#yall aren't ready for my oc though
llannasvsp · 11 months
Lloyd in my current WIP is a whole mood.
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mysticarts · 18 days
silly little Gunntech Au oc
(ft me about to ramble, be ready yall-)
Soo, I've become obsessed with @elmushterri Gunntech Au (context: Gunntech AU is a AU where the show PJ masks is a show for more mature audiences for teens, think owl house!) They also made a video about this, just look up 'What if PJ Masks' and most likely they're video will pop up first!
(Note I'm using they them pronouns for Elmuehterri cause idk their pronouns and I wanna be respectful-)
And I remember from Elmushterri's video, they mentioned Octobella, and how she could be a failed experiment. Now, I belive Gunntech aren't quitters, so I think they'd try again to recreate what Octobella was supposed to be, and actually succeeded. Thus, introducing my oc....
Kailani 'Kai' Whitlock
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Now, I made Kailani here like any other of the PJ masks charater's.
Kailani's dad (who I have not named yet) worked for Gunntech. so when Octobella failed, Kailani's dad offered her as a test subject. And since Kailani wanted to get proper attention from her father she didn't mind. Hence the truama that impacted her
Considering Kailani is a octopus, I had to do a lot of studying. I mean, she has to have some Octopus traits. So I do have some, I shall state it in a list
The first thing I did was give Kailani some height, I tried to atleast. Considering how long octopus's tentacles are, I imagine in replacement, it really long arms and legs, hence her height
2. I Made Kailani colorblind! Octopuses are color blind to, but make up for it with their color changing bodies, odd pupils, color sensing arms, so I'm Applying that to Kailani. Kailani did see color before she was taken in as a test subject, then she became colorblind
3. Google states that Octopuses usually live in tropical areas so I made Kailani born in Hawaii! (She moved though when she was born)
4. From studying, I have found out that Octopuses have three hearts. I don't know if that should be applied to Kailani or not. I'm just going with that her heart is just bigger than most others, so Kailani can be a little more athletic than her peers.
5. Due to the experiments, Kailani's blood is blue (yes, Octopuses actually have blue blood) because of this, Kailani never tries to get hurt. She dosent want to make her dad angry
(Here's a concept sketch of younger Kailani during her test subject days)
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as for Personality, I made Kailani very shy. Sure, she's extremely smart for her age, not to mention very creative. Mention something Kailani likes and she'll be willing to yap about it hours on end. However, she has extremely strong loyalty, all she wants is to be accepted and actually loved, so if helping Gunntech means she can earn her father's love, she'll put all of her energy for Gunntech
As how she works for Gunntech, I imagine they call on Kailani if they need someone to be held down or need help moving things (considering with Octopuses strength they can lift more than 700 pounds)
but, when not being a person who could fight someone off, I imagine they'd use Kailani as a strategist. Octopuses are actually very smart, and considering the human mind plus Octopus traits, Kailani would be making or hashing out ideas or theories to take down the 'villans' not realizing she's working for the bad guy.
Anyway, here's her concept suit design
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Now I shall relax before I have to suffer at school tomorrow
Edit: I forgot to mention this, but I made Kailani have the hugest crush on Greg (she hasn't made a move cause she's too shy)
Now, if you guys have questions or want to know more about Kailani, I'm glad to give you answers!
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chuwigirls · 2 years
edit: since tumblr is gaining in traction and i noticed some people in the server came from here, i'd like to reiterate that this is a rp for older fans; most of us are 18+. the server is for 16+, but please know most of us there are adults and the server content is mature.
hi! back here abt WOF... im super interested in making a new wof rp, but there arent any good ones i've found so far that fit me or that are active. so im looking for others who would be interested in leading or help making a new wings of fire discord-based roleplay !! 
the discord server for where we gather to talk - https://discord.gg/XCecNCM
here's a potential idea blurb we have courtesy to my friend crypticgroves :0
There seems to be more stars than usual in the sky...and a recent meteor shower has left the dragons scattering to repair. This event happens to coinside with the new year of new students being sent to Jade Mountain Academy; more dragons send their dragonets this year due to the meteor shower, but...aren't the moons brighter than they're supposed to be...?
we have a lot of interested people with characters ready to go, but we need leaders to head off this rp group! if you're interested in that, please feel free to take charge after understanding what we have so far and everyone's interests!
another point, though not strict, is that i'd like for this to be a more mature roleplay. i know the books are for teens, so some of the roleplay i've joined are led by minors and i cant keep up unfortunately   i dont expect this rp to be fast paced nor do i want plot thats childish! and no, not mature in the nsfw sense, just mature in that we all have jobs/lives outside of rp so its understanding in that sense.
heres some wof ocs to get yall tempted :)
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s0lar-ch3ri · 3 years
dsmp aus that i made for no reason in my head
1: SCU x DSMP au where Grizzly and Ghostbur both come back (wilbur still alive there btw). Basically, the revival of an alive person caused a bit of a glitch, allowing Grizzly to glitch into the DSMP and become the train driver. Oh yeah, Ghostbur permanently kills Friend due to hallucinations and Grizzly makes him a scarf out of the fluff. Also, Ghostbur, unknowing of who the driver was, beat up Grizzly so badly, he kinda has no more kneecaps. This is confusing, I know. I really like this idea though! 2. Witchinnit but he was created by the Coven (the one from x life). That is it really. Oh, and he can create potions in game which really aren't possible (like water resistance). 3. Scu (im obsessed with them ok) besides Charlie control the egg. Imagine how funny it would be if they tried to infect Slime and instead the Egg just hugs him with vines and all that. 4. Scu next generation is Tommy and business bay. Charlie is a slime but not a god now. 5. Tommy as a ghost just commits mass amounts of murder. His weapon: knife. Goal: Fuck up at least one life from everyone before coming back. Except Techno and Phil and any characters who if died would start war. Oh, and Carl (i swear if you think the other one i will fuck you up, no wait tommy will) can't die, so Tommy doesn't bother with him. 6. (not mine, but my seabling) Needleflower AU(my(the seabling's) au, I don't steal). It involves at least one OC, and happens to involve at least one ship. It may be explained later in a different post for when I, the elder seabling, finally attempt to commandeer the account, so, I conclude my wordy sentence, and I ask for support in my commandeering of the account. Elder Seabling(Older Sibling), signing off. 7. (not my seabling's, mine) Anyone ever hear of a fish named Gulbert? No? Too bad, he's now here and he's a spy fish. 8. Au Hunters! It's like ghost hunters, except they destroy Au's that shouldn't exist. They are the time man, big man, alien man, and not a human man. These are their code names. Together, they are...HUMINA! 9. Came up with this one while writing the ghost hunter part above! It's called "Paranormal friendship". It's a AU where Tommy is a ghost hunter as well as some others (unsure who at the moment), who is sent to a weird mansion. However, this kind of haunting was weird. Signs of hearts, questions like "How's your day?" and "What's your name?" in blue paint, and let's not forget the many amounts of scattered books which moved around by the hour. Tommy finds out the ghost there is named Ghostbur, and soon enough, they become friends! Only problem: Like all other ghosts, they'll get rid of Ghostbur if he doesn't leave. Now, Tommy has to find a way to keep Ghostbur safe for a long time as well as be able to keep talking to him. 10. History repeats, but it's the end of the server. Fundy, done with everyone's bullshit, follows in his father's footsteps. But this time, he's not blowing up a nation. Oh no. It's much bigger then that. Layers of TNT, all under the dirt, ready to kill everyone on the server. If this were to be a story, it'd be Fundy trying to hide the work, the TNT itself, and everything he owns as to stop attachments to objects. this is all. so i hope yall like this, my 2 followers and anyone who sees this (love you)
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loxbbg · 4 years
The Scarlett Hero
Chapter 3: The USJ can suck my nonexistent dick
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Disclamer: This was originally written for an OC but for tumblr I made it x reader
After being jammed packed in the bus and people being loud and excited for the USJ you just talked with Shoto. You would’ve gone on my phone but you accidently didnt plug it in so it's at 50% and  you’d rather save it. The whole hero vs. villain task really had you tired causing you to knock out when hitting the bed.
“Sho why don't you just talk to her, you make her sound so scary she's just a girl like me.” Recently Shoto has been ranting and raving about Kiyoko, you thought maybe he had a crush on her.
“Yeah but you're different Y/N, you're my best friend I haven't even talked to a girl like that ever. The only girl I talked to was you and my sister.” You  loved  Sho. You really did but it shouldn't be this hard.
“Do you want me to help you?” He took a double take.
“You're gonna embarrass me. Just tell me what to say when we get off and I will.” He's hopeless, But you still helped him out. When yall walked out of the bus he had pulled Kiyoko aside. Not 5 minute later you  saw her taking his phone typing her number out probably.  He turned around as normal as ever walking to me.
“I'm genuinely surprised you got her number.” He glared at you, making you chuckle.  
“You know I love you Sho come on before they throw a fit about us being slow.” You jogged catching up to our classmates.
“Lemme show you how easy it is.” Walking up to Bakugou tapping him on his shoulder, he turned around not startled but annoyed until he saw who it was.
“Oh hey, Kobayashi um whats up.” The tips of his ear were turning red. Did you make him nervous? Since you've met him you've been observing his interactions with his friends even though he claims to have none, his teachers and, with you.
“I was just wondering if i can have your number.” You held everything in you, so your face won’t turn pink. His ears looked like they were burning red. His friends around him looked shocked, has no one ever asked for his number before.
“Gimme your phone.” He stuck his hand out for you to hand him your phone. He took it, putting his number in. Shocking them even more, ‘why is this something to be shocked about’ you asked yourself.
“Thanks I'll call you.” You began to walk away.
“Oi aren't you gonna put yours in!?” You smirked, turning around your confidence returning. You pulled out your phone in front of him calling his number. He smirked, picking up.
“Hello.” He answered
“Did I,or did I not say that I would call you.”
“Well at least I got your number now idiot.” You hung up walking over to Shoto over hearing Bakugou's friends say something about finally getting someone who will match his shit.
“Was that your odd way of flirting”’ Shoto smirked after being the last to get into the USJ building.
After entering, Aizawa told yall how your training will go for the day .A few moments afterwards portals appeared opening to villains.  
“Is this part of the training?” Kaminari yelled
“Everyone get back!” Aziawa yelled, taking some steps back  until an eree voice called out.
“What no symbol of peace. I thought he would be here today. Huh maybe if we kill these kids he’ll show up.” He scoffed. We became worried until Bakugou and Kirishima jumped into the portal appearing in front of them. You almost screamed but you didn't want to show any weakness. Seconds later they appeared back in front of you. Bakugou looked up at you to show that he's okay.  He walked up to you taking you by the wrist.
“I wanna keep you in my sights.” Looking back at Shoto to see that he was next to Kiyoko, both trying to figure out what the hell was going on. You stopped Bakugou from walking getting a look at our surroundings, were in a standoff someone has to make a first move.
“Bakugou-.” He cut me off mid sentence.
“Katsuki you can call me Katsuki, but don't tell anyone I said it was okay” He whispered you didn't even know he could do that.
“Okay. Katsuki, what did you see when you went in the portal?” You wanted to know what kind of portals it was.
“It was like falling and dark.” You nodded. Those portals can keep you stuck forever if not open. Enji made us study different types of quirks including portals when y'all were 12.
“Shit.” All of a sudden you were all scattered throughout USJ. Looking up from the bushes you were portaled too. Katsuki was standing over you. How did you even miss him?
“OI get up we have to get the others. I think they're sending people after us.” He picked you up. Looking around you saw Kirishima standing away looking guard.
Different villains began to surround us.You were anticipating this, finally a real hero vs villain fight. After 20 minutes we stood there ready for more but no one came.Leaving the space cries were heard from other students watching Aizawa fight.
“I am here.” All Might yelled causing you to release a sigh of relief you didn't know you were holding. Shoto and Katsuki and Deku were fighting, helping out All Might. Noticing some students carrying Aizawa-sensei’s limp, bloody body up the stairs.
“Kiyoko-chan!” Ochaco said as she broke through the group to meet Yoko at the top of the stairs. Yoko seemed uneasy as she watched the fight below.
“Yoko!” You shouted with relief to see that she's okay. She noticed me and smiled before running to me and hugging me.
Y/N  Are you okay?” you nodded towards her.
After some of the villains were caught and others escaped you were all met back where it all started. Katsuki told you to go while him and Izuku fought along  All Might.
After finding Shoto with Yoko you gave him a hug even though you knew he could handle himself. It was still scary since it was real.  
“Are you okay?” I asked him
“Yeah that was easy. Are you? Gotta make sure my number 2 is alright.”
“Pff as if. I'm fine Kastuki and Kiri had my back over there. It was way too easy.” Some people looked around, shocked at the use of Katsukis first name. You looked over at him and gave him a smile while walking to the bus sitting in the same place you did with Shoto. Pulling out your phone shifting to the messages on it looking down the contact name blonde sent me a message.
‘Hi’ Looking back a couple rows to see him looking at me with a slight smile if you squinted. Looking back at your phone the conversation started to flow out of us after one simple.
‘Hi Katsuki’
Taglist: @fukyouthink
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