updownlately · 9 months
you and me, forevermore
ficlet masterlist
Swallowing hard, you watched with heart-eyes as Leah cracked up at your joke, her head thrown back, eyes closed, as her grip on your waist got tighter.
“Please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I can recognize anywhere,” you whispered quietly, more so speaking to yourself than her, eyes glinting in awe at the sight in front of you.
“Did you just quote a Taylor Swift lyric at me?” the blonde asked, hearing sharp as ever, her wiping a stray tear from her eye before shooting you an amused look.
You smiled shyly at being caught, your response nonchalant, a cheeky shrug accompanying the words “maybe I did, maybe I didn’t.”
Rolling her eyes and placing a loving kiss on your forehead, Leah’s following whisper of ‘God you’re such a dork, my dork,’ had you smiling from ear to ear as a rosy hue took over your face, you burying your face in her neck as soon as she pulled you in for a hug.
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shyyynobi · 9 months
You Are My Fate Update
Hellllooooooo darlings!
Surprise update!
It is me, I am alive. There's no excuse. This update took way too long.
For whoever is still here, I hope you enjoy it~~~~
Fingers crossed I can write smaller chapters and get this baby written up and finished within the next fifteen chapters or so. Thank you for taking the time to read! If you're a new reader, I hope you enjoy the journey!
FF Link
A03 Link
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shyynobi · 8 months
Olá, boa tarde, tudo bem? Gostaria de saber se você é a responsável pela linda e incrível história chamada "Você é meu destino" que está pausada no fanfiction.net? Estou apaixonada pela sua escrita, você é com certeza uma das escritoras mais incríveis que já encontrei. Gostaria de saber, se você vai continuar e finalizar sua história, estou bastante ansiosa. Espero que esteja bem! Ficarei ansiosa aguardando sua resposta. Obrigada!
The story is continued! I recently updated it as well. I haven't been the most consistent in updating, but I am taking more time to focus on my writing. If I were to ever abandon it, I will label it as such. Though there are no plans for that ever happening. Thank you for supporting "You Are My Fate"! I really appreciate it. <3
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jimjakk · 2 years
The Producer at the End of Pre-Production
we're making a movie #Poem: "The Producer at the End of Pre-Production"
gorge on whoppers we’re making a movie this bag of salmon we’re making a movie sleeping pills we’re making a movie thirteen hours plus we’re making a movie I won’t eat pizza we’re making a movie Caesar salad in the storm we’re making a movie no one goes home we’re making a movie watery leftovers we’re making a movie dropkicked phones we’re making a movie at the paper cutter we’re making a…
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meteorjam · 3 years
I can't believe Krist gets to be in a BL but I'm not getting a GL
We're living in the wrong timeline
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minnie-lanterns · 3 years
Song Covers
I finally posted the song covers of all of the incantations and YAMF on youtube
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‏‎بحثاً عن الراحة إجتنب ما يؤذيك وخذ من العزلة لذتها وخالط من تحبه روحك حتى لو كان الأمر من غير لقاء فلقيا القلب لقاء وليس كل من تلقاه تأنسه روحك .. مسائكم مشاكسة من تحبون 💙💙💙😜💪⁦🇵🇸⁩ #عاشق_محاصر ‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/CCbLu-YAMfE/?igshid=409n9f02znex
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jasper-rolls · 7 years
genji: what the hell is “YAMF” supposed to mean
mcree: *about to burst into to tears*
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miiri · 7 years
见翻推 | 野神同人文 (55)
《少年》+《春空》by 平方根
故事内容: 1)十年前在乡村的青少年们面对感情/ 2)十年后广播制作D和漫画家”猫田”C开启下一段新的故事
中短章 & 9章(未完)
《霸道总裁和小少爷的罗曼史》by 一个文豪神谷前
故事内容: 神谷前超支持总裁D来规划个有效追到(远亲)少爷C
《命犯桃花》by 一个文豪神谷前
故事内容: “这位先生,你额前有多花,你近来有麻烦了。” 忽如其来的算命先生D对学生C搭讪并暗中放套路攻略人家
《有人知道七苦是什么吗?》by 纤≠姗紫≯
故事内容: 在论坛的小野谈关于他的恋人前辈,彼此的爱情故事变成分手,现在决定是否该去参加前辈的婚礼放弃挣扎结束一切
感想: (ノД`)*感动* 到第179楼时开始放bgm 神谷浩史+小野大輔 - 軌跡。我还一直认定YAMF是”You Are Mine Forever”不是“You Are My Family”…
《TOUGH》by LZY990726
故事内容: 双箭暗恋的野神在一场飞机失联后确认内心的感情可迟迟没往前多一步,这时令急心的若伊和妈妈D前来助攻推双方一把
感想: 到第15章时配bgm 언젠가 올 그 날을 위해  
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jimjakk · 3 years
Cocktail Hour in the Wardrobe Department
"if there were an Oscar for spills I would / by now be adorned in gold" #Poem: "Cocktail Hour in the Wardrobe Department"
because Greg today got inducted into the Academy downstairs at work they say drink as much as you want this quiet wild hour of comatose fluorescents after the first champagne they mention the blue cooler stocked with ice-cold IPAs & I know I will reach into the frigid cell & corkscrew open a Doghead with these incorporated strangers I have come to want to know & if there were an Oscar for spills…
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levi-daubney-blog · 9 years
You Are My Fantasy | Nat&Levi
Things were going well for Levi, considering he was in an all new place. Of course, he’d dreamt of perhaps traveling the world and going to many places, but he never thought of actually living anywhere outside of Hale. As a growing young lad, that’s all he knew – the countryside in which he lived. Now that he was out in this huge, broad city – filled with a variety of many different people and things – Levi couldn’t necessarily say it was something he was quite used to after only a couple of weeks.
Luckily enough, he’d managed to get a place near his cousin and a good, old friend. It just had to be by luck that he was surrounded by so many welcoming people, too. One in particular being Natalie Harrison. She, of all the people he’d met thus far, had to be the most remarkable. She was open to conversation, very forward, and humorous. But there was also something about her aesthetic beauty that was more than meets the eye. He felt as if he knew her from some place, but it required him to have been in this city before due to the circumstances. And things just didn’t quite add up.
With those weird feelings aside, Levi was glad she’d agreed to meet him for dinner. Chinese food wasn’t exactly he had in mind for a dinner, but he didn’t mind. Frankly, he was just looking for a means to get to know Natalie more, to see what it was about her that made him so interested and to figure out why it was she looked and felt familiar to him. On arriving with the girl at her favorite Chinese restaurant, he held the door open and flashed her a smile, “After you, mi’lady.”
The pair were seated rather quickly and Levi waited courteously until she was seated to take his own. Eyeing for a minute, still stunned by her familiarity, Levi cleared his throat and chuckled. “Sorry it took me so long to get to you, I still get pretty lost.. All the streets and buildings look nearly identical to me.”
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secret-rendezvous1d · 9 years
I'm going to continue the TFLNs tomorrow...
I'm really sleepy at the moment, and it's my dad's (and Harry's) birthday tomorrow, so we have to be up early. I'm going to continue them tomorrow afternoon/evening, since we should be back by then. And, I'm going to post a small drabble for series, since it is H's birthday. :)) You can keep requesting for the TFLNs, Instagram posts, or even request for the series. :)) Lots of love! Emily-Jayne. x :))
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shyyynobi · 2 years
You Are My Fate Chapter 23
*chimes the signaling bell
The update is finally complete! There's no excuses, I just never have time to write anymore. I'm determined to complete this story for everyone.
I'm proud of how this story is slowly wrapping up.
Thank you to everyone new and old that have taken the time to leave such lovely words about this story.
Enough with the words, here are the links. ^^
Let me know what you think, thank you!
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