cosplayvn · 4 years
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#thanhxuân #makeuppink #makeupkorean #hanoigirl #congai #gaixinh #nhatkyty #yeu #ulzzanggirls #xingtuo #coolgirls #redhairstyle #beautygirls #girl #girls #girlfriend #girlgroup #girly #girlboss #girlxinh #gaidep #gaixinh #girlchina #gaitrungquoc #girlgroup91 #love #lovelygirl #lovely #tiktok #tiktokgirls https://www.instagram.com/p/CC8Ovuunj--/?igshid=5i7lqgzjncx
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Happy birthday our unicorn🎁🎂🎈🎉🎊
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cosplay-cn · 4 years
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#thanhxuân #makeuppink #makeupkorean #hanoigirl #congai #gaixinh #nhatkyty #yeu #ulzzanggirls #xingtuo #coolgirls #redhairstyle #beautygirls #girl #girls #girlfriend #girlgroup #girly #girlboss #girlxinh #gaidep #gaixinh #girlchina #gaitrungquoc #girlgroup91 #love #lovelygirl #lovely #tiktok #tiktokgirls https://www.instagram.com/p/CC7Ovlgst9Y/?igshid=srztytwkp2o2
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kilinxing · 9 years
[BOOK/YIXING] 15/09/15 “Standing firm at 24″ Prólogo: La aparición de un corazón que se mantiene firme
Mientras escribía este libro, estuve pensando sobre mis años de entrenamiento en Corea. A veces lo que aparecía en mi memoria eran los espacios más profundos de la sala de entrenamiento, a veces pensaba en mi como una estrella despertándose en medio de la noche mismo, sintiéndome perdido.
Lo curioso es, que no pensé en ello por los días difíciles de entonces, sino que lo pensé porque después de caminar a través de esos años, me di cuenta de que fue una de esas noches las que han sustentado la vida que tengo ahora.
Hay una escena grabada en mi memoria, la primera vez que pise el escenario de debut, todos vieron como me reía con facilidad y como bailaba con confianza. Pero supe en ese momento que mi corazón estaba oponiéndose a huir. El escenario era tan grande, la ovación tan alta, en el momento en el que mi nombre resonó, en ese momento mis piernas se afianzaron allí mismo - en mi corazón,  aquello que me emocionaba se vislumbro en mi mente  llena de preguntas. ¿He cometido un error con mi posición? ¿Mi actuación fue satisfactoria? Más adelante no debo decir algo equivocado, ¿mi reacción era muy lenta? ¿Sería reconocido en la web? ¿Tendré un buen futuro?
Recuerdo con cuidado como me invadía el sentimiento de inseguridad, poniéndome en medio de mis compañeros y consolándome a mí mismo. "¡Esto es algo bueno, tenemos a mucha gente!"
Tanto si es así como si no, realmente pertenecía a este escenario. Aun sentía una profunda ansiedad por esto,  pero las canciones todavía debían ser cantadas y los bailes debían ser bailados... Cuando mi mente estaba en blanco sin poder pensar, confié enteramente en la memoria de mi cuerpo para tirar para adelante en el escenario. Afortunadamente cuando miré atrás, en nuestros vídeos de debut, no parecía estar muy preocupado.
En ese momento, por fin entendí esos cientos y miles de obsesivas sesiones de entrenamiento, donde nos asegurábamos que desde todos los ángulos se veía de manera uniforme, en esos momentos donde nuestras metes no podían sernos de utilidad y solo nuestros cuerpos estaban recordando. Mi cuerpo estaba de pie pero mi corazón no, por lo tanto, lo que me dio el coraje para enfréntame al ruido y a las luces en ese momento fue solo la memoria proveniente de mi cuerpo.
Así que no puedo olvidar los pocos años que entrene en corea, porque es mi cuerpo quien me lo recuerda. Esos pocos años mi cuerpo nunca paró de ser propulsado, siendo forzado a completar las ideas de mi mente, una y otra vez haciendo lo que estaba en mi corazón. Una vez mi madre hizo una vídeo llamada y yo estaba encerrado ensayando en el estudio, así que exprimí mi camiseta antes de tocar la cámara y mi sudor inundó el suelo, entonces dije; "Mamá, de verdad estoy trabajando duro, ¡si al final no debuto no me culpes!
Fue solo más tarde que reflexioné sobre porque dije esto en ese momento, se convirtió en un sentimiento que guardé muy adentro, lo escondí incluso de mi mismo. Para mi todos mis esfuerzos deberían tener resultado, la importancia del trabajo duro fue con ilusión verme mejor a mí mismo, también tenía miedo en ese momento, debería solo usar toda mi fuerza para apartar toda la intranquilidad de mi corazón, y poner una apariencia sensible, porque en ese momento no sabía porque tenía que pasar todas esas penurias
El trabajo duro puede no llevarte a tu destino pero el trabajo duro siempre nos da resultados, independientemente de cuál sea el resultado, definitivamente es diferente a no trabajar duro. Nadie puede determinar qué tipo de futuro tendrá, pero esos sentimientos acumulados en tu cuerpo en el momento en el que puedas levantarte, determinarán en que postura caminarás y determinaran la posición en la que estarás en el futuro.
A veces escucho a la gente decir que tengo talento, yo creo que en verdad  no lo tengo.  La palabra sueños es una palabra extraña y única. Todo comienza con un sueño, pero tú eres quien tiene que hacer que se haga realidad. Es cierto, sino no es realmente un sueño, porque alguien me dijo una vez; actualmente un sueño es lo que el corazón de una persona parezca. De pie en un escenario todo el mundo te ve, Ahora todos pueden ver lo que parece mi corazón, ver mis sueños.
Si la gente ve mi cuerpo y ve mi corazón, de esta forma, creo que podría volar. A menudo veo un dragón dentro de mi corazón, protegiéndome, por lo que definitivamente puedo alzarme en vuelo.  
El nombre del libro es "Manteniéndose firme a los 24" es porque Confucio dijo "A los 30 me mantuve firme" (nota: se refiere a que un hombre debe ser independiente a los 30). Se originó en el aliento de las pequeñas secretarias de mi estudio personal. Considerarlo como un pequeño resumen de mi mismo. Solo tengo 24 años, me quedo corto para la expresión “mantenerse firme”  por falta de 6 años. Realmente pienso ¿Es esto apropiado?
Después finalmente entendí, que este libro es mi mirada hacia el pasado, buscando en las huellas que me han marcado. La importancia de mirar atrás es importante para volar mejor hacia delante, volar a ese lugar llamado "Mantenerse firme a los 30" por lo que todo el mundo, leed mi libro, tened un poco de compresión, pues es mi boca de 24 años de edad la que se tomo la libertad de decir estás palabras.
Hice mi mejor esfuerzo para mirar atrás y usando mi más audaz corazón, ¡volaré hacia delante!
Espero que esto se convierta en mi futuro, Puedo estar en un escenario y después en otro, estar allí, estar firme, estar de pie con el corazón. Solo entonces puedo hablar sobre lo que otros ven. Ser fiel a ti mismo y así podrás ayudar a otros. Espero recordar siempre el sentimiento de toda perseverancia y trabajo duro que ha quedado en mi cuerpo. Esta es la fuerza que ha dado forma a la persona que soy ahora.
A parte de ser firme, tú decides que tipo de paisaje ver, que responsabilidades aguantar, que tipo de futuro vivir, un corazón firme solo tiene que trabajar duro, trabajar duro y trabajar más duro.
Cr:  《而立.24》Zhang Yixing's Foreword
Traducción al inglés:  @elaysiums @yixingspixie 
  Vía: Layxingworld
Traducción al castellano: EXOPlanetSpain
Más información en https://www.facebook.com/EXOPlanetSpain
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fy-yixing · 9 years
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diya1013 · 10 years
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Yixing - overflowing kindness
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kilinxing · 10 years
Tiene que llegar a las 300.000 visualuzaciones y tendremos making of. Go go xingmi!!!!
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diya1013 · 10 years
DEEPLY MOVED BY LAY! Part 4 (fan accounts)
Trainee days:
[My sister is a teacher at Lay’s high school, so I had him teach guitar. My brother-in-law said every time Lay came back to China to visit, he always bowed politely to everyone, he has very good manners.]
[12:53am: Kai and Se Hun just left the company building. Lay when are you going to come out?]
[1:09am: Now Lu Han, Kris, Chan Yeol and Xiu Min have left the company building, Lay how long are you going to practice in there before you decide to go home? Don’t be so hard on yourself, my heart is breaking]
[2:12am: After so much anticipation, our Lay finally came out. Even though he was very tired, he still responded to everyone’s greetings. I think Lay needs to go back and rest]
Another day:
[At first fan XX didn’t recognize Lay, so she asked him a couple of times “are you Yixing?” Lay smiled and nodded, being very polite. Lay was very friendly and chatted with XX, when he found out that she lived very far from the company, he volunteered to send her off on taxi.]
[The second time XX met Lay and Lu Han, Lay recognized XX. Lu Han told Lay to focus on chatting with fan, and then walked off by himself. XX asked Lu Han “You don’t need to wait for Yixing?” Lu Han looked like he suddenly realized that he had to wait for Lay to walk together. Then Lay grabbed Lu Han and introduced him to fans “This, is my very good friend”
[Today there were about 20 fans sending them off at the airport. There were 3 managers, the youngest one was very hostile. He kept on pushing fans and telling them to stop taking pictures. A fan was simply following EXO when she almost got hit by the young manager who took Tao’s stick. When the stick almost landed, Lay suddenly turned around and quickly said “be careful!” I’m really moved…]
[…at the airport escalator, they went up, we got held up by security at the bottom. Kris and Lay didn’t try to hurry to go up, they kept on turning around and waving to us. I got so hypnotized by Lay’s gentle manners that I can’t help myself anymore. In my past 20 years of life, no man has ever smiled at me that gently! Your gentleness, how am I supposed to get a boyfriend in the future? Oppa!!! I just kept screaming “Yixing Yixing Yixing oppa fighting…” Later when I thought about Lay’s gentle gaze, my legs still felt weak.]
[Ah! ah! ah! Lay helped me get up! The airport scene was really chaotic! We were on the side but then got pushed to the front! Then a friend and I both fell! Lay was the one who helped me up!]
[Lay heard me screaming “Lay smile for us!” Then he smiled! hahaha!]
This is from a male fan […I’m a guy so I didn’t have that many feelings, after watching all the teasers, I just thought that Lay danced very well. A cool person. But that wasn’t enough for me to become a fanboy. I just silently enjoyed EXO’s music… … … The moment when I really became Lay’s fanboy was after I watched the EXO Showcase. I decided to become a fan of Zhang Yixing, a male idol who was younger than me. To be honest, I don’t know why. Was it because of his dancing? His vocals? or his dimples? I’m not sure. I just know that I became a fan of an idol who carefully answered questions, who didn’t look up too often, who diligently bowed to fans. I don’t know him too well yet, but I know he is a person who has an ambitious dream and who has talent and potential…]
source: ailyca@baidu, love-exo.tumblr.com
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diya1013 · 10 years
DEEPLY MOVED BY LAY! Part 2 (fan accounts)
Since the closure of the idol-making show that Lay appeared on back in 2005, his baidu forum member count has dropped. But Lay has been really appreciative of the one who still supported him by posting words of gratitude every once in awhile. Here are translation of his posts:
[ah… it’s been awhile again. I always feel cheerful when I see you guys, haha, even the posts by anti-fans, I still feel happy when I read them. Oh yea, I started high school now, I’ve been very tired! School, it’s truly tiresome, I’m exhausted to death!!! If I didn’t have to study, it’ll be good~~~ But this wish doesn’t seem realistic…. Thank you all, for still thinking that I’m worthy and for liking me, I too will always like and love you guys~ In 3 days it’ll be my birthday, my birthday wish is to wish all those who like me and support me, and also all those who hate me, to have happiness… to be cheerful everyday… Thank you guys for being with me through every birthday. Even though I couldn’t hangout with you guys, remember that I am already very satisfied. Because I don’t remember my account anymore, so this is an anonymous post again, please don’t mind, alright? hehe, wish everybody to be happy, send you a FLYING KISS haha ~.~ Thanks everyone~~]
[2005 to 2010, it’s been 5 years. My forum is still here. This makes me feel very warm. It’s great. Thank you guys for making this forum last so long. To see you guys graduate from middle school, or high school and entering college… seriously, 5 years, there has been so much change! There are still 50 people who support me, I truly feel thankful. I especially want to thank the forum admin, you’ve worked too hard. haha. I don’t have that much time nowadays to surf the forum, so I want to apologize to everyone. I just came home, everyday it’s been exhausting. I hope you guys can take care of your own health, work hard in your careers/endeavors, keeping fighting, you guys will succeed. I will keep on fighting too. Thanks for all your support~]
[I often come here to see everyone’s words. It’s been fun, I also feel very touched. To think that there are still people out there who cares about me, I feel very satisfied, very content~ Thanks everyone… Everybody please take care of your healths, I wish everyone happiness everyday.
hm…. then, really, just thanks again… I will keep on trying~! besides thanks I really don’t know what to say anymore… I’m really touched~ thanks (*^__^*)]
source: zhangyixing baidu bar, love-exo.tumblr.com
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diya1013 · 10 years
131007 Lay's Birthday Message to his fans
"There are 365 days in a year, and after spending 24 slow hours in a day, we spent 1.5 years~ There are too many surprises, too many times I’ve been touched, too much sadness, too many things to be proud of. There will be a chance for me to communicate with you everytime its my birthday~ This time round, I will do a heart to heart talk with you guys ok? When I was studying, I never thought that I would ever stand on the world stage, singing for all the people who supported me, maybe this is a dream. I just wish for the songs that I wrote to gain some recognition, or that my efforts would be able to do something in the music industry. This dream is fulfilled because of SM Entertainment, you guys, and those who have helped me along the way! However, I am a little lost, lost because I am unsure of what I should do Maybe I am still a kid what never grew up, but work has given me much responsibility, and made me grow up, and made me strive on! In the course of this journey, I feel myself change, and the changes are both good and bad. Actually, it was like what I said before, I just have a special job. What I want is the same as everyone, I am just a normal person who is no different from everyone. Although we have gained some recognition in all these days, I have never felt satisfied with myself. I will never give up working hard! I want to be the best! I want to tell all who supported me that I will not disappoint you! Maybe having this kind of ideals would often make me withdraw into my own world, as if no one will be able to understand me. Friends would encourage me on the phone. Thinking about every hero who supported me, I am actually very blessed, and things are going smoothly, so I should be content. But if I am not able to be perfect, will you still support me? I often use this words to motivate myself “The dreams are actually not far away, but you need to put in effort to earn them. We might have missed the scenery along the way but we would be able to anticipate the rainbow from a far.” Do you agree? The birthday fan support might seem simple to me but how much effort have you guys put in? And this effort have spread all over the world. Just to surprise me for a short while, you might have spent a year to plan, a month to prepare, and a day of waiting. I have seen all this and have felt it. It was hard on you and you must be tired, thank you. I actually like seeing you hold up my support banners, I like listening to your cheers, but when I see you fall asleep because of waiting, and lose your voice because of cheering, get hurt because of squeezing in the crowd… I feel that I am really selfish. I just wish that you will take care of your body and not get hurt. Please don’t be upset over anything, even if you’re upset, please don’t be afraid! Because I will be there to write you healing songs! There was a fan at the airport who asked me “What is the difference between the letter that others wrote and a present that I specially picked for you? Why won’t you accept the present?” I could not answer her, but I could just apologize. I am still thinking if I made a mistake of only accepting letters… such that I am hesitating to accept letters now too. Its actually like this, this is everyone’s heart-felt effort, I know, I understand Actually, if you’d be able to come see us EXO perform once, buy one of our albums, hold up my banner, cheer me on once, or even for those far away fans whom we can’t meet, if you’d silently say “Happy Birthday to me” etc… it would all be the best present for me! Because I heard that some fans would save on their daily allowance to buy an album or present…. and even spend all their money on fan support… I know that actually we are all quite grown up. Every bit of money is not gained easily. So I hope that everyone would use the money on meaningful areas. There are many people in the world who need help. It is our common wish to help others, but I hope that everyone would do what you can! There is a little loophole here, it might cause everyone to donate blindly… Fans think that the most meaningful thing is to donate funds, but it is not true. When it comes to helping others, we can also volunteer etc.~ When it comes to finances, I hope that before you gave me a present, or donate, please first buy your parents or family some clothes, or things that you yourself or your parents like, things that you need, or buy food that you yourself or your parents like, nutritious things to build up your health. Only after you’ve done all these, then you can go to help those who need help~ If you do that it is also the best present for me! I hope to receive such a present every year~ And I hope that your family would like us too~ Happily sit infront of the tv or come to see us perform together, won’t it be blissful? Also, you guys need strength to help cheer me on right? Please take care of your health if you don’t take care of your heath how do you always be so passionately give me support? I know that you are the best so you can surely do it! As for me, I have a big head~ one neck, 2 hands, 2 legs, 2 feet, one body. I can’t wear all the things that you gave me~ Some, I felt that if I don’t wear it, you guys would be sad. But I can’t put everything on, and I am afraid that you’d think that you’ve not picked a good present, or not given the right present. Actually everything that you gave are good! All awesome! Not just the things that you gave, the videos online, texts… This are all your efforts! I like them all I love them! I just wish that you can be happy everyday~ Protect yourself~ Love yourself~ The presents are not important! I still want to say, you loving me is a present for me! And your support is the energy that drives me to continue on! Thank you for everything that you have given me~ I love you~ “
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diya1013 · 10 years
 Exo Lay Dance
I like it when he's shy at first but when the music starts, he automatically change. I love his passion for dancing... and the fact that...
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diya1013 · 10 years
My heart hurts so much while watching this!
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