#yamato takeru eyeshield 21
ifobufrens · 29 days
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Yamato sketch I did a while ago 😅
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coloredpanels · 11 months
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When you're so good at football you transcend this dimension Eyeshield 21 chapter 296
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orukadoruka · 2 years
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yamato "i don't have a girlfriend" takeru
got the idea from this panel
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Can i get a dry humping scenario with agon, clifford, yamato, kakei pls? Thnk you!😘
This ask was sent in between the last two openings and I debated on whether to answer it since it was sent what the ask box was closed. However, I decided to in the end, so here it is.
Headcanons instead of scenarios as per the rules. Though it's probably a weird mix of both like so many of this round are...
Agon Kongo
Not above manipulating your body to get what he wants, even if you are in public.
Would much rather touch and bite than have you fully clothed and grinding against him, but sometimes… sometimes he demands it.
It depends on his mood, but he rarely helps you.  He’ll give you an appendage to press against, but he mostly just watches.  He’d never thought he’d be turned on so much just by being used for your pleasure.
Watch out for the later cost, however.
Mostly he wants to hear your whine and cry as you work yourself up into a frenzy against him.  Enjoys the feeling of you pressed against him, but he likes it even more if you beg. 
Beg him to help you, occasionally he’s generous.
There are other times when he’s irritated and impatient, these are the times he’s most likely to help you, mostly because you aren’t going fast or hard enough.  This time, you’ll be pressed against a wall, hip to hip and he’s doing the humping and grinding.
The submission in your climax is what he’s after in these particular moments.  Come against him, and make him come, and you’re in for a treat later.
Clifford D. Lewis
He likes control too, but he’s not unwilling to let you do what you will with his person.
Mostly he just likes watching you wiggle and writhe against him.  The way you flush and pant is a turn on he can’t ignore.  Good thing this man has patience.
It’s almost always his thigh he lets you use, it’s puts him in a good position to see the most of you he can.
Can be a little bit of an exhibitionist, and he prefers to consume when in bed, so this kind of sexual contact generally plays out in semi-public or public spaces, like bars, casinos, parties, etc.
It’s so easy to put you in his lap and slip his leg between yours and press just right to get you started and let you know what he wants.  Can be facing forwards or backwards, it just depends on where you are exactly.
Closes his eyes and feels you rock slowly against his thigh, and a smirk curls in the corner of his lips, knowing that you were just getting more frustrated by doing this here.
Can feel every twitch and moment of tension so knows exactly where you are in your journey, but he also knows you will never get to the end at your pace and any quicker would alert those around you to what you were doing.
In the end, he’s not too masochistic, so when you are at the point where you’re suffering the most, he makes his excuses (or doesn’t, which is more common) and drags you away by the wrist.
Wherever the closest bit of privacy is, is where he takes you.  Murmurs praises and filth in your ear as his hand works you.  Even if it’s not the most private of places, he uses his big body and loose jacket to shield you so that no one can see you or what he’s doing to you.
Not happy unless you come all over his fingers, covers your noise with his mouth and rumbles approval.
Prepare to be ridden hard the moment he gets you to bed.
Yamato Takeru
Definitely the one doing the humping.  Though he likes to see you like that sometimes, he’s generally too impatient.
It’s a bad habit of his, full body pressing you from behind.  If there’s nothing in front of you to hold onto, his hands on your hips are enough to get what he wants.  Just as bad a habit of nudging your ass with his pelvis and pushing.  He’s seeking, but he’s not necessarily pushing you.
His cock just likes your ass, at least, that’s what he whispers into your ear on occasion.
Isn’t much for public romps, except for the small flirt of something more.  He’s impatient, but he’s aware of your needs and would never embarrass you or ask too much.
Generally means that by the time he actually gets you alone, he’s tense and filled with the need to fuck you.  Its in these moments that he’s the most likely to ‘assault’ your person lol
Sees it as teasing if you don’t focus on him the moment you’re alone, you know how hard he is, and you aren’t paying attention –it’s your fault.
This is where his teasing nature comes out.  Will absolutely bend you over the nearest flat surface and rock his cock against your ass, using the friction of his clothes to take what he wants.  However, most of the time, you find yourself on your back somewhere – he’s not picky – and he’s wrapped your legs around his hips.
The hold on your hips is tight in his big hands and he yanks you against him and grinds over and over again until he’s on the brink and you’re panting and whining beneath him.  Feels accomplished if you beg him to fuck you properly.
Never comes this way though – he could, but he’d so much rather be wrapped in you.  It’s just more satisfying that way.
Kakei Shun
It’s accidental and more a product of aggressive cuddling than anything.
It starts with you on top of him, your cheek on his shoulder as he reads around you.  He’s a big guy, tall and well-muscled, these are his favorite moments.  Loves the feeling of you pressed completely against him without him having to move or do anything special.
It’s innocent… at first.  You’re stretched out and your legs are tangled with his, but then one of them shifts just right and drags against his cock.  In an instant he can feel every single inch of you and he’s aware of even more.
He’s annoyed by his response to something so small, but it doesn’t stop him from escalating.  Soon he’s trapping your leg between his and pushing his hips into it at an increasing pace. 
Doesn’t take long for you to take notice.
He’s beyond caring if you tease him by that point.  No matter what you say, he pushes you up, and shoves you into the position he wants you – straddling his hips with you fit tightly against him.
It becomes a race now, since he’s induced you into it.  Takes a sharp breath if you run your hands over his chest.  You catch the rhythm quickly and create a special kind of rocking, lifting twist motion that has his mind blanking.  He can’t feel you directly, but he can imagine it, he can even taste it, and it’s enough to send him hurtling towards his end.
If you really want to destroy him, take his cock out of his pants and stroke with your hand while you rock against it.  He’s a man with a decent amount of pride, but in that moment, he’s completely yours to play with.
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diochain · 2 years
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so i finally decided to post some es21 ocs i’ve had since 3 years ago
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fourheavenlysins · 3 years
Relationship headcanon
Category: eyeshield 21
pairing: Hiruma, kid, musashi, Marco, Yamato, Clifford, Bud
Warning: nothing major
Rating: PG
Hiruma - A relationship with Hiruma would be a challenge. There is always something new with him so his partner would have to be on their toes everyday.
He is a bit Tsundere meaning it’s a little hard for him to properly express how he feels. It wouldn’t be known or obvious that the two were in a relationship he would treat them the way he treats everybody else.
He is also the jealous type so the moment someone tries to flirt/hit on his partner they’d be in for a surprise. Everyone would eventually learn to stay away from that person for fear of being on the receiving end of Hiruma’s flamethrower. Of course, though when confronted about it. He’d simply say he’s not jealous he just doesn’t like other people touching what’s his.
Due to his jealousy he would occasionally follow/stalk his partner on their way home. His partner knows, but it doesn’t bother than knowing it’s just who he is.
Hiruma isn’t the type to openly show affection, especially when others are around so PDA of any kind is not likely, but when the two are alone it’s a different story.
He would like laying his head in his partners lap while they lightly brush their hand through his hair or letting them sit in his lap just so he could feel them closer to him.
It’s a calmer, more different side of Hiruma that no one other than his partner would see.
Kid - I mentioned before that a relationship with Shien wouldn’t really seem like a relationship to others, they just seems like close friends but to each other it’s perfect.
Kid isn’t the type to take charge with his partner preferring them to be the one to take the lead. It makes things easier on him and he’s doesn’t have to worry about messing anything up.
He likes to show his affection by giving them innocent kisses on their cheek or forehead and they would return the favor by doing the same.
Kid also likes to take their hand in his that’s the only amount of PDA they actually show and the only times when he’s forward.
Musashi -  He is the type of guy that would put the needs of his partner before his own. He likes to take care of them and would do just about anything for them.
Musashi doesn’t like to admit he’s jealous when his partner starts getting so much attention from others instead he’d intimidate them by pulling his partner close or kidding them when he can’t stay for long. His presence is already intimidating, so he doesn’t have to do much to warn others to back off.
He likes to feel his partner’s body next to his so whenever they suggest cuddling he’s more than happy to oblige. Wrapping his arms around them and pulling them close to him would be the highlight of his stressful day.
Marco - Marco is a hopeless romantic and tries to make every day with his partner special. He would bring them gifts to show his affection being raised to believe that money could win you love, of course that would change after some time together.
Marco likes having his partner close whether it be wrapping his arm around their waist as they walk side by side or having them accompany him to practice.
Although his partner would get admiration from others, it doesn’t bother him. He likes the idea of others trying to win his partner’s affection just so he could show off that they choose him above anyone else.
With that comes PDA and Marco is not shy about it. Although mostly innocent, Marco never misses the chance to kiss his partner whenever he can. On the lips, the cheek, their hand, wherever he feels necessary to make a point to others.
Yamato - Pure. That’s the best way to describe a relationship with Yamato. He would treat his partner like the Prince/Princess he saw them as. His partner would adore the attention, but after a while it would just seem clingy. Unfortunately Yamato can’t help his attitude and would plead with Taka for advice. Obviously he wouldn’t help and Yamato would be left figuring it out on own.
After some time his partner would have to tell Yamato that he didn’t need to be so concerned with their well being and that they weren’t as fragile as he thought them to be.
He gets shy whenever his partner kisses him in public, but he doesn’t protest. He enjoys holding their hand and hugging for long periods of time.
Due to Yamato’s caring behavior if his partner was to ever get sick, he’d be right there by their side to comfort them and help with their recovery.
Clifford - Being with Clifford would be a bit stressful. He can be controlling at times led by jealousy, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be a perfect gentleman when his insecurities aren’t in control of his emotions.
They would argue often about the subject, but would quickly be resolved the moment it started.
Clifford (like Hiruma) doesn’t like others getting close to his partner and makes it perfectly clear to them.
Whenever the two are out Clifford rarely holds their hand, preferring when his partner holds onto his arm.
What he does enjoy is wrapping his arms around them to pull them close as they sleep.
PDA is out of the question with him the most he’ll do is kiss his partner on the hand and that’s it. He likes keeping his affection between the two of them alone. Unless, Bud is around then Clifford does his best to keep his partner closer to him at all times, not liking when Bud flirts with them, even though it is harmless.
Although they argue often Clifford wouldn’t know what to do if his partner ever left and they know it. They would be the one that keeps pushing him forward and even though he doesn’t show it he’s grateful.
There are nights when he holds his partner in his arms that he’ll whisper, “I love you.” for no reason than to just say it. His partner would smile and kiss him, saying, “I know.” much to his annoyance.
Bud - stressful. The guy is over the top and loves to flirt. His partner would get jealous and upset with his behaviour, but whenever they voice their displeasure he would pull them close and tell them they shouldn’t be so concerned, it was just all for show and that he wouldn’t want anybody else but them.  There would still be that bit of doubt, Bud was a charmer so he often told others what it was they wanted to hear.
Eventually that ugly feeling would vanish since he would always make it known that he was in fact in a relationship.
Being out in public with him would be another stressful event because everywhere they went someone would recognize him and he likes to embarrass his partner any chance he can get. He would express his love for them in front of his fans only because he knew it embarrassed them.
It would only be when the two of them were alone at home that his partner would feel more relaxed with his flamboyant behaviour.
Maybe if he didn’t embarrass them on purpose and it was simply due to him not realizing he was doing it would his partner feel more confident in going out in public more often.
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katzanone · 3 years
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Here are the Saikyoudai Wizards requested by @levbess!
I know all good things must come to an end, but I wish we could've seen them compete in university, especially this team!
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heccogecco · 3 years
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#eyeshield2021 is a twitter tag now, and apparently every week is gonna have a theme? This week's theme was 'trio' so I kicked it off with the Eyeshield 21 trio!
(ft. bonus old Sena)
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considergoldenkamuy · 3 years
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friendly reminder of how fucking tall he is.
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Eyeshield 21!: Scenarios 
Prompt: Finding out they have a crush on you 
Sena: It would take him a while to process the fact that he has a crush on you. He would have all the symptoms of a crush, but would brush it off because it’s not something he’d really experienced often before. However, Mamori would catch on and would question him about his feelings and only then would he realize he liked you romantically. At first he’d grow nervous around you and would blush quite easily around you, but after a week (or two) he’d sort out of his feelings and would return back to normal. You’d have to be the one to confess first though
Hiruma: I think he’d figure it out pretty quickly. He seems to be good at processing people’s emotions, which I would think would include his own. It would be something simple that made him realize his feelings, and because of the lack of a complex scenario, he wouldn’t do anything about it in the moment. At first he’d be hesitant to tell you about his feelings for you because of his dedication to the football team (which will always be his top priority) and because of his reputation. When he does decided to share them with you, he would most likely be casual about it and just drop it during a seemingly normal conversation. 
Kurita: He would figure out his feelings quite quickly, but he wouldn’t fully process and accept them unless something prompted him to (such as Hiruma blatantly telling him). He would continue to be his normal self around you, however, he’d be a bit more nervous and jumpy. He would probably blurt out his feelings when he’s exceptionally flustered at something you did or express them with a small gift (most likely through an abundance of cream puffs).
Monta: His feelings would be extremely confusing for him at first, especially considering his feelings towards Mamori. He’d have to distinguish between surface level infatuation and actual romantic feelings (He’d probably get Sena to help him out, which wouldn’t lead to anywhere). He would hang around you a bit more as a way to test his affections, and once he had come to the conclusion that he did actually like you things wouldn’t really change. He’d continue to be his usual enthusiastic and outgoing self, however, there would be a tint of awkward flirting within his words. He would try even harder to impress you (and after hearing that his actions towards Mamori might turn you away from him he’d try his hardest to resist Mamori’s inherent charm). He would either confess to you in an extravagant and loud manner or you’d be the first to confess. There is no in between with him 
Shin: I don’t think he’d ever realize his feelings unless someone blatantly told him that he liked you. If he was told then he would spend whatever free time he has trying to figure out if what they said was the truth, and then realize that he did harbour romantic feelings for you (which would take a long time). He isn’t emotionally constipated (for example that scene with him and his coach when he was younger), however, I do think he occasionally struggles with emotions (in particular his own). Once he’d realized his feelings, he wouldn’t change his behaviour towards you at all. He would continue to treat you exactly the same. However, he would unconsciously begin to focus on you more and find reasons to have you closer to him. You’d have to be highly observant to notice the small shift in his actions. There is a high chance you’d have to confess to him, however, it is possible that he could confess first and it would be casual (Honestly he was going to confess right away when he realized however Takami stopped him and told him to be rational. Shin isn’t irrational, but sometimes he doesn’t think about things fully).
Riku: He would realize as soon as his crush was beginning to develop. He’s an extremely intuitive person and is in tune with his own emotions. He’s a confident individual (rightfully so), but at first he wouldn’t really treat you differently. The change in his behaviour would start off small, as a way to tell if you’re interested in him. He’d be extra kind and help out whenever you need help. Then he’d start to drop little comments about his interest in you and eventually he would openly flirt with you. He’d be the first to confess and it’d be the traditional confession you see in anime
Marco/Maruko: For him he’d either realize it right away or it would take him forever to acknowledge his feelings. In the case of him taking forever, I think it’s because it’s not something he’s used to experiencing. He’s experienced attraction on multiple occasions, but it’s rare for him to genuinely be interested in someone on an emotional and physical level. Eventually though he’d realize it and immediately begin flirting with you. He’s extremely confident and would ask you out on several dates to gain your interest. He wouldn’t really feel the need to have to confess because it would be blatantly obvious how he feels about you, so you’d have to be the one to confirm your relationship with him
Yamato: Yamato is hard to tell because quite honestly I’m not sure what goes on in his head. He’s confident just like some of the other characters, and I think he’d figure out his emotions quickly. Afterwards, he’d drop hints to you about how he feels and you’d have to be able to catch on or else he might lose some interest if you aren’t able to figure out what he’s saying. Eventually he’d confess in a simple way
I hope these are accurate. Eyeshield 21 has so many personalities that are so different but also so similar at the same time. Let me know if you want to see other characters
This is my first time doing scenarios. I hope I did it right
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zhongcher · 3 years
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Make It With You
Yamato Takeru x Fem! reader     
(Eyeshield 21 SMAU)   [modern au!]
STATUS: [hiatus]
In the middle of the semester, you are forced to join a club as requirement to all students. Your friend, being the nice angel she is, pulled some strings so you could be in the same club as hers. The catch is she is in the american football club filled with testosterones. Your family name catching the eye of everyone in the club, was the catalyst to many troubles in the middle of the school year.
And if things can’t get any worse, you caught the eye of one of the ace in your club. The real eyeshield 21, Yamato Takeru.
Now, how to hide that fact to your brothers before a fight breaks out?
Taglist: [open] 
club hunting
the bet
absolute prediction
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hyatoro · 4 years
First of all, I'd like to tell you that you really had AMAZING work here!! I luv to read it again and again :3 Can I had headcanon from Riku, Sakuraba, Jumonji, Yamato (ES21) when in the middle of match they got informed that their s/o send to the hospital? Thank you~
On the assumption that their line of information actually says whether or not their s/o is in danger or not. 
Chill: He heard you had twisted your ankle doing some dumb tricks and laughs. He’s concerned, and it bleeds a bit into his playing, but he keeps on trucking and gets you some takeout when he comes visits. 
Not Chill: His blood runs cold at the thought of you bleeding to death and he’s quick to yell at the coach to let him leave. The whole team has his back and by the time he’s done telling the coach what’s happening there’s already a taxi for him to leave. Kid’s quick-draw applies to dialing numbers. 
Chill: He finds out you got in a car accident and his heart fucking freaks out, until the person informs him that the worst you got was a couple scratches and a broken wrist. He calls you immediately and you assure him that he should do his best and that you’ll be fine till he’s done. He half-heartedly accepts that and does his best, but you can tell he’s off his game. Rushes to you to make sure you’re emotionally okay after the car accident.
Not Chill: Forget everything. He is rushing as soon as he hears. All his gear is removed and he screams for any transportation to the hospital. He is panicking. Shin slaps him into some clarity while Takami gets him a ride to the hospital. The coach tells Wakana to go with him and the team rallies him up before he gets in the car. As he panics in the car Wakana smacks some energy into him saying that if you were really hurt, a distressed him would not do you any favors. 
Chill: Chuckles a bit when he learns that you hurt yourself after doing something silly. Of course he’s concerned, but out of the lads here he’s 2nd best at hiding it till he sees you. When the game is over he makes haste, but is sure to buy some flowers or some food before he sees you. 
Not Chill: Bro his bros are already starting up their bikes. They’re quickly stopped by Hiruma who gets Doburoku to escort him to the hospital. It’s one thing to lose a single member of your line, but three is too much to adjust to. Jumonji doesn’t have any time to argue and just thanks Hiruma, apologizing on his way out. Kuroki and Togano slap his back and tell him to hurry up and that there’s nothing to apologize for. 
Chill: Might be the only one willing to leave even if it’s just a chill accident because he knows the team is very fucking strong. It really depends on the circumstances of everything. How hurt are you, how did you get hurt? If it’s quite literally nothing he’s 70% likely to stay. The other 30% depends on whether he thinks the team is capable without him at that moment. 
Not Chill: If it’s close enough he ain’t even going to wait for a taxi he’ll just fucking run there. He’s quick to talk his way to find out more about your condition. If he can see you he will very much run in the hospital too. If all he can do is wait and find out what happened he’d curl over with his head in his arms on the closest seat to you in the waiting room. 
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vergilliesbleeding · 5 years
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*drops these off in the eyeshield 21 fandom like my kids at daycare*
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yanderefoeyay · 4 years
You know with the Caesars charge I bet Yamato gives the best most intense piggyback rides ever
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Sakuraba Haruto
Jumps a little, because he’s not expecting it.  Blushes a little
Your smile makes him feel warm, though, so he doesn’t remove the shirt, even though he’s not cold at all.
Takes you into his arms and kisses you on the forehead, thanking you for your thoughtfulness.
Doesn’t let go, because what if you get cold?
Shin Seijuro
Is very confused.
First of all, no matter how oversized, your shirt is not going to fit him.  He states as much, though he doesn’t remove it.
He probably won’t get it, but he likes the way you smile at him, so he accepts without complaint.  Does question you as to whether you are cold, but if you say no, then he leaves it.  Absolutely will hold your hand and keep a close eye on you, just in case.
Hiruma Yoichi
Looks first at the shirt, then narrows his eyes at you, snapping his gum impatiently.
Exactly what are you doing?
Suspicious of your motives.  However, since he’s almost always cold, he’ll probably accept it, though with a lot of snarky comments.  Doesn’t actually care about wearing your shirt, definitely more likely to wear your shirt than offer you his, so take advantage.
Also, if you get cold, you’re on your own.  He won’t give the garment back lol
Kakei Shun
Is amused by your actions.  Lifts an eyebrow and there is amusement in his eyes, though his face is pretty straight, as always.
Actually thinks it’s cute, though he won’t say that.  He doesn’t take it off, and actually pulls it tighter around him.
Probably will use it as an excuse to snuggle you – he can’t have you getting sick!
Kisaragi Hiromi
Makes a big fuss.  Snuggles into the garment and exclaims that it smells just like you.
He’s probably a little embarrassing over it.
Like, How did you know I was cold?!
Insists on sharing it though, and blushes the whole time.  He’s so happy you thought of him, he can’t stop squirming.
Yamato Takeru
Straight up laughs, deep belly laughs.  Finds it funny, but also adorable.  Absolutely tells you this too.
Be prepared for kisses!  Your wonderfulness and thoughtfulness deserve all the kisses!  He’s not shy, so no matter where you are, it’s happening.  Starts with great, smacking kisses and then transitions to soft.
Insists you take his shirt in exchange.  You must be cold!  And he wants to see you draped in something of his proudly, just like he’s proud to be draped in your shirt.
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diochain · 2 years
imagine being teikoku’s coach
you’re just stuck on constant mom/dad duty because everyone is so chaotic and loves to do their own thing. you’d probably get along best with karin, the sweetheart who you can sympathize with when it comes to being dragged into things.
you were actually the coach of the rugby team of another school until that school shut down and you got a job at teikoku as the english teacher, and the rest is history.
takeru the type to make “you are my dad, you’re my dad!! boogie woogie” memes and show them to you shamelessly bc you’re always cleaning up after him and his confident self. gotta mentor him. probably seen him have some breakdowns over tests at some points or something. you’re his mom/dad now. live with it.
taka giving you lil gifts bc bless u for dealing w takeru for him.
hera just doing his best to lighten your load. you coach the first AND second strings. exhausting job, he understands.
you’re probably the only person karin told about her blog until it was found, much to her eternal dismay.
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