xoxoperse · 3 years
I was curious, can I request some h/c's with Hanzo, Kuai, and possibly Fujin where their s/o is trying to learn their language and they keep trying to repeat a phrase back to them but they keep stumbling over it and it comes out wrong?
(Like, Hanzo- Japanese, Kuai - Chinese, and Fujin... maybe some type of godlike language)
hi!! i’ve been thinking about your request due what seems like the longest time - i’ve mainly been thinking about fujin’s god language lmao. anyways, enjoy this late af hcs!
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hanzo hasashi / scorpion.
teaching you how to say ‘thank you for the meal’ or, ‘gochisosama deshita’ was, honestly, a little (🤏🏼) amusing to hanzo. no, he wouldn’t make fun of you, he laughed with you.
weeks were spent trying to teach you how to say gochisosama deshita, trying everything he could to actually get you to say it correctly. he would sound the words out with you, say them with you, slow them down, anything to help. each time you tried it, though, you got closer and closer to saying it.
you even spent some time to yourself trying to learn how to say the thankful phrase, but you still just couldn’t quite get it.
but, with all of that being said, the day that you finally said it correctly, hanzo was so incredibly proud of you. he even took you on a little picnic date in the fire gardens, that he prepared all himself, to which you couldn’t help but use your newly known phrase.
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kuai liang / sub-zero
when kuai was teaching you how to speak chinese, you always struggled with - literally - welcome, or huān yíng guāng lín. you really only struggled what the little hieroglyphs sounded like, and you often confused them for others.
sub-zero tried his best to help you remeber in all the ways that he could, but none of it really worked/helped. he would laugh along with you though when you got it wrong, and he never stopped encouraging you.
when he wasn’t in a work setting, he would tease you about it sometimes, but all in all, in his teasing ways, he would prompt you to say it. he would whisper it to/with you, and most times, you were getting so close.
by the gods, the big, dumb grin on his lips when you finally said huān ying guāng lín brought you so much joy, it was insane. he was so proud of you, giving you one id the biggest hugs you have ever received.
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fujin upwards of a month to teach you how to they say thank you, or ‘dēchiâ bhìreśt’ up at the sky temple. of course, he tried his best to teach you, and he understood that it was difficult learning a whole different language that only few knew.
fujin wouldn’t tease you as much as hanzo or kuai would, but there was some here and there. he was always a outgoing, caring, lighthearted man we all know and love, but no matter times you had told him it’s okay to tease you about things, he still felt like it would be wrong, or discouraging.
the day you finally said dēchiâ bhìreśt, he was so proud of you; so much so that he even took you to visit the sky temple just to show raiden that you could finally say it. even the thunder god was proud of you; but fujin will always be your biggest fan.
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xoxopersemk · 3 years
in death. / elía + kung lao.
this is my first story for my oc, elía! eeek! i know it’s short, but i was feeling a bit angsty, so now you guys have this. enjoy!! more is to come, maybe even later today, who knows? ♥️ i know that this is hella short, but i have some longer pieces in the works!
word count: 397
trigger warnings: mentions of death, swearing.
kung lao didn’t derseve the death he recieved, let alone what he was to become in thre hands of quan chi.
elía knew she could have saved him, had his wishes not been for her to go help free kitana with liu. the sight, sounds, and feelings she experienced that day replayed in her mind over and over again; liu kang’s cries for his best friend, the snap of his neck, and the feeling of bruising her knees as she dropped to kung lao’s side. the feeling of his lifeless body resting in her arms.
it was horrific and depressing, and elía was certainly not in the right mindset for the time being. making a rash decision, she challenged quan chi. she will always follow kung lao, even in death. raiden and liu kang’s pleas went unheard by elía. the dryadess demanded revenge for her lover, or given that she lost, what happens to him, happens to her.
the battle ended poorly for elía, but she gave it her best, considering her state of mind. liu kang was certainly not prepared of the loss of his dear friends, which only enraged the monk more.
as time passed, quan chi had collected the souls of liu kang, kitana, jade, kung lao, and elía, which were soon to be made into revenants. liu kang and kitana were to rule the netherrealm as king and queen, while elía, jade, and lao served as the royalty’s protectors. even though it was expected, it was odd becoming a revenant. everything about you changes, like your personality and looks - not that it wasn’t expected, it was just... different.
that being said, kung lao’s personality hadn’t changed much. while he was evil, his snarky and cockiness still remained true to his character; she still loved him nonetheless. even though he didn’t give a damn about anyone else besides the immediate friends, he still found it in himself to protect you at all costs, to hell with everyone else - and he was finally a respected, high-associated figure in the world? he was living the dream! he resents his past self, and becoming a revenant along with elía and liu kang was probably the best thing to happen to him.
maybe one day he could rule netherrealm with her by his side. maybe kronika will bring the best of the best for their revenant selves.
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xoxoperse · 3 years
Slow dancing? What about Lao and ball dancing? Do you think he can ball dance?? 😗✨
hm... well, if he can’t dance, the sight of him in a tux will surely make up for it 👀🥺🥰 (also i love this gif sm it doesn’t make sense)
also also, these leads more to the female/feminine side for the reader, i just wanted to mention that!
trigger warnings: swearing.
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you and kung lao had been visiting outworld for the past week, finally being able to properly explore it without any shit messing things up. that being said, the real reason why you both were visiting was for kitana’s royal engagement to liu kang. they were to hold a celebratory ball at the end of the week, and of course, you and kung lao had to be invited. tonight was the night of the ball. you, jade, and kitana went dress shopping early in the week; meanwhile liu kang and kung lao went to do some formal shopping of their own.
you were just finishing up your hair when you heard a knock on the door, calling out a ‘come in!’ while you did the final touches. you wanted to surprise lao with the dress you picked out. it was handmade by an outworld-renowned seamstress, and it was goregous. it was in your favourite colour and hugged you nicely, all-the-while also being flowy in the right spots.
as soon as your words left your mouth, you heard the click open, catching your eye; it was jade. a smile formed on her lips, adoring your current look. “hello, y/n. you look gorgeous,” she complimented as she walked in. she had an emerald dress on with matching earrings, necklace, and rings. she had a black case in her grasp as she approached you.
“thank you, jade. you look even more gorgeous than i do,” you chuckled with a smile. “what’s that in your hands, if you don’t mind me asking?” you asked as you laid your comb down on the mirrored-makeup table.
“it is a gift from empress kitana, she wanted you to have it,” she answered, handing you the box. it was a rectangular, black velvet jewelry box, with golden lettering across the top. you open the box, revealing a bracelet with your favourite gemstone all the way around; it was beautiful.
“this is beautiful,” you cooed, your mouth dropped from pure shock. “she didn’t have to do this for me,” you reluctantly tore your eyes from the bracelet and looked to jade, probably looking like a kid in a candy store.
“she insisted,” jade nodded, the smile still remaining on her lips. she lifted up hee arm to reveal a bracelet of her own that looked just like yours, lined with emeralds. “she has a sapphire one; it would be wrong to not get one for you, as well,”
you absently tilted your head, the wide grin still playing on your lips, before taking the bracelet out of the box. “would you mind to help me put it on?” you asked, standing up and passing it to her. she gave you a ‘gladly’ before taking the bracelet, clasping it onto your wrist.
you responded with a thank you, giving jade a happy hug; if you thought this was a tight hug, wait until kitana got hers. as you both pulled away from each other, jade spoke, “kung lao is waiting for you down the hallway,” she spoke with a wink. you nodded in response, before she left the room once more. turning back to your mirror, you took one final glance to make sure everything was looking good, before you made your way out.
you peered down the hall as you walked out, sheeing kung lao talking with liu kang. your other half’s back was to you, seemingly not hearing your exit from your room. you caught liu kang’s eye for a moment when he looked over kung lao’s shoulder, he stopped speaking, a tiny smirk appearing on his lips. his attention was back to lao, before he pat his shoulder and nodded in your direction. he parted ways, and lao turned around as you began to make your way to him. he was speechless, to say the least, which certainly did not happen often. “hello, handsome,” you greeted with a smile.
“hello, beautiful,” he greeted back, smiling like a dork in your presence. you gave him a quick kiss before you went to straighten up his tie a bit and fix his slightly uneven collar. you had to admif, he looks damn good in his black-on-black-on-black tuxedo. he gave you a quick ‘thank you’ before he spoke up again, “you look amazing,” he complimented.
“thank you, lao. you look incredibly handsome, yourself,” you spoke softly, smiling widely to him. he held out his arm for you hook with your own, escorting you to the ball room.
it wasn’t long before the couple had reached the ballroom, and it wasn’t as filled as you thought it would be. that being said, everyone of importance to the royal couple was there. jade, kotal, raiden, fujin, sheeva and the royal staff; hell, even the one and only erron black was there. your heels clicked on the marble floor, approaching the happy couple with lao by side. “liu kang, kitana kahn,” you greeted with a little curtsy.
“please, no need for formalities,” kitana said softly, giving you a both a smile. “thank you for coming,”
“of course,” kung lao responded softly, giving a nod.
kitana’s syes glanced down to your wrist, seeing the gifted bracelet around it. “i see jade made it with your gift,” she mentioned happily.
making you glance down to if, you nodded. “yes, of course. i love it, thank you,” you answered with a wide smile. your hand slid away from lao as you went to give kitana a hug, tighter and happier than the one you gave jade prior.
you bid farewells to the couple - for now, at least - and made your way off to an assigned table. you both sat down for a moment, taking in the scene. you and lao had probably only been inside this room maybe.. once or twice, and it was so beautiful. it was golden and white, with matching marble tile. but, of course, the best thing in this whole room was your lover, and vice versa.
“i have to admit, lao, i am truly surprised that you aren’t wearing your hat,” you teased with a smile, resting your chin in your palm.
kung lao chuckled, “it’s back in our room, i can go grt it if you want me to,” he joked.
“of course it is,” you responded with a playful eyeroll. it hadn’t been long until a nice slow song started, and couples moved to the dance floor. kung lao stood up from his seat, offering you his hand. “may i have this dance?”
you grinned up to him, taking his hand. you stood up from your seat, lifting up the skirt of your dress a bit so you didn’t trip yourself or someone on it. lao lead you to the dance floor, before interlocking your fingers together and pulling you close to him. “do you even know how to ball dance?” you teased in a lower tone as your hand rested on his shoulder.
“i’ve taken a class or two,” kung lao admitted, nodding just a slight bit with a chuckle.
“aww, that’s cute,” you spoke lowly, swaying and stepping with him. he was pretty good at ballroom dancing, if you say so yourself.
you were lost in the song and lao’s eyes as you danced. maybe one day you can have a party like this of your own, celebrating the engagment to the man of your dreams. soon, you found your had slipping down to his chest, and resting your head over his heart. the beat calmed you, and this was by far the moment you would treasure most with himn
“i love you, y/n,” he whispered to you, kissing your head.
“i love you more,” you responded, kissing his cheek. you got a bit of lipstick there, though, which made you chuckle. you wiped it off, a goody smile on your lips as you quickly apologized for the mistake n
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xoxoperse · 3 years
movie night / raiden x reader.
“come watch a movie with me,”
[NOTE] hello, everyone! i know it’s been awhile since i posted, but i have recently come to learn that a friend of mine is going through a tough time, so i wanted to write this for them ♥️ i know a fanfic doesn’t solve everyone’s problems, but i want to at least make them feel good for at least a little bit. i won’t tag them just because i want this to be a surprise (and it’s not my business to tell, of course), but you’ll know who you are, love. also, before we get into this, i wanted to apologize for how short it was.
word count: 605
trigger warnings: references to mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion.
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you laid on the couch, half-asleep as raiden walked through the door to your home. you had been busy all day, and you had honestly not been in your spot for very long prior. admittedly jumping awake as he closed the door, he reached for his hat on his way to the couch, setting it down on the table. “i apologize, did i wake you?” he asked, looking down to your tired figure.
you shake your head as a simple ‘no,’ smiling up to the god. “no, no, you didn’t,” you answered, sitting up so he can sit down with you. “how did your day go?”
“decent,” he answered truthfully, sitting down. “how was yours?” he returned, looking over to you. you were just barely able to see the corner of his lip twist into a smile as he looked at you. he truly loved everything about you. sure, he didn’t understand mortal emotions whatsoever, but he had a good feeling about what it was that he felt when he looked at you; and that feeling, that feeling was love.
“busy... extremely busy,” you sighed. “i was waiting for you to get home, so we could watch a movie, or do something together,” you admitted in a soft tone - the tiredness was evident in your tone. if you were being completely honest, you had been drained this past week, physically, emotionally, and mentally. you were so busy helping raiden and the earthrealmers, cleaning - you name it, you’ve probably done it - that it was starting to take a toll on you, and that’s on too of everything else you don’t like apart of your daily life. raiden had caught these signs nearly the moment they started to happen, and now he was constantly checking up on you when he could. you couldn’t help but love him more for that.
“a movie sounds great,” he answered with a nod. “should i get you some food beforehand?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
you shook your head, your eyes still on him, “no, thank you.” you answered. you tore your eyes away and got up from your spot to go to the movie cases you had. neither of you cared what you watched, it was just the time spent together. besides, you wouldn’t really get to watch the movie, because raiden would always be asking you questions about certain sayings and things they did. you couldn’t blame him, at least he’s trying to learn about you and your fellow mortals. you have even heard him quote them to people a few times, usually in the completely wrong context. it was... well, hilarious.
you soon found a movie and popped it into the dvd player. standing up to make your way back to the couch, you saw that raiden was now laying long ways against the couch, holding his arms out to you. the god was not really a cuddler by any means, but anything for you, y/n. “i know that you like this form of affection, and i want to make you feel better - at least for now.”
you grinned from ear to ear, taking a few steps forward to the couch. you gently laid on top of raiden, wrapping you arms around him through the little soace between him and the arm of the couch. his own arms went around you, his fingers gently playing with your hair. “you’re not letting me up, are you?” you asked, your head resting on his chest sith your eyes closed. you savoured the moment, not knowing when you’d get to do this again with raiden.
“not anytime soon, no.”
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xoxoperse · 3 years
serpentine | prologue.
WARNING: this story WILL contain spoilers of the 2021 mortal kombat movie - if you have not seen it, nor want spoliers of the movie, i suggest that you click away now! as for the friends that are sticking around to read this story: thank you for staying, and happy reading!
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the mortal kombat tournament was something i had known of for years now - ever since i had found out about my special marking, i almost immediately started training with lord raiden at his temple. for the tournament to be something i had feared most, there is one thing that i will always be appreciative for - and that is the people that were brought into my life because of it.
i had first met liu kang, for him having been sent to meet with me to convince me to come back to the temples with him to help with training, and for a safe place. everything was just so... new, and then you have a stranger come convince you to abandon your home to somewhere you did not know? it definitely took a lot of convincing and stories to actually get me to go. liu kang is a very understandable, sweet man - he’d honestly be the big, inspiring softie of a friend group. he perceived to always be your shoulder to lean on when you need it, or offer you a hug when you were down - and those predictions would be absolutely correct.
when i had been brought back to the temple, i met kung lao. he was asked to be my tour guide to show me around the temple. yes, he’s cocky, but there was something that had struck me about him, maybe it was my determination to break his self-absorbed shell - who knows? but during the very first few bonding moments, whether in kombat or just being showed around, kung lao was a constant hard-ass on me - especially in training - but it didn't take long for the monk to let loose a little bit. as the days went on, he would joke a bit more, maybe even sacrifice some of his self-pride ways to friendlier ways to me. i had to admit, playful lao with snarky remarks was the best kind of lao.
for them, i were almost... grateful for the tournament.
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xoxoperse · 3 years
fuck your zodiac, i want to know what color you think mortal!fujin’s eyes are.
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xoxoperse · 3 years
serpentine | kung lao x reader
chapter index
NOTE: this fic takes place during the 2021 movie, rather than the games. if you have NOT watched the movie, nor want spoilers, click away NOW. 😚
if you want to keep up with this story’s chapter index/masterlist in the future but you don’t want to scroll all the way down to find it, all you have to do is go to my overall masterlist, find lao’s name, and it should be under his category/highlights 😚
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chapter one (tba..)
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xoxoperse · 3 years
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xoxoperse · 3 years
19 with Fujin please?
of course! i have to apologize for getting this out to you so late, i got major writer’s block, and i had nothing to offer for a little while. thank you for being so patient with me, and i hope you enjoy, love!
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it seemed to be that it was nearly impossible for fujin to not be constantly touching you, whether it be a simple graze over your hand, or one of his hands on your thigh while under the dinner table - not that you complained, you loved his gentle touch, even though his hand had the occasional callous here and there. the god had really enjoyed learning earthrealm customs from/with you, but one of his favourites had always been cuddling and touches. he thought, sometimes words can’t speak loud enough for emotions to another, so why not show them how much they mean to you through any little act of love or kidness? it’s the simple pleasures.
today, fujin decided to take some time away from the sky temple to spend it with you. you were planning to make a nice dinner for the two of you, even if he didn’t need eat or not, your cooking was still something else he loved about you. if all of his feelings towards you weren’t actually love, he wouldn’t have a damn clue what love truly is. 
you heard a knock on the door right as you set down a pot of lo mein - a mixture of egg noodles, yellow, red, and green peppers, and of course, the vegetable people love the most: blanched broccoli. “i’m coming!’ you called to the person in front of your door. you walked to the door and turned the nob just as soon as your hand touched it. you smiled, revealing the white-haired man in front of you.
he greeted you with a smile, keeping his hand behind his back. fujin opened up his free arm to you, to which you gladly walked into his embrace. you smiled as you could just faintly hear a heart beating inside of his chest. it was something you always found... comforting, or soothing, but you really couldn’t exactly explain why. “hello, my love,” he greeted you softly, his arm going around your waist as your’s remained around his neck. reluctantly. you pulled away from each other, still smiling as widely as ever. your eyes had finally fallen onto his hidden arm, to which he noticed. “i wanted to get you something special, just because. i would love to see you open it up,” he elaborated.
“a gift? aw, fujin, you didn’t have to get me anything,” you commented, now meeting his eyes once more.
“don’t fret, y/n; it’s really no big deal,” fujin reassured.
fujin had handed you the thin, rectanglar gift box that was neatly wrapped in a beautiful paper that was your favourite colour. you both had sat down at the table in front of the food, dishes, and silverware as you admired the neatly wrapped box. “go ahead; you can open it now,” fujin softly encouraged.
you glanced over to him, smiling and nodding as you tried to keep the wrapping  paper intact as you removed it. inside of the wraping was a red, velvet-y jewelery box. absently, you furrowed your eyebrows, delicately opening it. inside was a necklance with a silver chain and a white pendant shaped like a tear drop, it was a milky sort of white, but you could see light waves within the stone. your mouth had become agape, making fujin chuckle a little bit. “by the gods, fujin!” you cried happily, looking over to the wind god beside you. “how did you find this? the pendant is beautful!” you cooed, looking back down to the necklace.’
“i had it made a little while ago from a reputable jewler up in the sky temple... we call the gem yūn shí, which simply means ‘cloud stone,’” he explained, catcthing your attention again. he dearly hoped that you liked the present, but considering your intial reaction as you saw the necklace, he felt like he had a pretty damn good guess that you liked it. “i hope you like it, y/n,” he said softly.
“of course i love it, fujin. it would be impossible not to,” you explained with a light chuckle. you gingerly laid the necklace down on the table before reaching over and giving the man yet another hug.
now, you found yourself and fujin cleaning up after the divine dinner. you tried to reassure fujin that it was only a few dishes, but he still insisted on helping out, especially since you had cooked everything - and before you ask, no, the necklace was not considered a truce in fujin’s eyes. soon, the dishes were finsihed, and you found yourself picking up your gift once more, still admiring it. fujin came up behind you, gently placing his hands on your shoulders. you turned your head slightly, just barely being able to see him out of the corner of your eye, “will you do the honours?” you asked, a hint of sarcasm in your voice. lucky for you, fujin was slowly learning about people’s sarcastic ways on earthrealm, though he sometimes he ended up not catching the snarky remark. you unlinked the chain, holding it by the ends as fujin reached over from behind you and taking the chain. with quickness, he clasped the ends together while you absently played with the pendant, a gleeful smile on your lips. fujin had placed a kiss to your cheek, before heading to the loveseat that was in your living room. he pat his lap, looking to you with discreetly begging eyes.
you made your way to the wind god, sitting down in is lap with your knees close to your chest as your head rested against his chest. you were basically like a big baby in fujin’s lap, just wanting to be held and loved. your arms had remained in your lap as his own went around you, though one lightly rested on top of yours. you could stay like this for days if you were able to. days with fujin has, and ALWAYS be your favourite days to have.
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xoxoperse · 3 years
so how many of you guys would actually read a mk2021 movie fic... more than likely a lao x reader fic?
i love this man too much, but i’m also over here feeling like people don’t like lao enough to read stories about him. i honestly think that my lao stories do the worst than my other stories.
so, if you’d read it, please let me know! 😚😚
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xoxoperse · 3 years
valentine’s day. / erron black
“happy valentine’s day, darlin’,”
so, i haven’t wrote anything for our cowboy in a hot minute, so i thought, why not give him some special lovin’ on this day? ♥️
also, i want to tag the lovely @sacredwarrior88 because 1. they love erron, and 2. are still patiently waiting (and only known, that i can think right off the top of my head) for their headcannons they asked for awhile back. i know i’ve been slow, i’ve just been so busy, i’m such a procrastinator, and i have a mountain of ideas in my notes/drafts! thanks again, hun, and everyone else that have been so kind and patient about their requests. without further ado, enjoy this story!
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you hadn’t seen erron in a couple of weeks. the cowboy was out on a mission that the kahn had sent him on, but he promised to be home for valentine’s day. it was late, but you were still expecting him, nonetheless.
you had spent the late afternoon hours making a delicious dinner. you made some steak, along with some simple sides that erron loved. green beans, coleslaw, and baked potatoes; you had also made some cherry pie for dessert. you had even went as far as dressing up a bit, though it wasn’t anything too special; a dress erron loved you in, you did your hair in a simple braid down your shoulder, and just some light makeup. but alas, at 10:30 at night, he still wasn’t home. you had refrained from eating - despite how hungry you were - because what’s a valentine’s day dinner if you don’t get to spend it with your partner?
you had been in that seat for at least two-and-a-half hours now, the food was definitely cold by now, and no sign of erron. sighing, you stood from your seat and picked up the two made plates of food on the table. you brought them to the kitchen, but just as you set them down on the counter to go grab the rest of the sides on the table, you heard the doorknob turn. you peeked your head around the corner, seeing your one and only cowboy walk in. he had a bouquet of your favourite flowers in hand, and an apologetic smile on his lips. “happy valentine’s day, darlin’,” he spoke softly. “sorry i’m late; it smells amazing in here,”
you smiled, going to erron and hugging him tightly. “happy valentine’s day,” you replied softly. he wrapped his arms around you, keeping ahold of the flowers until you had pulled away. “the food’s cold; i made it hours ago,” you chuckled, “unless you want pie for dinner.”
“pie it is, then.” erron replied, that striking smile still on his lips. his calloused hand reached for your own, pulling you to the table. letting out a light laugh, you set the flowers down on the counter ledge as he pulled you to the table. letting go of your hand, he pulled out your chair for you. thanking him, you sat down, a wide smile on your lips. erron sat down across from you, grabbing his fork. he dug it into the pie, getting out a delicious looking first bite. “what are ya waiting for, gorgeous?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“pie for dinner?” you jokingly asked, picking up your own fork. “we are such responsible adults.” at that, you both chuckled, splitting the pie.
the night was filled with long conversations about his missions, and how much you both missed and loved one another. soon, the pie was gone, but the conversation carried on for a good few hours. by two in the morning, you led erron to bed, planning to end the night with sleepy cuddles.
as you cuddled up to erron’s chest after changing into something more comfortable, you let out a happy sigh as you closed your eyes. “happy valentine’s day, cowboy.” you whispered.
“happy valentine’s day, sugar,” he whispered back, kissing your head gently.
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xoxoperse · 2 years
maybe its from where i began bingeing fifty shades of grey, but elder gods please, PLEASE have me scroll upon a lao fic that is, uhm... ✨kinky✨
(no shit, i have heaven by julia michaels on repeat and i NEED a lao based off that fic)
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xoxoperse · 3 years
for the people who still need explainations on why kung lao deserves better, allow me to explain, since i’m tired of typing this out all the time:
it has happened too many times in recently where i’ve had to explain my stance on kung lao, mainly why i like him so damn much, and hopefully my opinion can help you finally see why my hat man is likeable.
the one thing i hear ALL THE TIME is “why do you like him? he’s a stuck-up douche!” while yes, you are right, but you are also wrong. why are you wrong? because kung lao is a misunderstood character, ever since he was created - or rather, ever since he was retconned in shaolin monks. he’s misunderstood because he just wants to prove his worth to everyone - he’s tired of being known as “liu kang’s this” or “liu kang’s that.” he has a legacy he wants to live up to, and for once not be known as liu kang’s worse half, or second best shaolin.
let me put it into an example, so you can see my stand-point and see through kung lao’s point of view: imagine that you are in school and you have a older sibling. your sibling has ALWAYS been the popular kid - they were looked up to and treated like royalty. meanwhile, you were least popular kid in school. you were always belittled because you would never live up to your sibling’s standards, per se. you were never known as your name, you were always just known as your sibling’s younger sibling, and you HATED it. would you want to make a name for yourself instead of being whoever’s little sibling?
now, let’s translate that into mortal kombat. before lao was retconned, he was originally (before shaolin monks) chosen as champion, but he wanted nothing to do with the tournament, so they had sent liu kang instead. but now, kung lao was never chosen as champion, it has always been liu kang - i personally don’t even believe that raiden has faith in kung lao, nor wants to give him the time of day to show his actual worth. all lao wants is to be treated equally and live up to his ancestor’s name, but no one will let him show - or rather, admit - his true worth, all because “he could never live up to liu kang and be champion.” in other words, he wants more than just liu kang’s respect and appreciation, because liu is truly the only one that believes in lao. yes, he does have a big mouth, but in my personal opinion, his skills make up for it, it’s just that no one else can see it. hell, it honestly seems like the only person that was really, TRULY proud of him when he defeated quan chi and shang tsung was liu, which i believe shows exactly how much of a good fighter he is.
in fairness to liu kang, kung lao should be seen as his equal, but in actuality, in talks of the game, kung lao should be treated the way liu kang is, and liu kang should be in lao’s shoes. and don’t get me wrong, i love liu kang, but lao is truly his equal, maybe even his superior.
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xoxoperse · 3 years
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xoxoperse · 3 years
i ain’t ever seen two pretty-
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xoxoperse · 3 years
jade: *gets any brutality*
jade: that looks like it hurts.
me, to jade:
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