#ask tabi
appallinnballin · 10 months
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honks very loudly
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taterswithranch · 2 months
ouuuuugghh chubby tabiii ,,, give him a kiss on the forehead right now
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lee-minhoe · 2 years
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smiley chan for @ggthydrangea 🎁🎅
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synchronizedaxolotl · 4 months
I do wonder what's the name of Tabi's adopted little sister? You never said her name?
Hey again! Second ask! :O
Note to those who stumble upon this post: This is just an AU or I guess Alternate story-?? Help idk how explainations work-
Tabi'a little sister is named Alisa! Also with her doll friend, Thomas!
The doll isn't normal :-)
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I can't say too much as I am still trying to work some stuff within the story so it looks polished cause there is so many ideas coming and going.
But doesn't mean I can't provide stuff!
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First time that I shown the dad who adopted the two, This is Octavius!
He fumbles a bit at times as he has never been a father but is dedicated to be there and take care of Tabi and Alisa even if his job makes it hard to maintain a balance this. Regardless if they are adopted or not, These two are now part of his family. He'll do anything to make them happy.
✨ BONUS! ✨
This is a close up of the image!
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Tabi took the picture as a way to kinda help Octavius cheer up even if he was currently working, He manage to captured where he was smiling!
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hey! huge fan of the blog! however, given the situation with Twitter or whatever it is called now I don't really feel like making an account which kinda prevents me from reading the full comic. is there any other site for it? if not, no problem, I still adore the shenanigans I'm able to access here!
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It's pretty unfortunate news, but luckily Walter, Vince and the Himbro's shenanigans live on in one compact carrd and then some!
Here's a list of links if you wanna see some gay werewolf jocks x vampire nerds, buff freaks in haunted mansions, vampiric stepbro incense or hunky pinoy la creaturas.
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lightgriffinsect · 4 months
for the ask game, ❤️ and 💚
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
I really don't want to go the generic route and say BF and GF because we all know how ooc mods make them already...but other than them tbh I'm not sure. I wouldn't say most portrayals are egregious but...
Perhaps Senpai? I like to think DDTO+ and Mind Games did a good job portraying him as the pretentious self-absorbed semi-incel he is in canon (affectionate) but other than that we don't see a lot of good content that keeps him in character. (He's not just selfish, he's actively malicious and volatile.) Or maybe I'm just out of touch with the fandom lmao
Also Void. lol. for similar reasons as Senpai, I feel like a lot of portrayals try to make him more sympathetic, which isn't bad in itself! I like seeing the reasoning behind this kind of character's actions. Void definitely has issues that he's struggling with and there are times when his frustration with this is justified. But some fics/comics/etc wind up making Void much nicer or more empathetic than he really is, which l don't like. That man does not have an ounce of compassion in his body please stop- /lh
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Psychic is the one basing his entire identity around serving the Dearests, not me lol. he does have other interests but he doesn't bring them up often if they don't have anything to do with his primary commitment. It's part of his character to prioritize his job first. This is also why most Psychic ships wouldn't work. (this isn't necessarily something i see ppl say but i feel like that might be a misconception lmao)
Agoti sucks and he's a brat but he does overthink it afterwards. He's both too impulsive to think his actions through and too anxious not to dwell on every one. I feel like we don't get to see much of Agoti's perspective on his own behavior and how he rationalizes it to himself. It's a somewhat difficult balance to strike but Agoti is definitely simultaneously anxious and extroverted, thoughtless and deliberate. It's the trauma, baby 🔥
Also, enough with the Agoti is bad at science allegations. He very much strikes me as a science nerd while Aldryx is better at business and economics. And between Agoti and Tabi, Tabi is better at robotics and Agoti is good at biology and chemistry.
I also think people don't examine the dynamic of Agoti and Aldryx being intelligent in different ways enough. They're both such well-rounded characters that each have a unique but overlapping set of skills and I think that could be explored so much deeper than it is now. Agoti is sharp, clever, and flexible. Aldryx is practical, articulate, and academically smart. I want to see more people discuss and develop those parts of their characters PLEASE aurhdifnd
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nintendoni-art · 11 months
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So the Night Terrors.
Since by the time of this circulating around there's gonna be at least 2 of these guys in tournaments, with one of them being in one already, it felt about the time a post should be made about each of them with a bit of info attached. As a group, the lot of them are from a Sonic Chronicles AU-ish timeline where the Nocturnes didn't get pulled into the Cage, and the Knuckles Clan successfully got the Master and Chaos Emeralds, causing both groups to eventually fizzle out into a centuries long cold war, and causing untold damage to the environment as they gathered up resources. [And then it rolls into the OTHER AU I've been working on...] Fair warning, this is gonna be long under the cut, so heads up! [Also, a quick thank you to @galactirabbit for all the art I'm using!]
Tabi - Currently in @sonic-oc-showdown 2!
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The leader of this motley crew of ragamuffins, Tabi is a fearsome little critter who's brain is just as terrifying as their brawn. Though most of their deeds are more legend than fact, their ability to keep those under their watch safe out of the hands of those who may want to exploit the abilities of their species [or worse, used to recharge and power devices with the chaos energy they're made out of] is second to none. Originally a healer to a group of mercenaries who got dumped in a forest after a terrible injury, their views on Mobians are dim at best, to outright despising them on their worst days. Still, they refuse to confront them directly, instead robbing them blind and using said resources to keep their actions hidden as much as possible from prying eyes, keeping anything they find "interesting" to themselves. Also after another incident, they have a bit of a complex when it comes to "helping" other species they come across by bullying them until they lash out, mostly to make sure they're tough enough to survive if something bigger attacks them. They'll also swear up and down they're in the right about it, which has caused some...issues. Serious, driven, is just ...so very, very tired.
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When the village they were raised in was evacuated, and everyone except the old, infirm, and "pets" were left behind in order to slow down an advancing army, Trackball refused to back down when Tabi came to scavenge what they could find for themselves. After a battle that lasted until sunup, they ended up gaining Tabi's respect, friendship, and services in protecting those who were left. After the last of the Mobians who lived in said village passed away peacefully, Trackball pledged the rest of their life to Tabi's service, and to follow them wherever they, or "the demon in their employ" would go. Granted, this action and Trackball's wording slightly weirded Tabi out a bit, but as the Night Terrors grew, Trackball eventually became second in command, and the defacto leader if Tabi isn't around. Always the first one awake, they're usually found double checking heist plans, arranging scouting and salvage teams, and making sure things run like clockwork behind the scenes. Quick thinking, dependable, Is far more adept than what they think they are.
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As the environment was collapsing around them, some factions tried to replicate species that were dying out, to...mixed results.
Shortfuse here is one of those said artificial lifeforms, and the only one out of all in the project that made them that ended up anything close to stable. Alas, the rest of their fellow A-Life constructs proceeded to go feral and tear apart the scientists that made them, so that left Shortfuse alone. All who loved and wanted them, dead. Cast to the Wilds with no defense, or support. You know, besides the warp powers. And the immunity to any and all toxins and poisons. And the sheer amount of explosive devices they could just summon at a moment's notice. Honestly, most of the Night Terrors don't even remember when Shortfuse showed up. When other members pointed that fact out, Tabi just said they are a chao, they think Shortfuse is cool enough to stay and if anyone had an issue with it, they could take it up with them, and that stopped most questions. Shortfuse generally has their trademark smile plastered on their face, and aside for a few giggles with different tones, is pretty much mute, which, crossed with their generally silent movement can badly startle those unused to that. It's also sometimes hard to tell if they're paying attention, and the fact they can use their stomach as extra storage space has left some a bit disquieted at their actions. Still, they're an integral part of the heads of this gang, if not with their explosives expertise, then with their ability to quickly write down and organize records, and making medicines and helpful compounds by breaking down what components something is made out of by....licking it. Ok, so they're a little off. And they're well aware of this. But the Night Terrors, despite their eccentricities, accept Shortfuse as their own, construct or not, and are more than willing to be patient with them. And that's something Shortfuse will absolutely fight for, no matter what.
Eccentric, a lover of the arts, a bit of a sad clown some days.
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Driven by rumors of a treasure guarded by a fearsome monster that lived deep within the aqueducts of a fallen city, when the Night Terrors went to check out these claims, Rime was the only living thing there. Mutated to twice the size of a regular chao, with a cast iron stomach, keen sense of smell, Rime was also more adept to living in more aquatic climates, fresh water be damned. With the rest of their pack not evolving fast enough to survive said toxins, the joy of finding others of their own species was enough to follow the rest of the Night Terrors anywhere, really. Though they may play up their size and ferocity, and they'll keep quiet to seem like a brick wall both physically and mentally, Rime's a tenderhearted creature who gets lonely easily, and can get a bit awkward when they want to interact with others, easily getting flustered and getting self conscious about being a big fish in such a small pond for so long. They're in charge of training regiments, aquatic scout work and underwater salvage. They're also super picky when it comes to food, and uses their sense of smell to help prevent spoilage from overtaking food storages, and knowing the best time to covert fruits into seeds. Stoic, hardworking, really just wants a hug most days.
Slight -
Currently applied to @chao-race-tournament !
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Forced to flee for their life after their more aristocratic family fell out of favor with those more in charge, Slight was basically left to fend for themselves on the street with only their security blanket. Still, their drive to survive, and their ability to talk themselves out of [or into] most situations, Slight managed to rule the streets of the city their owners used to run until one too many lies caught up to them and Tabi decided to see exactly who'd been saying they beat them in a fight. Still, Tabi couldn't help but be intrigued by this upstart who had the sheer audacity, and after securing Slight's territory firmly under their rule, allowed them to stick around, allowing them to work their way up into the organization. Currently, they're team treasurer and keeper of all the warehouse keys. That being said, they aren't the most moral chao, and don't quite have the same qualms the others may have with selling, say, chao eggs they "found." Wicked cultured, mildly neurotic, will sell you for one corn chip.
Zori - Previously in @sonic-oc-showdown, out in round 3!
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Zori is the most....unique, of the Night Terrors, and possibly the second oldest member of it all. They don't really deal much with the day to day minutia of running a crime syndicate, generally preferring to patrol any gardens under the groups protection, testing out defense systems, or digging up neat ore or rocks Tabi might like. More of a mascot, despite their attempts to seem more ferocious, they also take care and do upkeep of any bases the Night Terrors are operating from unless their expertise in umbrakinesis or electromagnetic manipulation is needed. Deeply curious, loyal to a fault, great with younger team members.
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An unofficial leader of the Night Terrors, Jika was a wanderer and a scholar, and did their best to keep ancient traditions and rituals alive, using their travels in gather and write down stories and histories before they were gone forever. Seeing how the world was slowly but surely driving itself to entropy, however, they started working on plans in order to try and save the rest of their species, working with Tabi, who'd by that point, they'd known for ages, and who Tabi saw as their closest confidant. Yet... Before they could see their plan to save the rest of their species to it's completion, the actions taken drew the ire of a raptor hawk using falconer. Frankly, they had to choose between fleeing with the chao that were starting to scatter despite everyone's best efforts, or drawing it away from keeping Tabi cornered, and hoping that what they wrote down was enough for the rest of them to keep going. ... It was, but you know how it is with choices. Sometimes even with the best of intentions, ones sacrifice can cause such consequences. Trickster, academic, The most doomed by the narrative
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mandareeboo · 4 months
Does Magic! Louie go out looking for Poe or just stumble upon him?
Follow up: Does Louie know it’s Poe or does he just think “Magic Raven, why not?”
Sort of yes, sort of no! Louie originally intends to locate Poe, but he sets out magic traps hoping to, like, find clues, you know? Sniff out the vague part of the world Poe might be in. (I'm making it canon in the lore that Poe was always in Duckburg, because he was always following Scrooge McDuck. Just. You know. Far away.)
And the first chapter is him going "this is cap" to finding An Actual Raven and doing multiple tests to prove it's bullshit. It's not. He loses his mind.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 5 months
I really want to read your Wobbly Hearts Au. But how caught up with Ninjago do I need to be? Kinda stopped after the ghost arc.
Worry not! (You're not the first person to ask this lol) Straight up, you don't need to remember any Ninjago LoreTM to read this fic. There are references here and there to later seasons but I myself haven't watched anything past season 8. If you've watched the LEGO Ninjago Movie it helps with some context but I've got readers who have not watched any ninjago at all before reading this fic, so you should be all set to enjoy! No catch-up required!
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acoraxia · 6 months
I think Ao Lie was just trying to counter act Mei’s serious/stressed energy. I think of him as the peacekeeper of the group who changes his personality based on what the situation calls for.
so do you think he'd try to counter SWK's energy when he gets angry with the group? When Zhu Bajie starts acting up? Does he get along the most with Sha Wujing (considering he's the least likely to do trouble unprovoked between the four of them) or the Tang monk? Because I am now strongly thinking about the fact that if Ao Lie matches people's personalities and is the self appointed peacekeeper then I wonder if he gets annoyed with the monk's decisions or if he just stays as a horse to ignore him and the rest of the pilgrims
genuinely curious pls spare more thoughts
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k1rameki · 10 months
Why did you make tabi hot HEEELPP
maynnnnn idk its what happens when you perfect a method of drawing one of your favourite characters
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anyways take this as well as a stupid doodle of aldryx and tabi
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taterswithranch · 2 months
may I give chonky tabi a hug? With permission, he looks huggable.
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hug the chub
also wanna share my favourite comment of chubby tabi on twitter HDFKSHFDK
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burned-lariat · 6 months
Even after today, I’m still not a fan of the Trina/Joss friendship. Still feels very one-sided.
It's always been one-sided. Idk who decided that when Trina had to be recast, they took away her ability to stand up against Joss. It was a dumb decision.
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synchronizedaxolotl · 4 months
You know I haven't seen alot of fanart of Tabi's canon human design and I really think it's cute and kinda sexy. I hope you get to make more fanart of his human design, keep it up and I love your work!
Thank you so much for loving my work!
Glad I am not the only one who thinks so! I don't get why people don't like it, some saying "he doesn't look russian enough" or something which is weird argument ngl.
I hope so as well since I got ALOT of ideas, I get easily distracted XD
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Have this piece of these two! Lil sister just being the best supporter she is!
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lightgriffinsect · 6 months
before he started making those weird shipping videos I actually liked his fnf comic dub but then he started making content farm shipping videos at first I didn’t mind until the thumbnails for the videos started becoming really suggestive
and yes I know fnf is not a kid friendly game but it got really annoying and gross that every tabi video is just him being harassed by that tall girl (I forgot her name) and most of the videos were giving toxic couples vibes like seriously why is tabi always getting paired with a bunch of female characters like what is this a love triangle anime????😭😭😭
it doesn’t help the fact that cougar's voice B3 boyfriend from the B3 remixed mod so with this shit going on it can cause the dev team to kick him off (I hope they does because honestly his voice doesn’t fit B3 boyfriend) and find a new va 
and now he’s making farm content videos of the smiling critters from poppy playtime by making them hot furry characters LIKE DUDE THOSE ARE CHILDREN TOYS WHY ARE YOU SEXUALIZING!???!?!?!?!?!
So yeah I hope someone can tabi away from this man
the tall girl you're referring to is Nikusa, the kinda-sorta villain(?) of FNF Entity. she's an awesome character who also doesn't deserve the crap Cougar put her through.
speaking of which, EXACTLY???? I never liked cougar's dubs at all tbh; even comics that I personally had read beforehand, which had no hints of romance or shipping whatsoever, became so uncomfortably sexual and harem-y the moment Cougar got permission to dub them. i imagine there were artists who didn't want their work cast in this light at all, and I just feel horrible for them. it's really gross.
and honestly??? FNF being a mature game has NOTHING to do with the overly sexual thumbnails and blatant disrespect of Homskiy's and other creators' wishes for their characters. that doesn't make it okay at all. it doesn't matter how family friendly an IP is, if it's popular, people who only value views WILL come up with the most disgusting clickbait garbage as long as it gets them attention. content farms will oversexualize the most innocent of child-friendly characters in order to get views. FNF being for older audiences doesn't make it better.
cougar's channel has become nothing more than one of these farms. he just happens to be using a former friend's beloved character as a mascot, which only makes it worse.
it reminds me of the downfall of Gametoons and EnchantedMob, ngl. they used to make awesome videos with genuine effort and well-thought out plotlines. now their content is in a similar state. it's disgusting. the fact that cougar has let his standards devolve to this is abhorrent.
every artist has boundaries when it comes to fanart of their work. for such a renowned person in the FNF fandom, with such a large platform, to NOT make sure he isn't crossing those boundaries, and in fact actively disrespect them, sets a terrible precedent for future "big" mod devs to follow.
cougar absolutely cannot get away with this. too many other people in this fandom have, but this is something everyone has borne witness to. it is 2024, and we're sick of seeing this. we want every scrap of what we have left.
i honestly hope the remaining mod devs are doing alright. i haven't talked about them much but their experience working on Vs. Ex is no less valid. it's sickening that cougar took advantage of minors to finish all the work on their own so he could slack off. again, an ADULT could not be bothered to handle anything of the mod development, so he left it all to the rest of the team that he was leading, most of whom were MINORS.
cougar must be held accountable for his blatant disregard for Homskiy's boundaries, breaking his trust and using his beloved character against him. no one should forget how he exploited his underage co-devs to dump all the stress of finishing the mod on them.
Tabi's character is beloved to not only Homskiy and the other devs who actually worked on the mod, not only the Entity creators, but to all of us. everyone in the FNF fandom who has gone out of their way to make art for Tabi, everyone who has cared enough to even praise this art, to seek it out, we know this character's worth. we are the ones who value him.
the same goes for Nikusa, and Ayana, and every other character that he's reduced to shipping fodder and suggestive thumbnail art. I just hope outsiders and people who only know them through cougar's "dubs" will understand the same.
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bebemoon · 2 years
hello faery ~~ happy advent…. would love to participate in your gift game — my favourite colours are the palest ballet slipper pink & pearl-porcelain-snow-white 🩰🕯 sending love x
prada “infusion d’oeillet” eau de parfum . act n°1 layered-design sheer and ribbed knit blouse . maison margiela off-white slingback tabi heels
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