#xr complains in the tags
shadow-bender · 8 months
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sonarpup · 1 year
Also, I talk abt drugs sometimes. Like in this post. Will be putting most details behind Read More and tagging as appropriate.
I think the effects are neat, I think the way bodies and brains process stuff and how they affect neurotransmitters and draw out specific effects is rly cool. I've spent a lot of time learning abt some of this shit, it's rly neat seeing how stuff interacts IMO! (I also love talking abt it. If you want an infodump, pull the cord and watch me go!)
Anyway - Turns out being on Adderall may help offset comedown of other stimulants?
First time I did molly was before getting dx'd with ADHD, and I had a very noticeable hangover for the following like, week. Did molly again recently (had to take what seemed like sorta a lot? I assume bc of cross tolerance) and just... barely any hangover. I even forgot my addy a couple days after, but nah, took like 5 days for me to feel anything I could even attribute to hangover.
I'm on 30mg XR for reference. It makes sense, just like... felt a little surprised not to have heard anything even similar regarding molly hangover? To be fair, "Get more stims to help with the hangover" isn't really advice that works for most people - for someone not used to them they probably just end up with sleep deprivation plus stims (a bad combo).
IDK I'm not gonna complain if it means I don't have to worry about hangover lol. I just thought it was neat :3
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cetologies · 3 years
i once again... need to vent. so i apologize. i don’t have another outlet but it is under a read more. this is my personal experience, on the off-chance someone reads this and decides to pick a fight with me. i feel like i don’t have to say that but alas, the internet.
posting this late at night so hopefully too many won’t be subjected to it. i go into detail a little bit on this stuff.
tw: ED, body dysmorphia, OCD, depression, SH, anxiety, s//cide ment
i’m sorry i tried to tag it as well as possible to cater to anything blacklisted, i will most likely delete this but otherwise if something needs to be tagged differently please tell me 
this is definitely the worst i’ve felt in a long time. years probably. and some of it is my fault, so i feel like i’m not allowed to complain. but i will anyway. all i’m asking is to get down to 115 again. i was that small when i was 16 and i want to be there again. i haven’t weighed myself with intention to see what weight i am in maybe 4-5 years. 
i make it a point when i go to doctors offices to not tell me my weight. i cover my eyes and *usually* explicitly state that. but i didn’t three years ago, though i said “i don’t want to know my weight” and put my hands over my eyes and she still told me my weight. i remember crying and being loud, the doctor (who had known me for years) had immediately asked the nurse if she told me my weight.
i’ve always had body image issues but holy shit not like this. i’ve suffered with depression and anxiety most of my life. i’ve ticked off almost every single box in terms of diagnosed mental illnesses (except schizophrenia... which even that i’m starting to check off a few). but like i said, holy shit never like this. i would like to say this is harder to deal with than the anxiety/depression i previously have dealt with, but i dont know anymore.
this definitely hurts so bad though. i am getting depressed again, and cannot see this getting better anytime soon. partially my fault once again. i’d just like to lose a little more weight before seeing a doctor. i think i weighed (at the time of that incident above) around 129?? which is... healthy for my height but so is 115. 
my problem is i can’t eat. i can’t think about eating. my default state is now just nausea. i get nauseous from not eating, i get nauseous thinking about eating, and i get nauseous from eating. since october i cant stomach anything. i started adderall in december and it made it 10x worse. i’ve since switched to adderall xr (adzenys?) and i can at least drink water now and only a get half as nauseous. but that was really scary!! i had a little swig of water, no more than a sip, and had to lay down for 4 hours because i was so nauseous. 
my main issue is now i feel guilty for eating. which is normal for eating disorders. but i can’t eat more than 100 calories without wanting to self harm. it’s ridiculous, and i know it’s ridiculous but unfortunately that’s the number i can’t let go. i cried for an hour today bc i ate those lil brownie little bites and it was the second thing i ate today (aside from celery, which i also got sick and felt bad about eating bc i googled the calories: 60) and accidently saw how many calories they were. 240. 
so i ate 300 calories today and that was enough to make me want to vomit (i can’t, i’m emetophobic) and crawl into a hole and disappear. i have never ever dealt with stuff like this before and it’s so scary. i’m afraid my health is failing because of it but i can’t stop. it’s so unrealistic to eat less than 100 calories a day. the standard recommended is 2000, yet for some reason i can’t eat more than 100 without wanting to die
i check my body measurements 3-4 times a day. i spend at LEAST two hours in front of a mirror body checking and looking at my figure from all angles. these issues have definitely stemmed from my figure along with my insecurities. my entire life the only thing i’ve been complimented on is my measurements. it’s all i have. i’m not very pretty, but people are in love with my figure. and i am too! so many people tell me my body is great the way it is but i don’t care what they think, i care what i think. and i think i need to go back down to 115. 
i’ve chalked up my self worth to my body measurements. it’s not something that’s generally achievable without surgery, so it feels almost like a trophy to me because of how fucked up my brain is. i can’t lose it because that’s the only thing that i like about myself. or at least the only thing i like about myself that i don’t want to impulsively destroy like my eyelashes
and it’s not like i’m trying to achieve a completely flat stomach or anything. i just look a little disproportionate to me, since i carry fat only in the stomach. a little pudge is natural and i understand that. like i said, 115 is still healthy for 5′3′’. it’s not like im trying to drop down below 100. i had told myself once i lost the weight, then i’ll go get help for the fact i am violently nauseous no matter what.
which leads me to my next problem: this is my only solution. i can’t lose weight through exercise (esp exercise that involves numbers) bc of my OCD. i have such bad obsessive nature with any numbers (as stated w/ my weight, my body measurements, etc) and like i did when i started looking at calories, i’ll become so obsessive with exercise that if he doesn’t reach my fantastical expectations, i’ll want to self harm.
something that’s really making me upset is i specifically never looked at calories, checked my weight, etc. because i knew this would happen. i went out of my way to avoid stuff like this bc i knew i was susceptible to this kind of thinking and it still happened anyway. my body is going to start shutting down soon if it hasn’t started already. 
it’s fucking ridiculous though! i’ve tried to kill myself (and still, suffering as i am, i still thank god i made it out alive) and it’s just crazy that that was over anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, bullying, etc. and now i want to kill myself bc i ate CELERY!!! bc it’s 60 calories!!! like its so illogical!! i’m a very naturally logical person so this is just like each side of my brain hitting the other with a bat.
it doesn’t look like i’ve lost any weight, despite purposely not eating for 4 months. my grades are bad, my gpa dropped .5 points bc of covid and i’m fucking stupid anyway. i try my best not to self harm bc of my fear of blood but i usually end up scratching myself til i bleed anyway. 
i’m suffering and trying my best to make it through this but i’m trying my best. i just want to wait to get help until i lose a little more. but i am fucking suffering. all i want is to eat again. or at least to eat and not feel guilty afterwards. my portions are so much smaller, i can only eat a few bites of any meal and it’s so fucking scary but i can’t stop myself from wanting to lose more.
like i said, i’ve always had body image issues but nothing like this. i’m so so so scared but. there’s nothing my brain will allow me to do until i lose a little more weight. im afraid im causing/on the road to causing irreversible damage but i just!! can’t stop!! not being able to eat more than 100 calories is so fucking ridiculous i’m ashamed of myself. i shouldn’t be having anxiety attacks over eating celery.
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wisqcrafts · 4 years
19 Home Quarantine Boredom Busters!
Bored? Bored??? Complain about your neighbors, your family, the government, the sky, anything else. But I never wanna hear or see anyone complain about boredom. Sorry not sorry. There's so many masterposts of things to do and free online resources. Here are just some of my dork ass ideas:
1) Free (yes FREE) online college courses from, you know, Yale, Harvard, MIT, etc:
What, like it's hard?
2) "Tattoo" practice - This is a personal idea of mine. Basically, you just take some non-toxic markers to draw on yourself or whoever youre in home quarantine with that wants a fake tattoo. This isn't the best time to be getting real tattoos but you can have fun seeing what youd look like with a one. If you dont really draw, you can print designs to cut into stencils.
3) Bento "stories" - I got this idea from the mom that went viral for the creative bentos she makes for her kids. I think, for even just one meal a day, it would be cute to tell a story with each bento. So if you're living with someone, they need to wait til the next day to find out what happens next! If you live alone, make them for yourself and post your bento story online.
4) Karaoke - By yourself or with others, doesn't matter, make it a party! Just search for your karaoke sobgs on Youtube. And anything is a microphone: hairbrush, remote, piece of fried chicken.... Good for you if you have one of those bluetooth mics tho.
5) Professor Day - Okay this one is really nerdy but it's more fun than it sounds. Pick a random topic, anything at all, and prepare a "lesson" or presentation on it. It could be one of your interests, an intro to a new language, or something you always wanted to learn. You can keep it to yourself, share the file online, or better: Dress the part and call your home quarantine buddies in for "class." If you live alone, teaching a class of inanimate objects would make for a silly yet informative video on your topic. Hey maybe this can catch on! Everyone can be an expert of something they're passionate about and should share their unique take on it, who knows who will be into it.
6) Miss Going Outside? Bring the experiences indoors! Like the family that made a home grocery for their grandma, you can make part of your home into something you miss from the outside world. Museum? Plenty offer free virtual tours. Cinema? If you don't have a big TV, you can make a projector for your phone with a shoebox. Camping? Hello, pillow fort and blanket tent. Roast marshmallows on the stove. Play relaxing nature sounds on your speaker. (Try the free app Relax Melodies, I love the mixing feature) Get creative with your space and what you have to make something you want. When you're really bored and missing the outdoors, Youtube or Google Streetview somewhere you wish you could go.
7) Room Makeover - No better time to do it! It's good exercise and it's a creative experience.
8) New Hair Dont Care - This is the best time to try an outrageous haircut or color since you're stuck at home. If it doesn't turn out ideal, no one has to know. If you love it, great! You can try any look you normally wouldn't wear outside or at work.
9) Safe Science Experiments - emphasis on the word SAFE. Safety first, always. There's plenty of free resources online for instructions, esp on YouTube.
10) Consume All The Free Movies, Shows, Music, Books, Audio Books and even Comics Online... it's endless! So much free... And now not so little time. You won't run out of things to watch, read, or listen to.
11) Make a Short Film - Get creative or just be silly! Try stop motion with old toys, get yourself or someone you're home with into acting, or make your pet a star.
12) Tea Party - Be a kid again and dress up for tea... but put whatever twist you want on it! Wear an old Halloween costume or something! If you live alone, video call your friends or family to join you for tea.
13) Spa Day - All the pampering you didn't have time for when work/school wasn't from home? You have time now. DIY facial. Bubble bath. Nail art. Really soak in every little act of self love.
14) Practice drag makeup, styling, and performance for fun. Your gender or sexual preference doesn't even matter here. Its all good fun! Be a drag queen or king for a day. Lip sync for your life by yourself or make it a drag race with your home quarantine mates.
15) Mystery Day - Create a fake crime scene and have your friends/family solve it! Doesn't have to be a big mess and you don't have to make it so complicated for yourself or your home quarantine fam. You could also just write a simple mystery/riddle online for friends to solve if you live alone. You can even assign roles like accomplice, police, detective, etc. Work your brain, the goal is to kill boredom right?
16) Scrapbook - or Burn Book, Spell Book, pop-up book, revolutionary manifesto, whatever. Use anything you have as a base even if it has writing: an old phone book, something missing pages, a faded magazine, whatever. Then stick any pics, stickers, printouts, tags, wrappers, etc you want. What kind of book will it be?
17) Art Therapy - Even if you dont consider it something you're "good" at, use art to express yourself. It doesn't just have to be drawing, painting, or sculpting... You can pick up a forgotten musical instrument you may have lying around and just keep trying. Youtube is life. Countless tutorials for everything.
18) Crafts Crafts Crafts - Theres so many simple crafts to try at home. 5 Minute Crafts on Youtube and various other channels offer some great yet easy ideas. Try going about it in this order:
a) Look around your house for stuff you don't need. Set aside for craft pile or donate pile.
b) Look around again for any ways you can improve you home. You need mor storage? Is your shoe rack broken? Are you always missing something? Then search online for crafts specific to that.
c) Set up a neat work space with your craft pile and some tools you can use. Note: Never use kitchen items for crafts if you still intend to use them on food. You may be able to wash them but you can't undo any damage from crafting trial and error.
19) If you have any skill that can possibly help frontliners during this crisis, do see what you can do without risking your own health. If you can sew, donate masks or even PPE suits as there are guides online for the right patterns and materials. Even just a few pieces are helpful. If you sing, sing for our frontliners. If you write, write about them. Do your research about the situation in your town. Health workers, sanitation workers, grocery staff, and other essential workers are all putting their lives on the line. All we have to do is stay home but we can make the most of it.
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Right, since you asked me questions about my f/o, I'll fire some at you now! 1. Favourite place to go with them 2. How do you care for them when they are ill and vice versa 3. Had any playful arguments that you look at and go 'what were we doing??' I'll slide these over here and be on my way ;3
All right! So, as a reminder, I have three (3) romantic f/o’s - XR from Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, Tony Dracon from Gargoyles, and Giovanni Potage from Epithet Erased. And for this exercise, I am going to answer all three questions FOR ALL THREE OF THEM! (If you’re following me for something other than selfship and you don’t wanna see me ramble for three pages, please block the tag “selfship” now)
I hadn’t realized until I thought about it, but it always seems to come back to a rooftop in the city. You think I like city lights or something? I do. I love city lights. I love cities.
Anyway, with XR, I decided right away that our favorite planet is Trade World, seedy underbelly and all. We can kill time there forever (and probably waste all our money on stuff that isn’t important). I haven’t written it yet, but one of the ideas I had for writing us was that after the big love confession, we’d have our first date on a rooftop restaurant there and watch the lights come on as the sun set, at which point I very sappily draw a connection between my love of city lights and XR’s eyes.
As for Giovanni, I have this whole oneshot about our first kiss that revolves around us trying to find the most perfect and fittingly dramatic place for it, and I ended up putting us on a rooftop at the edge of town where the Sweet Jazz skyline would be our background in all its luminescent glory. I imagine we’d go back up to that building again and again to talk about things if we’re not chilling at home or a base of operations. Just watching the night.
Then for Tony? I admittedly hadn’t given it too much thought, but I immediately got an image of us on, guess what, a rooftop, but of a skyscraper in downtown NYC. Now, Gio and I had to break onto ours by scaling the fire escape ladders; Tony would bust locks and we’d just take the stairs up from the inside. And that’s where we slow-dance when we want to be alone. Bring up a whole portable stereo and a mix of the schmaltziest love rock-ballads (think, like, REO Speedwagon or Journey). Come to think of it, I actually don’t know whether he’s made the connection that the Gargoyles operate out of the Eyrie, so we would definitely look at the freaking castle above the clouds and go “Next target” without knowing the law and order of the town that plagues our existence roosts there.
I’m also working on an AU that is compliant with my “Taking Back the Crown” crossover universe, and in that one, I’m thinking I’d be polyamorous with all three. While I haven’t picked a favorite spot, I do know that particular s/i would live in Twilight Town, and since Final Fantasy is piecemeal AU’d into KH logic (whereas none of those three are from canon KH worlds but it’s an easy crossover gateway so their worlds would just be intact), I actually have this design that Rabanastre from FFXII would be the capital of the nation Twilight Town is in and a few hours’ train ride away, and the four of us just LOVE heading over there and probably scaling some rooftops.
Let’s start with me, in general. I’m a huge hypochondriac. I fear germs. I’m not really that good at taking care of sick friends/family, but for a romantic partner, I’d try to step up my game. I’d be on call. Now, if they were just ordinary sick, I might see if they’d be okay staying home while I got work done, with the caveat that I have my phone on me and can answer whenever. They’re stricken with debilitating nausea and can’t leave the bed? I’ll play hooky. But I’ll try to keep a reasonable distance whenever possible (chatting with them from across the room, where I am planted in a chair that is far away from the bed) and use a surgical mask and gloves whenever approaching. Yes, that may sound heartless, but I still wanna be available to bring them whatever they need, just with my armor on. And I’m not me unless I’m a raging hypochondriac who thinks she’s coming down with what her boyfriend’s got every five seconds. The exception, of course, is XR, who I envision would get sick as a visual gag of having a “computer virus” and exhibit all the symptoms of a head cold without actually being contagious.
Tony is low-maintenance and insists he doesn’t need to be babied, so he’s not gonna even ask me for that much except company. Giovanni and XR are both absolutely complainers and going to whine at me every five minutes, which will inevitably make my heart melt.
As for when I’m sick…
XR loves playing “nurse” (kinda like I had him in this oneshot where I sprain my shoulder) and will get me everything I want. This is for somewhat selfish reasons so I will talk up how great of a boyfriend he is when I’m sick. Also, there’s a good chance that any medical supplies he brings me might be “borrowed without permission” from Star Command’s med bay. He WILL bring me illegal narcotics, and I WILL turn them down. He’ll also call in sick to work himself to take care of me - and also because it gives him an excuse to not turn in to work. We’ll likely end up binging shows cuddled up together if I’m not sleepy or too nauseous.
Tony isn’t all that attentive; he knows I’m a grown-up and can mostly handle myself. If I’m seriously incapacitated, he’ll watch over me, but in most cases, he’ll take off to get his own work done, same philosophy as me: call me if you need anything. He’s not gonna rush to bring me things, but he will do smaller gestures - brushing my hair back if I’m asleep before he leaves, etc. After business is taken care of, if I seem stable and not contagious, he’ll assist me in setting up on the couch with blankets aplenty on one end while he sits on the other, and really, all my f/o’s know that when I’m sick, I just wanna binge TV shows, so that’s what we do.
Giovanni freaks out. He also wants to get me everything I need, but he’s kinda not used to taking care of sick people, so he’ll be running around like a headless chicken asking me if I need various medical supplies that don’t at all apply to the kind of illness I have (such as a splint or a tourniquet). And soup. He will bring me so much soup. Hey, he’s good at making it, so I’m not gonna complain. He also does unfortunately think cuddling will make things better, and want to sit in bed next to me or kiss me for reassurance. I tell him over and over and over that that’s just gonna get him sick. Less than 24 hours later, he’s caught what I have, and I’m just “GEE, I WONDER HOW THAT HAPPENED.”
XR and I are built on petty arguments. He fulfills my fantasies of a relationship based on tsundere rivalry. We will find things to argue about for fun. This is how we get our kicks. I call him a dumbass, he calls me a narcissist, we don’t mean it (…mostly). He once caught me singing and dancing, thinking I was alone, and taped it and circulated it as a meme. He thinks it’s hilarious if I trip and fall. Conversely, I think it’s hilarious if he runs into things when he’s not looking where he’s going. I keep a running record of stupidest spelling mistakes he’s made and will trot them out whenever appropriate. At the end of the day, though, we set it all aside. Don’t let anyone know we’re actually nice to each other behind closed doors!
Tony and I basically argue about one petty thing: the fact that he CANNOT DRIVE. Is there canon precedent to this? Not really, except for the fact that his henchmen always seem to be driving the getaway car. But I have it in my head that the people in our operation who should be driving are me, Pal Joey, and Glasses. The person in our operation who should not be driving is Tony. Guess which one of the four asks most often to drive? Yeah. And sometimes he wears us down and we have to deal with him nearly killing us by driving 20 mph above the speed limit. IN DOWNTOWN NEW YORK. THE POLICE CHASE HASN’T EVEN STARTED. If there is one thing that is the subject of our married-couple spats, it is THIS.
Arguing with Giovanni is more of a minefield because we both have a habit of pretending we’re not sensitive about certain things until one of us rags on that certain thing and then it explodes. I have a oneshot idea, may or may not write it, in which he insults my “nerd glasses” like he always does with Sylvie, and I’m legitimately hurt but trying not to show it, so I engage in a rivalry argument with him that lasts all day, up until he jokingly says that I have delusions of grandeur and I just say “Well, at least I don’t think I’m qualified to be captain when I’m not” about myself when I realize that my lack of filter made it sound like I insinuated he wasn’t qualified to be captain, at which point he will actually start crying and insist to me that words hurt. Everything’s made better when we sit down and have an honest talk about what we said that hurt each other and then hug it out.
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lascivo-derrame · 6 years
I got tagged by @bluetenregen
We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire 🎶 library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up. Then tag 20 victims of the 🔁 hell
1. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds- into your arms
2.Daniel Johnston- Song of an artist
3.Angel Olsen- May as well
4.Supertramp- Breakfast in America
5.Benjamin Clementine- I won t complain
6.Arctic Monkeys- i bet you look good on the dance floor
7.The Cure-Friday im in Love
8.Noiserv- i was trying to sleep when everyone woke up
9.Pulp- Common People
10. Xavier Rudd- Spirit Bird
I m tagging @encephalitis-lethargica, @venusiadade, @opfer-modus, @flow-xr, @restuque, @zm-285, @nebuloss, @mellch, @wintermuziek , @syndromee , @yourkneecapsareugly
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magnetloading427 · 3 years
Ipod Touchcopy Mac
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September 02, 2019Nicole Jones
TouchCopy is an iDevice file transfer program that enables you to transfer many media files from iPhone, iPad or iPod to iTunes.
Sep 25, 2020 If you recently replaced your computer or a recovering after a hard drive failure, TouchCopy lets you save your music, playlists, podcasts and videos from your iPod, iPhone or iPad to your hard. TouchCopy is an iDevice files transfer tool that enables you to transfer music, videos, photos, Apps, Contacts, Messages, Calendars and more from iPod or iPhone to iTunes/Mac. You even can copy the music and playlists directly to iTunes with the songs data, album art, ratings and play counts. TouchCopy was designed to help you easily transfer your Music, Video, Photos and Games from your iPod or iPhone to your PC. Features: Copy iPod Music, Playlists and other iPod content to your PC or Mac. You can copy any iPod including the iTouch, iPhone (2G, 3G and 3G S), iPod Classic, iPod Nano and other iPod models. TouchCopy Mac cracked version is a useful media Transfer tool, specially used to help you transfer multimedia content from iPhone, iPod or iPad to iTunes. Easiest alternative to TouchCopy: Aiseesoft FoneTrans. Aiseesoft FoneTrans FoneTrans is the best TouchCopy alternative to help you manage iOS files. With it, you can transfer photos, music, contacts and voice memos from iPhone/ iPad/ iPod to your PC or Mac without TouchCopy or iTunes at all.
Ipod Touch Copy Music
Such a powerful program, however, is too complicated to learn for most Microsoft Windows users. There are too many icons to select and too many clicks needed for the transfer.
What’s worse, many users complain that this tool always crashes.
Fortunately, this tutorial is going to share you the top 3 alternatives to TouchCopy that enables you to transfer files between iPhone, iPad and Windows/Mac and from iOS device to iTunes.
More importantly, all of them have user-friendly interface and are easy enough to use.
Part 1. Easiest alternative to TouchCopy: Aiseesoft FoneTrans
Part 2. Replacement of TouchCopy: MediaMonkey
Part 3. Substitude for TouchCopy: iSkysoft iTransfer for Mac
Part 1. Easiest alternative to TouchCopy: Aiseesoft FoneTrans
Aiseesoft FoneTrans FoneTrans is the best TouchCopy alternative to help you manage iOS files. With it, you can transfer photos, music, contacts and voice memos from iPhone/ iPad/ iPod to your PC or Mac without TouchCopy or iTunes at all. Sometimes when you change a new iPhone, you do not need to worry about how to transfer the contacts, music and other data to the new device.
Transfer photos/pictures, contacts, music, etc. from iPhone/iPad/iPod to computer.
Get data transfer between iOS devices.
Backup music from iPhone/iPod/iPad to iTunes without running iTunes.
Manage iOS data on computer easily like contacts editing, adding, deleting, etc.
Compatible with the latest iOS device like iPhone XS Max/XS/XR/X/8/7/6, etc.
Get data sync safely and easily in one click.
Works with: Windows, Mac
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Price: The original price of this TouchCopy alternative is $49.95, but there is 30% discount right now.
Do not miss this post to transfer data from iPhone to iPhone.
Part 2. Replacement of TouchCopy: MediaMonkey
MediaMonkey is another wonderful alternative to TouchCopy. It offers a plenty of solutions for you to enjoy your favorite music.
Its integration with CD and DVD burning, full featured encoder as well as ability to synchronize with iPad, iPod and iPhone makes it one of the best library-management tools for digital media player on the market.
However, the only disadvantage of this TouchCopy alternative is that its default layout is quite mediocre. Nevertheless, you are able to change its looks to suit your own preferences.
Key Features:
Come with neat features that make it easy to play your music, such as tabbed playlists, party mode and so on.
Collect music already on your computer, or search for music on any connected drives.
Sync with almost any device including Android, iPhone, iPod, and other devices with a built-in conversion functionality.
Support hundreds of audio & video formats, including MP3, OGG, WMA, AVI, MP4, WMV, etc.
Organize music files and edit tags in iTunes library with an intuitive interface as well as identify tracks automatically
Work with: Windows
Price: The free version can meet your basic requirements, and you can pay $24.95 to buy its paid version for advanced features.
Part 3. Substitude for TouchCopy: iSkysoft iTransfer for Mac
iSkysoft Transfer for Mac also enables you to backup music to your iTunes in one click, and you do not have to make duplicate contents in the iTunes library.
In addition to music, you are supported to transfer paylists with rating, play counts, other music data, as well as videos, photos, Audiobooks, Voice Memos to your iOS device. Different from other similar software, this TouchCopy alternative features detecting files and convert them to a format compatile with yoor iDevice.
Key Features:
Transfer music from iPhone/iPad/iPod/ Android device to iTunes Library or Mac, and vice versa.
Transfer files between Android and iOS device within a few clicks.
Support a plenty of file types, including Music, Playlist, Videos, Podcasts, TV Shows, iTunes, Audiobooks, etc.
Work with: Mac OS X
Price: 1 year subscription costs $49.95, and lifetime license needs $59.95. you can download the free trial vision and renew if you are satisfied.
From the above top 3 alternatives to Touch Copy, you will note that Aiseesoft FoneTrans is the user-friendly and powerful one tool. Just get a free trial here.
When you want to transfer music and other media files from your iPhone/iPad/iPod to computer without TouchCopy, this tutorial provides multiple options for you to take into account. You can compare the difference between these alternatives to TouchCopy mentioned above, and choose your favorite one.
At last, if you have something to add to this post on TouchCopy and its alternatives, please write down your thoughts and feedbacks in the comment below. If you like this article, do not forget to share it with your friends.
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Last Updated : | Wide Angle Software
If TouchCopy is unable to detect your iPhone, iPad or iPod when connected with USB, follow the steps below...
(Want to connect using Wi-Fi instead?)
Ensure that you are running the latest version of TouchCopy.
Make sure that the latest version of iTunes is installed on your computer (not required on macOS Catalina or higher). We recommend using the version of iTunes from Apple's website, rather than the version from Microsoft Store.
I am receiving an AMDevice connection error If you receive an AMDeviceConnect or AMDeviceVailidatePairing error when attempting to connect your device with TouchCopy, follow the quick steps in our article below to resolve this issue. How to fix AMDevice errors >
Turn on your device, unlock it and go to Home screen. Make sure it remains unlocked while TouchCopy attempts to detect your device.
Tap 'Trust' your computer on your device if you see a 'Trust this Computer' alert.
Disconnect and reconnect your device while TouchCopy is running.
Update your iOS device and your computer.
Disable restrictions on your iPhone.
Restart your iOS device and computer.
If you have tried the steps above and are still having issues, please check is your computer recognising your iPhone, iPad, or iPod? Once your computer has found your device, try using TouchCopy again.
Detailed Steps
This article provides recommended steps for TouchCopy to find your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or another iPod without a click wheel. If you are using a standard click-wheel iPod, such an iPod classic, iPod mini or a first to fifth generation iPod nano, please visit our other support article here providing help with TouchCopy detecting your click-wheel iPod.
Ipod Touchcopy Mac App
Get the latest version of TouchCopy
We are always working on improving TouchCopy, whether it be introducing new features, making improvements or fixes. Running the latest version of the software ensures that you have all the fixes and improvements that we have released. You can check for updates in TouchCopy by going to Options > Updates within the software or visit the link below.
Download TouchCopy Update
Get the latest version of iTunes
iTunes is required for TouchCopy to detect your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad (except on Macs running macOS Catalina or higher).
You can download the latest version of iTunes on your PC or Mac, directly from the Apple website, via the link below to match your system.
If your iTunes version is from the Microsoft Store, we recommend uninstalling this version from your computer, and downloading iTunes directly from the Apple website instead (using the links below). This will usually resolve an AMDeviceConnect error in TouchCopy.
Download iTunes for Windows 64 bitDownload iTunes for Windows 32 bitDownload iTunes for Mac
Unlock device and Trust Computer
Please try disconnecting and then connecting your device with TouchCopy running. If this does not work, restart TouchCopy with your iTouch, iPhone or iPad still connected.
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If your device has a passcode on the lock screen, disconnect your device from your computer, enter the passcode, go to your Home screen and then re-connect your device to the computer.
If prompted, tap Trust on your device to trust your computer. If you choose not to trust the connected computer, you can charge your device, but the connected computer won't be able to access any content on your device.
Update Apple mobile device drivers
If your problems persist, please also check is your computer recognising your iPhone, iPad, or iPod. If it isn't, you may need to update your Apple mobile device drivers as detailed in the Apple support article here... https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT204095 When you update your Apple mobile device drivers, please restart your computer and try using TouchCopy again.
Check Permissions and Pre-requisite Software (PC Only)
Please make sure that TouchCopy has the correct permissions to run as expected, by running it as administrator. To do this right-click the TouchCopy icon either on your desktop or in your programs folder. Click 'Properties' and then go to the 'Compatibility' tab. On here please choose to 'Run this program as an administrator'. Once done press 'Apply' and then 'OK'. Please then re-launch TouchCopy and try again.
Ensure you have the required services running by following these instructions: How to ensure Apple Mobile Device Service is running.
Check Restrictions on your iPhone
Restrictions set on your iPhone could be blocking communications between it and your computer. To remove these restrictions:
Open the Settings app on your iPhone and tap 'Screen Time'.
Tap 'Content & Privacy Restrictions'.
Finally, tap to toggle off 'Content & Privacy Restrictions'.
Contact Us
If you continue to have problems with TouchCopy detecting your iPod, iPhone or iPad, please contact our support team.
It will help the team resolve the issue as quickly and efficiently as possible if you could email us TouchCopy's process log. This log can provide crucial information to help us identify the issue for you.
To email us TouchCopy's process log on a Windows PC:
Please launch TouchCopy and connect your iOS device using a USB cable, then wait a few moments for TouchCopy to attempt to connect to your device.
If the device does not connect after a few minutes, click on Options > Log in TouchCopy.
In the logging window, select 'Copy to Clipboard'. This will copy the text in the logging window.
Finally, please paste the copied log into a new email and send it to us at
To email us a Console log on a Mac computer:
Open your utilities folder
Start the 'Console' application
Cut and paste all the details in the opened window and email it back to us at
Publisher: Wide Angle Software
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Looking for iPhone 8? Alpha SmartPhones Quenches Your Thirst for a Stunning Refurbished iPhone 8
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They say that once you use an iPhone, you really can’t be satisfied with any other smartphone. Apple has released a number of models since the launch of its iPhone 8 in September 22, 2017. The luxurious phone came with a hefty price tag and could easily set you back a generous £699. It also made our list of the most wanted Christmas gifts of 2018.
Since the iPhone 8’s launch, the company has released the iPhone X, XS and the latest XR in October 2018. If you’re in the market to upgrade your phone but are on a budget, then the best option for you would be to check out refurbished iPhones.
Refurbished iPhones, especially the newer models, are a great option because you’ll be getting a practically new, barely used device to call your own. Many iPhone users complain that the company hasn’t reinvented the wheel with each successive model it has released. And for those that already own an iPhone 7, this statement may be true. But if you’ve got an older model or have never owned an iPhone before, then a refurbished iPhone 8 will leave you thoroughly impressed.
There’s a lot to love about this sleek smartphone and it’ll make you want to buy a refurbished iPhone 8 immediately. Keep in mind that the lower price isn’t the only thing that is tempting, the phone’s design and specs are also quite impressive. Let’s take a comprehensive look at the phone’s features so you can decide to buy the iPhone 8 for the best price available.
The Stunning iPhone 8
If you decide to buy a refurbished iPhone 8 and have previously owned the iPhone 6 or older, you’ll note some significant changes. This phone sports a glass back and is taller and heavier, compared to the iPhone 6S at least.
Butter fingers need to be particularly cautious when it comes to handling this phone. Get a decent protective cover for your refurbished iPhone 8, since there’s glass on both sides now, you could end up damaging it if you drop it. The company does claim that the glass is robust, but better safe than sorry.
Despite other smartphone companies moving towards a more seamless display, the iPhone hasn’t minimised its bezel over the years. Because of this design choice, your refurbished iPhone 8 won’t look vastly different from its predecessors at a glance, but the 148-gram device is still a stunning piece of technology you’ll be proud to own.
True Tone Display 
One of the major features that sets the refurbished iPhone 8 apart from its predecessors is its True Tone display. The 4.7-inch Retina HD display adjusts to the ambient light that surrounds the device. This leads to an enhanced viewing experience. To truly appreciate this feature, compare the display of your refurbished iPhone 8 to an older model and see the difference in colour and contract.
The 4.7-inch display has made the phone easier to use with one hand. Since many people prefer a compact and easy-to-carry phone, the refurbished iPhone 8 proves to be the right fit.
High-Tech Camera
iPhones are known for their great camera quality. Your refurbished iPhone 8’s camera is equipped with a 7-megapixel front camera, a f/2.2 aperture lens and can record HD videos at 1080p.
The 12-megapixel rear camera comes with f/1.8 aperture. Its wide-angle lens yields excellent results. The quad-LED True Tone flash lets you take decent photos in low light and let’s not forget the 4K video recording feature as well.
Animoji and Memojis are not supported on this device. Although, these features aren’t ground breaking in any way; so you won’t be missing out on much.
Water-Resistant and Wireless Charging
Apple hasn’t just focused on looks for this one. Your refurbished iPhone 8 is water resistant up to a meter and can remain submerged for up to 30 minutes.
Apart from being able to take a shallow dive (though not recommended) your refurbished iPhone 8 supports the Qi Wireless charger, too.
iPhone 8 for the Best Price
If you’re looking for a newer iPhone with decent specs, then a refurbished iPhone 8 could be the right choice for you. To put things into perspective, take the latest iPhone XS Max. It was released in September 2018 and costs a ludicrous £1,099. And if you want a device with more storage, you’ll have to spend even more than that base amount.
Instead of splurging on brand new devices, why not buy second hand mobile phones for almost half the price? People are starting to realise the benefits of buying used phones, this has even resulted in a boom of second-hand phone market in the UK. Since the newer iPhones aren’t wildly different form preceding models, buying a refurbished iPhone 8 really won’t hinder your smartphone experience.
Check out this article, too: Best iPhone for You!
A Home Button and Fingerprint Scanner
The iPhone 8 comes with a traditional home button and an effective Touch ID fingerprint sensor. The newer models have dropped these features for a futuristic Face ID instead. If you prefer the older tech, then a refurbished iPhone 8 is probably more your style.
Powered by an Updated iOS
The iPhone 8 was released with a powerful iOS 12. After its release, the company updated the operating system to iOS 12.1.3. Your refurbished iPhone 8 will run smoothly and thanks to the OS, the augmented reality apps run without a hitch, too. With all this in mind, it is important to note that you can get the best price for an iPhone 8, which matches the iPhone X in terms of power.
The Bottom Line
If your heart is set on an iPhone and you don’t want to spend a mind-bogglingly large amount of money, then the refurbished iPhone 8 is the way to go. Its modern design makes it look like a fancy high-tech device, while its slightly smaller build makes it easier to grasp.
You can practice a more sustainable lifestyle by buying a refurbished iPhone 8. It is available in four colours: red, space grey, silver and gold. Buying second hand mobile phones is a great way to get optimal use out of a perfectly good device. If you’re not sure about how to navigate the refurbished phone market, then here’s a guide on how to find the best iPhones for sale in the UK. Don’t fall into the trap of mindless consumption and shop wisely. Take your pick and bring home a refurbished iPhone 8 for a great price. You can easily find one that matches your needs at Alpha SmartPhones. Bright side: you not only get one-year warranty but a 30-day return option also, in case you don’t like it. 
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shecallsmeblue · 7 years
babe magnets? fml
my ninja and i both wanted crepes for dessert so we got the puppies in their harness and went for a walk to this cute dessert restaurant close by.
i forgot to take a picture but they had this amaaaazing nutella crepe dish that i’m still drooling over. so anyway as we were all eating our desserts (XR insisted the puppies had to have their own plain crepes with vanilla ice-cream) ppl who were out & abt kept stopping to talk to the puppies lol it was like XR and i didn’t exist. do you pet owners get this same treatment? coz these puppies are so adorable & ppl just kept stopping to remark abt how cute they were and ask how old they were, what breed they were & that they look like foxes. so on and so forth.
we introduced the puppies & they loved up the attention, especially the baby nala. tatum was such a flirt and i swear him and my ninja were like a tag team, with their cuteness & charm. my ninja was like a proud parent getting the pups to high five the ppl they met lol it was too....too!!! my heart burst they were so darn adorable 😍
i’m just gonna go on a little rant now but 1st things 1st.. does gaydar really exist? coz i swear i can’t tell who’s gay even if my life depended on it. but tonight it was sooooo obvious coz i swear to god this cute little red head was hitting on my ninja, talking abt her own dog and how they should meet for a play date 😵 excuse me! i’m sitting right here. and my idiot gf was all like, oh cool the puppies would love that coz they only have each other to play with but we're only puppy sitting for a few weeks 😱 wtf?
i’ve been giving XR the silent treatment coz i’m so annoyed & i’m abt to call my bff to complain so i don’t say anything to upset my love, coz if i hear her say that girl was just being nice i’m gonna break something 😠
god.. she’s so clueless abt these things but so damn lovable abt it tho
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daveg65 · 3 years
155 - Lola Bit the AirTag and it Cannot be Paired - With Guest Holden and Brian DePardo
The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave and Warren they are joined by returning guests Holden DePardo and Brian DePardo. Warren's dog bit her airtag and we wondered did it survive and keep working? Many complaints about iPadOS15 and lack of features we discuss. There were many items not discussed during the WWDC keynote including supporting NTFS drives to copy files to the iPad and more. Are Apple Podcast subscriptions worth it and we we review this. There 2 betas iOS14.7 and iOS15 plus 3 great app picks by our guests. 
The show notes are at InTouchwithiOS.com

Direct Link to Audio
Apple Launches Podcasts Subscriptions
Facebook to launch its own podcast platform next week
Apple CEO Tim Cook: Sideloading Apps Would 'Destroy the Security' of the iPhone
Congress to vote on new antitrust package that wants zero Apple pre-installed apps on the iPhone
Sonos Complains About Apple's Restrictions on Third-Party Siri Access in Antitrust Hearing
Angry Birds Reloaded, Doodle God Universe and Alto's Odyssey: The Lost City Coming to Apple Arcade
Apple to Reduce Apple TV+ Free Trial to Three Months From July 1
Apple Maintains 5G Market Lead in Q1 2021 Despite Vivo and Samsung Gains
Beats Studio Buds vs. AirPods and AirPods Pro
AirTags and Dogs Warren’s dog Lola did bite  the tag did it survive? Well it would not pair to hos iPhone we discuss.  How to reset your AirTag
Beta this week. iOD 14.7 Beta 3 was released are we closer to finally being released now that iOS 15 is in full swing? iOS15 Beta week 2 and it will not be released as a public beta until July 2021. 
Apple Seeds Third Betas of iOS and iPadOS 14.7 to Developers
iOS15 still in beta 1 You Won’t Get These iOS 15 Features without an iPhone XS/XR or Newer
We talk about the many items that were discovered added to iOS15 and iPadOS15  that were not mentioned in the WWDC keynote. Of note the support of NTFS drives and a progress indicator. 
iPadOS 15: Files App Gains NTFS Support, Progress Indicator, and More
iPhone Apps on iPadOS 15 Now Run in Landscape
iOS 15 Allows You to Request Refunds for In-App Purchases Directly Within Apps
App Picks
iA Writer - Best writing tool out there.
pwd - Password Generator - Beautiful free password generator
Our Host
Your Host Dave Ginsburg  is an IT Professional With over 22 years experience working with Mac and Windows as well as iOS devices. He is also President of The Suburban Chicago Apple Users Group

About our Guests
Holden DePardo studies computer science and co-hosts two podcasts: Respawn Aim Fire and Networked Podcast. Twitter: @holdendepardo 
Brian DePardo is a writer and IT Professional living in Dallas, TX he is on Twitter @briandepardo
About our Co-Host
Co-Host Warren Sklar @Wsklar is an IT Consultant and moderator of the Mac To The Future FaceBook Group with over 3000 members talking about all things Apple. Request to join this group to be among people who love Apple.
Here is our latest Episode!
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shadow-bender · 5 months
Me just tryingg to vibe:
My intrusive thoughts: "hey remember this fucked up thing that happened to you when you were a kid"
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First of all, I George Andrew would like to share my personal experience of using Testabolan CYP. Prior to giving you the detailed overview ...
What isTestabolan CYP?
Formulated by iForce Nutrition, Testabolan CYP is a performance-enhancing supplement that promises to increase muscle mass, cut recovery time, enhance sexual stamina, and deliver sharper mental focus.
Testabolan CYP claims to accomplish this in several different ways. First, the manufacturer tells us it promotes protein synthesis and reduces muscle catabolism, which helps you quickly gain mass and strength.
Furthermore, the supplement’s cutting-edge nutraceuticals claim to support healthy levels of androgen-binding protein and sex hormone binding globulin, thereby boosting the amount of free testosterone circulating in your blood.
Finally, we’re told that Testabolan CYP will boost four different growth factors and will even reduce the stress hormone cortisol, adding up to mind-blowing results that can “reinvent your body.”
All you have to do is take 2 capsules of Testabolan CYP in the morning with a meal and again at dinner. The company recommends using the supplement for no more than 12 weeks, followed by a 4-week off period.
What’s the deal here? Is Testabolan CYP some kind of legal steroid, or just another in a long line of supplements that promise to turn you into a raging beast of a man, while delivering little value for the money? Is it safe?
That’s exactly what we’ll help you answer by detailing what we learned during our research.
The Basics of Building Muscle
The Testabolan CYP website tosses around potentially confusing scientific terms like they’re horseshoes, so let’s take a quick moment to de-mystify them:
Muscle Function
At the microscopic level, your muscles are made up of fibers, which are long, cylindrical cells.
These fibers are also what cause your muscle to contract; slow-twitch fibers don’t fatigue easily but also contract more slowly than fast-twitch fibers, which tend to fatigue quickly.
Whenever you work out, these muscle fibers become damaged. Your body then works to repair or replace these fibers, which gradually builds muscle strength and size.
In order to repair (or even maintain) your muscles, though, your body requires amino acids, which act as the basic building blocks. Your body primarily obtains these amino acids from protein, and Testabolan CYP promises to help synthesize, or break down, any protein you consume to make it more available for your muscles to utilize.
On the other hand, if you haven’t consumed enough protein and your muscles don’t contain enough of these essential amino acids, it will enter a catabolic state. In other words, it will start breaking down muscle to use as a fuel source.
Similarly, cortisol is a catabolic hormone released when you’re stressed, which is something Testabolan CYP claims to reduce.
What Are Growth Factors?
In contrast to a catabolic hormone like cortisol, growth factors are naturally occurring substances capable of stimulating growth at the cellular level.
While there are hundreds of different growth factor classes, Testabolan CYP promises to increase the presence of four specific ones:
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) – Proteins very similar to insulin that help increase muscle mass, induce protein synthesis, and prevent muscle mass from decreasing.
Nerve growth factor (NGF) – Primarily affects the growth and maintenance of neurons, or nerve cells.
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) – A multifunctional protein that helps encourage cell division.
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) – Like FGF, this growth factor helps stimulate cell growth.
The Role of Testosterone
Similar to growth factors, testosterone is a hormone that, among other things, can help increase muscle size and strength.
Not all testosterone in the body is equal, though. Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and androgen-binding protein (ABP) render testosterone inactive; also referred to as “bound.”
As a result, only “free” (or unbound) testosterone is biologically active and available to help increase muscle mass and strength. And it’s this free testosterone that Testabolan CYP claims to boost.
Exactly what ingredients does the supplement use to accomplish this?
Are Testabolan CYP’s Ingredients Effective?
According to their label, Testabolan CYP contains the following ingredients:
Free Testosterone Matrix 1,420mg
Acetyl-L-Carnitine 1,000mg
3,4-Divanillyltetrahydrofuran 400mg
Naringin 20mg
Acetyl-l-carnitine is an amino acid produced naturally by the body that helps promote muscle movement and brain function.
As a result, WebMD indicates that supplementation can help improve memory, reduce nerve pain, treat Peyronie’s disease and male infertility, address symptoms of age-related testosterone deficiency, and boost blood flow to the brain.
Regarding testosterone, 2 grams of acetyl-l-carnitine daily may address sexual dysfunction, depression, and fatigue as well as testosterone therapy. At 1,000mg twice daily, Testabolan CYP seems to provide this necessary amount.
3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran is a chemical compound found in some plants (known as lignans) that has been shown to reduce the ability for sex hormone-binding globulin to do its job, thereby boosting free testosterone levels.
There doesn’t seem to be a lot of clinical evidence supporting 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran’s ability to meaningfully increase free testosterone in humans, though.
Finally, naringin is a chemical compound naturally found in citrus fruits and especially in grapefruit.
It’s often included in supplements like Testabolan CYP to boost the absorption of other ingredients, especially acetyl-l-carnitine, although authoritative websites indicate that most clinical evidence was obtained in Petri dishes or animals; not humans.
Will these ingredients cause any side effects?
Potential Testabolan CYP Side Effects
According to authoritative websites, most of us probably won’t experience any side effects from Testabolan CYP’s ingredients. And if we do, it likely won’t be any worse than mild digestive upset.
3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran is derived from stinging nettle, which may cause sweating.
Naringin is derived from grapefruit, which could potentially interact negatively with a long list of medications, including dextromethorphan, estrogen, and medications for high blood pressure and those for lowering cholesterol.
Potential side effects aside, how much will you pay for a bottle of Testabolan CYP?
How Much Does Testabolan CYP Cost?
What you’ll pay for Testabolan CYP wholly depends on where it’s purchased.
For example, if bought through one of the manufacturer’s landing pages, a single bottle (60 capsules) will only cost you $4.99 S&H. However, 14 days after placing your order, you’ll be charged the full price of $89.95.
On top of this, you’ll be enrolled in the company’s recurring shipping program, which means you’ll continue receiving a new bottle of Testabolan CYP once per month and charged $89.95 plus $4.99 S&H each time.
However, if purchased directly through iForce’s website, you’ll pay $74.99 plus a $7 flat rate shipping charge, although it doesn’t appear you’ll be signed up for any kind of autoship program.
If purchased through the company, Testabolan CYP comes with a 30-day refund policy, less S&H. Keep in mind that this only applies to unopened bottles.
To request a refund or cancel your autoship enrollment, you’ll need to contact customer support at 877-356-6092 or [email protected].
Pro tip: We also found Testabolan CYP sold on Bodybuilding.com at a much lower price of $39.99—again, without any autoship enrollment.
What Are Customers Saying In Their Testabolan CYP Reviews?
On Bodybuilding.com, Testabolan CYP had an average 8.6 rating based on 14 customer reviews. Common compliments referenced increased libido, increased energy, sizeable muscle gains, better sleep, and improved workouts.
On the other hand, some customers complained that they didn’t experience any benefits (very common among any nutritional supplement), increased aggression, and insomnia.
From a company perspective, Testabolan CYP is brought to you by iForce Nutrition (part of the Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals family of brands), who, among others, makes another supplement named ThermOxyn.
Neither company was listed with the Better Business Bureau at the time of our research.
Pro tip: When searching online for Testabolan CYP reviews, we encountered another supplement bearing the same name that was sold in the mid-2000s, which contained 5-alpha androstanediol, a steroid prohormone that has since been banned.
By all appearances, this older version of Testabolan CYP has no relationship to the current iForce version.
Will Testabolan CYP Turn You Into a Beast?
Compared to many of the other testosterone boosting supplements and muscle growth products the HighYa team has reviewed over the years, including Elite Test 360, Bio Testosterone XR, and Beyond Human Testosterone, the clinical evidence seems to support Testabolan CYP’s ingredients—at least to an extent.
For example, 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran may help boost free testosterone in vitro and animals, although authoritative websites report little-to-no clinical evidence supporting its efficacy in humans.
Additionally, acetyl-l-carnitine may help address some side effects related to low testosterone—even as effectively as testosterone therapy in some cases—although it doesn’t appear to actually boost free testosterone in the body.
Perhaps the biggest stumbling block related to Testabolan CYP, though, is its price, since you can purchase a standalone acetyl-l-carnitine supplement online for as little as $10, while some stinging nettle extracts (containing 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran) can be found for even less.
Given this, it’s not clear—even at $39.99 through Bodybuilding.com—that Testabolan CYP is necessarily worth the higher price.
And it becomes even less clear when you factor in the $80+ price tag directly through I Force Nutrition, the fact that you’ll be signed up for recurring monthly shipments, and that refunds are only available on unopened bottles.
Need more help making a decision? Be sure to read Do Testosterone Boosters Really Work? Find Out What Science Says!
Did you try Testabolan CYP? Did it deliver on its promises? Did you find it provided a solid level of value compared to standalone supplements? Tell us all about it by writing a review below!
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shadow-bender · 3 years
Three years ago today my siblings and I saw BTS live! I've been rewatching the videos I took and I can't even imagine being around that many people again.
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shadow-bender · 3 years
Yesterday my boss told me that she saw it was nearing the full moon and she thought of me lmao
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shadow-bender · 3 years
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shadow-bender · 3 years
It's funny how my mother and aunt can ruin my mood without me even speaking to either of them.
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