#yamaha p series
thatbloodymuggle · 8 months
SUMMARY: in a world where everyone has a predetermined match, JJ Maybank and Y/N Montgomery want nothing to do with theirs. it has to be a cruel joke; the universe forcing two people to love each other when they don’t know how.
PAIRING: jj maybank x reader / soulmate au
WARNINGS: smut, language, dom!jj, sub!reader, hair pulling, oral (f receiving), p in v, unprotected sex, choking, slight humiliation kink, public sex
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A week had passed since the annual tennis tournament. 7 days since you had last spoken to Anna. 7 days since you had last seen JJ Maybank.
Each day passed by even more slowly than the next. You only left the Montgomery estate to go to Madame Mercier's house. You only left your room for meals. You hadn't even used the grand piano in the ballroom for your daily practices and had instead confined yourself to the small, upright Yamaha in your bedroom.
But you weren’t depressed. Rather, you found that confining yourself to such a routine eliminated any possible distraction. If you didn't hang out with your friends, you wouldn't be sucked into parties. And if you didn't frequent the streets of Kildare County, there was no chance you would run into your soulmate.
You knew Kate and Topper were concerned about your well-being. It was evident from their daily texts, and phone call attempts. You responded to them but made clear that you needed space alone. Anna had not divulged the reason behind your argument, which you were grateful for. You felt particularly bad for being so distant with Topper, as he had been there for you at one of your lowest points the previous week. 
To top it all off, your mother had been even more scrutinizing than usual after you had showed up to the estate escorted by Topper, puffy-eyed and soaking wet from head to toe. It now seemed that every dinner was filled with some kind of thinly veiled insult. 
Is that a new shirt? You know cool tones wash you out.
Are you sure you need another brownie? You're not getting the exercise you used to since you quit sports.
Worst of all had been dress shopping with your mother and sisters with Midsummers rapidly approaching. Margaret found something wrong with every dress you tried: too short, too long, too much cleavage, unflattering on your figure. Meanwhile, Georgia and Dixie had no trouble finding the dress of their dreams. 
But you would take the cruel remarks from your mother any day over confronting your greatest problem of all.
You thought that by physically distancing yourself from JJ, maybe the bond would grow weaker. Maybe you could revert to before you met when your soulmate's pain was merely an afterthought. But to your dismay, the effect had been the opposite. 
With each passing day, the bond seemed to grow stronger. It had become so sensitive, that you could feel the flick of a lighter against your thumb; the tickling of uncut grass between your toes. You worried about what would happen if you continued to resist it. How much stronger could the bond grow? Would the longing in your chest become so painful, you won't be able to function?
It was a battle between your head and your heart. You thought JJ was an impolite, abrasive asshole whom you shared absolutely no common ground with. But your body burned with desire at the mere thought of him.
Since you had entered your self-imposed isolation, you found yourself practicing the Chopin piece until your fingers were numb, and your back ached from sitting up straight. When you were unable to sleep, you played. When Georgia's incessant shrieks sounded through your walls, you played. When you found yourself entertaining the possibility of giving in to the inevitable connection, you played.
The silver lining? You had the entire piece nearly memorized.
You were in the middle of yet another torturous practice session when you were interrupted by a sharp knock on your door.
"Mom says we're leaving for dinner with the Camerons in an hour so you better be ready," Dixie's grating voice was threaded with annoyance, as you figured your mother must have sent her.
"'K," your shoulders slumped as you reluctantly pulled yourself from your piano.
You did not want to have dinner with the Camerons. You knew the whole thing was an excuse for the adults to get wine drunk together, brag about their children, and complain about their first-world problems. Sarah Cameron used to be your savior at these get-togethers. But you couldn't remember the last time she had come to one of these dinners, as Sarah seemed to always be busy with her new life on the Cut. 
After dinner, Dixie would stick around with the adults, while Georgia would run off with Wheezie. This would leave you with Rafe, who was a hit-or-miss. Sometimes, like the night of Topper's birthday, he was pleasant, more or less. Other times, his demeanor matched that of a cranky, old, drugged-up alcoholic. 
Despite the impending dread of the evening, you trudged over to your ensuite bathroom and turned on the shower, allowing the room to fill with steam before actually getting in. The water was scalding against your skin, but you welcomed the numbing feeling. Nowadays, you welcomed any feeling you had control over; any feeling that would drown out JJ's. You took your time lathering your body, washing your hair, and shaving your legs. You stayed in the steaming shower until your fingers began to prune. You reluctantly shut the shower off and wrapped a towel around your body. You went through your meticulous skincare and hair routine, all the while humming along to whatever piano melody floated aimlessly in your mind. Your phone buzzed, and you paused your work curling your eyelashes.
6:36 PM Kate: what are you up to tonight? we'd love to see you
You sighed as you read over your friend's message. You knew that you could only avoid them for so long, and the expiration date of your isolation was rapidly approaching. 
to Kate:
stuck going to the Cameron's for dinner. how about move night thursday? delivered 6:38 PM
You set your phone down after typing out a quick reply. A minute hadn't even passed when your phone buzzed again. You glanced at it from the corner of your eye, as you were mid-mascara application.
6:39 PM Kate: it's a date
You smiled softly at her response. You really had missed your friends; you just dreaded having to explain your argument with Anna, as well as your disappearance. 
You rushed through the rest of your routine, before making your way to your walk-in closet to pick out an outfit for the evening. Just as you had slipped on a satin skirt which you knew your mother would approve of, you felt the sharp, burning sensation of walking barefoot on gravel in the balls of your feet. A shiver ran up your spine, and you wiggled your toes as if doing so would shake off the uncomfortable feeling. 
"Get a move on, you. We're leaving in five minutes!" your father’s booming voice startled you. You tried your best to ignore the sensation in your feet as you hastily slipped on a pair of kitten heels, and rushed down the grand staircase and into the foyer. As you caught sight of the rest of your family waiting by the car, you sighed. Still, you swallowed down the dread, put on an obedient smile, and walked outside to join the rest of the Montgomery clan. You only hoped that playing along would make the time pass faster.
"You wouldn't believe the audacity of these teenagers, nowadays. They must have never been properly taught manners, let alone customer service skills!"
You bit your tongue at your mother’s dramatic retelling of the story of the staff member at the club who delivered her a lukewarm towel rather than a hot one. You feigned a smile as the adults at the table laughed. You caught Sarah Cameron's eye from across the table, who rolled your eyes dramatically at Margaret Montgomery, eliciting a quiet giggle from you.
As miserable as the dinner had been, you had been pleasantly surprised to see Sarah at the table. At least after the meal, you would have someone your age to make small talk with, saving you from lingering beside the adults or engaging with Rafe. This was particularly relieving considering the last time you saw Rafe he had his tongue down your throat at Topper's birthday party.
Just as you shuddered at the memory, Ward Cameron's booming voice diverted your attention, "Well why don't we head inside and try out some of those liqueurs I mentioned earlier?"
Margaret and Clyde folded up their used napkins and followed him inside the house, with Dixie trailing behind. Just as you had predicted, you were left alone with Rafe and Sarah, as Georgia had run off with Wheezie earlier in the evening. 
"And then there were three," you sighed awkwardly. Sarah sent you a soft smile which you returned, while Rafe stared you down in a manner that made you feel uneasy. You shifted under his gaze and cleared your throat, "I'm just gonna head to the restroom." 
You folded your napkin and stood up, pushing your chair in behind you. You head towards the house with a bounce in your step, eager to escape Rafe's leering eyes. You hurried into the bathroom near the front entrance of the Camerons’ house and huffed in relief as you locked the door behind you. 
You turned to the mirror and sighed as you looked yourself in the eyes. You frowned as you noticed that the bags under your eyes were visible even under layers of concealer, and your mascara had smudged slightly in the crinkle of your right eye. Your self-scrutiny was put on pause as you felt a familiar hot pressure on your thumb, followed by a burning sensation in your throat. You cleared your throat as if it would expel the sensation. Instead, the burning returned. Smoking kills, you thought to yourself but gulped in acceptance. You gave yourself one last once over before pushing the door open, intent on finding someplace quiet where you could escape for the rest of the night. 
"So you're avoiding me now?" a gruff voice tickled your ear as you turned to close the door behind you. You jumped in surprise and whipped around to face Rafe, who loomed over you like a predator would with its prey. His eyes were dark, and his grin unsettling as he leaned one hand on the door beside your head.
"No," you squeaked, "Just needed to pee."
Rafe scoffed and leaned even closer to you, "Well now that you've gotten that out of the way," his head ducked down to the crook of your neck, "why don't we continue where we left off last time, huh?" his lips grazed your collarbone. Your entire body tensed, frozen in shock. Rafe sunk his teeth into the soft skin of your neck, nipping harshly and shaking you out of your state of surprise.
"That was a one-time thing," you shoved at him, but he placed his other arm on the other side of your body, effectively trapping you between his body and the wall. He trailed sloppy kisses up the side of your neck and jutted his hips against yours, keeping you from squirming away. His breath reeked of alcohol and you scrunched your nose up at the smell. "Knock it off, Rafe," you cried, shoving at his chest again, but to no avail.
"Get off of her, you perv!"
Sarah's shrieking voice startled Rafe away from you. You gasped in relief as his body was removed from yours. Your heartbeat was erratic, and you shivered as the shock of Rafe's advance towards you settled. You didn't hesitate to scramble over to Sarah's side.
Rafe, on the other hand, let out a guttural groan at his sister's interruption, "God, Sarah, can you fuck off for once?"
Sarah narrowed her eyes at her brother, "She said 'no', you dickhead. And you reek. Go take a shower or something."
Rafe rolled his eyes but trudged away, nevertheless, all the while grumbling profanities under his breath. You felt a weight lift off your shoulders when he exited the foyer, and you turned to Sarah with sincerity, "Thank you."
"Don't even mention it," Sarah spoke in a soothing tone with apologetic eyes, "I'm so sorry about him. He can really be awful sometimes."
"That's an understatement," you scoffed, and Sarah giggled in response.
"Seriously though, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Sarah questioned, her brows cinched together in concern. 
You shook your head and sent her a reassuring smile, "I'm fine, really. Just grossed out."
Sarah nodded, satisfied with your response. A beat of awkward silence passed between you before she broke it again, "Well I was gonna go have some of the Rosé my dad opened during dinner if you wanna join? I could use your help killing the bottle."
"Sure," you replied with a closed-mouth grin, "I could definitely use a glass of wine after tonight. If I hear one more golfing story I think I'll lose my mind."
"Tell me about it," Sarah laughed heartily and led you back outside to the table you had eaten on, snatching the opened, but nearly full bottle of Rosé along with two wine glasses. The two of you sat on the steps of the patio, and Sarah poured you each a generous amount of wine.
"Cheers," you grinned as you clinked your glass against Sarah's before taking a sip, relishing in the bittersweet flavor.
"Are you still playing piano?" Sarah chirped, filling the once awkward, but now slightly more comfortable, silence. 
"Yeah," you nodded, "I've actually been thinking about applying to some music programs for next year."
Sarah grinned at your response, "That's amazing! It's nice to see you stepping outside of the Montgomery mold," she teased.
You chuckled softly. "How's your life been? How are things with John B?" you questioned in response, taking another sip of your Rosé.
The longer the two of you chatted, the more you felt yourself relax. You had missed Sarah, and feeling connected with someone outside of your inner circle felt like a breath of fresh air. For once, you didn't feel the need to impress anyone or present yourself in a particular way. That freedom was a much-needed relief.
"You know it's nice seeing you at one of these things," you sighed, "You're like, my only saving grace at these dinners."
Sarah gently swirled the wine in her glass, and shot you a guilty smile, "Yeah. I'm sorry for leaving you high and dry all those times."
You shrugged, and took another sip of wine, "It is what it is. I mean, you've got a whole new group of friends now."
Sarah frowned at this but didn't object as she knew it was true. She had ditched a number of people, but in her defense, it was hard to have the best of both worlds with so much animosity on both sides. 
"I guess. But I do miss you, though. It just feels impossible to have friends on both sides with this raging class war. I mean, can you imagine a world where Topper and JJ play beer pong and sing campfire songs together?" Sarah laughed at the image of the well-established enemies being friends.
Your heart skipped a beat at the joke. You couldn't imagine a world in which Topper and JJ got along. You couldn't even picture Topper's reaction when he would inevitably find out that JJ was your soulmate. The thought terrified you; still, you forced a laugh and raised your glass of wine to your lips, effectively concealing your phony smile. 
"Seriously though, I think you would actually like my friends, Y/N," Sarah said with a smile, "I think you'd get along well."
You shrugged and looked out at the twinkling string lights covering the backyard, "I don't know about that. I do like Pope. He seems to be the tamest of them all."
"He definitely is," Sarah affirmed. She waited a beat, before continuing, "You know, I'm supposed to be meeting them at the beach for a small bonfire soon. I would love it if you could come."
You nearly dropped the glass in your hand. 
"Uh," you blubbered, "I don't know if that's a good idea."
"Oh come on, I promise it'll be fun. You'll have me, and I really think you all would get along," Sarah stared at you with pleading eyes, her eyebrows raised with hope.
You shifted in your seat in discomfort. You had been doing so well, this past week, avoiding any possible run-ins with JJ. Why would you subject yourself to the possibility of seeing him? At the same time, you were really enjoying spending time with Sarah, and it would be nice to get out of the house for something other than piano practice or a family obligation.
"Who all is going to be there?" you questioned.
"Just John B and Pope, I'm pretty sure," Sarah responded.
You gnawed on your bottom lip as you mulled over the invitation. JJ wouldn't be there, at least. But was hanging around with his friends any better? In the end, the pleading look in Sarah's puppy dog eyes was unrelenting.
"Okay," you reluctantly agreed, eliciting a squeal of excitement from Sarah.
With a giddy Sarah on your tail, you set your glass of wine down to find your parents and ask for permission to go to the beach with Sarah. You were careful to exclude any mention of other people, let alone Pogues. In their tipsy-bordering-drunken state, Clyde and Margaret waved you off with a nonchalant seal of approval.
"John B should be here any minute," Sarah proclaimed as you waited at the driveway of the Camerons' mansion. You felt the nerves beginning to creep in. You knew that Pope didn't hate you, but you still worried John B would given that you had never interacted with him beyond nods of acknowledgment or passing insults from Topper. Before you could spiral into your whirlwind of thoughts, a beat-up Volkswagen van pulled into the driveway. The vehicle looked like it was on its last legs, but the rustic exterior was oddly charming.
Just after it screeched to a halt, Sarah yanked the side door open and clambered inside. 
"Hey guys, Y/N’s gonna join us if that's okay," she chirped, beckoning you to join her inside the van. 
You cautiously climbed inside and were met with a surprised John B and Pope in the driver and passenger seats. You flushed as you realized how out of place you were. Before you could excuse yourself, Pope interjected your train of thought.
"Yeah, of course! It's good to see you again," he sent a toothy grin your way, which you hesitantly returned.
"The more the merrier," John B stuttered with an awkward, but still kind, smile. 
Your anxiety settled but still bubbled quietly in the pit of your stomach. You were completely out of your comfort zone. But it was too late to turn back now, as John B started up the van and pulled out of the Cameron's estate. 
"How was your dinner?" John B called from the driver's seat, glancing at the two girls through the rearview mirror.
Sarah scoffed, "Pretty fucking awful."
You snorted and turned to your friend with a grin, "I think if I heard one more person complain about how the Club's hor d'œurves have gone downhill this season, I'd gouge my eyeballs out with one of your stepmom's fine china teaspoons."
Sarah burst out into a fit of giggles, and the two boys in the front chuckled at your quick-wittedness. You relaxed into your seat, as you grew slightly more comfortable with the unfamiliar crowd.
The drive to the beach was short from the Camerons' house, and it wasn't long until the four of you climbed out of the Twinkie in a nearby parking lot. You noticed a dirt bike parked next to the van, but you didn't think much of it as the group made their way towards the water. 
"I definitely didn't pick the right shoes for the occasion," you grumbled as you fiddled with the straps of your heels and pulled them off before stepping onto the sand of the beach. 
"Hey, they're cute though. Where’d you get them?" Sarah nudged you with a grin as the two Kook girls walked side by side in the sand.
You shrugged, "They were Dixie's. But she wore them twice before deciding they were too last season."
Sarah snorted, "Classic Montgomery behavior."
"Tell me about it," you mumbled with an exaggerated eye roll.
Loud chattering ahead of you diverted your attention from your feet to the flickering flame of a small campfire surrounded by four long logs. You smiled softly at the scene, but the grin was instantly wiped from your face as you caught sight of the familiar blond locks you'd been avoiding all week.
JJ Maybank's eyes shot to yours, and you froze in your place. 
Sarah noticed how you had tensed suddenly and turned to you with furrowed brows.
"I thought you said it was just Pope and John B," you rasped.
Sarah followed your gaze and finally noticed JJ staring back with an unreadable expression. A guilty blush crept up her cheeks as she turned to you and grabbed your arm gently, forcing your eyes back on her. 
"Please don't be mad," Sarah whispered, "But I may have stretched the truth. I just didn't think you'd come if I told you anyone else was coming and selfishly, I really wanted to spend some more time with you."
You internally groaned at Sarah's confession. You should have known better. Since when did the Pogues hang out in separate groups? Your shoulders slumped and you sighed, composing yourself. You knew Sarah didn't mean any harm by it. It's not like you knew about everything between you and JJ. 
"You're right, but it's fine," you relented, "I'm already here so might as well make the most of it."
Sarah's shoulders slumped in relief and she grinned, "Well let's go then!"
She grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the small fire to join the rest of the group. 
"Hey guys! Y/N did my a solid saving me from a miserable dinner tonight so I invited her to join us," Sarah announced with a cheery tone. "Please be nice, she’s really cool," Sarah spoke pointedly at JJ with a cocked eyebrow.
He grunted and restored himself to poking at the fire with a stick, trying to look as disinterested in your presence as possible.
"Yeah, of course," Kie smiled cautiously at you, which you shyly returned.
Sarah beckoned you over to join her on one of the logs beside the fire. You sat with Sarah to your right and Pope to your left, much to your relief. At least you were surrounded by the two members of the group you felt least ostracized by.
The group of friends passed around beers and erupted into conversation. You listened intently, smiling along but silently sipping your beer otherwise. You learned that so far this summer, Pope had been busy studying for the SAT, John B had landed a job in a mechanic shop, and Kie was taking a creative writing class off the island at a nearby university. You admired the ease with which the group of friends spoke, and found yourself feeling glum as you thought of your friends. You worried that you may never be able to sit around like this with Topper, Kate, and Anna again. Anna certainly hated you, and you were sure Topper would when he inevitably found out the truth. 
"Why don't we play a game?" Kie's voice pulled you from your thoughts.
"What do you have in mind?" Pope quirked a brow as he took a sip from his beer.
Sarah interjected, "How about Never Have I Ever?"
The Pogues in the group groaned at your suggestion.
"We already know everything we've done," John B complained.
"Well, you've never played with me! And we have a new friend with us, so we don't know everything," Sarah argued pointedly. You flushed as all eyes turned towards you.
Kie shrugged, "I'm convinced. Who starts?" she propped her elbows on her knees and held up five fingers on each hand. 
"You start since you think it's such a good idea," JJ grumbled. You avoided his gaze across the fire.
Kie hummed in thought, "Alright. Never have I ever given or had a happy ending massage."
Sarah and John B sheepishly put down a finger, and everyone else erupted into disgusted cries. 
"I didn't need to know that," Pope shook his head, before collecting himself and continuing the game. "Never have I ever gone skinny dipping," he exclaimed.
All three girls put a finger down, and the three of you giggled as you realized you were the only ones who had done so. You could feel yourself warming up to Kie, albeit slowly. 
All eyes turned to you, "Never have I ever..," you trailed off, thinking of a statement, "shoplifted."
You watched as John B, Kie, and JJ all put down a finger. JJ scoffed, and grumbled under his breath, "Well of course you haven't, you don't need to."
Kie elbowed him in the side to shut him up, but you had already heard his comment. You frowned and diverted your gaze to your bare feet in the sand. He really detested you, didn't he?
"Never have I ever pulled an all-nighter," Sarah's lilting voice brought you back to the game. Pope and Kie both put down a finger.
As the group of teenagers continued going around the circle, their questions became more and more targeted.
Never have I ever had a boner.
Never have I ever lived on Figure Eight.
Never have I ever had a brother named Rafe.
Kie was the first to drop out, and Pope, John B, and Sarah each had one measly finger left in the game. In a last-ditch attempt to save himself and kill two birds with one stone, Pope cleared his throat and boomed, "Never have I ever met my soulmate."
Sarah and John B immediately erupted into cries of protest.
You, on the other hand, felt your entire body stiffen and your heart skip a beat. You sucked in a breath, and your gaze cautiously crept towards the blond sitting across from you. Your pink lips parted as your eyes met his, already trained on yours. His jaw was taut, and the expression painted on his face was indiscernible. His three fingers remained in the air, unmoving. And so you mimicked him, keeping your remaining fingers raised. 
Pope softly nudged you and you jumped in your seat, diverting your gaze from JJ. "Oh, um," you stumbled, "Never have I ever been arrested."
Pope sighed as he put his last finger down, "Well it was fun while it lasted."
JJ put a finger down, leaving him with two remaining and you with three. You shifted in your seat, as all eyes were trained on you. You cautiously met his eyes and watched as the tip of his tongue poked out in thought, wetting his lips. 
"Never have I ever had my own household staff to wait on me," JJ taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. 
Your lips curved into a frown and your cheeks flushed at his insinuation that you were spoiled. You put one finger down, leaving you with two remaining. 
You ground your teeth, and quickly retorted, "Never have I gotten into a fight for no good reason."
JJ's left eye twitched, and he put down yet another finger, leaving him with one left. The rest of the Pogues were silent while they watched the pair, heads whipping back and forth as if watching a tennis match.
"Never have I ever spread my legs for a Kook," JJ sneered, his face stoic and eyes swimming with malice.
You could barely hear the groans and shouts of the Pogues around your reprimanding their friend. Your body felt hot, and you couldn't tell if it was because of the crackling fire or your blazing fury. You leaned forward just enough so JJ had a full view of your cleavage through the flickering flames. You propped your elbows on your knees, pushing your breasts together. You lifted your beer and wrapped your lips around the mouth of the bottle slowly, never taking your eyes off of him. You blindly set the bottle down and licked your lips slowly. You relished in the bitter flavor and the bob of JJ's Adam's apple as he gulped, revealing a crack in his stoic demeanor. 
Finally, you put down one finger, leaving only your middle finger trained towards him.
"Never have I ever hurt my soulmate on purpose," you spoke with a sense of finality.
Because you knew you had won.
JJ was fuming as his composure shattered. And you found yourself captivated by the shift of his jaw, the vein bulging from his neck, the baring of his teeth. A cruel smile crept onto your lips as you reveled in the darkened hue of his blue eyes.
"I think that's enough of Never Have I Ever," John B coughed, cutting through the rapidly escalating tension. 
You leaned back in your seat with a satisfied smirk tugging at your lips. You finally pulled your eyes off JJ.
The Pogues attempted to move past the awkwardness caused by the seemingly innocent game. Sarah and Kie sparked up a conversation about their plan to buy supplies from Home Depot for a pong table. John B and Pope joined in, offering design suggestions. But JJ's anger and your smugness lingered in the air; impossible to avoid.
"Well I'm getting pretty tired," Sarah forced a yawn and dramatic stretch.
"You spending the night at the Chateau?" John B was quick to add, eager to escape the lingering hostility.
"Sure," Sarah responded before looking at you, "We can still swing by your place if you want a ride home?"
You shook your head and politely declined the offer, "I think I'm gonna walk home. I could use the fresh air."
And you didn't want to risk any of your family members seeing the beaten-down van pull into the driveway.
You shot Sarah a smile that seemed to be convincing enough.
"You coming, Pope?" John B asked as the couple rose from their seats.
"Yep," Pope didn't hesitate to jump from his place.
"Me too," Kie mimicked his actions. They all cautiously looked toward JJ in anticipation. After a few beats of silence, the group began their work dismantling the small campfire. While Pope, Kie, and John B collected the littered bottles, you followed Sarah to collect buckets of ocean water. 
As you walked towards the waves, Sarah wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug, "Thanks for coming. I hope we can hang out again soon," she smiled as she pulled away which you gladly returned.
"We will, don't worry," you reassured the Cameron girl. 
The two fo you filled your buckets with water and returned to the fire. You each doused the flames, causing a dwindling of smoke to rise into the air. John B kicked sand over the logs for good measure, until the last ember dimmed. Satisfied, the group turned to begin their trek to the Twinkie. Sarah gave you one last smile and wave before looping her arm through John B's and turning away. 
You watched as they walked away, ignoring the presence of the boy still seated on a log who hadn't moved since the end of the game.
Silence enveloped the two of you, filled only with the crashing of soft waves nearby. You grabbed your heels from your previous spot and wandered away from your soulmate, seemingly oblivious of his presence. You ambled towards the moonlit waves and plopped down in the sand just behind where the water crept up at its highest point. You wiggled your toes in the fine sand and stared up at the crescent moon illuminating the dark earth below. You fluttered your eyes shut and breathed in the salty air, shivering slightly at the sea breeze. 
Even with your eyes closed and the ocean clouding your senses, you could feel JJ's presence.
The blond Pogue took a seat beside you. You waited with bated breath, refusing to be the one to break the silence. 
Your wish was granted as JJ finally spoke, "You'll be the end of me, Montgomery."
You couldn't fight the triumphant grin from stretching across your face.
Your eyes flicked towards him. His anger had dissipated into something else entirely; something You couldn't quite put your finger on.
"JJ Maybank's demise," you hummed in thought, toying with a loose strand of your hair, "The Pogue Prince at the mercy of the Kook Princess. The duality is almost poetic, isn't it?"
You felt a scorching desire brewing in the pit of your stomach; one which wasn't your own.
You had him wrapped around your dainty finger, and you both knew it. Still, he took the bait.
"You're the devil, you know," he rasped, inching closer to his other half. 
"Well you know what they say," you quirked a brow, reeling him in. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
Hook, line, and sinker. 
JJ released a guttural groan as he crashed his lips against yours. His hand snaked around your neck, entangling itself in your windswept hair and firmly holding you in place. The callouses of his fingers were rough against your smooth skin, sending an earth-shattering shiver up your spine. You melted into his touch and balled the fabric of his t-shirt in your first, yanking him even closer. His blunt nails dug into the dip of your waist, eliciting a gasp. He took advantage of your open mouth and slipped his tongue inside before running it along your bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth. 
JJ swiftly swung his body over yours and nudged a knee between your legs, forcing them apart. Your skirt slid up your thighs and bunched around your hips. His lips never left yours, as if he was afraid you would slip away if they parted. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you laid back on the sand. You rolled your tongue against his and tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck, earning a moan from JJ. He returned the favor by grinding his knee between your thighs where you needed him most. You jolted with a moan and bucked your hips against him desperately. 
Just as your hands, trembling with desire, slid underneath his shirt, JJ grabbed both of your wrists with one hand and pinned them above your head. He abruptly detached his lips from yours, and you gasped at the loss. Your eyes fluttered open as JJ trailed kisses along your neck. 
You cried out when he took your earlobe in his mouth before whispering, "It's cute that you think you've got me wrapped around your finger," he gripped your chin in his free hand, "But you seem to have forgotten who you're messing with, Montgomery," he slipped his thumb into your mouth, "You need me to remind you?"
You stared up at him with pleading eyes. Any semblance of dignity was swept away in the ocean breeze when you nodded once.
JJ's eyes twinkled with desire as he moved his hand back down to wrap around your neck. He leaned down so their lips just barely brushed. You lurched forward to connect your lips to his, but he jerked back and pushed his hips into yours. He leaned down again, before pulling back in the same cruel manner. You cried out in frustration and jerked your arms but to no avail against his iron grip.
"Use your words," he teased, ghosting his lips over yours again, "Or I'll go like this all night."
"Please, J," you whined, thrusting your hips. You wanted so badly to wipe the cocky smirk off his face, but you had relented control.
"Come on, sweetheart, you can do better than that," he squeezed your neck, "Tell me what you want me to do to you."
Tears of frustration pricked at your eyes. He wanted to see you embarrassed. 
"I wanna feel your lips on my skin," a tear trailed down your face, "I wanna taste you, I want you between my thighs. I want you all over and I need you inside of me, please--"
JJ cut off your blubbering by crashing his lips against yours once more and releasing your arms. You slid them back under his shirt, and this time he didn't protest as they trailed up his toned abdomen to his flexed shoulders. He parted from you once more to discard the material, and you nearly drooled at the sight of his bare chest. 
JJ scrunched your skirt up around your waist, revealing your lacy panties. You squirmed as he simply pressed the pad of his thumb against the very obvious wet spot in the middle. He watched in awe at the effect he had over you, and a blush crept up your neck. 
"Please, stop teasing," you whined.
He didn't hesitate to yank the material down your thighs and toss it aside. JJ trailed kisses up the soft skin of your inner thigh, and you waited with bated breath as he inched closer to where you needed him most. Finally, his tongue dragged up your slit and circled your clit, before sucking it into his mouth with a vulgar slurp.
You cried at the sensation and threaded your fingers into his dirty blond locks. Your eyes fluttered shut and your jaw went slack in pure bliss as JJ ate you out like a man starved. The alternating flicking of his tongue against your nub and sucking into his mouth made your head spin. You felt your high approaching, and you knew JJ could feel it too which made the sensation all the more intoxicating. As his skilled tongue continued to circle your clit, he ran a finger through your folds before sinking it deep inside. You mewled as he massaged your walls. Feeling your orgasm rapidly approaching, JJ wrapped his lips around your nub and inserted anotyour finger, curling them both as fast as he could. You wailed and shockwaves rolled through your body as you felt your release. JJ groaned against he as he felt the ecstasy of your high in his own body. He continued lapping up your juices as you rode through your release until your thighs twitched violently and you jerked away from him. 
You panted in the afterglow of your mind splintering orgasm. You barely had a moment to recover before JJ's lips were back on yours. His tongue swiped along your bottom lip, forcing you to taste your own release.
"You taste so fucking good, baby," he moaned against you, and your heart skipped a beat.
He reached behind you and swiftly untied your top, throwing it aside. He groaned as he saw you weren’t wearing a bra. Your nipples were hard from the sea breeze, and he eagerly took one into his mouth while massaging your other breast. He flicked his thumb against your nipple, and you trembled at the sensation. You reached down and fumbled with the button and zipper of his shorts. You shoved at JJ's shoulder in an attempt to flip him so you were on top, but he wouldn't budge.
"Uh uh," he shoved his shorts off and nipped at your neck, "As much as I'd love to see those pretty lips wrapped around my cock, that'll have to wait. I need to feel your tight cunt stretched around me right now."
You shuddered at the filthy words leaving his lips and watched in awe as he helped you nudge his boxers off. His cock sprang up, rock hard and dripping with pre cum. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he slid the tip of it between your soaking folds. Your opening fluttered as the head of his cock poked through, before retreating over and over again, leaving you a blubbering mess.
"Beg for it," JJ rasped against your lips as he continued his teasing.
You cried out in frustration. He wrapped his hand around your neck, squeezing slightly; a warning.
"Please, fuck me J, fuck me until I see stars, I need you inside me," you whimpered pathetically.
He rested his forehead against yours and stared deep into your eyes. Your noses pressed harshly against each other and you could feel the heat of his breath at his proximity. And in one swift movement, he thrust himself inside of you.
A guttural groan escaped him at the sinful feeling of your velvety walls fluttering around him. Your jaw fell slack as you sucked him in. You could feel every indentation, every ridge, every vein of his cock inside you; it was a sensation unlike any you had ever felt before. Your bodies melded together like a lock and key, the last two pieces of a puzzle, two halves of a whole. It rivaled any past fleeting pleasure. You lost all inhibitions as you gave into the bond you had fought against for so long. 
JJ pulled his hips back slowly, before slamming them back against you at an unforgiving speed. You wailed at the sensation and dragged your nails down his bare back. You felt your nails dragging along your own back and resliehd in the intimacy of it. He buried his face into the crook of your neck as he set an unrelenting pace. With each snap of his hips, you felt waves of pleasure which resembled that of the ocean water not even 10 feet away.
"You feel like fucking heaven," JJ gasped against your.
He raised one of your legs so it rested over his shoulder. You cried at the sensation, a tear trailing down your face. The new angle allowed him to reach you even deeper, hitting places you had never felt before. He kept thrusting at a splintering speed, but the snapping of his hips was beginning to falter.
"You feel that, baby? You feel what this cunt does to me?" JJ growled into your ear. He pressed one hand against your abdomen, knowing you could feel his rapidly approaching orgasm. He moved his hand down and rubbed his finger against your sensitive clit at a rapid pace.
You nodded, unable to speak.
"You want me to fill this tight little pussy with my cum?" his voice cracked as he got dangerously closer.
"Yes," you sobbed, "Please, fill me up!"
JJ let out a guttural groan as he thrust into you one last time before spilling his load inside of you. Shockwaves rippled through your body as the coiled spring releasing in his abdomen sent you over the edge as well. Your vision blurred and your head spun as you found yourself unable to breathe, unable to think, unable to see. You could only feel. You could finally feel. 
JJ rested his nose against the side of your cheek, panting as he recovered from his high. He was unable to move as he reveled in the feeling of you. He laid, strung out, on top of you until his dick had begun to soften, and he had to pull it out. JJ reluctantly propped himself up on his elbows and eased out of your, causing you to tremble at the sensation. You blinked and slowly regained focus on the stars above.
You were vaguely aware that you were lying naked on a public beach--but it was too late to care at that point. 
JJ collapsed beside you with a huff. He mimicked your position and stared at the stars twinkling above. He turned on his side and swung an arm over your waist with a sigh. He nudged his nose against your cheek again and barely spoke above a whisper, "We just complicated things, didn't we."
You nodded before you replied, vocal cords scratchy, "That's the understatement of the century."
JJ watched the rise and fall of your bare chest, using it to count the passage of time until a minute passed.
"So what do we do now?" he asked.
"I don't know," you shrugged.
Your chest rose and fell. Another minute passed. 
"I don't think we can keep on avoiding each other," he broke the silence.
You sighed, "Clearly not."
The acceptance of your predicament was sobering. Acceptance. What a terrifying word.
You cleared your throat, "Well, clearly we can't ignore the bond. But that doesn't mean we have to uproot our lives."
His brows furrowed, "What do you mean?"
You sighed and tilted your head so it faced his. You stared into his ocean blues, nose to nose, "I mean so long as we satisfy the bond we can continue our normal lives."
His eyes never left yours as he mulled over your suggestion. "So, you're saying that if we keep fucking then we can go back to before."
You nodded.
JJ turned his head from yours and stared up at the sky again. He watched the crescent moon, which when he tilted his head resembled a frown.
"Okay," he finally replied. 
Before you could say any more, a booming voice made you freeze in terror. 
"Hey, who's out there?"
You and JJ scrambled to your feet and frantically searched for your clothes. Your heartbeat was erratic as you caught sight of a man on the other end of the beach. His shining light and the silhouette of his vest were a dead giveaway that he was a cop patrolling the public beach.
You only had time to slip on your skirt before JJ yanked your wrist, pulling you from the scene.
"Come on, Montgomery!" he ran, dragging you behind him. You held your top up to cover your bare chest as you stumbled behind the Pogue, who managed to get all of his clothes on in time. You sprinted through the sand and towards the parking lot where the dirt bike you noticed earlier was parked. JJ found a set of keys in his pocket and looked up, finally catching sight of you. Despite the gravity of the situation, he couldn't help but laugh at the wide-eyed Kook, clutching a top against her naked chest and trembling in fear. 
"Fuck off," you hissed, hands shaking as you attempted to lace up the back of the top behind your neck. 
JJ spun your around and swiftly tied it into a knot, saving you time. He shoved a helmet into your hands, and your mouth gaped as you realized he wanted you to get onto his bike.
"You want me to get on that...that death contraption?" you shrieked as he put his own helmet on. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the spare helmet from you, placing it onto your head unwillingly.
"You wanna get booked for public indecency?" he retorted.
You remained silent but huffed to show your displeasure. 
JJ guided you onto the vehicle and revved the engine. Just as he kicked off the brake, your face dropped with realization.
"Wait! My shoes, I left them on the beach!"
"Tough luck, sweetheart. You're gonna have to get a new pair."
"But they're Louis Vuitton," you cried in despair, earning a scoff and exaggerated eye roll, which although you couldn't see you could feel. 
Your vintage heels were forgotten as you heard the police officer getting closer, "Stop right there, or I'll call for backup!"
JJ merely revved the engine in response and guided your arms around his waist. You gripped onto him for dear life as he sped out of the parking lot and onto the road, leaving the poor man a blubbering mess.
You clutched the fabric of JJ's shirt tightly as he weaved in and out of lines like a maniac. You feared for your life, but the adrenaline coursing through your veins was insatiable. You leaned your head back and shut your eyes, relishing in the feeling of the beating wind blowing your hair back. You laughed at the sensation and your situation.
Never would you have guessed that a Montgomery-Cameron family gathering would end with you on the back of the Pogue Prince's humble steed running from the police.
And you couldn't help but revel in the incredulity of it all. 
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silkflovvers · 1 year
hey miku is 16 jsyk!!
Anon, I'll be honest I'm not fully sure what your intentions are with this message… I've been in the Vocaloid, UTAU and Vsynth trenches since 2010. That may not be 16 years worth of time here, but it's still a long time to be a fan of one thing considering it's about half the time I've been alive. So that means I'm going to impart some knowledge here that newer Vocaloid and Miku fans may not understand (Especially anyone coming to my account after being introduced to Miku through Project Sekai).
Miku is, by all definition, an instrument. A voicebank is an instrument. It is a tool used to create music. The only thing that truly sets her apart from other electronic instruments or music making software is that she has a 2D mascot assigned to her to make her more marketable. That mascot was meant to be 16, yes. I will not deny that fact. Her voice bank even turned 16 years old this year since she was released way back in 2007! Happy 16 years of physical existence to your original disc-based software, Miku! So her Mascot associated as the face of the voicebank is 16 in both her physical age since launch and what's included in her original bio in that software and on the Yamaha website. If you wanted to say she was 16 years old at birth, then she'd actually be 32 years old this year if she actually aged. But her mascot doesn't age, just like all mascots of goods and brands do not age (Except for the Planter's Peanut guy I guess???). If this was a character from an anime that was always portrayed as a 16 year old and never anything else ever, it would be different. But only the 2D mascot tied to the voicebank and used as a marketable image is 16.
Now here's the part where saying she's always 16 years old all the time no matter what makes you look a little silly.
As an instrument and voicebank, Miku has been used to tell stories and fill roles much different from the bio of her software mascot. She's a medium to tell stories through, just like human voices are! She is whatever the person using her to tell a story wants her to be. This could be the VocaloP, the illustrator, or even the person creating the music videos deciding her age. Sometimes she's used as the stand-in voice for the person using her to tell the story, perhaps because they themselves aren't confident in their singing ability or wish to remain anonymous like in PowaPowaP's songs. Sometimes she is just her default voicebank self like in KIRA's Digital Girl. More often than not, she's portrayed as an original character the person using her made up in their head like she is used in mothy_悪ノP's The Evillious Chronicles. She can be anything.
She's literally the target demographic for those unpaid internship listings on job app websites that ask for 30 years experience in the field before you should even consider applying for the internship. Those aren't targeted at you, those employers want Hatsune Miku. Obviously.
That said, I don't think it's fair to apply the default voicebank mascot info to her if the person using her voice or image says otherwise.
If we really want to be picky here, the Kagamine voicebanks are even younger than Miku according to their software mascot info (15 years old), but VocaloPs wasted absolutely no time using Len to sing songs like SPICE! and Gigantic O.T.N. and Rin to sing songs like Alluring Secret ~ Black Vow ~. They were both used to sing songs like Corrupted Flower and if you also want to count violence as a mature theme here, Karakuri Burst. Does that mean they're 15 years old in any of those songs? I don't know. The person who wrote the song or the person who made the art for the music video might know, but I definitely don't. I also don't have the right to decide that specific bit of info for them since I am just the viewer.
The case is the same for the special Pokemon collab "What if Miku was a _type trainer?" series. I'm not the illustrator of each of the Trainer Mikus, so I don't know anything other than what they look like, just like the rest of the general public. The only people who have the right to decide the canon age of the Pokemon trainer Mikus are the people who illustrated her (and maybe whoever was directing the collab in the first place). Not me, not you dear anon, and not even KEI, the original illustrator and character designer for the mascot of the voicebank known as Hatsune Miku have the right to decide the age of the Trainer Mikus. The people actively telling a story with Miku are the ones who decide who she is, where she is, and what she is. Until we are told the Trainer Mikus illustrators' exact intentions, ages are up for interpretation and no one's interpretation is a cold hard fact.
The only times the person using the software or image of the mascot can't choose what age the character is are when there are specific rules listed in the software manual or on the official website. As an example, I'm about 98% sure the voicebank for Kaai Yuki has restrictions for what types of songs she can be used in since the voice providers for the voicebank were actual children. That's the only exception I am personally aware of within the official Vocaloid brand voicebanks by Yamaha. There may be non-Yamaha voicebanks, UTAUs and VSynths with similar restrictions that I am unaware of.
Now that you've been given a small history lesson on voicebanks and the fact they're used to tell stories as all instruments are, I'll give a more personal reply.
If your ask was sent in response to me tagging the Dark type Trainer Miku art with "I'm gay" in my reblog, you may be taking Tumblr and social media as a whole a little too seriously. Dark type Miku is pretty and I love dark type Pokemon and trainers, always have. I've been a Mawile fan since the Pokemon was still considered a Dark-Steel type and it took me a very long time to stop being upset when they switched Mawile to a Fairy-Steel type. Anyway, if we're being honest, I wish I looked like Dark Type Miku. This is the response of a nonbinary lesbian desperately wishing they could look as good as Dark Type Miku. I'm not lusting after her, I'm not lewding her. I just wish I was as hot as she is in this artwork.
If you don't agree with anything I've said in my reply to this ask, then please do not continue to make yourself uncomfortable by interacting with me or my social media accounts. Please block me if you must! I highly recommend blocking accounts and muting tags that make you uncomfy! I do it all the time! It's the only way to stay sane on social media, aside form simply not using social media.
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pikidotexe-ask · 7 months
Dear English fans,
Utatane Piko and SF-A2 Miki are NOT siblings!
Here’s what I mean:
(I just discovered this misinformation spread because of an old talkloid shitpost on YouTube and I’m responding to this from the perspective of the Japanese fandom. These two are not well known overseas but on Nico Nico Douga, 9 times out of 10, they’re often shipped together. Gobou-P and Mahiruno-P are great examples. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with it; it’s a cute headcannon for them to be brother and sister, but it’s typically unusual. Allow me to explain for the sake of my talkloid series and in general.)
Yes, Utatane Piko and SF-A2 Miki were owned initially by the same company called HEARTFAST back in 2008-2009. This company went bankrupt and the site no longer exists. That much is true.
Miku and Luka are siblings in the sense that they’re both from Crypton and were also originally meant to be counterparts, but those two are completely different and are not “blood related”.
Miki’s quality took a hit from the lack of funding hence her infamous pitching (ta, wa, etc.) and volume issues (soft a, i, loud o, e), even though at the time she had a wider range than Miku and was among one of the most realistic banks. I think Miki tuners should take pride; because if you can tune her, then it’s very worth it and it makes using newer banks feel like cakewalk.
Piko got luckier with quality but he also suffers some phoneme clipping issues, like the N\ squeak or his dampened “da” and “ga”.
It was an awful shame they got split up and overshadowed by other releases. I don’t know if we could petition AHS to purchase Piko from Sony today but we could try. His provider is still active and well, and survived a kidney transplant thanks to his mother.
The Voice Providers:
Miki Furukawa from the band Supercar and later LAMA is from Hachinohe in Aomori Prefecture. (That’s in northern Japan just under the shores of Hokkaido.) She was born February 19th, 1979. Her signature bass guitar is the rare Yamaha SBV-800MF (SB-5a/7a and SBV-550) in blue.
Piko, on the other hand, is from Kobe, in the Kansai region just south of Tokyo (yes, he has the accent!). He was born March 11th, 1988. His start to fame was covering classic vocaloid songs since supecell’s “Love is War” on Nico Nico Douga and the amazing fact that he could sing as both genders with his best friend Sekihan (who has his own band). He’s physically very attractive and is still mistaken for a girl in short glimpses (to his amusement), but he has made it clear he is not gay and likes women (in fact, he’s very quick to remove a heavy wig). If he does “drag” then I’ve noticed it’s usually in a funny trolling sense or as a talent.
I’ve been listening these two practically my whole life along with Yuri Masada and Fukase from Sekai no Owari, because I’m a music junky, and they’re absolutely worth looking into.
Piko and Miki are almost a decade and half a nation apart, they were only under the same music label Ki/oon Records for a while. They’ve most likely never even met.
If they have met, I’ve rarely if ever heard Piko speak of his bank, let alone Miki. I know he has a copy of his own bank, and he's made music with Miku, Gumi, Rin and Len before (Chuutoro-P). Piko is still doing music work, streams, and YouTube now. Miki’s getting her SynthV release in December 2024 and she is doing quiet live shows and fashion work.
(In my series I decided to make them 1 year apart similar to their release dates.)
Their Designs:
While they are counterparts, no part of them is essentially “blood related”.
Piko’s iconic hair is the same as his mother’s to honour her, Utatane’s cowlick is just to differentiate.
Vocaloid Miki was about to have the similar short hair as in real life. I know this because I bought her artbook with KYMG’s concept designs. Supercar made a lot of laid back rock and almost meditative, space-like/romantic songs you could groove out/fall asleep to, hence her space theme. Furukawa has a cover of Saihate so you could tell she enjoyed Miku’s kz/Livetune era with songs like “Light Song” and “Packaged” (2008).
Piko’s entire design is specifically based on the discontinued (sigh) Yamaha RGX-A2 electric guitar in aircraft grey (other colours red, black, and dark blue), the aux jack to usb tail on the hem of his outfit falls with the computer instrument metaphor. It makes sense the two would be guitar and bass, since Miki is primarily a bassist who can sing and use a keyboard.
These two also have the same robotic joint markings, Piko’s are just harder to see because of his black sleeves and because his legs are covered, but people forget the elbow areas on the sleeves are actually transparent.
In conclusion:
Yamaha (I believe) wanted to launch an “Artist Edition” series at the time based on real musicians. The voices were Miki (Furukawa), Piko, Gakupo Kamui (Gakt), and Lily (Yuri Masada). If there were others, I don’t remember, but the “development code” thing was likely Heartfast’s idea pertaining to this theme by giving the two prototype sci-fi joints.
If the western fandom’s definition of “siblings” is by same company umbrella, then I accept that. Otherwise, I personally ship them very hard here because they’re totally unrelated and my goal is to give them the love they deserved and spread the word.
I hope this rant was educational.
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bikebound · 2 years
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Classic Since Forever: Garage84 x Vans Korea. Under the theme “Classic Since Forever,” Garage94 has been commissioned to produce five bikes to highlight the five classic models of Vans: AUTHENTIC, ERA, OLD SKOOL, SLIP-ON, and SK8-HI, which have been produced since the 70s and 80s. Today we feature the first three in the series: Yamaha SR400, Honda Dax, and Honda Ape. Builders: @usuk_garage94 / @mazenta.c__garage94 / @smith_garage94. Full story today on BikeBound.com! ⚡️Link in Bio⚡️ https://instagr.am/p/CjF01hluBTb/
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audiogold · 2 years
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A load of classic @audiogold kit on loan @myanalogjournal Checkout their YouTube Channel and Mix pages for super sounds and visuals. Also check out their upcoming Gig Dates:  14 Oct - @arkestra.ist , Istanbul  15 Oct - @kadikoybelediye Plak Gunleri, Istanbul  28 Oct - @boavista.socialclub ,Lisbon  5 Nov - @clubtoclub , Torino  11 Nov - London (TBC)  26 Nov - @growhackney , London Equipment down below are provided by @audiogold - Celestion 66  - Tannoy Eaton  - Icon Audio 25mkII  - Revox B77 Tape Machine  - Yamaha CR-2020  - Mordaunt Short Festival Series 2 - Oak Turntable Plinths . . . . #recordcollection #vinylrecord #hifi #homedecor #interiordesign #cozy #livingroom #vinylcollection #tannoy #tannoyspeakers #valveamp #plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #hifi #audio #myanalogjournal #audiogoldcrouchend #audiogold (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjiQs19tJgU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pratimadheer · 22 days
A Deep Dive into Yamaha’s Digital Piano Range: Which Model Suits Your Style?
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Yamaha has long been a trusted name in the world of musical instruments, renowned for its quality, innovation, and consistency. Among their vast array of products, Yamaha keyboards, particularly their digital pianos, have become favorites among both beginners and professionals. With a range of models catering to different skill levels, musical styles, and budgets, choosing the right Yamaha keyboard can be a daunting task. This article explores the key models in Yamaha’s digital piano lineup, helping you find the perfect instrument to suit your style.
Understanding Yamaha’s Digital Piano Lineup
Yamaha’s digital pianos are divided into several series, each designed to cater to specific needs. These series include the P-Series, YDP Arius Series, CLP Clavinova Series, and the CP Stage Series. Each series offers unique features and benefits, making it easier to find a model that aligns with your playing style and requirements.
P-Series: Portability and Affordability
The P-Series is ideal for those who are looking for a portable and affordable digital piano without sacrificing quality. The Yamaha P-125, one of the most popular models in this series, is a compact and lightweight keyboard that delivers excellent sound quality and realistic piano touch.
The P-125 features Yamaha’s Graded Hammer Standard (GHS) action, which mimics the feel of an acoustic piano by making the lower keys heavier and the higher keys lighter. This makes it a great option for beginners who want to develop proper finger technique. Additionally, it includes a wide variety of sounds and rhythms, making it versatile for different music styles. The portability of the P-Series makes it perfect for musicians who need to move their instrument frequently, such as gigging performers or students.
YDP Arius Series: Home-Focused Elegance
The YDP Arius Series is designed for home use, offering a blend of quality sound, classic piano aesthetics, and affordability. These models are perfect for those who want a digital piano that not only plays well but also looks great in a living room or study.
The Yamaha YDP-144, for example, features the same GHS action as the P-125 but with added benefits like a more powerful speaker system and a more elegant, furniture-like cabinet. It uses Yamaha’s Pure CF Sound Engine, which delivers a rich and detailed piano sound sampled from Yamaha’s CFIIIS concert grand piano. This series is perfect for intermediate players who want a reliable and aesthetically pleasing instrument for home practice.
CLP Clavinova Series: Premium Performance and Realism
For those who are serious about their piano playing and demand the best in terms of sound quality, touch, and features, the CLP Clavinova Series is the top choice. These Yamaha keyboards are designed to replicate the experience of playing an acoustic grand piano as closely as possible, making them a favorite among advanced players and professionals.
The Yamaha CLP-735, for instance, features the GrandTouch-S keyboard with wooden keys, offering a highly realistic touch. It also includes Yamaha’s Virtual Resonance Modeling (VRM) technology, which replicates the complex resonances of an acoustic piano’s strings and soundboard. This creates an incredibly immersive playing experience, especially when combined with the powerful speaker system and high-quality sound samples. The Clavinova series is ideal for those who want the closest experience to playing a grand piano without the size and maintenance requirements of an acoustic instrument.
CP Stage Series: For the Performing Musician
If you’re a performing musician who needs a versatile and durable digital piano for live performances, the CP Stage Series is worth considering. These Yamaha keyboards are designed with portability, durability, and professional sound in mind, making them a staple on many stages worldwide.
The Yamaha CP88, for example, features a combination of Yamaha’s Natural Wood Graded Hammer (NW-GH) action and premium piano sounds, including samples from the Yamaha CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial grand pianos. The CP88 is equipped with intuitive controls, allowing quick access to sounds, effects, and split functions, which are essential for live performances. It’s perfect for musicians who need a reliable instrument that can deliver a wide range of sounds, from electric pianos to synths, with the quality expected from Yamaha keyboards.
Yamaha keyboards offer something for everyone, whether you’re a beginner looking for an affordable and portable option, an intermediate player seeking a stylish home piano, or a professional in need of a stage-ready instrument. By understanding the features and benefits of each series—P-Series, YDP Arius, CLP Clavinova, and CP Stage—you can choose the Yamaha digital piano that best suits your style and needs. Regardless of the model you select, you can trust in Yamaha’s reputation for quality, durability, and exceptional sound, ensuring that your investment in a Yamaha keyboard will support your musical journey for years to come.
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yamahamusicstore · 5 months
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Yamaha P- series features compact digital pianos with high-quality sound and natural piano touch response that gives a grand feel. Explore the range from Yamaha today!
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banarjeenikita · 5 months
Yamaha Piano Price: Balancing Quality and Affordability
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When it comes to purchasing a piano, the price is often a significant consideration for buyers, particularly for those choosing among the renowned brands. Yamaha, a name synonymous with quality musical instruments, offers a variety of pianos that cater to different needs, preferences, and budget ranges. Understanding the pricing structure of Yamaha pianos can help prospective buyers make informed decisions, balancing both cost and quality to find the perfect instrument for their musical journey.
Yamaha’s Wide Range of Models
Yamaha's extensive lineup includes everything from entry-level digital pianos to high-end grand pianos. The diversity in their offerings means that Yamaha piano prices vary widely, providing options for beginners, intermediate players, and professional musicians alike.
Digital Pianos: Yamaha’s digital pianos are popular for their affordability and convenience. Models like the P-Series (P-45, P-125) are perfect for beginners and offer a practical entry point with prices starting around $500. These instruments are ideal for small spaces and for musicians who need a portable option.
Upright Pianos: Moving up in the range, Yamaha upright pianos are renowned for their resilience and excellent sound quality. The U Series and YUS Series are favorites in music schools and homes, with prices ranging from $4,000 to over $10,000. These models are designed for serious students and professional players who need a reliable instrument for intensive practice.
Grand Pianos: At the top of the range, Yamaha grand pianos, including the C Series and the premium CF Series, are the epitome of piano craftsmanship. These instruments are priced from around $15,000 to well over $100,000, targeted at professional concert musicians and institutions. The grand pianos offer sublime sound quality and a touch that is highly responsive, suitable for performance and advanced musical compositions.
Factors Influencing Yamaha Piano Prices
The cost of a Yamaha piano is influenced by several key factors:
Material Quality: Higher-priced Yamaha pianos typically feature materials of superior quality, such as advanced felt for hammers, specially designed strings, and meticulously selected wood for the soundboard and body.
Manufacturing Process: Yamaha’s handcrafted models, such as those in the CX Series, undergo a more detailed, labor-intensive manufacturing process, contributing to their higher price point.
Technological Features: Digital pianos include varying levels of technological integration, from basic models with fundamental sound replication to advanced models with sophisticated sound engines, integrated learning tools, and connectivity options. More features generally equate to a higher price.
Size and Type: Generally, larger pianos (e.g., grand vs. upright) cost more due to the greater amount of materials used and the complexity of the design and construction.
Why Choose a Yamaha Piano?
Opting for a Yamaha piano, regardless of the specific model, comes with certain assurances:
Durability: Yamaha pianos are built to last, making them a wise long-term investment. The brand’s commitment to quality means that their pianos hold their value exceptionally well.
Resale Value: Thanks to the brand's strong market presence and reputation, Yamaha pianos typically maintain a high resale value. This is particularly appealing to those who might anticipate upgrading their piano as their skills develop.
Sound Quality: Yamaha is known for its clear, beautiful sound across its range, ensuring that every pianist, from beginner to professional, has a rewarding playing experience.
The price of a Yamaha piano reflects its quality, innovation, and craftsmanship. Whether you are a novice looking to purchase your first instrument or a seasoned musician aspiring to own a grand piano, Yamaha offers a range of products that promise excellent musical quality and sound investment. With proper care, a Yamaha piano is not just a purchase but a lifelong musical partner, making it a worthy addition to any home or institution.
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gryficowa · 1 year
I'm currently listening to old (Already forgotten) Circus-P songs
I recently found out that "Circus Monster" was a series and something makes me sad that even the author prefers to hide it, because oh no! He was using a pirated vocaloid! Tia… Big loss for the corporation and Yamaha, no matter what
People used to have a crazy love for corporations and treated piracy as the biggest crime, so what if the company exploited its employees and paid them less, you should feel guilty for pirating programs, because according to logic it will lose a lot while earning millions at the same time
Yes, I'm taking it out on corporations because we, as customers, are being attacked, regardless of whether we buy something legally or pirate it, in both cases we will get what we deserve (Capitalism is a tragedy and let's be honest about it)
Shall we buy something? We support a corporation that exploits workers
Are we pirates? We break the law because we don't support corporations that exploit workers and people think it's wrong
So regardless of whether Circus-P bought vocaloid or pirated it, in both cases someone could accuse him of something
Although ironically you'll get hit more for pirating because you don't support corporations that exploit workers, so yes, as a society we have fucked up moral principles
We have to remember that some people pirate because they can't afford it, or to test the program, because the demo versions are a sick joke and they don't encourage people to buy them due to fucked up restrictions, should we seriously attack them for that? Because in the first case it is classism, and in the second case I tried it myself, because let's face it, the demo is a drama and the limited time does not help, when you don't have time and the entire trial version will be wasted, because you won't try shit, I checked the pirated vocaloid myself, for my own use, because openutau wasn't an option yet (Because I didn't know, or it wasn't available yet), and utau doesn't work very well, to learn how it all works
Okay, back to the topic of Circus-P, because now it's targeting corporations (Correct, but that's off topic)
I have the impression that the current works of this artist are often bland, there are gems, but compared to the beginning of the creator himself and this type, the new works do not have the power they had years ago, because on the one hand there is a lot of progress, but something is missing, I can't define what I mean it just doesn't have the same power in the lyrics and it doesn't stand out much, they're not bad songs but I just don't like them as much as I should
Unfortunately, I have the impression that lately the situation with vocaloids is not very good, or rather with songs, because larger creators do not create as good things as they used to, and many of them have not created for years (For various reasons), while smaller ones can hardly break out because the bigger creators who have been around for years have been preventing them from doing so, and some new creators have given up (Creep-p)
Because the power of the singing synthesizer songs was that they were something different than what other songs were used to, seriously, I go back to the old ones more often than I find new ones, because they described my condition (Even today), especially the songs sung by Hatsune Miku are for me much closer (And unfortunately many of them were attacked because Miku is weak… Seriously? For you, scapegoats are weak? Are you totally crazy?)
Many old artists have stopped creating or their songs have become bland, and new ones can't stand out as strongly as they did back then and it's sad
Among the new creators I found: Zoofles
But as you can guess, he is not a great creator on the level of many bigger ones, because he has been creating for a relatively short time and since he hasn't been around since the heyday of vocaloids, he doesn't make a name for himself that quickly
So I have the impression that vocaloids are no longer at the same peak as they used to be, and it's not just about other vocal synthesizers that were created, but the creators simply messed up a bit, yes, those who broke out years ago during the vocaloid renaissance, because seriously, there is a visible difference between what they used to create and what today seems to be an advantage, when you don't see the problem, it's losing what made vocaloids a big deal
I miss that something, that thing that made synthesizers something great in newer songs, the history and emotion, those trivial things that seem like nothing special, but were just something that made them stand out from the regular songs you hear on the radio
And this is exactly the case with Circus-P, the old songs had this fire, but in the new ones it rarely happens
Unfortunately, I will probably come off as a whiner and piss off the capitalists for this angry attitude towards corporations, but you understand, this is something that has been bothering me for a while now, and hardly anyone has paid attention to this fact
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ezmusicbox · 1 year
Yamaha P515 Review - Amazing and Portable
Hello everybody! Welcome to another digital piano review here at EzMusicBox.com. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the Yamaha P515, the flagship of the P series. The P-515 really hit the market with a very big splash five years ago when it was released. It has gained a lot of attention and interest. Therefore, we’re excited to do a review on it. Yamaha P515 Specifications P-515…
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tastierearranger · 1 year
Yamaha alza il sipario sulla serie 200 dei pianoforti arranger CSP
È come se, improvvisamente, fosse crollata la diga virtuale che dal 2021 ha fatto da tappo al fiume di presentazioni di nuovi prodotti Yamaha. È un fatto: da qualche mese dilagano annunci di nuovi pianoforti digitali. Tutto il listino della casa giapponese è in fase di rinnovo: abbiamo assistito al lancio della nuova serie di pianoforti con arranger P-S500 e Clavinova CVP-900 e, senza…
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yamahamusicians · 1 year
Yamaha Launches New P-225 & P-145 P-Series Digital Pianos
Yamaha Music Europe GmbH (UK) are pleased to announce the release of two new product lines to the renowned P-Series digital pianos. The Yamaha P-225 and P-145. Yamaha’s P-Series digital pianos are loved by piano players around the world who want the comfortable feel of an acoustic piano in an instrument with a more manageable size and weight. The new P-225 and P-145 are taking over the legacy of…
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merriammusicinc · 1 year
Yamaha P45 vs Casio PX-160 | 88-Key Digital Piano Review & Comparison
Welcome to another piano review here at Merriam Music! In this article and accompanying video, we’ll be comparing two absolute titans of the entry-level market for 88-key digital pianos with weighted actions as we look at the Yamaha P45 vs Casio PX-160. We’ll be comparing the actions, sound engines, speaker systems, and peripheral features - everything you'll want to know about these instruments before making a decision.
Let’s kick off our discussion by focusing on sound engines.
Digital Piano Sound Comparison: Yamaha P45 vs Casio PX-160 Casio PX-160 Polyphony
The Yamaha P45 and Casio PX-160 are really well-matched when it comes to price, but when we take a closer look at the sound-related specs, it becomes immediately apparent that the PX-160 is delivering some exceptional value. Just look at the polyphony counts for example - there are 128 notes of polyphony over on the PX-160, whereas the P45 has half of that at 64 note polyphony.
The same thing continues when it comes to the speakers - the P45 has dual 6-watt amps/speakers for 12 watts of power versus dual 8-watt speakers for 16 watts of amplifier power on the PX-160.
Sound Engine: AiR Sound System Yamaha P45 Advanced Wave Memory Engine
For the price, it really is quite remarkable what Casio has brought to the table here in terms of sound quality with their AiR sound system. Since sound is a super personal and subjective thing, however, at this point we’d recommend checking out the video as Stu Harrison takes us through a playing comparison of both pianos’ default grand piano sounds.
In terms of the actual acoustic piano tone, both instruments are definitely bringing something satisfying to the table. If you demo both pianos with headphones (which we would recommend) you’ll notice that the PX-160 has a lot of air surrounding the sound, which maybe shouldn’t be a shock given the name of the sound engine.
This is a really great feature as it gives the player a sense of being in a larger room behind a real piano. The Yamaha P45 has a more simple tone courtesy of the Advanced Wave Memory engine (AWM stereo sampling), but it's still delivering a satisfying playing experience.
Yamaha has sampled their CFIIIS concert grand piano for the core piano sound, and while this piano has been replaced by the newer CFX concert grand, this is still a super high-end grand piano to be working from.
Additional Sounds
Beyond the core acoustic piano sounds, both pianos have some additional instrument sounds worth exploring, with 18 total sounds on the PX160, and the P45 has just over half as many with 10.
Even though there are only 10 sounds on the P45, all of the essentials are covered, such as some electric pianos, strings, organ, and harpsichord. The P-Series pianos always have nice electric piano sounds, and that holds true here.
The PX160 has all of the same types of sounds, plus several more given its larger count overall. The quality is high for the price points on both pianos in terms of the onboard voices, but the PX160 obviously gets an edge here due to the greater number of sounds. Both pianos offer some user control over the Reverb settings.
This sums up our discussion on sound. Let’s move on to action now.
Yamaha P45 vs Casio PX-160 | Piano Action Review and Comparison Full-size, Weighted Keys, 88-key Keyboards
We certainly had some big differences in the sound systems of both pianos, but when it comes to the action, the differences become even more obvious, even if both pianos are using full-size, weighted keys, 88-key keyboards. This is apparent right away when you first play the PX-160’s Tri-Sensor Scaled Hammer Action Keyboard II due to some really dramatic textures on the white and black keys.
Yamaha P45 Graded Hammer Standard
The Yamaha P45 Graded Hammer Standard (GHS) action on the other hand doesn’t employ any type of texture on the white keys and instead features a glossy feel, with a matte finish on the black keys.
For the P45, this has been an area of criticism within the industry for a few years now, as the piano player’s fingers can slide on the keys in playing situations with higher humidity, which of course aren’t uncommon for portable digital pianos.
Casio Privia PX160 Tri-Sensor Scaled Hammer Action Keyboard II Casio Advanced Triple Sensor Action
Neither action has escapement or let-off as it's sometimes known, and only the FP10 and its PHA4 action boast this particular feature in the price point. The Yamaha P45 action uses a dual-sensor which is typical for the price, but the PX160’s action features a more advanced triple sensor action meaning it has a greater capacity for touch sensitivity.
A beginner looking for an instrument for piano lessons won’t really feel a difference here, but an experienced musician looking for a good value practice or secondary instrument probably will, as will those looking for an accurate MIDI controller.
The weighting is good on both pianos, with the Yamaha feeling a little bit lighter.
As far as weighted action digital pianos go, both of these feel good overall for the price. Are you going to put either one on your wishlist if you’re looking to dive into advanced classical repertoire? No, but that’s not the point, and you’re probably not looking for a portable keyboard in that case anyway.
Yamaha P45 vs Casio PX-160 | Features/Connectivity Comparison
Both the PX-160 and the P45 have all of the basics covered when it comes to normal digital piano features. Both have a metronome, transpose, dual-mode (Layer), while the PX160 has Split mode, and the P45 has Duo mode.
USB-MIDI Connections: Yamaha P45 and Casio Privia PX-160 USB/MIDI Connectivity
There’s no built-in recorder on the P45 like there is on the PX160, but thanks to USB-MIDI connections both pianos are easily connectible to computers for recording anyway. The PX160 has discreet 1/4” line outputs which is a very nice bonus for the price point, while you’ll have to use the headphone jack on the P45 which isn’t ideal.
Keyboard Stand and Pedal System: Yamaha P45 vs Casio PX-160
Both pianos include a basic footswitch sustain pedal, though we recommend upgrading to a more substantial damper pedal. Also included with each are a power supply (power adapter) and a music rest.
Both are available with optional matching keyboard stands, while Casio also gives you the option of opting for a triple pedal system as well.
Casio PX-160 Keyboard Stand and Pedals Final Thoughts
At the price both of these pianos are available, there aren’t too many other compelling options out there, aside from spending a little bit more and jumping to the Roland FP10 with its superior tone and touch (no triple pedal though!.)
Between the P45 and PX160, the PX160 definitely out-specs it on paper and makes a pretty compelling case for itself. That said, there are plenty of folks who will simply prefer the tone and touch of the P45 for their own personal reasons, not to mention the comfort that comes with selecting a Yamaha product.
Tough to find in stock, even on Amazon, but if you can, both are among the best digital pianos available in the entry-level class.
The post Yamaha P45 vs Casio PX-160 | 88-Key Digital Piano Review & Comparison first appeared on Merriam Pianos
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ampsheaven · 2 years
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$8.99 Only! ~ Yamaha P Series P60 P80 P120 etc and CLP / CVP Clavinova Series Replacement Key, Digital Piano Keyboard, Best Electronic Keyboards BUY HERE! #DigitalPianoKeyboard, #BestElectronicKeyboards,
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jayne-hecate-writer · 2 years
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This is a precursor to the main event. I present a Maisto 1/12 scale Yamaha R1 modified with fibre optic headlights & taillight. Built into a street scene diorama. This was an experiment because the next project is for my wife, building a Kawasaki Z1 1/12 model kit that she has had for over 20 years. This version of the R1 is a very pretty bike, for lovers of sports bikes, although I prefer something more comfortable these days. The KX Series phone kiosk & post box are all scratch built from scrap card & plastic packaging. The paving slabs are cut from mounting card that had been water stained. The base is made from a damaged insulation board offcut. The electronics are all recovered from scrap computer parts, as are the wires. The LED for the headlights is hidden inside the engine & is attached to the fibre optic strands with UV resin. #scalemodelling #diorama #maisto #Yamaha #r1 #bt #recycledart #womanartist #motorcycleart #yzfr1 #phonebox #artist #modelmaker #painting #uvresin https://www.instagram.com/p/CoVl9IwICER/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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realstephenpender · 2 years
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It’s showtime! I’m here at the historic @themetphilly performing I need y’all to subscribe to my page here on Instagram. Subscribers will get access to behind the scenes footage, lives, and even studio sessions that others may not get to see. #pendersway #themetphilly #hammond #organ #keys #yamaha #music #subscribe #2023 #behindthescenes #tour #podcast #series (at The Met Philly) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cne1o8EutZH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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