#y’all’s content hit me in the feels and now I have animatic ideas I know I will never finish
icerthingss · 2 years
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Hunter with Flapjack and a random bird practice I did on a chinese restaurant paper placemat.
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max-is-tired · 5 years
Once Again
Are y’all ready for some sweet, angsty Creativitwins content? To be honest the idea for this was sparked by P1x3l Dolphin’s Familiar animatic -go check it out bc it’s amazing- and after yelling about it with @romansleftshoulderpad (who also supplied me with a title for this so thank u fam I owe you one <3) I just... decided to put it out there?
I’ve got tons of random headcanons about this AU, so if you guys like it feel free to send me an ask if you want to see more!! I’d love to ramble about it with you guys :’)
Warnings: Remus Sanders, fighting, yelling, crying, angst with a hopeful ending I guess??
So. Roman and Remus are fighting.
About what? Who knows -they’ve probably forgotten by now, mostly going on autopilot as they yell and scream and throw random things at each other when things get particularly heated.
And honestly? They’re not even really angry at each other, not even as insults and curses tumble out of their mouths one after the other. They’re just scared, hurt, and so, so tired -why do they even keep fighting like this?
They may be opposites, but they're brothers and god if they don't miss just... being together, playing games, without all of the animosity and the "dark side" "light sides" thing that has always held them back from reaching out.
They yell, they scream, frustrated tears are shed and finally -finally- everything is laid there, raw and fresh as they try to deal with… everything, basically.
(Remus probably makes a gross joke about the “raw and fresh” thing at some point, but that’s Remus for you so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Anyway, in the midst of that mess of emotions and tears and fighting, they end up hugging?? Maybe one of them was planning to actually hit the other and tripped, sending the both of them to the ground?
They just lay there, holding onto each other with tears in their eyes and god, they missed this, they never want to let go-
And just like that, the room is filled with light, and when it dies down there's only one person in the room. He's tall, standing straight with his eyes closed as he takes in his first breath in a long, long time. His uniform is nothing like Roman's or Remus, burgundy with golden accents reflecting the light of the room just like the crown sitting snugly on his head. When he opens his eyes, they're two sparkling rainbows, a million ideas and thoughts flowing behind them as the man stands there, stunned. Silently, he looks down at his hands, flexing his fingers reflexively, and then turns towards the mirror, taking in the vision of something he'd never thought he'd see again.
"What... just happened?"
Creativity -Augustus, his name is Augustus how did he ever forget his own name- is very confused, staring frozen at his own reflection as old, old memories start coming back to him. He remembers Thomas' childhood, filled with adventures and daydreams and /laughter/ and then... it wasn't, something deep inside him clashing and fighting until all he could feel was pain and terror as Morality's voice kept ringing in his ears.
"Creativity stop, those kinds of thoughts are wrong! You can't think of those things, Thomas is a good person!"
It had felt like an endless battle against himself, like two sides of him fighting for control. Like his brain was going to split in two.
That's what had happened, hadn't it?
After that, the memories get fuzzy, muddled, like watching two different lives unfurl in front of him.
He sees one side of him -Roman, sweet, little Roman- find his place in the light, surrounded by love and family and a thousand tales of rescuing princes and fighting dragon-witches.
And then he sees Remus dancing and cackling around his own side of the Imagination, far more comfortable with the shadows full of peril and monsters that Morality seemed to despise so much.
He sees those two children grow and mature in sides of their own right, filling egregiously their role as Creativity even as the gap between them kept growing and growing until it seemed like nothing could be done to repair it.
They were too different, they thought. And yet-
"I'm proud of you guys," Augustus murmurs in the silent room, hugging himself as red and green dance behind his eyelids.
Then, he sighs, a small, bitter smile on his lips. Because, as much as he's happy to be back, Augustus knows he can't stay. Both Roman and Remus have families to go back to, people they love immensely and love them back in return. Augustus can't take that away from them, he won't.
Thomas needs Roman and Remus. It's time for the King to step down, and for the Prince and Duke to take their rightful place on the throne.
"You're the best Creativity Thomas could ever ask for," Augustus smiles, a single stray tear falling down his cheek, "take care of the others for me, okay? I love you guys."
Then, light envelops him once again, leaving two sobbing brothers in its wake.
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