#yan chiwu
catandherwips · 2 years
Yan Chiwu appreciation post because he's a loveable himbo for sure
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pian-ran · 5 years
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They share one brain cell
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wuxia-hero · 5 years
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from: Three Lives Three Worlds: The Pillow Book (Eternal Love of Dream)
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sunsetswerve1995 · 5 years
Okay first of all, the wrap up for Pillow Book was WAY TOO FAST. The final battle was epic as fuck and all of their angst was beautifully done, but 20 minutes to wrap up literally everything?? Nah son. I want the Fanyin Valley and Dream of Aranya stories to both be an episode shorter. Then add those episodes onto the end, so we get a proper introduction to GunGun and GunGun to his father, a real look at Lian Song and ChengYu admitting their feelings, Qingti coming into his own as an immortal, Bai Zhen ignoring Zhe Yan for keeping Fengjui's pregnancy a secret and Zhe Yan having to grovel for forgiveness.
What I'm SUPER FUCKING MAD ABOUT THOUGH IS THAT THAT FUCKING BITCH JIHENG GETS TO SPEND THE REST OF ETERNITY WITH MY SWEET SWEET XIAOYAN. I'm sorry why does this bitch get a happy ending??? Dijun should've let her die. If XiaoYam had to end up with someone, he should've ended up with the daughter of the bird tribe, and he could've settled whatever is left of the demons with whatever is left of the bird tribe. JUSTICE FOR XIAOYAN.
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Look at these adorable dorks
my app froze whilst downloading and had subtitles from another scene which made them appear as though they didn't want to see each other 😂
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mcheang · 4 years
Xiao Yan learns Lian Song is a gossip
While learning to play chess, Lian Song corrects Xiao Yan’s belief that Dong Hua has any feelings for Jiheng. He also affirms Jiheng’s story that Dong Hua only agreed to marry Jiheng because he knew she would be the runaway bride.
Xiao Yan: then why did he give Jiheng Xiao Jiu’s prize? Why did he rush to Taichen Palace to give that stray fox first class treatment?
Lian Song sighed. “Did you know Dong Hua thought Feng Jiu wanted the Saha fruit to impress you.” Whether to make pastries or enhance her beauty, Lian Song didn’t know what DH’s suspicions were but they were obviously about XY.
Xiao Yan snorted: Feng Jiu told me she wanted the fruit for her beauty...
Xiao Yan paused. “Wait...don’t tell me Ice Face thought Feng Jiu liked me?”
Lian Song: you finally get it
Xiao Yan: um...she doesn’t, right? She likes Dong Hua?
Lian Song: she did once. Now, who can say? But your relationship was close enough for Dong Hua to be jealous.
Xiao Yan: and yet, he rushed to the Ninth Sky over the fox Jiheng found
Lian Song: do you know what Dong Hua did once he was up there?
Xiao Yan: give the fox medicine!
Lian Song: after that!
Xiao Yan: go fishing?
Lian Song: he was thinking of ways to get rid of a certain demon lord without upsetting his close Friend who would certainly miss his absence.
Xiao Yan: ....so Jiheng really misses me when I’m gone?
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Lian Song hits XY’s face with a fan: Idiot! Dong Hua was asking how to kill you because he was jealous of your close relationship with Feng Jiu!
Xiao Yan: wow. Ice face is so childish for an emperor.
Lian Song: so my advice is when they come back, don’t spend any alone time with Feng Jiu!
Xiao Yan: gotcha
And that was why, instead of inviting Feng Jiu to a meal face to face, Xiao Yan invites her via letter to join him and Meng Shao for lunch.
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Some punk looking for a fight: Hey! I'll fight Yan Chiwu and kick his ass!
Yan Chiwu (who 100% picked this fight to begin with): But I'm baby.
Punk: What does that even mean?
Fengjiu: Woah woah woah! You can't fight him!
Fengjiu: He's baby!
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thegloryofgeekdom · 5 years
Eternal Love of Dream
Episode 31 SPOILERS
After Feng Jui made her impromptu escape from Dong Hua’s room he cone to pay her a visit in the afternoon. Feng Jui still embarrassed from their earlier encounter makes a run for it leaving Yan Chiwu to deal with troll Emperor.
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Yan Yan is such an honest dork, he hasn’t got a deceitful bone in his body.
Dong Hua looks around and notes-
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He is NOT happy about this at all!😂😂😂
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He’s such a jealous boyfriend right now.😂😂😂 I mean I think he’s still pretty clueless to his own feelings but it’s obvious to almost everyone else.
Dong Hua comes up with a solution to this current predicament.
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Yan Yan-
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Then Our troll Emperor pulls out the big guns and we all know there’s one person Yan Chiwu will do anything for, don’t we?
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5 minutes later.
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You are such a disloyal traitor Yan Chiwu 😂😂😂.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 55
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It has been a while since I had to actually wait for an episode to come and I am especially looking forward this one.
Qingti is baaaaack, but it’s not really Qingti anymore. And it’s so weird having both of them being so formal with each other like that. Actually, it’s mostly extremely weird  to see Fengjiu acting like a bad ass immortal super powerful and wise. Then she gets depressed again because of Donghua.
Qingti pays his respects and blabla, he’s an immortal, blabla, but then Donghua... he appoints him to be he’s successor? I am as shocked as everyone assisting the scene. They start to debate the matter, I don’t know how to describe it better, only Chinese words come to my mind, but it doesn’t make everybody happy. They don’t oppose directly Donghua, who would dare?
Back to my other darling Yan Chiwu. He’s facing Miao Luo. He tells her Donghua sealed the Fanyin valley but he also recuperated his cultivation. That’s most likely bluffing honestly because Donghua didn’t look that well. I know he’s freaking powerful, but still. I don’t think he’s invincible either. He says he once entered by accident and she asks him if he still remembers how. Well I guess she makes him take her there, we don’t really know because we switch scenes again.  That’s the part I hate with drama endings, we always go back and forth. I guess it’s for the sake of suspense but it’s still annoying to some point because it makes it hard to follow when the story is already complicated.
So it’s time for Fengjiu and Donghua’s reunion. He seems so weak. Fengjiu does notice it and offers him some tea. She tells him he didn’t have to go out of his way to find her, she was just in the mortal realm, once she’s back they would have naturally bumped into each other once a while. Lies. She would have run away forever. She came because she didn’t really have a choice and Donghua knows that very well. He says he just wanted to see her again once. She asks him if he’s still doing good with her and he’s like who are you even talking about? Shen then is a little upset I guess and blames him for not knowing what he wants. She doesn’t really like Ji Heng but wishes them to be happy. He apologizes for not making it that day, he sent back Ji Heng to her clan and cut ties with her. She’s so bitter and asks him if he realized she was important only because she left. Poor Donghua. He didn’t manage the whole situation very well, surely, but I can’t really blame him for his choices, he did what he could. Anyways, he tells her nobody is more important to him than her and I hope she will believe him. But no. Of course, she blames him for not coming to explain himself and says that even though he liked her it’s all in the past now since they are both doing good on their own and are not fated to be together anyways, they should keep on going going their own path. This is really heartbreaking. I want to hear Donghua say “no, I am not doing well” but he probably won’t or if he does Fengjiu won’t believe it. Oh wow. They are doing better than I thought. He does tell her he’s not doing well. Fengjiu asks him if it’s because her parents bother him and if so they can go and fill for a divorce. But he’s like wth no? You are to be my wife until the day I die. Fengjiu’s face is definitely confused. He tells her that he already arranged for everything she wanted in Bihai Cangling. so she can go whenever she wants. She gets emotional and asks him why is he saying those things to her. He holds her hand and kisses it. Oh he gives her a ring, but she says she doesn’t want the stuff he gave Ji Heng. She leaves and says they already settled the debts between the two of them and leaves. Why would she do that? Oh god. I can’t believe it. This is so complicated. It’s even worse than Ye Hua and bai Qian and this time it doesn’t imply having your eyes plucked out of their hole by the man you like. Then Donghua seems heartbroken and coughes blood. The blood is pretty orang so either Donghua’s blood is super unique, either he’s really sick. Or my TV screen has trouble with colours. Could be a lot of reasons hahaha!
Chonglin comes and get to see that Donghua was unwell and he’s worried. Donghua tells him that once he passes away, he has to make sure that Fengjiu accepts the ring. He wants to at least leave her something.
Yup. Miao Luo took Chiwu to the Fanyin valley so she could get in. So he opens it for her and she gets in. Obviously, that’s a trap. So the plan is to trap her in a place known to destroy demonic energy. I didn’t get the name, but it’s somewhere she would never willingly go in by herself, so they had to set up a plan. Once she’s in, Miao Luo promises to kill Donghua.
Fengjiu goes back and her friend tells her that Donghua appointed Ye Qingti as his successor. So she realizes that Donghua will probably die soon. Guchou also says that usually they would chose as successors someone close to them, but  Donghua must have chose Qingti because of her, because he’s holding on parts of Fengjiu’s cultivation. She doesn’t want to believe what she just heard and makes her way to the Taichen palace where she plans on asking about it herself. But Donghua is already gone and Chonglin is out. She can only wait with Chengyu and Siming for Chonglin to come back.
Donghua goes back to Bihai Cangling and thinks back of the past. It breaks my heart. Okay, it was super beautiful and sad, I was almost crying when Donghua suddenly stands up and starts yelliing AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH! What just happened there? I almost died of a heart attack. One minute he’s crying, the other one this? What were the producers even thinking? They RUINED the moment. Like they crushed it.
Fengjiu asks Chonglin to tell her what’s happening, Chengyu says he should. Then Lian Song orders him to tell everything. And Qingti is just there for background support. Lol. They shouldn’t have brought him back to make him so useless. So Fengjiu finally knows everything Donghua did for her. And if they had a little bit of fate together in the end, it was because the immortal in charge of that was moved by Fengjiu’s love for Donghua so Shenye and Alanre who were fated to be together lost that so she and Donghua could have little time together. Chonglin is just so mad at Fengjiu, such a loyal one. He like see what Donghua did for you while Fengjiu is crying. Well she still gave birth to his child and went into hiding so he wouldn’t have the responsibility for it. Lian Song tells Chonglin to shut up. Chonglin gives her the ring which Donghua made out of his heart. The ring is orange. Like his blood. Problem solved, Donghua’s blood is speciaaaaal. He made that ring to protect her. He didn’t tell her his plans so she wouldn’t worry and most of all wouldn’t try and to go die with him. That sounds a lot like something Fengjiu would be doing.
Oh wow. Oh I don’t know what to say after all of this. This is really heartbreaking. And like, now Fengjiu only cares about Donghua and is unhappy he doesn’t want her to die with him? Like what about your son maybe? Somebody needs to take care of him too.
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notmyassbutt · 4 years
Himbo King Yan Chiwu
that is all
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heymeowmao · 5 years
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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@a-mighty-thunder​ asked   :    “ nobody told me that you’d be here. ” (Zhihe @ Xiao Yan)   -   a meme 
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━━  ❀ "That’s what I should be saying to YOU.” Grumbles, arms crossed as he kicks a pebble idly, watching it skid away on hard ground - “Wasn’t it a PLANNED thing? Didn’t Ice Block Face know I was coming to steal the bride?” Nose wrinkles, lips pulling downward disapprovingly - “Cold of him, though, to let his sister get kidnapped instead.”  
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wuxia-hero · 5 years
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ok i don’t care about anyone else. this dude is my favourite character in pillow book rn
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mile-ruichi · 5 years
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Dong Hua bullying deities 1/?
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bahoreal · 4 years
i made it through all of pillow book (finally omg) and i gotta say what was THAT i waited like FORTY EPISODES AND THEY SHOWED ME YE QINGTI RIGHT AT THE END? FOR TWO MINUTES? AS A BABY EMPEROR AND THEN NOTHING? if theres no yqt spinoff im gonna go over there and make one myself
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mcheang · 4 years
Dong Hua wonders where his fox could have gone?
Was he stolen? And by whom?
Suspect 1: Yan Chiwu
He must have planned to steal it along with Jiheng. Probably to spite Dong Hua. Dong Hua went to confront Xiao Yan, and promptly gave him a humiliating beating for the ten lotus incident even after Yan Chiwu claimed he didn’t have a red fox.
At that moment, Nie Chuyin came into view, smelling of smoke and cursing “that red fox”
Suspect 2: Nie Chuyin
He was an avid collector of furs. Dong Hua’s pet fox was unique not only because of her owner, but for her ability to breathe fire.
Did Chuyin steal his baby fox only for it to burn him?
Pointing the canghe sword, Dong Hua demanded for his fox to be returned.
Not wanting Dijun to kill him, Nie Chuyin insisted that the fox he was referring to was Bai Feng Jiu. She and her friends burned his precious collection. He can ask Zhe Yan for verification!
Suspect 3: Cheng Yu
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She had inquired about his fox and looked unhappy to have her request rejected.
Cheng Yu declared she was not hiding his pet fox.
Lian Song interceded on her behalf, but even Dong Hua could see Cheng Yu gloating about Dong Hua’s loss.
“You were mean and then you lost your fox...karma!” (This is a Hannah Montana reference)
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