#yandad green lantern
anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
No but listen, imagine y/N calling yanpapa Green Arrow "Oliver" bc she's that pissed off at him. Not "papa" or "dad", just straight up Oliver and even yandad Hal is fucking SHOOK
The darling calling him by his first name would be the equivalent of one’s parent calling them by their full name. And when I say the realization and look of pure ‘I’ve dun fucked up’ on Oliver’s face would be incredible. This man not only knows that he fucked up but so does yan!dad Hal and possibly the rest of the Justice League, all they can do is watch as one of their own is verbally ripped into by his bby for whatever reason. There would be an odd sense of pride and a little fear going through everyone’s minds. Especially for Oliver and Hal.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 19 days
Would you write about yandad! John Stewart green lantern? (From justice league animated. He's the black green latern)
Yeah definitely!
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Imagine YanDad Green Lantern when his bby starts dating a Yellow Lantern👀
Hal Is throwing hands!!! Like, it’s on sight and all the Green Lanterns are definitely pulling up to get their hits in too.
Hal wouldn’t be happy if his bby dated another Green Lantern, let alone a Yellow Lantern. It’s not happening, not on the yanfamily Green Lantern Squad’s watch.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
You know that classic vine 'you are my dad boogie woogie woogie' what if the darling created something like that except with their real dad but i want to see yandere dads reaction about that lol
I could see Reader making their own version and sending to the yandads as a ‘fuck you, you’re not my real dad’ kind of thing.
Yandad Steve Rogers is a little hurt. But he’s one who can’t discount that you do have another father. One who was there before him and Steve is appreciative towards him for raising you until he came around. Steve would be one to make his own version too but instead it’s ‘You’re my kid too Boogie Woogie Woogie’ or something of the sort.
Yanpapa Oliver Queen is going to be so devastated. Like, who is this mans? He’s your papa! Why isn’t he the one in the vine? Do you need a picture of him? ‘Cause he’s got plenty. Honestly, he would be the type to pull up the video and cry himself to sleep. I could also see him making his own version. Like, ‘I’m your dad Boogie Woogie Woogie’ but in his version there’s a picture of him and Reader and a huge X over Reader’s real dad’s face.
Yandad Hal Jordan feels a little attacked. He’s a good dad, so why didn’t you put him in there too. He knows you’ve got your OG dad and he tolerates it but couldn’t you put him there too. He’s more or less fine with sharing the role of dad, as long as he’s the cooler one. But at least give him a little credit.
Yandad Bruce Wayne wouldn’t be impressed. If you had chosen to put him in your version then he would have loved it, watching it on repeat forever. But he’s unamused. He’d pretend to have never seen it but he would be a little sulky the next few weeks. He holds grudges and is petty but we wouldn’t draw it out too long with you. Besides, the batfam would probably persuade him into doing their own version but it’s the entire batfam. Like, ‘you’re my kids Boogie Woogie Woogie’ and it has all the kids in it it, especially Reader.
Yandad Clark Kent would be hurt. He’s your dad now, but he’s another one who can’t discount that your real dad was a thing. But he’s here now so don’t worry about it! He would totally make an edited version of Reader’s version. It’s the same thing except a picture of Clark is very obviously photoshopped over Reader’s real dad’s picture. That’ll be the version he lives by and he’ll show it to everyone. Like, “Look what my bby made for me” or “Isn’t my bby the best” .
Yandad Lex Luthor is another one who isn’t amused. This will only fuel his jealousy towards your real father for being there before he ever could have been. He would erase it and pretend it never existed. He’s obviously the better dad. He has so much more to offer so why not do something for him if you’re going to do anything for your father. He’d be another one who would be petty and hold a grudge but only towards Reader’s real father. He has no ill-will towards his bby. Never.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Yanpapa Green Arrow: obviously my bby dyed their hair for me
Yandad Green Lantern: Oliver, they hate you and your dramatic ways. No way would they dye their hair after you
Yanpapa Green Arrow: *ugly crying* take that back!
Y/N, watching all this going down while eating snaccos: 👁️👄👁️
Yandad Green Lanter: Why would Y/n dye their hair for you??? They hate you. Everything that makes you you they hate.
Yanpapa Green Arrow: Say that to the green hair their sporting. And might I add they look fabulous!!!
Yanmom Poison Ivy: Of course they look fabulous, they got it from me. And besides they didn’t dye their hair for anyone, Harley had some left over from the hyenas. And MY bby wanted to show a little love to the earth.
Yanpapa Green Arrow, not listening: My bby loves me!!!!!!!!!!!!! And no one else~
Everyone else judging him: God, he’s an idiot....
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Y/N whenever yandad Green Lantern annoys her: I'm going to my dad, my nicer dad. Fuck you. *hugs yanpapa Green Arrow to make Yandad Green Lantern jealous*
*Yanpapa Green Arrow literally holding Reader off the ground in a tight ass hug, nuzzling his cheek to hers lovingly*
Yandad Green Lantern:
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
How would yandad Green Lantern react to his bby calling him Smeagol lmfao
He’s offended to say the least. He’ll grumble about it for awhile, saying how Oliver is more of a Sméagol then he ever could be. But if you think he’s such a Sméagol then maybe he should really start acting like one. Only his Lantern Corps ring isn’t his ‘precious’, his bby is.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Honestly, I'm 300%here for yandad Green Lantern acting like Smeagol and his bby being his precious
It’s all fun and games until someone tries to push their luck and take his bby away from him. Jokingly or not, that’s not gonna fly with yandad Hal.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Okay so we know about Steve and he’d react to being stood up on Father’s Day but what about the other dads
Yandad Bruce Wayne/Batman: Bruce would lowkey be hurt if his bby stood him up for their own real father or stepdad or whatever paternal figure who was there before him. He’d be a little petty, not directed towards his bby of course but more aimed towards whoever they chose to spend Father’s Day with. After the first time, Bruce wouldn’t allow for a second time of being stood up. Why celebrate separately when you can blend the two together? From then on he would hold a Father’s Day BBQ at the manor, inviting his bby’s father over too so that they wouldn’t have any reason to push him and the Batfamily to the side.
Yandad Clark Kent/Superman: Unlike Bruce, Clark would be extremely hurt if his bby stood him up on Father’s Day. He would have been looking forward to spending the day with his bby and the rest of the Superfamily. His reaction would probably be better is his bby let him know in advance that they wouldn’t be showing up or something. If they weren’t to let him know at all then he would be really upset. The day would involve him moping around and losing some of the motivation he had for the day. He’d be glad that his family was still there with him but it would be even better to have his family whole and with his bby not their then it’s not the same. Clark would without a doubt guilt trip his bby into spending the next Father’s Day with him. Or make it up to him by spending some quality time with him and the Sueprfam.
Yanpapa Oliver Queen/Green Arrow: Oh, Oliver would not take being stood up by his bby very well. He doesn’t care that they have another father figure besides him, he wants all their attention and focus. Besides, he wholeheartedly believes he’s the better dad. I have no doubt that he would crash wherever his bby is spending Father’s Day, he may even challenge his bby’s real dad or preferred paternal figure to a Battle of the Dads. It would be ridiculous but he’d take it pretty seriously. The challenge would probably involve whichever dad could handle Oliver’s chili better. He’d win of course.
Yandad Hal Jordan/Green Lantern: Hal wouldn’t even think twice of crashing wherever his bby was spending Father’s Day. He’d invite himself over and have a good ol’ time with his bby’s real family. He may even invite some of the Green Lantern Corp over to have a good time. Let’s be honest, Hal would be so petty. He’d make himself as charming and charismatic as possible so his bby’s family would invite him over again, not only for Father’s Day but also for every other Holliday. Although, Hal would prefer to spend his time with his bby alone he can’t say this wouldn’t be a win too.
Yandad Barry Allen/The Flash: Barry would understand his bby wanting to spend time with their family but he’s here too you know? He’d like to spend some quality time with them, especially on a holiday, let alone a holiday dedicated to dads which he is now that he’s got them in his life. He’s really dedicated to this new role he’s given himself in regards to his bby so it would hurt him to to be able to spend actual Father’s day with them but he would be content to have a late Father’s Day get together with his bby. Barry wouldn’t be nearly as petty as any of the other dads but he still takes Father’s Day very seriously, especially given that his father was locked away when he was younger.
Yanpapa Joker: Joker would not take being stood up by his bby well at all. He’d be pretty livid honestly. As far as he knows he’s his bby’s only papa and that’s that. There’s no room for anyone else, especially not their real dad. Depending on his mood he would either crash wherever his bby is spending Father’s Day and kill anyone and everyone there (beside his bby of course) as punishment for standing him up on his special day. Or he would wait awhile and do something else cruel and scarring to his bby’s family so they won’t have any reason to have to choose between him and them again. Either way his bby’s family is getting taken care of the only difference is whether he wants his bby to witness it or not.
Yandad Lex Luthor: Lex would be extremely petty about being stood up on Father’s Day, both towards his bby and whoever they stood him up for. I just imagine him having planned out his own Father’s Day celebration, all his bby would’ve had to do was show up, but he was left waiting all alone at some fancy restaurant he bought out just for him and his bby. That’s the last time he agrees to not picking them up in the first place but he thought he could trust them to show up. Just know that his bby will be making up Father’s Day to him. His plans would all be the same as before but he’s picking them up from the start and he demands a genuine gift from then that they put a lot of thought into. Then maybe he can work on forgiving them for standing him up.
Yandad Tony Stark/Iron Man: Tony wouldn’t be happy about missing out on Father’s Day with his bby but he would at least appreciate them telling him that they aren’t going to be there. At the very least, then his pettiness wouldn’t be nearly as bad. And yes he is another petty one, one of the pettier ones really. If his bby didn’t give him any notice before hand then he would be force to be reckoned with that whole day. Couldn’t they have at the very least shot him a text or an email, a voicemail would’ve been real nice but really he would have taken anything. No one in his path would be safe from his bad mood. Tony would be more sarcastic then usual, more brazen with his quips. He’d just be in a foul mood the whole day and even a few more days afterwards. The only thing that would bring his mood up would actually being able to spend some amount of quality time with his bby. And an apology would be nice too.
Yanpapa Logan Howlett/Wolverine: Logan honestly probably would never have taken Father’s Day seriously until his bby came into his life. He still wouldn’t be as over the top as some of the other dads/papas but he would still hold some amount of hurt at being stood up for Father’s Day. His thing would more so be about not even being acknowledged as someone important in his kid’s life then them actually spending time with their real family. Some acknowledgment is all he’d want, along with some time with his kid but if it’s one day the he can tolerate them spending time away from him. For awhile.
Yandad Wade Wilson/Deadpool: Wade isn’t going to let his bby off the hook for standing him up on Daddy’s Day. He’s crashing wherever it is they are and he’s not leaving without them. He’ll kick whoever’s ass he has to if it means he gets his Daddy’s Day with his bby. Wade may have even enlisted some help to bring his bby back home to him, probably uncle Wolverine with the promise that he’d be invited to Wade’s Daddy Day BBQ.
Yandad Nolan Grayson/Omni-Man: There’s a good chance that whatever father or paternal figure his bby had before him has already been dealt with and taken care of for good. So he wouldn’t need to worry about being stood up, but on the occasion that his bby took on a new paternal figure to get away from him then Nolan would be pretty pissed. His bby’s already got a good family in him, Debbie and Mark, they don’t need anyone else and he’s not going to just allow for someone else to take his place. Nolan would just have to do what he did again with his bby’s family the first time around. Maybe this time he’d make more of a point to reinforce that he’s the only dad for his bby.
Yanpapa Chris Redfield: Imagine standing Chris up on Father’s Day? He wouldn’t be happy at all. He’d be pretty grumpy the whole time really. He may even give his bby the silent treatment for not spending Father’s Day with him. Hell, if he’s feeling especially upset with being pushed aside for some other father figure, Chris may just get Jill, Claire, and maybe even Leon to come with him to crash wherever his bby is. He just wants to show that his bby’s got another family looking out for them. And maybe to rub it in their other family’s face how cool they are. Either way, Chris would still be butt hurt that he was overlooked for his bby’s other family. The only think that would make him feel better was if they spent some time with him, Claire and Jill (he couldn’t care less about Leon in this situation). But especially spending time with him and if they were to acknowledge or even refer to him as their dad. That would definitely make him feel good.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
How would the yan!family's react to their Darling being willing to join the family but only if they let their blood family live with them as well? And if they did agree to their Darling's conditions, how would life look like with both family's being smashed together? Thank you! ^^
I don’t think any of the yanfamily’s would be too happy with moving in or cohabitating with their darling’s real family. Even if they all don’t live together, the family’s don’t want to split their time anymore then necessary, nor do they want to spend any of their time with their darling with the real family around cause then it’ll only be more of a fit for their darling’s attention. They already fight amongst each other they don’t need t had more competition to the mix.
The Batfamily would begrudgingly try it out but the second it becomes too much or shit hits the fan then that’s it. They understand the only reason their darling is even willing to give them a chance to begin with is if their real family can be there too, they get it but they hate it. The whole point is to bring the darling into their own family, to have them be solely a part of their family and to forget about their old one. I think having the real family around would only cause more resentment towards them and their natural and genuine relationship with the darling. The Batfamily would get jealous and the real family is going to be the ones to blame.
The Superfamily would be a little more willing to give it a try although I think their way of going about it would be dual coparenting basically. Like, each family lives in their own homes but keep in consistent contact with each other and communicate with one another, especially when concerning the darling. The darling will be at either respected household for a week or two and then a week or two at the other one. I could see this actually working out pretty well with the Superfamily. They’re at least willing to try and be as cohesive as possible without trying to take too much control over the situation when compared to the Batfamily. I have this image in my head of the darling being walked down the aisle or something and both Clark and their real dad or whatever are walking alongside them on either side. It would be pretty cute honestly, I really think the Superfamily could get along with the real family very well. Especially if it’ll make their darling happy. That’s what matters after all.
The Green Lantern Corp would be a whole other situation in itself. I can’t really see yandad!Hal wanting to go as far as living with his darling’s real parents. And I also doubt the rest of the Green Lanters would be down to chill out on Earth with the people who they’ve been trying to steal their kid from. I think Hal would try it out just for his darling but the second he doesn’t really feel like it anymore he’s taking his bby to live in space. No ifs, ands, or buts. Space it is!
The Clown Family wouldn’t put up with the ultimatum, specifically Joker. I could see Harley maybe willing to give it a try cause why not but it would be difficult, the real family would have to walk on eggshells around her. Harley can be a little too trigger happy especially when it comes to her precious bby. Joker on the other hand just doesn’t like to share whatsoever.
The Al Ghul Family wouldn’t put up with it either. I could see Ra’s being swindled into trying it for his darling’s sake but it wouldn’t last long. Especially with Talia around. She would not enjoy anything having to do with the real family around. She would think of them only as an obstacle in her way and nothing more. I think she would happily get rid of the real family whether her father allows it or not. I could see Ra’s being peaceful, again only for his darling’s sake, and sending their family back to where they live unharmed. But Talia wouldn’t like it. She wouldn’t be able to rest easy knowing their real family is out there, it takes away from the darling giving into and accepting the Al Ghul family as their own.
The Avengers would be apprehensive. I think they would probably be another one to begrudgingly try it out only to use the excuse of how dangerous it is for the real family to be associated with the Avengers. Like, the Avengers can protect the darling just fine but the family is another story. They would most likely end up being more like the Superfamily in the sense that they work better with the real family when they’re separated from each other. They’re more then okay with keeping open communication and contact with the real family but being intertwined together like that just wouldn’t work too well.
The X-men would be similar to the Avengers. There’s already a lot going on with the school so the living thing probably wouldn’t happen but Xavier would be more than willing to keep open communication with the real family. Especially if he knows they’re good people. A few of the members may have their qualms about it (Logan) but it’s nothing they can’t deal with or work through. As long as their darling is content and things are going well then it’s alright.
The Fantastic 4 would be another one to try it out, what’s the most that can go wrong. Besides Ben inadvertently breaking stuff. It would be a little hectic honestly, especially with Ben and Johnny around, mainly Johnny given how much he likes to rile Ben up. I genuinely feel like Sue and Reed would try their hardest to make things work but it would certainly be a task. Especially given trying to save the world and what not, it would just be safer for the real family to stay where they are. But Sue and Reed would keep open communication with them, even often inviting the real family out for dinners and get togethers. If it’ll make their darling happy then the Fantastic 4 family will try their best to make it work, even if some things have to be accommodated.
I could actually see the Madrigal Family being pretty open to this actually. I could even see it being Abuela’s idea to win over the darling, especially if they’re just too hesitant in leaving their own family to join the Madrigal’s. I think Abuela would be even more consumed by perfection when it comes to the real family coming to live with them. She wants everything to work out perfectly so their darling can be theirs. This is already something out of the ordinary that she would do but if it got their darling to trust them because of it then so be it. The family would all be tasked in trying to win over the darling’s family so that they can finally have the darling become part of the Madrigal family.
I don’t think any of the Game of Thrones families would be down for this honestly. It’d probably end in murder, real talk. The Tyrells might but it would only be for a time. The Martells may give it a try but that could go either way. The Starks wouldn’t move the real family in with them but they’d probably keep in communication with them. The Lannisters, and the Greyjoys would be a hard ass no on that one. The Targaryens I could see giving it a try to appease their darling and be in their good graces but when it gets to be bothersome or some shit goes down then I think it would probably end in murder.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
( p.s. these heroes do matches your tumblr theme :3 )
Yesss!! Bring back the green baby!!!💚💚💚💚
Honestly, I have missed the yandad Olly and Hal stuff.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Which yandad would take those awkward “Facebook dad” selfies and send them to their kid?
I feel like that comes with being a dad, like once you’re labeled “Dad” you take awkward photos and send them to your kid. Whether you’re in on the meme or nah.
These are the dads who do it the most:
Yanpapa Green Arrow/Oliver
Dad America/Steve
Papa Wolverine/Logan (his selfies always include him with a grumpy face)
Yandad Green Lantern/Hal
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
But how does yandad Green Lantern show his bby affection???
I don’t see Hal being overly affectionate like Oliver is. I see him being more subtle in how affectionate he is with his bby. I think he’s more the type to show affection through the things he does for them but that doesn’t mean he is opposed to actually loving them in the same fashion as Oliver. He’s just less clingy about it.
Hal usually prefers to give his bby space. Nothing too crazy, he’s still close enough to intervene when it comes to anything sus. He doesn’t want to smother them because then that will only push them further away from him and he doesn’t want that.
He loves to take them flying, whether as himself or Green Lantern. He loves for those moments. He gets to show off for his bby and they get a hell of a show.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Plot twist: Y/N starts dating one of the Green Lantern Corp members
Yandad Green Lantern, along with the rest of the yan Green Lantern fam:
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Y/N, making a toast: this is to my dad, he's the best dad ever
Every dad in the dad association: Y/N is talking about me!
Y/N: I'm talking about Hawkeye, he's the best archer dad ever
Yanpapa Green Arrow: BBY! WHAT ABOUT ME!!???
Y/N, ignoring him: yall hear smth?
I can imagine some of the yandads consoling yanpapa Green Arrow. I just see him throwing himself on to yandad Green Lantern, ugly crying on his shoulder while Hal tries to push him off.
Meanwhile Y/n is chilling over with Yandad Hawkeye, talking about bows, arrows and whatever else is archery related.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Someone: what kind of supervillain are you? What kind of evil things do you do?
Y/N: I rescue people from their yanparents and yansibs :3
Someone:... That's not an evil thing???
Y/N: according to Green Arrow and Green Lantern, it is
Yanpapa Green Arrow, standing outside: please come home, my precious bby! I'll even give you an hour to yourself every week!
Someone: I see your point
I just imagine yanpapa Green Arrow standing outside, holding a boom box playing a father-daughter mixtape he put together while Reader is trying to explain their supervillain origin to some new recruit.
New Recruit: Does he ever let up?
Reader: No. He just switches off with another dad from the Yandad Association. You’d be surprised at how many father-daughter mixtapes they have between all of them.
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