#ya i'm bringing this template back
insomnya777 · 5 months
my dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “hermitcraft 10” 😳 youll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
me: yeah whatever. i dont feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude i swear i just saw a death star in the shopping district
my buddy iskall, pacing: i'm in a secret relationship with joel smallishbeans
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deadscoutz · 2 years
Ye olde list of my dankest oldest yaoi
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I made a meme template for my fella. You can see how he filled his out on his blog. You should do this too! Just save the image and repost it with your ships, no credit necessary.
10 years ago can also be 10+ years ago, just any ol' fashioned classic yaoiyuri.
My ye olde ships:
Slade/Robin (now Nightwing/Slade lol)
Kefka/Terra (ff6)
everyone including random monsters/Vincent Valentine (ff7)
Harvey Dent/Joker (dark knight movie)
Riddler/Scarecrow (batman comix)
Kaiba/Yami Yugi (ygo)
Malik/Yami Bakura (ygo)
Sniper/Spy (tf2 /neg)
Superman/Batman (capeshit)
Deadpool/Cable (capeshit)
These don't include some of the obvious ones that I'm still drawing to this day LOL like Scout/Spy or Goblin yaoi.
Warning for LONG ASS rambling about each ship under the cut.
The common thread is that 86% of these were memes posted to 4chan's /co/ board. When I WAS. A YOUNG MAN. I just liked whatever I saw other people posted cuz i couldn't form my own opinions yet. I think that's just a general age thing, as you get older you hone your personal tastes more, whether it's books or yuri or food, and it's less satisfying to wait around at the buffet for other people's tastes.
It's a lil interesting how much easier it was to just let other people feed me things to enjoy. Now that I'm older and pickier, I have to proactively seek very specific tastes and sometimes make dishes for myself!
Some thoughts on thots:
Slade/Robin: This is like, baby's first "dark ship". Lots of 8 yr olds saw the Apprentice episode, and pogged out cuz of the evil groomy tension. Then you get all the 8 yr olds posting their dark yaoi on deviantart LMAO.
The default back then (And still now?) is evil daddy dom Slade making poor widdle babby Robin cry. I didn't have particular tastes back then in regards to that ship cuz I was 8 and just followed what was popular LOL. In [current year], I only like the pairing if Slade gets his anus slapped and slorped by the dude he tried to groom. What can I say, I get older and the old gnarsty dudes keep getting older too...!
Also, I'm really shocked that new people are getting into this pairing because of Teen Titans Go's chibi Robin. It's time to bring chad manlet Dick to public consciousness!!!
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Kefka/Terra: 👴 Back in my day, I did not see any FF6 shippy stuff on the internet at all. The doujins and fanart were mostly for the FF7 and above 3d games. So this was something I thought up for myself while playing the game, without any outside influence... incredible for a kid I must say! The dynamic is "evil clown grooms psychic girl into a MAGITEK WEAPON". It's really funny how things change, I wouldn't find interest in that dynamic now :p But I understand why a depressed edgy 10 year old (me) would find that interesting to explore.
Everyone/Vincent Valentine: I just thought Vincent was cute! I still like goth dudes who look like ladies with long hair (Who also turn into monsters). I tried to get into ships proper for Vincent, like Sephiroth/Vincent, Cloud/Vincent, Cid/Vincent.. but none of them really struck my fancy. I didn't really care for their character dynamics. I just liked Vincent LOL. So my favorite doujin I found when I was a wee lad was a monster x Vincent manga, cuz Vincent was cute :3c That segues into the other side of the fujo spectrum: A lot of my fannish thoughts when I was a kid (and even now) was based on having one favorite character and just wanting to see them look awesome and hot and cool and sexy. I think that's actually more related to gay manga culture than fujoshi culture, where gay manga can commonly just focus on one guy getting gangbanged with no emotional pairing necessary.
I could live with just seeing sexy Green Goblin and never shipping him with anyone else, ya know? And I'd be happy just drawing my sexy Senspai without any annoying Scunts around. The annoying younger halves of my pairings are often just projection opportunities, ya know? But I don't have the mental ability to do self-inserts because I have no conception of self.
Harvey Dent/Joker: Hey, when you're a kid and the new Batman movie comes out, you get sucked into it! You can see this in action with all the new Riddler fans cuz of the edward cullen batman movie! Nurse Joker was a huge meme on /co/ when this movie came out, and as the joke says.. /co/ is gay. And probably full of closet fujos. I had no emotional connection to this pairing, or even thoughts on their interactions, but I have quite a bit saved of these two on my computer. Plus I stole a lot of Aaron Eckhart's Harvey for my character Angus. Blonde and buttchin!
Riddler/Scarecrow: Again with the new Batman movie at the time, this time reviving interest in characters that weren't even in the movie! I liked Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow even though he only gets 5 minutes total of screentime in all 3 Nolan movies combined. Because I like girly men with killer cheekbones and kissy lips. I also REALLY enjoyed Jeffrey Comb's voiceover for BTAS Scarecrow. And Frank Gorshin Riddler was also a beloved meme on /co/.
I don't remember what the dynamic even was between these two. I just remember a small imageboard split off from /co/ for just Batman yaoi at the time, and this being a popular ship. Sometimes I wish it could be this easy for me to get into media and enjoy it with random strangers again LOL.
Kaiba/Yami Yugi: I loved Yugioh as a kid. This was one of the most popular ships, so as a kid you're just ecstatic that so much art and writing and fans existed for this one thing. You never starve, even if you don't have especially strong feelings for the food! Kaiba/Yami is still pretty cool to my adult brain though. I love the obsessiveness of Kaiba, and Yami is just an eternal waifu.
Malik/Yami Bakura: You can blame the abridged series for this one! Yaoi bait begets yaoi bait. This falls under the "dumbass x grumpy" archetype that I still enjoy. No especially strong feelings for this one, though I do have more modern headcanons of Malik, Rishid, and Bakura living together in a strange poly-angle. It's just cute!
Sniper/Spy: Ah, TF2chan.. a place where dreams live and die. Sniper, Spy, and Scout were part of the cursed twink trio on that chan. REAL MEN liked MANLY ships like Heavy/Medic, Demo/Soldier, or Soldier/Engie. You're a gay stupid yaoi fangirl if you liked any combination of Sniper/Spy!!! Jokes on them, I liked pretty much every pairing for TF2 back in Tha Day.
TF2 truly was a milestone in the fujo pipeline, from anime twinks to middle-aged slightly more naturalistic twinks to finally burly hyper testosterated manly men. We can blame the SSS twink trio for helping many transition (And I mean that in every way of the word 😜).
I think now I'm just sick of anything TF2. Reminds me too much of assholes and shitfucks! The transition of TF2 from edgy gamer chan culture, to tumblrites, to twitter geeks... eugh. I only care about fearless Scout/Spy allies :)
Superman/Batman: Hey, it's the NaruSasu of superhero ships! I have a lot of these two saved on my hard drive from my /co/ days. Once again, because gay art of these two was posted constantly as a meme. When the "straight dudes" on the edgy imageboard acknowledge the inherent homoeroticism of a pairing, it's validated in the young fujo's eyes. (cuz what girls like is stinky? and what men like is cool and real? lol lots to unpack) Still think this one is cute! I'm not AS invested in this as some people are as an endgame OTP that gets married and love each other ONLY, but it falls under the genki x grumpy archetype that I enjoy. It's a good relationship for Bruce to have and ruin!
Deadpool/Cable: Ah, the final channer-approved pairing. Complete with channer-approved fanart and pornography I still have on my hard drive! I might actually have the most art of them together saved out of all these ships...They had a comic together called Cable and Deadpool. Deadpool flirts with Cable and dreams about putting lotion on Cable's bare back (heh). What's not to like? Still cute, still genki x grumpy! Again, not an invested endgame ship for me right now, but certainly something I'm grateful to have enjoyed and shared with Shane :) Especially having enjoyed this before the Deadpool movie came out, and before all the weird fucked up Waid comics! I WAS HERE FIRST!!!!!!
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chosen-by-the-dagger · 10 months
YT JTA: *focused doing task on laptop at 1 am*
Gojo: *slowly pops up from behind her* ...
YT JTA: *doesn't notice him*
Gojo: ...
Gojo: What are you doing!?
YT JTA: AH! *falls out of chair* ow
Gojo: Whoops
YT JTA: Don't you know better than to sneak up on people? *gets up*
Gojo: You do it all the time
YT JTA: Touché *sits back down in chair* What brings you over here?
Gojo: Got bored, Jaz in here shifted back to her boring early version so I thought I'd find you since you're fun
YT JTA: Makes sense, I don't blame ya-
Gojo: Why does she do that?
YT JTA: Do what?
Gojo: One hour Jaz is the one after fate, the next she's the one sulking about her separation from her brother
YT JTA: Ah, right, ya see since this place exists in basically my mind, Jaz's shifts to whatever I'm thinking of in terms of timeline- how do I word it- if I'm thinking of the early timeline events and how she was there, then that's what she becomes, and then there's also the fact I'm trying piece everything together in a timeline, so it's a little messy
Gojo: I see
YT JTA: *goes back to doing computer task*
Gojo: So what are you doing?
YT JTA: Making a playlist for Jazmine and Sukuna since I felt bad he hasn't gotten one yet and Hisoka did
Gojo: *looks at the songs* Why are the songs picked like it's a love between Romeo and Juliet?
YT JTA: What do you mean?
Gojo: All the other playlists made from your template had a bit of a romance in there but it was mainly just hurt/comfort- as you call it- this feels more romance than just hurt/comfort
YT JTA: Really?
Gojo: I was thinking it'd be more sinister like that Hisoka playlist
YT JTA: Well, Hisoka and Jaz are more fight each other to the death whereas Sukuna and Jaz are fight side by side to create death, and it is a playlist for Jazmine and Sukuna, not the King and Queen of curses
Gojo: Aren't they the same thing?
YT JTA: Yes, but this shows their love is more malice against society, in fact the more I think about it, the two have a love connection more intimate than most here
L: That explains why he's one of the few married to Jazmine
Gojo: When you get here?
L: A moment ago, author-chan needs to go to sleep
YT JTA: But I'm not done -
L: It's 3 am, and you have a job now
YT JTA: Fuck...
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historia-kq · 1 year
Some life updates + Vacation Semi-Hiatus
(Crossposted from Toyhouse because I'm too lazy)
Hey guys. Time for a life update. (teehee)
This month has been very busy for me. I've done so much attacks on Art Fight this year, and I had to stop just two days short before I fly to the Philippines tomorrow. I think despite the whole fiasco that's been happening with that site this year, this one is probably the most fun I had (and yeah there were a few people that broke my perms, but I don't want to get overly negative about it). I wish Axel and Turtle the best of luck running Art Fight in the future. That being said, here are some updates:
Regarding the phishing scam bulletin: I regret to inform you that I wasn't able to get the rest of the money I've lost from last week's Steam phishing scam (The first purchase of the $500 Steam Cards). Thankfully, I had the other purchase cancelled, but after trying to recover the rest of my money by contacting PayPal and G2G, I gave up on it. However, I still have my Ko-Fi goal open if people want to help me get all that lost money back to me. I greatly appreciate it.
On a lighter note, I finally set up a wiki for Mimosa and the Clocktower! It's hosted on WikiTide, and can be found here. I've been doing progress on setting it up, and so far I had created three articles that give an overview of Timesea, the magigon species, and berries (The rest were modules, page layouts, and templates). However, it's still a huge work in progress (I also want to change the wiki's layout + the Anissa theme is the only one that suits it orz), but I don't have the time right now to continue working on it, and I'll explain in the next bullet.
Lastly, I am gonna go on a semi-hiatus because me and my family are returning home to the Philippines tomorrow, meaning that not only am I unable to bring my good old Inspiron Laptop with me, but I'll also be very, very, busy doing vacay stuff. I'll still pop up whenever I need to, but as I said, I'll be busy for nearly a month. I'll hopefully get back to working on Mimosa Game once I return home, since I put development on hold due to Art Fight.
Anyways, that's all for now. See ya.
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aewhore · 2 years
Blue eyed devil - Sugar daddy! William Regal X reader
I promised y'all a sugar daddy William Regal story and here ya go!!!
Gif is not mine!
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Or emeralds?
The diamond earrings match your shoes buuut the emerald ones match your dress! And sir loves you in emerald! Emeralds it is! As you make your decision the front door opens and closes. You make your way from your closet dressing room towards the main living area of your apartment to see William removing his suit jacket on the back of the couch. "Good evening sir" you smile as he turns to you, a smirk gracing his face as he eyes you up and down, drinking in your appearance. "Good evening to you too sunshine, my oh my, don't you look good enough to eat." He gently holds your chin as he tilts your head up to look at you closer. "You look breathtaking in emerald sunshine." You blush under Sir's intense gaze, his gunmetal blue eyes left you breathless. "Thank you sir" you feel yourself melting into his touch. "You're most welcome sunshine, are you ready to leave? I made reservations at your favourite place." Your smile widens, you collect your purse and put on your coat as William leads the way to collect his vintage Bentley from the valet. He holds the door open for you like the absolute gentleman he is. He lays his hand into your thigh and your mind wanders back to the first time you met William.
This was a bore, you were standing at WWE's Christmas party. You are a social media manager but you hated it. Following the same template for every post, it was borderline painful. Your eyes swept across the room until they caught the greyish blue eyes of the one and only William Regal. You quickly avert your eyes but you know you've been caught, you pretend to be busy at the bar. "I don't believe we've been acquainted. Hello, I'm William Regal and what may I call you?" You turn and try to hide your shocked face. "Hi um I mean hello! I'm Y/N! Um I'm a social media manager so we've probably never met before but it's really cool to meet you!!" If you could facepalm right now you would! You felt so awkward! But by the look on his face he seemed intrigued by you. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance Y/N, I saw you from across the room and was baffled as to why a woman as beautiful as yourself is by her lonesome" you nearly choke on your drink as you look at Me Regal to see if he's joking, he is not. "Thank you Sir, I just umm I'm not really a party person I guess." As you spoke you felt him soaking in your answer and truly listening to you. "Sir? Hmm I like that. I don't believe I am a party person either, I suppose we will have to meet again somewhere more … intimate." You felt your body heat up under his intense gaze. He gently placed a hand on your lower back to bring you closer to him. "Would you enjoy that sunshine?" You were completely breathless so you nodded which seemed to satisfy sir William Regal.
That was nearly 9 months ago and so much has changed since then. You have both changed jobs significantly, William is now with AEW and is getting to do what he always dreamed of in helping younger wrestlers and building phenomenal wrestlers and you? Well you quit your job soon after meeting sir because he gave you an offer you couldn't refuse, to be his sugar baby. You got to be spoiled, flown around the world with him, him buying you whatever you could dream of and he got your undivided attention and a beautiful woman to spend his days with. A fair trade in your book. Also the dynamic of your relationship has changed when William first came to you with his idea it was made clear it was purely a companionship as there was quite the age gap between the two of you but as time went on your feelings for him grew. It started small, the occasional lustful thought then a dream or two then he would enter your mind just before climaxing when you were enjoying some alone time and then just the thought of him made you wet. This could only go on for so long until you broke.
There must be something wrong with you, this wasn't normal. You agreed this was only strictly no sex sugar relationship! So why as you sit for afternoon tea with William you can only think about his hands in your panties with his calloused fingers buried deep in you while he degrades you. You had to make sure you weren't drooling as you watched him enthusiastically explain plans for that week's NXT. You mustn't have been listening that well because he's no longer speaking but is now instead smirking at you. "Something on your mind sunshine?" You feel caught like he can mind read and knows what you're thinking. "I um I'm sorry, I need to tell you something but I don't think this is the right place" his eyebrow raised at your statement. He seemed to contemplate your request before nodding, he threw down a few notes on the table before allowing you to lead the way back to the car. You felt the words bubbling up your throat as you sat into the car, once he got out on the road you couldn't hold it in anymore. "I can't do this anymore" You whisper but you know he heard you. "What can't you do, sunshine?" His calm and understanding aura helped you find the words. "I know we promised for this to be strictly nonsexual but sir I can't! I need … I need you but I know it's not what you agreed to so I understand if you want to break this off." You couldn't look at him so you stared sadly out the passenger side window at the landscape that was zooming past you. You turned towards him when you heard a deep chuckle. "Oh sunshine, you are the sweetest darling I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. You think I would agree to break this off because you've grown physical feelings for me? Oh sunshine!" You were shocked, he felt the same?! He answered your question by placing his hand on your bare thigh. "Sunshine you are the most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, now let me pay that pleasure back to you" before you could ask what he meant his hand began to massage it's way up your thigh and under your dress before he reached your lace panties, you moaned lowly when his index and middle finger began to massage your clit through your underwear. "Be a good girl sunshine, let me hear how good my fingers make you feel"
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 years
I'm really sick and everything hurts, got any fluff? Whatever you're in the mood for. - 🍦
Awh sure, dear *huggles* I hope you feel better soon!
I’ll take a break from the fire a certain coffee bean just started and give ya some Inu!Anti fluff ^w^
The moment you locked the door and turned around, was the moment a black, grey, and green blur glomped you, almost knocking the bag out of your hand.
“M-Master! You’re home!”
You relaxed and chuckled softly upon hearing the familiar, eager voice of your friend. Setting down the bag you wrapped your arms around him, rubbing his head. “Yes, I’m home, honey…but I told you not to call me that.”
“Sorry,” Anti mumbled slightly, burying his face into your shoulder. “Just a habit..”
“I understand.” With a soft sigh you hugged him for a few moments longer, before you smiled. “I got you a little something on my way back.”
The Inu perked up, grinning at you as his tail began wagging. “Ya did? What is it?”
“Well let’s go over to the couch and find out.”
Not even a second later, he was already at the sofa, sitting down and bringing his knees up to his chest. He smiled softly as you sat down beside him with your bag.
“Here’s just something for you..in case I’m at work and can’t be there for you when you need cuddles.” You took out a soft, plush husky and handed it to him, giggling a bit at his wide-eyed reaction.
Like an excited kid Anti took the plushie from you and gazed at it in wonder for several moments. But then..his ears drooped as he whimpered softly, hugging it to his chest.
Then he looked at you, tears filling up his eyes and a smile on his face. “Th-Thank ya. I-I…I don’t know what I did..t-to deserve this…but…”
“You just do, Anti.” You wrapped an arm around him and scratched behind one of his ears. “You’ve been nice, respectful, and you kept me company. So I figured I’d give you a simple, little gift as a reward.”
He sniffled and nodded, leaning his head against your shoulder and closing his eyes in content as you scratched his ear.
And you kissed his template, smiling as you took this time to relax and treasure a tender moment between you and your loving, Inu friend.
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