nerds-yearbook · 2 years
In Gen 13 59# vol 2 (cover date January, 2001), John Lynch quits the team. ("Ghost, No Shell, Over Easy", Gen 13 59# vl 2, Comic, Event)
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444names · 5 months
Names generated from French and Japanese forenames, combined with Japanese and Chinese cities.
Abingguan Adelodang Agawa Aging Aishiganaru Akaibei Akanfeng Akika Akusa Alinzhou Amatsu Amionang Amitai Anghuan Aninglino Anjianisan Anobetomeng Anshide Ançoichirō Arikotakang Arunozu Asukunyuken Atsusi Ayasuto Ayura...
Baimarumi Baoya Betsu Béatsuhi Calanistei Cheng Chenhang Chibunosei Chiden Chidetarō Chigan Chige Chiko Chikueri Chima Chiro Chirō Chisaki Chisaohiro Chrie Chuan Chunis Célinjirō Dalel Damasarido Daque Davidō Dayan Dazakaman Dokou Donbeiko Ebielieto Eiihiki Eiizugi Eikoshi Eizakazu Emotomiyo Entato Ezakehirō Fenyama Foseiko Fukehirō Fukiro Fumenasa Fuming Fushenghan Fuzhengong Gaheko Gashi Ginai Guille Guyasuke Gyincaru Haganyama Haléri Hamadaqique Hanluang Hanne Hanobu Haranne Hariiya Haring Hayabince Heijiri Hendrédéri Henji Henohirabu Henshiko Hentang Heshiko Hibiko Hicheiko Hietomin Higaharu Hihan Hikaya Hikun Himasama Himurō Hinen Hinoki Hinori Hiran Hirong Hirote Hitsuchitō Hiupatai Hiōshigemi Hongwuzhuan Huaki Huana Huiluo Hunin Huokasado Icharu Ichuguc Ikuodahika Imasa Imedong Imoto Inèseixi Isatring Isaya Istéphi Itang Itsuke Itsuo Itsuyanne Iwake Iwanweisō Iyatsu Jeaka Jeaki Jeane Jeangshiro Jiaotosa Jiaoyasan Jietiang Jinji Jinorie Joshule Junai Junehi Juniqujiano Kagan Kageo Kaichilio Kaizuhiyan Kakai Kakunzhi Kamasa Kangko Karisaki Kashihou Kater Katokun Katra Katri Katsu Katsugan Katsukei Katsukumas Katsune Katsunzo Kawajiyama Kayami Kazuhing Kazukatada Kazumin Kazuodale Keakito Keantaki Kegami Kichiro Kichitajien Kihenkyōzō Kihidong Kihiro Kikatanchū Kimard Kishie Kitoming Kiyasakawa Kiyohanara Kotomihun Kuningfeng Kuniève Kunoma Kunzhon Kuraki Kuralesei Kurayohi Kusaicolin Kōhenobu Kōhezengko Leijies Lhachi Lhaiyamashi Lichinada Lille Linang Linankou Lingchishi Liseng Luchi Lusuchirō Machan Machigemune Machirō Magakika Mamachi Maraome Marutte Masada Masayune Masuru Matoko Matsuyan Maxinori Mayukuyumot Mazuelle Megawa Michanobuki Michi Michin Mihiro Mihisahio Mikazu Mikou Mikunie Millaisaki Miluozhou Minyan Mitakei Mitako Mochirès Mongjing Motakika Motsukenori Muncan Munshirō Munzhoko Mutakitosu Méliakakaki Mélisamo Naganchiki Nagawatsuki Nahou Nailetsuko Namannumika Nanaoyo Nangji Nantart Narito Nateru Natsuneji Nieko Niemitsun Nishiko Nobetsu Nobun Nohenshiko Nojita Norihara Noshunau Numitsuanne Obolaud Obuta Okazueng Okuman Omomaka Oriko Otoshi Paulud Paura Penzhao Phentaki Pienta Pizuyamonbu Qiaoya Qingshi Qitsuma Quanji Rengshirō Rokio Rokujian Ryōichitama Ryūga Ryūjinpeiji Saang Sachire Sakan Sakizō Saobusake Satori Satsu Satsukeyan Sayami Sayaning Seikiyo Seiyosu Shalinang Shaoki Sharatoharō Shiang Shichihua Shieng Shigamama Shigawakang Shigeakang Shiko Shikou Shimonori Shinari Shingdu Shinhuran Shirazho Shiro Shirohiro Shirō Shisae Shiyaang Shizuki Shonobuyama Shuzhegu Shūichide Stianobu Suixingyuki Sunihirole Suniwaihi Sushigi Sushiko Sutierunang Suyugi Sōtsurō Tadaotono Tadatsu Taicellexan Taing Tainohiko Tairyōkahi Taiwa Takahan Takard Takatsu Takawa Takei Takenohan Takeshihou Taling Tamoriko Tanturu Terma Terry Tetara Tette Thenglunago Tinarle Tokuminhen Tomis Tonbasa Tongtori Toriya Tosei Toshigeruha Totaki Totomi Toyasukari Toyuane Tsuang Tsugu Tsuke Tsusato Ujian Uling Umitakine Umitoyane Umono Usamura Vicheng Wuchika Xanzhou Xiang Xiangrée Xichinsama Xin'ichima Xingshin Xuchao Xukamatoko Xuzeng Yagangko Yakage Yakan Yamasakako Yamashira Yamashiro Yamuri Yanoshi Yashing Yasong Yasuoki Yateri Yoaka Yokiya Yomiya Yoren Yoshas Yotoki Yuayuke Yuelle Yukatsunako Yukean Yukiyorlan Yukou Yveru Yōhengzhou Yōsumei Yōtachō Yūhenatte Yūking Yūtan Yūtoyukehi Zakazhono Zhama Zhanjing Zhen'ichi Zhenxian Zhondaomi Zhong Zukatephin Zukenri Zuoyou Zurumiki Émyri Ōdahigu Ōkōsumi Ōmaka Ōmarieru Ōtaka
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
OMG I Feel like a little kid coming back here again and again because of free candy or ice cream. ANYWAYS do you have any rarepair or any other ships with Shirabu you have in mind 👀 YahaShira is actually a thing for a while and i found it cute ngl or maybe because i have a thing for enemies2lovers + nextgen captains 😔 BUT HBU?
i just love shirabu and its a hyper-fixation that i should get fixed (jk i probably wont)
Ah yes, yoom-ss, my child 💀. But yes! I do have more future caps/Shirabu ships/rare pairs!!
I literally have a list (list under the cut!)
KuroAka - I LOVE their dynamic SM it's just so UGH YES ✋️😩
EnnoShira - Definitely the parent friends. They give the other's the disapproving glares 😭 You never catch this pair arguing, they always have their relationship shit straight (haha straight)
AkaShira - Such pretty boyfriends omg 😩. The type random people go up to and are like "I think you and your friend are really cute" and ask for their numbers and they continue on to completely destroy them by harshly explaining that they're together
YamaShira - SOUNDS FAMILIAR HUH- Love them sm 🥴 himbo x smartass, I love that shit.
SakuAtsu - It's ok. Overrated, no doubt, but still enjoyable.
YahaShira - Not my favorite but still nice to watch. Underrated ngl
Yamamoto and Seguro - IDK WHAT THEY'D BE CALLED 😭 but I love their little "Oh we're supposed to be rivals- oh wait, you kinda fine 😳🥴" dynamic
That's all I got for now 😙
KawaShira - They have my heart. Normally I see them as besties like 90% of the time, but that 10% I'm so soft for their "we've been bestfriends for years but I gotta tell you something and you gotta swear you won't act awkward after this"
KuroShira - SEMISHIRA BUT WITH A TWIST?? IG?? It makes no sense but it's hot
SemiKuro (or KuroSemi idk) - Again, the pretty boyfriends but instead it's devastatingly hot boyfriends
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sapphyrelily · 7 years
this one’s warm, but it’s not mine
Based on this thread
It is too cold for this, Shirabu grumbles to himself, snagging his coat from the pile on the bench. You’d think the gym would be warmer in winter but nooo, Coach wants us all to warm up naturally.
He pulls on the fluffy piece of clothing, shaking his arms out and zipping it up. He buries his nose in the collar of it, huffing at the warmth on his icy face.
“It’s not that cold,” Kawanishi mumbles, side-eyeing him as he tugs the hood over his head. “It’s like, 14 degrees.”
“I am a reptile and need external warmth,” comes the muffled reply. “Winter messes up my homeostasis.”
“Funny you should say that, when you’ve got an ice heart–”
He neatly dodges the punch thrown in his direction, closing his locker and searching the pile for his own coat. He vaguely hears Shirabu mumble, “You’re the one with a heart of ice. How are you not cold?”
“Maybe I’m just better than you.”
“I won’t buy you ice cream in summer when you’re melting anymore,” Shirabu sniffs, sinking to the floor and curling in on himself. “Hurry up, I’m cold.”
Kawanishi makes a big show of slowing down, not dodging the kick aimed at him this time.
Shirabu doesn’t bother moving when he hears the third years come in. He sticks his hands deeper in his pockets and lays his head on his knees, grumbling in his best friend’s direction, “Wake me up when you’re finally ready to go.”
He thinks he hears him mumble his affirmation, but he isn’t sure and couldn’t care less.
He drifts in and out of sleep, picking up snippets of conversation around him. Homework, classmates, practice… The words fly over his head, weaving into some kind of elaborate scene, and he’s suddenly not sure if it’s reality or a dream.
“Hey, where’s my coat?”
“Check the pile, Hayato, it’s probably there.”
“I did, and it isn’t. This is so weird.”
“Hayato-kun, a coat’s a lot bigger than a phone, you know. There’s no way you lost it.”
“Oh yeah, speaking of my phone…”
A laugh, and he sees Tendou’s head pop out from behind his locker door. “Is it on silent today?”
“I think I turned the sound on before practice, but the vibrations should be loud enough even if I didn’t.”
“Okay, now calling~”
“Yamagata-san, I’ll help you look.”
“Thanks, Taichi.”
Stupid Taichi, Shirabu thinks. If you’re so free, hurry up so we can go back.
He hears a gentle melody playing, feels something vibrating against his leg. He looks down and sees a bunch of jumping beans, and tries to push them off him. The melody is getting louder and he wonders when the school band relocated to their clubroom. Maybe he’ll get up and check.
But it’s warm and sunny, and he’s so tired…
“I hear it, but where is it?”
“Sounds like it’s coming from over there.”
Someone snorts, and he looks up, squinting at Kawanishi – why is he so bright?
“Why does Kenjirou have my phone?”
The music cuts off, and he misses it already – it was so nice.
Oh, the beans are gone too. That’s a relief.
“I think he’s wearing your coat.”
“What? Oh, damn, he is.”
“Want me to wake him up?”
No, don’t wake him up, let him sleep, Shirabu grumbles internally. It’s warm.
But the hood is roughly pulled off his head, and he glares blearily at the offender, shaking his head a few times before Kawanishi comes into focus. “Go away, Taichi.”
The blond looks amused. “Give Yamagata-san his coat and phone back.”
“You’re wearing my coat, Kenjiirou.” Yamagata appears on Kawanishi’s other side. “Did you take it by accident?”
“I…” He shakes his head again, lifting a hand to rub his temple. As he shifts, he feels something digging into his hip, and unzips the jacket to pull out a phone that is distinctively not his.
He drops the phone back into the inner pocket and shrugs out of it, handing it over a little sheepishly, shivering against the sudden cold. “Sorry, Yamagata-san.”
“Don’t worry about it,” the brunet grins, tossing a coat – his coat – at him. “They’re pretty close in colour.”
“Hayato-kun, one is dark blue and one is blacker than Kenjirou’s soul, how is that close in colour?”
“Black and blue can be difficult to differentiate, we can’t all have your artist’s eyes–”
Shirabu’s lips twist in a slight frown at the insult, but his brain is too muddled from sleep. He pulls on the coat and shivers at the cold of it. Now I have to warm this up again. Great, just great.
“Are you done yet?” He mumbles, hugging his knees, glaring at Kawanishi’s leg.
“Almost. Go back to sleep, since you’ve got the right coat this time.”
“Shut up.”
He buries his face in the collar, noticing the lack of a clean, crisp scent that he fell asleep to in the other one.
The half-formed implication makes him grin into his knees, wisps of a dream weaving themselves into another sun-drenched world.
(A dream that says, “Hey, you look cold, want my coat?”)
(He hopes his hood is covering his smile.)
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
I told you guys this was a YamaShira riot
Let's see how Yamamoto gets Shiratorizawa 👏👏👏👏👏 to approve of him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- STZW was already a little skeptical of the way he was staring down their setter at first
- But now that they knows that they've been DATING without telling anybody 🤨 they will fight this dude
- Plus, seeing Shirabu all in love was not their usual idea of their not-so-big, bad, setter
- Now they have to "behave" or whatever because Shirabu's little boyfriend would be visiting for the weekend in the dorms.
- Ew.
- Tendō was lowkey excited tho. He seemed fun and that's exactly what Mr. Grumpy Pants needs in his life.
- That doesn't mean he gets a free pass.
- Semi would dramatically gag whenever he saw Shirabu smiling at his phone. It's ok tho cuz Reon would smack him upside his head.
- Goshiki was ready to fight this man.
- May the better ace win 🙄💢
- Taichi's grabbing his popcorn.
- So the trial begins.
- When Yamamoto arrives, Shirabu immediately hugs (tackles) him which he very excitedly returns.
- The team watches, totally spy-like, from around the corner.
- Yamamoto immediately sees them and he is SCARED.
- Shirabu is not amused.
- Once Shirabu gets Yamamoto to he and Taichi's dorm, they begin to plot.
- What's something them and Yamamoto have in common? Well, volleyball.
- Easy, they'll just kick his ass in volleyball.
- Goshiki's time to shine rn.
- Goshiki SPRINTS to Shirabu's dorm. Knocks very aggressively. He just looks like he knocks aggressively.
- Shirabu opens the door, not very amused. Yamamoto's behind him, looking curious.
- "I wanna play volleyball! With you!...That guy too!"
- Uh ok
- Goshiki practically skips to the gym, where everyone is waiting, with a mildly annoyed Shirabu and a slightly anxious Yamamoto following behind him
- Shiratorizawa looks like they're about to eat him alive.
- Yamamoto is quickly dragged away by Goshiki. He wants to show him his cool spikes. Uh, ok.
- Goshiki, trying his very hardest cuz he wants to show him up, shows him his super cool line shot 😤
- "Try running up on your other leg" Huh 😃
- "I mean, when you run up, take your first step with your other leg."
- Goshiki tried it. It felt better. He hit it harder. Goshiki approves 👏
- That was fairly easy, then again it's Goshiki and you can't expect much out of him.
- Next is Yamagata 😤💢
- Yamagata likes to make you believe he's scary. He's not. He's cute <3
- "Oohhh, you're that Libero that Yaku thinks is cool 😃"
- Yamagata's twirling his hair already
- "He thinks I'm cool? 👀🥴" "Yeah! 😃 so do I!"
- Flattery doesn't work on everyone, luckily for Yamamoto it works on Yamagata
- Well kinda four down. Reon's literally the only one who was ok with it from the start. Taichi didn't like it at first but he already had time to adapt 🙄
- Next we got Tendō
- This is a disaster in the making
- "What's your favorite ice cream flavor?" "Chocolate's goated bro" "Wanna go rob the ice cream joint down the street?" "Fuck yeah"
- Tendō's intrigued.
- They start to plan out their ultimate, super cool, super dramatic, ice cream store break-in but they don't really get anywhere by the time Shirabu steals his boyfriend back
- Yamamoto's mouthing 'I'LL COME BACK FOR YOU' while Shirabu has him by the ear
- Tendō likes to talk so impressing him was taking the risk of Semi and Ushijima never liking him
- Literally two of the scariest people on the damn team. The delinquent who looks like he keeps a knife on him and Mister "Top 3 in Japan"
- Yamamoto decides to try things slowly
- Ushijima spikes a ball. It lands on the opposite side of the gym.
- Yamamoto, being the great guy he is, decides to just get the ball for him. That's respectable.
- His hands are shaking while he's holding out the ball for him 💀
- "You don't need to collect them yet. I have a whole basket."
- Ok, well fuck you too big man
- Semi isn't even giving him a chance. He's stubborn.
- This shit's gonna have to wait till tomorrow 😮‍💨
- Shirabu's pretty pissed
- He gets Friday night, Saturday, and a good amount of Sunday with his boyfriend and he can't even get that time to himself without his teammates harassing him 😪
- Yamamoto is exhausted. They get back to Shirabu's dorm and he puts on his sleepwear basically half asleep and half sulking
- "Why don't they like me, Kenji? 😪" "They don't like you because you're you, they don't like you because you're my boyfriend. 🙄"
- Shirabu gives him lots of kisses that night to put him at ease 😔‼️
- They at least get to sleep through the night before STZW is back for round 2
- Breakfast 💀 at ass o'clock in the morning
- They all sit at their regular table and ofc since Shirabu is there, so is Yamamoto
- He sits between Shirabu and Taichi so that they can protect him 😭
- Doesn't help that Semi's right in front of him because he can feel two holes being burned into his skull
- This is scary
- Someone drops something, Shirabu, who's sitting on the edge, reaches down to get it
- Yamamoto immediately uses his hand to cover the corner of the table so he doesn't hurt himself coming up (one of the worst pains I swear)
- Semi's a little blown away. It's the little things with him fr
- Like woah, did he just do that? 😳 that's so thoughtful
- He gains some points on the SemiSemi scale without knowing
- He'll take what he can get
- Now Ushijima's a tough shell to crack. How does one gain approval from him?
- It's pretty simple actually. Ushijima just wants to be treated like a human instead of some volleyball god.
- With this information (provided by Tendō) Yamamoto takes the simple approach.
- The simple approach being walk up to Ushijima and just start talk.
- "Yo Ushijima, so the other day coach had us do these drills where-"
- Ushijima is taken aback, but he's listening nonetheless
- He talks kinda fast and his slang is definitely a little strange but he's got the jist of it
- "And THEN, he got all pissed at us because-" Ushijima: 😐 "Mhm...yeah...hm"
- He sounds bored but he's very intrigued 💀
- "So yeah, practice was pretty crazy that day" "Sounds like it. Our coach is yet to suggest any drill like that."
- Ushijima is starting to think that maybe this dude ain't that bad
- Congrats to Yamamoto, he passed the trial. He gets a shiny gold star and a kiss.
- STZW still gags when they kiss, or lift eyebrows when they see their setter with a Nekoma jacket, and don't even get me started on the first time they discovered a hickey.
- All of that aside, they're happy that their not-so-sweet setter is happy, even if it means being with an obnoxious, loud, Nekoma player 😔😭
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
Thank Log for this one 💀
- Let's circle to the 2nd gen captains
- I just wanna say that I love them all sm
- If I hear one complaint about how I think Yamamoto is Nekoma's next captain and about how it's supposed to be Kenma or some shit I will throw a fit because FIRST OF ALL AS HIS BESTFRIEND KUROO WOULD NOT DO THAT TO HIM- and Fukunaga's more of the "Yeah, I don't wanna deal with that lmao good luck tho" so it's Yamamoto. Idc, idc-
- Let's say the 2nd gen captain meet up happens. Just cuz it makes me happy
- Yamamoto knows Akaashi...he's heard of Atsumu...he knows the snake bastard Seguro...he's seen Ennoshita before...no clue who the rest of those fucks are
- Shirabu's heard of most of these people, he does his homework.
- No clue who Yamamoto is tho 💀
- They just meet up at a park or sum, nothing special. It's the weekend anyway they can do what they want
- Yamamoto, being who he is, is trying to come off as all super cool and awesome but he's freaking out a little.
- Shirabu just doesn't wanna do this.
- Immediately as soon as Yamamoto starts to talk he's classified as a meat head in Shirabu's book
- Yamamoto was honestly a bit stunned by Shirabu at first.
- He thought that one dude was Shiratorizawa's setter. They have a new one?
- And why was this dude so...? He doesn't even have the words. Graceful? Royal-like? A smartass? A mix??
- Yamamoto thinks Shirabu's handsome. Shirabu thinks Yamamoto's decent.
- They didn't really hit it off..? But at least they spoke to one another. That's a win in Yamamoto's book
- And he weirdly leaves a lasting impression on Shirabu. Shirabu really doesn't know why his mind keeps traveling back to that one dude. He needs to tell Taichi about this 😮‍💨
- Next time they meet they're a little, I wouldn't say timid, but they tiptoe around each other for sure
- They're intrigued you could say
- Yamamoto sits next to Shirabu in the little round booth they're squeezed into in some small café
- Omg their legs are touching
- Shirabu's honestly just thinking about how toned this guys thighs feel
- That's pretty gay of him to think about but ya know, yolo 💀
- Yamamoto's just like "Omg bangsie's sitting next to me 😍🤸‼️🔥🥶💦"
- Don't ask Yamamoto why he's so pleased by this cuz HE PROBABLY DOESN'T KNOW EITHER-
- This is like the feeling he gets when he's next to a pretty girl. But Shirabu's not a pretty GIRL, he's a pretty BOY. A BOY!
- Yamamoto's questioning his life rn, he needs to tell his little sister and Fukunaga about this.
- Shirabu's just thanking whoever's out there that neither of them are wearing shorts rn
- When it comes time to go back to good ol' Tokyo all the Miyagi folk walk them to the station
- Yamamoto says bye to everyone, he's sad to say bye to his friends that he doesn't see much but ya know, school and stuff. Plus he misses both his moms' cooking 😪 even if he was only gone for two days-
- Well lemme tell you that this dumbass pulls the most EMBARRASSING move and 👏HUGS👏SHIRABU👏
- The other future caps are in the back lowkey losing their shit LMAO 😭💀
- Shirabu gives him like three firm pats on the back
- He's not good at this affection thing 😭
- Yamamoto spends the rest of his ride home wallowing in shame with Akaashi standing next to him, patting him on the back 💀
- Yamamoto's a big, strong, not-completely-but-enough confident man. He's gonna text Shirabu 😤
- His fingers are shaking while he's pressing the buttons ✋️😭
- It's just a simple little text, lucky for him, Shirabu texts back like 3 minutes later
- Yamamoto's about to play the lottery after this
- They actually talk??
- Yamamoto's so happy??
- Shirabu thinks that this man just becomes more attractive by the minute
- This is good, this is great actually 🤭🤭🤭
- It doesn't take long before they're both like, "Ok, I'm gay for this dude"
- They didn't wanna admit it at first but HERE WE ARE NOW
- They plan a meet up
- With just them two 👀
- Yamamoto is fully convinced that this is a date
- Shirabu isn't aware of this
- Yamamoto shows up with a flower 💀🤡
- Shirabu: 😳
Yamamoto: 😏
- Yamamoto's thinks that he's romanced him
- "Umm, thank you? What are these for?"
- Huh 😃😄😃
- He's already scratching the back of his neck
- "Well I figured that you usually get each other flowers on dates. That's what my sister said anyway."
- A DATE? 😭
- For the first time in Yamamoto's life, he sees a panicked Shirabu 😭
- "A date!?"
- Yamamoto's dying on the inside
- "I'M SO SORRY I JUST FIGURED-" "If I knew this was a date I would have worn something nicer! Taketora, you moron!"
- Oh? 👀
- "Hold these!" Uh ok
- Shirabu comes back looking like a God (as if he wasn't already hot before) and Yamamoto is basically on his knees praying to him
- "Ok, let's go 😮‍💨"
- Shirabu takes his flowers back and holds onto his elbow. Is Yamamoto dreaming? 😭
- "I really wish you would have made it more clear. I wasn't prepared at all."
- Yamamoto's whole face is red while he mutters out his small apology
- "I'm sorryyyy. I thought you looked good before so I just figured that you knew. 🤧"
- "I had fun today." "I had a lot of fun too! I'm glad you gave me the chance! I really really like you!"
- The date goes awesome :D! Yamamoto walks him back to the Shiratorizawa dorms and Shirabu, as much as he's embarrassed by it, is lowkey already head over heels. Not that Yamamoto's any better!
- They look more like two tomatoes
- "I really like you too..um..are you staying the night in Miyagi, or..?" "Oh I'm staying at Futakuchi's house for the night!"
- Shirabu's so nervous, someone please help this child out
- "Well, I don't want you to have to stay in Miyagi too late, because late train rides really suck and whatever but, do you wanna maybe get breakfast tomorrow..?"
- Yamamoto immediately agrees
- Breakfast tomorrow morning is so cute 🤧 idk it's just something about having breakfast together
- Shirabu's not as scared anymore, he has a task to complete, he's going to complete it!
- "So, I don't want to rush things but, it's hard to get dates in when we live so far apart. So I'm just gonna rip the bandaid off and ask you. Will you be my boyfriend?"
- Yamamoto's gonna have a heart attack
- "I was supposed to ask! But I guess I'll let it slide this time 😳"
- They're so happy :(
- Shirabu even gives him a kiss on the cheek and a smile and omg Yamamoto is going to explode
- Yamamoto tells Akane and Fukunaga, they're very, very proud of him 🤧
- Shirabu tells Taichi and Taichi makes fun of him
- It's ok tho, cuz at the end of the day who has a hot boyfriend, Shirabu does 😤
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
This is gonna be the start of my YamaShira riot <3
- No clue how these mfs got together but they did
- Yamamoto's charms are just too good 😩
- That's what he likes to say anyway
- They kept their relationship a secret for quiet a long time 👀
- Nekoma's pretty chill but Yamamoto would be drowned in the slight teasing from the third years
- Shiratorizawa would declare a whole war
- No one's good enough for their setter 😤‼️
- So they decided that maybe they should keep quiet
- Not including Fukunaga and Taichi because they're just them, they have to know
- Taichi's highly amused. Fukunaga's just really damn surprised.
- Insert a random practice match with Nekoma and Shiratorizawa 👏👏👏👏👏
- Yamamoto and Shirabu eye each other down the whole match
- Tendō gets suspicious 🤨
- "You got beef with Nekoma's ace, Kenjirō?" "Wth? No? Why would I have anything to do with him?"
- Newsflash, he has a lot to do with Nekoma's ace actually
- Goshiki's a little fired up rn ngl. Is this weird man messing with his setter? 🤨 Cuz only he and his team can do that
- "I bet I'm a better ace than him Shirabu 😤 I'll show him." "You'll just make him look even better 😮‍💨."
- Goshiki tried 🥲
- The intense staring continues 👁👁
- Taichi wants to laugh
- After the match Yamamoto decides that he needs to take the chance to talk to his gorgeous boyfriend even if no one knows he's his gorgeous boyfriend because seeing each other is hard :(
- "Hi Kenjirō! :D" "Taketora."
- Shiratorizawa and Nekoma are very much looking like 🤨🤨🤨
- Taichi and Fukunaga: 🤭
- They go on to engage in a conversation after just casually being on first name basis, meanwhile their teams full on just thought they developed a distaste for each other in the matter of a few hours.
- This dude doesn't really seem like the type Shirabu would wanna hang out with willingly
- Ushijima decides to drag Shirabu away for a minute
- "I appreciate that you are trying to get along with the others who will also be taking the role of captain next year, but you don't have to force yourself." "Ushijima, I'm not forcing anything."
- Ushijima himself is confused now 😃
- "I wasn't aware that you spent your time with people like him."
- Shirabu looked slightly annoyed at this and Ushijima has never really had Shirabu annoyed at him. (Well he has but he wasn't aware of it. Shirabu was good at keeping things under wraps.)
- "Well I do. 😐"
- Shirabu goes back to spending the time he has with his secret boyfriend and Ushijima just kinda shrugs and goes on to discuss captain stuff with Kuroo
- Once it's time to go Yamamoto and Shirabu are feelings very :(
- They gotta say bye 😪
- They wanna hug each other, they wanna kiss, but they CAN'T 😤
- Well they can they just don't want the team to be there to witness that
- But I wouldn't be writing this if something juicy didn't happen 🙄💅
- They gotta say bye to each other like they're homies or sum
- So Shirabu, being the actor he is just goes, "Bye, see you later man."
- Yamamoto's not built like him tho 💀
- "Ok, bye Kenjirō. I love you."
- He does what now 😃
- Everyone stops dead in their tracks and Taichi almost falls over. He is DYING. This is embarrassing for him.
- Shirabu immediately covers his face. Yamamoto stands there in defeat. The teams lose their shit.
- Tendō, Yamagata, and Goshiki are harassing Shirabu, Taichi and Fukunaga are dying on the inside, Ushijima, Reon, and Kai are utterly shocked, and Semi, Kuroo, and Yaku are just like "That little fuck has a boyfriend?"
- Kenma doesn't give two shits but then again when does he
- Shirabu just shakes his head and goes over to Yamamoto.
- Yamamoto is scared that his boyfriend is going to be mad at him 😪
- All that fear is quickly squashed when Shirabu kisses him and tells him that he loves him too <3
- Omg, coincidently, it's raining outside 😱 how'd that happen?
- Yamamoto is quick to give Shirabu his Nekoma jacket which the other wears with absolute PRIDE 🙄💅 (like the king he is)
- Yamamoto is quick to cup his face
- "You need to come visit me more. Or I'll come visit you! I just wanna see you more, okay!?"
- Shirabu is quick to nod and agree to see him as soon as he can.
- Shirabu walks away to the bus with a bright red face as Yamamoto is yelling at him from the gymnasium doors
- Dw, Yamamoto already told Taichi to take care of Shirabu for him while he's not there so that one's checked off the list too 💀
- The third years (aside from Reon who's trying to stop them) are glaring at Yamamoto all the way back to the bus because, excuse him, who does he think he is dating their kōhai? 🤨
- Yamamoto gets TEASED and also praised??
- It's a mix of "Yamamoto~~ how'd you manage that one?" And "YEAAAHHH TORA!!"
- Shirabu gets questioned like he's committed a crime
- "Who exactly IS he?" "How long have you known each other?" "How long have you been SEEING each other?" "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US??"
- "I thought I was your favorite ace. 😐" "Sorry Ushijima. 💀"
- They text each other on Shirabu's way home
- "Miss you already Kenji :(" "Take, I just left."
- Shirabu misses him too! He wouldn't be hugging his jacket so tight around himself if he didn't! 🤧
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
YamaShira but it's Prince Shirabu being assigned the young, clumsy, over confident, fresh out of training school, Yamamoto as his personal knight who annoys the hell out of him but if anything were to happen to him he might just die himself.
Bonus points if Shirabu is assigned to marry some other royal and the night before the wedding they run away together.
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
Talking about another Shirabu rare pair I like cuz I can 😩 this one's a 2nd gen caps one too 👀
👏Yamamoto👏x👏Shirabu👏 (YamaShira??)
New team captains meet up for the first time and Yamamoto (Nekoma's super awesome, super cool new captain and ace) lays eyes on Shirabu (Shiratorizawa's super mean, super smart new captain and setter) and just being like "Ooohhh... 😳 Ooohhhhhh... 😏"
Yamamoto's tryna slide in there 💀
Cut to Yamamoto fighting for that Shirabu lovin and him failing miserably. It's not that he's failing, Shirabu likes him too, Shirabu's just an asshole and won't let him KNOW that he's not failing 💀
Someone talk to me about this, or any other Shirabu ships, I need friends who are interested in the same things I am 😭💀
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
Are you gonna make more yamashira , READING POST ABOUT THEM MAKES ME GIGGLE AND KICK MY FEET OMG. I never thought have thought how adorable they are actually 🤭🤭🤭
I'm straining my brain for ideas currently 💀 but more of them will be coming for sure dw!
(If you ever have any requests of them then just lmk, I'd be happy to write them out 👀✨️)
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