#yall have no idea how dissappointed i am in this like
mushr0oms-and-m0ss · 11 months
Alright, fess up, who made Sky mad?
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Reblogs are appreciated!
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spearxwind · 3 years
i keep fucking forgetting so answer stuff bc ive been busy BIG apologies to all yall sorry for the delay
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he has not! none of the ocs from hollowridge have been reworked into oxy and I heavily doubt any of them will make it into oxy at all since HR is its own thing entirely. The only exception I made was for adri bc he’s my fucking fave and I didnt want to leave him on a project thats pretty much entirely dead in the water!
Sorry if its a dissappointing to anyone haha but im genuinely just fucking sick of Hollowridge and what I did to it so I’m trying to move on, at least for now. 
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Icarus................. your mind is massive thank you
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OKAY THIS IS INSANE I THINK THANK U SO MUCH??? THIS WAS RLY FUN GOSH TY :WAILING: the lyrics had me going HAH out loud because. Yeah. I Understand
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YOU ARE ALL GOOD i am answering all of these questions two to four days late x) 
Thank you so much still though, and thank you to everyone else who sent in bday wishes that I did not answer I promise i read all of them and they were all very sweet i keep u all in my heart 
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I do NOT know what the fuck this is in reference to but i HAVE drawn adri as a train before, here
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genuinely still one of the coolest, and yet more nonsensival things ive done. However I would like to point out that this art is now ridiculously accurate to what he currently looks like and idk how to feel about it
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ok let me be more specific then. would it be socially acceptable to have a character with a tapeworm coming out of their mouth and going “oohh aaahh oh no I have a tapeworm you have to yank it out of meeeeee”
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It has been a full 24 hours and i still do not understand what the hell this ask is. Like, what?
also tbh depends on how much they paid me but yeah id take a sponsorship from them. Ill draw a single pizza in my comic for 5000$. 
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special shoutout to that one anon I still think about from time to time that said smth like. “if your oc is so bad then would they kill.... THIS PUPPY?!?!” and I just about lost it like. You have no fucking idea what youre up against, my man
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It’s not dw the page will go up today I was just hanging out with my SO and i didnt feel like spending an hour setting up the pages for upload. I know it’s irresponsible of me but i still havent missed a single week even if a page or two has been late, and I definitely wouldnt put the comic on hiatus with no warning 
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ofthemother-blog · 7 years
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[ this shit is gonna take two posts there’s a lot to cover tbh. ]
The following, in essence, is a call-out post, one of the very first that I have been compelled to do throughout the 3-4 years that I have been roleplaying on tumblr. This shit took a lot of courage from me because I am not used to standing up for myself when people hurt me the way that I have been doing. I usually just keep things to myself and just sort of rot. But not anymore. I wholeheartedly believe that call out posts should be reserved for highly innappropriate and disruptive instances. For example, if there’s a roleplayer that is attempting to roleplay smut with minors, THAT deserves a call out. If there are displays of racist and homophobic/transphobic behaviors and what have you present, THAT also deserves a call out. If somebody’s life is being threatened at any point in time in any way, THAT deserves a call out post. These are a handful of the very serious matters that should not be kept private or ignored for the sake of keeping the peace, ESPECIALLY during this year in 2017 where you have people out here showing their true colors in the worst ways in terms of the issues stated above and more.
In regards to THIS ^^^ This mess up here,within which my username is slanistheman, I do not have an issue with Gattsu or Entrails because they are both minors. I hold them accountable based on the fact that they were involved, but at the end of the day it’s fine. I’m not mad at them.  I will not hold them accountable to the same degree that I hold bladeofthehawk, exmercenary, and therosiesweetheart, because they are  grown and , thus, should know much better.  I do not have an issue with Dara, because unlike all five participants, Dara was the only one who had the balls to step up and apologize to me for what had happened. I do not have an issue with ANY other member of this chat who was not involved in this shit. 
All of that being said, I am going to make something perfectly clear right now. 
 Do not look for the definition of racism in these posts.  If you touch this post and fail to understand why it is problematic, racist, serious, and innappropriate I feel very sorry for you because you will feel prompted to respond with apathy. You will feel prompted to tell me that I am being immature,    rude, nasty, unfair, oversensitive, overdramatic, making everything worse, and that this shit is just a fucking joke and that I should have just kept it private and let it go like an adult to which I can only respond by saying that if you truly feel this way, this post is not for your benefit or for the benefit of anyone who is plagued by this strain of  ignorance.  I refuse to be your teacher. I refuse to be your hero. I refuse to feel guilty because you want me to. I refuse to entertain an alternate course of action. 
This post is not an invitation to make amends with me. This shit happened on what? March 20, 2017? Bitch, it’s June 3rd. Within a couple of weeks, Dara apologized to me. If these three feel like it’s cool to let days turn into  months without saying a word to me because they feel like it isn’t a big deal and that I’m just a big baby( until I decided to let my anger out and let everybody know that I was comin for THEM) that’s the kind of apathy that I despise. So now I’m the one who really doesn’t give a fuck. The chance to make it right has utterly vanished. No forgiveness.  I do not want anymore apologies, I do not care  to make amends. They  can fuck right the fuck off and feel however the fuck they want to feel. I don’t give a fuck how they feel about nothin, they can feel somethin, they can feel nothin, it’s not gonna touch me no way.  
These posts exist because I’m fed up with being quiet about what happened and about how I feel about it.  I’m a grown ass woman and I am highly upset, though not as surprised as I am sorely dissappointed with the Berserk rp community in regards to this(I’m not talking about everybody ). I been hateful as a motherfucker, cussin and hackin and fuckin shit up.  I am hateful. I need to get this anger off my chest so I can move on and get back to doin what the fuck I do. These posts exist for those who are conscious, not for the soundly sleeping. 
This post does not exist for the purpose of telling anybody not to roleplay or fuck with bladeofthehawk, exmercenary, or therosiesweetheart, not even my own goons, not even my own friends. Sure Imma be uncomfortable if I follow you and you rp with them but its not my choice who yall fuck with at the end of the day, especially since nobody put a gun to my head. Ya’ll take a look at this shit and ya’ll decide if ya’ll wanna fuck with them at the end of the day. As uncomfortable as I feel it ain’t my choice, my friends are still gonna be MY friends.
I will say though that if you are a CONSCIOUS, notice how I say 
person, ESPECIALLY BLACK individual living anywhere on this earth who is interested in associating yourself with these people you might have a problem. You might have a problem, B. If you a woke person in general, this is your caution sign. I can only hope that they do not treat you the way that they treated me.  Listen these motherfuckers really do think that it’s a game, that it’s just a stupid website and they was just playin but
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This is my LIFE that you fuckin with. When I logged out of that chat room after  spazzing the fuck out on bladeofthehawk, who was by far the nastiest and the fakest to me out of everybody, it’s not just a matter of me separating myself from a situation because I literally can’t. When I log out of social media after dealing with this crap, I gotta sit and think about how the fuck my race is going to affect me when I really start hustlin and bustlin out here in this racist ass world full of racist ass people. I gotta meditate on the fact that at the end of the day I could end up dead by the hands of a police officer for smoking a cigarette like Sandra Bland at any point in time, ESPECIALLY where I live. 
This gizoogle bullshit, which was created by an old ass White man that goes by the name of  John Beatty, is a result of the idea that African Americans are inferior and unintelligent and that everything about them that interests a White person is to either be stolen and refurbrished into something plastic and marketable or MOCKED, RARELY ever respected which is an idea that has been the foundation upon which the atrocities of   African slavery and oppression has stood for numerous centuries , including today with these fucked up prison systems and police forces that America and many other countries have. 
  Fuck you if feel offended or bothered by the fact that I’m openly revolted by this. This is not a motherfucking game to me. It’s fucked up because  I  really did think long and hard about how I was going to present this, about whether or not I should be respectful, wondering how I can take my anger and turn it into something beautiful when the nature of my discontentment is not meant to be beautiful at all.
At the end of the day,  I feel like the people who are gonna see this and really take something from it  are gonna be the people who know how I feel and know what I am talking about and that’s fine by me. I don’t really care about anybody else. I’m sick of fucking coddling and pandering to motherfuckers who don’t give a fuck at the end of the day for the sake of “keepin the peace”. THERE IS NO PEACE. The phrase is I  am not your motherfucking negro bro. Never have been, never will be and you can smoke that in your dusty ass pipe all the fuck you want to.
[ The next post is gonna address what the fuck happened ]
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