#xtale would be disappointed in this man
cherrio-krispz · 1 year
Wanna know what I hate?
The dark, twisted part of me wants to draw Alpha Cross and his E-Kittens-
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He’ll give his thanks for any fanart
Without background/affect(?)
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onebizarrekai · 7 years
Hi, I'm really new to your blog and may I ask.. What's Dreamswap?
(deep breath)
It’s an AUAU (since it’s not just a regular AU haha) I created in November 2016 where certain outcode characters switch roles, but not personalities or abilities. There are six main swaps, those being Dream and Nightmare, Ink and Cross, and Error and Blueberry.
Dream made a plan to make the multiverse a better place (without telling Nightmare), and he ate almost all the gold apples after turning them all gold on purpose, became really powerful (and got wings) and turned on his brother, telling him that he was guarding something that was only making people suffer, and claiming that his very life was causing unwanted negative energy in the multiverse. Dream formed an organization called Justice Reigns (JR) that specializes in eliminating evil (though it’s not exclusive to it), one of their main targets being Nightmare himself, who ate the last gold apple and thus gained the abilities to universe-hop, sense feelings and got a bunch mixed positive-negative magic (characterized by a neon blue color) and ran the frick away from Dreamtale.
(Oh yeah, also Dream and Nightmare have this whole combined fates thing going on where if one of them dies they both die, so Dream is trying to figure out how to eliminate Nightmare without killing himself in the process. That’s why the situation is complicated.)
One more negative apple remains not to Dream’s knowledge, which was eaten by Nightmare’s pet rooster Kevin because Nightmare fed it to him to see what would happen. (one of those things, man… XD) As a result, Kevin has an extremely extended lifespan.
Fast-forward, Nightmare is trying not to get caught by Dream’s organization which is rapidly spreading influence throughout the multiverse, while simultaneously trying to help people he comes across. He locates Cross through his negative feelings and finds out about Cross’s universe getting destroyed. He also finds out about how Cross’s powers works, and feeling bad for him (in spite of how much of an asshole Cross was being), takes him to a number of universes so he can teleport through them as he pleases. Before Nightmare leaves, he warns Cross about Justice Reigns and tells him not to mess with them.
Chara is bothering the hell out of Cross, telling him that they need to rebuild their world. Cross consistently ignores him though, eventually returning to the ruins of his world again, only to find Ink there, who teleported there by accident while still figuring out how his own powers work shortly after getting them. Both of them are really confused at first, but they eventually start becoming friends and Cross gets really attached to him. Cross’s anger and desire for his own world fades away, thus reducing Chara’s control over him.
One day, Ink and Cross are talking about AUs, and Ink wants to know why everyone has an AU except for him. He asks Cross to take him to his world, only for Cross to tell him that this empty space they’ve been hanging out in is that world. Ink isn’t surprised or sad for him–only disappointed.
Not soon after, Dream discovers the remains of Xtale while Cross isn’t there. He finds Ink, and not sensing any feelings from him, is understandably concerned. He goes to talk to Ink, and Ink is immediately influenced by Dream’s aura, realizing that he is actually feeling something without the help of his vials. Dream offers to let Ink work for him and help the multiverse in return for a better life. Ink quickly complies, not thinking much about it.
Right as they’re teleporting to the JR castle, Cross comes back, his first time actually seeing Dream being him stealing his best friend away. It isn’t a good first impression.
So, Cross, thinking this is bad, goes to ‘rescue’ Ink. He somehow sneaks into the JR castle to try and get him back, but because he kinda sucks at being stealthy, security gets notified and hell breaks lose. Funny enough, concurrently, Nightmare is trying to escape from jail after being captured himself and he and Cross run into each other again while trying to avoid the guards. They argue a little bit, Nightmare reminding Cross that he told him not to mess with JR, and Cross is all like they stole my friend! And Nightmare is like you have friends? And they just argue a bit but end up apologizing to each other because they both realize the other person lost their universe.
Miraculously, they both escape and go back to Nightmare’s current home, a small apartment in an empty town. They officially reintroduce themselves to each other and talk for a while. Cross is still bent on getting Ink back from JR, asking Nightmare if he ever saw him in the castle. He didn’t.
Cross is just kinda sitting there and pouting and looking all sad and stuff, and Nightmare is like OKAY FINE I’LL HELP YOU. Cross jumps up and hugs him and they’re both just like.
ANYWAY they end up going back to the castle after a while by hijacking a JR van with built-in teleportation abilities (Cross thus learns that Nightmare should never be allowed to drive), and when they finally find Ink, then is the reveal that Ink did this on purpose. Ink tells Cross that he doesn’t care about having anything to do with him anymore and that Dream is his boss now. (Nightmare is waiting outside the room, so he didn’t hear most of the conversation)
Nightmare and Cross leave, Cross a mix of really depressed and angry. Chara is all like oooh nice and sad Cross to take over! But Nightmare gives Cross this pep talk and helps him feel better. Cross doesn’t want to go back to the remains of Xtale anymore, so Nightmare just lets him stay at his apartment for a while. Eventually the two of them laugh about the entire experience, thinking about how ridiculous it was that they broke into the castle.
Later, JR has located Nightmare’s living space and Nightmare is just like UGH not again, and Cross is like wait what’s going on and Nightmare is like, yeah, uh, I’m JR’s top wanted even though I’m not actually a criminal… mostly. Cross just shrugs and goes with Nightmare as he packs up and escapes. They settle in another AU, and because Cross doesn’t have anywhere else to go, Nightmare offers to let Cross live with him.
MEANWHILE, a certain nerd named Error has just escaped from a mentally abusive friendship with Blue, if you can even call it a friendship. He’s lost and alone, and doesn’t know what to do. While Nightmare is out looking for something to make him feel like he did something that day, he finds Error. Long story short, he brings Error home and introduces him to Cross. After a while he tells Error about Justice Reigns, and much to his relief, Error agrees that their methods are wrong.
Maybe a day or so later, Core Frisk finds all of them, already looking for Error at this point. They probably talk a bit about JR and about how it’s doing some stuff wrong and tell the three that they can come live in part of the Omega Timeline where they would be at least somewhat more safe from Justice Reigns’ pursuit. The squad (although not officially a squad yet) accepts, gaining their mini portion of the Omega Timeline where they live currently. (They also steal a house from an abandoned town using Cross’s powers) And yes, Kevin is still the house pet.
So uh…… is that it?? Oh yeah, Blue is just a lil fricker who doesn’t play sides and does things when it’s entertaining or convenient. He’s complicated, so if you want to know more about him, you should just check the tags and read some of the short stories. That also helps for understanding some other aspects of the setting and the characters that I didn’t go over already. (I didn’t really go over their personalities much, did I?) After all, this crazy thing I just wrote really doesn’t include all the details, especially about Error and Blue, Justice Reigns in general and Dream and Nightmare’s actual relationship with each other.
And, for good luck… here’s the link to the FAQ.
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