#yagorath paladins
waste-iisolation · 1 year
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some paladins ladies cuz i felt extra lesbian today
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blukiar · 2 years
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The wait is finally over cause now Yagomom is HERE! Join her and be one with the darkness 
Concept by @DanTheBros on twitter, Also used some bits from ThunderBrush's version of the concept as well as my own personal touch, I think she turned out well~
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dr-wormman · 1 year
When I used to main Yag and I would just sit on point (not the best strategy but when it worked it Worked) and like 9/10 times I played against another Yag they would have the same strategy, so all those games usually looked like this
(ft. Shitty sketches from this morning when I was bored)
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Anyways I will be an unnatural persistence user until I die
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tinygayproductions · 1 year
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so uh
cat gilf yagorath
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flershnork · 1 year
So I was going through a discord quotes channel looking at my greatest hits.
"Reality is a lie and I don't like it constantly being told to me." - me
"That's very matrix of you." - my band teacher
"Nah, I'm just tired." - me
"What's with people and making giant worms magnificent bastards?"
Speaking about Yagorath from Paladins and Devourer of Gods from Terraria Calamity.
"I'm the genderfae gender fae who will take your gender away."
"You don't become a lesbian just because your husband got nuked."
I wish I remembered the context behind this one.
"Me see bowels of Earth! ME FEAR GOD!"
I was playing Sevtech Ages when the server shut down and I fell through the world.
"Take me already, to mickeys dick smasher!"
"If I don't, I'll go crazy and kick a grandma or something."
" Bisexual pirate is one of my favorite types of character "
Seahawk, Flynn Fairwind, and Jack Sparrow
"I mean, yeah sure he's hot, but that's not going to stop me."
Killing Sire Denathrius.
“I am going to solve my enemy's spine like a Rubik's cube”
"Hey, you still have a leg, those aren't permited here."
“I don’t know why these birds are getting angry, I’m just killing their children.”
WoW pet battles?
Some of these are so old they used my dead name.
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zathong · 2 years
Paladins Tier List 2023 – Season 6
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Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Paladins tier list 2023. I will help you choose the best champions in the current meta.
Paladins pro tier list
Tier S:
Khan, Drogoz, Kasumi, Androxus, Barik, Azaan, Caspian.
Tier A:
Inara, Vora, VII, Lillith, Koga, Vatu, Fernando.
Tier B:
Lian, Viktor, Mal’damba, Corvus, Rei, Makoa, Bomb King, Cassie, Imani, Seris, Ying, Saati, Betty la Bomba.
Tier C:
Sha Lin, Strix, Willo, Furia, Zhin, Raum, Yagorath, Atlas, Ash, Io, Terminus, Torvald, Kinessa, Grover, Jenos, Pip, Evie, Lex, Talus.
Tier D:
Tyra, Vivian, Grohk, Maeve, Dredge, Ruckus, Buck.
Source: https://zathong.com/paladins-tier-list/
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big-robot-fan · 3 years
Paladins lore is unironically good and I will die on this hill (Even if it is stupid sometimes)
Like initially I thought the whole "Aico led Magistrate vs Resistance led by the 1,000 Hands Guild" thing was stupid. A massive park of Kogas lore is that he was betrayed by the 1,000 hands and hates them for it. Why would he follow Zhin once again, and why would Zhin let the exiled Koga return?
Then I realized that, despite the lowering of stakes, (Massive World Eating Worm -> Fantasy Racism being worse than usual) what the new resistance is fighting for is even more important than before. The Ska'drin are innocent victims of hate that has cost them EVERYTHING. Their homes, their culture, their history, and countless lives. The Ska'drin have had GODS stolen from them for NOTHING. Meanwhile the Thousand Hands have a history with the Ska'drin. Offering safety in the shadows and sharing ill-gotten gains in exchange for loyalty and lessons of their magic.
By comparison; The Magistrate have looted temples for runes and spells to reverse engineer into weapons, and when a kind Dwarf took in a young Ska'drin refugee the child had to steal from the scribes to learn his own history.
Something else Paladins does surprisingly brilliantly are God's/Deities/Higher Powers. The most mind blowing thing about them is how varied they are.
There are the Ska'drin deities of Makoa, (Who guarded the Temple Isles until he was stolen/kidnapped during the crystal war) Wekono, (Mother of Sorrow and Revenge) an unnamed Jaguar Deity, an unnamed Frog deity, and at least 1 more deity that is currently unknown.
There is Io, goddess of the moon brought to mortal levels in attempt to protect the earth. Jenos, who was mortal until he ascended into the stars.
There are also many entities that are god-like, such as the elemental spirits, (Grover, The ice elemental that gives Evie ice magic, and the weather spirits that bestowed lightning powers to Grohk) The Pyre, (Azaan, Furia) The Abyss, (Dredge, Seris, Raum, Androxus) and The Maw. (Vora, Yagorath)
What makes these gods interesting is how the different pantheons interacted with their followers.
The Ska'drin deities are very hands on, with Wekono literally going into battle alongside Mal'damba.
Io and Jenos however mostly observe, and only walk among the mortals when absolutely necessary (Although this might be coincidence from Io's damage from the moon shattering and Jenos exploring the cosmos following his ascension)
Abyssal Lords trick and deceive mortals into doing their bidding while Pyre Lords keep almost exclusively to themselves, only entering the realm to combat the Abyss and are completely unempathetic to their followers.
The Darkness/The Maw is on a completely different level to the other god-like beings. It can be best described simply as "The Heat Death of the Universe, but with more teeth." The Maw is unyielding and infinite. It's entities gaining power and mass the more they consume, to such a degree that past a certain point the only hope is to go back in time and try to snuff them out before they can ever get started. A realm wide assault against a single entity of the darkness and her harbringer, cultivating in an unrestrained attack from the strongest Pyre lord DEFEATED Yagorath, leaving her in the "Stage 0" state we see in-game. Let me reiterate: THE COMBINED POWER OF THE REALM, ABYSS, AND PYRE LEFT YAGORATH ON PAR WITH GODS.
While on the subject of The Darkness: Vora is a beautifully tragic character coping with the loss of everything she knows and the pain of being essentially abandoned by her goddess through a mask of a relentless anger and lust for power. She was a warrior tasked with preventing the seals of Io from being broken, unleashing the darkness within. When the Paladins and Magistrate brought war to the Shattered Desert she and her sisters in arms fought to the very end to defend the seals from foreign invaders. When the battle ended none were left standing, none except Vora. She had seen the destruction brought to the realm first hand. Surrounded by unanswered prayers and broken bodies without the "caring" goddess in sight, Vora rightfully felt betrayed by Io, so she betrayed the goddess right back. Opening the seals to unleash Yagorath, Vora was consumed with unending hate and swore to make the entire realm hurt as much as she has.
Of course, it is not that simple.
The anger is a mask... that occasionally slips to send forth warnings to those she can relate to. Warning Mal'damba that the gods are not to be relied upon (without knowing that Wekono is literally right there) and pleading with Grohk to take his tribe and run (Something so compassionate that Yagorath has to step in and remind Vora she's supposed to be the bad guy)
The most tragic thing is that Io did not abandon her followers. In her weakened state she stepped down from her lunar home to defend the Bazaar, a safe haven for all, led by her followers. In her fragmented state, she could not save both the town and the desert. She left the seals to the guardians and took to the Bazaar rooftops to stop the invasion. Io did not abandon her followers, but she abandoned Vora.
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doggyjjm · 3 years
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wayfarerxiii · 3 years
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yagorath sketch
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furialore · 2 years
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omg.. shes saur silly
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nikwai · 3 years
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dr-wormman · 2 years
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Paladins sketches cause I keep drawing the same 3 guys. Those voice lines from Pandemonium VII... I think about them often
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theyakatesketch · 2 years
Single Parent and their Child Sketch
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mophcipula · 3 years
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Usually videogames feel like a chore to me, but checking back into Paladins after a year or so I discovered the most beautiful girl.
Naturally, I had to draw something up.
Yagorath my beloved.
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dreamlegend · 3 years
Diversity win: The giant death worm that spits acid and devours worlds is female!
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