#ya'll wish i had some backstory to this but no
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I CAME BACK FROM THE MOVIE LIKE AN HOUR OR SO AGO- AND HOLLY CRAP- Here is some stuff I will say and I'll give my review at the end.
I love how to movie doesn't waste time and immediately jumps straight into action and also the backstory of it's soon to be main villain.
The designs are really nice I like them a lot. They are nice to look at. Maybe for some it might take a while to get used to but their decent at best.
I enjoy that right when we are introduced to the turtles they don't waste time showing their personalities.
This movie's angst inspiration definetelly came from the fandom lmao
like bro they just threw a bunch of angst in there.
Speaking of angst, I like how they immediately establish how much the turtles genuinely wanna be accepted into humanity and how they don't hold back on making sad scenes.
I don't mind Leo's crush. It's cute and I like how it's depicted. It's not that focused on which I don't really mind. I don't know where I sit with MM Aprilnardo, I'll wait until the series drops or we get a sequel and see what happens. If nothing happens between the two then I guess I won't be too hard into it. Unless maybe we see April and Leo both sharing feelings or something. Though if April politely rejects him I'll leave it at that. Again I still don't know where to sit with this ship.
Splinter is cool and funny. Also- we don't talk about that scene with him and scumbug-
The backstory for the characters is sad and I like how you can genuinely sympathize with them and it's not forced or anything.
I-I-I-I-I-I had to look away at the Puke scenes and the make out scene- Yeah I did get second hand embarrassment with this movie-
I enjoy how cringey it is- Like I get second hand embarrassment and yet it's funny to me-
MondoMikey shippers DNI. They are cousins in Mutant Mayhem.
I love how the movie's style is that of 87 and take more inspiration from the 87 version though to me the personalities for the characters were a mixture of rise and 2012 with some inclusion of 87 as well.
I actually watched this movie in my language not the english one. Sadly I didn't record any of the scenes so I can't show it to ya'll. :( Mainly cause I assumed it wasn't allowed to be recorded.
Shocked I didn't cry at certain scenes-
I enjoy that each character shines in his own way and all of them manage to do so.
Don't lay a finger on Leo... I will bite your legs off...
Sadly me and my papa didn't stay until the cliffhanger but I watched it on YouTube though.
The animation kind of seems messy but I do feel like it's something a little kid would design and considering this is a kids movie and all it's understandable. Though it gives us a lot of funny expressions xp
Story is unique, fight scenes really fun and amazing, the ending felt deserved and overall I enjoyed it.
Now, I know Superfly is a villain and all but if I'm gonna be honest- He didn't deserve death. I wish he got a redemption arc. He's just a broken villain who I ended up sympathizing and understanding. Yeah he wasn't doing the right thing but can you blame him?
Off topic but what gender is Leatherhead-? I kind of got confused ngl lmao
So in my opinion, it's either 8.5 or a 9/10. Mainly because there are some cringey scenes that I did cringe at and ngl I feel like certain scenes's pace was kind of a bit too fast. I don't know really-
BONUS: My papa's thoughts on the movie:
Found it cringe and stupid
He prefers the old TMNT
Prefers it when they stick to the shadows rather then go to high school
He thought Splinter was stupid and how he said the old one was a 'badass mothefucka'. His words not mine.
He prefers when Leo is really serious and calm, Raph a hot head and constantly wanting to smash things, Donnie being calm and smart and Mikey- Mikey he didn't mind since he said he is always stupid and a dumbass- (not really his words but close enough-)
He found the story not to be that really consistent and also the animation to him wasn't fluid. He didn't think it was the best or that good.
The story is interesting to him and unique and all though.
Don't hate my papa pretty please-
He pretty much grew on the 87 and OG comics. He kind of also probably had to deal with watching with me and my bro the TMNTs we grew up with. If anyone's curious, my bro grew up on the 2003 and kind of also 2012 since we both binged watched it a lot every time we came back home from school meanwhile I grew up on the 2012 but also in a way with 2003. Mainly since I have a few memories of seeing some episodes of it so I know some stuff.
Anyway- his score is a 6/10 for the movie and he says that is a VERY generous score.
Extra add in:
I realized my outfit looked similar to April's- Just- it had different colors and- I'm white as fu- Loved April a lot in this movie by the way.
I watched it with 3D glasses.
They were also selling masks of the TMNT. I only saw Raph, Mikey and Donnie but not Leo. I didn't buy one by the way-
I annoyed my dad with how much I was jumping and kicking my feet around.
And yeah that's all-
Loved the movie, I enjoyed it, I hope ya'll have enjoyed it as well and yeah!
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ell-arts · 2 years
Will The Veil be like season 3?
If you mean like a possible interpretation of what season 3 could've been like? Then yes, it is :)
The Veil is, at its core, my attempt at writing a season 3 continuation for the show. It didn't start out with that goal in mind, but eventually, I got some ideas on how I was going to progress the plot and eventually the idea birthed into a multi-chaptered story of how I would've wanted the series to end properly.
Of course, not everything is going to stick with what is canon.
Since this is a fanfic, I’m free to write and change the lore in any way I feel is fitting for the story. So while The Veil is my take on what season 3 could’ve looked like, some creative liberties were taken that are in line with my personal headcanons and wishes, leading up to a finale that I feel is a more fitting ending for the series. So there’s a level of self-indulgence in it, but I prefer sticking to a mostly canon-compliant story, and so my hope is to write a fic that is both satisfactory to myself and to the reader. 
Changes in The Veil that differ from canon:
A year has passed since the events of the season 2 finale. The teens are now between 17-18 years old and are much more mature. This is to aid character development in a way I feel would enhance the story. 
In general, the story is far more mature, dark, meaningful and serious than the series. No farts or bathroom jokes here, no sir!
Betrayus is actually a formidable villain now. The gap between his formidable past-self and his cowardly present-self is closed and he’s back to his malicious ways. 
Pac and Elli dated briefly but have broken up and are not together anymore. They're now close friends instead.
Some retcons or plot holes will be addressed and fixed (or at least as far as I am able to, cuz they're a mess ^^')
Zac and Sunny's whereabouts were confusing in the last episode and seemed to contradict what the series had been leading up to. The whole concept has been tweaked and given more context and background in chapter 4 of The Veil. AKA, Pac's parents disappeared at the end of the war, and instead of it being alluded to that Elli knows where they are, they're still missing and nobody has a lead on their location.
Instead of there being supposedly two PacWorld Wars, there is now only one PacWorld War to refer to (since only the first war is consistently referenced and we never learned anything about the second war.)
Everyone's getting backstories. Not just Betrayus and Pac. Cylindria, Spiral, Elli, the Ghost Gang, and many others will get backstories that will give their characters more depth. Some backstories will be more tragic than others.
If ya'll like what you're hearing, please check out my baby and number 1 priority fanfic, The Veil. You can read it either on AO3 or FF.N!
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stargazer-balladeer · 2 years
Hi, hi! I'm not sure if your requests are closed or you're on hiatus?? But I'm posting this just in case. May I request some headcanons of the Kamisato siblings with a reader who's their younger brother please? ✨
"You will be okay" [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: Kamisato Ayaka & Kamisato Ayato + GN! Reader
Notes: I don't write for male reader's sorry qwq so i made it gender neutral instead. Hope ya'll like this!
Warning: Few curses knowing me and spoilers for their backstories.
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Kamisato Siblings
Honestly speaking, they didn't know that it was possible for their mother to give birth yet again another sibling for them but when it did happened, they were both equally ecstatic. Ayaka has always wished for another younger sibling so that she won’t be the youngest anymore, and Ayato is just happy to have another member in the family.
But tragedy was soon brought upon them when their father died when you were birth into this world, shortly after, their mother followed the same fate as their father. Ayato has no choice but to become the next head of the Kamisato clan so that their clan won’t fall, and to take care of his younger siblings. 
Since Ayato is mostly busy ever since taking the head of the clan and Yashiro Commission, Ayaka was left to take care of you, putting all of her attention on you. She spends most of her time playing with you, entertaining for you hours. Ayato sometimes joins in on the fun but it only happens rarely. 
When Ayaka reaches a certain age where she has to practice being a lady in the clan, she can be seen holding you in her hands. There’s no place Ayaka will go without you in her hands. Even when Thoma starts to work for them, she still insists that she carries you.
To be perfectly honest, both of the siblings including Thoma would spoil the heck out of you. Buying you the most expensive toys, clothes, etc. Only the best for their younger sibling. 
But Ayato is albeit stricter in spoiling you. You don’t want to grow up like those stuck-up spoiled kids now do you? But Ayaka and Thoma? Haha, your wish is our command. 
They’re both very protective of you, not over, but still very. You’re the last blessing that they’ve received before both of their parents died in their childhood. Your birthday might be a constant reminder to them of their father’s dead, but they continued to smile for you. 
Both of them are very supportive of you in whatever you want to do. They would never force you to carry on the Kamisato clan’s legacy, they’ll do it for you. If they could, they would rid of the world’s ugliness for you. 
No one’s allowed to come near you, whether it’s girls or boys. Not even the old men or women who is only seeking the youngest out of convenience, so they had either Thoma or one of the trusted guard to stay with you if you want to walk around town.
Ayaka encourages you to make friends so that you won’t be lonely (”don’t be like your big sister, okay?”). But she did have to convince your older brother to let you out on your own, and Ayato can be stubborn when he wants to be. Maybe having both of you looking at him with puppy eyes would do the trick...
You might inherit both of their beauties tbh. And because of that, they’ve received plenty of proposals of an arranged marriage for your hand. Whenever this happens, both of them are in a bad mood. How dare they ask for your hand already?! You’re still their precious baby sibling! (yes we will ignore the fact that you might already be older)
When the war is happening in Inazuma, Ayaka and Ayato was gravely worried about you, especially if you manage to obtain a vision as well. They decided to shield you from the world and protect you from the Vision Hunt Decree by staying in the house only. It’s only when the storm has finally cleared that they finally allowed you to step outside, but their still worried so you might be seen with either of them or Thoma. 
If you ever feel the need to cry, Ayaka is there to comfort you along with Ayato. Their both there for you. So don’t be afraid to lean on them if you ever need help.
Ayaka is more prone to show you affection than Ayato. She regularly kisses you on the forehead, morning to meeting you on the street to evening. She sometimes pats your cheeks, and maybe squeeze them slightly while chuckling at your angry face. Ayato is more into headpats, and maybe a hug or two if time allows.
Overall, a pair of protective siblings who was forced to grow up too fast. But please don’t grow up too fast okay? Let them deal with the commission, so please continue being their baby sibling until the inevitable happens that you’ll get married and possibly leave them- 
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stormbornbastard · 6 years
Daenerys Targaryen Rant
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Look, I'm new to the GOT fandom and being on Tumblr overloads with you a lot of information at once. This fandom, is like the definition of toxic and for what? Ships? I have to laugh.
I'm only gonna address one thing but believe me, I've got a list so let's do this shit.
One thing I've noticed is the overwhelming hate against Daenerys Targaryen, for her cruelty and impulsiveness in some of her actions. In no way do I agree with all of them but I refuse to reduce her complex character and story buildup to that of a villain or a mad queen.
Daenerys has simultaneously figured out to be loved and feared all at once by her people which is fucking amazing. She was not born with the same training to rule as other highborns. She was not given some handbook on how to be the perfect fucking queen for the people and herself. She makes mistakes and acts impulsively but not at all times and the times she has, she's paid for them greatly and if she hasn't learned from them now, she will. Its trial and error with her, it's the only path of ruling and conqueror she has.
By no means do her mistakes outweigh her good deeds. Daenerys has done questionable things for her claim to the throne but honestly at this point, who hasn't? (Jon isn't aware of his claim so just don't)
She's not just some benevolent and perfect ruler who shows mercy to all and does nothing wrong. You wanna know why? Because that ruler doesn't exist. No real person is capable enough to do that because real people are flawed and since GOT tries to reflect real people in their characters, Daenerys is flawed too.
Those flaws do not make her incompetent enough to rule nor do they take away all that she fought to overcome and gain (screw anyone who thinks that shit was just handed to her, her name didn't mean shit. The Targaryens had been discarded before her and the name and entitlement can only get one so far, look at Viserys for example if you need to)
A lot of people want her to be more compassionate and empathetic with her enemies and people who pose a threat but why should she? Her enemies have never been compassionate and empathetic with her. Daenerys was raised with cruelty, she was only shown cruelty by all those who were supposed to love her which is why I believe she has no problem being cruel to those who pose a threat. It's all she's knew, the cruelty others for a very long time. As much as you wanna discard her backstory, its integral to shaping the person she is.
We have seen her ability to grow as a character and show more than the death and destruction that Targaryens have left behind. She cannot learn all the capabilities of a kind and good queen when she has rarely known kindness and goodness herself. But she is growing, her sacrificing a dragon who she considered a child of her own in an effort to help defend the north against the white walkers (without Jon bending the knee first) shows her ability to put people before her own political even fucking personal interest. (Another impulsive action that she paid/ will pay for and fucking learned/will learn from. Also can we acknowledge the fact that instead of holding animosity towards Jon for the death of her dragon like she could've, she empathizes with him and instead wants to help him destroy the night king BEFORE he bends the knee all while grieving her fucking child! Dany had no indication that he would bend the knee if she helped him, none. Yet she still wanted to help him destroy the night king and protect the north and it's people regardless!)
A lot of people have ridiculously high expectations of her even though when she started the show, she had no political experience, no good social experience, no military experience, no experiences one needs to rule. Yet she gained them (she wasn't given some wise person along her entire path to help her do it either) and she gained a council of people to advise her and that she trusts with her life to become a better fucking queen and to give her knowledge when she lacks it because she knows she doesn't know everything about ruling. She's aware of almost all of her flaws and she's worked to improve on them. She's not the second coming of Robb Stark (we all wish he was still here) but she is Daenerys motherfucking Targaryen and that means something and not because of her ancestry.
Do I want her to receive the iron throne? Fuck no. I hope its destroyed along with the wheel.
Do I think she doesn't deserve to be a queen? Fuck no, she's earned it.
So stop discrediting her and fixating on her bad qualities when there is so much more of her to see.
And for fucks sakes, stop pitting her and Sansa Stark against one another. They both are remarkable fucking women who have coped with terrible shit to become who they are and they're situations as rulers are rarely the same. Most of y'all are hating on one of them because she gets in the way of a ship and its pathetic.
Sansa helps protect and maintain the north as ruler and was born a Stark which means something there and gives her some kind of respect. Dany is a fucking ruler and conqueror and the Targaryen name held nothing but negative connotations of destruction, failure and death in GOT society before her, she is consistently judged by the sins of her family. She's not familiar with every land she plans to control but she wants to be, wants to be a voice for the people and those who are oppressed just as she was. Conquering and ruling a new kingdom and ruling a well established one that you grew up in (therefore she's familiar with customs, the people and ways of life in the north) is nowhere near the same thing.
I'm not discrediting Sansa, I love her and she's an amazing ruler but she had some aspects afforded to her that Daenerys doesn't.
I know she's got an ego but shit, if I had done the things she did and overcome the things she has, my head would either be too fucking big to fit through my front door or I would've offed myself before Dany gained her first dragons (I honestly don't know if I would've had the strength to get past that point).There is no question about her strength and resilience because she's got a fuck ton of it.
One more thing, after Jon bends the knee and she says "I hope I deserve it!" THAT SHIT! THAT NEEDS TO BE FUCKING TALKED ABOUT! Dany isn't as collected as she paints herself to be, she doubts her actions just as everyone does theirs but she does it in secret. She's just not in a position to be open about her insecurities and doubts which is why she doesn't show them to anyone. She's never really been. Dany has never had family who genuinely and unconditionally loved her like the Starks have their entire lives. She has never had the comfort of confiding in someone like they have or trusting someone the way they do. Even now, the people who love her mostly love her for what she can offer them and what she represents, not who she is. She's always relied on herself for that which is probably why she's not as open and vulnerable as people would like her to be. It could even be said without all she represents or her dragons or her power, no one would love her.
She's grown up without it. Abuse taking its place, she would have no one without her claim. The starks would have each others which is why I think she holds onto it and enforces so much. Her claim has given her people who love her, the things she can offer have given her the people that love her. That sucks but it what it is.
Her questioning her ability to rule, her insecurity shows that she will not let her pride and ego get in the way of being a good queen if she gains the seven kingdom. Just because she exerts confidence does not mean she is overconfident or stuck in the belief of her entitlement to the throne. She worries she will not be the queen the seven kingdoms need which is exactly why she could be. Because those thoughts will keep her vigilant and attentive to all the shit she's needs to get done once she's no longer prioritized with conquering.
And to address her motives, or what I believe are her motives, Dany likes power. Why is that a bad thing? For a long period in life, she was considered weak and powerless, a pawn for those with power. She knows what it means to suffer (the death of her family, her husband [Stockholm syndrome but let me not start because she did love him], her only child Rhaego, and her dragon who she loves like a child, being raped, etc.) She knows it and she will never allow herself to be powerless again, she will never allow herself to be weak (I'm pretty sure she associates vulnerability with weakness at this point) in the face of threats, potential allies and the suffering of her, her people or both.
Why is that a bad thing? For her to be powerful, because that's what she equates it with strength. Power keeps her from weakness and I think it's why she strives for as much as possible so that she will never know that feeling of powerlessness again and so that her people who depend on her will never know suffering at the hands of the powerful again. It's not because of her "selfish belief that she deserves it." She wants it and forced herself to belief she's entitled and deserves it because while on the throne, she can secure protection from those who would do the horrific things she's endured and seen with that power to those without it.
She may result to cruelty when needed but that does not make her an evil person/ruler (yes I know about the Tarlys who refused to bend the knee for her. She made a power move, seeing as there were witnesses and the men who witnessed could see her not delivering on her threat of death as a weakness and eventually try and move against her, and she killed them. Now they all know she means fucking business. Also the Tarlys betrayed House Targaryen and Tyrell and were responsible for the death of thousands of Tyrell men. This is all Daenerys know of them, why do ya'll just ignore that. You act like Dany killed an innocent or someone she had a strong emotional attachment to but that's not the case. Her action was a strategic, political move and they chose to defy her when she gave them a choice) It wasn't right but it instilled fear, she cannot rule with just love. You can love someone and still plot against them, if people fear the consequences of what could happen if they fail, it'll hold them back. She needs both fear and love to rule. Loved enough to fight for her, feared enough to not move against her.
It's one a.m. but I had to get this off my chest, so yeah, I'm done.
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