#yall just don't pay attention when the narrative calls it out
not-goldy · 6 months
Why do I feel we're being played? Like these grown men get bored, hop online, decide to cause chaos & dip just to watch the timeline burn. SIGH And when it happens here go shippers arguing the same thing. My ship is real. No mine is. Jk's telling us something. No he's telling us something. Tae's telling us something. No he's telling us something. Same copy/paste argument. Tae drops a song Friends knowing he has Friends with Jimin with his sus obsession writing songs for Jimin in the past, while posting a Tk account to his IG and its Vmin vs Tkk. Not to be outdone by Jk who likes a Tk edit, while simping over Jimin in comments and its Jkk vs Tkk. And everyone knows they're fighting the same argument but don't care. What are you doing? Stop it. And I hate to call them out, but its Tae and Jk the ones for several months specifically engaging with shippers on both sides.
All I gotta say is Jimin baby, keep minding your business, you're doing amazing, sweetie. Now because of that follow & unfollow from Jk on an account with Jimin's name, he is the one being mocked. Not even 2 seconds after they realized Jk unfollowed that account, the mocking & name calling started. If I were Jimin I'd snatch that damn phone outta Jk's hands and tell him to start paying closer attention to stuff regarding me. That man is just trying to serve his time in peace & Jk caused him to catch a stray cause he can't stay off Jimin pages. Lord have mercy.
Wish I was bothered😩😩😩😩😩😩🤣💀
Jikook do worst things than this.
If he unfollowed its cos someone made him aware he'd followed and was creating a mess in the Fandom. To that person I say- snitches get stitches 🔪
But if it's content he's consuming does it even matter?? Bro watching himself gawk at Jimin while Jimin bringing him to edge of nutting- does it matter if he likes or follows the account?
We've been saying for years those two a very much aware of the shipping narratives the gay expose and they don't care- unlike straight celebs who get so offended they start staying away from eachother and roasting eachother.
Watch Jungkook knowing damn well just how gay we think he and JM are with eachother come out and say his favorite moment from MS was a night he and JM slept arm in arm naked to keep themselves warm. Watch him come out to say he's limping cos JM manhandled his balls.
When I tell yall he knows what he's doing when he says things like this bite mark on my neck is from Jimin or let's eat Ramen or Jimin can handle all this.
He can't stay off JM pages sounds about right.
Let me not catch anyone throwing Jimin in the mix dude drinking water staying hydrated and working out his glutes
Hold on brb
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lavishlyleo · 2 years
Astrology Observations 2
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Please only take what resonates with you. These are my personal observations. So take with a grain of salt 💕
Having a mix of prominent Scorpio and Gemini placements can make them a beacon for other peoples secrets. People will be compelled to tell them TMI a lot for some reason. But are usually tight lip about their own secrets and things about themselves. Some natives may use this to their advantage. 👀
I feel like the planetary ruler of your 7th house is something you might feel like you lack, and wish you had better / more of.
For example, my 7th house is in Gemini, and Mercury rules Gemini. And with other people, I feel like my sociable/conversation skills aren't on par with my peers. Like I'm too rigid or stale with words and how I communicate.
Any planets in your 3rd house in someone elses 1st house can make their voice sound hypnotic to you.
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If someone has multiple planets (especially personal ones) in your 1st house, you could be OBSESSED with them. Like, these people can unravel your sense of self and make you discover different parts of your personality and identity.
Same can be said for people with many planets in your 12th house. But it could be a obsessed / hate relationship. You might be highly envious of these people and hate them for it.
You might feel more competitive and/or always trying to prove something around them.
7th house Mars people can be some of the best hype men I swear💪💪
Some of the more dogmatic Mars placements are usually in the 1st, 4th, 9th, and 10th house from what I seen. Fierce defenders of their possessions, beliefs, and overall anything they hold close to their heart. Might try to push certain narratives or beliefs on you 😅
On the other hand, the more chill Mars placements I've seen are usually in the 7th, 8th and 12th house. They tend to keep some of their more stronger/personal beliefs to themselves because it's more of a private thing for them and they might not be as bothered by other's points of views (because it's not their beliefs anyways and they believe everyone's entitled to their own opinions) unless someone tries to force words into their mouth or twist the narrative on them.
Cancer moon native's emotions change with the moon; Very frequently. They're Are generally good sports though😊. They'll baby you the way they want to be babied. Just don't double cross them because while they MIGHT forgive you, they will NEVER forget.
Pisces Mercury natives could convince you to hear them out on ANYTHING. Like wtf I don't even know how they do it, arguably could be more convincing with words than an Air Mercury.
People with neptune, mercury and/or venus in your 2nd house this is your wake up call to start an ASMR channel! You guys have such soothing voices. 💤
Earth and Leo Venus natives love to pamper their partners and close friends with nice and luxurious things. And they also feel heavily appreciated when you do the same for them💕.
People with Venus in Leo are also the kind of people who go big or go home. They're likely the ones to pay the for the tabs when yall go out eat or shop💖.
Having Lilith - Ascendent aspects can make the native feel like an object in the eyes of others. Like the way a miser loves money or a hoarder keeps trinkets. With the way some people see them as a possession that needs to be controlled. Some people feel the need to control these natives or things about them because they feel intimidated by their presence. Which, for the native, can make interacting or associating with some people a very uncomfortable experience.
Although on the other hand, some natives may secretly want people become obsessed with them, even to a creepy degree. A few of these natives may enjoy the feeling of attention, power and significance it gives them. Until it falls out of their favor, then they'll probably hate it and try to squirm out of the situation.
Either way, these natives usually get a lot of attention, wanted or not.
Also these people tend to have voyeur/exhibitionist fantasies👀.
Honorary mention : sun-lilith and moon-lilith aspect natives
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You might be obsessed with the sign in your Sun sign's ruling house. For example, I'm a Cancer Sun, and for the longest time, I've been obsessed with Aries placements. Aries rules my 4th house ( Cancer traditionally rules the 4th house ).
The house your 10th house ruler's planet is in and the degree of your MC may show you how to achieve a reputable and fruitful status in life.
For example if your 10th house is in Leo at 28° and your Sun is in the 6th house. You could benefit from starting a vlog/blog. Posting about your everyday life ( 6th house is about your day to day life, routine, and animals ). Stories about yourself, work, pets, ect ( The Sun is about one's self ). And making your fans feel like part of your family and everyday life ( 28° is a Cancer Degree, a sign all about home and nurturing others ).
Do you guys have any ascendent-lilith, sun-lilith, or moon-lilith aspects? Tell me your experiences or thoughts about having these placements!💕
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jkftkth · 2 months
say that 🙂‍↕️ people are being vile right now and you can tell it doesn't come from a place of "activism." i've seen people spreading the photo of him censoring his iphone as proof of him censoring brands and im like...are yall dumb? he censored his phone because he was in a contract with samsung and apple is their competitor. and people are also saying that he was paid to do so??? that the post feels random?? like first of all tae is notorious for posting random shit (and i love him for it) like if anything this is completely on brand for him or do yall just not pay attention to him? also, i could be wrong because im not korean, but ive seen several sources talk about how you can't accept brand deals will enlisted because you can't really earn money while serving? which makes sense to me so i wanna know why these people think he's being paid off by mcds. these people are blatantly lying at this point and that's how you know the plot is lost. if you have to make up shit or twist the narrative to get your point across then maybe you need to reevaluate why you're making this point. people can be disappointed all they want but what's not okay is being 10x harsher to him than any other member when they aren't necessarily "innocent" either.
i think it's also unfair to assume he knows everything regarding the boycott to begin with. the mcds boycott specifically didn't really start picking up until the end of last year and he enlisted in early december, and before that he probably was focused on spending time with friends and family. most people i know don't know anything about this, so yes it's possible. and why would he even post it in the first place if he knew it was controversial?
like sorry if this sounds rude but people saying that this is him taking a stance are not being very smart like this whole thing is so nuanced and not black and white at all. people are now just creating the worst scenarios possible and for what? why do you have that opinion of him? i'm just so tired
i think there is a lot of rightful anger in general but right now it’s being misplaced. this isn’t me “tone policing” anyone because it doesn’t matter who you are, if you’re “expressing yourself” through a bunch of lies and misinfo that get mass spread around as the truth you’re going to need to take responsibility for that.
was i disappointed seeing that pic in his post? definitely. did i assume it was him finally speaking up about the genocide? that would be an insane reach. imagine submitting that as evidence to a legal case, it’d be dropped within seconds because there is little to no basis.
i’ve been feeling helpless since last year.
when the usher remix came out, when joon posted on his ig a pic with cola in the shot, when the screening of d day didn’t get cancelled, when hobi’s album was released with a zio on one of the tracks, when the travel show was announced on disney, when it became obvious weverse was censoring pro pal posts, when hybe made a statement calling scooter’s stance his personal opinion, when jin went to represent the olympics, when jimin on fallon was announced and the credits of muse were released, the list is incredibly long.
in any of these examples do i blame a member? no. i blame their company. is this removing responsibility from “grown ass men?” by this logic every grown up in the world is in the wrong and needs to be cancelled if they haven’t reached the level of education you need them to have regarding global issues and what to boycott. nearly every industry is complicit all the way up to the top and at some point, it becomes unavoidable being linked or having to interact w zios. not all saying there’s nothing wrong in all those examples, just that these things weren’t surprising to have happened.
and i might sound cynical here, but i don’t think fans are going to be successful in getting bts to speak up the way they need the members to. and i don’t think they’ve reached bts online in the way they think they have for all their effort so far. bts are far removed from the online and offline world right now.
i also think a lot of them would like to believe bts have full freedom of expression, but truth is bts remain one of the biggest global representatives of sk. and whilst they stay at hybe, that’ll stay the case. it’s what hybe has made of them. and it’s what hybe will continue to take advantage of.
besides that, there’s the fact they’re in the military. i know a lot of fans believe the “conscripted” justification for silence is just an excuse being thrown around “because look at exo look at nct” but how about we look at this recent example with tae.
blown out of proportion and it wasn’t even intentional.
you cannot compare any other idol who may have “spoken up” to the public reaction tae just received. they’ll never attract a similar level of response. now add the context of bts’ sensitive relationship with their government, and how they’re basically a political soft power for them, plus what their military’s stance on palestine is and the rules soldiers need to abide by…there’s little to no freedom of self expression here. not for now, and not for when they get out.
fans don’t want to accept this, because to them that’ll mean bts are tied down in more ways than one. well…
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millenari · 1 year
What are your mixed feelings about the macavtiy interlude?
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im so glad u asked :)
I think it could've been cool with the right execution. With Cats Macavity is kind of haunting the narrative up until the point that he shows up; Demeter mistakes every loud noise that occurs through the whole show as him, and the Macavity Scares serve the function of deliberately building up to his appearance as well as establishing that the whole tribe -and especially Demeter- are terrified of him. I'm not opposed to an interlude that tries to drive this point home even more so than the musical already does.
(Note that I've only seen this bit in the bway revival; the wiki says it's been in other different productions so who knows if it comes off differently in those)
But as is it's kind of... sloppy. The music doesn't really sound like anything else in Cats, the lyrics come straight from Macavity's song but it doesn't sound or feel like his song. The speak-singing thing the girls do sounds weird on top of that; the cast shouldn't be speaking in Cats. It sounds weird.
(In the May 2002 boot (and looking at the wiki, in London productions around that time?) there are spoken lines. Munkustrap has a couple, so does Deuteronomy and Macavity. They happen between the songs and imo it sounds janky as fuck. Cats is supposed to be p‌sychedelic and abstract; having the characters just speak normally kind of, uh... kills the vibe. It's like if a mime went through a whole complicated silent routine, wiped off his brow, and then went 'well shit that was hard! Want to go grab a beer?' It's jarring and kind of ruins the suspension of belief (as much as we believe mimes can't talk and people in leotards and wigs are actual cats) but tldr them speaking is janky as hell and I don't like it.)
I don't mind the sort-of dance-thing they do-- a lot of modern changes to Gillian's Lynne's choreography, imo, kind of fails to capture that elegant-cat-vibe the way she did, but that short bit did kind of feel a little s‌ensual and catlike? Maybe that's just me.
Maybe it would've been cooler with music that sounded more like Macavity's number and maybe it would be better if the lyrics were sung more than spoke. But. Uh. Regardless the Implications that bit has are kind of. Something.
1.) Maybe this is just my interpretation and I'm crazy but I feel pretty certain that up until the point Macavity actually shows his face Demeter is in a 'boy who cried wolf' situation. It feels like the Macavity scares are taken less seriously as the play goes on, and Demeter keeps looking like a crazy person when she keeps calling him out-- that's why everyone looks at her like she's insane when she starts freaking out during the Deuteronomy return. Nobody pays much attention to her because she's been losing her mind about seeing Macavity in shadows this whole time and the one time he actually showed up she didn't see him coming. So when she attacks Deuteronomy and Macavity reveals himself it's kind of a gratifying moment for her. 'I was right, you all were wrong, he was here, we were in danger'. If Macavity --as early as Old Deut's song-- is making his presence plainly known, that element is lost which is a shame to me.
2.) On that thought, Macavity making his presence plainly known and then everyone gathering together for the Jellicle Ball right after looks fucking stupid. Your local EVIL DOER just MIND CONTROLLED half of your tribe without even showing his face and thirty seconds later it's 'come on out everyone lets do a silly dance together :)' like what. There's no suspense about whether he's there or not. HE'S THERE, and YALL ARE SHAKING A‌SS AND SHIT INSTEAD OF DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT. WHY.
3.) It's mind control. Only the female characters are affected. There's a whole load of yikes there to unpack.
3a.) I assume the mind control thing is, at least to some degree, a s‌exual thing. One, this is Cats. Two, this is every female character in the whole cast and none of the males. There's a bit in the Macavity fight where you can see both Jerrie and Cori watch their respective twins get pulled in by Macavity: if individual strength of personality/mental hardiness is an aspect, its not a big one. (And if it is a big one: that's sexist. boo.)
Honestly even if it's not supposed to be a s‌exual thing it kind of very clearly is. The lines they sing: 'He's a fiend in feline shape, a monster of depravity / he hypnotizes with his eyes, his head sways like a snake'. It's not even an exact quote from the song. The bit about 'hypnotizing' isn't even in the song!
And even the part that is -when Bomba and Demeter sing it- is clearly supposed to be s‌exual. Which brings me to,
3b.) When Bomba and Demeter, two characters who claim to know Macavity personally (and who almost seem to compete over who knew him more) sing his song, they deliver the lines 'he's a fiend in feline shape, a monster of depravity' in a way that's clearly meant to be s‌exual.
And like... also a good thing on top of that. 'He's a monster of depravity' clearly means 'he's a freak in bed', you can tell by how they say it. Gillian Lynne talked about Demeter and Macavity's relationship by saying '[Demeter thought] he was wonderful when he made love to [her], but [she] hated him'. And this translates to the audience by how they deliver the lines, as most things in Cats go. Bomba smiles when she delivers that line in 98!
But when the girls in the interlude deliver that same exact line, they sound terrified and the music is haunting. That changes the implication. A lot. Especially when it's followed directly by 'he hypnotizes with his eyes', a line that's not even in the damn song. They wrote that line to put it there.
Everything about that, to me, says that all those girls have personal experience with him. (Not to mention how when Demeter calls Macavity out after Bustopher's number, several of the female characters cry out afterwards, like they're all panicking. Again, as if they have personal experience with him... that left them terrified.)
3c.) if Demeter and Bomba aren't the only ones who knew Macavity carnally why are they singing his song? Why do they stand out? Why is Demeter's story special in any way?
4.) If all the female characters have known Macavity carnally then WHAT THE FUCK.
4a.) Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Macavity here or anything, there were clearly SA elements in Demeter's story regardless of the interlude's existence. But all of those girls talking about how 'depraved' he is at the same time talking about his ability to 'hypnotize' at the same time they're all terrified and some horror movie music shit is playing in the background... there's a pretty serious implication at hand there! Were they all assaulted by this man? Are they all afraid they'll be assaulted by this man?
4b.) Either way, it's an extremely dark implication about this little universe that comes out of nowhere and then is never picked up again. Especially with how the Jellicle Ball picks up right afterwards! 'yes, yes, your mind and body were terribly violated, but how about you all just come back out and dance a silly dance with the rest of us!' WHAT.
4c.) Even if that wasn't the intent (and to be honest I don't think it was) that's definitely the implication to my eyes, and I feel like most women would be coming to a similar conclusion? It just feels like one of those things that a Man™ slapped in there without thinking of the implication And Then Just never Asking Any Woman Ever about it.
So... yeah I have a lot of feelings about it. I... think it could be cool, with better execution? I love Macavity's mind control powers; I think it's such an on-point ability for him to have, since he was assumedly cast out as one of the tribe. Mirroring and copying each other is how they demonstrate tgetherness/community/affection/admiration/etc. And Macavity the Outcast uses his powers to force them to mirror him? Delicious 10/10 no notes. Tons of notes on the other stuff tho.
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raayllum · 2 years
every time someone is like “the ghosting spell is pretty pointless, how did they know she didn’t just get captured or injured” and it’s like. that’s the point, fam. it’s not supposed to be fair or just or rational. it’s a Shaming technique. it’s supposed to be unreasonable. that is The Point
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rigginsstreet · 7 years
how would season 2 of riverdale look like if you were writing it? (also please don't hold back on the word count for this ask)
everyones gay. the end.
no ok i will try and go for a realistic version of what i think season 2 could have been. i mean personally i think its realistic to have all the parents be gay but whatever. (*edit from future briana. lol i aint make this shit realistic everybody G A Y) also this is probably gonna be all over the place cuz i have a lot of problems with a lot of characters story arcs so just...we’ll see what happens. also also this is obviously focusing on the parents im sure the kids will get mentioned at some point in regards to certain storylines but for the most part i dont watch them so i dont know what the fuck theyre doing unless it pertains to an adult. ok here we go (i hope you know what you asked for by saying dont hold back on word count...)
like from season 1 i had this vision of how i wanted s2 to play out
fp was gonna find out fred was shot, alice was gonna go visit him in jail about it or theyd meet up when he got out and they were gonna team up to avenge fred. thats what shouldve happened ok fight me. THE ONLY APPROPRIATE F*LICE INTERACTION
and then fp was gonna take care of fred. they were gonna work on their relationship. shit was gonna get dramatic but it was gonna be beautiful because ultimately they would realize theyre both the best friends each other ever had and they were better together than apart. 
and thats how the whole black hood thing would be dealt with and we never had to hear about it again
and then with the introduction of hiram and everything going down with the lodges buying freds company + fps dealings with hiram and hermione in the past and the bad blood there that was just...completely dropped... fred and fp were gonna come up with this master plan to screw over hiram and get the company back and then theyd go back to working construction together and happy days would be on the horizon. 
with that being said.... hiram and hermiones storyline this season is honestly the only interesting worthwhile thing. im not mad at it
im a little mad at archie joining the mafia like for one, anyone who knows anything about mob culture, you dont let outsiders in. and if you do, its not that fucking easy. its like “run some errands for me let me put you through some tests. ok youre family” no. i mean i get we’re on the cw but this was really the ...not even pg13 this was some g rated mob shit on archies part but whatever
lets hop on over to the coopers
i called from the beginning that chic was gonna be up to some bullshit and the narrative thats going right now with hal being painted as the bad guy and running off to penelope and alice running into fps arms is absolute utter Garbage™
what SHOULDVE happened (and granted the story is still playing out but lochlyns got a new show and thats very sus to me so... im expecting the worst) is chic comes in all innocent at first and maybe hals still put off, reasonably so, but this clearly means a lot to alice so he sticks it out. and as chic lets his freak out and the family has to deal with this, they grow closer and become more bonded and alice and hal become stronger as a couple and when all is said and done they eventually decide to go to couples counseling or family counseling and everybody works out their bullshit and they all start their journey to becoming a stable fucking family unit
ok now penelope. she’s another one that im actually for the most part enjoying her story but this whole hal business?? unrealistic
what they needed to do was just let her have her ho business and live her life
and also tell cheryl to stop running her mouth
like i really dont need them to have a great relationship personally like fine if they did whatever but cheryl kinda annoys me so penelope telling her whats up is no skin off my back
oh and this whole homophobic business? NOT IN MY SEASON 2
or if they really wanted to keep this contrived ass heather story to give cheryl some depth or whatever, then the least that could happen is it be revealed that penelope is gay herself and was scorned by an ex lover (alice) and was taking it out on her daughter
and then that could come to light and they talk about it and penelope eventually accepts she’s gay and she can be open about it now and she goes on to get herself a beautiful rich powerful girlfriend and my girl pen is set bitch !!! (i will also only accept alice and hal breaking up if alice too comes out and ends up with penelope)
somebody was coming out of my version of s2 gay i mean listen i could also write you a thing about how fp and fred could still get together ...
fps been spending all this time around fred nursing him back to health after the shooting
and theyve been able to work out all their unresolved bullshit
plus them teaming up to take hiram down
theyve been spending many a cold winter night together
old flames are rekindling 
they both notice they each keep finding little reasons to touch one another
theyre stealing glances when they think the other one isnt paying attention
they start to notice how fucking happy theyve been together theyve both become so playful and intimate with one another
theyre at pops one night having milkshakes
fred has whipped cream on his face
fps trying to tell him where but fred keeps missing it
theyre both laughing
fp reaches over and swipes his thumb softly over the corner of freds mouth
their laughter starts to die down as they both realize theres still this spark of electricity between them
its been sitting there under the surface this whole time waiting to blow up
next thing they know fps leaning over the table to kiss fred 
its soft and sweet and gentle but filled with such passion and urning its been so long since anyones touched them like this and god all the memories of their secret high school hookups come flooding back its like no time at all has passed they just fit together so well
ANYWAY now that fps with fred and this whole north v south thing is going on its creating a whole bunch of tension and like imagine all the drama that would come from the leader of the serpents dating riverdale mayor fred andrews oh my god ??? sign me the absolute fuck up where is THAT iconic storyline
speaking of fred
where the fuck is that pill addiction huh??? we gotta throw that in for drama ok i NEED. IT.
and then mary gets called into town and fp mary and archie are coming together to get fred through this. holding a fucking INTERVENTION ??? 
alice can show up too why not
bring hal
hermione maybe? like i know in her heart she probably cares but maybe dont have your ex gf who is also a mob boss show up at your intervention....
although that would make for a good fp x hermione showdown
hermiones invited
what else do we need....
i need alice and hermione
i dont know in what capacity i just know i need it
we definitely need a moms night out episode which would be hilarious because it just ends with alice and penelope making out and hermione and mary making out and sierra is facetiming tom like “please come pick me up”
speaking of sierra i dont mind this storyline with tom i just wish we could..actually see it...
god i just want fp and fred having date night down at the whyte wyrm and tonis pestering them about sharing stories from high school and how they fell in love and she wants to hear all the hot gossip and jugheads like “no gross i dont want to hear this”but joaquin an fangs and sweet pea are ENTHRALLED like they wanna hear everything too they wanna know about all the stupid shit fred and fp used to do to land in detention
i told yall this shit was gonna be all over the place
hell maybe even gladys played by neve campbell would show up at one point so fp can see his fucking daughter thatd be neat
and gladys and fp decide to end things for good and go through with the divorce but its amicable and theyre friends. she could move back to riverdale but then im thinking of jellybean having to be taken out of school... so maybe they stay in toledo but gladys and fp come up with a plan for holidays and summer vacation and its all just very pleasant ok. 
if we want to go with the tragic heterosexual version of riverdale, i fully support gladys and fp getting back together btw its what god wants
but so long as we’re living in my lala fantasy land.... fp ends up with fred and gladys and fp call truce
alice and fp would be F R I E N D S
no ones hiding no dead bodies
no ones making weird inappropriate comments about leaving spouses
alice is not going serpent!alice on everyone
get out of my face
theyre friends and they banter a lot but theres still a deep PLATONIC love there for each other
ok i think i covered everything i wanted.....
am i delusional?
but is my version more fun?
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