namonaki-arts · 4 years
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XZero Week Day 3: Valentine
Oh, I know. I don’t need the reminder.
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janitorbot · 4 years
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I keep on forgetting that my tumblr exists because I have a twitter now wheeee Old XZero art dump :’D
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didstwt · 4 years
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xzero week post, i didn’t draw dream&distance
( mmz xzero? never heard of her )
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naturestarstruck · 4 years
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Just some summer ZeroX ship art.
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sueanoi-mmx · 4 years
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XZero week prompt Distance
AU(?) where X's story of X4 was how it went. Zero never felt such a distance.
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sir-subpar · 4 years
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Some Xzero I did for an art trade on deviant art for UltraMegaXfan
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super-mario-rpg · 4 years
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X and Zero in casual outfits drinking boba together~
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halbyrd · 4 years
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Did you know mobile tumblr fucks up GIF timing? It does. Zero ain’t supposed to be saying Hey for that many frames.
XZero Week Day 3: Valentine's
If I made my girlfriend render this I would be a single woman right now.
But yeah. Alia's supportive. And yeah, it’s Valentine's, but she just gotta enforce that workplace propriety y'know?
Also it’s my first GIF with procreate! I’m hoping to do something more actual animation like with it, but I started this like three hours ago and I didn’t have time for that shit. Enjoy.
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mmx-code-crimpphire · 4 years
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I caved
I didz it I wanted to do the prompt for Valentine
I'll still do the bonus day prompt and that's all I'll do since I need more of these bois in my life
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asper-disaster · 4 years
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I still can’t draw X.
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namonaki-arts · 4 years
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XZero Week Day 1: Casual
On rare occasion, X and Zero would take a stroll through Abel City’s quieter destinations - a gentle reminder that these moments were worth fighting for.
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XZero Week Day 6: Touch
Zero grunted.
His body was tensing up.
"X, could you please stop that?" He asked, not bothered to hide his annoyance.
"It's not my fault your hair's so soft and nice to touch, blame your creator." X said as he continued to gently lift strands of Zero's thick hair into his palm, letting them fall back down, rinse and repeat.
Zero sighed, he didn't like the idea of his hair being touched, in fact, he never liked his hair at all, it made him look too flashy, didn't have any benefits, and was really just a nuisance to him.
He'd voiced his thoughts about just getting rid of the ponytail before, it was detachable, after all, but X was highly against it, the two argued about it for days and eventually, X won the long-running debate.
"Believe me, you say you want to get rid of it, but you don't, that hair is a part of you and you can't deny it. I won't stop you from getting rid of the hair, see for yourself."
And just like that, the arguement ended, and Zero had gotten rid of his ponytail, sure enough, X was right, something just felt...off, within the single week that he didn't have his ponytail on, it felt awkward, people were staring at him, and his back felt colder than usual.
So he gave in and re-attached it, much to X's delight.
He still hated his ponytail, he still hated it being touched, but he never thought about getting rid of it ever again.
However, he had to admit, after awhile, X stroking his hair felt kind of...nice.
X was very gentle with his hair, no tugging, no yanking...just touching it softly and gently.
He just had this certain vibe to him, Zero wasn't sure what, but whatever it was, Zero felt he could trust him with anything.
But it wasn't only that, X touching his hair gave him a sense of comfort and ease, a reassurance that everything was alright, that there wasn't a worry in the world.
That he could just relax for a while, enjoying every moment with him.
"...Zero? Hello? Earth to Zero!"
"O-oh, uh, sorry about that, I zoned out, didn't I?"
"Yeah, you did," X paused, moving his palm away from Zero's thick and bushy ponytail, "Listen, Zero, if you're uncomfortable with me touching your ponytail, it's fine, I'll stop-"
"Huh?" X stared at him in confusion.
"I said, don't." Zero said, his back still facing X, "It's alright if you want to do so, it doesn't really bother me." he told him.
"But earlier you said-" X stopped, then grinned a little mischievously, "Oh, I get it, you like it, don't you?"
"I never said anything about liking it, it just doesn't bother me." Zero lied, trying to hide any sense of comfort he had with the idea of X touching his hair.
"Liar." X smiled as he started helping himself to toying with more of Zero's hair.
"...Fine, I'll admit that I like it," Zero said, while trying, and failng, to hold back a smile, "-only you're allowed to do this, though." He quickly added.
"Fine by me, I'll use this to my full advantage." X teased him while braiding his hair.
"As you should." Zero said.
And they both sat there in peace, in Zero's room, with not a worry in the world.
Safe, with each other by their sides.
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strink-family · 4 years
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XZero Week Day 4: Dream
"I dream that in a perfect world, we get to be together for all of eternity."
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naturestarstruck · 4 years
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A Valentine's Day Hug
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sueanoi-mmx · 4 years
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#xzeroweek2020 touch They are very tactile. This is canon.
you can see my energy dwindling in each prompt. XD but i substitute quality with quantity
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sir-subpar · 4 years
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It's "Take your child to work day!"
(X would not approve of this, but Axl loves it lol)
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