#yan!macaque x reader x Yan! redson
silkythewriter · 2 years
May I please request a one shot of Yan Macaque x Fem reader x Yan Red Son one shot where they are team up together to catch y/n either for escaping or just to capture them? (You can choose! I like the two scenarios so I can't decide sorry :') ) Thank you so much ☆
Yan!macaque x reader x Yan!Redson
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꧁𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬꧂
𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲: silkythewriter, formally known as weirdowithahat
𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲/𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: macaque picture: Jossy Rodriguez on Pinterest. Redson picture: unknown. Art produced by: Flying Bark Productions!
𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝/𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: sublieu
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Simon Lucas
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: yanderes, Obsession, stalking, toxic relationship, OOC macaque, OOC redson. ALSO JUST WANNA SAY I LOVE ALL THE LMK REQUEST IM GETTING THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH IVE FOUND MY PEOPLE!!!!!
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝:
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Your hum’s filled the empty streets as you walked down the side walk not paying much attention to the closed buildings and some destroyed ones. Another demon attack fell on the city, clearly due to all the small chucks of buildings and trees and other such things covering main roads, blocking anyone from coming in or out the city. Usually on days like this you’d stay home but as luck has it you ran out of food and other needed supplies, you could only let out a bored and tired sigh as you stepped over what seemed to be the 100th branch covering the side walk. “Jeez, when are these cleaning crew getting here?” You asked yourself as your eyes scanned over the most mess parts of town. Finally after what seems like hours, you made it to the only open store, it was a bit rundown from the looks of it, you took note of the sketchy street it was located at before walking in, making the small bell on top the door ding alerting the old lady behind the counter. She gave a small but warm smile as she waved at you. You gave a small smile back before wondering the isles looking for the supplies you needed.
Once you put the last needed item into the small plastic basket you held, you made your way to the counter before carefully laying out the few things you picked out. “Will that be all?” The elderly woman said as she scanned your items and placed them into small plastic bags. You only nodded as you took out your wallet and paid as she handed you the bags. Once the exchange was done she waved you good bye as you headed out, you heard her voice in the distant warning you to not stay out late for to long, you could only chuckle and nod while doing the same before finally stepping out the store, with grocery’s in hand. “Sunsetting already huh?” You said with a small hum before walking off, a bit faster then last time due to the growing unease of the usually bustling streets now empty. By the time you made it to the second turn leading to your (whatever you choose to live in <3) the street lights already dimly lit the streets as the last bit of sun disappeared. You only held the grocery’s bags tightly in hands as you nervously speed walk down the streets, even if you were or weren’t powerful it was never a good idea to stay out this late especially with all the demons popping up randomly. You continued walking trying to avoid any allyways, but then a small rustle came from the small alleyway you were passing, you stopped in your tracks, before shaking your head in disapproval of going to check, and kept walking.
Silence once again took over as you could only hear crickets and owls making their usual noise. But something broke that silence very soon as two foots steps were heard behind you. A pit formed in your stomach as you quicken your pace, but so did the foot steps causing panic to set in. You quickly whipped around trying to get a good look at who ever was following you, yet nothing came into eyes view. You let out a shaky sigh, one you didn’t even know you were holding in as relief washed over you. You shrugged it off before whipping back around, only to see a smirking face, you let out shrilled scream as you jumped back in surprise. Oh how redson loved that face you made when you tariffed it never failed to send shivers of delight down his spine. He watched as you scrambled backwards trying to make some distance from you and him, to only back up against a hard but furry chest, making you confusedly turn around before seeing the six eared macaque. You let out a small squeak in surprise as you backed away from him, now cornered in against a wall as they both snickered at your shaking form “no need to be scared” macaque said in a teasing voice redson only chuckled along before crossing his arms with a smirk before speaking “I’m afraid you’ll be coming with us now” he said. You only dug your nails into the brick wall you were against as your mind raced with ways to escape from the two powerful demons, but your mind came blank, as one thing over took your senses. RUN, you mind shrilled at you, as you legs began to move by themselves. You quickly shoved both of them. Enough for you to squeeze by and run off you screamed for help, begging for help yet no one came to your cries. People only closed their windows tighter not willing to danger their lives by going outside. Your tears ran as you desperately banged at doors trying to get people to answer yet no one seemed to give mercy. You gave up on getting people to save you and opted to run, hopping you could book it to your place before they could catch up to you
Macaque hopped from building to building watching you like Pray, while redson stalked the allyways watching you desperately running. It was musing to see you like this, all scared and disparate when they haven’t even begun with the real fun. “My love, why are you running away?” Redson asked as he appeared in front of you after emerging from an ally way, and in the process startling you making you trip on a fallen stone from the clasped building you were running by. You groaned in pain as blood trickled from your forehead, and a stinging pain in your ankle. Macaque finally appeared behind redson and put his hand on his shoulder as they both took in your beautiful form. “Who even are you two!” You screamed out as pain coursed through you making you sob. They only looked at each other before back to you “why your lovers of course” redson answered as he walked towards you, making you desperately try getting up but failing miserably “I suggest you don’t fight it” macaque said with a smirk as he watched redson carrying you bridle style. You started pounding at his chest, making him only roll his eyes and hand you to macaque, he threw you over his shoulder as he began to speak “you have no idea how long we’ve waited for today” he said sighing happily “so much planning done just for you, now aren’t you a lucky thing?” He hummed as redson walked over and behind macaque to take a look at your face, he grabbed your face roughly as he made you face him “you look so lovely my dear” he said planting a kiss on your bleeding forehead “now lets get a move on you’ve already made enough of a disturbance tonight” he said as macaque began to summon his portal and walking in leaving redson to trail behind you with a pleased look on his face
The tapping of rain against a window became apparent. Making your eyes flutter open, white bright lights blinded you, making you slap your sore arm over your face, making the badge wrapped around your fore head brush against you skin. You grumbled slightly as your fingers light ran across it, making you confused are you in a hospital? You questioned in your mind as you sat up slowly looking around the room. No…no… this isn’t a hospital, the oak bed frame and to nicely decorated room said so, no hospital would look like this. You began to question yourself as you tried to think to what happened the night before. Your eyes widen in realization of the danger you might be in currently. This thought makes you scramble out the bed in hurry as you made you way over to the door and swinging it open, revealing a long hall way, you poked your head out the room and began to scan the area before you quietly made it down the hall only to bump into someone’s chest, not redson or macaque, no this was a robot, you could tell by its metal chest. It only gave you a pitiful look before grabbing your arm and dragging you along with it, you fought with all you had yet it didn’t seem to budge.
After it came to a halt in a big area covered in luxurious future ones you swore you’ve never seen. Out of the Conor of your eye you could spot redson bickering with the six eared demon, as macaque only rolled his eyes while chuckling. But he stopped once he spotted you, causing you to try to hind behind the bull robot but it quickly moved out of the way revealing you “well,well,well what angel fell from heaven?” Macaque laughed as he stood up and walked over to you, taking your hand and leading you to the velvety couch they both sat on, and forcing you down to take a seat between them. Macaque brought you to his chest, as he made your back lean on him while resting his chin on your head. By now you’ve given up at least for now, as you finally fully realized the little chance you had against the both of them. You needed a plan, but that would have to wait due to your weak and healing body from the day before.
Redson sensed your body becoming soft in macaque hold. Making him quirk an eyebrow “Giving up I see” he hummed in amusement before snatching you from macaque, making the demon scrawl at him. But redson payed no mind as he made you lay your head on his chest “you should continue to get some rest my dear, you have no chance of escape now. But it was fun while you had I suppose” he said laughing as he held you a bit tighter. You only mumbled in hearable words as your eyes grew heavy once more. Maybe getting up from that bed wasn’t the greatest idea, but oh well, you should already come to terms with your current situation
There is no chance getting alway from them is there?
AHHH TYSM FOR REQUESTING I LOVED WRITING THIS!!! <//3. Also redson is like my third favorite character in lmk outta swk and macaque SO I LOVED WRITING THIS!!!! Thank you guys so so so so so so much for letting me write for fandoms I love!!! EEEEE!!!! \(^ヮ^)/
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
So are you ok with very dark themes and a bit of Gore? I really enjoy horror and I want you to be ok first. If not then skip this request! I'll make a more safer one. Tw: Gore, blood and yandere mentions
Yan! Swk/ Macaque, Traffic light trio x "Gardener" reader?
(This reader is based off rin and the song fear garden)
The reader is such a sweet heart! Or is he? You see [NAME] is very vengeful Person, they were heavily bullied as a child because of some random shit. [NAME] also had a love for flowers and hands so they decided to add those two together. They eliminated their bullies for their so called flowers. This became a habit of them so the habit grew with them. In the present she has an amazing reputation due to her flower shop having different variety of flowers. A certain visitor keeps visiting... Surely they don't know her secret.. Right? (Spoilers they do)
I’ll try my best! I haven’t done a gore or blood related request like this that much so I don’t really know if I can do it, hopefully I won’t have to cut it out but if I do then I’m sorry 😞. And I never heard of the song fear garden, and I don’t really do female x reader so I’m sadly going to have to only do spicynoodles so I hope you’re ok with that; again so sorry for doing that 😭.
Warning: mood author, gore and blood, gender neutral, yandere romantic characters, and others.
Characters: shadowpeach, spicynoodles.
Sun met you first when he went to visit his adopted son and daughter; mk and Bai he, but smelled the aroma of your flower and garden shop and decided to get some later for his mate.
When he was done with the things he need for his travel back to flower fruit mountain he suddenly remembered about the smell of flowers that seem to be well taken care and decided to go to that smell finding your shop which you had made from when you were in high school.
Macaque met you next as he been eyeing for a while even before his mate gave him those flowers from your shop; he was playing on making you their mate sooner or later and was making sure you were safe.
They haven’t figured it out yet but you had used from hospital blood donation to help grow your flowers so they can be healthy as they kept on visiting you; though sometimes when you can’t get those hospital blood donations you use your blood which made it sweeter to smell from what they noticed without figuring out that you use blood.
When you started this it was in high school which made other kids bully you but you got your revenge sooner or later with the help and guidance of your parents since it’s in all of the family on (parents) side.
(Hope you don’t mind me adding that bit, I thought it would make it more interesting 😅😁)
You spend time with them outside of work as time go on and even met their son and daughter which you got along great with. It wasn’t until two years later did they pop the question of asking if you’d like to be their mate; you said yes!
Plus with them on your side, no one would possibly ever mess with you again; and you noticed that you, your mates and the kids all seem to share the same overprotectiveness over each other, wether it’s romantic or platonic.
You met redson first when he was first going to ask mk out on a date. You two didn’t really hit it off at first and only see each other as acquaintance.
You met mk next as he was doing the same thing as redson did but this time it’s been a few months since then so it’s a anniversary rather than a first date.
Mk was such a sweetheart that made you jealous of redson not noticing that they both now have crushes on you and would like to share after a year and a month of knowing you.
Redson knew you past about the blood and plant combination first and wasn’t going to tell mk unless you’re completely comfortable but would probably use it as a sort of blackmail of telling mk. Though what both of you don’t know is that mk already knew from spying on you just to make sure you’re safe and cause it’s his duty to make sure everyone in the city is safe.
Mk was glad that you could get along with his little sister and family while for redson family it was kind of hard as they are overprotective of their son and almost didn’t allow mk to date him if it wasn’t for their past meetings with him and getting to know him; but they soon cave in seeing how attached redson and mk was with you but still threatened you about if you broke their hearts then you be dead meat.
You agreed to being their significant other when they asked cause you had to admit you did fall for them and a added bonus is that if anyone decided to mess with you then the two would deal with the culprit so win-win.
You would try to teach them on how to garden but they didn’t have the patience or would overthink about it; mk would be excited but either forget to take care of the plant or accidentally overwater it while redson would over analyze things or burn out of patience plus forgetting it as well with how busy he would be with both you and mk, and his work so it would soon die.
(A/n: i decided to do another post as this one didn’t have too many characters that would lead me to doing it later so Tada! And hope you don’t mind me adding a few things and such, hope you like what I did with it and hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!😁)
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trashlama · 1 year
Alrighty guys I need a little help with deciding what to write. →Refer to this post for more information←
These are both from my reqs and what I've conjured up myself. I would've added more buuut— Tumblur only allows 10 options.
Alrighty on with the show~
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