#xiumin is so cute i wanna kill him
britneyshakespeare · 1 year
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tiniechankai · 7 years
explaining exo's smiles
luhan: ok so you know how luhan has a baby face? he immediately looks 50 when he smiles. no joke. but then he has this smol smile that's really cute bUT ITS FAKE I KNOW IT PLS SMILE FOR REAL GRAMPS
kris: he looks like such a meme when he smiles istg like he looks too perfect it's hilarious -- i lauGH SO HARD WHEN I SEE PICTURES OF HIM SMILING
suho: you ever see in fanfics where they have that "eyes turned to crescents" smile?? that's suho's smile. he also looks twice his age.
baekhyun: he has this grin where you know he did something bad or he has this smile where there is just so much love and adoration in his face or you have the H A H A H A smile and you know exactly what smile i'm talking about
chen: literal sunshine or satan's about to rise
chanyeol: when is he not smiling. he has this AEGI BABY LIL SMOL CHILD LEMME HOLD UUUUUUUU or he has his cow smile that just ??? waht (u kno exactly what i'm talking about)
d.o.: another SMOL CHILD THAT IS SO SQUISHY AND SOFT AND IM C RY ING EVERYTIME HE SMILES I WANNA SCREAM ON THE INSIDE FHGDHJSK but then he has this smirk that makes me want to start a family with him like wow you look like a good parent
kai: i can't. i just can't. his smile is probably one of the wonders of the world bECAUSE IT'S JUST SO PERFECT AND IT WARMS UP MY ENTIRE EARTH
sehun: the mix between "what did you do????" and "who did you do????" kills me // another smol bb
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xiubyuns-archive · 7 years
pair your mutuals with all exo members and as a bonus explain why maybe ? 💛 go !
uhhh im REALLY bad at these because i usually forget someone :/// but im gonna try my best n ill probably put a couple of ppl bc i cant pick one :/ 
xiumin: @minniebrows @lovesxiu @minsoakedme @baekphia but also @4kyun bc we all support n love our man suho: @suho69 bc i dont follow them many suho-ls n molly’s always talkin about his cheeks and its just a rly wholesome love yixing: @xingslove even tho i rly would pair her with jongin but she would kill me if i said that :/ baekhyun: i have alot of baek mutuals n i wanna put them ALL but @byunparks bc she would drop kick me into the sun (baekhyun) if i didnt n also bc she has the most love ive ever seen and she would probably murder for him but i didnt say that jongdae: @sechens and @kjdslove would probably fight it out bc they love him a lot and they just make a lot of shit posts and its the kind of love thats filled with lots of heart emojis and word vomit on how much they love his cheek bones pcy: uhHHH this is difficult but @littlepcy and @1adyluck bc sofi is always talking about his ass and anusha’s just the number 1 advocate for bf!pcy ksoo: for some reason i follow alot of ksoo stans so i rly cant pick 1 person so @soobear @vogueksoo @soosgorl @kimjongdaes @dokyungsu @ksoo-l they just have a lot of love for their man and tbh their tags and stuff is just rly cute so they can play rock paper scissors to see how gets paired with him i cant choose jongin: @kjonginswife and @squynhty have u read their tags??? it’s all honey n back hugs and overall pure (until his shower scene) AND FINALLY sehun: @minseokkim bc was there really any competition???? (dont be fooled by the url) 
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xiumin-on-this-shit · 7 years
Two Bosses Ch 6
3rd Person
The boys just stand there, Luhan’s words just hanging there. What the hell is going on? Kai and Sehun both think to themselves. Their secretary, the baby girl, their Jimin is in some kind of relationship with their hyung. An idea they aren’t so fond of. They glare at the door Jimin and Xiumin had disappeared behind. Both boys look to Luhan, who is smirking while conversing with Kris and Lay. The rest of the guys were discussing amongst themselves on what the hell just happened as Tao tries and fails at explaining it.
They walk up to group of older boys, scowls on both of their faces, “What is going on between those two?” Sehun asks, trying to control his anger. The three older men give each cheeky smiles as if they have some massive secret.
“We already said, their friends.” Luhan says with a giggle.
“And lovers,” Kris adds in, amusement on his face.
“What?” The two boys yell in unison. They try and wrap their mind around that for a minute. Their infamous hyung, Xiumin, the playboy, is sleeping with their Jimin. They frown deeply.
Kai speaks first when the finally compose themselves, “She told us she didn’t have a boyfriend.”
Kris shrugs, “They aren’t dating, just sleeping together. The can sleep with who ever they want they just happen to usually pick each other.” Sehun and Kai look at each other, they see the jealousy on each others faces. Sure they both have slept around, but as of late they’ve been keeping to themselves. Kai almost killed Claira when he talked to her later that afternoon. He had stop talking to her, more focused on the pretty little dark skinned woman. Sehun had cut off most of his normal hookups also, keeping one or two for when Jimin drives his libido crazy and needs to blow off some steam.
It’s the only way he can keep himself from jump her little bones, he knows Kai feels the same and as much as it irritated him, he feels like he can share. If it’s the only way he can get her, he can definitely learn how to share.
 Jimin’s POV
Xiumin stumbles when I finally let him go, pushing him a little. He gives me a fake pout, faking hurt. “My love,” He whines, “Why so mean to your Oppa?”
“Because! What the hell? I can deal with the daddy stuff but don’t let them know I like them!” I whisper yell as I stomp my feet like a child throwing a tantrum.
He laughs, “You’re the one who wants in their pants, I’m just trying to help.”
“No you’re just making them jealous.”
“Yes, hopefully they’ll get so jealous they jump you out of horny jealousy.”
“Is that seriously your plan?” I stare at him dumbstruck.
“It seems to be working. Those boys couldn’t get their eyes off you, and their cute little glares at me!” He’s basically dying of laughter now.
“Oppa!” I whine this time. IT takes him a minute to regain his composer before he comes over to me and places a kind hand on my cheek. He stares down at me with affection as his thumb strokes my cheek.
“I’m just trying to help,” He says again, less playful more sweet. “I see the way you look at them, you really like them. I also saw the way they looked at you and protected you from me, they really like you, both of them. I just want you to be happy, so if I have you tease you a little bit to get them to finally go after you I’ll do it.”
“But what if they don’t like me?” I wonder out loud. My heart breaking at the thought.
“I’ll skin them alive, then we can runaway together and live happily ever after.” He places his hands on my cheeks and smiles sweetly, “Does that sound good?” I nod and giggle when he squeezes my cheeks. “So cute!”
“Thank you for being such and amazing oppa.”
“What kind of oppa would I be if I didn’t encourage you to have a threesome with my friends and your bosses?”
“This won’t affect our relationship right?” I ask nervously. Our relationship is weird to say the least. We’re best friends with benefits, no strings attached. Xiumin is a well known playboy who gets around and I’m sitting with only one mark on my board. Jealousy has never been an issue with this, not more than any other friendship. Xiumin can go out and do whatever to who ever he wants but we’ve never talked about me doing anything with anyone else because no one has ever caught my eye.
He smiles, “Our relationship will be as it always has been with or without sex involved. I can finally live without guilt of sleeping around! As much as I love that I’ve been your one and only, it about time you expand. I’m happy as long as you’re happy.” He kisses my cheek before hugging me tightly. We stand there for a moment just enjoying each others warmth. “Wanna bet on how long it takes them to sleep with you?”
And he ruined it.
“Yes,” He says with a completely straight face.
“Fine, I bet it takes a week.”
Xiu shakes his head, “I bet by the end of the day.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“Those boys are going crazy with all of us around, they’re worried we’re going to steal you away. It’s only going to get worse now that they know we’re close. I bet as soon as we leave they’re going to mark their territory.”
God I hope so! “What are we betting?” I ask with a smirk.
“If I win,” He smirks back, “You come to my office so I can fuck you on my desk.”
“Alright, if I win, we stay at your house. I don’t know why you feel the need to sleep at my apartment when you have a mansion with maids and a chef.”
“Deal, kiss on it?”
I lean in and peck his lips before letting him go and wandering to the door. With my hand on the handle I look back at him, “Why haven’t we done that before?”
“What sex on my desk?” I nod, “Probably when ever you come to the office my god damn secretary won’t leave the room.” He pouts cutely. I laugh as I open the door but stop once I see all the eyes in the lobby are on me and Xiumin, who is grinning like a dumbass behind me.
Luhan and Kris are giving me a knowing smile while my bosses are next to them with scowls on their handsome faces. The rest of the crowd minus Tao are blushing like mad, unable to meet my eyes. I can only imagine what these guys told them we were doing.
“We didn’t hear anything,” Kris teases, “must be a bad day for you hyung.”
“We didn’t have sex!” I snap with my hands on my hips.
Everyone looks at Xiumin for conformation, “She’s telling the truth, we did not break in Sehun’s desk. I’m leaving that to him.” He sends Sehun a wink. As annoyed as I am with that comment, it’s worth it so see a deep blush spread across the baby’s face. “Alrighty!” Xiumin claps his hands together loudly, “Lets get some lunch!” Right, I almost forgot, that is the reason they are all here.
We all group around the elevator, Tao tries to get close to me but is pushed away by Sehun who is on my right. Kai is on my left not looking at me just standing there silently. I just stand there wrapping my bare arms around myself, my lack of a jacket issue coming back around. We all some how squeeze into the elevator, I’m sandwiched in between Kai and Sehun. The rest of the guys are talking causally about work or their personal lives. I want to pay attention for Taeyeon’s sake but I can’t focus on anything other than heat radiating off these two boys. The elevator stops and we unload into the bank of elevators. We pass by the reception desk, I stop for a second, greeting Yoona with a smile that she returns.
The guys stop and watch me, some with more focus than others. I bid her a farewell and join the large group of men in trench coats. Xiumin stares at me cocking his head to the side.
“Love,” He calls to me, “Where is your jacket?” We’re just about to the doors and he stops.
“I forgot it at home this morning.”
He smirks, “You silly girl, come here.” He waves me over. I take one step before Kai pulls me to him. Kai takes off his scarf and wraps it around my neck before unbuttoning his jacket and wrapping it around both of us.
“I got her, Hyung.” Kai says coldly. Xiu smirks bigger. We continue on, I’m surprised how well Kai walks we me in front of him. There’s a limo waiting for us; the boys climb in, Kai releases me to climb in. But only for a moment before he pulls me on to his lap and wraps his jacket around me again. I don’t complain. I’m enjoying his warmth and the feeling of his chest against my back. Sehun is sitting next to us, I watch his hands in his lap grip each other tighter. The ride to the restaurant is filled with laughter and fun. Kai rests his head on my shoulder, something I’m use to by now but for some reason it feels different.
Lunch was amazing. The guys are so close I found it heart warming. Kai and Sehun dropped their attitudes and joined in on the fun and teasing.  They got the spots next to me, Tao’s whining did nothing to faze them. I was happy that they fought to be next to me and that Xiu got the spot across from me. But through out the whole meal they didn’t stop touching me, much to my pleasure and insanity. Kai had his arm resting across the back of my chair, his fingers run up and down my arm soothingly. A comforting act that warmed me. But then there is Sehun and his obsession with my legs and his hand running up an down my thigh under the table. Not soothing nor comforting, just irritating.
When we were done and the bills paid, another fight that Xiumin won,  we pail back into the limo. Sehun gets to have me sit on his lap this time, leaving us in the exact same position as Kai and I were in. The limo drops Sehun, Kai and I at our building. I kiss Kris, Luhan, Lay, Tao, and Xiumin on the cheek and just wave to the rest as we get out. We watch as the limo pulls away from the curb, Sehun is wrapped around me as we walk into the building.
In the elevator is nothing but silence. We reach the top floor and the two automatically book it out and to their respective offices. Kai doesn’t even close his door when he goes in; I just hear him shuffling papers. Sehun stops before he goes into his, “Grab your purse and wait for us.”
I nod and reach around my desk to grab my purse. I stand there nervously, my mind racing with all the possible things I could be waiting for. Are they mad at me? Where are we going? Should I be scared, excited, or turned on? Because right now, I’m all three. Xiu’s words are ringing in my ears. Are they finally going to try something? God please!
“We’re done here,” Kai says as he comes out of his office, grabs my hand, and drags me to the elevator. Sehun barely makes it on before the door starts to close. I feel my heart beating a million times a minute and my muscles tighten. This is killing me, I can’t wait anymore; we’re only half way to the garage.
“Where are we going?” I ask the empty air.
“Be patient baby girl,” Kai says as he glares at the numbers counting down, as if it’s going to slow for him too. Sehun has his hands buried in his pockets and his foot is tapping endlessly, looking anywhere but at me. When we finally reach the garage I’m pulled out of the elevator and pushed into a car. It’s a nice car, my mind is too focused on Sehun, who slid in next to me in the back seat, to really admire it. Kai is glaring at him in the rear view mirror as he climbs into the driver’s seat. He whips out the parking space and speeds toward the exit.
I roll across the seat as Kai turns into traffic sending me on to Sehun’s lap. He looks down at me, his legendary bitch face sends a chill down my spine. I try to scoot back over, not enjoying the hard look he is giving me but his arms wrap around my waist. I try not to giggle when I feel his lower half poking my ass. Instead, I decide to tease him, is that bad? My hips grind down on to his hard member, giving me much needed friction. His moan fills the silent air as I grip the passenger’s seat in front of me and grind down harder. The sight of him behind me, his head hanging back, his lovely lips forming an O, is so amazing. My control over him doesn’t last long at all, he composes himself enough to tease me back. It’s my turn to moan when he starts bucking his hips.
“What the hell?” Kai growls as he runs through a red light. Sehun and I both blush as Sehun grips my hips with his hands to stop my movement.
“Sorry,” Sehun mumbles, “She started moving her hips and….”
“And you started without me, I thought we talked about this?”
I frown, “You talked about this?”
Kai grins at me in the rear view mirror, “We had to baby girl, we don’t want to ruin are friendship but neither one of us wants to give you up so that leaves us with one option, sharing.”
“You guys are going to share me? What does that even mean?”
“To be completely honest,” Sehun responds, “We don’t know. We’re just going to play this by ear, as long as you’re okay with it?” I see Kai’s eyes snap up and stare at me, while Sehun’s eyes are burning a hole in the back of my head. They hadn’t thought of if I would question it. But of course they didn’t, who would say no to these two? Some strong independent woman who would think twice about sleeping with her bosses; the woman I normally am but right now I’m needy and horny and they just look so freaking hot!
I finally after months of listening to my inner slut I let her talk, “I’m okay with anything as I it includes you both fucking me because I can barely wait.”
“Kai!” Sehun growls when I start grinding down on his again, “Either hurry up or we’re starting without you.”
“We’re finally fucking here!” Kai yells happily when he pulls into a curved drive way of a fancy building. He parks in front of the door, quickly jumping out and ripping my door open. He drags me into the building, not giving the valet even a glance; Sehun runs after us, not wanting to be left out. We get into one of the elevators as Sehun pulls out a key and slides it into a little keyhole next to the PH button. As soon as the door closes Kai is on me. His lips are soft but his technique is anything but. I gasp when he bites my bottom lip, giving him access to my mouth. His hot tongue enters my cavern, exploring every centimeter as if he wants to memorize it.  I moan when his hands are on my ass, without any hesitation I wrap my legs around his waist and suddenly we’re up against the wall.
“What happened to not starting without each other?” Sehun snaps and I’m brought back to reality. I pull away and lock eyes with Kia’s intense gaze.
“Sorry,” I mumble as I untangle my legs from Kai and drop back to the ground. We shuffle out of the elevator into a massive penthouse. Floor to ceiling windows give me a perfect view of the city from so high up. I’m so in love with the view, I forget my horniness for a minute and rush down the three steps into the living room and up to the window. I’ve always wanted a view like this.
“Did you forget about us?” Sehun teases as his arms wrap around my waist. I feel his manhood pressed against me and I grin.
“Sorry,” I mumble once again, I take my hands off the window and turn around in his embrace.
“No need to be sorry baby girl, it was cute,” Kai comes over to us.
“I have the same view in my bedroom,” Sehun whispers in my ear. “Do you want me to show you?” I nod, biting my lips as both men grab my hands and lead me down a the hall to a set of double doors. “Are you ready baby?”
Kai warns me, “This is your last time to back out, I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself once we really start.”
All I can say is, “Good.”
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oh-beyond · 7 years
It’s also your birthday! - Drabble
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It was this guy that you saw getting coffee.
For @xiubaek13 on her birthday, part of the Birthday surprise series>>>
Surprise #2
Xiumin x reader
“He’s there, look at him, oh my god, he’s there again, three days in a row.” you whispered to your friend.
By now you memorised his favourite drink. Iced Americano. 
You watched how he unwrapped the straw and how attractively he placed it on his lips and even how he sucked. 
You watched him.
You liked him.
“He really is handsome. Go talk to him ___.” suggested your friend.
“Ah no, I can’t. Me approaching a guy? Out of the blue?”
“Better than stalk him and droll over him every time we see him, no?”
“Stop it! I am not going. Besides if he stares at me straight I’d faint.”
“Yeah probably... he is amazing.”
“Yeah, have you seen his eyes? His eyes... Oh my god his eyes, they p-”
“Yes yes, they pull at the sides and he looks like a kitten, yes. I’ve heard it so many times.”
You sighed, he was just out of this world. You had this feeling of just wanting to poke his cheek to see if he was real and not an illusion. 
He was about to leave the coffee shop when he dropped his wallet. Your friend elbowed you and wriggled an eyebrow. You ran to get it before the couple that were next to it picked it up. You weren’t going to waste this chance.
“I got it! Thanks I- I know him. Thanks.”
They looked at you a bit awkwarded out. It seemed as if your life depended on this wallet. 
It did actually. That is what you thought when you saw the wallet, the only way you could approach him justifiably.
“So, OK after that scene. You better go and give it to him. Start a talk.”
“Yes... ahmmm. Yes I am going. Yes. Yes I am going. I am going. I am not going I can’t do it.”
“Well you have to because he is getting away.”
“I can’t.”
“Oh for fucks sake, give it to me.”
You friend snatched the wallet out of your hands and ran after this mysterious guy.
“Excuse me! Sorry- Sir!”
He turned around and goddamn. He was impressive, it gave her the weak knees herself.
He pointed at himself in question whether she was calling after him or not.
“Yes, hi!”
He didn’t reply just raised his eyebrows confused.
“Sir, you dropped your wallet, at the coffee shop, here it is.”
He looked at her hand wondering how exactly... he was confused and went to feel his back pocket.
“Ammm do you speak English? It is you wallet. You just dropped it.”
“Yes mine!”
Your friend giggled.
“Yes I speak. Thanks so much!”
“You are welcome.”
He took the wallet and bowed smiling back at her.
“Ammm, can I ask you something?”
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
“What?!” he asked confused almost snorting.
“Do you?”
“Are you hitting on me?”
“Well, no I am not. My friend- answer me first.”
“I do not have a girlfriend”
Now he definitely snorted “you people are something else.”
“What do you mean by you people?”
“I- well I am not used- what is the point of all this?”
“OK, so” she began “you see my friend over there” she pointed at you.
“She has a crush on you. And her birthday is tomorrow. And if you have nothing better to do and if you wanna get to know the best girl you’ll ever know...”
He looked at you and tilted his head, but now you were looking around to see if this was really happening.
Your point of view
‘What is taking her so long? What are they talking about? Why are they looking at me? What the fuck are you doing? Bring your ass back here or I will kill you’
Your friend took his phone and typed something on it.
What the actual fuck was happening?
But then your phone rang... your friend coming back with a proud grin, and he... he had his phone on his ear.
You looked at your phone and it was an unknown number, +82 international phone code in the screen.
“Hi there. I was wondering if you could come out and maybe talk to me? Face to face.”
You placed your hand over the speaker “I will kill you” you whisper-shouted at your friend that was back.
“Go talk to him. Oh my god he smells so good and his eyes are more beutiful up close”
“OK” you replied giving your friend a death glare.
“Hi” you greeted awkwardly waving at him.
“I smell nice and my eyes are more beautiful up close? Is that so?”
“I- I didn’t say that it was my friend.”
“Oh” he closed his eyes faking being shot on his chest “I am hurt. You don’t think I smell good or my eyes are beautiful?”
“No no no, they are... they are insanely beautiful, and you smell really good actually.”
Oh but that didn’t just come out loud. Did it? Face-palm.
“Thank you!”
By now you covered your face with both hands wanting the ground to swallow you whole.
“Your eyes are just as beautiful” he admitted.
You looked at him and his smile made your heart pound aggressively on your ribcage.
“My name is Minseok. And I would love to take you out tomorrow. If you aren’t busy.”
“I am not!”
But then you remembered your birthday.
“That is awesome. See you tomorrow then. I can come collect you. I will text you tonight.”
What did just happen?
Minseok: Hi there pretty girl.
You: Hi Minseok.
Minseok: I can’t believe we are texting. I should thank your friend.
You: Sorry if she came in to you too directly. She is just like that.
Minseok: I like it. She just hooked me up with a girl like you. It’s the best to be direct. When you aren’t you miss a lot of chances in life.
You: I feel awkward tho, what will you be thinking of me?
Minseok: I think you like me.
You: 🤦🏻‍♀️
Minseok: I like you too, otherwise I wouldn’t be texting you and asking you out.
You: ...
Minseok: You are so cute
You texted the whole night, he was such a gentleman, cheeky at times. He told you about him being with his friends for a short 6 day holiday. You learned about his favourite colour, his favourite food, his friend’s names, his hobbies, his birthday...
I would of been too lame to tell him your own birthday was going to be the following day. You thought it be compulsive for him to get you a present. If he didn’t he’d look like an asshole, and if he did it would be awkward.
“It’s your birthday and you have a date with hot Korean boy Minseok Kim... girl! This is your year!”
“I have to thank you. You know I love you.”
“Happy birthday my dear friend. Now go go go. He’s waiting downstairs.”
You gave your friend a kiss and went downstairs. You looked at your reflexion in the mirror fixing your wine coloured chiffon blouse checking if your lipstick was perfect. You blew a kiss at yourself and went to meet Minseok.
He was leaning on a fancy black car wearing a black turtle neck sweater. His hair brushed back... he was unreal. He was holding a simple white roses bouquet ... He was too much.
“Hi. Wow. I- this colour really suits you. I’m- wow.”
“Same. You look really...”
“Really.” you admitted.
He came closer offering you the bouquet tilting his head placing a soft kiss on your cheek “you smell really good.”
This was the luckiest day of your life.
He opened the passenger’s door for and smiled “let’s get going.”
You sat down and watched him fasten his seatbelt. Dear god his profile, his profile was inhuman.
“I can’t really drive if you watch me like that ___, you are making me nervous.”
“Oh... oh sorry.” You cleared your throat and looked straight.
He chuckled and shook his head “so so cute. I can’t believe this.”
“So where are we going?”
“I will take you to a birthday party. It’s my friend Yixing’s birthday and we have a party set up for him at the club. We actually planned this trip for all of us to meet up and celebrating it. Is that ok with you?”
“Oh a birthday! Yeah I don’t mind. I’d love to meet your friends actually.”
“And I’d love them so see me coming with a girl like you. Thank you.”
When you arrived he offered his arm to hook yours, you made your way through the club finding over 20 people a the big table. There were 2 boys being extra whiny and loud and it intimidated you making you stop walking.
“It’s ok. it’s just JD and Baek. Don’t worry I got you.” His warm breath hitting your neck as he whispered on your ear. “You look amazing and... I can’t be happier.”
You smiled and kept walking.
“Hi guys!”
“This is ___.”
“Hi” you waved shyly almost using Minseok’s back as a shield. 
“Hyung! Is she your girlfriend?”
“Guys come on!”
A soft looking man approached you and offered his hand for a handshake.
“Hi! Thanks for coming. I’m Yixing.”
“Happy birthday Yixing.”
“Come on guys it’s time for the cake!” a taller guy with big ears announced bringing a cake and candles.
“Can you excuse me for a moment?” 
“But Mins-”
“Just one second.”
You watched him disappearing leaving you in the middle of this circus. The loud guys bringing you closer talking faster than you’ve ever heard anyone talk in your life.
The lights turned off and they all started singing happy birthday in Korean and then in Chinese, but... where was Minseok?
Yixing blew on the candles and then everyone started clapping the lights turning back on for a spilt second before turning off again, Minseok appearing with a smaller cake walking towards you.
“Happy birthday ___.”
“Now make a wish before blowing the candle.”
At this point everyone was cheering. You smiled and you blew the candle, another round of clapping was heard.
“What did you wish for?” everyone asked.
“I- I don’t know what to say.”
Minseok placed the cake on the table pulling your hands bringing you closer to him “I know you should be the one wishing but I wished something for myself, and I think it’s going to happen. About right now.”
Your eyes were big as orbs and nothing was sinking in. He leaned closer and planted a kiss on your lips, soft and sweet, his lips moulding perfectly over yours.
“Happy birthday!
A/N: Happy birthday @xiubaek13 to the sweetest of them all! A lil something for you. 
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sootemptation · 7 years
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(Gif not mine. Credits to the owner)
You could barely hold your excitement as the moment you had been waiting for the whole week was about to come. Your nerves were going to kill you with the anticipation. When your manager told you that one of the cutest vocalists of EXO, Byun Baekhyun, had been chosen as your partner for the couple photo shoot you were going to do you tried your best to keep it cool, but you failed miserably, making him laugh at your hyped reaction. Byun Baekhyun. The one and only Byun Baekhyun. That boy had been the center of your life, honestly, ever since EXO debuted, and having the chance to be close enough to him to hear his voice or watch his beautiful smile was driving you crazy.
When they called your name to enter the room you wasted no time, and as soon as you got in your eyes scanned the place looking for him. The world stopped moving as you spotted him in the back of the room, next to a large window. The light coming through it made his hair and skin shine bright, and when his gaze met yours and he smiled at you, his features became even brighter, if that was possible.
Yes, Byun Baekhyun was looking at you. Not just that, he was smiling at you. The guy who had invaded every single one of your thoughts since you could remember was right now in front of you, looking at you with such a charming and mesmerizing smile that you found yourself unable to look away.
“Did you hear what I say?” asked your manager next to you, snapping his fingers in front of your face.
“Y-yes,” you answered still in trance.
Baekhyun, who was witnessing the whole scene, lowered his head and giggled. It was such a beautiful sound… It made you think about that quote Every time a baby laughs, a fairy is born, but you were sure that instead of that, the real statement should be something like Every time Byun Baekhyun laughs, a fairy is born or even better Every time Byun Baekhyun laughs, an EXO-L is born.
“Ok, I’ll leave now. See you tomorrow.” He waved before turning around.
Wait. What? See you tomorrow? I’ll leave now? WHAT? Once you finally assimilated his words you sprinted after him.
“Where are you going?” you whispered placing yourself in front of him.
“Really? Do you ever listen to me when I talk to you?” he scolded.
“Yes, I do! Of course I do! I was just kidding!” You smiled taking one step back trying your best to pretend that you knew what was happening.
“Oh really? Repeat what I said.”
“Mmmmm… you said you’ll leave now and we’ll see each other tomorrow.” You smiled innocently.
“Before that!”
He was bitch-facing you so hard that you couldn’t suppress a giggle, “I’m sorry, you’re right, I was not paying attention.”
He whined, done with you, and repeated what he had told you before, “I said that I have to go back to the agency and I won’t be able to come here and pick you up once you’re done, so you will have to go back by taxi.”
“Ok, I’ll do that. See you tomorrow, manager-nim,” you sang praising him so he wouldn’t stay mad at you.
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” he mumbled waving his hand in the air and walking past you. “Send me a text message to know you got home safe!” he shouted while leaving.
You nodded, but he didn’t see you. When you turned around Baekhyun was right behind you, leaning slightly in your direction with a huge smile on his face.
You took a deep breath and tried to sound cool while repeating to yourself Don’t act like a crazy fangirl.
“Hi,” you answered with a shy smile, looking down. It was really hard to keep looking at him when he looked at you with such a sweet smile. Those pink lips…. What you would do to those lips…
“Guys,” called the photographer, “we are ready. Whenever you want…”
“We’re ready too,” he shouted taking your hand in his and leading the way to the small set they had prepared for the pictures. When his skin touched yours, a jolt of electricity ran up and down your spine. His hands seemed to be huge holding yours. You stared at them, realizing that every single post you had seen in Tumblr related to his hands would never describe how perfect they were. You suddenly felt kind of ashamed. All about him was perfect.
“Well. The concept today is couple clothes so we are going to make it simple. You just have to act like a couple. Talk about any random thing, joke with each other, hold each other's hands… That kind of things. The point is that it feels natural, like a picture taken on any given day. You got it?”
“Yeah! Totally!” He smiled. You just nodded, since you weren’t so sure if you could act natural when he was around.
He walked to the yellow couch and laid there. Then lifted his face and poked the spot under his head, indicating you to have a sit.
You did as he told you and he rested his head on your lap.
“Is this OK?” he asked looking at the photographer.
Unconsciously, you ran your hand through his hair, unable to look at anything other than him.
“That’s perfect!” smiled the woman, raising her camera and capturing the moment. “If you could look at her and just talk... that would be great,”
His eyes met yours and you smiled trying to hide your blush. He smiled too.
“So… do you live far from here?”
What is that question?
“No, not really. It takes ten minutes. Thirty if you walk. Why?” you asked.
“I might have overheard your conversation with your manager and I thought that I could take you home so you don’t have to hire a taxi service.”
How could he be such a gentleman? Did he use to act like that with everyone? Because if that was his daily self you couldn’t understand how every member of sm staff could work with him without falling in love.
“I-I appreciate it, but I think I’ll just walk. I feel like walking today,” you stuttered.
He sat abruptly.
“Why?” You didn’t understand.
“Why are you rejecting me?”
“I’m not rejecting you, I just don’t wanna be a bother.”
“You’re not! Pleaaaaase, let me take you home,” he pouted, “Do I disgust you so much that you don’t want me to help you?”
“What? No! It’s not that!”
So this was what the other members of EXO meant when they said that he was a drama queen? Or that he used to overreact over little things?
“Then why don’t you accept my offer? OH MY GOD…” he suddenly moved to the other end of the couch. “You don’t like EXO.”
He looked so terrified with the idea, and it was such a stupid idea, that you bursted into laughter. How could he be that cute?
“I do like EXO…” you managed to say.
“Then let me take you home. I’ll behave, I promise!”
As if he could sense that you were about to give in he pouted, but his eyes were smiling.
“Ok. If that’s what you want…”
“Yes!” he exclaimed standing up and taking your hand expecting you to do the same. “Let’s dance to celebrate.”
He pulled you close to his body holding you by your waist. Your head was spinning as he jumped around the sofa with you in his arms, but you didn’t know if it was because of his twists or just because of him.
“This is gold!” exclaimed the photographer giggling at the scene in front of her.
When your photo shoot was over and everyone seemed satisfied with the results, you changed your clothes to your black sport leggings, your oversized hoodie, and sneakers. Had you known your platonic love would be driving you home you would have dressed like a proper human being. 
After checking once again that you didn’t forget any of your belongings you headed to the parking lot, where Baekhyun was already waiting for you. You were thankful that, despite your clothes, at least your face looked nice with the makeup they had put on you for the photo session.
“You ready?” he asked. You didn’t fail to notice how he looked at you from head to toe.
“I am,” you answered lowering your gaze, feeling ashamed again.
“Let’s go then!” He opened the door for you to climb inside of his car and did the same after you.
You gave him your address and he tapped it in his navigator before driving you there. The first five minutes or so he was quiet so you curled up in the car seat, as you used to do to feel comfortable, and focused on keeping still the fangirl inside of you.
“Soooo… you like EXO.” He smiled without taking his eyes off the road.
His smile was contagious, “I do.”
“Oooook… aaand…” it was like he wanted to ask you something but he didn’t dare.
“Come on! Spit it.”
He wasn’t expecting that kind of answer, but it gave him the courage he was looking for.
“Who’s your favorite member?”
Your eyes widened. You couldn’t answer that.
“I won’t tell you.”
“Why?” He frowned.
“Because I won’t feel comfortable. Ask me any other question if you want, but I won’t answer that.”
He looked at you briefly, “Will you answer any other question?”
“Try me.”
You were teasing him now. He knew it, and you knew he knew it, but it was too funny to stop.
“Ok, I have a lot of other questions, ready?
“Who is the most handsome member?”
The fact that you didn’t hesitate cheered him up and he kept going.
“Who’s the cutest?”
“The sexiest?”
“The most seductive?”
He quietened for a second before starting again,
“Who’s the sweetest?”
“The funniest?”
“The most adorable?”
Another pause.
“Ok, if you don’t wanna tell me who is your bias... at least tell me who is your bias wrecker...”
You smiled.
And then he lost it,
“Really? REALLY? And what about me?”
His pout was too cute for you, and you would’ve done anything to keep watching it a little longer, but you were also disappointing him and that made you feel bad, so you tried to fix it,
“You have really nice hands,”
He stopped the car and looked into your eyes. Sadness still in his gaze,
“Just nice hands?”
“Not just nice hands… REALLY nice hands! Oh! And you’re super cute when you pout.”
His features softened a bit, but it didn’t feel like it was enough,
“Well, we’re here. It was nice meeting you.”
It was just then when you realized that he had stopped the car because you were actually in front of the building where you lived.
“Oh! Well, thanks for the ride. I hope we meet again soon.”
He nodded softly before you took your bag and left.
As you entered the hall you felt sorry for messing with him so much, he was your favorite after all… Why were you like that?
When the elevator reached the 17th floor you looked for your keys in your bag and walked down the corridor until you reached your door.
As soon as you entered your apartment you dropped your keys and, recalling what your manager had asked you, you reached for your phone to tell him you were at home safe and sound, but you didn’t find it.
No way. Where was your phone? You checked again the front pocket of your hoodie, being sure that you had put it there, but it was empty. Just in case you were wrong, you searched in your bag, but it wasn’t there either. 
It hit you then. Everything used to fall from the pocket of your hoodie when you curled up, so there was just one place where it could possibly be, and it was Baekhyun’s car.
You ran towards the elevator, but it would take it too much time, so you used the stairs instead. Maybe if you really hurried up… he was still there.
You were out of breath when you reached the hall and ran across it to get to the door. Then, someone shouted your name, making you stop right away. The receptionist walked in front of you and handed you something. Your phone.
“A guy gave me this saying that you had left it behind. He wanted to give it to you himself but he didn’t know your apartment and… you know I can’t provide anyone that kind of information… I hope it’s ok…”
“Yeah, sure,” you answered.
You knew it was his job, but you wouldn’t mind if Byun Baekhyun had paid you a visit. Taking the phone from his hands you said goodbye and went straight to the elevator.
You were still trying to catch your breath when you almost choke on it.
You pressed the power button and when the screen lighted up you saw your damn lock screen once again.
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Suddenly, the notification of a new message showed up, but you didn’t recognize the number:
You should have a better screen lock than just the swipe thing. Hope you don’t mind the changes, I just followed the lock screen instructions.
Kind regards,
Your bias.
Aaaand... he knew. You smiled thinking about him calling himself your bias or using your phone to call his so he could get your number. He was such an idiot... You adored him.
But what did he mean when he wrote Hope you don’t mind the changes?
When you tapped the home button you finally understood. Despite you looked crazy laughing out loud alone in the elevator you just had to. He had changed your wallpaper. And you loved it.
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exofluffstuff · 7 years
Exo's reaction when a random guy hints on their S/O
Request said: Exo reaction when a guy can't take a hint that their crush/ SO dont want that guy.
Xiumin: You guys were at the coffee shop and Minseok told you that he was going to the bathroom. You sat down in a nearby table and waited for your boyfriend to come. You were scrolling down in your phone, when suddenly a random voice says “Hey pretty girl...wanna hang out sometime” . “No” you said without looking at the guy. “Why sweetheart, you haven’t seen my face” he said. “I said no!. I have a boyfriend” you said meeting his eyes. The random guy was about to say something, but he was cut off by Minseok saying “Haven’t you heard her!..Move!” 
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Suho: You guys were just waking down the streets of Hongdae  and you guys decided to stop in a nearby shop. Suddenly, a guy approaches to you, Suho didn’t noticed because he was so distracted looking around the place. “Hi, sweetheart” the guy said. “Umm... Hi” you said. “I was wondering if you could ditch your friend over there and go hang out with me?” the guys said while winking. “No” you said and started to walk pass the man. He janked your hand and said “Honey, I don’t think you can escape me” he said while strongly holding your arm. “Let me go!” you said struggling. Then Suho came to your side and janked your hand from the mysterious man and said “Get lost!” 
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Baekhyun: You guys were just enjoying your ice creams. When suddenly, this college guy approaches. You thought that he recognized Baek, but when he didn’t go straight to him but to you, you kind of wondered what he wanted. Maybe he wanted you to take a picture with Baek. “Hi...I been starring at you for a while” he said facing me. Baek was confused. “Would you like to go out...Like now?” he asked. “No..I have my boyfriend right here” you said pointing to Baek. “Him?” he said laughing. “What’s wrong with him?” you asked angrily. “Oh..Honey I could treat you better” he said, you were about yell to the the guy who just insulted your boyfriend but Baek said “Seriously, just get lost..she doesn’t want you. She wants me” Baek said while taking your hand and smirking to the guy. 
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Lay: You guys were just enjoying the afternoon at a nearby park that you had close to your apartment. You guys were laughing and enjoying yourselves.  Out of nowhere, a nice looking guys was sitting at your right side. “AH... you scared me” you said looking to the guy. “Sorry, I didn’t meant to scare you” he said sounding sincere. “Umm...is fine” you said and you were about to turn your attention back to Yixing but the guy grabbed your hand and started running with you, you started to scream and struggled to get out of his grip. “You know I’ve been watching you for a while and I like you a lot” he said. “Look I know this isn’t the right way to ask you out but...” he said. “Just let me go, you freak” you said with all your anger and fear. “ What did you just said, bitch” he said, he was about to hit you but someone grabbed his hand and said “Mess with someone of your own size...Haven’t you heard she doesn’t want you!” said a screaming Yixing. The guy let you go and you quickly crumbled to Yixing’s chest..making him soothe you until you felt better. 
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Chen: You guys were at a restaurant and Chen had to go the bathroom. You were left alone, for a few minutes. Your dishes came and since your didn’t wanted it to get cold, you started to eat quick. A guy sits on Chen’ chair. “Hi, beautiful” said a guy with a bottle of wine.  He called at a waiter and the waiter came, he asked for two wine glasses. “Umm...excuse me but do I know you?” you said asking the guy. “No but I think you’re irresistible” said the guy liking his lips. A chill came down to your spine and you wished for Chen to be already here next to you. “I got no interest on you, so could you please leave me alone” you said. “I don’t think I could do that” he said smirking. “You better leave or I’ll call the cops on you” said a familiar voice. “Chen” you whispered feeling so happy that he finally came. The guy quickly left  “Thank you for the bottle of wine” screamed Chen.
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Chanyeol: You guys were entering over to the largest candy shop in Seoul, you were so happy that Chanyeol took you there. “Look...” you said excited pointing out to your favorite candies. Chanyeol would smiled and say ‘cute’ every time you said it. You were about to tell something, to Chanyeol but he suddenly wasn’t next to you. “Looks like you got ditched, love” said a guy smirking. You didn’t responded you just ignored him. You were about to walk and look for Chanyeol but the guy grabbed you hand and said “Hey, I am talking to you” he was annoyed. “Look, I don’t usually do these kind of stuff. But I can’t help but look at you..I’ve been following you around for weeks” he said. “WHAT!” you said. “Yeah” he said sounding confident about it. “Well and I am ready to take you now” he said. “I am not going anywhere with you....I don’t know you ... and all I could see is that your a psychopath!” you said. “Just leave me alone” you added and started to run and the guy did the same. Suddenly you bumped into someone, you quickly began to apologize and was about to take off again but the voice stopped you “Y/N...are you okay..you look like you saw a ghost or something” Chanyeol said “Chanyeol..” you said as you hugged him tight. “There is this guy..a creepy guy after me” you said almost to the point of crying. “There you are!” the crazy guy said. “Excuse me...who the hell are you!” said an angry Chanyeol. The guy laughed. “I just want her” he said pointing to me. “You won’t have her!..she is mine...besides...I think you’ll have fun in the place I called for you” Chanyeol said pointing to the police guy behind the crazy guy. “So you knew” you said  feeling relieved. 
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D.O: You guys were walking around the park. The park was a little bit crowded than usual. You got distracted watching the lake and the beautiful scenery. You were amazed by it, that you totally forgot about your boyfriend. “Beautiful, isn’t it” said a unfamiliar voice. “Yes” you simply said. “So...I was wondering if you liked to have fun tonight” the voice said. “Umm....How about a no!” you sassed him. “You’re sassy and I like that!” he said moving closer to you. “Could you please move away, a bit...” you said biting your lip and feeling very uncomfortable. “How about a no!” he said mocking you. “Are you mocking me” you said with anger in your tone. “Gosh...you got the whole package that I am looking for...You turn me on girl” he said smirking. Suddenly a familiar voice came from your side. “Touch her and I’ll kill you!” Kyungsoo said angry. The guy quickly knew  left without a word. “I was so concerned about you...Y/N don’t ever do that again..Look what would've happen” Kyungsoo said.“I am so sorry” you said while you get to hug him and let out the tears that you been holding in. 
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Kai: You guys were dancing at a club when suddenly, Kai wasn’t dancing by your side anymore. ‘Where could he had gone?’ you asked yourself. Suddenly, you felt a pair of arms touching your hips and you immediately thought of Kai. You kept dancing and when the guy turn you around to face him, it wasn’t Kai...it was another guy. “Hey, babe” said the guy. “Um..Hello could you please let go off me..” you said. He quickly let go of your hips. You were about to leave but the guy grabbed your wrist. “Where are you going?” said the guy. “ I thought we had fun” he added. “I thought you were someone else” you said, he let off his firm grip and you just walked away but half way to your table, the guy again grabbed your wrist “what do you want?” you said annoyed. “You” said the guy. He was about to kiss you but luckily Kai came your side and snatched you from the guy. “Get yourself an another women cause she is mine” said an angry Kai.
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Sehun: You guys were at your favorite Boba shop. You guys ordered what you wanted and waited for the order to be completed. “Babe, I am going to look for my phone..I left it in the car” said Sehun. “Again” you sighed. “Okay, go” you added. While you waited for your boyfriend to come back, you got called to pick up your order. While you grabbed and walked back to your table, a guy came to your side and followed you and said “I think you boyfriend is cheating on you..what a waste” he said looking into your eyes. “Do I know you?” you asked. “NO” he said. “Okay...then why are you talking to me?” you asked. “Because I think you are pretty, and cute and you deserve so much better.Maybe a guy like me?” he winked while he said it. “I pass” you said while you put your stuff at the table. “How about we ditch your boyfriend and you go on a date with me” he said sounding persistent. “No” you said avoiding eye contact. “But” the guy started to say. “Psh..she never go out with you..Plus she has me” said Sehun. 
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gyeommine · 8 years
When You Cuddle (EXO)
“I was wondering if you could make a how they cuddle you one (like the got7 one) for exo? I love your stories they're so well written!!!”
(gif credits to the original owners)
Suho: He would be definitely be super romantic. You’d be leaning into his side, resting your head on his shoulder as he holds you close to him. He would often peck your cheek or your nose just to remind you that he’s paying attention to you. It’ll be pretty vanilla and will only ever take it further if you were to instigate because I see him as the perfect gentleman.
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(wow okay y’all sleeping on leader of the year)
Xiumin: It’d be the cutest. You’d definitely be resting your head on his shoulder and lots of cute giggles. He’ll probably even rest his head on your shoulders a few times and blush like crazy whenever you look at him. He’s a shy boy but he’s also so clingy so he’ll pine for attention then be all bashful. Just nuzzle into his shoulder and he’ll just fall apart bc ur cute and he cannot handle.
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 (the cutest pixie)
Luhan: He’s gonna be so playful. He’ll catch you off guard by pulling you onto his lap and squeezing you tight. He’ll probably just casually rest his chin on the back of your neck for a while before checking whether you’re comfortable. He’d probably prefer you on his lap though, allowing for you occasionally swivel around to face him and sling your arms around his neck. 
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(um how r u real? genuine question)
Kris: I think he’s a chill cuddler, a lazy cuddler if you will. He’ll probably let you rest your head in his lap and he’ll slowly twirl strands of your hair. It’d be so calming. I also think he could easily take things further with like slow make out sessions on the couch. Or, you guys will just fall asleep. It would totally depend on the mood but both will be great.
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Lay: Okay yes he is such a lil’ fiend on stage, but he’s such a bumbly cutie irl I swear. Your cuddling would be so vanilla. He’d hold your hands and smile at you all the time - his lil’ dimples poking through. You’d probably both bump heads at one point and just laugh it off. It’d honestly be so cute and sweet and pure (just like him). It’ll feel warm and safe to be nestled into his side.
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Baekhyun: Y’all already know that he’s going to be such a tease. He’ll cheekily steal kisses all the time and try and tickle you. He’ll likely leave leave trails of kisses all down your neck and runs his hand a long your thigh. He’ll be cheeky, but he obviously get the memo if you’re only down for cuddles and nothing more (won’t stop him being playful tho).
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(this is such a pure gif of him i cri)
Chen: He’ll be a sweet cuddler. He’ll talk a fair bit but will also shower your face in lil’ pecks. His fingers will trace small circles on your arm or you leg as you’d lean into his chest. His scent and his warmth would just make you feel completely at ease and secure when you’re cuddling. He’ll beam at you and you’ll heart will melt and ahhh. He’ll also highkey love it if you bury your face in his neck.
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(whiniest and cutest member hands down)
Chanyeol: This gentle giant will literally scoop you up into his embrace with ease. He’ll probably love it if you sat in between his legs or on his laps (but then he’ll tease you saying you’re small:/). He’ll love to play with your hands, nuzzle and be the soft puppy he is. Lots of laughs and smiles too because you can’t expect much else from Exo’s ray of sunshine.
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(i got distracted looking thru gifs of my fave aw man :/)
D.O: Would seem awkward to cuddle at first, but you’d feel his whole body relax as soon as you rested against him. He’d probably breathe a gentle “I love you” before pulling you closer into him. He’’d rest his hand on the inside of your thigh. He’d probably look at you, spacing out thinking how great you are, before you catch him and he gets all squish and smiley. 
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(you betcha he’s fucking adorable and ThaT HEART SMILE <3)
Tao: He’d be another boy who is very playful. He’d start to tickle you after he pulled you by him, just after you thought it was safe. It would kill him to hear your laughter. He’d like cutely nuzzle into your neck and hold his hands to your waist. I also think he’d rest his head on your lap, bc he probably has a weakness for you playing with his hair.
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Kai: He is such a cuddler it’s unreal. He’ll hug you tight and bury his head into the crook of your neck, before pulling you beside him so you could get comfy. He would make sure that you’re comfy before slinging his arm around you. He’d take your hand in his and carefully play with your fingers. He’d beam like an absolute sweetheart and peck your nose. You guys will act like you’re so in love and it’s so cute.
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(i wanna punch myself in the face jfc lOOk at him)
Sehun: He’ll seem reluctant at first, but don’t be fooled it’s all part of the trick, he’ll hoist you onto his lap when you least expect it. He’ll instantly have his hands on your hips and be attacking your neck with kisses. After a lil’ bit, he’ll just rest his head on your shoulder. By default, he’d make a pouty face and you’d laugh. He’d chuckle out of confusing but would just opt to kiss you stop you laughing.
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IDK WHY this TOOk me soo long??  oh yh because ot12 :’) but that’s okay i need to write something anyway. hope y’all enjoyed this pile of fluff <3
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kawaii-yabbs · 7 years
👑 what is the reason your bias is your bias? 😤 favorite english lyric?🐩 candy, jjangah, or vivi? 🐙 describe chen in three emojis. 👅pick a body part from each member. 🍆fmk: hyung line. 🔪 imagine ot12 in the hunger games, order them from the first one to die to the winner.
👑 Why is Jongin my bias? Holy shit why isn’t he everyone else’s bias?! He’s an actual dork. He is not some over the type sex machine he looks on stage(even tho that is a nice bonus). Hes the sweetest cutest dorkiest man ever and I love him to bits. I smile at his laugh cause he just has the most carefree laugh I can’t. Honestly I could talk about him forever but this would become wayyyyy too long hahaha (its another in of itself)
😤 it’s hard cause I have alot of fav english lines by exo. Honestly, I don’t have a dead set fav but really all of the english lines in Monster kill me as well Chen’s “its hurts” because its a running joke between my friend and I cause he pronounces it “it hurtsch” so yeahhh
🐩 THIS HURTS MY SOUL CAUSE I LOVE THESE DOGS MORE THAN THE MEMBERS SOMETIMES (im a dog person sue me) but probably jjangah because its the most cuddly and energetic and I love fun loving dogs next would be vivi cause she lies down all the time I feel that deeply 😅😅
🐙 chen in 3 emojis?? 😎🐫🐱 honestly i need more and i also need a brow emoji cause them brows are like his signature
👅imma do OT12 cause my hearteukris - let me see them hands yassss i love his large hands cause I have huge hands as well and I like a man with bigger hands than mesuho - dem eyes hes got some great eyesxiumin - his smileeeeeee he has the cutest gummy smile everluhan - his deer eyes. he has these innocent (ha lol) eyes that just sparkleLay - dimples. this little dimple bum (inside joke kayyy) you can tell his true smile and a fake one with the depth of his dimplesBaekhyun - fingers. FINGERS. so damn pretty honestly hes beautiful all over but his fingers are gorgeousChen - his smile boy he makes the sun look dull. he has a sunshine smile i cryChanyeol - ears. boy his ears are cute and endearing. I want to pet them and just play with them they are so cute (im a creepy yes i know)Kyungsoo - THEM BROWS BOOOOOOIIIIII i wanna stroke them brows cause they are strong and just unf yesTao - his thighs are just unf yes plsssss that boy has gorgeous thighs from all that dancing and martial arts just yum yum yum i wanna eat them up *cough* (thick kink say what?)Jongin - My baby’s skin. His tan skin is gorgeous and I’m glad he embraces it rather than fighting it to fit in. He’s stunning. Sehun - other than the obvious ass, his eyes. they are quite small so when he smiles they crinkle in the cutest ways. its what really keeps him young looking. softens the harsh cut of his jawline and just really makes him into the perfect baby face 😍
🍆 im assuming you mean the OT9 hyung line cause thats what im thinking anywayFMKFuck - Minseok (because if i married him he could not stand how messy I am)Marry - Yixing (cause hes an angel duh?)Kill - Suho (because someone had to die sorry booboo)
🗡 OT12 Hunger Games oh goddddddFirst to Last ok?
Baekhyun (this boy is a drama queen and wouldnt survive the first obstacle)Jongin (too soft also hes not the brightest)Sehun (he would give up because it was too much effort)Chen & Chanyeol (mainly survived on luck)Suho (guilt)Tao (his martial arts helped but his hatred bugs was his downfall)Lay (his innocence and lovable attitude kept him around)Kris (he end up killing himself by not noticing there was a sheer drop ahead of him)Luhan (this boy is savage and competitive he’d fight anyone)Minseok (he managed to survive so far by outwitting others and staying out of trouble except kyungsoo was just too good at playing the waiting game)
Victor - Kyungsoo (quiet, calculating, waited til they least expected it)
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j-hyvn · 8 years
Reaction to You Trusting People Too Easily. . .
A/N be careful with who you trust guys! Stay safe.
Kai ~
Suho. . .
He would be a stressed mess. He would watch you at all times to make sure you are safe and not falling into the wrong hands of a deceitful person. He would constantly lecture you about how unsafe it is to always trust random people you don't know.
Suho: “Jagi, sweetheart, it's unsafe to trust everyone all the time. Please be more careful, okay?”
Y/N: “Suho-”
Suho: “No. Just promise me okay?”
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D.O.. . .
D.O. would want to kill you each time. Not cause he hates you, but simply because each time the members tattletale on you about you being so trusting in someone that day, he would die a little with thoughts of what could have happened to you had that person been ill willed. However he knows it's you simply being your kind and sweet self, and he would find himself forgiving you once again. It would be an endless cycle.
Baekhyun: “Hey Kyungsoo, guess what's Y/N did today?”
D.O.: “Again Y/N?”
Y/N: “Really Baek?”
Baekhyun: *laughs mischievously*
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Chanyeol. . .
His boy, lawd help you. He would be on your case at all times. You giving someone directions on the street, he’s up your ass about it. You’re ordering coffee, that person must have tricked you into getting that flavor coffee you ordered. Maybe not to that extreme, but with him being over protective everyday, it would begin to feel that way. However, you know it’s just because he loves you and doesn’t want you in harms way, and you simply need to be patient with him, and get your priorities straight and not trust every single person every single goddamn time. You both would be a ridiculous mess. I can’t even.
(I don’t know how this relates to what I just wrote, but he’s sexy here, so it counts)
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Xiumin. . .
He would find it adorable when it happened with him or the members, because he would never take advantage of it and hurt you, and he knew the members wouldn’t either. However, out in public, he would be more alert. If you were to meet him somewhere, and you were ten minutes late, the worst possible scenario would pop into his sweet little mind and he would blow up your phone with calls and texts all wondering where you are and if you are okay.
*you arrive at the designated meeting spot ten minutes late*
Y/N: “Xiumin!”
Xiumin: “Oh, jesus Jagi, I was worried. What happened?”
Y/N: “I saw a dog and wanted to pet it. He was so cute.”
Xiumin: “Next time send me a text or call me, okay? You have no idea what was running through my head.”
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Lay. . .
Lay would be understanding and know that it was just how you were brought up and part of your personality. He would actually see more of the beauty in it rather than the negative aspects. He would, of course, be worried about your well being at times and of course talk to you about “stranger-danger” and things like that, but overall, he would love you too much to bother you about it. There would be those moments when things go a little too far and he can’t help but get worried, but he would never allow himself to get mad at you. Overall, he would just find it cute and adorable and it would get him all flustered and blushy.
Lay: “Ahh, Jagi you’re too cute with all your gullibleness.”
(Can we all collectively admire how adorable this cinnamon-roll-of-a-unicorn is?? Please?)
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Chen. . . 
Chen would nag you about it non-stop. This would be something that would get in between you two. You guys didn’t fight often, but when you do, you can bet that it was you being too trusting, whether it was to strangers or your friends. He would think that it’s something childish and that you should grow out of it. However, he would still love you to no end, and this harshness would just be out of his love for you.
*After a fight*
Chen: “I’m sorry that I can be so mean, but knowing that I can’t always be there for you because of my work, that kills me. And to know how trusting you are... What if something happens to you? It would be my fault for not being there to protect you.”
Y/N: “It wouldn’t! You’re right, I should learn to not trust people so much. I’ll work on it. Promise.”
Chen: “I love you Y/N.”
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Kai. . . 
Kai would be a mix of Lay and Suho. He would be like Lay because he would know that it’s a part of who you are, a sweet never expecting trusting person, in which he would adore and love about you. Your sweetness (that could mean two things *wink wink*) and your kindness. However, he would find at times that the stress of worrying about you too much for his sweet little heart to handle, and therefore he would lecture you about the dangers of trusting anything with two eyes. He would try to be kind about it, not wanting to hurt your feelings or make you think he doesn’t love you anymore, cause it would be the exact opposite, and he wouldn’t want to lose the love you two share.
Kai: “Just be careful with who you trust right? No getting into cars, no eating anything from anyone who doesn’t work in a restaurant and no-”
Y/N: “Yes Jongin, I know.” 
Kai: “You know I love you right?”
Y/N *smiles*: “Yes, I know that too. I love you too.”
(He’s a sweetheart. Guys, let’s protect him. We gotta. I mean look at that smile. Look at how his cheeks fluff up. He’s such a fluff.)
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Baekhyun. . .
Baek wouldn’t do much about it to be honest. He would be too distracted with your sweetness (again, that could mean two things) and your kind personality to notice the flaws in it. He would love playing around with you though, making you believe different things and playing pranks on you. He would have the guys join in too just to make it that much more fun and enjoyable. However, I think he would notice if someone was taking advantage of you, whether it’s his members, though they would never, so it wouldn’t be them, they love you too much. More likely it would be a stranger. And if that were the case, he would no longer be the puppy we know, and he would be the protective no-nonsense boyfriend that secretly hiding for moments like these.
Baekhyun: “Hey Jagi! Chanyeol broke his leg! We need you to come to the studio!”
Y/N: “What!? Oh no!”
*scurries off to the studio when Chanyeol is hiding behind the door to scare you*
*you enter and he jump scares you*
Y/N *screams*: “Not funny! You nearly gave me a heartattack you two!”
Chanyeol *trying to get his laughter together*: “We love you Y/N!”
Baekhyun *pulls you in against his chest for a hug*: “And I know you love us Jagi!”
Y/N: “Yeah, and you’re lucky for that too.”
(This is legit the perfect gif for this. I’m so happy you guys don’t even know.)
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Luhan. . .
Luhan would in a way find it annoying. He had to watch over you, and make sure you end yourself up in trouble, he also then would get pissed off at the people taking advantage of you. It’s just a whole lot of work. However, he would work on that flaw with you and remind you, like Kris, not to believe everything you hear. He would still love you to no end though, and would find your kindness so endearing and absolutely love how caring and down to Earth you are. He would like that you need him to protect you though, and that would definitely inflate his self confidence.
Luhan: “It’s okay, I’ll protect you.”
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Tao. . .
Tao would get so pissed every freakin’ time. Like, you would be the only person to bring out this level of sassiness from him. And that means a lot considering how sassy he already is. He wouldn’t even be able to deal. Like, he would want to rash on you to try and get some sense into that head of yours, but he would also wanna beat the shit outta the strangers who talk to you, but like he also kinda wants to watch to see how far you would go, and like, if you had any natural survival instinct or nah.
Tao: *this bish. I swear is gunna be the death of me. she literally believes this dumbass owns a giraffe.*
He’d be so lost and wouldn’t know what to do with all his emotions.
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Sehun. . .
Sehun would find it hilarious. He would let whatever was happening and watch from the sidelines, just enjoying the show. He would never let it get too far to the point you would be in danger or get harmed in some way, and would always in the end jump in to get you away and back in the safety of his presence. He would afterwards, scold you, telling you how even a four year old could tell that person was lying. However, before the end of the day, he would demand you to remember to always call him if there was a problem and he wasn’t around to be there for you, and he would find a way to get to you.
Sehun: “Remember to call me when you get into a situation like that and I’m not there.”
Y/N: “Okay Sehunnie.”
Sehun: “People can only bother you when I’m around so I can enjoy it.”
Y/N: “I get it.”
Sehun *kisses you*: “Good. Now get some sleep, you look tired. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
*Sehun laughing on the side while you listen to a fake, overly dramatic (clearly not real) story from someone*
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Kris. . .
Kris would not find it funny at all. All he could think about was your well being and how he should protect you. He would be your own personal guard dog. If you ever call him, he would waste no time answering the phone, he would keep his phone on him at all times in case you needed him when he’s not with you. He would use his intimidating persona to scare people off who would try and both you, and would always remind you to not believe everything you hear. He would keep a secure hold on your hand while out in public to make it known to people that you are with him. However, he would make sure to keep in mind that you need your own space, and would never over crowd you, as he too needs his own time too.
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A/N this was a really cute and fun reaction to write, and I liked adding in Kris, Luhan and Tao. I love all three of them, so I think I’m just going to add them in all future EXO reactions because they’re still my babies and I just really miss them. 
Anyway, keep the requests coming in!
Kai ~
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xo-exo · 8 years
Wanna Be With You forever- Chanyeol
Genre: Fluff
Member: Park Chanyeol
Words: 1526
Summary: Chanyeol proposing to you. I made myself very emotional while writing this. Oh my god I hope Chanyeol is happy and will get married some day and- and I will shut up now. enjoy. 
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Chanyeol had put a lot of thoughts into this. Like, so many thoughts that he had neglected other things over it. Like eating and sleep. Which had led to him performing not as great as usual on stage. Which had led to the other members being really worried.
“If you don’t ask her soon I will do it”, Baekhyun had threatened his best friend, when Chanyeol threw a minor fit at dance practice. He had been so busy thinking about how he wanted to propose to you that he had stumbled over a bottle and fallen face first into a mirror.
Sehun was cackling in the background while Chen and Xiumin had helped him up. Or tried to. Because Chanyeol just wanted to sit on the floor and be an emotional mess.
“But I want this to be perfect for her! She is perfect! This needs to be perfect as well, because she deserves it. I just love her so much!”
“Well, first of all, I saw her falling down the stairs yesterday. She isn’t perfect. And neither are you, if I might add. You were so busy laughing that you fell down after her”, Chen said, a grin on his face.
Even Chanyeol had to crack a smile at that. “So that is point number one. What is point number two?”
“Nothing, I just wanted to make fun of you”, Chen said and shrugged. “No, sorry, just kidding. I am just saying… it doesn’t need to be perfect. It needs to be real. She loves you, and she loves you the way you are. Whatever you do, it will be great”, Chen smiled and stretched out his hand again to pull Chanyeol on his feet, and this time he let him.
“But please, for the sake of our career and our sanity, just do it soon”, Baekhyun added, rubbing his temples.
“Oh, so that is how you got that bruise on your forehead”, you laughed and pressed Chanyeol’s hand when Baekhyun told the story at his best man speech at your wedding.
“This is so embarrassing. Next time someone else should do this”, Chanyeol murmured, a little pink in his cheeks.
“Next time? Honey, I think you are forgetting this is a ‘for your whole life thing’”, you laughed and Chanyeol blinked a little confused before laughing as well.
“Yah, lovebirds! Could you please listen to me? I spent quite some time on writing this speech?!”, Baekhyun asked loudly and you and Chanyeol shot apart, causing the guests at your wedding to laugh at how cute you were.
“Thank you. Now, fast forward one week: Chanyeol still hadn’t managed up the bravery to ask her. Our managers were getting pissed. Everybody was getting worried. Especially the lovely bride. So what did we, his best friends do?”
“You did what?!”, Chanyeol almost screeched at Baekhyun and Chen. The two of them did not look guilty at all.
“We stole your phone, told her you had something important you wanted to discuss and invited her to Suho’s place because that is where you first met”, Baekhyun replied calmly.
“But..but...I didn’t prepare anything! I don’t know what to say! This is horrible!”, Chanyeol rambled, while gesturing with his hands. And almost hitting Chen in the face.
“Can you please ask him to stop that before I crash the car”, Chen said.
“Please crash the car. Dying would be less painful than being rejected”, Chanyeol said while visibly deflating in his seat.
“I love how you are always so rational and calm and not dramatic. At all”, Baekhyun sighed.
“Alright, we are here. Alive and well. I was doubting it along the way”;,Chen announced a few minutes later as he parked the car.
“I am not getting out of this car”, Chanyeol said and crossed his arms.
“Oh, you don’t have to. We are just gonna drag you out. And we brought reinforcements”, Chen said with a sweet smile, while Suho, Sehun and Kyungsoo stepped out the front door.
“Lay couldn’t make it, but he sent his bodyguard”, Baekhyun explained from the backseat.
“The scary one?”, Chanyeol asked.
“Yupp.” “I hate you all. I’m gonna leave the band.”
“Now, he did not leave the band. By the way, you all should listen to our new single, it’s great and- and, sorry Mrs. Park Chanyeol, I was getting distracted there for a second”, Baekhyun finished the sentence at your glare, causing the guests to laugh again.
“Now. he also didn’t leave the car. Not willingly, at that. So we kind of beat him up and dragged him inside, like any truly loving friends would do.”
“I think you broke my arm. I need to go to the hospital.”
“Bullshit, you are being dramatic. And you almost kicked Kyungsoo in the dick, you should be glad that you are still alive”, Sehun said, arms crossed and standing in front of the door to block Chanyeol’s path.
The other band member’s (and Lay’s scary bodyguard) where lighting candles and decorating the room with roses.
“I’m so gonna jump out the window”, Chanyeol sighed while leaning back on the couch.
And then the doorbell rang. And everybody just panicked for a second.
“Calm down!”, Suho used his leader voice and it went silent.
“Chen, Baekhyun, collect the stuff we couldn’t decorate anymore. Sehun, get the music. Kyungsoo, get Chanyeol.”
Chanyeol protested as Kyungsoo grabbed his neck to stop him from escaping.
“Chanyeol. Breathe. It will be fine. She loves you so much, and you love her very much. Today will be the first one of many, many happy days. Okay?”
Chanyeol took a deep breath as the other ones expectantly looked at him.
There were a few short cheers, then Sehun had finally managed to put up the music.
“Okay...so, how do we leave now?”, Baekhyun asked.
“Uhm… this apartment has only one door. So, front door it is”, Joonmyeon said, while another ring from the doorbell was heard.
So with a few last cheering words (“Fighting, hyung!”, “Try not to cry for once!”, “I am so going to put all of this into my best man speech!”) the other ones left.
You had met them- grinning very self-satisfied- in front of the door.
“Is everything okay? I got Chanyeol’s message! Is he fine?”, you asked a little breathless after hurrying there.
“Just go inside, he will explain”, Suho said and patted your back.
And then they had pushed you inside.
And then there were so many of your favourite flowers, and candles, and a very, very nervous Chanyeol.
“Chanyeol...what?”, your voice cracked a little as you took another step into the room.
“Hi”, he said a little nervous as he took a step forward.
“I… hi”, you couldn’t help but smile.
“I...I didn’t really have time to prepare this. But.. you.. you mean so much to me, okay? I love you. I love you so much that it makes me dizzy everytime I look at you. That day when we met at Suho’s party and you wore that dress I just- I thought I just would have to ask you out, or I would feel sorry for the rest of my life. And when you said yes… I thought that was the happiest moment of my life. But after that… it just kept getting better. When you smile at me my heart just does that weird thing where I always think I am probably dying right now, but who cares, it was worth it. And...and when I can hold you in my arms nothing else matters. And remember that day when you helped me to paint my apartment? And you used your brush to get paint all over my sweater? And when you were laughing so much you almost fell over? That day I thought that I had never seen anything more beautiful in my whole life. And I knew I wanted to spent the rest of my life with you. So..”
He took a deep breath, got down on one knee and pulled a little box out of his pocket.
“Will you spend your life with me?”
For a second there was a silence, and it was the heaviest and most deafening silence Chanyeol had heard in his life.
And then you couldn’t keep back your sobs anymore
“Oh my god. Chanyeol...yes, of course, I want to. I”- the next second he wrapped his arms around you and kissed you, like he had never kissed you before.
And somehow you were still crying, and laughing, and there were tears in his eyes as he wiped your cheeks dry.
“So, fast forward another 20 minutes, which Chanyeol did not tell me about. I wonder why. Anyways, when they finally left Joonmyeon’s apartment again, they both looked somewhat high. And very very happy. Now, all jokes aside… Mr. and Mrs. Park; I would like to make a toast. To your marriage. To your happiness. To your love. To the rest of your lives. May they be long, and filled with everything you could possibly wish for. And kids. Because I will be an awesome uncle. Cheers.”
ahhh, i am am such a sucker for cheesy romance. anyways i hope the idea of marrying chanyeol is killing you as much as it is killing me. 
As usual; my masterlist, the mobile version, and here you can request stuff. 
Love y’all. 
xoxo, elly
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