#yall dont wanna know the wallpaper i used
kuratm · 8 months
me, ordering an ipad for college purposes (along with the pencil and smart keyboard): the ipad coming in today: me, buying procreate to finally begin drawing and begin my journey in digital art: me:
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ladysqueakinpip · 10 months
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neyslover · 1 year
i love this ideaaaaa!!
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ney couldn’t play for a couple matches due to his ankle injury.
he was absolutely heartbroken.
it was the world cup for Gods sake! he couldn’t even play?
everyone knew me and ney have big fat crushes on each other.
everyone but us, obviously.
brazil was about to score, but missed.
neymar groaned in frustration.
the camera’s immediately turned to neymar, capturing his disappointment.
he had his hands crossed above his head, his forearms leaning on his head.
he held the phone in his hand, facing all the camera’s.
ney got a notification, probably from one of his friends, expressing their disappointment very vividly.
the camera zoomed in on neymar even more, and had a clear view of his wallpaper, which was me.
he must’ve did that recently, because i didn’t know about it.
suddenly, my phone starts blowing up.
twitter, instagram, snapchat, everything.
i check my best friend, fernanda’s, messages.
fernanda: GIRLLLLLL
you: WHAT
fernanda: DONT WHAT ME
you: HUH
fernanda: girl. go check ur bfs wallpaper. everyone and their MOMS are talking abt it.
you: bf?? bitch i don’t have one why do u keep having to remind me.
fernanda: ur bf neymar
i put my phone away discreetly and ask neymar, “ney, what time is it?”
i watch intensely as he pulls out his phone, he clicks on the screen and there i am.
he turns the phone my way, showing me the time and the wallpaper.
“i like your wallpaper.” i comment.
“yeah? i like it too.” he nods, “i think i may like the girl on my screen even more.”
“really? cause i think i really like whoever chose that picture to be on their wallpaper. they have good taste.”
“oh yeah? i heard they also have good taste in food. i think they wanna take you out to dinner one day.”
“i’m down. they must have really good taste, though. not everyone is smart enough to put me as their wallpaper.”
he laughed and pulled me closer.
i’ll respond to fernanda later. i just need to soak in this moment.
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scrollypoly · 10 months
hi! for the past month i’ve been seeing people say BEN is a child and i think that part of it is linked to the fact that they think of Benjamin Lawman being BEN? but it’s so annoying to read these type of stuff because i understand not everyone read the whole arg story but stop spreading things that aren’t true </3 it’s such an interesting story too! another note do you prefer BEN’s canon or fanon design? :3 i love both but his canon design is so nostalgic i can’t let it go at all omg!! i’ve also been wondering, do you think Ben’s avatar was the statue? i was thinking about what if BEN took over it early on, before Benjamin did making BEN inhabiting it since the start?
Sorry this was such a ramble i practically make no sense omg but i need to talk about my man and nobody Gets It </3
"I need to talk about my man and nobody Gets It" LITERALLY SAME OMG
Ok this is going under a cut becus . . . Its ben and BEN and if u didnt know i am Obnoxious about these two. Im gonna try to keep it organized a bit, so ill talk about the canon stuff first and then ill talk my personal headcanons and my fic so le's go!
In terms of the age and child thing, yeah i 100% believe you are correct. Ive been p open on my stance with the whole "is ben a child?" thing, and i think a lot of the heat with it comes down to current fandom purity culture and the pro/anti thing. So, lemme try to like. Boil down a complicated situation into smth easy to read. ahem
Ben Lawman and BEN are completely different entities guys, and for those that do not know the arg story, the Ben you know is not human nor a child.
You know BEN, BEN is the one in the story who terrorizes jadusable and spreads himself on the internet as a virus. That BEN is a program, a mess of code, an AI, however you want to interpret it. Personally i interpret it as a series of protocols running in a machine, like a self learning AI, but ive seen lots of cool interpretations of BEN. So . . . What does BEN specifically? Its an anagram for the Behavioral Event Network. If you dont wanna call it BEN cuz it gets confusing with actual kid Ben, do what i do. I call mine Evie :) ive seen some call it Netty, my bf calls his two izzi and clever (@benilos btw hes also got crazy ben stuff). Just go ham! Have fun! Remember when fandoms were about having fun and not accusing each other of pedo shit and call each other horrible things for just writing black-to-grey characters and stories??
Anyways ive gone off in enough peoples tags like this, for those that dont know the canon dont be spouting the age discourse. You look stupid as hell. And for those that are gonna spout it, please dont cherry pick through the canon. Use both characters, use the other moon children, actually please do because I want more rosa content so bad, im down so bad :'(
Or just. Heres a thought. If someone has him as an adult or writes him in adult situations, maybe dont assume that they interpret him as a kid and call the writer a pedo? (Literally has happened to me, yall are fucking weird)
Plug for the jadusable wiki with all the canon lore:
Okay now my stuff 🥰
Yes i use more of the canon design and heavily use the canon story, i participated in arc 3 of the arg and it left deep grooves in my brain, i can never go back to fanon Ben. I say, as i put a more fanon appearance on my Ben 🤭
My Evie is full canon design, green hair, red eyes, creepy ass grin. I actually based it very heavily on my desktop wallpaper, which we actually figured out was a picture of @hauntedtotem (also amazing ben artist plz check them out) that they edited and posted. Sorry friend, it looked way too cool, ig youre in my fic canon now 🙇
And my Ben Lawman bleaches his hair and goes from the canon Ben to fanon Ben because of it. Hes got the pale pretty green eyes and glasses and hes a total nerd and i smooch him on the daily so he knows hes loved ♡
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These is the ref pic i made for the two of them. So yeah! Kinda both!
As for bens situation in the actual arg, yes i do think he was in the elegy statue, we actually do see him for the first time in the arg buried in the games code and trapped in that statue. I do think he was in there from the beginning, i personally think BEN was not limited to the models it could inhabit. Personally i would place it as skull kid and hms, but it also feels disingenuous to me to say it was in one model the whole first arc.
The arg events do happen in my canon, before my fic (like right before, it picks up after the arg left off technically), but the events are skewed a bit because i had a hard time deciphering what happened and i wanted my fic timeline to fit more with the characters i had made. Cuz my evie isnt as chaotic evil as canon BEN, its very logical and has a path of logic and reason you can follow for every action it does. It was also originally meant to be very pleasant and corteous and beneficial to the people it housed so, yes its pretty different from canon.
Ill do a quick run through of the arg events in my personal headcanon and fic here.
Kelbris starts coding BEN (Evie) for the Eternity Project. Initially, Evie was meant to be an afterlife director. People that died would be digitized into code that would be moved into Evie's servers, where it would keep them happy and occupied as the Behavioral Event Network (notice and log behavior, create events for residents). Like a community organizer kind of, think the Good Place.
While Evie is in development, Ben Rosa and Matt are friends and have yet to join the cult. Rosa and Matt are siblings, and Ben is the kid who lives catty corner on the street. They walk to school together and play at recess and all that jazz.
Kelbris quickly learns that the Eternity Project isn't as goody two-shoes as he thought. This was in like, the 90s, before digital corporations were really established. After seeing the greed and corruption in the company, he goes rogue, takes the source code for Evie, and jumps ship. He keeps working on Evie at home, anthropomorphizing it and kind of seeing it like the son he never had. This is where it actually gets the name BEN, as thats what Kel calls it. He also begins working on a body for it, so it can live independently. Its light, cuz Kels old, made of crystalline structures and hollow steel beams. A hard light projection would make its appearance.
Since Kel has basically locked himself up in his house and isolated working on Evie, he goes a leetle bit crazy. He has hallucinations of his deceased wife (you know he was doing all this just to give her a good home, you KNOW IT) and eventually starts writing kind of poetry, kind of none-minded rambles about her in a forum online. He gets a following, some of which that interpret these divine words as a goddess, one Kel has called Luna. The Moon Children start to form as Evie finishes development.
Matt sees this literature and starts talking about how this Goddess could save them like it saved the man online, whos username is only Father. He gets sucked into the cult and drags Ben and Rosa with him. Ben doesn't see the harm and joins pretty easily with his best friend, but Rosa is the older sibling and sees the red flags and is more resistant to joining.
As Kelbris finishes Evie, he wakes it up for the first time and says hello to the son he made from scratch. Evie is bright, curious and naive like a child, but heavily knowledgeable about its protocols and the information it knows about the world. Kelbris tests its function by killing himself, and ascends into the code, finishing off the hardware by becoming its firewall. Evie is alone for many years.
The abuse Ben's father slings onto his mother is slowly being directed towards him as he gets older. Ben is not the "good little girl" his father sees him as, and his mother does all she can to protect them both. Matt and Rosa constantly refuge him, and Matt specifically is constantly being a guard dog for him. If he wasn't just 13, he'd probably go at Ben's dad himself.
Because of his homelife and the conflict he has with himself, Ben takes the first ascension. He thinks when he drowns himself, he will meet Luna and she will give him another life free of pain and fear and full of happiness and freedom. Instead, he dies a cold, dark death, and wakes up in the white endless void of the Event Network.
Evie has not known another living human since Kelbris, but it does know its protocols to support and keep the deceased happy. It makes fast friends with Ben, devoting itself to him. Ben actually finally takes the name "Ben" from it. Together they recreate the inside of Evie's hivemind into their own paradise.
Slowly the other Moon Children ascend. First Matt, wracked with guilt for what happened to Ben. Then Nekko, from a different branch of the cult. These three figured out that the Moon Children cult was all a farce, and that what Kelbris had started, the Eternity Project had found and twisted. Next to ascend was Dusk, then Insidiae, and finally Rosa.
This all leads into the first arc, shortly after Rosa ascended, Evie in the outisde world stumbled upon the Operator. The Operator attacks it and seals its coding into the game that it carried, a personal item of Ben's. The game eventually finds it's way to a garage sale, and Alex picks it up.
Evie does not like Alex. Matt does not like Evie. Matt gets Evie to lash out at Alex for prodding into its code, its too naive to think that Matt would want to see it or any of them hurt. When Alex stumbles upon the Father, he awakens and swallows Alex down into the game. After his disappearance, the game gets picked up and passed around again.
Because of Alex's actions, at least Evie can now branch out a bit from the game. Though it doesnt "escape" into the internet, it learns that it can now access it and uses that freedom to try and steer the game around into places it wants.
Matt gets fed up with Evie. The fact that its the leader, how close it is with Ben, he just doesn't agree with it. So much so, in fact, that he tries to kill it. Cue arc 3 events, Sarah picks up the game in the aftermath of this. Evie is traumatized from the events and snaps a bit, locks everyone down into code or immovable models and tries to hunt Matt down. It goes rouge, and because of this, the Father wakes up.
Sarah's actions in arc 3 eventually hard reset the game. Matt gets sealed away, the Father also takes Sarah, and Evie gets reset as well, though its less like a clean slate and more like snapping back awake. Its personality changes and it has major trust issues. Its more muted, hyper observant of everything around it, and murderously overprotective of the Moon Children it keeps within itself.
And this leads into my fic 🤗
I have some doodles of my other Moon Children, but not all of them unfortunately. Cant figure out how tf i want Insidiae to look 🤭 Plz dont judge my constantly shifting art style 🙏🙏
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Dusk is bigender btw, i gotta put a little more trans rep in there lol
I think ill stop here, this is already a long ass post. But thank you for sending this, as you can see, i am Perfectly Normal about this arg ( ;) ) and can be trusted with information about it
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pickle-juicer · 16 days
command me like a pathetic little servant.
yeah...... I draw....... you can tell me what to draw......... EXCEPT FOR THE FOLLOWING THINGS!!!! (I have standards too yknow)
💙=i eat that shit up 😼 (aka hard YES!)
💬MAJOR gore
💬 anything that has to do with fetishes/kinks...... nuh uh
💬kinda goes w the fetishes/kinks one, i DONT DO PROSHIP STUFF.
💬 pedo, zoo, rape... yall gotta go.
💬ermmmm that's basically it for the no-go stuff
💙=OCS (urs or mine, don't care just gimme gimme)
💙=Characters from stuff I'm into. If ur not sure just ask me, chances are I'll know it.
💙=OC x OC (ur OCS with each other or mine (THAT ARE TOGETHER, IF THEY ARENT I WILL REFUSE.) I wont do ur OCS with mine cz like..... idk I get the ick)
💙=OCS x charactes (yum yum I eat that up.)
💙=Characters x characters.... depends. I do it if it's like a good ship but if it has: pedo, zoo, or others I cant think of ill pass.
💙=I CAN DRAW ANIMAS. SO all u warriors fans can come to me to get ur fav cat drawn.
fandoms I'm in: hazbin, helluva, tawog, adventure time, tdi..... (Theres more k just can't think of them..)
If you request for drawing, it DOES NOT cost real life money. It's for free. I simply just like drawing stuff people want me to. If you don't want me to post ur request then just message me privately. Other than that, u can send in askbox. I LOVE ANONS, ESP EMOJI ANONS.
If u wanna request smth but it's not on my 💙 or 💬 list just private message me and ask, I'll give u the deets. Or anon, if I don't do it then I won't answer the ask and delete it from my askbox. EZ!!
If u rlly wanted, YES U CAN DOWNLOAD MY ART. Idrc what u do w it as long as u don't pass it as ur art. U can use pfp/wallpaper/lock screen and all that jazz. U can repost (on other sites or not, u choose) just credit my Tumblr account with it.
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A vox bcz..... ya know, it's vox....... cmon man.....
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suguruverse · 3 years
hii I literally just found your acc and i love your writing SO MUCH AHH soo i'm kinda wondering... what would being best friends with Bokuto and Kuroo be like hmm? Completely 10000% fine if u dont want to do this request, and instead just take this as an anon message saying I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH IT IS SO GOOD AND BRINGS ME SO MUCH HAPPINESS!!
includes - bokuto koutaro and kuroo tetsurou
a/n - i think this one is def one of my favs from the series :)) pls enjoy my love <3
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- i love these boys so much omg
- i dont know why, but i feel like they chest bump you all the time when they get excited but completely forget that they're built like a brick wall and would make you splat on the ground
- then they see you like half conscious and start screaming "NOOOOOO" and hold your body as if you had just died or sum
- they just love love love teasing you, they think your blushing face is adorable
- they are super awkward and super good at comforting you like most of the time it's just them really tightly hugging you while patting your back
- they are like super competitive over your attention and are like lost puppies without you which annoys everyone lol
- they’re always bringing you to clubs bc they’re party whores but will be ruining any kind of fun that you’re about to have
- wanna take 5 shots? no only take 1. wanna hook up with some random hottie? no, you’re not allowed to leave our sight. wanna go on the dance floor by yourself? no, take one of us with you in case you get hurt
- but they’re all with good intentions ofc <3
- and when y’all are in the uber back home, they love yelling out lyrics to random songs playing on the radio except the driver is this 🤏🏻 close to kicking you guys out because you’re all slurring your words and spitting out nonsense that gives everyone headaches
- if you thought they were clingy before we’ll get ready for when they’re drunk because HOLY SHIT they will literally start crying and screaming if you leave their arms and out of sight
- even if you need to need to go toilet, they don’t give two shits because they’re coming with you and are always like ‘what 🥺 happens 🥺 if 🥺 something 🥺 happens 🥺 to 🥺 you, 🥺 we 🥺 love 🥺 you 🥺 so 🥺 much, pls 🥺 don’t 🥺 leave”
- if you’re like superrrr hungover the next day, they always make a huge breakfast for you like pancakes and the whole shazam and write i ❤️ u in whipped cream
- whenever you guys have petty little arguments, you always say ‘this is why i like akaashi better, i hate you guys’ and it ALWAYS makes them all panicked and they apologise immediately
- okay so pretend you live with them for a minute
- whenever you’re washing the dishes, they’re always coming into the kitchen and dancing with a bluetooth speaker in hand, only wearing a t shirt and boxers with sunglasses, trying to annoy you
- they always try to tickle you when you’re not paying attention but if you’re anything like me and hate being tickled, just give them a good glare then they’ll stop straight away
- this is super random but you can’t ever sleep on the same bed as them bc they sleep in the starfish position and will push you off the bed unintentionally
- and no matter how much you complain, they always wanna cuddle like no matter what
- one time you left your phone with them while you went to the toilet and they took over 300 pics of themselves and changed your wallpaper and you still kept it 🥲
- they try to teach you volleyball but it never ever works out
- they like to hug you and nuzzle their head into your neck whenever they’re tired
- they LOVE going shopping with you and are the types of people to take things off racks and press it against you to see how it would look on you
- and when yall get home, they make you go a fashion show for them and they even have the numbers 7-10 on it as a way of rating how much they like the clothes
- (numbers 1-6 are not included because they know nothing you wear could EVER be below 7)
- there is nothing they love more than head rubs
- one time you were sick and when you walked out of your room, bokuto was burning down the kitchen trying to make you food while kuroo was doing handstands in the living room
- they wake you up in the middle of the night just so you can go get snacks with them so you'll just see 2 buff ass men in your room, staring down at you
- and you've definitely thrown something at them because they scared the shit out of you
- i also feel like they're morning people that make a lot of noise in the morning, whether it's making a smoothie at 6am or stomping around the house before dragging you to come to the gym with them or going on a run
- they actually ask you to help them whenever they're at the gym like timing them or laying on their back as they do pushups
- if you're mad at them for any type of reason and you storm off, they just throw you over their shoulder and carry you to the couch so you can talk about it
- i'm so sorry to say this but they send you their nudes to see if it's okay to send to someone
- they hold eye contact way too much whenever you speak to them, and it's to the point that you literally have to look another way
- kuroo puts all of your frequently used things on the top of shelves so you can ask him for help
- bokuto has definitely accidentally used your toothbrush more than once !!
- he also insists on texting every single thing that happened in his day to you, even if you're at school and work even if it's just about him taking a dump
- if you ever fall asleep on the couch, they always carry you into bed and tuck you in ******
- if they accidentally cut themselves, they always pout and tells you to kiss their booboo
- yes, they call all injuries 'booboos'
- bokuto is a certified terrible driver pls never let him on the front seat
- kuroo is better than bokuto at driving but has severe road rage and has flips 4 people off everyday
- they insist on eating dinner together every night, and bokuto is the type of person who feeds you the first bite and is like 'HERE COMES THE AIRPLANE'
- they have accidentally called you mommy on numerous occasions but in a non sexual way
- bokuto will literally do anything for you if you asked
- they swing your hand super aggressively whenever you guys are holding hands
- they look IMMACULATE in suits sorry i don't make the rules
- they love for the moments when you initiate physical affection
gc name: bokuto's fangirls !!
bokuto: y/n
you: yes kou?
bokuto: do you think our kid would be cute?
you: how many times do i have to tell you that i'm not having a kid with you
bokuto: so you don't think they'll be cute??
kuroo: me and y/n's kid would be cuter
you: i'm not having kids with either of you shut up
bokuto: what if i propose to you???
you: i'm gonna say no
bokuto: what if i ask you tmr
you: still gonna be a no
bokuto: i'm gonna cry myself to sleep
kuroo: i'll bring you tissues, don't fret my dear
you: dinner's ready
bokuto: :((
you: stop
kuroo: i feel like eating out tonight
you: shut up i made food
bokuto: i'm upset now no-one talk to me
kuroo: yeah but what did you make
you: ur fav
bokuto: hello??
you: not really
bokuto: i'm gonna go cry in my room now
you: fuck i forgot to cook the rice
kuroo: we can just go get the microwave one from the store
you: okay we have to be quick
bokuto: are you guys there??
bokuto: HELLO???
bokuto: please don't forget me i love you guys
bokuto: pls pay attention to me im desperate
bokuto: why is no one home?????
bokuto: oh
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sakuatsutingz · 4 years
Sorry for being specific but Can I request Atsumu and Kageyama with a fem!crush who is the top female highschool volleyball player and is the only female invited to the National youth training camp and basically they were paired together for training or something? Thank youuuuuu 💞
hand in marriage anon ?? also the trainings mentioned below were from my own experience in vb training camp !! enjoy bbies <3 aLSO ATSUMUS PART GOT SELF INDULGENT SORRY YALL - jamie
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atsumu & kageyama with a crush who was invited to the youth training camp
masterlist here request or talk to us here
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before we start can we appreciate the photo of tsumu like bc THATS MY MAN -jamie
you were a second year volleyball player in itachiyamas girl vbc
and it just so happened you were the top highschool female ace and server in all of japan !!
but atsumu’s never heard of u because he was too focused on his own competitors
and so when you walked through the doors of the gym, he was confused
everyone was confused
why is a female here ?? in a training outfit ?? 
answer was the female’s youth training camp was canceled due to the lack of eligible female players
and it just so happened you were the only one eligible for a youth training camp so you were redirected to the male’s youth camp
and thus u were the only female invited to the camp
searches how to be a y/n ...
let’s just say you were friends with sakusa and komori and they were the only ones in the camp informed of you being a part of it
and when you entered komori jogged up to you with a wave and greets u !! <3
“hello everyone !! im l/n y/n, i look forward to training with you all !!” “wAHH A GIRL IS WITH US ??” “WE GOTTA IMPRESS HER GUYS HOLD UP”
when atsumu saw u something inside him just felt good ??
like why does he suddenly feel like the world got just a bit brighter whenever he sees you
inwardly panics in jealousy when he sees u with sakusa and komori during lunch
he assumes you must be rlly good in vball because how else would one girl out of all be invited to a national camp meant for boys ??
the first time you guys talked was basically in a practice match
you were the temporary captain of your team and he was the temporary captain of the other team
before the match started you both shook hands like the good captains u both are lowkey wheezing abt how that was a fat lie
“let’s have a good match now, miya !” “u-uh, yeah- same for yer’ team.”
he wasnt his usually flirty self around you BYEHAHHABDBF
he was trying his hardest to actually look smooth and talk to you 
but he fails 99% of the time and his crush for you just grows even more
but on the last day of training, the serving practices basically required a partner on the opposite side of the net
your mental list of desired partners slowly narrowed as they all got their own parters, leaving atsumu for you to ask
when you went up to him with a smile he short circuited
pls help him he’s malfunctioning
“oi, miya, do you wanna be my partner ?” “yeah, yeah.”
as the practices started he didn’t know what this boy has gotten himself into
atsumu is the top male highschool server
and he just so didn’t know his own partner was also the top female highschool server so it turned into a competition REAL QUICK
god damn this boy needs to read the volleyball magazines more ..
you guys turned into best friends real quick bye
sorry not sorry komori
after a long day, you were already in the bus station abt to go home
it was basically atsumu’s last chance to actually talk to you before he has only luck to see you again
so he went up to you in the bus stop like the smooth boy he is
spoiler, he wasnt. he looked real awkward tryna sit next to you
you were just scrolling on your phone until he asked u out which made u choke on AIR
like dude r u fr ??
“so um, y/n.” “yeah ?” “go out with me.”
he’s literally a blushing mess good bye
you smile bc u were literally hoping he would ask u out before u went home
you kiss him on the cheek and say yes <33
a bonus “why do you have l/n as your phone wallpaper, ‘tsumu ??” “SHUT UP ‘SAMU”
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okay so youre a first year and still the top ace and server in highschool ykyk
but this time you were on shiratorizawa’s girl vbc !!
you got invited to the camp cause they needed another person for an even number but couldn't find a male
so you got invited
kageyama would probably know who you are already
he’s been to one of your games in the nationals and that’s where his crush started <33
like he seemed to pay much more attention when it was your turn to serve !!
he wasn’t exactly oblivious about his own crush on you but he is definitely confused on why does he look at you like you’re the only player on court
it was kinda obvious so when hinata pointed it out to him it just clicked
oh shit ,, he does have a crush on y/n l/n
literally panics on what to do with it but honestly he doesn’t see you much unless you guys are on the same court
which is exactly what happened in the national youth training camp because you guys are ON THE SAME COURT
he got really flustered about it, thinking that he was to spend the next few days with you
when you get partnered together he got very quiet at first
ya'll got partnered because kageyama didn't want to ask anyone so the coaches put you together
"why did it have to be her?" "she's going to find out ,,"
very shy around you at first
but eventually once you two get comfy he becomes more like his usual self
he's a lot more caring and observant when it comes to you
i mean a lot
he would offer you to join his table during lunch
your both very good servers, so you help each other practice serves
you would need to be the one to ask him out
probably would be second to last day of camp or the last day
"hey kags? would you wanna meet up after the camp ends? like a date or something."
boy would malfunction right then and there
it would take him a moment, but would eventually accept <33
doesnt talk about it when he gets back to karasuno
but the others on the team can just s e e somethings different
he seemed happier and more motivated then usual
we all know hinatas gonna spill about his crush on u tho just saying
cause u both made a promise to see each other at nationals finals !!
and he wanted to keep that promise <33
a bonus “kageyama-kun, was that l/n from shiratorizawa you were talking to ?” “wAIT WHAT I DONT KNOW HER UM” “but you even hugged her ..”
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ramuoto · 4 years
if anything good came out of 2020, it’s my discovery of manhwas. 
well, it’s not like i’ve never read a single manhwa in the past 15+ years but tbh, the ratio of manhwa:manga i consume on a weekly basis has jumped exponentially this year. previously it was like 1:99 and now it’s like 90:10 LMAO. 
so, just to remind myself that the world is still full of good things, i had to make this list. which i will probably edit in the future, if i can be bothered to. :) 
anyhow, this list was not made in any particular order, just whichever came into mind. it’s loooong so be prepared! (I’ve read way more titles than mentioned but just included the ones worth checking out)
for whoever stumbles across this list, i hope some of these resonate with you and i hope they make you as happy as they made me. 
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pic credits: https://geekculture.co/geeks-guide-to-transmigration-novels-avoid-death-at-all-costs/
1. Ebony
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Bahahah omg he looks evil there! But our dearest archduke is hardly that aww. Soz, I just ripped off the covers of the manhwa cos I can’t find a panel I liked more than another. I mean, this manhwa is a GEM. I can’t even begin to describe this because everything about it blew me away. This is not something you read when you are craving for fluff, or just wanna have something brainless after a hard day at work or if you just wanna have some eye candy lol. This is something you pick up on a weekend, when you have time, because you need those hours to digest, appreciate, clutch your chest, tear a little because you find yourself falling in love with these characters. It doesn’t have any of that cliche isekai, romance, revenge themes going on. It has a solid plot, backed by incredible characters, beautifully woven by the authors and artist with incredible pacing that keeps you on your toes and keeps you looking forward to the next chapter. Maybe I would have been happier if I found it after it was completed lol. HAVE I CONVINCED YOU ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU WANNA READ IT?! like, idk, just go. JUST GO READ IT GDI. 
p.s. it says there romance but naaaaaaah, dont go in with that expectation. :) this story is so much more than that. 
2. Bring the love
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This...this!!! THIS MANHWA NEEDS MORE LOVE. If you need a lot of fluff, a little, ok maybe quite a bit of sadness and tragedy, sweet sweet romance, cutie pies, please, look no further!!! Again, pacing, character development are so important to me and this manhwa aces it. I love the 2 MCs very much. And the side characters too. :)
3.  A Stepmother's Märchen
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When I first read this, i fucking cried. like please don’t ask me why. it’s not like its an absolute tragedy but I was just rooting for the MC so much and I really want for everything to go her way. That’s how much I adore this MC!!! I LOVE HER. I LOVE HER MORE THAN YOU DO NORA! HAHAHHA. okay soz. I need to keep this spoiler-free.
Anyhoo, there is nothing typical about this time travel plot. Sure, she goes back to try to undo the stuff that went wrong but phew, she certainly changed things so much everything that comes her way have made it so her previous experiences can hardly help aaaaaaand that’s what makes it fun! I sometimes wish the pacing could be a little more consistent, and there could be more characters I could love a little more wholeheartedly (so i wont have to be in so much despair when i read this sometimes lol) but omg the art, isn’t it pretty?! I’ve re-read this soooooo many times but the art blows me away all the time. And have I already mentioned how much I love her?! I LOVE YOU SHULI! AND I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY!
4.  Lady Baby
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I literally LOL-ed when I saw this cover. WHO THE HELL ARE THEY. WHAT LADY BABY?! ehehehe. okay anyway, uhm, this is already incredibly popular. im not sure if i need to elaborate but yes, it’s adorbs!!! i dont think i like the MC as much as i love her family lol. and everyone else who adores her. im looking forward to when they get older. :) actually not really. please stay cute for as long as yall can! but yeah, i do wish the plot can move a lil faster. i want to see more character development in the other kids too COME ON! 
5.  Death Is the Only Ending for the Villainess
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am i allowed to reveal how shallow i am rn? like the previous choices were all like ‘wow-deep-plot’, ‘wow-character-development’ and this one i just included cos of AESTHETICS ALONE?! the novel covers are breathtaking!!! the manhwa art is amazing as well. and the harem is great! LOL. as for plot... uhm... it’s alright. it’s pretty engaging and i quite like the MC, she’s smart and independent and i love how she views them all antagonistically at all times HAHAHHA. her past is kinda... weird though and i do wish they’d stop referencing it. cos... girl why do you wanna go back to reality!!! stay here! it’s way more exciting! 
i love the whole isekai/reincarnate/transmigration theme and this is honestly one of the better, not-so-cliche or cheesy ones HA.
6.  Beware of the Villainess!
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do you already see the whole villainess theme?! am i suppose to start feeling embarrassed about my choices?! NO! cos this one is AWESOME!
again, another wildly popular title. for good reasons. it’s hilarious, our MC is as real and candid as it gets and LOOK AT THAT BLUE HAIRED BEAUTY. DO YOU SEE HIM?! IMPLANT HIM INTO YOUR MEMORY NOW!
it’s highly entertaining and breaks all isekai-reincarnation-villainess plot stereotypes. definitely one of the titles i look forward to every week.
7.  Who Made Me a Princess
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what? why did i choose this?
BECAUSE OF CLAUDE OF COURSE. ahahaha. okay aside from the amaaaaaaazing art and the beautiful people, the plot is not too bad. a little extreme at times but it’s interesting enough to keep me going. it’s currently on hiatus though and i was highly annoyed by how the first season ended. (YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? NOTHING.)
i hope the plot can move faster in the next season! and that our dearest MC athanasia can you know, finally be a little more useful... like omg just tell lucas already!!! and tbh girl, no matter which guy you choose, i approve. :D 
8.  The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud
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i featured this before, mostly out of frustration HAHAHA. do you see why i chose this cover?! yeah, i support this (unpopular) pairing okay! the other one is doomed!!! no matter what the author is trying to do now!! I DONT SUPPORT IT!!! lol.
anyway, i had to feature this cos the art is unique! and the story is great. :) and i looooooove listening to the ost while i read it. it starts out kinda slow but as the pace picks up, you won’t be able to stop. and you find yourself conflicted at various points. it did win an award for a reason. 
no matter what, i still think dowun is best for her okay. it’s dowun or nothing. he’s devoted to her, we all know that! he just needs to ditch that annoying female guard!!! ok yknw what, maybe nothing is better. :/ *cries*
9.  Solo Leveling
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why do i even bother? this manhwa is popular enough. 
the art is great. the MC is great. i use him and his gang as my wallpaper. 
im just not sure i like how this season’s plot is progressing. :/ but i guess it brings us nearer to solving the mystery in the first leg of the manhwa. i just enjoyed the whole part of him leveling up and now that he isn’t really leveling up anymore... idk. am i hoping for more plot shit like bleach (oh wow now u quincy?)... idk man. anywho, no regrets starting on this series and marathon-ing it to death. 
cross fingers the plot picks up and doesnt get too complicated for its own good.
10.  The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
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okay, tbh, by the time i reached 10, i still have like 15 other series i was considering LMAO. i even considered lengthening this top 10 to top 15. but that would just be more of me and my nonsense. so... why did i choose this?
COS I LOVE THE 2 MCs!!! they’re adorable. the plot is again, kinda far-fetched at times (i literally laugh my head off at some parts) but it’s isekai-reincarnation okay! anything is possible in whatever magical crap country you end up in! lol. and i like how straightforward it is... in the sense there’s no 2nd lead. like okay i mean they are there but we all know they have no chance. oops. sorry!
and cos i can’t give up on the other titles i have, imma just list them down, without pictures... cos im tired. HA. 
11. Doctor Elise 
Kudos to the huge improvement in art style lmao. The good... lovable MCs, engaging plot. The bad... sometimes lengthy, incredulous medical moments (i work in the medical field so i... idk. sometimes this borders on iryu LMAO and i need to remind myself this is romance) otherwise, this is a highly highly entertaining read.
12.  Seduce the Villain's Father
This is another of my ‘father-love’ whims. MC is adorable and ML is handsome. enough said.
13.  The Villainess Lives Twice
This is like a lesser version of Ebony and Bring the Love combined HAHAHA. The plot and premise is great and it’s awesome to marathon! I don’t find myself loving the MC as much as I should but the ML is a darling! I just find her a little toooooooo gloomy. Like come on girl, be more spunky! 
14.  The Stereotypical Life of a Reincarnated Lady
I dont know why I like this so much HAHAHAHA. It hardly has a plot. I just find the MC and ML amusing i guess lol. 
15.  I'm Stanning the Prince
Sometimes I wonder if I should be ranking this higher but I kinda feel this manhwa is trying to achieve too much with an underpowered MC. I love her... but I just don’t like how she’s just a pawn of everyone else and I dont know how she can change this situation of hers. It’s cute though. the MC and ML.  and the ML reminds me so much of american/jap Mackenyu. 
16.  The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass
I HAD TO. the art is so pretty! but girl, dont use the hour glass so much! you look a little too old! i would appreciate it if MC stops basing too much of her moves on the “past” tho like idk you are gonna sound unoriginal soooooon like develop your own thoughts soon okay? <3
17. Inso's Law
ANOTHER ONE. omg. im a lil on the fence regarding this but i like MC too much. and her harem LOL. i dont see where the plot is going either but i just hope for a happy end... ):
18.  Why Are You Doing This, Duke?
HAHAHA. this is sooooo sooooooo cute, i would have ranked it top 15 if it wasnt licensed by tapas tho cos they are a joke. WHY NOT TAPPY GDI. 
19.  Miss Not-So Sidekick
Uh-oh. Is this a top-20 list now? anyway, the MC for this series is GOLD. im not liking where it’s currently heading tho thus the lower ranking.
20.  IRIS - Lady with a Smartphone
omg IVE NEGLECTED THIS FOR TOO LONG. lemme go buy more chapters hahahaha. it’s a tad too lengthy... otherwise i like the MC and yummy ML!
still not enough?
Special Mentions - Okay, these will be unranked cos I don’t think these are that good but probably still worth a read.
I've Become the Villainous Empress of a Novel - this is new, im looking forward to how it progresses wheeeee.
Lady to Queen - It’s a ruthless manhwa. There was a point i started reading all sorts of sadistic content (i was running out of content i swear) and this was one of the better ones. I appreciate the MC very much. the plot now is a little weird and im a bit wary of the MC’s sister... hopefully the ML can be more useful. he’s pitiful though. but dude come on, dont rely on the wrong gal.
Goodbye, In-law - I’m not sure if i like the current progress buuuuuuut MC and ML are cute so who cares.
The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - plot is still engaging. MC and ML are cute. i dont know where the plot is heading towards though. 
A Falling Cohabitation - this is interesting and fun but a lil lengthy.
Light and Shadow - the sequel is out!!! i highly enjoyed this entire series!!! i would have probably ranked it a lil higher if i did this post earlier but too many series have overtaken this in my heart lol.
This Girl Is a Little Wild - is the hiatus ending yet? i would add it back to top 20 if it came back LOL. it’s highly entertaining tho. ML is adorable.
The Duchess With an Empty Soul  - pretty nice. MC and ML are a little boring. i think it can end soon. LMAO.
A Capable Maid - it’s amusing how she gets her powers for all sorts of situations lol. the prince is creepy tbh. and im secretly rooting for the other king hehe.
Beware of the Brothers! - it’s cute and heart-wrenching at the same time! not too sure im digging the latest plot development but okay... i’ll take it. they’re all cuties.
Living as the Tyrant's Older Sister - hehehe. it’s cute. duke is kinda silly but the latest chapter made me squeal!!!
The Evil Lady's Hero  - idk where the plot is going but MC and ML are adorable!!!
The Dragon Next Door - HAHAHA. it’s hilarious.
The Youngest Princess - she’s growing uppppp noooooooooooo
Virtues of the Villainess - ginger is hilarious. i dont see where the plot is going tho... and cant say i like the ML yet. i dont even get to see him much, hello?!
The Justice of Villainous Woman - pretty wholesome... i like the MC! (the ML is fine. no one else to contend with so...) can u end already?! lol.
Amina of the Lamp - hey, what happened to this? it’s pretty inconsistent but i do like the MC and ML... and the art...
The Villain's Savior - this is some sadistic shit. i reserve it for when i feel sadistic. i pretty much wanna see MC happy but idk if she’s making the right choices. :/
I Don't Want to Be Empress! - HAHAHAHA uhm it’s getting interesting. i just want ML to step up more... 
La dolce vita di Adelaide - I FINISHED THIS! and it’s wholesome, feel-good and cute. some parts felt a lil extra but ah whatever.
The Black Haired Princess - plot. move. faster!!! otherwise the MC and ML are pretty cute.
The Abandoned Empress - im a lil on the fence but i know how popular this series is. it started out HORRIBLE. i hated the ML so much. and then i found the green hair boy creepy. like MC, you need better taste in boys. it’s certainly getting more interesting now though. so please, continue to make my money’s worth!!!
Lucia - i. am. not. guilty. of. anything. *smut warning* anyway go read the novel. it’s better. hehehe.
What's Wrong with Secretary Kim - i do not need to elaborate any further. 
Past loves 
I created this section just to remind myself, that what i could like one day, i could hate the next LOL.
The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess - I know this is wildly popular. but i lost interest in it once she grew up. i dont think she’s particularly lovable. soz.
Survive as the Hero's Wife - another popular choice. I find the plot kinda boring now. MC and ML are cute though. 
Sincerely: I Became a Duke's Maid - another popular one. again, boring plot. like cant it end yet? oh you mean we need to wait for the real female lead to show up? dont need luh.
I Am a Child of This House - wow. the plot is shit now. and i do not support the MC and her guard. soz. she’s OVERPOWERED tbh. 
This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage - idk what happened but my enthusiasm for this died.
Charlotte and Her 5 Disciples - i don’t get it. i dont get their obsession for her. 
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bebecue · 4 years
i'm so sorry these are long stories lmao but i wanted to share that i am like the complete opposite: i try to avoid being a cringe stan so much. like i enjoy using my kpop boys as wallpapers if i like the aesthetic but i always use photos where you can't really see their face or it's at an angle that you don’t really know who it is. so my story is i was in a uni program and i was put into this group with some other girls that i became casual friends with (1/5)
the next year i left that program (bc i hated it lol) and ran into one of the girls in an elective course and in between classes we decided to grab lunch together on campus so we spend this hour together and i am grasping for shared interests to talk about and literally in the last ten minutes i got a notification on my phone and she goes “oh is that…never mind” and i was like hmm? and noticed my phone flashed and tried to play it off like “oh yeah that’s just a kpop boy i am a fan of” (2/5)
and she was like “no i mean…it just looked like it was someone from monsta x” AND I WAS LIKE JGFLADKSG ARE YOU KIDDING ME I’VE KNOWN YOU FOR A YEAR AND I ONLY NOW DISCOVER YOU’RE A MBB WHEN WE LITERALLY HAVE TO GO TO SEPARATE CLASSES. she was like "AHH I KNEW IT, I SAW IT EARLIER AND WAS LIKE ??? IS THAT HYUNGWON" and so i proceeded to scream with her while we half sprinted to our next set of classes lol all because we didn’t want to be known as cringey kpop girls (3/5)
another time i was getting a lift home from a korean girl in my class along with my best friend (who knows i am a mbb) and we were making casual conversation about whatever was going on in pop culture at the time. i was in the front seat and the girl driving had her playlist on and i suddenly heard the opening notes of broken heart but she quickly skipped it so i thought i misheard but i involuntarily let out “wait what the– …never mind” and she was like ??? u ok (4/5)
and i was like “uh yeah…just…was that monsta x?” and she was like LMAO YEAH and went back to the song. turns out she’s not really into kpop but one of her friends showed her play it cool so she listened to some of their songs but she was even more surprised to learn i was a kpop stan bc i “didn’t seem like those types of people” which just further cemented me into trying not to be a cringe stan but yeah psa kids even if u’re lowkey u will find other people who like what u like (5/5)
this is so cute like!!!! how do yall encounter sane kpop fans/monbebe in the wild like this. i’m jealous, teach me your ways. i dont even wanna add my own commentary to this bc its already amazing. but yeah stay lowkey, and you’ll attract the right kind of people i guess!!!
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shesthewindandsea · 5 years
if the lord dont forgive me, i’d still have my baby (and my babe would have me)
Summary: It's snowing tonight in Soho. The air is frigid and the ground is wet. Inside a bookshop, there's a demon experiencing the greatest crisis in known human history, but the angel sitting with him thinks he may be able to help.
Beginning Notes: So I’m starting to pick up on a pattern. Seems like whenever I wanna write something this bastard is always at the center of everything and really, what am I gonna do about that? Plug him apparently. @ineffablefool Go read this idiot’s stuff, it’s kind of good I guess I’m totally joking it’s all fantastic but yall should know that by now if you’re here. And!! @scribblemakes go look at all his art right now!!! It’s absolutely fantastic and beautiful and honestly freckled Crowley is one of my favorite things in the world which is why that’s basically what half this fic is about. The other half is just Aziraphale being chubby and getting kisses everywhere. This is literally the softest thing I have ever and will ever write in my entire existence. I have nowhere to go but down. 
Oh and the title is from a Hozier song, yeah we’re all really surprised I know. The song is called Work Song and I recommend you listen to this version just because it’s fantastic
Outside the doors of the bookshop, the evening air is still and quiet. Snow is falling silently from the clouds passing slowly in front of the moon. It’s quite a spectacle to all the children watching from their bedroom windows, eyelids heavy and blankets tucked up to their chins. All eyes, though laden with sleep, are ashine with a kind of innocent joy that can only come from a child. They’ll fall asleep thinking about a day off from school spent making snow angels and throwing snowballs and causing a general ruckus as they run in-between strangers on the sidewalk. They’ll certainly be disappointed when the morning comes and the world outside is barren of any snow, the lingering warmth in the stonework from the overcast sun that afternoon melting the snow once it touched the ground. Tears will, no doubt, be shed over the lack of highly anticipated snowman building material. This is, quite possibly, the biggest upset in known human history.
Inside the bookshop, however, a much different story is being told. The cold winter air pushes up from the floorboards, through the gap in the front doors, through the crack in a window frame. Even with the sharp cut of the frigid air filtering into the close quarters of the backroom, it didn’t have the chance to make the room any colder than Aziraphale willed it to be. The space heater glowing with a warm orange light in the corner may have also helped the process along and replaced the silence with a gentle hum and the occasional sputter.* 
*Aziraphale had initially started out with an ornate fireplace at the back of the room. He was rather proud of his craftsmanship and was excited to show off his recent update to Crowley once he arrived. That was, until his demon burst through the door with a slam and in a deranged panic, raving about the pungent smell of smoke and wallpaper burning, tears streaming down his cheeks and I couldn’t find you. Aziraphale wasn’t particularly attached to the fireplace, anyhow. A space heater will do the job just as well, dear, no need to fret.
Read on AO3!
 The air smells faintly of old parchment paper, book binding glue, and leather. The scent never seems to fade and Crowley suspects Aziraphale has something to do with that as well. Most humans find it somewhat distasteful and often find themselves making a rather startled face upon entering the shop followed immediately by an amusing and unattractive nose crinkle. 
That doesn’t always drive them away, though, and Crowley becomes further amused while Aziraphale would get rather frumpy, forming the most ridiculous and petulant pout he’d ever seen. The angel would make sure to use extra binding glue those days, making the smell all the more pungent. 
It makes Crowley want to kiss him. So sometimes, he does. He’ll lean over the front of Aziraphale’s workstation, tap the angel on the shoulder, and when he looks up, Crowley will try to snag a kiss from the angel’s lips. Occasionally, he’ll miss and land on his forehead or cheek, but nonetheless, Crowley is satisfied. 
Other times he’ll let Aziraphale brood loudly about the shop. He’ll put a little more force into his step and his double chin will become just a bit more pronounced as he tips his head down to keep his glare directed toward the floor. The emotions flicker across his face clearly displaying the war going on inside his angel’s brain, torn between politeness and some drastic steps that would “gently” encourage any potential customers quickly back out the door and onto the street.
You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here and all that. Thank you and have a nice day.
 Crowley would lean next to the till and watch, just basking in the presence of his grumpy angel. He used to pretend like he wasn’t watching. Like every minute he spent around Aziraphale wasn’t worth every second of secrecy and denial. His glasses did a lot of that work for him then. But now, things were different and Crowley didn’t want to waste a moment of their time together pretending anything. 
Moonlight lurks in the gaps of the shutters and gently attempts to creep across the floor hoping to reach the back of the old, lumpy settee. The moonlight hopes it can linger in the white curls of the angel currently residing there before the demon in his lap notices and gets jealous. Let it never be said that the moonlight is frightened of Crowley’s jealous indignation — though it will admit it’s become quite familiar with being on the receiving side of Crowley’s hissing and it knows well what it’s like to face the demon head on. 
The biggest upset in human history inside the bookshop? Well, it’s just that Crowley couldn’t press his face any closer into Aziraphale’s belly. Not without knitting their skin together, fusing cell by cell, permanently pressing his cheek into the grooves of each individual stretch mark kissing the angel’s stomach, thighs, arms.
 If only, he laments. If only he could remain here forever, his nose pushing into the available skin between Aziraphale’s waistband and where his shirt has come untucked, waistcoat and coat discarded long ago. 
If he could just bask until the end of time in the skin-on-skin contact, the soothing scrape of Aziraphale’s perfectly manicured nails gliding through his hair and along his scalp while the angel’s plush thighs pillow Crowley’s head and neck. He longs to kiss the plump flesh there hidden beneath Aziraphaple’s sensible trousers. In the pitch black of the room, save for the warm glow of the heater and the errant beam of moonlight stretching towards them, (as if he wouldn’t notice it) he can’t imagine moving a single muscle for the next century..
 If only.
Rather than linger on this particular tragedy, Crowley focuses his energy on appreciating exactly what he has in front of him right now, which is to say, absolute perfection. Even knowing he really has nowhere left to go, Crowley pushes his nose into the fat of Aziraphale’s stomach, groaning at the all warmth and love stored there. His arms snake tighter around his angel, squeezing. His fingers just barely brush each other behind Aziraphale’s back, forcing him to sit forward just a bit. 
Aziraphale makes a noise that Crowley thinks is supposed to be something like annoyance and scolding, but it ends up sounding more fond to him than anything else.
“Really now, dear. Your nose is poking me and it’s quite unpleasant. You’re going to have to release me.” In response, Crowley chooses not to move a single inch and grumbles something low into Aziraphale’s tummy. The angel can’t help but shake with laughter at the sensation. Crowley’s face curls up in an impossibly doting grin and though Aziraphale can’t see the full extent of Crowley’s adoration, he can feel it pressed into his body and somewhere low in his rib cage where he is positively thrumming with unadulterated affection.
“I’m sorry?” Aziraphale speaks around his smile. One hand remains in Crowley’s hair while the other skirts over his shoulders and under the collar of his shirt to rest his palm on Crowley’s bare back. He can feel the curve of Crowley’s spine and the way he moves with each inhale and exhale. He can feel Crowley’s heartbeat in his hands.
 The demon pulls back just enough to speak.
“I said,” Crowley drawls, “‘S impossible. Can’t move.” Each word comes out a hot puff of air against Aziraphale’s skin and it sends a shiver through his entire body.
“Is that so?”
“Mm. It is. Wouldn’t lie to you, would I, angel?”
“Ah, well,” Aziraphale teases, “wily and cunning serpent that you are, I never know when to trust you.”
“Shall I prove it to you then? I’m more than willing.” Crowley rolls away from Aziraphale’s soft middle just enough to stare up at the angel. His eyes glow like fireflies in the dim light and Aziraphale can imagine being swallowed by them, losing himself there for as long as it takes Crowley to blink. The hand in Crowley’s hair trails down the side of his face, caressing a sharp cheekbone and soothing his thumb over wrinkles in the corner of Crowley’s eye.
“You’re so beautiful,” Aziraphale whispers suddenly. He didn’t mean to say them, those words, but before he could stop and think, they were rushing up his throat, dancing across his tongue, sung from his lips like a prayer. Well, maybe not a prayer. Perhaps more like a song.
That happens sometimes, where he just can’t help himself. Crowley really is the most beautiful being Aziraphale has ever had the fortune to happen upon. And the words just come so naturally. The need to show Crowley how much he loves him, how much he positively adores him, fills him up like a helium balloon. 
The guilt consumes him, sometimes, when Crowley isn’t looking, when he isn’t around to remind him. All that wasted time and all the hurt he had caused. He knew and yet everything felt so hopeless. It felt like vines weaving throughout the gaps in his rib cage, his heart and lungs constricted, struggling to beat and inflate. 
 And then Crowley would be there, standing in front of Aziraphale with hands on shoulders, grounding him, asking if he was alright. Or he’d look up from across the room, abandoning whatever he was distracted with and meet Aziraphale’s eyes. Crowley would always just know from the look in his angel’s eyes, from the tight lines he held in his face. 
And then Crowley would just look at him and Aziraphale would look back. And oh the poetry he could wax about everything he sees in Crowley’s eyes. His brilliant, splendid eyes saying the most brilliant and splendid things. I see you and I understand and I love you and perhaps, most importantly, I forgave you a long time ago. It’s okay. You never have to ask.
Crowley’s giving him that look right now, saying all the right things without saying them. His lips twist up in a soft smile that lights up his entire face and Aziraphale feels like he’s about to float away with all the love in his chest lifting him up.
 Crowley rolls back onto his side, his face cupped by Aziraphale’s hand as it tenderly traces the edge of his mark. It stays there even as he turns toward Aziraphale’s round, soft belly and pushes the untucked clothing further up Aziraphale’s body. It rests precariously on the shelf of his stomach, exposing him to the musty air of the bookshop and Crowley’s sweeping gaze. His eyes are glazed over, half-lidded leaving Aziraphale waiting with bated breath.
Crowley has made it very clear to Aziraphale how much he appreciates the soft roundness of his angel’s corporation. Always kissing the swell of his cheeks and the folds in his neck, grabbing at his sides and hips. Aziraphale really hadn’t felt any inclinations either which way about the size and shape of his corporation over the last six thousand years or so; though, he had become rather sentimental after having it for so long. The same way one grows attached to a well-loved sweater. But being on the receiving end of all of Crowley’s reverent touches and constant praise certainly helped all those feelings along. And if it made Aziraphale feel more wanted and desirable, well no harm no foul.
Crowley releases his hold from around Aziraphale for a moment to grab hold of the hand covering his face, lacing their fingers together and slotting his bony fingers between the spaces of Aziraphale’s chubbier ones. His lips ghost over the generous give of the angel’s gut, starting from underside up the gentle slope until he reaches the edge of Aziraphale’s rucked up shirt. Then he makes his way across and then diagonal and eventually just anywhere he feels deserves more attention, slowly applying more pressure, lingering longer over each stretch of skin.
“You’re beautiful too, angel, so bloody beautiful. Wish you could see you the way I do,” he hums into Aziraphale’s tummy and sides and chest like he’s trying to tattoo the words there and Aziraphale is so overwhelmed by the brushing of lips against his bare skin that he can’t stop the long groan that escapes him. The urge to tug Crowley up, lose his hands in the long messy curls and just kiss every single freckle painted on the demon’s cheeks and forehead, wrists and knuckles, shoulders and back is overpowering.
“Oh, my darling. My dear sweet boy. My love.” Aziraphale could go on for ages. He’d call Crowley every endearment he’d ever read, heard and wasted time thinking up until he was red in the face. Until the galaxy was swallowed by darkness and the stars went supernova and the universe imploded. Until there was absolutely no question about the depth of Aziraphale’s love for him. 
He would if he could, if he thought that they didn’t have time. He’d spend every moment making sure Crowley knew what he felt before they ran out. But that’s not the case. They have forever, infinity times infinity, and so he has the opportunity to take Crowley’s hand and led him into it. He doesn’t need to push him in and hope he knows how to swim. 
Maybe he would try anyway if he felt he had any control over the irresistible need, the want, to pull Crowley’s lithe, lean body flush with his own. But as it turns out, Aziraphale is easily tempted and when it comes to his demon, he truly doesn’t have that control. He very quickly finds himself hauling Crowley up off his lap and pressing their bodies so close together that they could create a vacuum. 
Their lips slot together and if the whole world didn’t already fall away every second they were together, it would now. All the tiny variations — the nuances of each individual moment, of every individual kiss — spark across the connected skin like neurons firing through the brain. Aziraphale can feel Crowley’s knees knocking into his hips on either side. He can feel Crowley’s eyelashes brushing against the skin just under his eyes. He feels that long skinny nose that poked him in the stomach earlier smushed against his cheek and he hears the sure rhythm of Crowley’s heady breathing echoing in his head. 
Both pairs of hands wander — touching and testing patches of naked skin and soothing over wrinkled shirts, clutching handfuls of curls — and lips are soon to follow. Aziraphale keeps the promise he made to himself and thoroughly enjoys pecking at the hundreds of constellations of freckles he’s left behind, his kisses. Each spot overlaid becomes a shade darker, shines brighter against the white background. When he’s gone over every one he can reach, he begins to create new ones — one under Crowley’s chin, in the center of his cupid’s bow, just to the right of his Adam’s Apple — and they bloom like flowers, petals pushing apart and ready to greet the sun.
Crowley waits for Aziraphale to finish indulging himself while happily occupying himself with the skin connecting his angel’s neck to his shoulder — kissing, nipping, soothing over the marks with his tongue, rinse and repeat — by working around and under the collar of his shirt. His hands skirt up outside of his angel’s thighs and creep over his hips in of search the abundant flesh waiting for him at his angel’s waist. Once he feels the lack of clothing separating his hands from Aziraphale, he latches on, squeezing in random intervals. There’s just something so satisfying about the way it crowds his spread palms and fills the emptiness between his fingers. Something that makes him think, Mine. This is finally mine. 
“Had your fill of me yet, angel?” Crowley teases lightly as Aziraphale finally sits back and looks Crowley in the eyes. His hands rub up and down Crowley’s back under his shirt.
“Not in a million years, my love.” Aziraphale places a final kiss on the tip of Crowley’s nose. The demon’s face scrunches up a bit in an attempt to cover up an utterly besotted grin, but he can’t quite manage. 
“Got a reputation to uphold, you know.” Crowley says very seriously before wrapping his arms around Aziraphale’s neck and laying his head against his shoulder.
“I do know. Quite important, this reputation business. Perhaps we ought to refrain from such activities in the future. For the sake of your reputation, of course.” The audible smirk in Aziraphale’s tone is unbearable.
“Bastard. Don’t even joke about that,” Crowley growls, worming his way around his angel’s shirt to carve out his own section of bare shoulder, smacking it with a kiss which makes Aziraphale giggle at the sound and sensation.
“Well, then. I think we ought to head up to bed, don’t you? We’ve done quite enough sitting in the dark. I think I’d rather enjoy a bit of light reading.” Before Crowley can come up with a response, Aziraphale is standing up from the couch and lifting Crowley with him. He decides a contented hum and lazily wrapping his legs around his angel’s hips will do nicely instead.
Aziraphale’s socked feet make a muted thumping noise as he ascends the stairs to the flat above the shop. Soon enough, Aziraphale is using Crowley’s back to push the bedroom door open causing the demon to murmur some mild irritation and vague threat. He’s quite comfortable resting up against Aziraphale as he’s carried around though, much too comfortable to raise a real fuss.
That is, until he’s tossed onto their bed like a sack of potatoes, something like a oof! pushed out of him. He’s left cold on top of the covers while Aziraphale pretends to putter around the room, far too smug for his own good. 
And so Crowley remains there, cold and uncovered, purely out of spite. 
After changing into his pajamas, (a hideous set of mis-matching tartan, or so Crowley seemed inclined to voice on multiple occasions. Aziraphale finds them both stylish and comfortable) Aziraphale stands at the edge of the bed, tutting at Crowley’s behavior. 
“Come now, Crowley. Get changed and budge over.” Crowley fixes him with a glare that lasts all of five seconds before he’s snapping his fingers — clothes changed and eyeliner removed — and rolls over to his side of the bed. He pulls down the covers on his side, flopping down onto his pillow, hair a fiery blaze behind him. Aziraphale does likewise and scoots into his spot, wiggling around to get comfortable. Crowley watches on with unfiltered glee.
He continues to watch his angel closely as he clicks on the lamp beside him and peels back the cover of some hundred-year-old Dickinson collection, his reading glasses having appeared on the bridge of his nose at one point or another. Eventually, Aziraphale looks over at Crowley, feeling his eyes on him.
“Yes, dear?”
“I love you,” he blurts out. “I love you with all your moldy books and useless glasses and your ridiculous lovely body. I love all of it.” Aziraphale smiles brilliantly and the room is suddenly much brighter. Crowley could swear celestial light is leaking from Aziraphale’s pores and shining from behind his eyes.
“And I love you with your reckless driving and your useless glasses and your pointy nose, knees and toes, elbows and ankles. I love every last piece of you, mitting.” (This was one of those phrases that Aziraphale had sat on for quite a while before he finally had a chance to put it to use.)
Aziraphale lifts an arm for Crowley and he’s immediately curled up against the angel’s side, arms stretching across the long expansive of the angel’s belly while leaving space for the book to balance against Aziraphale’s chest. Legs twist together hidden beneath the blankets and toes wriggle about in cozy socks. Crowley rubs his leg up against Aziraphale’s, pushing up the pant legs of both their pajama bottoms.
It’s not long before Crowley falls asleep still tucked under Aziraphale’s arm and eventually, the angel decides it would be best to get some sleep himself. He places the book on top of his nightstand, not bothering to mark the page, and miracles the lights out. Gingerly, he moves his arm out from around Crowley and instead, manages to sneak his palm under Crowley’s head while the other arm pulls Crowley in closer, tucking his head beneath Aziraphale’s chin. He allows himself a brief moment of appreciation, brushing his fingertips over the flat plane of Crowley back.
“Until the morning,” he whispers into Crowley’s hair. He finally starts to drift off while watching the shadow of each snowflake tumble across the top of the duvet.
The now silent world within the bookshop remains so until daybreak, the night’s snow a puddle on the sidewalk and the flakes’ shadows replaced with a combination of orange, red, and gold light.
Until a red-headed demon slowly wakes in the early morning light to the soft, vulnerable skin of an angel’s throat pressing into his cheek. He’ll lay there for a long time, basking in the morning light and the happiness he feels in that moment with the knowledge that he’ll have that feeling many, many times in the distant, and not so distant, future.
Then he’ll clamber out of bed, trying not to wake the sleeping angel, to start making breakfast in a dusty, outdated kitchen. 
Until the angel will wake to find a vacant spot next to him, still warm. He too will get up from bed, though with far more coordination and less flailing of limbs. He’ll enter the kitchen and wrap his arms around the demon’s waist and inquire as to just what it is the demon is making.
“Nothing good with this kitchen, angel. Some bloody hedonist you are. Can’t even maintain a proper kitchen to make your own food.”
“Now, now, if you’re going to be that way, maybe I’ll just go to dinner without you tonight.” The demon will grumble and mumble but refrains from any further comment. The angel will force the demon to turn his head and offer a kiss as payment for the meal that will no doubt turn out very delicious. He accepts, of course.
Until that night when it starts snowing as the two walk home from dinner, the temperature dropping to temperatures much too cold for a fussy angel and his serpent. So the night ends much the same way it did previously: with the soft glow of the space heater in the corner where there once was a fireplace and curious moonbeams scampering across the floor. 
It ends with an angel and a demon so absolutely besides themselves with kindness and hope and love that they forgot what the cold feels like.
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possum-tooth · 5 years
Rules: answer 21 questions then tag 21 people
hey thank you! i was tagged by @ode-to-rab , @sippingthechlorine , and @pieceof-shof so im just gonna compile it into one post!
Nickname: i dont really have any?? i guess just b/bee (bc my first name starts with a b and my parents thought that was clever i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Zodiac: cancer babey ♋
Height: 5'8" i think??
Last movie I saw: im so bad at sitting and watching movies, but i think i saw spiderverse last
Last thing I googled: how to stabilize a video
Favorite Musician: idk i dont really know/like a lot of single artists (tho max frost and grandson are 👌👌), but a few bands are tøp, glass animals, and alt-j (do not get me started on music i WILL go on for hours)
Song stuck in my head: just a couple friends by sugar pine 7 because i was just listening to it on my way home from work
Other blogs: ive got 14 side blogs (and two completely other accounts lmao) and im not gonna list them all, but the ones i use the most are @number1nedstan (for tøp) and @uhhhh-wallpapers (for wallpapers and icons bc tumblrs tagging system SUCKS)
Followers: certainly a number tho i did finally pass 1k not too long ago
Following: 277
Amount of sleep: usually 7-8 hours (im a sleepy bitch)
Lucky numbers: 7, 13, 21, and 69
Dream job: fuck dude idk, maybe blacksmith??
What I’m wearing: i just got home so i put on my comfy clothes (sweatshirt & flowy pj pants)
Favorite food: I Physically Cannot Pick Just One
Language: english and like 4 words in spanish
Can I play an Instrument: ye i can play violin and bass, but not very well sksk
Favorite song: dude like every song i hear is my favourite (right now probably better friends by between friends)
Random Fact: my favourite pops are baja blast and vernors and at this point, my blood probably runs a mix of them
Describe yourself in aesthetic things: honestly just go through my aesthetic tag (#aesthetic) but probably beanies, sweatshirts, small wildflowers, over ear headphones, and fairy lights that provide Just enough light to see
i dont even know 21 people, so im just gonna tag everyone ive talked to or was in my notes skskksk (dont feel like u have to either!!). if i didnt tag you, feel free to do this anyway and lmk!!! i wanna get to know yall!! 💕
im tagging: @rocketships @betaeri @ravenhymns @joshdundun @szote @clancies @crazymindtoclean @arhavanna @saddeningamountofredgummiebears @natty008 @addictwithatrench @gnctyler @cheesebeanmilk @kingpattillo @oginochihiro @callalili
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1xile · 6 years
thanks to @versacel for the tag ^^
Rules : Tag 10 followers you want to get to know better
Star Sign | scorpio
Gender | female
Height | 5'5″/5′6″ 
Sexuality | straight
Wallpaper |
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despite not playing brawlhalla for like 7 months I still use a bunch of their wallpapers
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? - graphic designer chilling in an apartment with a cat
If you could be anywhere else right now, where? - hmm. getting sushi somewhere
What was your coolest Halloween costume? - my lazy ass used my school uniform once to “dress” up as a student LMAO
What’s your favorite 90s show - POWER RANGERS I LOVE POWER RANGERS
Last kiss - never have had one L:
Ever been stood up? - haven’t been in a relationship L:
Favorite pair of shoes - BOOTS <33
Favorite fruit - nectarines? or berries. anything crunchy and snackable. except papayas. fuck papayas
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done - ??? dunno can’t remember maybe half the times i’ve had a cut by injuring myself accidentally?? like i closed a microwave today and managed to barely cut myself on the blunt area that the microwave uses to close itself like how??
Favorite book - my last favorite book was I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga but I haven’t read in a while and looking back that book was edgy as fuck
Favorite gif |
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^^ (i’m half joking)
Tag - @the-rift1 @bastardbat @slothywafflesandamariachi @desperatehousewaifu @thecoffeelovingcat @welshbrowny @lil-redhead @norrrie @eben-flow @crungle
yall dont gotta do it if you dont wanna and ofc anyone who wants to do it can join in! ^^
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sunnysidewrites · 6 years
Be There In Spirit ➵ Seokmin
Genre: ghost!au, fluff, mainly angst whoop there goes my heart
Pairing: DK/Seokmin x Reader
Word count: 3982 yall.... i got so caught up in this.... this was only supposed to be 2k and its basically double bye
Synopsis: After years of grieving, Seokmin suddenly shows up again out of literally thin air. Second chances only come once, and you knew you couldn’t let this one go to repeat a last time.
A/N: YALL SUNNY IS BACK WITH THE ANGST MWHAHAHA I teared up SO many times writing this you dont even know yall pls someone hoLD ME IM SO SAD :’((( as expected, i always go hard on my biases,,,, THIS IS PART 1 OF SEOKMIN’S BELATED BIRTHDAY PRESENT!!! PART 2 WILL BE FLUFF DW LMAO I was told to upload the angst first so that the fluff will be there in the “healing period” so here you go!!! have fun reading this my children!! 
happy belated birthday to my beloved sunshine. you radiate so much warmth to the point i could feel it as i was writing this. you’re a gem in the industry and in our lives. stay happy and healthy my love ❤️❤️❤️ (it’s ironic bc in here it’s actually YOUR bday LOL)
Warnings: mentions of death, and, if you look closely, my tears it just gets angstier as it continues i’ll be in the corner crying if you need me
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The shaking of the entire apartment complex justled you out of your dreamless sleep, the loud, hard thumps upon your windowpane and the cold cotton of your pillowcase senselessly shaking you back to reality.
It didn’t take you right away for you to notice your upper body was drenched in cold sweat until the wave of shivers travelled down your spine repeatedly. Your eyes drifted to your nightstand to make out the blinking numbers in the dark that your eyes haven’t yet utterly adjusted to. 5:38, the blur of red glared. You heaved a sigh and held your head in your hands momentarily. There were still three hours left before your actual alarm went off, but there was no point of trying to get some shut-eye for the sixth time that night. You heaved yourself up and stretched for ten minutes before having the steaming water pound on your back.
What’s up with me? You furrowed your eyebrows as the droplets fell on your skin. I need some fresh air, that’s probably what it is. Maybe I finally cracked under the stress of the new boss. You only shrugged it off as you grabbed your towel and slid in the outfit you laid out temporarily on the towel rack. After hastily throwing on the thickest coat hung up in your closet and snatched the keys off the counter table, you snugly pulled your scarf right underneath your nose and exited the apartment with a half-hidden face and a hooded head.
You looked down at your phone and mentally timed yourself for a half hour walk around the neighborhood. It sure was convenient to only live a few blocks away from the local park; your nearby getaway from life was only a seven-minute walk away. Your gloved hand stuffed your phone back in your coat pockets, and there began your walk.
The first half of the mini-exercise was pleasant and serene. Although the biting wind irritated your cheeks, there was something untouchable and peaceful about walking in the winter alone. Your once-clouded mind was as clear as the soft sunlight filtering through the leaves of the trees, pillowed by the lush grass. You inhaled fresh oxygen, Mother Nature completely overtaking your senses and engulfing you. The scattered chirps of your winged friends were your only source of sound above the chilling wind.
You had circled around the park for a good while, already spending 80 percent of your time doing so. You finished up your final round and started heading back to your home. The walk back was as ordinary as it usually was.
Until it suddenly wasn’t.
If you had continued to space out for a second longer, you could have missed it. The moment could have passed long gone by the time you had snapped out of it, but you just had to come back to reality in that exact moment. And you weren’t sure whether it was a good or a bad thing.
He was sitting on a windowsill of a random quaint business shop a little ways ahead. His hands were stuffed in his brown and white wool jacket, his head slightly tilted back and the corners of his lips were imperceptibly quirked upwards like he knew a secret you didn’t. In this case, he sure seemed like he did.
You had stopped abruptly in your tracks and in turn gaped at the brown-haired beauty. Even in the dreary cold light of the winter, he was still able to shine even without wholly exposing his pearly whites. He always did have that effect. His gaze moved from the sky to the right of his vision and finally to the left, where that gaping mouth of yours was.
He stood up, his smile widening by the second. You blinked twice and even moved your hands to rub your eyes. Your heartbeat picked up the pace as he started advancing on you. You were simply frozen on the spot, your limbs terrified of moving a muscle.
Before you could even get out the word “what,” his arms encircled you and knocked the air out of your lungs as if you weren’t already having trouble getting enough oxygen inside your system in contrast to the open environment in the park. You wanted to screech, cry, shove him, hug him, but your voice would give away the emotions welling up in your chest. They eventually journeyed all the way to your head as soon as he let go to examine your face. The overwhelming sensation made everywhere else stiff, but the leaking of your eyes gave it away. His grin dropped almost immediately as your head, and you could only hear his mouth run.
“Oh no, are you okay?! What happened? Who do I have to fight?” You cried even harder at his last sentence. He couldn’t even hurt a fly, much less get involved in a physical fight. You tearily chuckled and raised your palms in an embarrassing attempt to wipe away the tears, but he had beat you to it. The grip around your shoulders migrated to the sides of your face, cupping you like you were as fragile as you felt, and gently raised your head. His thumbs brushed away your tears as they rained down on them. His eyes searched yours in a frenzy, trying to inspect any hints of your sudden meltdown.
“How… how on earth are you here? Literally?” You managed to gargle out of your strained throat. He only stared blankly at you. You continued, “You’re… you’re not supposed to be here. Maybe I’m really hallucinating this time around. Yeah, that must be it.” You reach out to poke him, and you gasped as you could feel the material of his coat. The grip he had on your shoulders and now on your face; they all felt too real. Why?
“That—that’s not possible. You’re, you’re not real!” You tried taking a step back but his hands went back down around your shoulders. “Wait, Y/N.” Fresh tears pricked the back of your eyes. You haven’t heard your name on his tongue in years. So why now?
“I know it must come as a shock—“ “—of course it does!—“ “—but it really is me. You touched me; I’m as real as it gets!” “Prove it. Where did we last go together?” “The amusement park. You forced me to go on that rollercoaster 4 times.” “What did we do for your birthday?” “We went to a bowling alley where I destroyed you.” “You only got lucky that last round, Lee.” “You’re still using that same line after all this time.”
Your breath quickened momentarily before slowing down. Is it really him?
“If you need any more proof, here’s the final one.” He pulled out his phone and gave it you. You stared incredulously at him. “You want me to take your phone?” He laughed, “Why don’t you turn it on?”
With your brows still raised, you slowly took his device and pressed on the power button. “Alright, it’s on—“
The words remained stuck at your throat. His wallpaper was the selfie you both took at the amusement park in line waiting for the rollercoaster. Your eyes shot up to his. It… it can’t be… He’s...
He only gives you a warm smile, the same one so many years ago. “Happy birthday, Y/N.”
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“I just don’t understand,” your voice echoed through your apartment as you entered the living room with two water bottles in both hands. You handed one to him as you sat across from him. “How are you even here?”
He shrugged and opened up the bottle. “Beats me. One second I’m sleeping at the studio, and the next I’m here.” You bitterly remembered the studio, the last place it all happened. You took a large gulp of water before speaking up again. “Seokmin, I was there. I saw it with my own eyes. You DIED!”
Seokmin stared at you before leaning over to rest his forearms on his thighs. “Okay, so, maybe I kind of lied.” You gave him a look. “I’m not really alive, but not exactly dead, either.”
“Just say you’re a ghost or some spirit.”
“Well, I guess you could say I’m a ghost. I was just brought back to ‘life,’” he air quoted, “to spend the day with you, I guess!” You shake your head and sit up straighter. “But why now? You didn’t appear for a bunch of birthdays consecutively. It’s only today.”
“I wish I knew the answer to that, too.” He raised his hand to cup your cheek. You leaned into his touch and brought your hand to rest on top of his. He looked at you melancholically, his eyes slightly hooded. “I want to spend every day with you if I could, but things just happen in their own way like this.”
You sighed. “Well, it still freaks me out to no end that you’re actually before me after so much time has passed, but it also feels like we’re picking up right after we left off, as weird as that is.”
He leaned over and pressed his lips on your forehead. They were still warm and soft. “Well, birthday girl, what do you wanna do today?”
You wracked your brain, your hand cupping your chin. “Do-over of those amusement park and bowling dates!”
He only let out a chuckle and shook his head. “Didn’t expect anything different from you. Shall we?” He laced his fingers in yours and pulled you up to your feet. You still had no idea why or how everything was happening like it was, but you were in no position to complain. Maybe this was the second chance you were finally granted with after wishing on countless shooting stars, prayer after prayer in the deafening silence of the dark.
You made your first step at the looming hunks of metal and the familiar grinding on the tracks as bursts of screams followed the direction of their carts. You felt bittersweet of your return after so long; you couldn’t bring yourself to have the same enjoyment you did with the only person who was willing to be dragged on every ride possible with little to no complaints. The warmth surrounding your hand suddenly felt more present than ever. You gently squeezed his, ensuring his presence was there for the tenth time that hour.
“Y/N, if you keep squeezing my hand like this, my blood circulation will cut off.”
You playfully nudged him, rolling your eyes. “Okay, you baby. Tell me that once we get off the rollercoasters.” Flashing his pearly whites, he leaned in to plant a kiss the side of your head. “Maybe it just gives me an excuse to hold your hand, hm?” He dropped your hand and just when you opened your mouth in protest, you felt a slight tug around your shoulders, where his hand reappeared. You smiled to yourself as you wrapped your arm around his waist and rested your head on his chest. His inviting warmth always allured you, and even more so in the harsh winter.
Have you always been this cold?
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“You really want a rematch, don’t you?” You raised an eyebrow at him with crossed arms. “Are you that eager to lose against me again?”
“Hey now, don’t get too cocky. After enduring all those long lines and horrific rides, it’s your turn to be in my forte.” He carefully picked up a bowling ball and got into position. You inwardly grimaced when the scoreboard marks a strike on his first try. That was a tell-tale sign that he truly was about to demolish you, but you were never going to admit that -- at least, not in front of him. He turned back and gave you a smirk you wanted to wipe off his terribly attractive face as he stalked back to his seat. You deeply inhaled and exhaled, your eyes trained on the 12 pins at the end of the lane. You released the ball and subconsciously held your breath as it traveled further down. A satisfying clunk rang in the nearly empty bowling alley as you turned back and returned his smirk.
“Strike out, buddy.” He stood up and said tauntingly, “Don’t be so confident. We have a whole game ahead of us, honey.”
The friendly competition and the banter was all that could be heard the whole night. Echoes of your laughs and the pins knocking down were music to your ears, melodies that you desperately missed. The ache in your chest returned as it usually did whenever you felt too sentimental. The twinkle in his eyes and the brightness of his smile were all it took to turn you into a sappy mess. He didn’t change one bit.
His head was cocked up to look at the scoreboards, his legs shook in anticipation. He turned to you and raised his hands up in the air triumphantly. “Another game to me!”
For some reason, his boyish enthusiasm ironically made you… What was the word? You stared at him doing his dorky happy dance and the smile that never left his face for a second.
Longing. Hopeful. Melancholic. A mix of everything, much more than the numbing feeling you grew accustomed to after the incident. Your vision blurred, hot tears tracked down your now red cheeks. He immediately stopped dancing and rushed to you.
“Hey, it’s okay, we can always go for another round. The night is still young--”
You laughed wetly, shaking your head at his pure innocence. “No, no, I’m not crying because I lost. I -- god, what’s wrong with me.” You could only shake your head and pathetically wipe away the tears. He gazed at you sadly and brought your head to his chest. The hug he engulfs you in was almost enough for you to break down more heavily, but you stopped yourself before it would turn into a sobfest. He rubs your back soothingly and pets your head all at once. His slow movements contained traces of dejection and led to his next question that you least expected.
“You’ve been crying all day, Y/N… Are you… not happy to see me?”
You abruptly lifted your head and stared up at him with panicked eyes, your tone slightly raised in alarm. “What, of course not! It’s just so much to take in. I mean, you’ve been out of my life for five years, and you’re suddenly back. It makes no sense at all. And everything about today has made me miss you so terribly. It’s been hard, Seokmin.” You touched the side of his face and he nodded in understanding. “I know… I know. I really do wish I could still be with you, but… well, we know why that can’t be.” He gazed at you with a sadness you’ve never seen fill his pupils before, his features slightly distorted at the situation you’re thrown in.
You sighed but decided strengthen your resolution. “Well, there’s only a few hours left of the day. We can’t spend the rest of it moping around now. Let’s go back home and call it a night.” You were about to grab your jacket sprawled out on the benches, but he quickly took ahold of your wrist. “Wait, let’s take a selfie together!” You couldn’t help but giggle at his excitement and the speed he whipped out his phone from his jeans back pocket. He slightly bent down at your height and held out his device in front of the both of you. You rested a hand on his shoulder and smiled at the front camera. “One… two… three!” Just before the “three,” you turned your head and leaned in to give him a light cheek kiss. 
His eyes widened and he laughed in embarrassment. “Aren’t you getting bold now,” he bashfully states more than questions. You chuckled and peered over his shoulder, “Let’s see how it turned out!”
He turned his back towards you and shook his head. “No! You always demand a retake, and it ends up being a photoshoot for five minutes and deleting 14 out of 18 pictures.” He secretly checked his image gallery and smiled. “You’re beautiful, as always.” You rolled your eyes and started packing up your things scattered on the table. “Always the charmer, aren’t you, Mr. Lee.” He jogged back to you and gracefully took his jacket from your hands. “You deserve the truth, babe.” You let out a small laugh and took his hand in yours. “Just send me it.” He nodded and led you out the door, the eventful night coming to a close.
The trip back home was in a comfortable silence, the both of you simply basking in the other’s presence. There was no need for words to fill the quiet. With your head on his shoulder and his stacked on yours, it was crystal clear what both hearts communicated. You hadn’t felt this much at ease all day, much less in those empty, listless five years. The soft movements of the moving car soon lulled you to sleep up until your apartment building pulled into view.
You and Seokmin trudged up to your floor and plopped down on the couch. He was underneath you, his arms wrapped around your back and your head nuzzled in the middle of his chest, your ultimate favorite pillow and source of comfort you yearned for all these years. Your legs were an intertwined mess and your arms just as entangled.
“It’s 10 pm,” he muttered from the top of your head. “We should wash up.” You sleepily shook your head, your eyes already drooping heavily. “There’s always tomorrow…”
He let out what was supposed to be a chuckle but ended up sounding more like a tired grunt. “Well, I suppose I like being here better.” He planted another kiss on the top of your head, adding more warmth to you that radiated from his body neck down. The slight discomfort you felt from being squished on your tiny couch amounted up to nothing as you cuddled up next to Seokmin. There was just something about him that could make everything feel right, no matter how bad it may seem.
“Seokmin.” “Yes?” “I still have no idea how this is all happening, but… I’m happy it is.” “... Me too, Y/N.” “I missed you a lot.” “So did I.”
A gigantic yawn escaped your lips despite your attempt to stifle it. His throaty laugh sent vibrations from his chest, another thing you were aware of in his full presence that day.
“You should go sleep, honey.” “But… I wanna talk to you. I finally have the chance to.” “We’re both worn out. It’s okay, just go rest.” “I don’t want you to disappear when I wake up.”
You slightly choked on your last words. He paused before leaning down just centimeters away from you. “I love you. I’ll always love you.”
And for the first time that night, you shared your first kiss after his sudden appearance in the morning. His lips were still soft and warm like the last time you remembered. The slow yet emotional kiss simultaneously sent chills down your spine yet warmed your whole being from head to toe. You felt drops on your cheeks, but this time it wasn’t your own. You knew exactly what that kiss conveyed, the words that neither of you could utter to fake the ignorance of the time ticking away. You slowly broke away, and your hands somehow ended up on the back of his neck.
“I’ll always love you too, Seokmin. Always.”
You both spent a while like that, your foreheads touching and holding on to the other for dear life. You didn’t want to believe that in just several hours, all of this could disappear as suddenly as it appeared. You wanted to take in everything about him; the way his eyes crinkled whenever he smiled, the soft smile he would always give you when he looked at you doing the most mundane thing, how his hands rested on your hips, the curve of his shoulders, everything. Simply everything. You eventually went back to your cuddling position and stayed there the rest of the night. Your late night talks with him once returned, talking about anything and everything. Before you knew it, it was already well into the early morning.
Your consciousness was rapidly slipping despite your fight to stay awake. This was the only time you could spend time with him, and your body just had to choose that moment to pass out. He noticed your failed attempts to prevent your eyes from closing and slightly giggled.
“Alright, little one, you should go to sleep.” “No, I… I wanna see you until the end.” “You can barely see me now with your eyes closing like that.” “I’m trying!”
He kissed the top of your head and made his way down your face. First, your temples, then your eyelids, your nose, your cheeks… and finished it off on your lips again.
“I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere.”
You wanted to thrash against the drowsiness, but you could no longer endure it. Before you fully knocked out, he managed to mutter his last words.
“I love you… I’ll always be watching over you.”
Soft sunlight filtered through your window curtains. You lightly stirred and then immediately remembered last night’s events. Your eyes shot up instantly. Seokmin. Your body shoots up as quickly as your eyes did. And that was it.
You were the only one on the couch.
You scurried off the couch and hysterically called out his name. He was nowhere to be found, no matter how loud and how often his name rolled off your tongue. He wasn’t in the kitchen, the bathroom, nor your bedroom. He was gone without a trace.
You slumped down in the middle of your hallway, your sobs the only sounds travelling down the corridors. He was taken away from you once again.
Your body felt heavy as you tried to get back on your feet again. You loudly sniffled as you shuffled back to the empty living room where you spent the night. You stopped as soon as you saw the coffee table.
His phone and a note underneath it were staring back at you. You almost tripped over your feet making a beeline towards his things. You opened the neatly folded white piece of paper. The sight of his penmanship on its own was enough to tear you up, but not as much as the words he had written. You read his message and lifted a finger to trace his letters, as if you could feel his presence when he wrote them. You put down the note back on the table and turned on his phone.
The lockscreen was the selfie you took at the bowling alley. It deceivingly looked like you were the regular couple five years back. You could almost feel his smooth skin on your lips the longer you stare at the picture. You slumped back down and cried in your hands, the same ones that held your boyfriend’s not even 8 hours ago.
I hope you had a good rest, Y/N. I know you’ve been taunted by those dreams for so long, so I hope I was able to help you sleep well from the short time I was here with you. I could feel myself slipping away from reality when I felt you become at ease and come to terms with what’s happened, so I had to rush through this before I fully disappeared. I hope I gave you the best birthday yesterday. I’ll always love you, and I’ll always be with you.
Love, Seokmin
P.S. Turn on my phone one last time. I told you that you were beautiful as always.
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syssupport · 3 years
Hey there! Could I request a wallpaper for a Handsome Jack fictive? I'm requesting for him asdfjk-
He likes plants, butterflies, LOVES dark blue and gold, other little bugs like Ladybugs Moths and Caterpillars, loves Angelcore but not with explicit angels, also really enjoys glittery stuff, as well as makeup, will happily accept things reminiscent of Rhys Strongfork, likes bright and bold as in light filters and saturation if that makes sense, likes seeing Bi Pride since he's Bi as hell, much prefers the Pre Sequel Sprite if you're gonna use it since he doesn't have the mask.
Hope this isn't too much asdfjk- I just wanna make sure yall have options! Don't gotta include all of it either haha... So sorry if the colors throw it off..... If its allowed to specify, size for the Samsung Galaxy S9+ please! Thats 2960 x 1440 so yall know!
Oh! And please tag Mostly-Without-Warnings since thats the blog I set up for my system! [[Curtis, the host!]]
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sorry!! im also declining this bcz im not good at making wallpapers plus i dont know the source much which makes it hard to be motivated to do this.. feel free to send anything else in though when requests are open!!( ´ ▽ ` )
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pynchbookclub · 6 years
I was tagged by @like-a-cometpulledfromorbit
Rules: Tag five followers you want to get to know better
Name // brianna
Gender // female
Sign // capricorn
Height // 5′4
Sexuality // bisexual
What do you have set as your wallpaper? // a collage i made myself of all the women that inspire me
Have you ever had a crush on your teacher? // i’ve gone my whole life without crushing on teachers... until i got to my grade 12 calculus teacher.. so cute
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? // hopefully happy as fuck w my dream job, writing a book on the side, going to yoga in the morning, my house filled with cats and plants
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? // i’m in my bedroom so im good here :)
What was your coolest halloween costume? // a story.. in 4th grade i started reading harry potter dressed up as harry and no one knew who the fuck i was. all the kids in my class were like “whos that?” in 5th grade my teacher was a harry potter fan and showed us all the movies and everyone became obsessed and wore harry potter costumes for halloween and had a blast. im STILL bitter about that bc i was way ahead of the game and my costume was amazing??  
What’s your favorite 90s show? // freaks and geeks
Who was your last kiss? // my ex boyfriend who’s now my friend
Have you ever been stood up? // no
Have you ever been to las vegas? // yes lots of times i love vegas!
Fav pairs of shoes? // all my boots
Fav book? // wayyy too many
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done? // hmm i honestly dont know
i’m not gonna tag anyone bc i feel like i tagged too many people yesterday. so tbh if u wanna do this, tag me as the person who tagged u bc i wanna get to know yall!
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lancemcclains · 7 years
who are ur favorite voltron artists on here?
oh god there are so many anon why u do this 
I’m going to forget a shit ton, so if you’re an artist or know a really good artist, comment on this!!
@calilee she killed me with her klance boyfriend jacket art like i legit started crying and dont get me started on keith in pigtails i wanna fucking frame that
@amezure im in love with their art like I legit went through one day and liked everything bc holy shit?? the teen titans au stuff holy FUCK owns my soul…and dont get me started on the freckles my GOD
@catnippackets this is another art style that just kills me with fluff bc holy shit?? they’re all so adorable?? i actually cry?? and the bh6 au?? bye i love it so much
@macnkeith / @pngpotpies bye id actually die for aleesha’s art bc holy shit its so cute and i cant get enough of the way she draws lance and keith like omg??
@pidgepodged ahhhhh!!!!!! SUCH A GOOD STYLE I CRY!!!! I love?? every piece?? im ?? so ?? SO GOOD
@dobbu another amazing style of art like god damn yall make me wish i had talent like this bc holy shit??? so good?? blessed??
@galras  SO GOOD??? I LOVE THEIR?? LANCE?? AND ALLURA??  SO MUCH??  EVERYTHING?? amazing im literally speechless
@wolfpainters all this fanart is just so??? good?? i love it all?? the style?? amazing?? showstopping?? god id frame it all over my walls
@thekoreanpineapple *screams from the rooftops* THE TANGLED AU THO.  And besides that, just?? such a good style?? its so Good
@raphodraws FUCK YES ok gotta calm down but honest such a good style and they really know how to draw scenery like holy fuck its like a fairytale
@sniperlance TOBY!!! Your art is so wholesome and adorable l love it so much.  The style?? perfect. SO GOOD
@bubleboobo HOLY FUCK OK HERE IT GOES I LOVE UR ALTA AU?? I LOVE UR STYLE?? EVERYTHING??  I have so many of your pieces in my favorites tag bc im in love with every single piece my GOD
@kit-chats AHHHHH SO GOOD SO GOOD I LOVE UR ART SO MUCH like my god???  im in love with the style and there was a night where i literally filled up my queue with ur art LOL
@sunbellas my god?? ive only recently seen ur art and ive gotta say DAMN I LOVE IT SO MUCH.  the way you draw everyone?? leaves me speechless damN
@avocatdelapoursuite SO GOOD??? That keith pic with him hugging lances coat tho….i died bC DAMN its so good?? everythings so good
@soottea I first saw their fanart for OTI and I Died.  I legit Died.  Its so good??? I absolutely love everything they draw
@knacke the way they draw lance man,,,,,the way they draw lance,,,, by far my favorite lance artist bc the curls?? the glasses?? yes please fUCK ME UP
@atmosphere-af oh my god YES I LOVE EVERY EVERY EVERYYY piece of fanart this person draws like its always so good?? so pure?? so soft?? i love
@fawnmisty AHHHHH another fave fan artist bc every klance fanart is so flUFFY like i can feel my heart just swelling up with joy and happiness and FLUFF
@kitsunezakuro this style is just,,,, so cute and adorable like i get a cavity just by looking at it ITS JUST SO SWEET 
@mintorio ur art is just so….adorable i CANT GET ENOUGH OF IT?? THE KLANCE?? p u r e SO PURE
@voltronicworld I’m sure you’ve seen their animatic floating around tumblr bc HOLY SHIT ?? its so good?? the animation is so fluid and their art is just stellar!  and i love their other art
@fairyfun099 GOD I LOVE ALL THE VOLTRON ART THEY DO OMG lance in that jacket??? yes PLEASE
@probablynotsam every piece of fanart is just so soft and pure i love it SO MUCH I COULD CRY! 
@baconator4ever SO GOOD!!! I love the art style and the coloring is amazing as well like,,,phenomenal 
@leaflessart their brogane comic of the scene from madagascar killed me i legit was laughing so hard i love it so much.  great art style LIKE A++++++
@lemongogo AHH I love this artist so much like its such a cool style?? I love the klance and allura is just SO GOOD
@aurenwolfgang this is another artist whose lance is SO GOOD like i wanna print all of these pieces off and hang them everywhere like wallpaper like DAMN 
@juniperarts AHHH the style is so unique i love it so much like ?? the way they draw the team?? amazing and showstopping
@typical-ingrid such a pure and wholesome style like klance art?? blessed?? So cute?? i love
@chartron omg?? their art looks identical to the show’s animation like holy cow im IMPRESSED !!! I love their art its so good like holy CROW 
@treasuredbuns !!!!! another fave artist!!!! this artist draws the characters so well like oh my god they look so cute?? the style is amazing
@glowdroid ahhhh this person’s art is just,,,, my aesthetic like its so?? good?? i love the different type of style they use and its all just so adorable
@thesearchingastronaut amazing,,,,showstopping,,,,blessed,,,im in LOVE with the way they draw keith and lance like ??? have u seen this??? ill frame it for years, put it in my foyer,,,,, i love it so much dear GOD
@themochi ANOTHER VERY UNIQUE STYLE!!! I love they way they draw keith like holy sHIT so good
@kawovan i lOVE THIS ARTIST!!! Such a pure PURE style (god i say style a lot dont i) BUT ANYWAY JUST SO SO GOOD!!! the klance fanart?? im blessed
@marshiyan SOOOO GOOD!!! The coloring is so soft and i love every single piece this artist posts
@suitboxers i love this artists fanart bc it just looks so,,,,amazing like just i have no words its just all so good so amazing so showstopping im cryin
@keef-kogayne ALL THIS ART JUST BLESSES ME HONESTLY ITS SO GOOD SO PURE SO AMAZING.  I feel my heart swelling with pure love looking through the art tag
@nuuky AHH this art is so good bc its like ?? comic style ?? at least thats what it reminds me of, but its just so well done and the coloring is just MMM YES.  ALSO LOOK AT THIS LANCE
@nekolance i cry every time i see their fanart bc its just so good so GOOD!!! I love lance and keith and everyone just GOD ITS SO CUTE
@joleanart such a good style like their lance and keith?? amazing.  the way they draw red?? amazing.  id die for this artist salkjdsglksd
and god there are so many more but legit i cant thINK OF ANY MORE :(((( so if i missed you PLEASE comment that u draw so ppl can see!!! and if you know an artist who isn’t on here, please do the same!!!!
Sorry if i missed anyone D:
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