#yam lore
vidvana · 1 year
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I know that nobody asked, but here's some Telvanni lore for all the foodies.
Before you begin this culinary journey, check out this post about ash yams it's essential.
Telvanni Cuisine
It’s obvious that Telvanni have an extensive knowledge of fungi.  After all, they live in huge mushrooms and collect and plant numerous species from all across the Tamriel to use them in their potions. It goes without saying that their cuisine is also quite fungal. The commonfolk at Telvanni settlements as most of the Dunmer source their protein both from fungi* and insect meat. But Telvanni nobles love nurturing peculiar worldviews and traditions that differentiate them from other races - or even other Dunmer. One of them is their distaste for anything that doesn’t grow in soil. They frown upon hunter traditions of Ashlanders and stock-raising of house Redoran and regard them as “primitive” in contrast to the delicate art of growing fungi. The alchemy ingredients are an obvious exception from this rule, but in general as their occupations don’t usually include menial work, their light and low-calorie cuisine perfectly matches their lifestyle. This resulted in traditional cuisine of the nobility being solely plant-, or more specifically, mushroom-based**, that contrasts sharply with the cuisine of Skyrim that is rich in venison and other animal-based foods***. Noble Telvanni shun debilitating ingredients such as alcohol and moon sugar in their everyday cuisine, as keeping their minds sharp is their main priority. In order to get an indulgent sweet taste marshmerrow is used instead. Telvanni rarely import vast quantities of vegetables from other provinces as house Hlaalu does. They use commonly grown foods like saltrice, ash yams or mushrooms as the base ingredients of the dishes. In some aspects they prefer to stick to the Dunmer traditions. The nobles, though, indulge themselves in expensive imported berries - not only because of their magic-enhancing abilities but also because of their extravagant taste. As the Telvanni ranks feature numerous alchemists the import of alchemical ingredients is obviously very common. Telvanni chefs gradually incorporated some of the exotic spices into traditional cuisine. Especially valued are the most characterful of them that fancy up the bland taste of mushrooms, such as juniper, ginseng or garlic****. * In real life mushrooms are a rather poor source of protein compared to legumes like beans and lentil. But since there are no legumes in TES universe (at least as far as I know) let's suppose there are some protein-rich mushrooms Telvanni can plant. ** It’s also worth mentioning that I’m a Telvanni-fixated vegan ass myself so that’s a more probable reason why I made my beloved house also vegan xD *** A lovely example of that contrast you can encounter in @thana-topsy ‘s fanfic “Breathing Water”. This would nicely explain Neloth’s preference for apple cabbage stew. **** This recipe for example resembles Telvanni cuisine, it was one of the inspirations from my imaginary dishes above.
Above I’ve come up with some examples of what noble Telvanni would eat on a daily basis.
Thanks for reading that and take care :3
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eggnogs-stupid-ideas · 8 months
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bronzegods · 4 months
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The first book that I wrote in the Pantheon universe was the Baal Cycle. Drama? Political intrigue? Reckless violence? Fuck yeah.
Ugarit is being squeezed between two powerful pantheons, the Kemet pantheon and the Hatti pantheon. The latter, run by the self-assured storm god Tarhunt and his temperamental son, expects Baal to be king. But as much as Kemet’s smug envoy Sutekh would enjoy a new vassal storm god to hassle, Yam, Baal’s elder brother, would be far easier to intimidate and simple to control.
El chooses Yam as his successor, subtly allying Ugarit with Kemet. But Baal refuses to tolerate his kingship being ripped out of his hands and challenges Yam for the throne. He never expected that murdering his brother will upend his pantheon’s stability and force god against god into a civil war. Nor does he know that his actions will ultimately drive him into a violent confrontation with Ugarit’s death god, Mot - a confrontation Baal doesn’t realize he will lose until it’s too late.
Art commissioned from Igurumi
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canayams-art · 2 months
Late night realizations that I keep falling into super specific niches in fan spaces where I become absolutely deranged and end up over-specializing my art/thoughts/analysis in a way that only appeals to a small handful of people.
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blooming-grove · 4 days
Still think its funny my ocs are in a permanent unchanging state. I may be free from rhythm game gacha hell but Yams is not. Boy's logging in and tiering on 5 different games. His sleeping schedule is shit.
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tempest-toss · 10 months
SCP-4444, "The Dream Machine"
Item #: SCP-4444
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4444 is to be stored in a reinforced, high-security locker that is to be accessible only to Level 3+ personnel, due to the potentially revealing images presented. Every significant dream revealed must be documented and submitted to Site-██
Description: SCP-4444 is a metallic box measured at 1m x .5m x .75m, with two cable ports with 1.5m length cables, one of which is connected to a metallic object resembling a miner's cap. The side of the box is labeled, "See your dreams in person!" SCP-4444 came into Foundation custody after the storage key of Person of Interest [DATA EXPUNGED] was acquired. Inside the storage unit was a multitude of Group of Interest paraphernalia, with a focus on mechanical-based GOIs. SCP-4444 was one of the few to be both intact and operational.
SCP-4444 must be plugged into a monitor to function. Once it has been, the cap must be slipped onto a sleeping humanoid's head, which will then cause their dreams to be projected onto the connected screen. If the individual is not dreaming, an amalgamation of past dreams, ideals, and the imagination of the individual will craft a dream and send it to the display. Should the connected individual be hooked together to SCP-4444 for an extended time, the box will begin to rattle before opening, allowing the dream to begin manifesting in the real world; this can be stopped if the device is unplugged, the cap is detached, or if the individual wakes up.
Testing Log:
Subject: D-3291 Time Dreaming: Twenty minutes. Dream Displayed: A Christmas party involving the subject at their job prior to incarceration. Subject was shown opening presents, eating food, and drinking champagne. Dream came to a close when subject began to enter his car in the dream.
Subject: D-094 Time Dreaming: 1 hour Dream Displayed: A field of flowers. After exceeding the time limit, the box's vent port opened and flower petals left it. Soon afterwards flowers began to sprout up out of the ground. They were mowed down after the testing ended.
Subject: [REDACTED], who claimed to be haunted by a recurring night terror that they couldn't remember. Time Dreaming: 45 minutes Dream Displayed: A shadowy horror chasing subject. As the time approached the time to cut the feed, the doors jammed, allowing the time to bypass the limit. The vent port opened and a dark shadow exited. It manifested as the screen turned to static; the entity killed the subject before retreating back into the box.
Subject: SCP-5723. "Yam"; testing overseen by Agent Sapphire. Time Dreaming: 10 minutes Dream Displayed: SCP-5723 fusing with SCP-2113, "The Gaia Seed", transforming into a large plant monster. Agent Sapphire, the leader of the strike team Omicron-5, "The Misfits", recognized the potential danger should the session continue. Afterwards it was found that SCP-2113 indeed was partially moved in its containment.
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quibbs126 · 2 years
oh one thing sorry! purple yam couldn't have met dark choco post-curse because in CROB, its established that no one has seen or heard from dark choco since he left to dragons valley (which is where he found the strawberry jam sword, which after grabbing, fell under its control and went to the dark cacao kingdom, leading to the scenes we all know) purple yam also makes a couple references to dark choco that are extremely specific to young prince: one was during the first cookie detective storyline where he crashes a fancy party because "dark choco seemed like the type of person to like that sort of thing." the other was during the lotus paradise storyline where he sees a vision of himself finally getting his wish (besting dark choco in a duel) and mocks dark choco for being "nothing but a spoiled prince." there's an armour set in the room filled with dark choco's belongings in chapter 14. it's possible that dark choco was simply wearing a set of armour during his fight in the arena with yam rather than his white tunic, and that he just had a very serious demeanor during the fight bc he was focused. the last thing is that dark choco became notorious after rumours about what had happened began to circulated (knight, pistachio, and white choco all confirm that some cookies are more in-the-know about what happened to his kingdom and are aware that he's cursed. while trying to track him down, purple yam has heard a lot of rumours that paint dark choco as power-hungry with no additional context) a public fighting tournament would likely not have allowed him to compete, as he was very renowned and would have been recognized
Oh okay then
To be honest it kinda sounds like the writers were a bit inconsistent with this, but I mean…Ovenbreak doesn’t seem like it’s renowned for its storytelling
But yeah, thanks for the clarification!
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mxwhore · 1 year
your art is just so silly!! i love your jon and martin sphinx au especially :]] are you thinking of making any of the other cast as sphinxes too (geniune question :-0?)
not right now
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purplesoil · 9 months
Broken Wishbone
🌱YAM 8 (01/08/2024)
TW: alludes to animal abuse in the beginning, but nothing traumatic.
Each breath was painful. It was only enough to keep her alive, but she shouldn’t be alive in the first place. Not when she’s a goldfish laying on her side inside a bird cage, far from water.
She felt her body rattle with each heave. Though, the rattling might also… [read the story on AO3!]
bgm: Rule #4 - Fish in a Birdcage, by Fish in a Birdcage
inspired by: the song :p, Dragon Quest 9's scene of falling into Angel Fall's waterfall
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yamslander · 1 year
oh yeah. it’s all coming together
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vvynia · 10 months
abby and your family’s thanksgiving
pairing: a. anderson x black southern belle!reader
genre: fluff w/ brief mention of smut (mdni)
word count: its headcanons so its short but idk the specific number sowwwy
warnings: not beta read, brief mentions of homophobia but only bc reader’s family isn’t like that, mention of family drama, pregnancy mention, brief moment where religion is talked about (saying grace/prayer)
synopsis: this is literally just headcanons of what would happen if our beloved abby anderson attended your family’s thanksgiving/reunion if you don’t celebrate. very much black reader-centric, but anyone’s welcome to read it esp if you’re from the south cause this is also heavily southern reader coded.
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bringing abby anderson to your black (southern) family’s thanksgiving would be a sight to behold.
and imagine its everyone’s FIRST time meeting her too. assuming everyone is super cool and unhateful, i just know she’d have all the aunties’ attention. they see her height, her build and turn to you talkin about, “now, where’d you find her?”
abby would 100% be in ya grandmama’s backyard huddled around the grill with the uncles and dads. she’s got a lil beer in hand (she probably doesn’t even like beer but she likes fitting in and it isn’t all bad when the bonding is genuine) one of em goes “mhm that turkey bout done smokin” and abby is taking mental notes cause one day, she’s gonna smoke a turkey for you two’s family, in your backyard, and your grandkids are gonna be running around
the kids are OBSESSED with her. they climb her like she’s a jungle gym, ask her to throw them in the air, ask her all types of questions. “ABIGAIL! come play with us!” and she does, but the whole time she’s wondering how they discovered what her full name is cause she sure ain’t tell em lool
sometime after, she gets together in the livingroom with you and your cousins, then that one uncle or aunt comes in, says a few words, then leaves with a plate. the gossip commences lol and she’s so in tune to what ya’ll are talking about. she thought her family could dog somebody out?
all that pales in comparison to yall’s words. these sly (and sometimes even blatant) insults are unhinged, the storyline is juicy. she feels like she’s listening to an audiobook of lore. and whenever she asks a question for clarification, someone is always ready to start from the beginning with “see, what had happened was” and “to make a long story short” (the story was not made short)
then it actually comes time to eat, time for her to have her taste buds born anew
your family has whipped up some southern classics: sweet potato pie, pig feet, neck bones and collard greens, cabbage, pound cake, and every other dish you can think of.
you were in charge of the sweet tea, but this year you made a peach batch cause you know abby likes peaches 🥰
ya’ll say grace cause lets be real, if this is the south, somebody baptist and its probably the family matriarch lol
abby is respectful about it whether she believes in god or not cause your family has treated her with the most open of arms and she can feel the love and hospitality all around (if god is real, she thinks, he would’ve wanted everyone who believes in him to be like my sweet girl’s family)
when ya’ll are done and everyone has plated their food, they’re all silently waiting for the white girl’s reaction. they’re trying to play it off, be casual, not stare LOL but they know what’s coming i must admit
and abby doesn’t disappoint cause as you’re sitting next to her, soon as she puts some of them collard greens in her mouth and a couple candied yams and your grandaddy’s secret cast iron skillet macaroni recipe in her mouth, the satisfaction is written all over her face
everyone starts laughing when one of the kids say, “damn, girl, is it good?” to which they’re scolded lol but ofc abby nods like she’s trying to shake the hair follicles out her head
after everyone has ate and said what they’re thankful for (she says she’s thankful for you ofc but she leaves out how thankful she is for getting to strap you down at least twice a week), you two go sit on the porch alone.
you’re leaned against her in a two-seater rocking chair, bellies impossibly full, enjoying the gentle breeze and setting sun and the scent of food that is still wafting from the house
one of your cousin’s kids runs up from the backyard, comes up to you asking for help with opening a new toy, so you help
abby sees how cool you are, how in your element you are with your family, and this moment truly solidifies how much she wants this with you too. ya’ll have had the kids conversation before, so she knows you want at least one
she can’t help but think how gorgeous you’d look bein her housewife, barefoot and pregnant and divine and ethereal, starting a family, never having to worry for a thing bc she’s gonna take care of you
and she knows, when she needs it, you’ll take care of her too
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rivangel · 4 months
okay but the character i’m truly curious about is the first commander of the survey corps??
you’re people with barely just the means to run away from titans, not even knowing if titans could die, only that they’re destroyers of humanity with their ceaseless eating, and they’ve wiped out most of humanity already (as far as you know).
nobody knows what it’s like outside the walls bc opening the gate it most likely illegal, so how did the first scout find out? or even more interestingly, was it the ideal that planted the seed in their heart?—the freedom to reach the mountains beyond the walls on the basis of the desire to do so?
i rly wonder about the creation of the SC. if the ‘first’ king was still alive, he probably approved it because eldians would practically be killing themselves, which was the ultimate intention with his ‘paradise’. or was he THAT cowardly? OR did the king soon die under mysterious circumstances, because surely, a commander desiring to go outside the walls atp would be willing to kill the king to make that happen. as soon as he died his spine would have to be eaten by his child(ren), likely giving the commander a very short tenure :P
so they could’ve died before the survey corps was properly established/recognized, making that the reason they’re not recognized in history. (like, imagine being the 1st person to stand up for freedom despite the type of enemy the titans are, but never getting to see that dream coming to fruition.) then again, it’s technically the same for the creator of the ODM gear (and related significant inventions), so not sure.
i like to think yams put thought into lore even this deep considering the details of the great titan war, but it wasn’t necessary to the plot - of which yams strictly told - and so it was never mentioned. :P
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tourettesdog · 2 years
Little Baby Man Lore:
-Roughly the size of a potato or yam (or sized as needed for comedy) -Angry and pathetic  -His human form is human-sized (though less than 5 feet tall) -The anatomy of his torso is a core that takes up most of the space and a stomach (for snacks) -Is capable of great strength but cannot open jars (no thumbs) -Ice powers default to tiny ice cubes -Desires warm places despite being an ice boy (like the opposite of having a warm blanket and the AC cranked up in summer) -Can and WILL be stolen by strong gusts of wind -Rather than having a crush on him, Amity Parkers want to put him in a hamster cage -Mostly communicates through trills and chirps, but can speak (and loves to swear) -Has bitten the mayor and will do it again
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tempest-toss · 1 year
The Flora Fighters come from all sorts of walks of life. Some join to help the world, some join because they can get material goods, and some join to have an excuse to use their anomalies to murder. And then some seemingly appear out of thin air -- Kudzu is a perfect example of that.
Kudzu's strength comes from creeping out of nowhere and ensnaring his targets in his grasp, metaphorically and physically. He was named the Sociable Silencer due to his ability to charm his way into a person letting down their guard and then extracting information and/or killing them without them even realizing what he's done.
He could have realistically used his charms to take over the whole group, perhaps even perform an insurrection, but his meeting with the rookie Yam changed it all. Yam was the first person to make Kudzu feel something that he never knew: love. After their meeting, Kudzu took every chance he got to talk to Yam, and eventually befriended the shy cadet and was thrilled to learn that Yam reciprocated those feelings.
Unfortunately for the Assassin, Yam was to leave. Overseen by a recently freed Head Guard Morel, Yam fled to the safety of the Foundation, unknowingly watched from afar by Kudzu until Kudzu was certain that Yam was safe. Then Kudzu returned to the Flora Fighters, this time determined to break the group from the inside out. After all, there were some unhappy members of the failure at Prague, and the Foundation was looking for any info...
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quibbs126 · 2 years
Purple Yam came from another place that Dark Choco later visited and beat him in a fight so PY is looking for a rematch;we certainly need more info of that village though it seems that it's another that values strength and whatnot. As for the anger, the heat gets to his head since it feels CONSTANTLY on fire all the time so to speak (he's also has beserker elements to go along with the DnD-like elements so it's a part of his strength and makes further sense). Being in the Oven gave trauma to cookies who remember it (example being Gingerbrave being the only survivor of his batch and losing his own brother Dozer who got eaten while trying to escape the old Prologue level back in around 2010) so each case is a different response to that (avoidance, constant fight for life state, freezing in place from fear etc). There's also often translations issues that others picked up that show Purple Yam isn't even that angry in those versions. Just the English ones tend to misinterpret characters and their reactions. In all of his anger, Purple trusts his friends and even is shown smiling at times when others aren't looking since he's a sort of "sweet potato" on the inside which his Kingdom costume states he got sweeter thus implies he already had sweetness to begin with~ The majority of the warrior cookies that hold stoicism as part of some "warrior code" or try to not express themselves due to their own horrific experiences (losing those they care for and making them emotionally withdrawn as to not get attached in fear of further loss) often are nicer once their walls are down and around the one cookie(s) who get that softness out.
Ah, that’s their history
Dear lord, everyone’s traumatized in this franchise. Gingerbrave originally lost his brother, and presumably all his other siblings? That’s horrifying. Beneath that smile there is trauma and pain
But nice to know Purple Yam isn’t as angry as he seems
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imustbenuts · 1 year
Iron swords are $10
in jrpgs, items are typically priced similarly to their real life yen counterparts. this is a very short way to do it, but 100G = 100 yen. 100 yen is pretty much $1usd prior to covid times, which was kind of the way for years. (the conversion rate rn is extremely out of whack at 1 USD to 150 yen thanks to irl economics but lets ignore that for this post)
for simplicity, this means the items sold in the flea markets now has a frame of real life price points. yogurts are $2, books are $4.50, a bandage is $0.80, and so on and so forth. which isnt that far off from irl products and how much they can cost. 
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ofc this means Dragon Scriptures, something which are holy books in lore are in the same ballpark as a single Fire Emblem Engage manga. aside from wondering if Dragon Scriptures are actually comics in lore, I have here a proof of 528 yen, inclusive of 10% tax:
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(my a single volume of jujutsu kaisen manga is 440 inclusive exclusive of tax, but this was bought before current inflation events. so its very very close.)
this means we now more or less understand the value of an iron sword. 1000G means this dinky reliable iron sword staple in FE is $10
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slim swords are $5, armor slayers are $25, and killing edge is $25. so on and so forth. compact axe are 500 G, so $5 to throw it at an enemy and bully them into submission.
so i guess for the price of about 2 and a half roasted yam, one can trade it for an iron sword.
in other words, an iphone 15 is $799. 80 iron swords, almost 200 roasted yams, or 400 yogurts can be exchanged for an iphone 15. 
an iron sword is $10
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