#xiao qiushui
chengyi · 15 hours
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240925 | Cheng Yi as Xiao Qiushui/Li Chenzhou 《赴山海》 Go to the Mountains and Sea Rumoured release date Nov 30th
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la-muerta · 2 months
成毅 Cheng Yi fight scenes behind-the-scenes for 赴山海, 17 July 2024
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preciousqiqi · 4 months
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240606 Director Zhou Xiao (导演周潇) shares a new still of Cheng Yi in a weibo post. Director Zhou Xiao is credited with Creative video production + post-production for Fu Shan Hai.
Wait, so, Xiao Qiushui is the one on the left and the one on the right is Li Chenzhou? Perhaps I should start reading the novel while they're filming.
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lianhuajing · 4 months
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Trailer vs BTS
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murderedbyhomework · 27 days
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I just realized Li Chenzhou's hair sticks look a little like the Rama Ice Shards from mlc lol
Gotta love how the main mlc crew was scrambling over the ice shards for half the show and Li chenzhou just wears them in his hair to say "What, like it's hard?"
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dreamingsushi · 1 year
The Longest Promise - Episode 1
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Hello it’s me! I promised myself to treat me with a new series if I continued an older one that I need to complete. Since I did 10 episodes of Eternal Love, I think I can allow myself to watch something a little more recent. And ongoing. Knowing me, hopefully I can catch up and force myself to watch. Obviously, I don’t really know what the story is about, as usual, but Netflix recommended it to me and it stars Xiao Zhan so I’m super curious about what this is. Without further due, let’s jump in!
So the story starts by an arranged marriage. The female protagonists paints a portrait of herself that she enchants to act as her avatar. I mean, the portrait comes to life. She doesn’t want of this marriage because she wants to wed someone she likes. Apparently that person will never marry her though. Than she pretends that a monster is attacking and has it grab the avatar-golem person. And has it kill it. So she’s now free, even though she won’t ever be able to go back home for her whole life. That sounds drastic. Anyways, while she’s resting, a majestic man (I mean Xiao Zhan) comes in and surprises her horse. She attacks, surprised herself, but it turns it’s her master. She wonders why he’s there, and that’s because he was invited to her wedding.
And nooooow! The opening! I really have a passion for Chinese costume drama openings. There are some that are just... so beautiful. So I can’t wait to listen to that one. So I like it. I’m not extremely wowed by it, but it is nice and soft. I also really like the openings with the aquarelle like animations in the beginning. It has such an elegant touch and it matches this song too. I hope that visually, this first episode won’t kill my eyes as the first episode of Till the End of the Moon did.
So I guess we are in a flashback or maybe the beginning is just a foreshadowing of what will happen, I’m not sure how it is going to go. Anyways, I think those two kids are the main of the story. So Zhu Yan wants to learn magic, but her father won’t let her because he says it’s not for girls. So to pursue her goal, she wants to ask the support of the prince by offering him a beautiful flower. A boy helps her get it, since she was unable to and she explains her objectives. Later on, she falls down the roof and startles the pregnant concubine (? not sure about that one) of the Emperor/king (I’ll decide later) and before she receives a beating, the boy from earlier, aka the prince comes to her rescue. He orders the pregnant mean lady to copy some classics/rules of his country. He agrees to help the young lady to learn magic. Later that day, they attend a feast and the pregnant lady causes a scene, having the prince, Shi Ying, punished by his father, definitely under the charms of his mistress.
Later at night, a maid comes asking for Shi Ying’s help saving her sister or something. Turns out it was a trap set by Qiushui, the pregnant lady. She grabbed Shi Ying’s sword right on time for the Emperor/King to come and she has it stab her belly. And she vanishes into her lovers arm, as if she died. She probably didn’t. That lady sounds like a mean one at that. Anyways, he gets mad at his son and tries to kill. The Empress/Queen comes in to save her son. Tries to kill her husband, who’s a bad lord it seems. Then there’s a fire. Everything’s confused. Yan Zhu wants to go back because she thinks it’s her fault that something happened to the prince. Of course her dad won’t let her go. The Emperor/king is mad and throws his wife in the cold palace.
Ah. It seems the prince died. I mean, there must be another explanation behind this though, because he’s the main lead. Ah there. So the Empress/Queen called in a friend. She has a special hairpin that can be used to make a puppet look alike. Same as the main female lead used before the opening. She has that friend, take away her son, to be his master. He promises to Shi Ying that someday, he’ll retrieve everything that he lost.
Zhu Yan wants to pay her respect to Shi Ying, even though it’s forbidden. She uses the flower her revived as an offering and when a tear of hers fall on it, it vanishes, leaving an invisible mark on her forehead. It also does something in the sky. Shi Ying’s master says that when he meets the person who did that for him, he has to kill them because they are bound to take his life. Zhu Yan wants to learn a spell to bring back to life the prince.
Five years later, she’s still working on finding the magic that brings the dead back to life.
And that is all for this first episode. So far, I have one big question: what was the point of Qiushui? Like why kill herself? What did she gain from it? Even if she didn’t die. Didn’t she lose everything? I hope we’ll get to understand sooner than later, because it’s going to bug me otherwise. Also, I’m unsure about the main female lead. I fear she might get on my nerves. But we’ll give her a chance. But up until now, I’m intrigued and wonder what all this is going to be about. It’s visually pleasing, even though they also spent some time on special effects and I feel it’s a little unnecessary.
And as per usual, I shall comment also on the ending music. I’m not sure. I feel it’s a little bland. Like it’s soft and melodic, but I don’t feel anything listening to it. Maybe I need to understand more about the story before it does that for me? I don’t know. Only the future will tell.
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dreams-of-fate · 3 years
don’t mind me, just posting a bio from my muse list so someone can read it on mobile, hhh
         Conceived and born in the Southern Wilderness, Ji Heng was a product of an affair her mother had with General Meng Hao after her mother ran away from the then red demon lord. A cruel man whom she was later raised to believe was her father once her mother had been made to return to the Demon Realm.
      A child who could bleed easily, Ji Heng became frightened of blood. She had a guard by the name of Minsu, both intelligent and loved by not only the elders of the clan but also by Ji Heng’s mother, the now Dowager Queen. The Dowager Queen had made sure Minsu remained her daughter’s guard, though, because Ji Heng had been too young at the time to realize the tactics the Dowager Queen used weren’t right; going as far as to threaten suicide.
      To prevent her childhood friend Yan Chiwu from dueling Donghua Dijun, Ji Heng went to a mountain and found the Ten Evil Lotus Realm had opened. Going inside to help, she then found Dijun and a little fox. Stuck with them for a short time, Ji Heng grew attached to the little fox and asked Dijun before they parted ways if she could raise her, even if only for 10 days. Declined, as he cited the red dust of the demon realm would kill the fox. She was disappointed.
      Their paths crossed once more when Ji Heng tried to save Minsu after Xu Yang sent him away. Where Ji Heng was attacked by bat-like creatures and filled with Qiushui cold toxin. Before any more harm could fall on herself or Minsu, a dragon saved them. By chance, Donghua Dijun arrived to find Meng Hao with his daughter, and the general asked for Dijun to take care of her as he feared Xu Yang would turn out like his father. In what time left before Meng Hao died, a plan had been formed that Dijun would fake a political marriage to the grand princess to allow her an escape with Minsu. And so the plan later came to fruition when Xu Yang suggested a marriage between the two to improve relations between the Demon Clan and Heavenly Realm.
      Ji Heng was then sent off to live in the Heavenly Realm as Donghua Dijun’s future bride. When there, she reunited with the little fox who seemed to have forgotten her in their time apart. In her time there, Ji Heng tried to get along with Dijun, even accepting a compliment for fixing a part of a blueprint His Third Highness brought to Dijun, despite not being the one who did it. Staying there also helped when the Qiushui cold toxin would flare up and needed to be tempered with cultivation.
      When the opportunity arose to run away with Minsu, whom she had a long-standing crush on, Ji Heng and Minsu left with the aide of Dijun. A hundred years after the elopement, Ji Heng learned Minsu was in love with Xu Yang (and being a girl, though because of lack of details we don’t know when she found out that part), and the two of them had a fight which led to Minsu leaving Ji Heng alone in Fanyin Valley.
      For the next 200 years, she remained there as a court musician for the Bi Yi Bird Clan and would often go in and out of seclusion. Every ten years Ji Heng would service Dijun when he arrived in the valley, as set up by Chonglin for Ji Heng to repay her debts to Dijun.
      Her mental health declined, and the attention Dijun showed the owl princess Jiu Ge ate away at her. She reacted poorly and was quite mean to the other despite not knowing her. Just knowing that Ji Heng herself had noticed her own feelings for the former emperor of heaven. Gone as far as to threaten the princess to leave them alone, and asked for the fruit she had rightfully won from Dijun, a thing he didn’t deny her.
      Ji Heng opened up to Xiao Yan and told him to give up on his feelings for her, although hypocritically she didn’t stop her pursuit for Dijun. Whether or not he liked her, she needed to see it through. Not long after, she was rejected coldly by Dijun and he went off to marry Bai Feng Jiu, the one everyone had thought to be Princess Jiu Ge.
      In her worst moment, Ji Heng returned to the mountain where her father died, his claw in hand, on Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu’s wedding day. If he didn’t want her, then he would remember her by which day she ended her life. When he arrived, he didn’t want her nor listened to her order never to divorce his wife and never marry. As she already had too much poison in her system, he took her back to the Red Demon Clan, bribing them to let her once more return, and spent several days removing the poison from her into himself. Thereafter, he ordered Ji Heng to never leave the Demon Realm ever again.
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chengyi · 2 months
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240710 | Cheng Yi as Xiao Qiushui 《赴山海》 Go to the Mountains and Sea
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chengyi · 4 months
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240606 | Cheng Yi as Xiao Qiushui Fu Shan Hai Weibo update
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chengyi · 4 months
240610 | Cheng Yi as Xiao Qiushui/Li Chenzhou 《赴山海》 Go to the Mountains and Sea
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preciousqiqi · 4 months
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240606 Cheng Yi as Xiao Qiushui / Xiao Mingming / Li Chenzhou in the upcoming drama, Fu Shan Hai (赴山海)
A chivalrous young man with a loyal heart, traveling four corners of the world to uphold justice. Wielding brush and sword, together with Cheng Yi, we will go toward the mountains and seas.
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preciousqiqi · 4 months
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Cheng Yi as Xiao Qiushui / Xiao Mingming / Li Chenzhou via 240518 赴山海 douyin update
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preciousqiqi · 4 months
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240518 Cheng Yi weibo update (reposted 赴山海 weibo post)
A three-foot sword in the wind and dust of heaven and earth, it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil in a single thought.
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chengyi · 4 months
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240606 | Cheng Yi as Xiao Qiushui Fu Shan Hai Weibo update
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chengyi · 4 months
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240610 | Cheng Yi as Xiao Qiushui 《赴山海》 Go to the Mountains and Sea
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chengyi · 3 months
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240624 | Go to the Mountains and Sea update
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