waste-iisolation · 1 year
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some paladins ladies cuz i felt extra lesbian today
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dr-wormman · 1 year
When I used to main Yag and I would just sit on point (not the best strategy but when it worked it Worked) and like 9/10 times I played against another Yag they would have the same strategy, so all those games usually looked like this
(ft. Shitty sketches from this morning when I was bored)
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Anyways I will be an unnatural persistence user until I die
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tinygayproductions · 1 year
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so uh
cat gilf yagorath
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blukiar · 2 years
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The wait is finally over cause now Yagomom is HERE! Join her and be one with the darkness 
Concept by @DanTheBros on twitter, Also used some bits from ThunderBrush's version of the concept as well as my own personal touch, I think she turned out well~
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Film Noir and Groundcore for Yagorath (is that how you spell her name?? idk)
yes it is!
🔍Film Noir🔍 ~ Are there any questions about your F/O that you’d like to see their source answer? on one hand i really wanna know her backstory n where she even came from but also i really like the backstory i gave her so im torn sobbb
🪨Groundcore🪨 ~ What would your F/O do if you became a worm? gosh. she herself is a worm but she's a Giant Monster worm. i imagine i would become a normal worm. she'd probably do the same thing as x.izzle except a bit more worried about it, especially since she's so HUGE like im already small she doesn't need me to be even smaller!!! she'd have v.ora make sure im safe and given what i need to live as a worm while she figures out how to get me back to normal aha
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twilitkingzant · 2 years
Thoughts about Paladin Characters.
Androxus - Meh, just meh.
Ash - She's alright.
Atlas - Annoying to go against his rewinding time crap.
Azaan - Love his design and his ultimate ability.
Barik - He's just a Scottish Torbjorn, so- He gets an "okay" from me.
Betty La Bomba - No comment...
Bomb King - I don't know much about him, but I like his design.
Buck - I like him.
Caspian - I like him, too.
Cassie - I wanna pet her birb bird.
Corvus - I like his design. I didn't know he was a support character until now. XD
Dredge - Cervantes with the mind flayer gun? Right- Uh, he's alright.
Drogoz - Drake Pharah? I like draconic creatures, so he's pretty cool to me.
Evie - No.
Fernando - Ehh.
Furia - I like her design.
Grohk - He's pretty cool.
Grover - Oh, you mean "Groot" right? He's alright.
Imani - I love playing as her! I really need to practice getting her ultimate ability right.
Inara - Oh, the stone lady with 1,000,000 HP? Her design looks cool, but she's annoying to fight against.
Io - Never played as her, but she's alright.
Jenos - Yeeeah, buddy. He's great. I love him. He's my main anyway.
Khan - Reinhardt with a gun. Alright, cool. Next-
Kinessa - She's cool. I guess.
Koga - I don't even know. He's a ninja guy with Vega's claw and Sombra's gun... He's okay???
Lex - Never played as him, but he's alright.
Lian - Her design is cool, but her gun design looks weird to me. I don't know why.
Lillith - I love her and her design. I might try to play as her next.
Maeve - Small, but dangerous.
Makoa - Turtle Winston and Roadhog hybrid. That's all I have to say for this guy.
Mal'Damba - Secondary main. Love him, too.
Moji - Cute, but no. Super annoying to go against.
Octavia - Nice design.
Pip - Never played as him, but he's alright.
Raum - YES. He's my favorite front-line champion.
Rei - I like her design.
Ruckus - Ah yes, the goblin D.Va. He gets a "meh" from me.
Saati - She's pretty cool.
Seris - She's cute. I like her design. I see a lot of people playing as her.
Sha Lin - Nobody plays as this dude. Let's be real here.
Skye - She's pretty cool.
Strix - Male, non-support Ana? Cool. Next.
Talus - I like the little Ska'drin boyo. I haven't played as him for a while...
Terminus - He looks like he's from that part of Undermountain.
Tiberius - I mean, he's alright.
Torvald - Save the old man with his prototype infinity gauntlet!!
Tyra - Meh.
VII - Oh yes. He's difficult to play as, but he's definitely one of my favorites. The Pandemonium skin is amazing.
Vatu - Mayhem Vatu is the best Vatu!!
Viktor - I almost put "Soldier 76" on here. Whoops. He's okay.
Vivian - That outfit she's wearing does not look uncomfortable, especially her top. Her boobs are like pushed all the way up to her chin!
Vora - Cool. Next-
Willo - Cute, but annoying.
Yagorath - Let me pet him. I see a lot of people playing as him, too.
Ying - No.
Zhin - ASDFGHJKLKJH. (That means "no" as well.)
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greyrobins · 1 year
art fight!!! a couple photos from the first week of fighting :3
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1 - yagorath: wasteiisolation 2 - Jaiden: personal OC! (Fledgling) 3 - Eleanor Deadnettle: Milk_Bone
we've not gotten as many done as we've hoped, but uuuh each drawing has taken 4-6 hours each, so y'knnow it's been work but so fun! We don't have a form to fill out so just message us on artfight or send an ask! or attack us, we do friendly fire and revenges!
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flershnork · 1 year
So I was going through a discord quotes channel looking at my greatest hits.
"Reality is a lie and I don't like it constantly being told to me." - me
"That's very matrix of you." - my band teacher
"Nah, I'm just tired." - me
"What's with people and making giant worms magnificent bastards?"
Speaking about Yagorath from Paladins and Devourer of Gods from Terraria Calamity.
"I'm the genderfae gender fae who will take your gender away."
"You don't become a lesbian just because your husband got nuked."
I wish I remembered the context behind this one.
"Me see bowels of Earth! ME FEAR GOD!"
I was playing Sevtech Ages when the server shut down and I fell through the world.
"Take me already, to mickeys dick smasher!"
"If I don't, I'll go crazy and kick a grandma or something."
" Bisexual pirate is one of my favorite types of character "
Seahawk, Flynn Fairwind, and Jack Sparrow
"I mean, yeah sure he's hot, but that's not going to stop me."
Killing Sire Denathrius.
“I am going to solve my enemy's spine like a Rubik's cube”
"Hey, you still have a leg, those aren't permited here."
“I don’t know why these birds are getting angry, I’m just killing their children.”
WoW pet battles?
Some of these are so old they used my dead name.
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zathong · 2 years
Paladins Tier List 2023 – Season 6
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Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Paladins tier list 2023. I will help you choose the best champions in the current meta.
Paladins pro tier list
Tier S:
Khan, Drogoz, Kasumi, Androxus, Barik, Azaan, Caspian.
Tier A:
Inara, Vora, VII, Lillith, Koga, Vatu, Fernando.
Tier B:
Lian, Viktor, Mal’damba, Corvus, Rei, Makoa, Bomb King, Cassie, Imani, Seris, Ying, Saati, Betty la Bomba.
Tier C:
Sha Lin, Strix, Willo, Furia, Zhin, Raum, Yagorath, Atlas, Ash, Io, Terminus, Torvald, Kinessa, Grover, Jenos, Pip, Evie, Lex, Talus.
Tier D:
Tyra, Vivian, Grohk, Maeve, Dredge, Ruckus, Buck.
Source: https://zathong.com/paladins-tier-list/
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fjotla-vithir · 2 years
I’ve decided
That Ether’s contracted Voidsent shall be named Yagorath and he has been known as one of the most dangerous Voidsent to ever tread the Thirteenth. It’s why only someone as strong as Ether could be the one to survive the contract - the contract he was fooled into making.
It’s why Ether struggles to maintain control whenever Yag is out.
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furialore · 2 years
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omg.. shes saur silly
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dr-wormman · 2 years
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Paladins sketches cause I keep drawing the same 3 guys. Those voice lines from Pandemonium VII... I think about them often
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nikwai · 3 years
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Since it's you and Yagorath's special day, I want to focus on the trust you share with each other. It's no secret she's incredibly big, but she is so very careful and gentle with you. She can't communicate vocally, but she can show you through actions that she cares. And she trusts you as well, she knows you'd never hurt her, and she feels safe with you, especially when you wrap your arms around her (as much as you can wrap your arms around her). She gets such joy from knowing she can protect you and knowing she can be vulnerable with you!
this is totally ok but she CAN actually speak (just not with her mouth idk how to describe it. it's like m.ewtwo) and good god her voice is soooo sosidusiebtkthriHNFNG... n just imagining it with a gentle tone has me cryinggggghfhf
there is so much trust in our relationship it is insane and it makes me feel so so so soft wehhhhwehhegehehhehwehgg and the thought of this giant monster feeling SAFE around me just... absolutely melts me
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doggyjjm · 3 years
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theyakatesketch · 2 years
Single Parent and their Child Sketch
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