marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
Why did the early-mid century culture hate the victorians so much? Was it just "my grandparents lived through it so I associate growing up around this stuff with being outdated and yucky" kinda like how I've seen the 1970s-80s regarded? Or was there something else going on there culturally?
I suspect it's partially that, and partially just. How much everything changed aesthetically in a relatively short span of time.
I mean, if you look at the feminine fashion differences between 1860 and 1880, the trim and silhouette obviously differ greatly but the basic composition of the outfit is the same. Same under-layers, same general bodice-and-skirt format for most dresses, same hemlines, same broad expectation for the hair (long, mostly one-length, natural colors) even though the popular styling of women's updos changed.
and then you look at, say, 1905- Edwardian, but that same general outfit format -to 1925.
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(Le Costume Moderne, 1905.)
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(The Delineator, 1925.)
There had been radical aesthetic shifts over relatively short periods before- see also: 1780 vs. 1800 -but to my knowledge few of them involved changing the composition of outfits so radically. The 1920s saw the beginning of the now-familiar bra and panties model of conventionally feminine undergarments, for example, as opposed to the immediately prior "chemise and drawers, or combinations, and corset" model. In a very real way, that decade seems to me to have introduced the way we wear clothing today. Obviously some things like girdles and slips have mostly fallen by the wayside, but. It's the beginning of a clothing system that seems vastly more familiar to most of us now than what came before. And with that shift came a lack of understanding of how the earlier model actually worked in everyday life. Combined with new strides being made in women's rights compared to the previous status quo, it could be all too easy to see such totally foreign fashions as awkward and oppressive.
Also it was very much a time that emphasized all things new and exciting, as humans are often wont to do. So the past, and all it represented, cut very little ice. Especially the relatively recent past.
I mean, look at Art Deco and Midcentury Modern. They're basically the polar opposite of Victorian styles that emphasize heavy ornamentation, natural materials, maximalist decor, organic lines, historical inspiration, etc. It's not hard to see that someone raised in that environment might look on the very alien houses- and clothing -of the past and recoil a bit.
And yeah, I think there may have been a bit of a Granny Effect going on- something you grew up associating with fusty old people is bound to have less romance than something you've no direct connection to. Indeed, we do see a bit of Colonial Revival architecture popping up in the 1940s-50s U.S., suggesting that it wasn't necessarily the past as a whole that people of the early-mid 1900s objected to.
(Also, you do occasionally get bits of Victorian nostalgia. Often in the form of art depicting earlier times with varying degrees of accuracy, dolls costumed in past styles ditto, movies set in the mid-late 19th century, recommendations about how to make one or two bits of Victorian furniture into "quaint" statement pieces for a room, etc. Still, it's often a general damnation with faint praise.)
So those are my rough thoughts on the subject!
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bloodychamber · 9 months
I was tagged by @my-misery-index, thank you! :)
Last movie: Barbie I think? I haven’t had as much time for movies this year and that makes me sad :(
Last song: Wastland, Baby! ~ Hozier
Current reading: I’m about to start Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood
Currently watching: Too much lmao. Almost finished with my Vampire Diaries rewatch. Also AHS NYC, You, Sex Education, the X Files (slowly rewatching), Evil, Great British Baking Show
Currently consuming: hot chocolate
Currently craving: something very nsfw lol
Tagging: @astarkey @a-chorus-of-storytellers @xoxogothicgirl @cravethesky @vulcanette + whoever wants to! (and no worries if you don’t!)
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alliluyevas · 2 years
@xoxogothicgirl asked me earlier today if I would rather be a Mormon fundamentalist or a Protestant IBLP/quiverfull fundamentalist and when I tell you I have been contemplating this all day
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jilatos · 8 years
xoxogothicgirl: The first tattoo parlour I went into had this in those old school books where you just pick a picture to get tattooed. It's haunted me since
oh no..oh no really...oh no im so sorry
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douchebat · 4 years
Instructions: Tag 10 followers you want to get to know better.
(Thank you for the tag @thedreadedcoco 🥳)
Gender:   Nonbinary
Star sign: Cancer
Height: {redacted} im petite but i feel much taller..
Sexuality: bi but disinterested in romance and sex,im byesexual
Hogwarts house: slyerthin/gryffindor,or slyerclaw because id fit in either house. i don’t like harry potter.
Favourite animal: cats but i love all animals
Average hours of sleep: it varies
Current time: 3 pm
Dogs or cats: both
Number of blankets you sleep with: two
Dream job: stylist
When I created this blog: i dont know
Follower count: 600ish
Why I made this blog: pretty pictures and community
How I came up with my URL: Its a contraction of douchebag and bat..
i tag @platanosandprejudice @xiapet @xoxogothicgirl 
and anyone else who sees this 
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androgynous-barbie · 4 years
Rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then choose 10 victims. Tagged by: @maxxiefactor
Science Fiction Double Feature- Ivy Levan
Highway Tune- Greta Van Fleet
Prom Song (Teenage Wasteland)- Lana Del Rey (one of her numerous unreleased songs)
Nobody’s Perfect- Jessie J (the music video version tho)
WooHoo- Christina Aguilera ft. Nicki Minaj
Freaking Me Out- Ava Max
Bad Romance- Lady Gaga 
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light ‘Em Up)- Fall Out Boy
Baddest Bitch- Luna Lovebad
Bathwater- No Doubt
(I’m shocked that no In This Moment or Pretty Reckless came up lmao)
I hereby tag: @1love1hope @brennasbassdrop @decadentdentata @monkeysaysficus @wwhereaboutsuknownn @disturbedbutgorgeous @xoxogothicgirl and anyone else who wants to do this and tag me in it cuz i need new music recs (no, Maxxie, you’ve not been slipping, I just always need more)
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blackaproncraft · 5 years
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@weirdturned-pro tagged me to SDS. It's hot, my AC is out, and I desperately need a shower... So this is what you get!
@supesean, @that-otter-girl, @xoxogothicgirl, @fit-slytherin and @baronessblack --tag, you're it!
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petitedeath · 8 years
xoxogothicgirl reblogged your photo and added:
Oh that’s beautiful! What time period is it?
Mid 1700s. Im not super great at placing exact dates and each decade is different but I think because of the closed front bodice itss somewhere in the 1750-1770 range 
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seersucker-for-love · 10 years
xoxogothicgirl said: You fucking dork
chaosisley said: You are the biggest dweeb ever. <3
My girlfriends everyone. They express affection toward me through insults.
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askbirdbloggers · 10 years
Hi there! I have a rescue tiel and have had him for several months now. I've been slowly working with him and while he isn't hand tamed, he now enjoys human company and likes being talked to and stuff. He no longer has aggression problems like when I first got him. I also have a ground dove that I've had for over a year. When I'm home I let them both out. The dove has spots where he likes to perch around the living room and often times will come sit beside me on the couch. (Cont)
(Cont) lately the tiel has been following the dove around and insisting on perching next to him. Even walking along the couch sometimes which usually he won't come that close to humans. Neither has been aggressive with each other and usually the tiel perches next to him and just naps. I'm just wondering if it's okay to let him do this or should I discourage the behavior? Im worried about breeding behavior and possible aggression since the tiel could easily injure the dove who has no defenses.
Assuming both species are supervised it’s alright to let them interact, ‘tiels do not tend to pick fights and are generally the ones to get picked on, even by budgies.  Both birds are equipped with strong beaks and a lot of power to beat one-another up so I definitely wouldn’t leave them alone but as long as you’ve got an eye on them it should be alright.
Most cockatiels do enjoy snuggling with other birds so I wouldn’t necessarily consider this breeding behaviour, if the ‘tiel starts to put on displays or show more obvious signs of hormonal intentions then I would separate them but for now it’s likely just general socialization.  
- Courtney (thepacificparrotlet)
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flock-talk · 10 years
Hi there! I have a pet dove, a ground dove specifically, which I know you usually offer info/help on parrots but I thought maybe you or a follower could help. He completely panics whenever he sees the color yellow, to the point of hurting himself. I have no idea what causes it or how to handle it aside from making sure to keep it out of his view (so no yellow clothes etc). Any ideas? Please and thank you
I- what?
that's a new one, the only thing I could think would be if they had been abused by that colour in the past?  Or potentially something neurological where the body has difficulty processing that colour? If there's anything else that suggests there may be neurological damage I would get him to a vet but I really- I don't have a clue.
I do not know a single thing about doves so I'm really going to have to throw this one out to my followers.
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alliluyevas · 2 years
@xoxogothicgirl re Adaleen discussions and Barb discussions, I think like the show is obviously prompting you to ask on some level how different are Bill and Roman, really? but also like less obvious--how different are Barb and Adaleen, really? I think a lot about the scene where Adaleen is like giving Barb advice on taking charge of her household (which is so interesting, because obviously that implicitly means controlling Nicki, which is A Lot To Unpack, and also because unlike Barb who is actually the first wife, Adaleen is not the first wife in terms of marriage order though she is undisputed top wife in terms of status). but anyone what she says to Barb is “I cannot imagine making yourself less powerful than you are”, which is so, so deeply fucked up because Adaleen’s entire power structure is built on subservience to her husband.
And she absolutely is an undisputed authority, she has about as much power as she possibly can working within the constraints of the system she’s in, and she’s worked very hard to get that power. But it is SO conditional and so predicated on both her own debasement and on her contributing to replicating oppressive power structures with her own children and w future wives like Rhonda because in order for her to retain power she has to be Roman’s favorite and the whole world has to revolve around Roman. And Adaleen’s like...ethos and energy are so interesting because she is obviously very smart and she can be very very cruel but it’s all packaged in this like cute cheerful hyperfeminine fussily affectionate tradwife exterior. And some of that is definitely something she’s putting on but it’s a role she steps into pretty naturally. But she’s also almost totally incapable of being nurturing towards her own children and just...much going on there. There’s so much alienation and strategizing there. And like obviously the whole ugly subtext that’s lurking under all that is that Adaleen got married at 16 and Roman is at least 20 years older than her and even though it’s been forty years and I do think she genuinely loves him there is always going to be that underneath.
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marypsue · 11 years
xoxogothicgirl replied to your post:I wonder if Neil Gaiman ever wakes up next to...
I have no eyebrows and my boyfriend seems fine waking up to me eyebrowless. The only time it really bothers him is when I have on heavy eye make up but no eyebrows
Mystery solved!
I know my family occasionally makes comments about how alarming I look without eyebrows, so I'd just vaguely wondered if other people had this problem.
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petitedeath · 8 years
xoxogothicgirl replied to your post “Im so irritated! I picked this tattoo artist because shes the only one...”
That's so unprofessional, I hope you hear back. Also I've never heard of putting down a deposit on a tattoo, is that common? :/
its pretty common. obviously not for walk ins but when you have an artist you have to schedule pretty far out its really common. Its like 20% or something, just to book your day but it goes towards your tattoo so say you your tattoo is $100, you put a 20% down and you only have to pay $80 when you show up. plus tip. 
shes a popular artist too :/ I went in in may to book and she had no free week ends until november. I had to book a week day
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fuckingflorida · 11 years
I've lived in Florida my entire life, I don't even know what it feels like for it to not be humid. I just...I can't even comprehend it.
literally same oh my god
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