#i have quite a few octa requests
local-ground-apple · 1 year
ah hello there you have just summoned Human with your recent post about Jade and Silver. Now Silver was great but mmmmMmMMmMMMmmmm Jade.
oh my god i am such a simp for Jade and I usually would have been summoned for rambling about Jade but oh my god the reader was so so so hot oh my god words cannot express how much the reader has rizzed me up. like for a second fuck jade no one cares about him but READER???? i will sell my soul to the devil for the reader like goddam it the situation with Jade like kissing him to catch him off guard would be something i would do irl but like you had no right to make the reader so so so like me. like zero sleep always tired wants to go home hates everyone always neutral and now my brain wont stop braining and now i need to know what happened before + after so now i must brainstorm till the wedding of me and jade goodday author.
but in all seriousness i really really liked what you have written if you havent guessed from the above passage and reader is the most hottest character in twst and i might drop by later so see you later alligator (sorry).
Ahhhh, your message really made my day🥹🥰
I'm super happy that you enjoyed the story and that you could identify with reader !
It was really fun to write, and I enjoyed this reader so, so, so much (which I also believe is a great match for Jade, ngl) ( ^∀^)
I totally agree that reader is the hottest person in twst [maybe right after silver]
Also, initially, this was actually supposed to be a beginning for Azul x reader story, but welp, I suppose it works splendidly with Jade as well!
About what happened after... 😳 🤔 Jade would definitely be interested and intrigued with Reader (probably also secretly plotting some sort of revenge; so watch out🫣🤭).
And how you would (or wouldn't) sort out the issue with golden contracted Yuu...I'll leave to it your imagination🤭🤭
Anyway, thank you for your message ! Feel free to drop by & simp anytime 😊
Have a great day/evening/night ~ 🍏🍎
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merakiui · 1 year
he’s your personal butler, whenever you go and he followed you, he served you nicely, and waking you up for duties just like a husband waking up his wife softly in the morning—but he can be the filthiest behind that nice gentleman mask.
I feel like I must make the obligatory Jade is one hell of a butler joke, but it's true!!! He's so responsible, always following his schedule, never late by a second and never too early either. He wakes you up at the same time each morning, smiling so adoringly when you throw a pillow at him and beg for a few more minutes wrapped in the comforts of the fluffy duvet. He stands at your bedside, looming like a sentinel, and will wait the few minutes you've requested. Everything is so orderly and tidy under his watchful eye. He's the head butler for a reason, after all. He is always so polite, never overstepping his boundaries, but he certainly toes the line, especially when he's hit with a particular bout of envy. It's usually when suitors come looking for your hand in marriage. Most just want your fortune; they could never truly love you like he does, and late into midnight he'll show you just how much he treasures you.
Azul is also very responsible and respectful. He's ambitious for a butler, always wanting to do better and better so you will continue to praise him. He probably fits into the trope of servant who grew up alongside the aristocrat, thus making both childhood friends, and since his youth he's always admired you from afar. He devoted so much of his time and efforts to learning the ways of servitude so that when he was finally old enough to officially serve as your personal butler he would be absolutely perfect. He's charming, too. Has quite the silver tongue on him. Every word that falls from his mouth is like honey, so sweet and charismatic. He does everything without uttering a single complaint, always offering you his trademark smirk-grin. But you shouldn't be so trusting of him. The same loyal butler who ensures you always have a fresh vase of flowers at your bedside, who memorizes all of your preferences, who helps you get ready in the morning, is the same butler who may have mixed his cum into your food or served you an octopus dish that may have been made using one of his tentacles. :) don't question things; just let him serve you as he always does.
For all of his untamed capriciousness, Floyd is a wonderful butler. He's an excellent cook, too. All of your meals are prepared by his diligent hands, and he loves cooking for you, so much that he often makes too much food. Floyd likes it when you give him tasks and orders because it's something special you're entrusting him with. He serves you because he wants to, not because it's an obligation, and you treat him in the same friendly casual manner he treats you. He has the best Shrimpy in the world. You're so caring and understanding. You let him get away with his mischief because he's your dear, devoted butler. Although this is probably because he knows just how to touch you to have you coming undone, and you've gotten a little too accustomed to anticipating sex with him. He makes it his mission to take you in every room in your estate, on every surface, in every position. Even the outdoors is not safe from your lustful trysts. Floyd scares away all of your potential suitors (he's probably killed a few, too, or he's come awfully close), so it's just you and him. He's all you really need; you seem to echo this sentiment when he's buried so deeply inside you and you're clawing at his back, numb to rationality, slurring incoherent things. He likes articulate Shrimpy, but he also likes dumb, cock-drunk Shrimpy, too. Good thing he gets to experience both!
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sweetstarling · 3 years
Tweels, Cater & Riddle x Reader with a ferret familiar
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Hello, lovelies, I’m answering a lovely request by @dexpairs-blog, the secret wish reads “Hi! If that's okay could i request Cater, the tweels, and Riddle with a MC/Yuu who has a ferret familiar? Ferrets are very playful creatures and they're so cute!! I'm curious to see how they interact with MC's happy noodle! :D”
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🌹 At first a bit hesitant, He hasn’t had much contact with animals due to his strict childhood, the most he’s had was the hedgehogs which he’s grown to love.
🌹A bit hesitant at first, will it hurt him? Will he hurt it ? But, warms up to the affectionate little thing once he realises everything is fine.
🌹Your ferrets playful nature reminds him a bit of the positive traits of his underclassman, making him grow quite fond with it, looking after it when you’re gone or just popping in randomly with some snacks for it.
🌹Overall, Heartslabyul is known to have students of curious nature and Riddle is no exception.
Time has passed since having first met the curious little familiar, growing close with it for the sake of Yuu, only to grow to love its playful nature. A slightly intimidating air surrounded the short dorm leader, words of punishment leaving him continuously, grim and the Adeuce duo falling victim; the ferrets fur thick between Riddles fingers, the warmth keeping him calmer then usual. Grim grew annoyed, an a very whisper leaving him “stupid, ferret, why does he get all the attention?”, “Did you say something Grim?, Hm?”.
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🐇His eyes widen in curiosity when he firsts meet the little thing, already referring to it by some sort of cute nickname or ferret-chan. Has not interacted with such a familiar before but has seen it Magicam when pets were trending.
🐇Starts jumping towards any opportunity to hold it, growing a sort of warmth to it instantly,already asking to take pictures with it and group pictures to later post to Magicam.
🐇Is used to looking after animals, thanks to the queen of hearts rules and helps from time to time to look after it, during those times he doesn’t take pictures, just enjoying the time spent with Yuu and their familiar.
🐇Definitely shows off the cute thing to the rest of Heartslabyul any chance he can.
Darkness was upon them in the corridors of Heartslabyul, stars and lanterns beaming with a light and shining onto the terrace, a young figure relaxing in the darkness. A noodle of fluff leaning in to be continuously stroked, a sigh leaving from time to time as the teenager reminisces the time spent with Yuu that day leaving words to take over him, the ferret being his only listener and bearer or truth. “You really are adorable.”
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🐚A ferret? What a curious little thing. The little thing just furthers his curiosity and need to observe Yuu further but, well, he can allow himself to be sidetracked for a moment to pet the cute familiar.
🐚He’s quite busy with all the work at the Mostro Lounger and further more with hunting down clients that Yuus presence and the familiar hand in hand allows him to relax for a while.
🐚He grows warm to the creature over time, getting closer gradually where he no longer is hesitant to hold them. Gently petting them during your little conversations or booping it’s noise just to the see reaction it’ll give.
🐚Pay close attention over time, you might spot the times where he carries the ferret showing all the variations of mushrooms he collected to it and mumbling a few words of affection for Yuu towards it.
“Hm? Oya”The younger of the tweels looking up from his position to be met with the furry thing, Yuu standing as they introduced the creature watching a small smile form on his doll like skin. “It’s adorable, Yuu” he says, the words echoing in the aquarium based office, the room lacking the rest of the octa trio as they were busy.
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🦈Unlike, his younger twin who grew curious of nature on land, Floyd barely studied the creature and continued to learn over time. This being one of his learning moments as he looked at you with a curious look, what is it Koebi-chan?
🦈Eyes glistening with a new found curiosity as he took the ferret out of your hand; he enjoys petting the little thing, surprisingly not growing bored of it. Slightly rough while petting it, but doesn’t mean any real him towards it, he wouldn’t do that to you.
🦈He grows warm towards it instantly, sometimes randomly showing up to Your dorm just to see you and the ferret sometimes bringing food for it. Showing up at random times, even dragging along his brother from time to time.
Quick footsteps from behind you echoed, slight cry’s leaving the students as they moved out of the eels way in a hurry. “Koebi-Chan!!”, Turing round in a quick motion as arms grabbed around you into a tight squeeze, the little ferret being pulled into the embrace as well, “how are my two favourites doing?”
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azurevi · 3 years
Ehhhh. I love your rivals to lovers trope! Can I request another trope for you? How about some second chance trope where the octa boys + lilia broke up before but he wanted to try a chance again? Hehehe. Angst go brrrr. Thank you!
I'm quite foreign with the break up trope so I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted!
Octa trio + Lilia wanting a second chance
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Azul may seem rational while doing business, but when it comes to love he can be inclined to follow his emotions instead. That's what led to you breaking up -- him blurting out the wrong words during an argument because the frustration was clouding his mind.
Azul regretted it the moment you walked out the door, and he still does. There are days when he finds himself lingering outside your classroom during recess for the slim chance of seeing your face. Some people say time can wash the feelings away, but for him each day brings more emptiness and discontent. You've taken such a big part of his life, so it's only natural that his world comes crumbling down when you leave him.
Despite all this, Azul does have a bit of an ego himself. It can be hard for him to come to terms with his struggles. What if you don't take him back? What if you see him as frivolous? But ultimately the loneliness will propel him to approach you again. No matter what your answer will be, he's not going to chicken out and idly watch as you sway further away from him.
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Out of the Octa trio Jade is probably the most sensible one, so it's very rare for him to make mistakes.
But love is not something he experiences very often, and there really is no correct answer to it, so he's bound to make mistakes. There have been times when he messes up in your relationship, but they were never anything serious. So when an argument breaks out one day and you tell him you want to break up with him, he's too shocked to say anything in return.
Without you around he uses most of his time reflecting on what he's done wrong, or is it something about you instead. It takes some time for the weight of reality to sink in, then he'll start to understand what it really means to break up with someone. One thing he feels the strongest is that he misses having you by his side, bringing some smiles and laughs into his somewhat mundane routines. 
One thing is for certain -- he does want to get back with you, but he's not sure if he's supposed to. He has no idea what goes on in your mind, or if you are feeling the same thing as he is. But if time goes by and his longing for you still doesn't cease, he may just have to call you up.
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Floyd can be unstable sometimes. Even when you're in a relationship, he can be hot one second and cold the next. So there are two possibilities -- either he broke up with you without properly thinking through it, or you suggested splitting because the relationship was too rocky.
He probably broke up with you just because he was feeling down that day and you happened to say the wrong thing, but a few days later he starts craving your presence again. Almost immediately he will go back to you and ask for you to forgive him. He can be indirect with his words as he doesn't find it easy to just be honest with his feelings, but he will show how much he regrets it by his actions, which may include buying you gifts or passing you tiny silly notes.
If you're the one breaking up with him, he'll react more or less the same, but he's going to need more time before asking you for a second chance. Aside from pining for you, he also feels a little angry at you for ending things with him. His pride can be quite an obstacle for him, but eventually he'll miss you so much that he throws it all behind.
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I imagine Lilia would break up with someone due to fear. In his long, long life he's had a handful of relationships, but none of them ended well. (His past lovers most outgrew him.)
He loves you a lot, probably more than he's ever loved anyone, but with this affection comes the terrible realization that one day you'll be too far gone in life, and that he won't be able to stay with you forever. He claimed that to end things before it becomes too hard is for the best, and thus your relationship ended with a bitter taste.
He expects himself to grow out of his love for you like how he's forgotten people from his past, but whenever he sees you around campus, even just at his peripheral vision, he feels the fire in his heart being rekindled again. Fate seems to enjoy toying with him, as he constantly runs into you and you're forced into awkward greetings.
How is he to move on when he's somehow still growing more smitten with you each day despite your absence? Night after night he stays awake pondering about whether he really made the best decision. Eventually he decides that it's more important to enjoy what he can have in the present instead of worrying about the looming future, and he's going to fix things with you as soon as possible.
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Octa A-kun’s Heart-Thumping Day!
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For the 1200+ follower milestone, here is the next part of the cursed raven’s story!
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5
Today’s tale involves Octavinelle A-kun in a pinch...?! Fight on, Octa A-kun...! You can do it, Octa A-kun...!!
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My name is Kon...! I’m just your average, everyday Octavinelle student. I tend to blend into the background, so a lot of my classmates call me Octa A-kun.
I’d say that my favorite food is salted fish, and I happen to like whatever seems to be popular these days. I have the window seat in my home room. Most of the time, I just go with the flow, but I like to keep my head low and stay out of trouble!
All I really want is a quiet, peaceful life!
...So—you may ask—how, then, did I find myself in this pinch?
An arrow whizzes at Octa A-kun’s head, tearing off his fedora and pinning it to the wall behind him. It just narrowly grazes his hair, ripping off a deep green strand with a sharp jolt. Octa A-kun squeaks in terror and collapses onto his rear end.
“Pardon moi, Monsieur Kelp,” comes the light-hearted chirp of his assailant. A young man in a bob cut steps forth, a bow in his hands and a quiver strapped to his back. The billowy white feather tucked in his hat bounces with each stride. “I was in need of some early morning target practice.”
Third year and Pomefiore vice-dorm leader, Rook Hunt, according to the rumors. Be wary of him--once he fixates on something, he will not relent.
“A-Ahahaha...I-It’s fine, senpai!” Octa A-kun stutters, scrambling back onto his feet. He glances at his poor hat, skewered clean through--he’d have to file a request for a replacement later. Azul would charge a fee for it--with interest.
“Ah, how merciful you are, Monsieur Kelp~” Rook laughs as he approaches, each step in his boots the resounding thump-thump of a predator on the prowl.
Octa A-kun shrinks against the wall. “U-Um...! Do you need something from me, senpai...?!”
“Hohoh. How perceptive of you.” Rook plucks his arrow--and Octa A-kun’s hat--and holds his weapon up in the sunlight, his green eyes focusing on the gleam of the arrow’s dagger-like tip. “I’ve merely come for a query, my friend! No need to make such a frightened face.”
“Just a question i-is fine. But it has to be a quick one...! I have to meet up with my partner for a project...”
“But of course. I will not keep you for long.” He tucks the arrow back into his quiver and replaces Octa A-kun’s hat upon his head. “Be honest with me--that is all that I ask of you.”
Rook maintains the curve to his lips as he brings his face closer to his prey. His smile darkens, and the glimmer in his eyes fades into something far more cruel.
“...You would not happen to have been sent by one Roi de Fort, have you? To, perhaps, spy on a little black bird?”
Octa A-kun pales. Sweat collects on his forehead. A lump forms in his throat.
“I-I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT...!!” he blurts out.
Rook’s eyes narrow. “I have requested for you to speak naught but the truth, have I not?”
He reaches out and takes ahold of Octa A-kun’s collar, pulling him close--so close that the poor boy can make out his own fear-stricken expression in the green of Rook’s eyes.
The hunter still smiles, his teeth a stark, blinding white.
He’s beautiful, Octa A-kun realizes. Beautiful, but deadly.
“Y-You’re being r-really scary, senpai...! P-Please don’t bully me...!”
“La vérité, Monsieur Kelp?”
A drop of sweat races down Octa A-kun’s profile. Pupils dilated, breath hitching, body trembling.
In the distance, a bell tolls--granting him an opportunity to escape.
“Would you look at the time...!! I...I really gotta go now!! M-My project partner’s waiting for me, ahahaha...!! E-Excuse me!” Octa A-kun shouts shaking from Rook’s grip and sidestepping the hunter.
He begins to speed walk away, hands balled into fists and arms swinging stiffly, when Rook calls out to him.
“...Monsieur Kelp.”
Against his better judgement, Octa A-kun dares to glance back.
Rook is staring right at him, his gaze piercing.
“Know this: if you betray her, there will be more for you to worry about than damaged articles of clothing.”
And with that remark, Rook allows his prey to retreat.
But he watches every step of the way.
Until Octa A-kun is nothing more than a dot in the distance.
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“Welcome to my roost,” Raven declares with the wave of her hand. “Ignore the mess, and make yourself at home.”
“D-Don’t mind if I do,” Octa A-kun says, carefully ducking into the attic space.
Mess is a bit of an understatement. Raven’s room is piled high with tomes, loose papers scattered on the floor and smears of ink all over.
Tucked away in a corner appears to be a mattress, with a blanket in a nest-like shape, a pillow laid in the center. A bookshelf overflows with volumes on ancient curses, while a strange teardrop shaped seat, decorated with ribbons and wisteria, hangs by a window.
Set upon a large desk is a snuffed out candle, a quill set with a magic gemstone, and several empty bottles and blank labels. A basket spills out its contents--herbs, flowers, and fungi--next to a mortar and pestle.
What really catches Octa A-kun’s attention, however, is the strange collection of glass apparatuses and tubes that line the desk. A small flame dances under the rounded part of a flask, heating up a rose-gold concoction.
“Looks like you keep pretty busy, huh?”
“You could say that. I like to remain productive.”
Octa A-kun offers a timid smile. “Um, if I may ask, what is it that you’ve got brewing at your desk...? I-I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”
Raven pauses.
“...Do you know that feeling of rediscovering a part of yourself you thought you had once lost? Or the rose-tinted glasses which clouds one’s vision? The wonderfulness of meeting an old friend? Think of those things, set in the color of dawn, beckoning a new day.”
“E-Eh?” Octa A-kun combs his brain for a response. “Uh...you mean nostalgia?”
“Precisely. This is my latest creation--Nostalgia. It took me two whole weeks to get this new ink color just right, but it shall be lovely to write with.” Raven puffs up a bit with pride. “Oh, but enough about my personal projects. We need to work on that Magic History assignment, yes?”
“Y-Yes. That report on Unique Magic Development...” Octa A-kun’s eyes follow Raven’s hand as it trails over a series of books on a shelf.
Hexes, and How to Break Them. True Love’s Kiss: Panacea or Poison? Ancient Curses: A Collection of Anecdotes. Journal of Magic Medicine, Issue 32: Jinx Edition.
“Ah, here it is.” Raven fishes out a maroon book with a few sticky notes jutting out of it--Unique Magic: Nature & Nurture--and hands it to Octa A-kun, along with a spare quill, an inkwell, and a fresh sheet of paper.
She gestures toward the seat adorned with wisteria. “Have a seat and work on your half of the report. I’ll be working on my half at my desk after I clean up. We can compare our halves and edit as is necessary when both parts are complete.”
He complies, sitting where he is directed and flipping open Unique Magic: Nature & Nurture.
Two sticky notes immediately pop out at him. One sports a list of various unrelated words (Nostalgia, Sorrow, Regret, and an L word that appears to have been blotted out, left illegible).
The other sticky note has a little diagram labelled Unique Magic, a heart in the center with arrows pointing outward. Needs faith, trust, and a little pixie dust, one arrow remarks. Infusion of feelings requires experience, says another. Practice with Nostalgia, a third states.
Octa A-kun slowly lifts his eyes from the page--carefully watching Raven tidying up her desk.
With the flick of her magical pen--or quill, rather--she extinguishes the flame beneath her flask and sets it into a test tube rack to cool. Raven collects her plants into a basket and tucks them under the desk, along with the rest of her glassware. Then she gathers stray papers and pops open her drawer to stow them away--
And that’s when Octa A-kun catches a glimpse of it.
An unopened letter, in a pale blue envelope.
To My Dearest Raven scrawled across it.
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“...And that is the g-gist of it,” Octa A-kun concludes his report, “dorm leader.”
“Excellent work, Kon-san. You efforts are greatly appreciated.” From behind his ornate office desk, Azul clasps his hands together and beams. “I suppose there is no longer any need for Floyd to pay your friends in Pomefiore and Scarabia a little visit.”
“Boooo,” Floyd groans from beside him.
“Th-Thank you for your kindness, dorm leader!” Octa A-kun gushes--if only to (poorly) mask his own fears. He wants to sink into the couch cushions and disappear like sea foam. “B-But...But if I can make a request, sir!”
“What is it?” Azul sounds mildly annoyed, but Octa A-kun steels his courage and persists.
“Um...i-if possible, can you assign s-someone else to check on Miss Raven? I-I’m scared of what Rook-senpai will do to me if I make the wrong mo--EEP!!”
Before he has even finished his sentence, Floyd is flying at him like a shark tearing through water.
Octa A-kun screams as Floyd’s foot connects with the couch, boxing him in and nearly knocking the furniture over. Azul’s glasses flash a pure white, and he makes no move to restrain the feral eel.
“What was that, Konbu-chan?” Floyd asks--no, demands--as he leers down at him. Teeth gnashing. “Did I hear you right? Umineko-kun got in the way?”
“E-Eeeep! Ch-Chill out, Floyd-senpai! You’re...you’re scaring me!!” Octa A-kun whimpers, his poor heart pounding out of his chest.
“Speak freely, Kon-san,” Azul prompts, waving a gloved hand to silence Floyd--but his tone is just as icy and cruel as the eel’s eyes. “What is this I hear about...interference?”
“W-Well...h-he seemed to know that you sent me. And he said he might...do things if I make a misstep.” Octa A-kun furiously shakes his head. “I’ll need a replacement hat after th-that encounter...I-I’m sorry, dorm leader, but I r-really don’t want to be involved in this any more than I have to...!”
Azul leans back in his chair, and his face settles into a serious expression.
“Uwaaah, Jade wasn’t kiddin’ when he said Umineko-kun was guarding Black Pearly like a shark on sunken treasure,” Floyd flicks his tongue along his teeth, which gleam dangerously under the lights of the VIP room. “Even the low level lackies get chewed up and spat out, ehehehe~”
“This is not funny, Floyd. This just makes things that much more difficult,” Azul snaps, pushing his glasses up.
“It’s fine, it’s fiiine,” Floyd insists dismissively with a giggle. “I’ll just follow Konbu-chan--and if that creep Umineko-kun gets close, I’ll beat’em bloody~”
“I-Isn’t that a bit extreme?!” Octa A-kun protests, only to earn a withering glare from Floyd.
“Shut your trap, guppy. No one asked for your opinion,” Floyd hisses--then his expression brightens considerably when he addresses his dorm leader. “Ne, ne, Azul! Can I, can I?”
“Absolutely not. We still need to collect more information before taking such drastic action,” Azul says, his voice tinged with irrtation. “Might I remind you, Floyd, that Octavinelle is, once again, in poor standing with the headmaster? It would not do to further tarnish our reputation with another incidence report.”
“Laaaame~” Floyd pouts, backing away from Oct A-kun. “I’m not allowed to do anything fun anymore.”
“As I was saying,” Azul continues, ignoring the eel, “thank you for bringing this to my attention, Kon-san. Your work here is done--you are relieved from your duties until further notice. Dismissed.”
“Y-Yessir!! Th-Thank you so much, sir!” Octa A-kun breathes a massive sigh of relief. He is quick to gather his coat and hat, then bow to his senpais and hurriedly exit.
Azul pinches the bridge of his nose.  “...This will become a problem if it persists.”
“I don’t get it, Azul!” Floyd whines loudly, slamming his hands on his dorm leader’s desk. “Why don’t we just kidnap Black Pearly already and make her ‘n Jade ‘fess up? That’d be sooo much easier than dancing around Umineko-kun!”
“That is not how proper reconciliation works, Floyd,” Azul points out. “If we are to fix this mess, then we cannot hope to resolve it overnight.”
He thinks of the details Octa A-kun had divulged--the countless books that litter Raven’s abode, the fixation on work, the strangely named ink, the interest in curses...Surely they must all mean something.
He pauses, before adding, “...I feel as though I am missing a vital piece of the puzzle.”
“Ehhhh? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Call it...octopus’s intuition. There is something bigger at play here, something far more powerful than you or I can comprehend.” Azul folds his arms. “And if we intend to bring back Miss Raven into Jade’s arms, then that is one puzzle piece we must find.”
“Hmmm.” Floyd leans down, peering into Azul’s solemn face--then breaks out into a toothy grin. “Ne, ne, you really care a lot about Jade, don’t you?”
“Hmph. Don’t be ridiculous,” Azul snaps, lips pursing into a straight line. “This is merely a case of an employer fretting over the well being of his employee. Jade cannot perform at his best if he is emotionally distressed. I am simply doing my due diligence as his employer to ensure that he is content--it benefits the business.”
“Ehehehe~ In the end, Azul’s heart is juuust as squishy and soft as his octopus form~” The eel wraps his arms around Azul, squeezing the dorm leader against his chest. “That’s sooo cute~”
“Nope! Don’t wanna~”
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Octa A-kun is halfway down the corridor when a hand clamps down--hard--onto his shoulder. The student squeaks in terror as he is whipped around--and comes face-to-face with his smiling vice-dorm leader.
“Good evening, Kon-san,” Jade says nonchalantly, his tone light but his aura dark. “Might I have a moment with you?”
For the third time that day. Octa A-kun’s stomach sinks--but he lacks both the strength and the willpower to resist.
“S-Sure...Wh-What is it?”
Jade cranes his head down, his single golden eye glowing despite his sinister shadow. “I have received word that you have been snooping around campus. Naughty, naughty Kon-san. You should know better.”
Octa A-kun instinctively takes a step back, putting some distance between him and his vice-dorm leader--the information broker of Octavinelle. No secret can evade him, it seems.
“Th-The dorm leader asked me to...!” he confesses, cheeks turning pink in embarrassment.
“Please, be at ease. I do not bite,” Jade says smoothly, chuckling into his glove. “Now then, my sources tell me that you happened upon Miss Raven’s quarters. Is this correct?”
“Then let me ask this of you--did you, by chance, see a blue envelope?”
“Blue envelope...” Octa A-kun’s eyes light up in realization. “A-Ah, I do seem to recall seeing something like that. She...She keeps it in a drawer. It was unopened.”
“Unopened...?” Jade repeats the word carefully, as though handling a delicate artifact. He brings a hand to his chin in contemplation, his brows furrowing. “It is no wonder why she continues to behave in such a vehement manner,” he mumbles under his breath.
“Um...vice-dorm leader? Is everything alright?” Octa A-kun asks nervously.
“...No. It is nothing, I assure you.” Jade composes himself, smiling once more--this time, without a hint of darkness to it. “Think nothing of it, dear Kon-san. Please, do retire for the night--that was all I wished to know, fufu.”
“O-Of course, vice-dorm leader...”
Jade sees him off with a polite wave.
Octa A-kun waits until Jade is completely out of sight before he collapses into a heap on the ground. He clutches onto his stomach, which twists and knots with fright, and sniffles softly to himself.
Why, oh, why was he not sorted into a normal dorm with normal non-scary students and normal, healthy relationships with their peers? No, instead he’s trapped in the mermaid mafia and witnessing Overblot incidents every single month.
Go to Night Raven College, they said. It’d be fun, they said. You’ll get a great education, they said.
J-Just...Just give me a quiet, peaceful life already...!!
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ee-furoido · 4 years
I hate to ask this, but is the Mostro Lounge accepting temporary hires for the upcoming holiday season? I am short on pocket money for presents, so I’m looking for a source of income. I-It’s not like I want to or anything, I can just ask Mr. S instead if you don’t want a clumsy waitress.
“Oh, I’m afraid our schedules are quite packed, many of the Octavinelle students have the same thought and try to attempt double shifts in order to get those extra few coins.” Jade sifts through the planner on Azul’s desk in the VIP room. A sly grin spreads across his face as he sees a familiar name listed in the schedule, a young seaweed-headed student who just wants to go about their workday peacefully without a Leech hovering over his shoulder... He takes his pen out of his pocket and gently scribbles it out, replacing his name with yours.
“Oya? Looks like you may be in luck, Miss Raven, looks like Octa A-kun has requested to be removed from the schedule. You may take his place for some shifts. Fufufu, no need to go anywhere else.”
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kl4us4 · 7 years
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ALWAYS HAVE BEEN (Octavia Blake x Female Reader)
Request: Bellamy saying this to the reader about y/n and octavia
Prompt: #10 “Oh my god. You’re in love with her\him.”
“It’s not that easy.” Octavia explains to her brother, wishing he would just drop the entire subject. 
But she knows Bellamy and how persistent he can be when he sees that somethings troubling Octavias mind.
“No,” Bellamy replies, furrowing his eyebrows at her, “not until you tell me what the hell is going on.”
Octavia knew this was bound to happen. She knew that her time wandering to Polis would catch Bellamy’s suspicion. After not seeing Octavia around camp for a few days, he made a note to check where she had been sneaking off to. Turns out it was Polis.
Bellamy knew about you. He knew you and O were close but now as he hears her talk, he wonders just how close you are.
“Stop following me.” O rolls her eyes, turning away from her brother so she can continue the trek to her destination. In her hand is the leash to her beloved horse, who carries much needed supplies. 
“With Ice Nation out here hunting us, no one is safe. I’m supposed to-”
“To protect me, I know!” She snaps, pausing. Her shoulders relax when she turns around to Bellamy once more. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay, O.” Bellamy is by her side instantly, “You can talk to me. I can help.”
Looking down, she lets out a small sigh. “It’s Y/N.” Octavia begins as she looks up at her brother who wears a knowing expression. “You’re right, Azgeda’s dangerous and Polis has been invaded with their warriors. Y/N needs me, she’s taking injured people in, helping them, saving lives. If she’s caught, they’ll... they’ll kill her, Bell. I need to be there for her.”
The whole time Bellamy watches Octavia, examining her expression and tone. A thought pops into his mind but he doesn’t let it out. 
“Alright.” Bellamy gives her a smile as he nods his head, “Let’s go to Polis, then.”
Unlike many other days Octavia spent at Polis, this one is different. There are barely any people in the market, barely anyone selling anything either. 
It’s eerie and quiet and it sends a shiver down Octavias back as she gets off her horse. “Where do we find her?” Bellamy inquires, whispering to Octavia as his eyes search the area.
“This way. Follow me.” 
Luckily no Azgeda warriors cross paths with the siblings on the way to you. Though it seems to be pure luck that there’s been no violence today, it just puts Octavia on edge. 
All she wants to do is see you and know that you’re safe. Then she’ll be calm. They approach the hut shrouded amongst many trees. 
It looks small but as O steps inside with Bell following behind, it reveals itself to be quite spacious. Walking slowly, Octavia looks around, “Y/N?” She yells out, her eyes wide and full of fear. 
“Through the door to your left!” The two hear you shout and they move quickly. 
When they entire the room, they’re met with the sight of you kneeling beside a man, trying to stop the blood coming from the arrow in his leg. 
Octavia is quick to run beside you, opening the bag of supplies you had requested.
“Thank you so much, O.” You smile at her as you open the bag, pulling out the equipment you need to remove the arrow. 
There are beds all along the wall, hosting injured and sick people who are being tended to by help you’ve recruited.
It’s quite easy now that you have what you need along with extra hands to help out. Bellamy helps with lifting the man onto the bed and once that is done, it’s over. He’s alright.
Exhaling deeply, you look to Bellamy. “Thank you both for your help. I don’t know what I’d do without the Blake siblings.” You laugh, turning to Octavia who brings you a wet cloth to wash the blood off your hands with.
“Don’t worry about it.” Bell replies, “What you’re doing here is great.”
“She knows.” O states, standing beside you as she watches you fondly, “I tell her all the time.”
You let out a small laugh, shaking your head. “Well, I better go put these things in the supply room. I’ll be right back, guys.” 
Octavia watches you leave and you can feel her blue eyes burning holes into your back. Bellamy, on the other hand, watches his sister as you walk away. “How long have you know her for?” He wonders innocently.
“Four? Five months.” Octavia replies, smiling lazily as she looks back to Bellamy who just watches her, “She’s my best friend. She’s more than that.”
“Oh my god.” Bellamy breathes as a smile appears across his face. O watches him curiously. “You’re in love with her.”
“What?” Octavia’s eyes go wide.
“It’s so obvious, O. You like each other!” Bellamy whispers, stepping closer to Octavia. 
Pulling him in, Octavia gives Bell a stern look for him to keep his voice down. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, yeah?” She rolls her eyes, whispering to Bellamy, “We haven’t told each other that yet...”
Crossing his arms, Bellamy raises his eyebrows, “Well-”
“Shut up.” O cuts him off quietly, her eyes focusing behind her brother.
“She’s coming, shut up!”
“Tell her!” Bellamy whispers inaudibly just before you reach the pair. Octavia can’t help but smile when she looks at you, feeling her chest skip a beat. Maybe she is in love.
“That’s that sorted. Hopefully it’s calmer in here now.” You let out a long, tiresome sigh. 
“You’ve done amazing.” Octavia states, rubbing your arm comfortingly. You smile at her, feeling your cheeks heat up. 
“You really have.” Bellamy coughs awkwardly, glancing to the side, “I’m going to step outside for a while.” He announces before he heads for the door, giving O a nod and secret grin.
“Thanks again for your help today, if it weren’t for you I don’t know what I would do.” You tell her, walking around through the hallways and away from the patients.
“Anything for you.” Octavia replies. Her blue eyes travel from your eyes to your lips, taking in your perfect features in the dim light of the hallway.
It feels natural having her leaning towards you, her lips so close to pressing against yours. Her hands are gently placed on either side of your cheeks and your back is pressed against the wall. This is a normal occurrence whenever Octavia comes to visit you.
Just before you place your lips upon hers, she mutters your name in a quiet whisper. “Y/N.” 
Pulling back slightly, you hum in response. “What’s wrong?”
She looks down, the words caught in her throat. “I need to tell you something... But I don’t know how to tell you.”
“Octavia are you... are you,” you begin, furrowing your eyebrows at her, “gay?”
She bursts out laughing, her smile stretching across her face as she presses her face against your neck. You smile down as you watch her, placing your hands on her hips. 
“I love you.” She blurts out as she faces you, realising it’s the easiest way to tell you. There’s no way around it. “I love you, O.”
Your smile falters for a second, wondering if she’s joking. “Really?” You ask seriously.
“Really.” She admits with a shrug, “I’m in love with you. I always have been, Y/N.”
Your smile reappears and you feel your chest flutter. “I love you more.” 
“Oh no you don’t.” Octavia scoffs, shaking her head as she leans towards you again. You chuckle as she presses quick kisses over your face before finally planting her lips onto yours in a passionate kiss.
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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Samsung Galaxy A31 Detailed Review
Samsung Galaxy A31 Review
Complete the gap that exists.
Understanding Samsung's Galaxy An and M arrangement models are getting more earnestly continuously, as new models are gotten with minor revives, however, don't generally arrange in a legitimate request. For instance, the ongoing Galaxy M21 was essentially a Galaxy M30s with an alternate selfie camera, however passing by the model names, it's difficult to make that association.
While a few models in the A and M arrangement have slight covers in estimating, there's as yet a generally clear qualification between the arrangement themselves. As a rule, most models in the An arrangement will in general have better completes and fancier highlights, for example, in-show unique finger impression sensors, while the M arrangement organizes low costs.
Today, we are going to seek a new Galaxy A31 from Samsung, which will succeed in the Galaxy A30 on board. Contrasted with the last mentioned, the new model offers a fourth back camera, a greater battery, a higher-goals show, full help for Samsung Pay, and a more significant expense tag. Accessible in only a solitary arrangement with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of capacity for Rs. 21,999, does the Galaxy A31 merit a spot in our pined for a rundown of top telephones under Rs. 25,000?. How about we see.
Samsung Galaxy A31 Design: Been there, seen that
Given the fact that the Galaxy A31 's structure is not new to a Samsung financial program, I like how slim and compact it is. The all-polycarbonate body feels very tough yet it gets fingerprints without any problem. The telephone has a perceptibly thick jawline underneath the screen and an Infinity-U pattern at the top for the selfie camera.
There's a colossal SIM plate on the left, for two SIM cards and a microSD card. The earphone jack, USB Type-C port, and a speaker are at the base. The rear shows the Prism Crush feature of Samsung, whose blue edition we have. This telephone is additionally accessible in back and white trims. The quad-camera bunch at the back is a rectangular module and doesn't swell outward a lot.
In general, the Galaxy A31 was agreeable to use every day during this survey. It's somewhat wide, and arriving at the highest point of the presentation isn't the most straightforward, however, One UI has signals to help with this. In the wake of seeing numerous telephones in the arrangement with a similar example on the back, the structure has begun to feel a touch of exhausting now. The container substance is quite standard as well: there's a silicone case, a charger, a USB link, and a headset.
Samsung Galaxy A31 Display: AMOLED never baffles
The Galaxy A31 has a sharp full HD plus Super AMOLED display of 6.4-inch of resolution of 1080 by 2400 pixels. I saw it as more than sufficient as far as splendor, even in the daytime. Hues were a piece unreasonably rich for my preference for the default 'Striking' mode, however, this can be mitigated in the settings. The showcase is level, with no bends on the sides, however, there are no sharp edges either so performing signals isn't an issue.
There's an in-show unique mark sensor, which isn't extremely speedy yet functions admirably as long as you give it a firm press. The time taken to wake the screen, alongside the unique mark activities, cause this entire procedure to feel a piece laggy. I typically depended on face acknowledgment, which I saw as snappier. The consistently in plain view has fundamental customizations, for example, the capacity to show what melody is playing, and a decision of various clock styles.
Samsung Galaxy A31 Performance: Quite baffling
In spite of its conventional form quality and great showcase, its presentation is a major issue. Samsung uses the MediaTek Helio P65 octa-center soc, so I have no issue with the cost of a telephone which is Rs .10,000, even though I can only expect Rs.20000. Contrasted with even the Galaxy M21, which utilizes the Exynos 9611 and costs much less, the Galaxy A31 is slower in the greater part of the famous benchmarks.
Samsung's One UI v2.1, in light of Android 10, additionally feels somewhat languid generally speaking. There's a persevering trace of falter in the movements, and slack when I was exchanging between applications. It didn't hamper utilization to an extreme however holding up that additional second or two for things to happen isn't an encounter I expect at this value point. One UI itself is reasonably include rich with heaps of alternate routes, topics, and signals to mess with. There's likewise Dolby Atmos, yet just for wired and remote earphones.
The Galaxy A31 bolsters Google's Widevine L1 confirmation, which implies video spilling applications can play content at the presentation's local goals. The single speaker gets genuinely noisy however the sound quality is carefully normal. Straightforward games run well, yet heavier titles, for example, Asphalt 9: Legends or even PUBG Mobile ran at diminished design settings. Ongoing interaction was middle of the road yet they didn't look on a par with they ought to have. I additionally saw a touch of warming when messing around for longer spans. 
Samsung Galaxy A31 Cameras: The Mistake Proceeds 
Alright, so far the Galaxy A31 isn't looking excessively engaging, yet maybe it can vindicate itself with its camera execution. The four cameras on the back incorporate an essential 48-megapixel sensor, an 8-megapixel sensor with a wide-point focal point, a 5-megapixel profundity camera, and a 5-megapixel full-scale camera. The openings of the considerable number of cameras aren't especially amazing, with even the one on the principle camera being simply f/2.0. The front camera utilizes a 20-megapixel sensor.  The camera application ought to be natural to most Samsung clients, however, I found a couple of missing highlights which should have been there. Recalling the expense and location of the handset, it's a little strange not to have 4K video capture as an option and even a low-light night-mode quiet. Master mode is disabled, with no alternative to change the screen speed. Self-adjust speed is fair, however, this telephone will in general chase for center in low light.
You do get Samsung's 'Scene optimizer' AI motor, and the capacity to spare stills and video in the HEIF and HEVC groups. Under great light, the primary sensor catches better than average looking photographs. Pictures are caught as 12-megapixel shots as a matter of course yet you can take shots at the full 48-megapixel goals if necessary. In low light, the clamor is smothered well however subtleties are inadequate with regards to, which is recognizable when you zoom in to photographs a piece. Close-ups shot under great light passage better, with great subtleties and hues, however, because of screen slack, even slight developments can cause obscuring.
The wide-point camera catches relatively more vulnerable subtleties, and HDR isn't as powerful as on the primary camera. In low light, subtleties are a lot of more awful and there's no Night mode to help rescue shots.
Live Focus works adequately well, and the measure of foundation obscure can be balanced for picture shots. The large scale camera makes a reasonable showing with extraordinary close-ups yet I didn't see picture quality as far superior to what I've seen from telephones with 2-megapixel sensors.
Recordings are restricted to 1080p goals, however, quality is respectable given plentiful light when shooting with the essential camera. The Galaxy A31 does not even offer electronic adjustment, and therefore the developments look jerky with the camera. You can't change to the wide-point camera while recording however you can change to it before you start. True to form, video quality is just about satisfactory under great light yet poor in low light. There's no adjustment here either.
The selfie camera catches 12-megapixel stills naturally (8-megapixels in the event that you pick a more tight yield). Be that as it may, you can take shots at the local goals as well. Selfies are commonly usable when shooting outside, in sunlight. Skin tones will in general look excessively warm and HDR can be an all in or all out, yet it's not all that awful. The camera battles to recreate great subtleties in low light, frequently leaving you with delicate surfaces and feeble subtleties.
In general, the cameras on the Galaxy A31 are very disappointing and need numerous highlights that you'd find in numerous telephones that cost much less.
Samsung Galaxy A31 Battery: Pretty great
On the off chance that there is one saving grace about the Galaxy A31, at that point it would be battery life. The 5,000mAh battery went on for 18 hours and 11 minutes in our HD video circle test, which is awesome. Indeed, even with standard utilization, I was effectively ready to work out positively past a day on a solitary charge. There is 15W quick charging, so you can energize the battery to 50 percent in 60 minutes, yet filling it totally takes well more than two hours.
Decision: Who is the Samsung Galaxy A31 for?
I'm battling to locate a valid justification for the Galaxy A31 to exist, and I sincerely can't consider one. It appears just as Samsung has propelled it basically to fill the value hole between the Galaxy A50s【₹ 19,475 and the Galaxy A51 (Review) — both of which would be a greatly improved pick than the Galaxy A31. Battery life is the principle champion element here, alongside the nice form quality and show.
Be that as it may, the mediocre SoC execution and disappointing cameras are flaws that are too glaring to even consider ignoring when you're paying more than Rs. 20,000. Regardless of whether the value were to drop, there are a lot of all the more remarkable and highlight rich choices in the market, for instance, telephones of Realme and Xiaomi, or Samsung's own Galaxy A50s and Galaxy M31.
☞ Great Battery Life
☞ Solid Vivid Display
☞ Great One UI
☞ System Performance Is Not Good
☞ Mediocre Cameras
☞ Slow Fingerprint Sensor
☞ Old And Boring Design
MediaTek Helio P65
Android 10
Samsung Galaxy A31 6GB RAM, 128GB - Prism Crush Blue  – Click Here To Go The Page
Samsung Galaxy A31, 6GB RAM, 128GB Prism Crush Black  – Click Here To Go To The Page
Samsung Galaxy A31, 6GB RAM, 128GB Prism Crush White  - Click Here To Go To The Page
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hub-pub-bub · 5 years
The e-Reader industry is experiencing a boom period and millions of people are either buying one of the first time or upgrading older devices. There are going to be dozens of different devices coming out, some are geared towards casual readers and others will be a replacement for paper, allowing you to take digital notes with a stylus or edit PDF files. Here are all of the new e-readers that are coming out in 2019!
Onyx Boox Nova Pro
The Onyx Boox Nova Pro features a 7.8 E-Ink Carta HD screen with a resolution of 1872×1404 and 300PPI. The screen is completely flush with the bezel. Underneath the hood is a 1.6GHZ quad core processor, which is the same one that the Onyx Boox Nova employs. There is 32GB of storage, 2GB of RAM, USB-C, 2800 mAh battery and Android 6.0. You will be able to read in the dark via the frontlit display and it also has a color temperature system.
The big selling points of the Nova PRO is that it will be a digital note taking device. It will have a WACOM screen and come with a stylus. There will be a digital note taking app and functionality to edit PDF files. This in in addition to the capacitive touchscreen display for swipes and gestures. The cost of the Nova PRO is $299 and ships on March 8th 2019.
Onyx Boox Note Pro
The Onyx Boox Note Pro features a 10.3 inch E-ink Mobius and Carta display and a resolution of 1872×1404 and 227 PPI. It has a WACOM screen for the stylus and a capacitive touchscreen for interactions involving swipes and gestures.  The PRO will also feature the same glass based display as the Note Plus, so the screen will not get damaged no matter how hard you press on the stylus, and doesn’t really need a screen protector.
Underneath the hood is a 1.6GHZ quad core processor, 4GB of RAM, 64GB of storage, dual speakers, mic, Bluetooth 4.0, USB C and WIFI. Onyx was the first e-reader company to employ a quad processor and it dramatically increases the performance of navigating around the device, surfing the internet, turning the pages of a book or using Android apps.
The big selling point of the Note Pro, is that it has a color temperature system and a front-lit display, so you can finally use it at night or in low light conditions.  It also is a digital note taking device, with a ton of options to freehand draw, edit pdf files or make annointations in ebooks. The cost of the Note PRO is $599.
Boyue Likebook Muses
The Boyue Likebook Muses features a s a 7.8 inch E Ink Carta touchscreen display with a resolution of 1782×1448 and 300 PPI. It also has a WACOM layer and comes with a stylus. In order to take notes effectively Boyue has incorporated the same note taking software that the Likebook Mimas employs.
Underneath the hood is a 8 core 1.5 GHZ processor with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. This is the 3rd e-reader ever made with an octa-core processor. It also has support for Bluetooth, WIFi, 3.5mm headphone jack, but doesn’t have built in in speakers. It is powered by a 3100mAh battery.
The Muses has a front-lit display with 17 LED lights, the vast majority of them are white and the rest are orange to give a candlelight effect. Many e-readers that have a color temperature system have two different sliders, one for each. The Boyue has one slider that controls the luminosity of the white LED lights and if you hit the moon button you can control the brightness of the candlelight effect. I like this condensed approach, it minimizes the amount of space the lighting control system takes up.
You can consider the Muses the second generation Likebook Mars, except this device can take notes and has a SD card that is capable of running an additional 128GB of storage. SD’s are increasingly rare on e-readers these days and if you are looking for something that can house your extensive collection of digital content, look no further. The Likebook Muses is now available on the Good e-Reader Store and it retails for $289.
Wisky EeWrite E-Pad
The Wisky EeWrite is a new e-reader that is hitting mass production right now and will be released sometime in May. This 10.3 inch e-reader is the first one that is utilizing a Helio 10 core processor and its performance is putting everything else to shame.
The EeWrite features a 10.3 inch E Ink Mobius display with a resolution of 1872 x 1404 with 227 PPI. It has both a touchscreen layer for interactions and a WACOM one for taking notes and editing PDF files with the accompanied stylus.
Underneath the hood is a deca-core Helio X20, which should dramatically increase performance with the Android based operating system. There is no word yet on how much RAM is has, but it does have 32GB of internal storage and is powered by a massive 4,100 mAh battery. It has USB-C, stereo speakers, Bluetooth, a microphone and a SIM card, so you can you access all of your favorite apps, while on the go.
This product is currently undergoing a very limited crowdfunding campaign and only a few hundred units will be available in its first production run. It will retail for $399 and will be available in May or June 2019.
Wisky E-Pad X/Janus
Good e-Reader broke the news in March that Wisky was developing an e-reader that had two screens, one would be E Ink and the other would be a full color LCD. The company has developed a prototype, which they have just debuted at on their website.
The Wisky EPad X features a 9.7 inch LCD display with a resolution of 1536×2048 and on the back is 9.7 inch E Ink Carta HD panel with a resolution of 1200×825. Underneath the hood is a MT8176 six-core processor, 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. If you are unhappy with the amount of storage, there is an SD card capable of an additional 64-128GB. There is a WIFI+USB+HDMI+Mailbox transfer document system and USB-C. You can listen to audiobooks or music with the dual speakers or via Bluetooth headphones. It is powered by a giant 5000mAh battery.
Eewrite says the tablet supports a Wacom digital pen with 4096 levels of pressure sensitivity, so in addition to reading eBooks and other documents, you should be able to jot notes, draw pictures, and annotate documents. They also stated that only one screen can be on at a time, and a button cycles between the LCD screen and the E Ink one.
This device will be available soon on a crowdfunding platform, it is likely it will be introduced once their E-Pad campaign has wrapped up.
Dasung – Not an e-reader
In late 2018 Dasung launched a crowdfunding campaign for a very interesting new product. This device can make phone calls, read ebooks, run Android apps and also be used as a secondary monitor that can play video.
The new Dasung product is called “Not an e-reader” and it features a 7.8  E-ink Screen Carta HD display with 300 PPI. It has a front-lit display so users can read in the dark and also has a color temperature system for cold and warm light.
Underneath the hood is a Quad Core Processor, 2GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage. It has Bluetooth, Wifi, 5-point touch, 2-channel stereo. You will be able to listen to music via the 3.5mm headphone jack. There is an HDMI port so it may be plugged into a PC or laptop to act as a secondary monitor. This device has its own power supply, which is a first for Dasung and it is 5300 mAh.
The big daw is using it as a dedicated ebook reader. You can use the default app to read all the popular formats such as EPUB, MOBI or PDF. It has a fast mode system for top-speed refresh rate, smooth operation and a solid reading mode, which dramatically increases refresh rate, better contrast, exquisite graphics quality.
The Dansung e-reader can mirror whatever is on your Android phone, since it is running Android 6.0. You can make phone calls right on the e-reader, which is useful if your phones battery is almost dead.
This product is retailing for $389 for the early bird perks and it will begin shipping sometime in March 2019. I would trust Dasung to deliver, they always crowdfund their campaigns, it helps them gauge how many extra units to incorporate in their initial production run, so they can meet demand. Once the crowdfunding phase is over, it will be sold on Amazon.
The Mobiscribe features a 6.8 inch Carta E-ink screen with a frontlight. It has both a capacitive and Wacom touchscreen, giving you the option of using either your fingertip or a stylus that supports 2096 levels of pressure sensitivity.
This device runs Android 4.4 on a 1GHz Freescale CPU with 512MB RAM and 8GB internal storage. It also has a microSD card slot and wifi, and you can change the color temperature of the frontlight and is powered by a 1500 mAh battery.
This product was a Indiegogo hit and generated over $321,000 in just a few months. The product retails for $214.00 and will ship out in September 2019.
Mobiscribe 10.3
The Mobiscribe brand is owned by TeamUC, which is the North American manufacturer for Netronix. Netronix has just filed an FCC application for new 10.3 inch e-reader and Good e-Reader has confirmation that Mobiscribe will release a large screen digital note taking device that will have the same software as the Mobiscribe 6.8, which has been in the crowdfunding stage for the past few months.
The FCC has received an embargo request, so they are not releasing official specs or pictures of the product until October. This is quite normal for ebook readers and tablets, as companies do not want to give their competition too much information, so they release their own products.
TeamUC has been involved in E-Paper for over a dozen years and sells e-readers, digital signage and shelf labels for the US market.
Amazon Kindle Basic
Amazon has just unveiled a new entry level Kindle e-reader with an E Ink Carta display and a front-light. This e-reader refreshes the old model that has been heavily discounted in the past few months, as Amazon was trying to get rid of as many units as possible.
The entry level Kindle e-reader features a 6 inch E Ink Carta display with a resolution of 800×600 and 167 PPI. This is the first Kindle with a front-light display, which allows you to control the brightness using a slider bar. It has 4 LED lights that are on the bottom of the bezel and project light upwards, so it is not shining in your eyes.
Underneath the hood is a NXP 6SLL (Cortex-A9 @800M/1GHz processor and 512MB of RAM. There is 4GB of internal storage to house all of the ebooks you have purchased from Amazon or from your own personal collection that you have sideloaded. There is no SD card for additional storage, but no Kindle after the 1st generation model has had one.
The all-new Kindle helps you go beyond a book with Amazon’s newest reading features. Now, when you finish a book, it will automatically be marked as read in your library and synced across your reading devices including Kindle, Fire tablet, and the free Kindle apps for iOS and Android. With just a few taps, you can filter to see which books you’ve read and which you haven’t, so organizing your library has never been easier.
The new Kindle also has Bluetooth for wireless headphones or an external speaker and has the Audible audiobook store. This will allow you to purchase audiobooks and listen to them.
Three months of Kindle Unlimited is included for free so you can enjoy unlimited access to millions of titles including stories from thriller author Vince Flynn, popular titles like The Selection by Kiera Cass, and classics like The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood.
The all-new Kindle is available for pre-order today starting at $89.99 in the US and will be available to ship on April 10th. There are two colors that will be available – black and white.
Amazon Kindle Voyage 2
The first generation Kindle Voyage was released in 2014 and Amazon was continuing to sell a fair number of units all the way into 2018. At the time, the Voyage was the flagship e-reader, the screen was flush with the bezel and it had page turn buttons that provided haptic feedback when pressed down. The front-lit screen has an ambient light sensor that would automatically control the luminosity of the screen, depending on your environment. This e-reader was replaced by the Oasis as the flagship e-reader, and the Voyage lost its shine.
I have heard from the upstream supply chain that the Voyage will be entering mass production soon and will likely be released sometime in the summer or fall. One of the interesting things I have been told was that the Voyage will have the same screen technology as the Paperwhite 4, which means it will be made of plastic and not glass.  This will make it thinner and lighter, making it easier to carry.  It will also have Bluetooth, something the first generation model did not have. This will allow Amazon to market Audible audiobooks on every single e-reader they sell.
Sony Digital Paper
Sony has finalized development of a new Digital Paper digital note taking device and it will be released sometime in the next six months. It will feature a 13.3 inch screen and will be a replacement for the DPT-RP1 that came out last year.
Rumors in the upstream supply chain suggest that the new Digital Paper will have an E Ink Carta and a Mobius screen. Internal storage will be doubled from previous models and the stylus will undergo an extensive redesign. One of the big things Sony wants to do with the stylus is being able to crop and copy PDF documents and save them as individual file. This is similar to the way the Firefox internet browser handles it with the mouse.
Sony also plans on innovating the software experience and changing the way backgrounds are downloaded. Currently you can only download additional backgrounds from the Sony website, but they are changing it so they can be delivered with the Desktop software.  I have also heard they are working on some enterprise features.
The Digital Paper has been on the market since 2014 the and product has seen multiple generations. The landscape has changed in the past few years due to increased competition from companies like Remarkable and Onyx.
Last year Sony and E Ink formed a co-partnership called Linfiny and the Digital Paper 2019 edition will be a byproduct of this relationship. Sony has received a massive discount on the screens, so they can focus on the added costs of software development, which hasn’t really changed in the past three years. It remains to be seen if Sony will scrap the CP1 10.3 inch model, since it hasn’t sold well.
iReader Ocean
The iReader series of e-readers have only been available in China, but now they are starting to have wider availability. The iReader Ocean is a new device that is available for pre-order on many sites, including Banggood.
The iReader Ocean features a 6.8 E Ink Carta HD capacitive touchscreen display. The resolution is 1440×1080 and has 300 ppi. There is a front-lit display and color temperature system to read in the dark. Underneath the hood is a Freescale/NXP 1GHZ SoloLite processor, 512MB of RAM, 8GB of internal storage, WIFI and is powered by a 1500 mAh battery. The dimensions are 177.2x125x7.5mm and weighs 196g.
This device is powered by Linux and has a custom UI. It reads many ebook formats such as EBK .TXT .UMD .EPUB .PDF .MOBI. It is available as pre-order and will ship off on May 30th, 2019 and will cost $202 and comes with free shipping.
iReader T6
Xiaomi has just unveiled their first ebook reader and it is called the iReader T6. It is available now from iReader.com in China for ¥928 and also from JD Read. It was designed to compete against the Kindle and other smaller e-readers.
The iReader T6 features a 6 inch E Ink Carta HD display with a resolution of 1448×1072 and 300 PPI.  The screen is completely flush with the bezel and it has a front-lit display for reading at night. Underneath the hood is a 1GHZ Freescale IMX6 Solo Lite processor and 8GB of internal storage. It is powered by a 1500 mAh battery, which should provide several weeks of usage. The width is 7.4 mm with a total weight of 160 g.
This device is using a proprietary Linux based OS iReader UI 2.0, which provides compatibility with all major formats of books and documents for reading : EBK, TXT, UMD, EPUB, PDF and MOBI. It has a pre-installed digital store with hundreds of digital books and magazines, but there is also the ability to download files over Wifi.
Untitled Kobo E-Reader
Kobo is working on new e-reader that will have audiobook support via Bluetooth. Kobo audiobooks can be purchased on a per title basis, but the platform also offers a subscription system for a monthly fee and it also comes with a 30-day free trial period. Customers will get one credit a month with their subscription and they can be redeemed for any audiobook title on the platform. In addition, readers earn Kobo Super Points on their monthly subscription fees or audiobook purchases.
Industry experts have told me that the new Kobo e-reader will be a replacement for the Kobo Aura Edition 2that came out in 2016. I believe that Kobo is going to simply release the Forma Limited Edition in Canada, US, UK, Australia and New Zealand. They will be able to charge more money for the unit, because people will likely pay more money to listen to audiobooks on a Kobo branded E Ink device. I have also heard that they are thinking of increasing the storage space from 32GB to 64GB.
One of the barriers Kobo is facing is building an audiobook player that will be compatible with an E Ink screen and what types of features the average user will want. The company is also trying to figure out the cloud storage aspect of audiobooks that customers have made through the Kobo Android app or the main Kobo website and getting them to sync properly to their accounts on the e-reader.  Syncing ebooks is normally not a challenge, but the average audiobook ranges in size from 250MB to 1.2GB.
Wrap up
Undoubtedly Pocketbook, Tolino, Boyue, Onyx, Barnes and Noble will all release new e-readers sometime this year, but product names and specs are currently unknown. At least one product will be using Clearink color epaper, but the actual device is a closely guarded secret. This post will constantly be updated as new e-readers are announced or we hear rumors. Stay tuned!
Michael Kozlowski
Michael Kozlowski is the Editor in Chief of Good e-Reader. He has been writing about audiobooks and e-readers for the past ten years. His articles have been picked up by major and local news sources and websites such as the CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and Verge.
0 notes
theinventionof-blog · 7 years
Finest Android Telephones (November 20 17)
Critical recently launched their Android Oreo Beta Program, open to most proprietors of these PH-1 flagship.  There are a few mobiles that will get it.  Let's take a good look in what tablets will soon be having that the Android 8.0 Oreo upgrade.  Data is that the word generally utilized to describe the amount (usually in megabytes) that you may download or upload on your own smartphone through the cell phone community.  We continue to update this checklist together with all of the Android apparatus of Tracfone and that means they can be easily seen by you and compare with the choices.  It isn't perfect, with all the monitor's finish choosing fingerprints up and also the camera software not consistently excellent, but the P10 in addition is a pretty solid example of a 5.5-inch smart-phone.   We will incorporate every single Android apparatus from Tracfone in this list, with advice on every single phone that you are able to compare to some others to pick the best one to fulfill your requirements.  PriceBaba makes it possible to locate the most effective deals of Android cell Phones on sale on various website.  Nokia has the optimal/optimally smartphone line up in 20 17!  The Android phones offer the exact same features since the brands but without it being necessary for you to pay brand rates.  Having a very long collection of attributes you would like and just a few that you never, there is no greater funding phone than Motorola's Moto G5 in addition. Also consider: Looking for a large monitor Android phone?  Loaded with functions that are superior, uncover the smartphone.  Using a 4-inch screen and guts that fit with the 6S, including Apple A-9 chip-set, 2GB RAM, Apple Pay, retin a display, along with the 12MP rear digital camera, this thing is a little pocket rocket rocket.  When it has to do with the evaluations, as in addition to testing camera efficiency DxO also assists smartphone manufacturers in 27, lots of folks could be doubtful.  Unlike the LG G5, the more attachments of the Moto Z2 Play can snap on the back of the phone, allowing you to slap  battery package, optical zoom, a speaker or projector as and when you please.   Mi produces services and products in numerous types such as mobiles, cellular headsets and speakers, speakers, air compressors, mobile power banksand cellphone cases and covers, tablets, headphones and earphones, intelligent rings, mobile chargers.  The Meizu Guru 7 in addition tends to circle around #488 and at the price tag, makes it one of its most fascinating, and best, smartphones you can buy at 2017.  And add in that 16MP digicam using optical image stabilization and the LG G 4 is just a tough Android phone to pass up.  The HTC U11 is still a solid competitor for the title of best phone for audiophiles, but also the V30 wins owing for its digital filters along with sound presets, headphone jack, bigger battery, much longer polished design and also its fantastic dual digicam, most of that promise a much better experience all around.  whatsapp status love Buyers in the Philippines have the selection of either the Cherry One, or even the MyPhone Uno mobiles, that have precisely the very same specifications since the existing Android One phones, and will run Android Lollipop as conventional.  The device packs battery however slimmer with lesser battery potential than other apparatus.  In the event you crave for the hottest in engineering and also the most advanced features available, select from flagship designs from leading smartphone makers including Apple , Samsung , HTC , Motorola , Lenovo and much more. Unlike additional Lenovo phones which are built with a fingerprint scanner, this device sports a detector on top of dwelling  button.  The Xiaomi Mi a-1 cost in India is priced at INR 15000 and at to get.  Released by the close of 20-16 or premature 20 17, the Pixi Bond comes with a 4.5" display screen, Android 5.1, 8 GB Internal Memory, 1.1Ghz quadcore processor plus 5 MP rear digicam.  A mobile that doesn't utilize Google search is hardly delivering the greatest Google practical experience."  But still, it feels odd never to be listed, notably when Google's Schmidt said the Galaxy class phones ended up a lot better compared to iPhone. Android abilities a lot of the most economical phones to probably the absolute most premium smartphones on earth.  The Galaxy S-8 of Samsung could be the Android mobile you're able to get at this time.  TECNO H6 packs one.  The only real drawbacks about this particular phone is that it's costly, and only has Android 4.4.  Take a look at our entire Review of this Samsung Galaxy S 5 to learn more.  As you can see below its slim picking with Kyocera being the only major name still producing phones, if you're on the lookout to get a brand new device with MHL.   Oppo's R11s smart-phone comes with a6" 1080x2160 (402 PPI) AMOLED exhibit, an Octa Core Snapdragon 660 CPU, 4 GB of RAM, 64 GB of storage, microsd slotplus a dual 20 MP digital camera along with DualSIM.  You ring on your device, hiding your information , or could lock your phone.  The website uses style to supply.  The Huawei Mate 10 Pro has each of of the features one would expect from your latest flagship smartphones.  S 5, that will be designed with all powerful Android 4.2 OS, Wel come 3.75G network, rapidly 1.0GHz dual-core processor and magnificent front-facing digital camera and humanized and design that is comfortable, will permit you to fondle admiringly. If you are likely to obtain a Mi cellphone, then you are able to choose from Redmi Note 4, Redmi 3-s , Redmi 3s prime , M I maximum , redmi note3 , Mi5 , Mi4 and Mi4i Almost each one of the smartphones come in different styles and have advanced level features that cater to the rising demands of the modern planet.  I see Gionee tablets are quite high priced.  You are able to even create, save and share lists (by tapping the checklist icon), drawings (by tapping the pencil icon), audio recordings (by tapping on the microphone icon) and images (by tapping on the camera icon) from the options menu. The mobile features a Snapdragon 820 with the Adreno 530 GPU, also a 5.5-inch 1080p AMOLED display with Gorilla Glass 4, 6GB of RAM and 64GB of storage (sans a MicroSD slot, regrettably), and it's powered with way of a 3,000 mAh non-removable battery.  Therefore, such as making phone calls, sending SMS, IMing, taking pictures, recording and more, together with Android phones apart from acts, you have unlimited access to enjoying a lot cool attributes and functions.  Cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar and the company to establish the cellphone collaborated, in hopes of raising the earnings.   It really is not understood if the firm will update their previous tablets to Android 8.0 however  at an identical interview, James Du did state that their previous UI (awesome UI) has been left handed and also the company does not plan to make it any farther.  Bottomline: The ZTE Blade zmax is really a major screen phablet in a very reasonable price tag, designed for MetroPCS consumers with functionality and camera detectors.  Cellphones have come to be an essential part of life.  Certainly one of the trendiest features packaged into the gadget is mobile-PC experience once you hook it up to an external display. It accentuates almost all facets from your original too, with a far better camera in low-light, a good performance bump and a design and style that more than befits its requesting price.  Their next smartphone, the Blackphone 2, is powered with a security-focused branch of Android referred to as Quiet OS , that features privateness enhancements including as an safety center that enables you to regulate exactly what data programs can access (more about this later).  This time with their first ever Android smartphone.  It is a DualSIM phone, designed with a QuadHD 5.2-inch show, secure using Corning Gorilla Glass 4.  The apparatus can be available in 32 and 64GB memory variants and has a memory slot.   21MP major digital camera, 8MP front digital camera, 6GB RAM, Snapdragon 820 CPU, USB Sort do 1.0 reversible connector, 5.7-inches quad-HD exhibit, QuickCharge 3, fingerprint scanner are other attributes worth-mentioning.  This is just a excellent addition to this make in India mobile mobiles list.  Click here to come across phones utilizing filters linked for price, characteristicsand manufacturers etc..  This mobile by Reliance's property is one of one of those Made in India phones we have been referring to with this particular list.  Now mobiles with 4GB RAM are few, however, the range of such phones is likely to rise exponentially by the previous quarter of 2015.   It may appear controversial to have the Pixel two XL drifting this down specific list, however also for a mobile phone that's all on the display, it will not always have a exact pleasant exhibit.  If you're looking for somewhat bigger phone and also with still quite good technical specifications, then you may desire to try out the miniature version of both aforementioned phones, i.e. samsung-galaxy S5 Mini.  The biggest benefit of smartphones will be that they save lot of time as they offer multi-functionality like check and edit excel or powerpoint documents, click on videos and photos and edit them using photoshop, check mails, online surfing, reading, gps device etc..   In the event you guessed the third-generation Moto G proved to be a excellent smartphone, then then prepare yourself to get your socks dismissed by the Moto g-4, that packs in a lot more electrical power for only #10 longer than the first launch value of this third-gen version.  Discussing of Google products and services, the Blackphone 2 will not enable you to restrict the means of apps to determine and use Google's advert monitoring identifier for your device, which means you might want to periodically reset the ad tracking data in Preferences -> Google.  You may obtain cell phones on the web.  Phones  in this list offer you auto manners that are improved, but for camera lovers that the Mate 10 Pro offers a wide range of manners and settings.  
0 notes
Android Phones, Cellular Phones & Smart-phones
Launched Back 1969 since Samsung Electric Sectors, Suwon, South Korea-headquartered Samsung Electronics now makes everything out of televisions into Semi-conductors.  What's more, it can be 4G harmonious, that will be very good for the mobile among the and runs Android Nougat.  It's not as fine because the samsung-galaxy S-8 - and even what's more, as the value of the S8 has fallen since launching, OnePlus price ranges are slipping upward by generation to production.  Huawei - Using 2 brands audio and Huawei tablets are fabricated in India.  Gionee M-7 Electricity smartphone specs, value and Chinese smart-phone manufacturer Gionee has established its own very first smart-phone that is bezel-less - M-7 Electricity in India.   The apparatus features a 5.7-inch sizable FHD AMOLED exhibit but using a very low display screen to human anatomy ratio and tons of area above and under the monitor.  The best is new iphone 7 that will be amongst many best mobiles in UAE.  There isn't any greater mobile to get because of also a camera which has a backseat and operation of the telephones and also the applications in the event you adore Android.  This implies buyers will probably find yourself a 4.5-inch, 854 x 480 pixel touch-screensplus a 1.3GHz quadcore chip, 1GB of RAMplus a 5-megapixel rear digicamplus a 2-megapixel entrance digicam, and also 8GB of inner space for storing.   Subsequently utilize this listing to swiftly compare just about every mobiles attributes.  While in this ZMAX Champ's instance, it has a touchscreen, however, also makes sacrifices from different regions to maintain the cost low.  It is still a deal, but despite the cost bulge, also OnePlus has generated probably one of their most apparatus in the marketplace in 20 17.  But products will be very likely to possess increased CPU speeds with processing cores larger displays and RAM.  The LG Optimus Dynamic II includes Android 4.1 along with also a 3.8" touchscreen.  We're capable of developing an reference to see the tablets accessible Tracfone, but while the quantity develops, it grows more hard to keep up that record that is present.   In the conclusion of 2014, Google declared Android One Particular mobiles were Going to start in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.  Vivo's x 20 is really a luxury Android smart-phone which has a6" 1080x2160 SuperAMOLED exhibit, 1 2 MP dual-lens digicam, Snapdragon 660 chip-set (2.2Ghz Octa Core), 4GB of RAM along with 64GB of storage.  Malwarebytes anti malware cost-free (Windows) New malware risks are evolving all of the optimal/optimally spy-ware to get android mobiles checklist Android monitor My Telephone jail-break period, and that means you need to make it possible for your anti virus applications to upgrade its own database of spy someones i-phone location called dangers usually.  love status in hindi Nokia 8 Another smart-phone to launching at August 20 17, using highly effective specification is going to be referred as Nokia 8.  According to the leaked Nokia 8 smart-phone will probably possess 5.3 in. QHD (1440 x 2560) Screen, 5 15 PPI along with Screen Pro Tect with Gorilla Glass.  Nevertheless, that the Galaxy a-3 (20 17) can be a intriguing smart-phone that satisfies the requirement for "tiny" displays.  A smart-phone brand name has achieved a amazing endeavor to attract manufacturing, if it has to do with localization, '' Xiaomi.  The reverse side to skinning is that any upgrade by Google takes once Google releases these codes because the OEMs can begin focusing to these to rollout into those Android mobiles.   Do not get this phone for its 4K display screen - maybe not merely does your eye never find exactly the gap between 2K and 4K onto the display such a measurement, nevertheless the large part of the full time that it runs within an up-scaled 1080p picture to conserve battery life.  Building including also an total superior texture and rear, bezels that are nominal, along with a all-glass entrance -- S 7 border and also both the Galaxy S 7 might be the Android mobiles which you are able to buy.  This, BestinClass speakers and also and the Razer Phone components, create that among the Android mobiles out there.   The Pixel two has once more establish the benchmark to Android cameras too, together with Google's "HDR+" processing buoyed by fresh camera programs along with much  greater communicating.  The issue could be the cost increase from past decades, however provided we have viewed developments around the plank, which is a simple price tag to pay 2017.  Xiaomi mi-6 : This really really is a flagship mobile by Xiaomi that has superior features like digital camera module onto push touchscreen screen the back panel Snapdrgon 835 chip and Quad H D exhibit.   The huge names are typical  about here; Samsung, Sony, LG and also Google have reached the end.  Knowing set and the value to purchase Samsung phones is your next measure.  This really is Nokia's superior offering among the trio of mobiles to be found from the industry.  Galaxy observe 7 is currently obtainable from every one of the significant American carriers (Sprint, tmobile, Verizon, AT&T) around August 19th, nevertheless, you also can pre order today  so that for cost, the telephone goes to be someplace at the scope of £ 770-£ 800 based on what company you proceed with You will have the ability to find the be aware 7 at blue, black, and silver while in the united states, having a completely free 256GB micro-sd card along with some Gear Blend 2 by way of lots of carriers.   Range of both Alcatel, Samusng, both LG and also ZTE spending budget smart-phones additionally arriving so on.  6GB RAM mobiles presently have all an individual could request as well as hefty toaster along with gaming.  Mobile Costs in Pakistan - Possessing.  Huawei's mobiles have improved within the last couple of decades, and also also the Mate 10 Guru could be the culmination of its initiatives.  To support discover the very fitting Android mobile to you personally, we have piled up the optimal/optimally Android apparatus out there available now, assess the mobiles onto hardware operation, OS improve prospective and, clearly, how glistening and fine that they will be to possess and then boast around to do the job coworkers.   Chinese organizations are recognized to reproduce designs out of popular brands such as i-phone and Samsung.  The HTC 1 m-9 may be the most useful looking smartphone available on the industry.  Scanning applications Scanner Radio (Android; cost-free) A free free just how exactly to track i-phone 7 phone scanner software that flows scanner packs from round  the optimal/optimally spy-ware to get android telephones checklist planetintuitive and user-friendly.  However mobiles such as those tend to have hence that the phones are the manufacturer only the versions which are available by the manufacturer.   The China-based corporation Vivo has been the first ever to advertising at the time of both 6GB RAM cellular mobiles so that as expected hauled from the feature-obsessed potential buyers.  Throwin a digital camera that is reliable and fast, a few amazing cans with noisecancelling and also on the one thing made to whine about would be the absence of an 3.5millimeter headset socket.  The Moto lineup of mobiles, including the degree level moto-x and Moto G, or famous to their effectiveness, battery lifetime, and general price.  It will not have a SD card slot machine charging or a headphone jack; also Huawei or even LG mobile phone you may not see them here when you should be accustomed to getting a lot of applications features for your own Samsung.   The smartphone also operates Android 7.0 Nougat functioning platform also can be driven by 1.25GHz quadcore MediaTek chip.  Even the i-phone 7, also along  with all the i-phone 7 Plus, now has now aided Apple to recover the name of high  smart-phone manufacturer on earth, at Q4 20-16 top to underside, it has a professionally crafted smart-phone using standard scores which high industry (as a result of a crazy spec sheet ).  It's the security characteristics that plant it firmly of the iPhone.  Every call among the checklist preceding other than also the ZTE Blade z-max and also the samsung-galaxy S-8 Lively is available direct.   The mobile includes a Snapdragon 820 using the Adreno 530 GPU, also a 5.5-inch 1080p AMOLED exhibit with Gorilla Glass 4, 6GB of both RAM and also 64GB of storage (sans a micro sd slotmachine, regrettably), plus it has powered with way of a 3,000 mAh non-removable battery.  So, like making phone calls, sending SMS, IMing, shooting images, recording and more mobiles aside from acts, you've got infinite accessibility to enjoying many trendy attributes and functions.  Cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar and the business to establish the phone collaborated, hoping of raising the earnings.   Nokia 20 17 tablets has established in India on 13th June, complete about three telephones Nokia 6, Nokia 5 and also Nokia 3 have been established launched.  Whilst the only real Android apparatus inside this listing which has beenn't a multi-media safety "characteristic mobile," that the Pixel even now garners factor in big area thanks to just two variables that distinguish it by all of those other Android package: timely upgrades directly out of Google, along with file-based encryption.  Indian client has been quite value conscious and desires that the significance of cash and so Xiaomi's incredible apparatus stormed them since they're armed with luxury features such as substantial RAM, solid battery lifepowered, solid setup, fantastic camera caliber in cheap Mi Mobiles Price-list in India.   Certainly one of the crooks to comes with a UI intended for smart phone newbs.  I have to state that you get an outstanding collection of all Android mobiles.  Even the Pixel two is apparatus that delivers up loads of software, a superb camera and also electrical power.  The gadget is.  Android mobiles in India's list comprises the designs.  Price-list of most of Android mobiles from India from stores and brands in the study consumer reviews, review rates that are mobile and have queries.  It will remove things: Google accounts options stored within settings Downloaded software and app data and your mobile Method .  
0 notes
sophalets-blog · 7 years
Nokia was used to become one among those world's biggest mobile phone producers however, it dropped behind with all the introduction of iPhone along with Android smartphones.  Prices of mobile phones provided over are official retail prices around the country.  We additionally  trying to amass the very short pieces into a single article therefore most of those interested candidates who've now been searching for your Best Nokia Phone 2017 may browse their attributes along with predicted price with all the releasing dates etc..   Android phones are refereed to like smartphones, or Android smartphones, as in their increased functionality.   Variety of both Alcatel, Samusng, LG and also ZTE budget smartphones additionally coming so on.  In brief, 6GB RAM phones presently have everything one could request perhaps not to mention hefty gaming along with hefty multi-tasking.   Huawei's phones have improved dramatically within the last couple of decades, and also the Mate 10 Guru is the culmination of its attempts.  To support find one of the very fitting Android phone to you personally, we have piled up the best Android apparatus out there available today, rating the phones onto hardware performance, OS improve potential and, of course, how shiny and nice that they will be to possess and then boast around to do the job coworkers.   bootloader 3.   S-8 + and also even the samsung-galaxy S-8 are not for everyone however, also you'll find lots of different smartphones available on the marketplace to consider every thing budget you're searching for.     No matter if this be display screen size, advanced level attributes including improved  camera, even larger battery life, or only the liberty and options to customizing your home display and widescreen storage options.   Even the LG V-30 is a rock-solid alternative to Samsung's Galaxy S-8 Plus and also the Google Pixel two XL.  If it fits the hands on your photographic requirements, then you'll not be disappointed. Hence making it one among those best left in India mobile phones available in the industry today.  Lenovo - common one of millennials, Lenovo comes with a Killer smartphone collection  in India.   Together with all the tendency of steadily disappearing bezels, so we are currently seeing "5.8-inch" phones (that the Galaxy S-8) which are too thin, so that as handle-able, as 5.2-inch and on occasion perhaps 5-inch phones applied to become.  That is definitely fantastic.   The design is distinctive also includes personality, and also the Pixel two XL's edge-to-edge display screen tends to make it the most one to really go for.  Combined with Android's ability to enable the LastPass program auto-populate your complicated passwords, so this usually means that your own Pixel is the phone in this list which will permit you to employ LastPass to log into programs and websites by simply touching the fingerprint scanner.   Everything we love regarding the Galaxy S-8 is available the following since Samsung has decided to just really modified the sizes of these displays as opposed to fiddling with all the aperture inside this device.  Distinct in its own strategy, Lyf Mobile phones have been modeled and termed to the different forces of personality.  There is one secret method in which Android is massively different out of its Apple-branded smartphone competition - that the range of phones out there there running Google mobile OS.  Until this day we now have smartphones.  Thus, bid farewell to flying to hong-kong and getting your self  a brand new updates on created in India mobile phones will probably be updated as so  if commodity starts, rumors, or even flows around Geekbench occur It is powered by 1.4GHz Snapdragon 435 Octa Core chip together with 5-inch H D display, 13MP digicam, fingerprint detector and 4100mAH battery life.  Afterward, to be sure that your computer data remains secure even whenever your phone is misplaced or stolen, we've selected phones with remote-lock and also wipe capabilities.  It is likewise important to be aware that while the device listed right here will find the update, there maybe different devices which have not yet been inserted to this list so that as a result, we will regularly incorporate new devices to this list also as so  if manufacturers declare that the update programs Every one of those smartphones listed above have certain advantages and flaws which  you are able to assess.  For instance, if your customer is searching to get a smartphone under Rs.  10,000 afterward he can compare with the phones which can be included in the Wind department.  This does not signify that the g 6 isn't innovative - that the monitor appears amazing and there power, by the digicam to the battery to the snappiness of this handset, either rippling by means of this phone.  Even though Motorola has confirmed nothing the moment it happens to the Android Oreo update, count on Motorola's present generation high-end phones like Moto Z-2 Perform to receive exactly the Android Oreo.   We stumbled through a number of their absolute most widely used devices available on the industry today and generated this list of those five best phones for rooting.    Updated on 02-17-2015 from Andy Boxall: Additional in information of Android One's launching in the Philippines, with two devices.   The very first a few Android One phones had been produced by Micromax, Karbonn, and Spice, about three hot makes in India.  Even the PRIV will automatically wipe all of user data whenever someone enters the incorrect password or PIN 10 times, which is an security step BlackBerry has included at the top of stock Android And even  like Silent Circle's way with all the Blackphone two, BlackBerry has included a security centre app named DTEK which will assist you in keeping tabs on program permissions and inform you if there exists a security issue that has to be dealt with.  Perhaps not just that, but we offer the best mobile phone price in Dubai... and on occasion even the best mobile phone price in UAE at the same time known.    It's acquired an impressive digicam, a amazing display, speedy performance, and also a fantastic design. The hand set boasts inverse charging capability enabling one to enhance other mobile devices with this battery.  Also consider: If you budget can not quite stretch to the Galaxy S-8, the samsung-galaxy S-7 Edge is still an option with a display and camera itcheaper due to this arrival of the S 8.  Discover More about Airtime Functions with Tracfone Smartphones in our article.  It is really a subsidiary below the new Reliance Retail and contains several tasteful looking smartphones and gizmos.  Find out many updated Mobile Phones Prices in Pakistan of Most  Significant mobile phone companies including Nokia Mobile Phones, Samsung, Motorola, LG Phones as well as many others operating in Pakistan.  However, if you are unfamiliar with exactly how much info is employed with smartphones, it gets it tough to estimate.   Even the Pixel and its bigger brother, '' the Pixel XL, would be the first phones built by Google, but they have already been an all round accomplishment in regard to earnings and standard reception. It improves on virtually all facets from your original too, with a far larger digicam in low-light, a nice performance bulge and also a design that more than befits its asking price.  Their next smartphone, the more Blackphone two, is powered with an security-focused branch of Android termed Silent OS , which comprises privacy enhancements including as for instance for instance a security centre which enables one to regulate exactly what data programs can get (much more about this later on).    The device comes with a 256GB dedicated memory slot which is available in 3 2 and 64GB memory variants.  We bring you a list of 10 best Produced in India mobile phones that you would love to purchase.  Its 12.2-megapixel detector onto its back is superior to this camera to your iPhone 8, now samsung-galaxy S-8, and also past season's initiatives, plus it's effective at taking some genuinely stunning pictures.  5.7 inches substantial display posses a lot of its leading desk making it a really high monitor to body ratio phone (in excess of 70 percent).  undefined
One of those phones comes with a UI intended for smartphone newbs.  I have to state that you get an outstanding list of all Android phones.  Even the Pixel two is streamlined device offering up lots of power, a superb camera and software.  The device is one among those few smartphones which conducts Android Nougat.  The list of all Android phones in India contains the models.  Price list of most  Android phones in India from different brand names and stores in the study consumer reviews, review mobile prices and have questions.  It'll eliminate following things: Google accounts settings stored in your phone Method  and application info and settings Downloaded applications. On the top of that, the Blackphone two has got still another wonderful feature identified as CIDS (Mobile Intrusion Detection System), which notifies you whether the device joins to an suspicious mobile tower, in a try to shield your requirements along with text messages against StingRay surveillance devices utilized by govt agencies.   The 5 and 4 inch Android phones give astounding significance of money plus could still give fantastic results.  With top-of-the-line specs, a stunning design, an installation, and software characteristics, the Galaxy be aware 8 is your best Android phone it's possible to purchase right now.  
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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Samsung Galaxy A31 Review Complete the gap that exists. Understanding Samsung's Galaxy An and M arrangement models are getting more earnestly continuously, as new models are gotten with minor revives, however, don't generally arrange in a legitimate request. For instance, the ongoing Galaxy M21 was essentially a Galaxy M30s with an alternate selfie camera, however passing by the model names, it's difficult to make that association. While a few models in the A and M arrangement have slight covers in estimating, there's as yet a generally clear qualification between the arrangement themselves. As a rule, most models in the An arrangement will in general have better completes and fancier highlights, for example, in-show unique finger impression sensors, while the M arrangement organizes low costs. Today, we are going to seek a new Galaxy A31 from Samsung, which will succeed in the Galaxy A30 on board. Contrasted with the last mentioned, the new model offers a fourth back camera, a greater battery, a higher-goals show, full help for Samsung Pay, and a more significant expense tag. Accessible in only a solitary arrangement with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of capacity for Rs. 21,999, does the Galaxy A31 merit a spot in our pined for a rundown of top telephones under Rs. 25,000?. How about we see. Samsung Galaxy A31 Design: Been there, seen that Given the fact that the Galaxy A31 's structure is not new to a Samsung financial program, I like how slim and compact it is. The all-polycarbonate body feels very tough yet it gets fingerprints without any problem. The telephone has a perceptibly thick jawline underneath the screen and an Infinity-U pattern at the top for the selfie camera. There's a colossal SIM plate on the left, for two SIM cards and a microSD card. The earphone jack, USB Type-C port, and a speaker are at the base. The rear shows the Prism Crush feature of Samsung, whose blue edition we have. This telephone is additionally accessible in back and white trims. The quad-camera bunch at the back is a rectangular module and doesn't swell outward a lot. In general, the Galaxy A31 was agreeable to use every day during this survey. It's somewhat wide, and arriving at the highest point of the presentation isn't the most straightforward, however, One UI has signals to help with this. In the wake of seeing numerous telephones in the arrangement with a similar example on the back, the structure has begun to feel a touch of exhausting now. The container substance is quite standard as well: there's a silicone case, a charger, a USB link, and a headset. Samsung Galaxy A31 Display: AMOLED never baffles The Galaxy A31 has a sharp full HD plus Super AMOLED display of 6.4-inch of resolution of 1080 by 2400 pixels. I saw it as more than sufficient as far as splendor, even in the daytime. Hues were a piece unreasonably rich for my preference for the default 'Striking' mode, however, this can be mitigated in the settings. The showcase is level, with no bends on the sides, however, there are no sharp edges either so performing signals isn't an issue. There's an in-show unique mark sensor, which isn't extremely speedy yet functions admirably as long as you give it a firm press. The time taken to wake the screen, alongside the unique mark activities, cause this entire procedure to feel a piece laggy. I typically depended on face acknowledgment, which I saw as snappier. The consistently in plain view has fundamental customizations, for example, the capacity to show what melody is playing, and a decision of various clock styles. Samsung Galaxy A31 Performance: Quite baffling In spite of its conventional form quality and great showcase, its presentation is a major issue. Samsung uses the MediaTek Helio P65 octa-center soc, so I have no issue with the cost of a telephone which is Rs .10,000, even though I can only expect Rs.20000. Contrasted with even the Galaxy M21, which utilizes the Exynos 9611 and costs much less, the Galaxy A31 is slower in the greater part of the famous benchmarks. Samsung's One UI v2.1, in light of Android 10, additionally feels somewhat languid generally speaking. There's a persevering trace of falter in the movements, and slack when I was exchanging between applications. It didn't hamper utilization to an extreme however holding up that additional second or two for things to happen isn't an encounter I expect at this value point. One UI itself is reasonably include rich with heaps of alternate routes, topics, and signals to mess with. There's likewise Dolby Atmos, yet just for wired and remote earphones. The Galaxy A31 bolsters Google's Widevine L1 confirmation, which implies video spilling applications can play content at the presentation's local goals. The single speaker gets genuinely noisy however the sound quality is carefully normal. Straightforward games run well, yet heavier titles, for example, Asphalt 9: Legends or even PUBG Mobile ran at diminished design settings. Ongoing interaction was middle of the road yet they didn't look on a par with they ought to have. I additionally saw a touch of warming when messing around for longer spans.  Samsung Galaxy A31 Cameras: The Mistake Proceeds  Alright, so far the Galaxy A31 isn't looking excessively engaging, yet maybe it can vindicate itself with its camera execution. The four cameras on the back incorporate an essential 48-megapixel sensor, an 8-megapixel sensor with a wide-point focal point, a 5-megapixel profundity camera, and a 5-megapixel full-scale camera. The openings of the considerable number of cameras aren't especially amazing, with even the one on the principle camera being simply f/2.0. The front camera utilizes a 20-megapixel sensor.  The camera application ought to be natural to most Samsung clients, however, I found a couple of missing highlights which should have been there. Recalling the expense and location of the handset, it's a little strange not to have 4K video capture as an option and even a low-light night-mode quiet. Master mode is disabled, with no alternative to change the screen speed. Self-adjust speed is fair, however, this telephone will in general chase for center in low light. You do get Samsung's 'Scene optimizer' AI motor, and the capacity to spare stills and video in the HEIF and HEVC groups. Under great light, the primary sensor catches better than average looking photographs. Pictures are caught as 12-megapixel shots as a matter of course yet you can take shots at the full 48-megapixel goals if necessary. In low light, the clamor is smothered well however subtleties are inadequate with regards to, which is recognizable when you zoom in to photographs a piece. Close-ups shot under great light passage better, with great subtleties and hues, however, because of screen slack, even slight developments can cause obscuring. The wide-point camera catches relatively more vulnerable subtleties, and HDR isn't as powerful as on the primary camera. In low light, subtleties are a lot of more awful and there's no Night mode to help rescue shots. Live Focus works adequately well, and the measure of foundation obscure can be balanced for picture shots. The large scale camera makes a reasonable showing with extraordinary close-ups yet I didn't see picture quality as far superior to what I've seen from telephones with 2-megapixel sensors. Recordings are restricted to 1080p goals, however, quality is respectable given plentiful light when shooting with the essential camera. The Galaxy A31 does not even offer electronic adjustment, and therefore the developments look jerky with the camera. You can't change to the wide-point camera while recording however you can change to it before you start. True to form, video quality is just about satisfactory under great light yet poor in low light. There's no adjustment here either. The selfie camera catches 12-megapixel stills naturally (8-megapixels in the event that you pick a more tight yield). Be that as it may, you can take shots at the local goals as well. Selfies are commonly usable when shooting outside, in sunlight. Skin tones will in general look excessively warm and HDR can be an all in or all out, yet it's not all that awful. The camera battles to recreate great subtleties in low light, frequently leaving you with delicate surfaces and feeble subtleties. In general, the cameras on the Galaxy A31 are very disappointing and need numerous highlights that you'd find in numerous telephones that cost much less. Samsung Galaxy A31 Battery: Pretty great On the off chance that there is one saving grace about the Galaxy A31, at that point it would be battery life. The 5,000mAh battery went on for 18 hours and 11 minutes in our HD video circle test, which is awesome. Indeed, even with standard utilization, I was effectively ready to work out positively past a day on a solitary charge. There is 15W quick charging, so you can energize the battery to 50 percent in 60 minutes, yet filling it totally takes well more than two hours. Decision: Who is the Samsung Galaxy A31 for? I'm battling to locate a valid justification for the Galaxy A31 to exist, and I sincerely can't consider one. It appears just as Samsung has propelled it basically to fill the value hole between the Galaxy A50s���₹ 19,475 and the Galaxy A51 (Review) — both of which would be a greatly improved pick than the Galaxy A31. Battery life is the principle champion element here, alongside the nice form quality and show. Be that as it may, the mediocre SoC execution and disappointing cameras are flaws that are too glaring to even consider ignoring when you're paying more than Rs. 20,000. Regardless of whether the value were to drop, there are a lot of all the more remarkable and highlight rich choices in the market, for instance, telephones of Realme and Xiaomi, or Samsung's own Galaxy A50s and Galaxy M31. REVIEWS ⓻ DES IGN ⓼ DIS PLAY ⓽ SOFT WARE ⓺ SHOW ⓽ BATT ERY ⓺ CAM ERA ⓹ FOR MON EY ✔GOOD ✘BAD ☞ Great Battery Life ☞ Solid Vivid Display ☞ Great One UI ☞ System Performance Is Not Good ☞ Mediocre Cameras ☞ Slow Fingerprint Sensor ☞ Old And Boring Design KEY SPECIFICATIONS DISPLAY 6.40-Inches FRONT CAMERA 20MP PROCESSOR MediaTek Helio P65 RAM 6GB STORAGE 128GB OS Android 10 BATTERY 5000mAh REAR CAMERA 48MP+8MP +5MP+5MP RESOLUTION 1080x2400p ALSO SEE flipkart.com Samsung Galaxy A31 6GB RAM, 128GB - Prism Crush Blue  – Click Here To Go The Page flipkart.com Samsung Galaxy A31, 6GB RAM, 128GB Prism Crush Black  – Click Here To Go To The Page flipkart.com Samsung Galaxy A31, 6GB RAM, 128GB Prism Crush White  - Click Here To Go To The Page  For Regular & Fastest Tech News and Reviews, Follow TECHNOXMART on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google News and Subscribe Here Now. 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