fictionkinfessions · 2 years
how did i discover i'm fictionkin? because someone passed around an edited version of the last fight scene in catws and i Could Not watch it all the way through. that was literally it. it was like "hey you know how you feel weird when youre Not In The Mood To RP and a friend fills in for you as bucky and you feel jealous that theyre 'the Bucky?' yeah buddy youre literally bucky im so sorry." some of the other better ones include: realizing i'm kh xion because i cried skimming her wiki page; realizing i'm sam winchester because i literally dreamt that i said "i can't believe i was sam winchester in a past life that's so depressing!"; realizing that i'm jon sims after a paranoid insomniac tear before even starting tma; obstinately denying that i'm dream of the endless despite having dreamt of my own capture a few years ago, having an oc based on other kintypes with clear parallels to dream, and having a penchant for writing revealing fever dream scenes in my stories. #👁️🩸💧
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I hate how uncomfy Xigbars make me feel. I like him as a character but he makes me so uncomfortable because he was so mean to me in my Cannon. I hope you're better now, I'm sure you are. If we ever meet again I want you to know I'm not angry but I am upset,I just don't get what I did.~a Xion fictive wondering what she did wrong
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strange-kin-calls · 6 years
hi there, im xion from kingdom hearts. not an obscure source i know, but im kinda doubting i'll find canonmates. most of my memories are from after everything went down, like after xehanort was defeated n stuff. i remember being in a relationship with vanitas, and also namine before that. i'd like to find anyone who remembers me or wants to talk about memories. im fine with doubles! im almost 19 btw.
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soft-kins · 7 years
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pride icons for Xion from Kingdom Hearts; nonbinary flag
like/reblog if saving
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kin-squad-finder · 7 years
i'm kin with xion and vanitas from kingdom hearts! i'm looking for just about anyone (16+ preferred) but especially anyone who remembers a vanitas who turned against xehanort and became friends with ventus.
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forget-key-not · 7 years
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i took some photos of pretty flowers while on a walk today. 🌸
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canoncalled · 6 years
Hi! I'm Xion from Kingdom Hearts and I'm mostly looking for the sea salt trio (or anyone else). I'm 16 so no one over 20 and okay with doubles. Axel and Roxas often went with me to the beach to relax, also we had all shared promise rings. Even if it doesn't sound familiar I want to meet tons of friends, feel free to shoot me a message @Hxkari
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kinyouhearme · 6 years
Hi! I'm Xion from Kingdom Hearts and I'm mostly looking for the sea salt trio (or anyone else). I'm 16 so no one over 20 and okay with doubles. Axel and Roxas often went with me to the beach to relax, also we had all shared promise rings. Even if it doesn't sound familiar I want to meet tons of friends, feel free to shoot me a message @Hxkari
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lesbian-monalisa · 8 years
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Xion (Kingdom Hearts)
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kin-eats · 8 years
Do you maybe have something for Xion from Kingdom Hearts? I would greatly appreciate it!
I’ll do the best I can!
Chocolate Fudge Pops
Angel Chicken Pasta
Refreshing Cucumber Lemonade
Delicious Ham and Potato Soup
Spicy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
I apologize if anything isn’t to your liking. ~Shadow
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fictionkinfessions · 6 months
sora, i hope you know you make a lot of people very happy. it’s such a silly thing to think about.. but i just wonder if anyone expresses gratitude to you for all you’ve done? our fates are all tied to you, i could not imagine carrying such a heavy burden, yet you manage to do so with ease. how do you do that? how can you be so strong? no matter, i needed to tell you i’m happy you exist. i exist because you do. because of you, i get to be with my friends, i get to live. i could never be more grateful. we all love you sora, you manage to touch the hearts of everyone you meet, i hope you never change. we’ll meet again. -xion, (kingdom hearts.)
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shout out to demyx for being the only member of the organization the second time around to interact with me on a friendly basis! i know i wasnt very receptive of it at the time but i appreciated it a whole lot! you where a good friend and i hope this life is treating you well! -xion (#💚🥕💚)
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canoncalled · 6 years
Hey, I'm Xion from Kingdom Hearts. I've found my Roxas, and we've been looking for our Axel, mainly-- but I'd be happy to find any other canonmates as well! My kin blog is noixion, so if you want to like this post or message me there, we could talk! My Roxas and I are both over 18, just as a heads up.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
i have probably said this here before but! to each and every riku kingdomhearts out there!! i care you so much!! i know some of it is sora's affection bleeding through to me, but... i really appreciate how you treated me like an actual person and not just a puppet or a doll. i know i didn't know you very long until after everything, but you really helped to give me the courage to stand up to xemnas and do the right thing in the end, even if it was scary. so thanks!! -xion #🐚🗝️🖤
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im still learning about the games and i dont have a lot of memories yet, but roxas, lea, and isa, i love you guys lots! save some ice cream for me, yea? -xion (#💚🥕💚)
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