#yall want to make me simp for fishmafia
local-ground-apple · 1 year
ah hello there you have just summoned Human with your recent post about Jade and Silver. Now Silver was great but mmmmMmMMmMMMmmmm Jade.
oh my god i am such a simp for Jade and I usually would have been summoned for rambling about Jade but oh my god the reader was so so so hot oh my god words cannot express how much the reader has rizzed me up. like for a second fuck jade no one cares about him but READER???? i will sell my soul to the devil for the reader like goddam it the situation with Jade like kissing him to catch him off guard would be something i would do irl but like you had no right to make the reader so so so like me. like zero sleep always tired wants to go home hates everyone always neutral and now my brain wont stop braining and now i need to know what happened before + after so now i must brainstorm till the wedding of me and jade goodday author.
but in all seriousness i really really liked what you have written if you havent guessed from the above passage and reader is the most hottest character in twst and i might drop by later so see you later alligator (sorry).
Ahhhh, your message really made my day🥹🥰
I'm super happy that you enjoyed the story and that you could identify with reader !
It was really fun to write, and I enjoyed this reader so, so, so much (which I also believe is a great match for Jade, ngl) ( ^∀^)
I totally agree that reader is the hottest person in twst [maybe right after silver]
Also, initially, this was actually supposed to be a beginning for Azul x reader story, but welp, I suppose it works splendidly with Jade as well!
About what happened after... 😳 🤔 Jade would definitely be interested and intrigued with Reader (probably also secretly plotting some sort of revenge; so watch out🫣🤭).
And how you would (or wouldn't) sort out the issue with golden contracted Yuu...I'll leave to it your imagination🤭🤭
Anyway, thank you for your message ! Feel free to drop by & simp anytime 😊
Have a great day/evening/night ~ 🍏🍎
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