calculation, data-intensive computation which is 140x faster.
Best optimized for CPU and GPU Effective in numerical computation
Bug issue in AWS. High level of abstraction possible by using other libraries with it
Keras neural network open-source library is written in Python because of neural network it is extensible, modular, user-friendly, and best for beginners. It also works with building blocks in neural networks of layer, objectives, optimizer, and activation functions. It allows fast prototyping as well as run on GPU and CPU
Extensible Run-on GPU and CPU Work in Theano and Tensor Flow
Not efficient in the independent framework An issue in Image Recognition
PyTorch is created by Facebook as the AI system is built on the tensor computation with GPU acceleration. PyTorch easily integrates with data science stacks that help in computations on tensors.
Effective utilized with Other Libraries Robust Ecosystem
Maximize build efficiency Empower developers
XGBoost is the Python AI library also known as extreme gradient boosting that use to classify data also built decision-tree algorithms. This model trained with new weaker regression models fills the gaps so no other improvement can be made due to this XGBoost built performance and scalability.
Scalable Accurate boosted trees algorithms
Categorical Variables into One Hot Encoding
Final Words
The above Python AI library is discussed in this article is high quality and very efficient that many big giants companies are using it, for instance, Google, Yahoo, Apple, Facebook. Some of the libraries are similar in machine learning because they have capabilities to meet the requirements in AI and ML projects In addition to this Python Libary for Machine Learning is also similar you can choose from them also.
You can also choose other libraries which meet your project requirements but the above-listed library is the most used and popular in the Artificial Intelligence project. In Addition, Microsoft also uses this library in their AI and ML projects so, what are you waiting for? You can also reduce your workload by the offshore dedicated developer or hire Python developer this also the best decision eve
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clarkalston-blog · 5 months
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Boost your data science projects with Decision Trees in Python! Learn how to use Scikit-Learn, XGBoost, LightGBM libraries for accurate and interpretable results. Discover more https://bit.ly/487hj9L
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varun766 · 5 months
Describe the importance of careful wording in Prompt Engineering?
Ensemble learning is a powerful and widely used concept in data science with Python, aimed at improving the predictive performance and robustness of machine learning models. It involves combining the predictions of multiple individual models, known as base learners or weak learners, to create a more accurate and robust ensemble model. The fundamental idea behind ensemble learning is that by aggregating the predictions of diverse models, the ensemble can reduce bias, variance, and overfitting, ultimately leading to better generalization and predictive accuracy.
Ensemble learning encompasses several techniques, with two of the most popular being Bagging and Boosting. Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating) involves training multiple instances of the same base model on different subsets of the training data, often using techniques like bootstrapping. Each model learns from a slightly different perspective of the data, and their predictions are combined through methods like majority voting (for classification) or averaging (for regression). The Random Forest algorithm is a well-known example of a bagging ensemble, combining multiple decision trees to create a more robust model. Apart from it by obtaining Data Science with Python, you can advance your career in Data Science. With this course, you can demonstrate your expertise in data operations, file operations, various Python libraries, and many more critical concepts among others.
Boosting, on the other hand, is a technique where base learners are trained sequentially, and each subsequent model focuses on correcting the errors made by the previous ones. Boosting algorithms assign weights to data points, with misclassified points receiving higher weights, making the next model concentrate more on these challenging cases. Popular boosting algorithms include AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, and XGBoost, which have demonstrated excellent performance in various data science tasks.
Ensemble learning is not limited to just bagging and boosting. Stacking is another technique that involves training multiple diverse models, often of different types, and combining their predictions using a meta-learner, such as a linear regression model. Stacking leverages the strengths of different base models to improve overall performance.
The benefits of ensemble learning in data science with Python are numerous. It can significantly enhance predictive accuracy, making it particularly valuable in scenarios where precision is critical. Ensembles also provide robustness against noisy or outlier data points, leading to more reliable models. Additionally, they are less prone to overfitting, as they combine multiple models with different generalization capabilities. Ensemble methods have found applications in a wide range of data science tasks, including classification, regression, anomaly detection, and recommendation systems.
In practice, the choice of the ensemble method and the base models depends on the specific problem, dataset, and goals of the data science project. Ensemble learning has become a standard technique in the data scientist's toolkit, allowing them to leverage the strengths of multiple models to achieve better predictive performance and ultimately make more accurate and reliable predictions in various real-world applications.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
The Sequence Chat: Hugging Face's Lewis Tunstall on ZEPHYR , RLHF and LLM Innovation
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-sequence-chat-hugging-faces-lewis-tunstall-on-zephyr-rlhf-and-llm-innovation/
The Sequence Chat: Hugging Face's Lewis Tunstall on ZEPHYR , RLHF and LLM Innovation
One of the creators of ZEPHYR discusses ideas and lessons learned building LLMs at scale.
Quick bio
Lewis Tunstall is a Machine Learning Engineer in the research team at Hugging Face and is the co-author of the bestseller “NLP with Transformers” book. He has previously built machine learning-powered applications for start-ups and enterprises in the domains of natural language processing, topological data analysis, and time series. He holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics, was a 2010 Fulbright Scholar and has held research positions in Australia, the USA, and Switzerland. His current work focuses on building tools and recipes to align language models with human and AI preferences through techniques like reinforcement learning.
Please tell us a bit about yourself. Your background, current role and how did you get started in AI?  
My path to working in AI is somewhat unconventional and began when I was wrapping up a postdoc in theoretical particle physics around 2016. At the time, a friend of mine was studying algorithms to estimate the background for proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider, and one day he showed me a script of TensorFlow code that trained a neural network to classify these events. I was surprised to learn that a few lines of code could outperform features that had been carefully designed by physicists over many years. This sparked my curiosity, and I started poking around trying to understand what this deep learning stuff was all about.  
TheSequence is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Since I didn’t have much programming experience (theorists only need pen and paper!), I teamed up with a few physics friends to enter a Kaggle competition on predicting Russian housing prices. This was a great learning experience and taught me a lot about Python and XGBoost  — in those days, most Kaggle competitions were tabular! I had so much fun tinkering with code and data that I decided to pivot from academia to industry and haven’t looked back. Currently I am a machine learning engineer in the research team at Hugging Face, where I focus on aligning language models to follow human instructions via techniques like Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). 
🛠 AI Work  
You are one of the co-creators of the ZEPHYR model. Can you tell us about the vision and inspiration for the project? 
Zephyr was inspired by two trends which emerged in the AI community over the last few months. On the one hand, people figured out that you could fine-tune a pretty good chat model by distilling a dataset of conversations from more capable models like GPT-3.5 or GPT-4. This meant you could skip the costly human annotation step altogether and focus on generating data for specific tasks like coding or function calling.  
In parallel, many researchers were exploring simpler alternatives to RLHF, which is the alignment technique behind ChatGPT and Claude. A team at Stanford proposed a novel technique called Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), which removed reinforcement learning entirely from the alignment process and required far less compute to run.  
We thought it was interesting to combine these ideas and apply DPO to a dataset called UltraFeedback, which contains a diverse set of model responses that are ranked by GPT-4 according to criteria like helpfulness. The result was Zephyr 7B, which was a surprisingly capable model for its size. 
ZEPHYR is based on Mistral-7B. Were there any specific characteristics about this model that made it a good candidate for alignment fine-tuning? What sets Mistral apart among open-source LLMs? 
When Mistral 7B was released, we knew from various benchmarks that it was the best base model at the 7B parameter scale, which is great for fine-tuning because you can iterate fast and even run the models on your laptop!  And in our initial experiments, we found that Mistral chat models were far more fluent and capable than previous iterations we’d trained with Llama2 and Falcon.   
However, as I write this, the latest release from Mistral is Mixtral 8x7B, which appears to be the first open model to truly match the performance of GPT-3.5. It seems likely that a clever mix of fine-tuning and data distillation will produce a whole new set of capable chat models built on Mixtral, which is a very exciting development in the community. 
Can you describe the training and evaluation process of ZEPHYR, emphasizing the logic behind the different decisions? 
Most alignment techniques for language models involve two steps; first you teach a base model to follow instructions, followed by a second step where you optimize the model to according to a set of ranked preferences and techniques like reinforcement learning or DPO.  
In the case of Zephyr, we first fine-tuned Mistral 7B on a dataset called UltraChat, which simulates millions of conversations between two GPT-3.5 models. However, we found that the resulting model had an annoying personality (i.e. it would often refuse to answer simple commands), so we heavily filtered the dataset to focus on helpful responses. We then took this model and optimized it with DPO on the UltraFeedback dataset I referred to earlier. 
Now, evaluating chat models is a tricky business and the gold standard is human evaluation which is very costly to perform. Instead, we adopted what is now becoming a common practice to evaluate chat models with GPT-4. Although this method has various flaws, it does provide a decent proxy for human evaluation, and we used the popular MT-Bench and AlpacaEval benchmarks to guide our experiments. 
One of the primary contributions of ZEPHYR was the incorporation of AI feedback via teacher models for the alignment tasks. Why did you choose this approach over more established human feedback mechanisms? 
Earlier in the year, we had actually experimented with collecting human feedback from a data vendor, but found the process was both time consuming and costly to oversee. Based on this experience, we felt AI feedback was a more accessible route for both our small team and as a means to popularize a method that the community could also adopt. 
How does ZEPHYR ultimately differ from InstructGPT? 
InstructGPT was trained in a few different ways to Zephyr. For one, the InstructGPT datasets were single-turn human-annotated instructions, while Zephyr was trained on a large corpus of synthetic multi-turn dialogues. Another difference is that InstructGPT was aligned along various axes like helpfulness, honesty, and harmlessness, which often leads to a tension between the model’s capabilities and its tendency to hedge answers. By contrast, we focused on training Zephyr for helpfulness, which tends to also be what the community enjoys about open chat models. 
With ambition in mind, could you speculate about the future of fine-tuning and alignment over the next three to five years? 
Haha, with the current rate of progress it’s hard enough to predict one week into the future! But if I have to look into a crystal ball, then my current best guess is that we’ll see synthetic data become an integral part of how we fine-tune and pretrain language models. It’s also pretty clear that multimodality is the next frontier, both to instill new capabilities in models, but also as a potent source of new data from images, audio, and video. Figuring out how to align these models to a set of preferences across multiple modalities will take some tinkering to work out but is certainly a fun challenge!  
You are the co-author of the Natural Language Processing with Transformers Book. Why another Transformers book, and what sets this one apart? 
Although there are now quite a few technical books covering transformers, our book was written with AI developers in mind, which means we focus on explaining the concepts through code you can run on Google Colab. Our book is also perhaps the only one to cover pretraining a language model in depth, which was rather prescient since we wrote it a year before the open LLM revolution kicked off. Thom Wolf is also a co-author, so where better to learn transformers than from the person who created the Hugging Face Transformers library? 
💥 Miscellaneous – a set of rapid-fire questions 
What is your favorite area of research outside of generative AI? 
As a former physicist, I find applications of deep learning to accelerate scientific discovery to be especially exciting! Chris Bishop has a wonderful lecture on this topic where he frames AI as the “fifth paradigm” of science, with a focus on using AI to accelerate numerical simulations for complex systems like the weather. If I wasn’t so busy playing with LLMs, I would likely be working in this field.
Who is your favorite mathematician and computer scientist, and why? 
My favorite mathematician is John von Neumann, mostly because I didn’t really understand quantum mechanics until I read his excellent textbook on the subject.  
TheSequence is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
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Mastering Machine Learning: The Essential Tools To Watch Out For In 2023
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Are you ready to take your machine learning skills to the next level? As we step into 2023, the world of artificial intelligence is evolving at an unprecedented pace. To stay ahead in this rapidly changing field, it’s essential to be equipped with the right tools and technologies. In today’s blog post, we will unveil the must-have tools that will shape the future of machine learning. From powerful frameworks to cutting-edge libraries, join us on a journey of discovery as we uncover the essential tools you need to master machine learning in 2023 and beyond!
Introduction to Machine Learning
1. Introduction to Machine Learning
Machine learning is a rapidly growing field of computer science that deals with the design and development of algorithms that can learn from data and make predictions. It has been used in many different fields such as finance, healthcare, and weather prediction.
There are two main types of machine learning: supervised and unsupervised. Supervised learning is where the algorithm is given a training dataset which contains both the input data and the desired output labels. The algorithm then learns from this dataset how to map the inputs to the outputs. Unsupervised learning is where the algorithm is only given the input data and not told what the desired output labels are. It must then try to learn some structure from the data itself.
There are many different tools and techniques that can be used for machine learning. Some of the most popular ones include decision trees, support vector machines, neural networks, and k-means clustering.
What are the Top 5 Machine Learning Tools in 2023?
There are many different machine learning tools available on the market, and it can be difficult to know which ones are the best to use. However, there are some key tools that are essential for any machine learning project. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 5 machine learning tools that you should be aware of in 2023.
1. TensorFlow: TensorFlow is a powerful open-source software library for data analysis and machine learning. It is widely used by researchers and developers around the world.
2. Keras: Keras is a high-level neural network API written in Python. It is used for fast prototyping, advanced research, and production environments.
3. PyTorch: PyTorch is an open-source deep learning framework built on top of the popular Torch library. It is used for applications such as computer vision and natural language processing.
4. scikit-learn: scikit-learn is a free and open-source machine learning library for the Python programming language. It features various classification, regression, and clustering algorithms.
5. XGBoost: XGBoost is an optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed to be highly efficient, flexible, and portable. It is often used in competitive machine learning settings such as Kaggle competitions.
Benefits of using Machine Learning Tools
1. Benefits of using Machine Learning Tools
Machine learning is a powerful tool that can be used to improve various aspects of your business. Here are some benefits of using machine learning tools:
1. Automate tasks: Machine learning can be used to automate tasks that would otherwise be carried out manually. This can free up time for you and your employees to focus on other areas of the business.
2. Improve customer service: By understanding customer behavior, machine learning can be used to improve customer service. For example, it can be used to provide personalized recommendations or suggest products that may be of interest.
3. Boost sales: Machine learning can be used to identify potential customers and target them with relevant marketing material. This can lead to an increase in sales and revenue for your business.
4. Enhance decision making: Machine learning can be used to process large amounts of data and generate insights that would otherwise be difficult to obtain. This can help you make better decisions about your business strategy and operations.
Challenges of using Machine Learning Tools
Machine learning is a broad field with many different sub-fields, each with its own set of tools and challenges. In this section, we will focus on the challenges of using machine learning tools in general.
One challenge of using machine learning tools is that they can be difficult to use for beginners. This is because machine learning requires a lot of technical knowledge and expertise. For example, understanding how to pre-process data before feeding it into a machine learning algorithm can be difficult for beginners. Another challenge of using machine learning tools is that they can be time-consuming. For example, training a neural network can take days or even weeks, depending on the size and complexity of the data set. Machine learning algorithms can be very sensitive to changes in the data set. This means that if there is any change in the data (e.g., new data points are added), the algorithm may need to be retrained from scratch, which can be time-consuming.
How to Choose the Right Tool for Your Business Needs?
When it comes to machine learning, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The right tool for your business needs will depend on a variety of factors, including the size and complexity of your data set, the resources you have available, and your specific goals.
To help you choose the right machine learning tool for your needs, we’ve put together a list of the most essential features to look out for:
1. Scalability: Can the tool handle large data sets? Is it able to scale up as your data set grows?
2. Ease of use: How easy is it to use the tool? Can you get started without a lot of training?
3. Flexibility: Can the tool be customized to meet your specific needs? Is it able to handle complex tasks?
4. Support: Does the vendor offer quality support in case you run into problems? Are there online resources available?
Tips for Optimizing Your Use of Machine Learning Tools
Tips for Optimizing Your Use of Machine Learning Tools
As machine learning becomes more and more commonplace, it’s important to know how to get the most out of your machine learning tools. Here are a few tips:
1. Understand the data. Before you can build a model, you need to understand the data. Explore the data to get a feel for what’s there and what isn’t. This will help you choose the right features and avoid bias in your models.
2. Choose the right algorithm. Not all algorithms are created equal. Some are better suited for certain tasks than others. Do some research to find the best algorithm for your task and data set.
3. Tune your parameters. Once you’ve chosen an algorithm, you can usually improve its performance by tuning its parameters. This is an important step in optimizing your use of machine learning tools.
4. Evaluate your model carefully. After you’ve built a model, it’s important to evaluate it carefully on unseen data to make sure it generalizes well and isn’t overfitting the training data too much.
Machine learning is an ever-evolving field, and staying ahead of the curve requires knowing which tools are essential to mastering this technology. We hope that our article has helped you stay informed about the most important machine learning tools in 2021 and beyond. With these tools at hand, you’ll be able to make the most out of your machine learning projects and experience success in no time!
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bigdataschool-moscow · 9 months
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dataplusweb-blog · 1 year
Dataiku : tout savoir sur la plateforme d'IA "made in France"
Dataiku :
tout savoir sur la plateforme d'IA "made in France"
Antoine Crochet-Damais
Dataiku est une plateforme d'intelligence artificielle créée en France en 2013. Elle s'est imposée depuis parmi les références mondiales des studios de data science et de machine learning.
Dataiku, c’est quoi ?
Dataiku DSS, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
Quelles sont les fonctionnalités de Dataiku ?
Quel est le prix de Dataiku ?
Qu’est-ce que Dataiku Online ?
Dataiku Academy : formation / certification
Dataiku vs DataRobot
Dataiku vs Alteryx
Dataiku vs Databricks
Dataiku Community
Dataiku, c’est quoi ?
Dataiku est une plateforme de data science d'origine française. Elle se démarque historiquement par son caractère très packagé et intégré. Ce qui la met à la portée aussi bien des data scientists confirmés que débutants. Grâce à son ergonomie, elle permet de créer un modèle en quelques clics, tout en industrialisant en toile de fonds l'ensemble de la chaine de traitement : collecte, préparation des données…
Co-fondée en 2013 à Paris par Florian Douetteau, son CEO actuel, et Clément Stenac (tous deux anciens d'Exalead) aux côtés de Thomas Cabrol et Marc Batty, Dataiku affiche une croissance fulgurante. Dès 2015, la société s'implante aux Etats-Unis. Après une levée de 101 millions de dollars en 2018, Dataiku boucle un tour de table de 400 millions de dollars en 2021 pour une valorisation de 4,6 milliards de dollars. L'entreprise compte plus de 1000 salariés et plus de 300 clients parmi les plus grands groupes mondiaux. Parmi eux figurent les sociétés françaises Accor, BNP Paribas, Engie ou encore SNCF.
Dataiku DSS, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
Dataiku DSS (pour Dataiku Data Science Studio) est le nom de la plateforme d'IA de Dataiku.
Quelles sont les fonctionnalités de Dataiku ?
La plateforme de Dataiku compte environ 90 fonctionnalités que l'on peut regrouper en plusieurs grands domaines :
L'intégration. La plateforme s'intègre à Hadoop, Spark, mais aussi aux services des clouds AWS, Azure, Google Cloud. Au total, la plateforme est équipée de plus de 25 connecteurs. 
Les plugins. Une galerie de plus de 100 plugins permet de bénéficier d'applications tierces dans de nombreux domaines : traduction, NLG, météo, moteur de recommandation, import/export de données...
La data préparation / data ops. Une console graphique gère la préparation des données. Les time series et données géospatiales sont supportées. Plus de 90 data transformers prépackagés sont disponibles. 
Le développement. Dataiku prend en charge les notebooks Jupyter, les langages Python, R, Scala, SQL, Hive, Pig, Impala. Il supporte PySpark, SparkR et SparkSQL.
Le machine Learning. La plateforme inclut un moteur d'automatisation du machine learning (auto ML), une console de visualisation pour l'entrainement des réseaux de neurones profonds, le support de Scikit-learn et XGBoost, etc.
La collaboration. Dataiku intègre des fonctionnalités de gestion de projet, de chat, de wiki, de versioning (via Git)...
La gouvernance. La plateforme propose une console de monitoring des modèles, d'audit, ainsi qu'un feature store.
Le MLOps. Dataiku gère le déploiement de modèles. Il prend en charge les architecture Kubernetes mais aussi les offres de Kubernetes as a Service d'AWS, Azure et Google Cloud.
La data visualisation. Une interface de visualisation statistique est complétée par 25 graphiques de data visualisation pour identifier les relations et aperçus au sein des jeux de données.
Dataiku est conçu pour gérer graphiquement des pipelines de machine learning. © JDN / Capture
Quel est le prix de Dataiku ?
Dataiku propose une édition gratuite de sa plateforme à installer soi-même. Baptisée Dataiku Free, elle se limite à trois utilisateurs, mais donne accès à la majorité des fonctionnalités. Elle est disponible pour Windows, Linux, MacOS, Amazon EC2, Google Cloud et Microsoft Azure. 
Pour aller plus loin, Dataiku commercialise trois éditions dont les prix sont disponibles sur demande : Dataiku Discover pour les petites équipes, Dataiku Business pour les équipes de taille moyenne, et Dataiku Enterprise pour déployer la plateforme à l'échelle d'une grande entreprise.
Qu’est-ce que Dataiku Online ?
Principalement conçu pour de petites structures, Dataiku Online permet de gérer les projets de data science à une échelle modérée. Il s’agit d’un dispositif de type SaaS (Software as a Service). Les fonctionnalités sont similaires à Dataiku, mais le paramétrage et le lancement de l’application sont plus rapides.
Dataiku Academy : formation et certification Dataiku
La Dataiku Academy regroupe une série de formations en ligne à la plateforme de Dataiku. Elle propose un programme Quicks Start qui permet de commencer à utiliser la solution en quelques heures, mais aussi des sessions Learning Paths pour acquérir des compétences plus avancées. Chaque programme permet de décrocher une certification Dataiku : Core Designer Certificate, ML Practitioner Certificate, Advanced Designer Certificate, Developer Certificate et MLOps Practitioner Certificate.
Dataiku prend en charge les time series et données géospatiales. © JDN / Capture
Dataiku vs DataRobot
Créé en 2012, l'américain DataRobot peut être considéré comme le pure player historique du machine learning automatisé (auto ML). Un terrain sur lequel Dataiku s'est positionne plus tard. Au fur et à mesure de leur développement, les deux plateformes tendent désormais à être de plus en plus comparables.
Face à DataRobot, Dataiku se distingue cependant sur le front de la collaboration. L'éditeur multiplie les fonctionnalités dans ce domaine : wiki, partage de tableaux de bord de résultats, système de gestion des rôles et de traçabilité des actions, etc.
Dataiku vs Alteryx
Alors que Dataiku est avant tout une plateforme de data science orientée machine learning, Alteryx, lui, se positionne comme un solution d'intelligence décisionnelle ciblant potentiellement tout décideur d'entreprise, bien au-delà des équipes de data science.
La principale valeur ajoutée d'Alteryx est d'automatiser la création de tableaux de bord analytics. Des tableaux de bord qui pourront inclure des indicateurs prédictifs basés sur des modèles de machine learning. Dans cet optique, Alteryx intègre des fonctionnalités de machine learning automatisé (auto ML) pour permettre aux utilisateurs de générer ce type d'indicateur. C'est son principal point commun avec Dataiku.
Dataiku vs Databricks
Dataiku et Databricks sont des plateformes très différentes. La première s'oriente vers la data science, la conception et le déploiement de modèles de machine learning. La seconde se présente sous la forme d'une data platform universelle répondant à la fois aux cas d'usage orientés entrepôt de données et BI, data lake, mais aussi streaming de données et calcul distribué.
Reste que Databricks s'enrichit de plus en plus de fonctionnalités orientées machine learning. La société de San Francisco a acquis l'environnement de data science low-code / no code 8080 Labs en octobre 2021, puis la plateforme de MLOps Cortex Labs en avril 2022. Deux technologies qu'elle est en train d'intégrer. 
Dataiku Community : tutoriels et documentation
Dataiku Community est un espace d'échange et de documentation pour parfaire ses connaissances sur Dataiku et ses champs d'application. Après inscription, il est possible d'intégrer le forum de discussions.
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data-patrons · 1 year
Python Advanced Machine Learning Techniques
Machine Learning (ML) is an artificial intelligence (AI) technology that allows systems to learn and improve without being explicitly programmed. Because of its simplicity, ease of use, and strong libraries like as Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch, Python for data science in NCR has emerged as the preferred programming language for Machine Learning. In this tutorial, we will go over some advanced Machine Learning techniques using Python.
Advanced Learning
Deep Learning is an area of Machine Learning in which artificial neural networks are trained to accomplish tasks such as image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing. TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch are several Deep Learning libraries available in Python. These libraries contain a variety of tools and techniques for constructing and training deep neural networks.
Learning Transfer
Transfer Learning is a Deep Learning technique that entails using a previously learned model as a starting point for training a new model on a comparable but distinct task. This is beneficial when there is insufficient data to train a new model from scratch or when the task is comparable to one that has already been trained. TensorFlow Hub, Keras Applications, and PyTorch Hub are some Python libraries for Transfer Learning.
Learning through Reinforcement
Reinforcement Learning is a subset of Machine Learning in which an agent learns to make decisions in a given environment by interacting with it and receiving rewards or punishments for its actions. Python offers various Reinforcement Learning libraries, including OpenAI Gym, PyBullet, and RLlib. These libraries contain a variety of environments and strategies for teaching agents to do things like play games or control robots.
Analysis of Time Series
Time Series Analysis is a Machine Learning technique that includes analysing data that has been collected over time. This data is frequently used to forecast future occurrences or to detect patterns and trends. Deep Python Course Training Institute in NCR provides various Time Series Analysis libraries, including Pandas, StatsModels, and Prophet. These libraries contain a variety of tools and methods for analysing and forecasting time series data.
Natural Language Processing and Text Mining
Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are Machine Learning approaches that analyse text data. Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) libraries in Python include NLTK, spaCy, and Gensim. These libraries contain a variety of text-processing tools and methods, such as tokenization, stemming, and sentiment analysis.
Collective Learning
Ensemble Learning is a Machine Learning approach that combines different models to increase overall performance. Python offers many Ensemble Learning libraries, including Scikit-Learn, XGBoost, and LightGBM. These libraries provide methods such as Random Forests, Gradient Boosting, and Stacking for creating and training ensemble models.
AutoML is a Machine Learning approach that automates the process of generating and training models. Python offers numerous AutoML libraries, including TPOT, H2O.ai, and Auto-Keras. These libraries include a variety of tools and techniques for picking the appropriate model and hyperparameters for a specific task.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs):
CNNs are a type of neural network that is extensively employed in image recognition and computer vision tasks. They recognise features such as edges, forms, and textures by convolving tiny filters over the input image. Each filter's output is then aggregated and sent through a non-linear activation function to minimise the dimensionality of the feature maps. TensorFlow and PyTorch are two Python frameworks for CNNs that provide various tools and algorithms for creating and training CNNs.
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs):
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are a form of neural network that is extensively employed in sequence prediction and natural language processing tasks. They function by storing information about earlier inputs in the sequence in an internal memory. With each new input, this memory is refreshed and utilised to predict the next output in the sequence. TensorFlow and PyTorch are two Python libraries for RNNs that provide various tools and techniques for constructing and training RNNs.
GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks):
GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) are a type of neural network that generates new data that is similar to a given dataset. GANs function by training two neural networks, one for the generator and one for the discriminator. The discriminator learns to discriminate between actual and produced data, while the generator learns to generate new data that is comparable to the training data. The two networks are trained jointly in an adversarial Top python course training institute in NCR procedure, in which the generator attempts to trick the discriminator and the discriminator attempts to accurately identify the generated data. TensorFlow and PyTorch are two Python libraries for GANs that provide various tools and algorithms for constructing and training GANs.
Semi-Supervised Learning:
Semi-Supervised Learning: Semi-Supervised Learning is a type of Machine Learning that uses both labelled and unlabeled data to increase prediction accuracy. When there is insufficient labelled data to train a model, semi-supervised learning can be effective. Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow are two Python libraries for Semi-Supervised Learning that provide several strategies for training models with both labelled and unlabeled data.
Bayesian Learning:
Bayesian Learning is a sort of Machine Learning that employs Bayesian inference to update the probability distribution of model parameters. When there is uncertainty in the data, Bayesian Learning can be effective for creating predictions. Python provides a number of Bayesian Learning libraries, such as PyMC3 and TensorFlow Probability, that provide a variety of tools and algorithms for executing Bayesian inference.
Hyperparameter Optimization:
Hyperparameter Optimization: Hyperparameter Optimization is a Machine Learning technique that involves locating the best hyperparameters for a given model. The learning rate, batch size, and number of hidden layers are all hyperparameters that are set before training the model. Scikit-Learn and Hyperopt are two Python packages for hyperparameter optimisation that provide several strategies for searching the hyperparameter space.
Explainable AI (XAI):
Explainable AI (XAI): Explainable AI (XAI) is a branch of Machine Learning research that focuses on building ways for understanding how a model produces predictions. XAI can help improve machine learning systems' transparency and accountability. Python contains multiple XAI packages, such as SHAP and LIME, that provide various tools and algorithms for explaining model predictions.
Python has emerged as the go-to language for Data Science, with a plethora of libraries and tools that make complex data analysis and modelling simple. Businesses may extract important insights from their data and make educated decisions by following the Data Science process and leveraging Python libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn, and Matplotlib.
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The Python Packages You Need For Machine Learning and Data Science
Python packages you need for machine learning and data science
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1.  Open CV
The open source Computer Vision library, Open-CV, is your best friend when it comes to images and videos. It offers a very efficient solution to common image problems such as face detection and object detection. Python packages you need for machine learning and data science
2. matplotlib
Data visualization is your primary way to communicate with attendees without data. If you think about it, even apps are a way of visualizing various data interactions behind the scenes. Matplotlib is the foundation for image display in Python.
3. Numpy
Python wouldn't be the most popular programming language without Numpy. It is the foundation of all data science and machine learning packages, essential packages for all deep mathematics, including Python. All the nasty linear algebra and fancy math you learned in college is basically handled very efficiently by Numpy.
4. Skit-learn
If machine learning is your passion, then the Skit-Learn project has you covered. The best place to start and the first place to find any algorithm you want to use for your predictions. It has many handy evaluation methods and training wizards, such as grid search.
5. Scipy
Scipy provides basic mathematical methods for performing complex machine learning processes. Again, it's kind of weird that it only has 8500 stars on GitHub.
6.XGB Boost
Once the size of our dataset exceeds a certain threshold of terabytes, it can become difficult to use off-the-shelf standard implementations of machine learning algorithms that are often offered. XGBoost is meant to save you from waiting weeks for calculations to complete. It is a highly scalable and distributed gradient boost library that will ensure your calculations run as efficiently as possible. Available in almost all common data science languages ​​and stacks.
7. Pip
Since we're talking about Python packages, we should take a moment to talk about their master pip. Apart from that, you cannot install any other. Its sole purpose is to install packages from places like the Python Package Index or GitHub. But you can also use it to install your own custom packages. 7400 stars doesn't show how important it is to the Python community.
8. Python-dateutil
 If you've ever worked with dates in Python, you know that doing so without dateutil is a pain. You can measure the current date, the next month, or the distance between dates in seconds. And best of all, it handles time zone issues for you, which if you've ever tried to do without a library, can be a huge pain. 1600 stars on GitHub shows that happily many people don't have to go through the frustrating process of working with time zones.
If you're wondering what my favorite Python package is, look no further. This is a small app called TQDM. All it does is it gives you a render bar that you can throw around any loop and it gives you a progress bar that tells you how long each iteration takes on average and more importantly how long it will take.
10. Statsmodels  
StatsModel is your gateway to the classic world of statistics, as opposed to the fancy new world of machine learning. Includes several useful statistical tests and evaluations. On the contrary, these are more stable and should definitely be used by any data scientist from time to time. 6600 stars are probably more comments on the awesomeness of classic stats versus deep study.
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offcampusjobs4u · 2 years
Decision Trees, Random Forests, AdaBoost & XGBoost in Python
Decision Trees, Random Forests, AdaBoost & XGBoost in Python
Decision Trees, Random Forests, AdaBoost & XGBoost in Python Decision Trees and Ensembling techniques in Python. How to run Bagging, Random Forest, GBM, AdaBoost & XGBoost in Python
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