#y/n wanye is an NCIS agent
redhoodedangel · 2 years
Arkham Knight! Jason with a Wayne! Reader, who became an NCIS agent after His ‘Death’
Been watching NCIS on Netflix and it’s become a comfort show. So, naturally, this idea popped into my head.
Warning: Mentions of torture, alcohol, criminal activity, murder and death
(Y/N) is Bruce’s Daughter~
(Y/N) is 23 and Jason is 22
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When Gibbs got the call from the GCPD, you knew it was time. After seeing Joker’s dead body get cremated nine months ago while on leave, you knew someone would step up to try and kill your father. With the team’s case of several marines and soldiers, from new to dishonorably discharged, joining a small anonymous cause connecting to deals with Gothams supervillains, you knew it was no coincidence. Despite what Gibbs told you about how he didn’t believe in them…
You had joined the NCIS team after the murder of your boyfriend, Jason Todd, who was tortured for a year and later killed by the Joker. This lead to a huge argument with your father about his ‘no killing’ rule and how he put his mission to protect Gotham over the safety of his loved ones half the time. This led to you leaving behind the Manor and your title of Shadowclaw. You joined Gibbs’ team when you were twenty, thanks to Commissioner Gordon recommending you.
That was three years ago…
You and the rest of the team arrested scumbags and registered felons and took down terrorists. However, you woed the day that Joker would appear on NCIS’s radar. The day he would screw up massively and stray across your path. All so you could finally put him down for good… and you knew Gibbs wasn’t going to stop you… he gave you his blessing, not that you needed it, anyway…
That was the difference between him and your father…
Gibbs wouldn’t hesitate to kill a man who tore families apart… especially considering what happened to his first wife, Shannon and his daughter, Kelly,…
With you and Gibbs heading to Ace Chemicals with Gordon and your father in his cowl, you were planning to enter Scarecrow’s manufacturing den. Ziva was with Cashe at the GCPD office, looking out for stragglers or prisoners of the oncoming war. Dinozzo was helping the police deal with rioters and thugs. McGee was keeping in touch with Oracle and Robin for any developments back at your apartment. Abby and Ducky were down in the Batcave with Alfred, along with all their needed equipment.
You weren’t even halfway across the bridge when a mysterious figure in a militarized helicopter shot at it, reducing it to rubble. He seemed adamant in shooting Batman until he saw you. And even then, something or someone was holding him back. Then, he fled off…
“Friend of yours?”
“Guess we’re gonna find out, Jim…” Gibbs said, holstering his gun.
While Batman grappled his way in the chemical plant, you and Gibbs had to find your own way inside. Once inside, you started freeing trapped workers and taking down militia soldiers. Everything was going good and seemingly according to plan. McGee and Oracle then contact the three of you via your comms.
“Boss, me and Oracle found something.”
“Spill, McGee,” you said over my comm.
“Most of the dealings with Marines and the military stemmed from this new player Scarecrow has on his team. But we do know that he has no prior experience with the Army.”
“Name, Oracle?” Batman asked through his communicator.
“No legal name listed from what me and Agent McGee could find. However, there’s one name that his men agree on: The Arkham Knight…”
McGee then went to add on to Barbara’s statement, “Both myself and Oracle tried to find a match on every database we could think of. Criminal, Most Wanted, Interpol, FBI, even combed through Arkham and Blackgate’s records of offenders. Nothing matches this guy’s description.”
“Arkham Knight? If this guy is close enough to have ‘Arkham’ in his title, even though he wasn’t an inmate, then why go by such a name?”
“Maybe he’s seeking revenge for someone who died in Arkham? Family, maybe?” The junior agent proposed, trying to come up with the best possible motive.
“I’ll help you look into it, Agent McGee.” Barbara replied with confidence.
“Let us know.” You said before cutting your end of the line. You looked at Gibbs and then your father with an expression of faint concern. Looking at each other, one thought was shared among us all…
This was gonna be a long night…
Saving the missing workers was easier said than done. A few were found dead while others were being guarded by the Knight’s men. You knew that these men wouldn’t back down, but you put a bullet in their kneecaps to keep them down. You don’t want to kill them if you don’t have to.
The last worker was located near a large window to the outside. As you all slowly approached the area, your father spoke, “Was it really necessary to shoot those men?”
“At least be happy that they aren’t dead, Dad.” You snipped, reloading your glock.
“There’s a reason why I had that rule in place.” He uttered, voice low and dangerous.
“Your rule, not mine. And if I remember correctly, I didn’t consent to having to follow it. Neither did Jason. Nor any of the others. They just followed your lead.” You hissed, readying your glock for any incoming surprise attacks.
“I didn’t want you two to become killers. Not you or anyone I’ve taken in.”
“Sometimes, killing a dirtbag who isn’t scared of you and has more red on his hands than yourself doesn’t make you a killer. It can make you an avenger. Rule fifty-one…”
“Rule Fifty-One?” Bruce asked quizzically.
“Sometimes, you’re wrong… I taught her that.” Gibbs came in, answering your father. Batman grew stoically silent after that response for your boss.
As you entered the room of the last prisoner, Both you and Gibbs held your guns at the ready. After a while and check if the coast was clear, Gibbs went over and freed the trapped worker. No sooner was the man out of his cuffs that militia soldiers came barging in. Gibbs brings the man behind him, trying to keep him away from the armed men around you all. As the soldiers held you at gunpoint, the Arkham Knight came down behind the window in front of us.
As he came up to the glass, he said this with his disguised voice, “Keep your guns trained on him. If he even looks like he’s planning to leave the room, open fire. Oh and avoid the bat symbol. It’s a little secret. That’s where his armor is the strongest.”
You quirked your head to the side in thought, ‘How did he know that? What else does he know? He might even know that I was Shadowclaw before joining NCIS… before Joker sent Killer Croc and Bane to cripple me while I was searching for Jason…’
“Aim for the weak spots at his shoulders first. Then coordinate fire at the points where the plates meet.” The Knight continued, giving his men instructions and directing them where to shoot.
“Please…” the scared worker behind Gibbs whimpered.
“You say something?” The Knight quipped.
“Leave them out of this. This is between you, me… and Special Agent Wayne…” Batman said, knowing full well what this city you once called home meant to you. It was the last resting place of your mother and boyfriend.
The Arkham Knight then spoke again with a mocking tone, “Still protecting the weak and defenseless. That’s what I like about you. Predictable. That’s why we’re going to win. We know your moves before you do. We know how you think.”
“Oh really? What’s he thinking right now?” You asked with a slight smirk.
The Knight chuckled dryly, “Well… Special Agent Wayne, I’m sure he’s thinking… ‘Who the hell is this guy?’”
“And what about me?” You questioned, stepping up to the glass. You knew what the hell you were doing. Trying to stall for time and get as much information as you could. Hoping that this man would let something slip about his past, motives or even something else about him that might be useful.
“Well, you’re a tricky case. But from what I can tell, you’re a woman who knows what she wants… and will do whatever it takes to get it…”
“You got that right…” Gibbs said. “Agent Wayne is one of our best. And one rule of thumb when it comes to her… don’t underestimate or cross her.”
“Oh, I’m not underestimating or trying to cross anyone, Agent Gibbs. I’m just trying to make a point. And since we’re all on the same page here, I fully… fully intend on killing Batman. But, first… we’re gonna make him suffer…”
With that in place, Gibbs turned to Batman and simply nodded. Within a split second, the BatMobile came crashing through the glass. Gibbs ducked for cover while your father threw himself on top of you to protect you.
You were right when you thought to yourself that it was gonna be a long night. Between Barbara getting kidnapped, the Cloudburst being unleashed, you and McGee trying to keep Robin from finding out and Commissioner Gordon losing his shit with Batman about losing Barbara and her involvement as Oracle. You can most certainly say that shit has completely hit the fan.
However, your hope for answers about the Arkham Knight was about to be tested. More specifically, who he was under the mask and his true motive. Anything he does or says was being considered evidence. Luckily, Abby had managed to take a voice sample from the Knight from your father’s comm and was breaking it down to find a match. By the time you arrived at the Manor, the match was probably already found.
When you walked into your vacant bedroom, where Abby and Ducky were taking up shop, you saw Abby staring at a screen with two unplayed audio files side by side onscreen. Ducky was in the Batcave with Alfred, doing autopsies on the handful of murder victims that were found around the city. Obviously, Ducky didn’t want to intrude on the goth forensics scientist. Especially when he had his own workload to deal with.
Abby appeared to be frozen in front of her computer, almost as if she saw or heard something she didn’t like. It made you wonder what she could’ve discovered from the audio analysis.
“Abby?” You exclaimed to her, hoping she wasn’t in a trance or something of the like.
“Hey, (Y/N). Sheesh, I swear you and Gibbs have evidence radar,” Ms. Scuito said, her low pigtails moving with her as she spun around.
“Did you found anything?”
When you asked that, there was a long pause from the forensics specialist. Something was definitely off and it had to do with the Arkham Knight. Your gut was telling that she was reluctant about telling you what it was.
“I broke down and remove the electronic flange that the Knight was using in his helmet. It was specifically designed to cover up any key details about his voice. Voice cracks, pitch, sound… things like that.”
“This guy didn’t want to find out who he is. Forensically or medically…”
“Yes. Only I was able to pull away the electronic interference over top his voice. And taking that edited voice, I ran it through a database of known Batman allies and rogues. And…”
“And what, Abs?”
“You’ll never guess who it matches with…” With that, Abby played the two audios, which were broken down by keywords. As soon as you heard them, your whole world froze. You recognize the voice being played back to you. It was a voice that you hadn’t heard in years since you joined NCIS. A voice that you thought you would never hear again.
“Your deceased boyfriend, Jason Todd… he’s back from the dead as the Arkham Knight…”
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Might need to write a part 2!
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