#yandere 2p allies
shini--chan · 1 year
May I request a birth scenario for the 2ps. You can do either side first and make 2 separate posts.
There is one ask further up in my ask box asking for the dreaded birth scenario with the 2p axis anyway, so I’ll just be doing the 2p allies for now. Warning for implied non-con, manipulation & coercion. You’re reading this at your own risk.
Yandere 2p! Allies – Dreaded Birth
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“Not like you have much choice, cupcake”, Allen lazily drawled from his place next to you. He had tidied himself up for the birth, and it was downright surreal to see him in a blue overall with a hairnet and mask. Exhausted as you were from pressing the baby out, you had nearly not recognised him for a moment.
“You are not the mother of that…”, you began weakly only to be cut off by him.
“Yes, I’m the daddy and you are the mommy and you’ll act the part. Taking care of another human being will be good for your mental health. We talked about this sugar. You are just acting like this because you just had a difficult birth and post-partum depression is already setting in. Plus, you’re anxiety is showing again.”
Allen would quickly see what you are up to and would do his best to stamp it out as soon as possible. He would have possible caught on to your true feelings on the matter long before the deliver would have taken place with how you would be more emotional and prone to lash out in the weeks leading up to the event. As such, he would have a plan in mind to deal with you.
Would either take you to a small country hospital or a hippy commune to have the birth. There, he would either know the people very well, letting him be the more credible person in the room, or it would be a group of complete strangers that wouldn’t care about your fate and therefore have no incentive to intervene.
Would likely give you a joint or cannabis tea afterwards to make you calm down. Promises would be made and he would have a serious heart-to-heart conversation with you, doing his best to sway you. If else, the carrot and the stick will have to do.
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Sighing Mark turned to the midwife, asking: “Mind leaving us alone for a minute? I have to have a word with my wife.”
“Please don’t go”, you stated. “I don’t want to be alone with him.”
Cassidy, as she was called, looked uncertain between you and Mark, not knowing who to heed. She probably also sensed that something foul was afoot, having likely been in similar situations before, situations where not everything was as it seem on the surface.
“I had a fight with my honey-buns before the contractions started. With everything that happened today, she is probs more mad at me than she usually would be.”
“Alright. I’ll just be by the door. When you have finished comforting her, not hesitate to shout”, the woman said somewhat hurriedly, and then scurried out of the room. Typical – she just wanted to believe what he had said, because the alternative would be so extremely troubling. Now you were alone with the wolf.
Mark could do his best to construct the situation as just an unfortunate series of events. Though, because he wouldn’t be the most sociable and suave guys, he would likely leave opening that you could easily exploit. Taking with the nurse a bit or some other person witnessing the awkward scenes, and you could have a very willing accomplice that could help you escape and even testify in court.
Aside from that, would sit on your bed and do a long lecture, while holding the baby in his arms. Would chide you of disturbing the sleep of the little one if you would raise your voice and reprimand you for being so heartless as to rejecting such a cute and helpless thing that would suffer dearly without your aid. If it initially wouldn’t work, then he would have the following weeks to convince you.
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Zao raised a thin eye-brow, a rather emotional gesture for such a stoic man. Or at least, for when he wasn’t under the influence of anything. Ignoring your protests, he shoved the baby in your arms, forcing you to take it unless the small tumbled to the side of the narrow bed you had just given birth in and smash its head open. The midwives had just finished washing the wax off the pliable body and swaddled the boy in blankets. After handing the father his child, they had all filed out doubtlessly in accordance to some preplanned schedule.
This China wouldn’t leave much room for argument. He would ensure that events would be framed to make sure that out of the two of you, you would be viewed as the evil doer. The people around you would offer you a lot of unsolicited advice on child rearing and ensure that would be doing your job of a dutiful mother. Should you fail on doing that, they would be the ones to lecture you and shame you. That could or couldn’t be Zao’s intentions, yet the outcome would be that you would feel the pressure more acutely, since it wouldn’t just be some crazed faux-lover telling you what to do.
It would be one of those circumstances where he would continuously invite people over, just to force you into the role of mother. Other’s would gossip and look down on you if you wouldn’t, after all.
All the time, would act as if you are not protesting against motherhood – shoving the child in your arms, leaving you alone with him and assigning you the role of primary caretaker. He is not going to feed the boy, would you let the kid starve? You know that you could go to jail for child abuse if you’d do so.
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Oliver giggled softly, bright blue eyes shining.
“What did you say, poppet?”, he asked brightly. His appearance made you step back. He was covered in blood, your blood to be exact, seeing that he had played midwife.
You had hoped that the deliver would have meant that you would have been allowed to see other people. Sadly, he had deftly dashed your hopes by doing the task himself. It shouldn’t have surprised you – the mere notion of you in somebody else’ arms drove him berserk.
“Nothing, dear”, you answered quietly, feeling tears well up in your eyes.
Oliver wouldn’t hesitate to go full batshit insane if you would ruin his dream of a happy little family. He would desire, no require a sweet little life with a darling sweet wife and a cute tyke to be happy, so don’t dare tear that away from him.
If you would insist on being difficult, he would go one of two routs. The first one would be dragging you to his personal torture chamber, disregarding that you just gave birth, and torturing you a few hours. You would only be allowed out every once in a while for a quick clean-up and to breastfeed the child.
Or he could play the long game by turning the child you would hate so much against you. Then he would have an ally in keeping your behaviour in check. Perhaps, that route would be so much to his liking that he would force another child on you and repeat the whole process.
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Francois carelessly snipped the finished bud of his ciggerette towards the rublish bin. It missed and rolled on the floor, vanishing in an arc behind the bin. Sighing for the untempth time this hour already and looked up at you. You were staring at the craddle with bitter contempt, as if the squeaking child had gravely insulted you. This was slowly going too far. Sure, he had would also be more peeved if he would be bleeding from his genitals for over a month and stretched skin turned into a wrinkly flap of tissue. "It is not as if she tried to kill you so stop trying to set her on fire with your eyes", he tiredly commented. Affairs like this made him even more tired than usual. Maybe there was still some German beer in the fridge to calm his nerves. "And yet she still nearly did", you curtly snip back, all to happy to let out your anger now. Ah yes, there was that. On good days Francois could easily forget that you nearly died during childbirth. Partially, he had been angry at the baby for that, at least in the beginning, however, unlike you, he was a rational person and worked quickly to overcome his misgivings. - Francois' solution would just be to shrug off your responses and wait. Surely you would have only been hysterical at the moment and given a few weeks you would surely calm down. If not, then he would resort to violence - burns and choking and attempts to impregnate you again. - Though, that would only be the case if he would still want the child. If you could argue your case well enough, then he would put the child up for adoption. That would be the outcome anyway, if he would find the child to be too difficult he would give it away, regardless of your feelings on the matter.
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Victor raised his eyebrows in askance and then his expression proceeded to melt into one of mirth. The usually stone expression vanished, the corners of his eyes crinkling and his mouth forming into a smile that had too many teeth. Hiding the lower half of his face inside his signature red scarf, he looked even more sinister. That was when it came to you - his happiness stemmed from giddy anticipation. You had just broke one of the rules in this elaborate game of cat and mouse, you had just given him an exuse to act out his crueller fantasies. Normally, you were more careful, but this time, you had lost it all because you had allowed your emotions to get the better of you for the fraction of a minute. Those red eyes, twinkled down at you as he carefully laid the buddled little babe in your lap. You felt a shiver run down your spin as he patted your messy hair. The gesture would be affectionate, if you didn't know him. Ice gathered in your belly and you found yourself frozen with dread. "I'll keep your words in mind", he said softly, and with that, you knew that you were doomed. - Victor would use this as an excuse to let out his pent up anger and frustration out on you. For a few weeks, you would become his emotion punching bag. Of course, it would be constructed so that you would likely not suffer permanent damage. Emphasise on likely, because that could change very quickly if would provoke him. While standardly a very collected man, when he would already be swimming in anger, he would lose all tolerance for bs. - During that time, he would still have you tend to the child. Your treatment of the little one would determine if your punishment would be extended or shortened as well as the intensity of it. Of course, he wouldn't tell you of this - it would just be more fun for him to have you figure it out yourself. - Such an "event" could occur again and again during the life of your child, depending on your behaviour towards them. Family is something that Victor would take extremely seriously.
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I'm choosing tragedy today. Can I have Yandere allies with a darling that's pregnant ( by them ). She's been trying her best to make it work with them ( but the Yanderes can tell that it's not out of love, it's out of the fact that they'll be having a kid soon ), but it's very hard for her. Soon the stress of being kidnapped and forced to do things against your will caught up to the darling. It caused her to miscarriage. They can remember that dreeded day. The darling was streaming, yelling at that it was all their fault and they had killed their baby with their sick fantasy. From that day on, the darling grew cold and bitter towards them. It's gotten to the point they hardly ( if at all!!! ) considers their existence, and it seems that they'll never let up. I need something very angst-y and depressing please.
FYI: This one is heavy. It took me almost a year to write for this one and I wanted to do it justice. So, I hope it was worth the wait. 
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Night’s freezing rain beat like a lover’s wounded heart against the old roof. The gentle, constant thrum mixed with the squeak of an old glider were the only sounds that filled the dark nursery.
(Y/N)’s unsteady rocking matched the wet, glazed look in her (E/C) eyes as the empty, white cradle hypnotized her.
Its somber whispers coiled around her. Reminding her of what she had lost, and what could never be. Her damaged fingernails cracked as she dug into the stained wood as the dark thoughts continued. How HE had taken the one drop of pure sunlight that had appeared in months.
A shrill creak accompanied by a harsh beam of white light broke the tormentor’s fantasy. (Y/N) didn’t react, only gliding in the cushioned chair.
Softly, he called her name. A gentle plea for her attention, reaction, anything to prove that his beloved was still alive.
The repetition of her name and pet names grew as his thunderous, slow steps grew closer. Her own frustration bubbled up in the form of dark tears. A low dog-like growl grew from her throat the closer he came.
When his hand touched the chair, stopping the sway. (Y/N) snapped.
“GET OUT!” She stood, barring her teeth. “You have no right to mourn for what you killed! For what you’ve taken from me!”
Wailing, (Y/N) continued her verbal gnashing. Letting the disgusting flood waters flow from the haunted swamp it had been trapped in.
As the tears began to shutter like the slow change of the tide, (Y/N) laid one more verbal sting. “I never loved you.” She laughed hysterically. “The only thing you were good for was being a sperm donor!”
America: The black, leather gloves wrinkled harshly against Allen’s fists. His teeth clicked as he ground them like metal gears forced to a sudden stop.
“I’m” His hand tightened on the glider.” tired of your shit!” The chair clattered and splintered as the force of the push caused it to become embedded in the nursery wall.
Gasping, (Y/N) attempted to stagger back yet Allen followed, offering her no relief. Closing the gap until they were only a hair apart. His finger bruised her breast as he jabbed into the supple flesh.
“He” Allen’s voice wavered as tears pricked his eyes like pins. “Was my son too, and for a time we were happy. You accepted me as your husband. And we WILL be happy again.”
Allen backed up; his flushed face paired with pained tears. “Just give me more time.”
Canada: Matt was silent and stiff as the words reverberated off the nursery walls like a mortuary bell.
(Y/N) watched as he inhaled deeply, filling his lungs to the point that the bandages around his chest strained to hold the powerful muscles back. He spoke with the exhale; frustration leaking into his tone like a cracked dam ready to burst.
“I understand your hurtin, Maple. But there ain’t any reason to take it out on me.”
Guffawing in shock, (Y/N) could only gasp before she began to spit her venom like a spited Sahara serpent. Numbering her woes like the course, grains of sand in a blood-red desert. Hissing as she described how each moment of forced obedience was as if he stroked her thin skin with a Cholla cactus, leaving slivers of spines and ruby rivers in its wake.
His roar shook the room, ceramic figurines tinkled as they rattled, and books shifted on shelves as (Y/N) was silenced mid-word.
Still, as the nursery statues, (Y/N) remained frozen as Matt stalked closer. Their eyes locked as predator and prey.
Matt’s heavy breathing fanned her paling face. Whispering, “Enough”. Scarred hands cupped (Y/N)’s face, leading her closer to him. Foreheads softly bumped as they touched. “I get it, Maple. It hurts, and that pain will never go away. But I will remain, even as you fight me, to ease that pain.”
France: (Y/N)’s eyes widened as she slapped a hand against her (L/C) lips. She whimpered like a scared child at the realization of her grave mistake.
She had dared to insult her tormentor. The man that claimed love, but instead showed obsession. A man that privately destroyed anyone that dared to injure his pride.
When François sighed, (Y/N) flinched. Muscles tense for pain and punishment, but he made no move to her. Instead, the frumpy Frenchman reached into his back pocket, seeming not affected by his wife's sharp insults.
He shuffled for a moment before revealing a box of blue and white box Gauloises cigarettes and a simple, black, Zippos lighter. With a quick flick and click, François lit the cancer stick and lifted it to his lips. Taking a long, slow drag before letting the smoke blow like a dragon’s fire.
“Cher,” His voice rumbled like a car driving on gravel. “Are you done?”
“No-o. I’ll never be done.” (Y/N) choked on her whimpers as she backed up shakily. “I’ll always hate you.”
Another sigh from François, this one heavier like a man tired of fighting an uphill battle as he made his way to her glider. The chair creaked as his weight fully settled into it.
The calloused hand with the lit cigarette was outstretched. Inviting her into his lap. (Y/N) didn’t move, only shaking further as she pushed herself against the bars of the white cradle.
“Come, to me Cher. Let’s dream of what our life could have been had our bébé remained with us.” His hand remained out, fingers and palm relaxed further. “And when you are ready, we can try again, but we will never forget our first.”
England: As her final syllable echoed off the pastel, nursery walls, Oliver's look of shock slowly morphed into something more sinister. His cool, blue eyes darkened into the pink slits of an angered Cheshire cat, while his lips rose to show off the large, sharp canines that looked ready to paint themselves with her blood.
“Now, Poppet.” He purred tightly. “Let’s not ruin tonight by acting like the last few months haven’t been wonderful. After all.” His smile sharpened. “I have quite the surprise in store.”
(Y/N) scoffed challengingly as she looked away. Her wet eyes burned holes in the white carpet as she dropped her voice down to a choked whisper. “We weren’t happy. It was a lie to keep my child safe. And now they're gone.”
Oliver’s hardened stare softened. “Not quite dearest.”
As the pastel-dressed man stepped to the left. he revealed a small child standing in the doorway. The light from the hall creating a small halo around their head. The fluffy hair on top of his little head appeared to be made of the softest strawberry-blond silk that curled at the top of his ears. His pale, freckled face was flushed red as his (E/C) eyes bubbled with unshed tears.
(Y/N) noticed that his lips trembled as his tiny hands nervously tugged at the corduroy overalls. Never looked at her, but at the floor, as he slowly shuffled away from their captor.
“Oliver, where did you get this child?”
The questioned man smiled. Though, this one was different from the tight one given moments before. This one was still large, but genuine, warm like the end of a summer day. Somehow that sent a chill colder than the winds of hell down (Y/N)’s spine.
“Poppet, don’t you recognize our son?”
Russia: As (Y/N)’s shout turned to silence; she sneered at her captor. Arms crossed and teeth bared like a starving dog in a fighting ring ready to resist any punishment Viktor would lay.
 Instead of the monotone lecture and bruising grasp of his bare hands, Viktor was silent and still. His frown was slight, but his eyes told a silent tragedy. His dull crimson irises appeared darker than normal, almost lifeless by the heavy, purple bags that hung underneath them. His brown hair was unkept rather than the neat sweep of its usual style.
“Милый,” He rumbled with a deep sigh, “I, understand that I am at fault. I caused you too much stress.” Viktor moved closer to (Y/N), his heavy winter boots sinking into the plush carpet with each step. “Destroyed your health to the point your body could no longer maintain our child.”
On Viktor went, rattling off minor inconveniences as if they were deadly poisons that lead to the death of their child. Each one sent (Y/N) further back until her back smacked against the wall. Her cold hands clawed against the painted material searching for something to put between her and the mad beast.
A loud slam against the wooden wall resonated through the room as Viktor placed his hands against the wall. (Y/N) froze, trapped by the large arms of her ‘husband’. Their eyes were locked, red ones full of grief and stress while the (E/C) eyes contained only fear.
His whispers of atonement only increased her fear. Killed her belief that she would ever be free.
China: (Y/N) watched Jin’s eyes shut as he took a deep breath. Then another, his hands curling into tight fists before releasing in time with his breathing.
Like the slow ticking on a clock before a big event, his breathing eventually steadied. His red eyes opened like the heavy, iron gates of castles in eras past.
The tranquil rose-red garden that once lay within his eyes was no more. Withered and greyed flowers were what now remained inside. Almost like the weight of loss had begun to reveal Jin’s true age.
“I know, but will you still join me at her memorial?”
"Yes, Qin. Though she never made it to this plane." Jin's breath shuttered as he held back tears. "She still deserved to be honored as if she did."
He held out his hand toward her. A broken smile on his lips as he silently urged her to take his hand. To begin the process of healing. 
Quietly, (Y/N) opened her mouth. No sound left her, not even the squeak of a syllable. She shook her head, licking her lips as she lifted her hand. Hesitantly placing it into his. 
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headingalaxys-spicy · 8 months
America's Master List
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The First of the new Master Lists for 2024! It still needs to have all of the newest works but some of them are on here already! Thanks for reading! There are so many of there crazy things their might be multiple for America XD jebus. But this is for you, like me, Alfred F. Jones simps, who need their content.
America and England with an S/O (Human AU)
Cardverse Senario
Cardverse Scenario: White Queen Taken from a Different Kingdom
Yandere America Cardverse
Yandere Demon America Headcannons
Demon Games: America
Spicy Yandere! Demon America  
Yandere Demon America w/Strong Escapee S/O 
Yandere Demon America with a Priestess S/O 
Yandere Demon America w/ a Yandere S/O 
Demon America w/ S/O that won his Bloody Money Game 
Demon America w/ Jealous S/O  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins pt.2 (Spicy) 
Yandere Demon America w/ S/O who has awful parents  
Yandere Demon America w/ Demon Princess  
Yandere America x Reader (That has traits similar to Francis)  X Yandere France 
Yandere America with a Metal Head Darling with a Guitar
Yandere Mob Boss America 
Yandere Spain, Germany, America, North and South Italy with a wife who just found out that they're a mob boss
Yandere Demon America, England, Russia w/Ghost Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/ Smart human 
Yandere Demon America w/ Yandere Demoness S/O that captures him  
Yandere Demon America w/ Ancient Monster Darling 
Yandere Demon America w/ Angel Darling  
Birthday Drabble Demon America Club 27  
Yandere Demon America w/Dark Witch Darling 
Yandere Demon America: Family life with S/O
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Canada that love the same S/O 
Yandere Demon America & Russia w/ Supernatural Hunter Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/ Witch Darling pt.2  
Yandere Demon America x Right Hand Demon Darling  
Yandere America X Male Reader X Russia Captive  
Yandere Demon America x Dumbass reader 
Yandere Demon America claiming them for the first time after kidnapping  
Yandere Demon America x Dark Witch Darling p.3  
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Russia  
Yandere Demon America with Chaos Lord p.2
Yandere Demon Germany & Russia with a Chaos lord 
(I'm sure you're tired as hell from seeing the word 'Yandere' aren't you? America vs Russia as demons 
Yandere Demon America X Doomguy reader 
Yandere Demon America with a Succubus reader 
Yandere Demon America x Chaos Lord 
Yandere Demon America with an escapee human 
Demon America w/ Pervy Sage like S/O  
Yandere Demon America with a Heathen Goddess darling 
Yandere demon America with a Nephilim Darling 
Yandere Demon America and Japan with an Oni darling 
Demon King America with an experimental dragon darling 
Yandere America with Platonic Yandere Demonness 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader : Someone tries to assassinate you 
Yandere Demon America with a Half Human / Half Demon Darling 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right-Hand Woman p.2 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right Hand Woman P.3
Demon America with a Fem! S/O and a box of Chocolate
Yandere! Angel America & Germany in Luv with a demon 
America X Reader X Britain p.1  
America x Reader X Britain p.2 
America X Reader X Britain p.3 America Ending 
America x Reader X Britain p.4 England Ending  
Epilogue w/America  
Yandere Alpha 2p! America Headcannons 
Yandere America rejecting his Omega S/O only to realize that he misses them
What dog breeds that the Allies and the Axis are in the Omegaverse
Omega America Headcannons 
Yandere Alpha America and Germany w/ a darling that committed suicide 
Yandere Alpha America with an Alpha Darling 
Yandere Alpha America with an Alpha Darling p.2
Omega America tormenting his darling 
Differences between Yandere Alpha America and Yandere Omega America
The Emperor for Evil America 
The Sun, The Devil, Temperance, & Tower America, France, Romano, Spain, & Russia 
The World and High Priestess with the Allies 
Justice and the Devil 2p America
Club-27 pt. 2
The Longer Series (Or Lore within the stuff I write) I'm trying to work on: The Golden Nightingale, Peacekeepers (Omegaverse) and possibly Mating Season (Demon AU however that's likely to be more headcanons than storytelling)
Golden Nightingale Intro
Chapter 1: Tourmaline Daydream
Chapter 2: The Chaos
Mating Season
Yandere Demon Kings Lands 
Just more ramblings about how the Omegaverse AU is written 
Explanations on how you’re categorized in the Omegaverse 
Omega America on suppressants 
When two Alpha’s fight over an Omega 
How the capturing process works in the Omegaverse 
The successful Omega Rebellion hypothetical
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milaisreading · 10 months
Hetalia masterlist
1. Normal world meeting
2. Isolation pt2
3. 2p!Canada headcanons (yandere)
4. Unexpected meeting during war times (Italy, England)
Pt2 (Allies, Axis)
5. Valentine's Day special
6. A new puffin
7. Valentine's Day (2p!Hetalia)
8. 2p!Russia headcanons (yandere)
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theunderneath · 6 months
Part 2 Hetalia / 2p Hetalia
Part 1
What 5 2ps are most likely to drug their Darling? (Headcanon /
Most likely to be a yandere 2p Allies edition (Headcanon /
2p America, 2p Russia, and 2p Italy's favorite thing about a scared fem Darling (Headcanon /
Which 2p Axis is most likely to be a yandere (Headcanon /
2p Italy falling in love with a maid darling but she likes 2p America (headcanon /
Yandere 2p Russia headcanons (
2p North Italy NSFW with BDSM and dubcon (Headcanon /
2p yandere Itabros fighting over a fem Darling (Headcanon /
2p England headcanons (
2p England using a love potion on his darling but they already love him ( Part 1 below, Part 2 Fanfic
America, 2p England, 2p France proposed to their Darling and they say no (headcanon /
Yandere Spain (Cringe old Art)
Yandere 2p Amerca (Cringe old Art)
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Yandere Hetalia Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
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2P France
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Belarus (NYO)
Canada (Matthew Williams)
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France (Francis Bonnefoy) & Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt) & Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo)
North Italy (Feliciano Vargas) & Germany (Ludwig)
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Their darling confronting them about what they've done - France, England, America, Canada
Finding out their darling has an identical twin - North Italy/Feliciano Vargas
having a darling that’s having more than one baby - Spain/Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
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Character headcanons: Nyo England
Having a virgin darling - France/Francis Bonnefoy
Who is the easiest and hardest yanderes to deal with - Axis Powers & Allied Forces
Most dangerous to least dangerous to deal with - Axis Powers & Allied Forces
Platonic vs Romantic: Belgium
Most delusional to least delusional - Central Europe
Yanderes and their love languages - Axis Powers & Allied Forces
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Yandere Reactions: England with a willing darling
Random Yandere Headcanons: What makes yandere Germany so dangerous?
Yandere Reactions: Hetalia Girls with a small Island nation darling who feels insignificant and useless
Random Yandere Headcanons: 1P & 2P Italy with a shy darling
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lady0ctavia · 29 days
Introduction, Rules, Current WIPs, and Masterlist😘
The masterlist is found here!
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Hello and welcome to my shameless Hetalia self-shipping sideblog! I'm just here to write self-indulgent fanfics, imagines, headcanons, etc. So, if you wanna go along for the ride, hop on in! 😉
But first, here's a rundown of what I will and won't be willing to write.
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What I'm willing to write:
Axis, Allies, Nordics (except Iceland, see next section for reason), as well as pretty much all the other adult characters in the series.
Both 1p and 2p versions of the characters
Very slight NSFW
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What I WON'T write
Iceland (I know he's an adult, but he's always looked like a young teenager to me, and I cannot in good conscience write self-insert for a character that looks like a child in my eyes. Sorry to the Iceland fans out there). 🤷‍♀️
Explicit NSFW and lemons
Literally any character that looks like a child or has their physical, canonical age as lower than 18. This includes Lichtenstein, Sealand, Ladonia, Kugelmugel, Wy, Latvia, etc.
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My Current WIPs
When they see their S/O Crying (2p!Nordics)
Awkward!France x gn!reader
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merakiui · 1 year
Pleae please pelase please Hetalia! I know it's cringe for some people, but there was a person on here who had great yandere content but discontinued! I would be honored and first in line to see what you've got cooked up for the nations! Do you have headcanons? A favorite character? Would you specialize in the common groupings like Allies, Axis, or certain characters who don't get the spotlight? Love your work! :D
:O I'm honored you would be willing to read any Hetalia writings I might create!!! Thank you for liking my work! It is a great relief to hear that others would be potentially interested in writings for other fandoms.
Aaaa it's a little embarrassing to admit, but I was a very big fan of Britain. >_< he was my number one, including his 2p counterpart. Oliver was the perfect amount of unhinged and creepy, all wrapped up in pretty pastels. BUT OHHHH MR. BRITAIN!!!!! I was down so horrendous for him. Perhaps it's because he's so pathetic and silly and babygirl, but I liked how he was just such a grumpy tsundere all the time! And the fact that he couldn't cook and everyone made fun of him for it hehe. But his pirate era............... omg. (/ω\) the many facets of Britain had me ensnared back then. I was but a maiden blindly in love.
I also really liked Spain, the Nordics, Canada, America, and Russia. Truthfully, I would love to write for any and all of the Hetalia characters, even the 2ps!! I have so many years-old concepts written in my Google docs because I had no one to share my thoughts with back then, so Google docs was my outlet lol. If I do write for Hetalia, it is a merakiui guarantee that some of the nations are getting breeding kinks and the concepts will be, as they often are, dark and twisted and creepy. >:D it is also a a merakiui guarantee that the yandere Hetalia debut fic will most likely be for Mr. Britain. I need to return to my simping roots somehow.
Please feel free to discuss Hetalia with me! I'd love to know who your favorites are! Let's swap thoughts and headcanons!!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ *)و
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We’ve seen yanderes…but what about the 2Ps as Tsunderes?
Hi there! so which 2ps are you thinking of? Axis? Nordics? Allies? etc. And are you thinking about what kind they'd be or how they'd act? or maybe something entirely different? Anyway sorry for the late answer, i've been sick and i'm just getting better now :)
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Jealous axis. (+Romano.)
None yet ^.^
None yet •3•
Other nations
None yet.
Au’s (Alternate universes)
None yet ^U^
Rules for requests
•No requests that are racist, homophobic, or sexist. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and equality.
•No (character) x child romantic ships. Pedophilia is not welcome nor allowed here. You can request with (character) x child if it’s parental, (character) x s/o (platonic), or friendship (if they are the same age) relationships.
•No nfsw/smut requests.
•I don’t do yandere (character) x (character) requests, yandere (character) x yandere (character), or yandere s/o x (character). Sorry.
•I can do yandere 2p! Characters, but I don’t really often do that.
•I also can do oneshots. Just please be specific with your request if you do want to request a oneshot.
Now that that’s over with, feel free to request ^^ (Note: requests may take me a while to make because I am quite busy, but I will do my best to fulfill your request:) )
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mirkomilk · 4 years
Can I have 2p allies have a crush on a shy, yet stronger and smarter country.
Allen finds himself being more jealous then anything. He’s been around for a while, and whether his darling is younger or older than him, he sees himself as the superior nation because that’s just how he is. In short, he’s insecure and full of himself at the same time and it isn’t good for anyone involved. He likes that they’re shy, it makes him feel a lot stronger than them even if it isn’t the truth, and he often takes advantage of their shy nature. Being smarter than him is basically a given, though.
Oliver is somewhat offended. He’s England, there’s no way someone could be greater than him, right? He has a sort of complex and I can see him being borderline rude towards his darling but he’s still very much infatuated with them. He’s always making his darling uncomfortable because he’s so hyper and sociable. He often drags them out with him to do things even if they’re seriously against it. He knows they’re shy but he’s kind of sadistic.
Francois simply enjoys his darlings company. They’re quiet and cultured, they aren’t a dumbass, so at first he simply tolerates them. However, once he warms up to them, Francois gets very worried for them. They’re shy and it’s one of the many things that he adores about them, but he doesn’t want anyone to take advantage of his darling because of it. Francois is very prone to kidnapping and/or isolating his darling. It’s for their own good, he knows that.
Matthieu finds them... annoying. He’s very aware that they’re strong, stronger than him, but he can’t see them that way no matter how are he tries. They’re so shy, it makes them seem like a delicate person who needs to be protected. It doesn’t work in their favor, either. He shadows his darling all of the time, simply watches over them. Matthieu doesn’t necessarily care that they’re stronger and smarter than him, he doesn’t, it’s a good thing, but he’s protective by nature. He can’t help himself.
Xiao finds it absolutely adorable. He’s most likely a lot older than his darling, so the fact that they’re smarter and stronger than him makes him feel a little happy. He doesn’t get offended like England or anything like that, he’s actually quite supportive of his darling. Their shyness is just an added bonus, he thinks. To Xiao, they’re the cutest thing on earth, they’re his entire world, the only thing he cares about. So while they may be stronger than him, that doesn’t mean that Xiao won’t lend them his strength once in a while!
Viktor finds himself worried for his darling. He knows all too well that power can go to someone’s head and he fears that it might happen to his darling and they’ll end up like England or America. So, while they may be stronger than Viktor, he takes full control of them eventually. He uses their shyness to his advantage, as much as he hates to do so, and he doesn’t make it clear to them that he’s in control. Viktor doesn’t do anything rash or terrible, he just makes sure that his darling keeps a good head on their shoulders.
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shini--chan · 3 months
May I request 2p allies making their s/o mute as a punishment for trying to run for help.
⚫〰️⚫ Thank you
Alright, as the ask indicates, it is not a never family friendly post that awaits you up ahead. Excluding 2p Canada this time, since I had difficulty coming up with another form of mutness other than those described via the other characters.
This came out later than planned due to time management issues on behalf of the author. Nevertheless, enjoy!
Trigger warnings: body horror, physical abuse, emotional abuse, mutilation, misuse of medical procedures, drugging, malnutrition, dark magic
Yandere 2p! Allies - Silence is Gold
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Allen would loathe to admit it, but he had come to like you when you were quiet. Aside from that, you looked so cute with your neck bandaged up. And those glares and petulant expressions you made! Oh, if he had known how agreeable you’d become after losing your voice, he would have done this far sooner. 
That being said, it had been an accident - he hadn’t wanted to punch you in the throat, but you just had to jump in the way, when he was busy teaching that bastard a lesson. Therefore, he had had no choice but to cut open your throat to ensure you could continue breathing. 
When you leaned down to take his plate, you purposely bumped his shoulder. Yes, you were still very upset with him about what had happened. However, the feeling was mutual. He slapped your arse when you straightened up again. 
It caused you to perform a little jump and then glare at him. 
“If I had known that you’d look so sexy with something around your neck, I would have bought you a set of chokers long ago, dollface. Don’t worry though - you look good with the bloodstained gauze as well”, he slyly complimented you. Oh, how it infuriated you. 
You had tried to talk a few times these past days, causing the wound on your neck to reopen and weep plasma and blood everytime you did. As it was, you were lucky that you had gotten antibiotics, or else Allen would have been far stricter with you. 
Petty as you could be, turned your back on him and flipped the bird as you marched back to the kitchen. At this, Allen could prevent himself from laughing. 
Allen actually wouldn’t want to rob you of your voice, since half the fun in having you is that you talk back. However, he would discover the benefits of muting you after he would have to do it in some shape of form. Once doing so, he would find this experience refreshing and seek to replicate it multiple times in the future. Here, you would really be in danger of losing your voice permanently if you aren’t able to curb his … preferences. 
The problem here is that he would find your muteness and the injuries connected to it to be unbelievably arousing. In ways, your life would biome harder than it already is thanks to that.
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Could you really be blamed for panicking in a situation such as this? The rush of hysteria made the binds tying you down to the table seem even tighter than they were, and you felt like you were suffocating, no matter how fast you breathed. The air was too hot and your clothes too scratchy, with the latter made all the worse by the fact that you were coated in grim and your own dried sweat.
To your left, you heard Zao approach you. Since your head was fastened to the table, you only could see him once he appeared in your periphery. There was a horrid grin on his face, that stood in complete juxtaposition to what he said.
"My heart, this is really something I don't want to do, but you leave me with no choice."
You wanted to retort, but thought better of it just in the nick of time. He had a brown glass bottle at hand, and you didn't like all the warning labels on it, nor how close it was to your mouth. 
"But give in and swallow, I promise to help you with your recovery if you comply", he told you in a sickly sweet tone as if he was talking to a child. As much as you wanted to shake your head, you couldn't. By now, you were trembling. 
Two fingers pinched your nose firmly. After a few seconds, you started to become lightheaded and you heard and felt your blood pounding. Opening your mouth wouldn't be an option, since the bottle would immediately be emptied into your mouth if you did that. So instead, you opened the corner of your mouth and tried to breathe as discreetly as possible. 
To no avail. The fingers that were on your nose went for your mouth and pried your lips apart. As valiantly as you struggled, the bottle still went in. The fluid caused your throat to burn, and when you accidentally breathed some of it, you let out a hapless scream of pain. 
His method of muting you would be more permanent - rendering your vocal cords and throat useless by forcing you to drink acid or poison. This would either be the response to a multitude of transgressions, or him being particularly ticked off by an escape.
A side effect of this would be that you would be unable to swallow food or drink. But he would be there to help you, either by feeding you through a tube, an IV or by supplying you through your back door (i.e your rectum). This would serve as an extension of the original punishment. Additionally, you would be helpless and reliant on him. 
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When you finally woke up, you felt groggy and heavy, each of your limbs made of lead and your mouth full of cotton. Sleep drunk, you opened your eyes and eased yourself to a more upright position. 
Not that it was more comfortable - there were kinks and knots in your back that only a professional massage could relieve you from. Why the hell had you fallen asleep here of all places? You were seated in an old dentist car, the once royal red faded. The contraption creaked ominously whenever you moved.
This was getting weirder and weirder by the moment. The twilight of the room you were in didn't help.
Your mouth felt dry and slightly numb, and your lips subsequently cracked. You parted your lips and wanted to run your tongue over the dried skin only to discover that you didn't have a tongue anymore. 
Cold shock made you bolt upright and all at once, the world shifted into sharp clarity. Once again, you tried to stretch your tongue out only for nothing to move, not a stump. That was when you started to panic.
Lungs heaved as you tried to explain the situation to yourself. There was absolutely no pain, you weren't feeling weak. The taste of blood was absent, and the bitter sting of iodine or saline solution wasn't present either. 
In your panic, you opened your mouth and stuck your fingers inside to feel for your tongue. It had been completely removed down to the root. There wasn't even puckered skin where the muscle would have begun. Tears started to leak from your eyes and you tried to force a few miserable sounds out of your mouth. 
"Now, now don't engage in self-pity. You did bring this on yourself, my rose bud."
The blood in your veins turned to ice, and you halted your frantic movement. Despite the dim lighting of the underground room, you could clearly see Oliver Kirkland. He was seated on a red satin loveseat, and in the jar he had balanced on his knee was your tongue. 
Oliver would use magic to completely remove your tongue from your mouth, aiming to insite as much panic in you as possible. As such, you'll only find out what he has done after completion of the procedure. 
Instead of helping you to deal with the situation, he would mock you relentlessly. Furthermore, he would place the blame on you - it was you that ran away, it was you that forced his hand; everything that went wrong is your fault. The jar with your tongue in it would be placed in a spot that you'd have a hard time overlooking. A taunt, and a reminder that the amputation is only temporary. You just have to play being a good spouse for long enough and then he'd give you your tongue back. 
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Putrid pus stained the sheets as he pulled them away. Yesterday the colour had been yellow, but now it had a slight green tint to it. Francois brushed his fringes out of his face and tied his hair back to a sloppy ponytail. 
With a soft sigh, and placed the bandages and tincture bottles on the bed next to you and tilted your head towards him. Sickness and the corresponding fever made your sleep deep, unlike it usually was. You didn't even stir when he lifted your head onto his lap. 
At this point, it was up for debate what was sealing your lips more - the rough stitches or the infection. The swelling had distorted your mouth, so much so that it was beginning to block your nose and hinder your breathing. 
Cursing softly under his breath, he set out to drain the pus from the needle wounds. He shouldn't have used the expired saline solution, yet you had given him no choice. You had been so busy thrashing and screaming around when he had sown your mouth shut. 
Francois still didn't understand why you had put up such a fuss. The punishment was deserved and it made your resistance all the more pathetic. Seriously, had you really thought he would take you escaping lightly? How could you delude yourself into thinking he wouldn't take all those vile words that you had uttered upon being brought home to heart?
The pus drenched bandages were thrown into the bin, and he proceeded to down the injured tissue with iodine. You groaned in your sleep, and tried to open your mouth. A noticeable tremor ran down your body, and you stopped straining against the stitches. 
Perhaps it was better that you were lost in a haze. It gave your captor more time to think and calm down. 
Francois would elect to make your muteness temporary, but with some caveats. You'd wear scars around your mouth for the rest of your life and the mental and physical trauma would haunt you for years to come. Such a situation would have a high potential of arising if you poured your heart out to somebody else and incited them to help you escape. 
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This was getting more tiring by the hour. Slowly, you were asking yourself if this really was a punishment, or if it was one of Victor's loathsome social experiments.  loathsome social experiments. They both tended to be alike, so it was hard to tell on a normal day. 
“If you keep glaring at me like that, your face will distort to a permanent frown”, the man in question remarked. The knife repeatedly scraped over the wood in his hand, causing shavings to fly with every stroke of the blade. He didn’t even look up from his whittling when he said that. How rude. 
Feeling petulant, you knicked a stone in the river. It was a nice day to be outdoors - the spring air was filled with the sweet smell of flowers, and the sun was shining through the birch tree. Though, you couldn’t bring yourself to be happy, not when he had brought you to the spot where he had captured you a mere week ago, picnic basket at hand. 
You had difficulty swallowing every other bite, and also keeping it down. Now that bastard even insisted on staying a bit longer to enjoy the alleged peace and quiet that the forest offered. 
With how frustrated you were, you opened your mouth in order to say something, only to receive a smack to the face with the flat side of the knife the second you opened your mouth. In shock, you quickly closed your mouth again and looked at him aghast. 
This time, he was even meeting your eyes. 
“You know the agreement, so don’t break it by talking now.”
Mutness wouldn’t even be the intended punishment at first - it would be offered as a second, milder option to a harsher punishment. Victor would have a habit of giving you an option of choosing between two or more punishments. It would be to give you an illusion of power over your own fate and an opportunity to assuage your character. Mind you, he would never give you the full details of the punishments that you can choose from. 
In this case, he would enforce a “voluntary silence” upon you. You would have to refrain from speaking for a certain time interval, or else suffer a harsher punishment. This is one of his games with you, that would be designed to mould your personality to his liking. Also, this would be a form of discipline training for you. 
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Hello! First of all i want to say that i adore your headcanons about the 2p's and your blog. It's my first time requesting, and altho I'm not new to the blog i must admit that i haven't been here in a while and i kind of forgot if you do or don't do the thing with naming the anons, if you do, feel free to call me ⭐ anon.
To summeraize it up, it's just that i didn't have any idea up until now but this one hit me like a shower thought.
So onto the question.
What about the 2p's and a very perceptive S/O?
Examples: The S/O caught onto their obssesion and schemings, or they saw through their manipulation, or they caught them stalking them, or maybe they somehow managed to escape them, they lead the yandere on a false trail while they escaped on another.
I mainly want to see the Allies, Romania and Poland, if you may.
Thank you, have a cookie🍪 and have a great day!
Of course, ⭐anon, and thanks for the cookie, compliments, and patience!! How did you know that I am a dessert junkie?
France: François is like an old, barn cat in that he’s done his work and now believes that he’s owed something easy. His observant Cher decided that wasn’t how it was going to which sly tricks and quick getaways. When the pattern repeats itself for the fifth time, François no longer puts his physical energy into the chase. Relying on the city’s cameras François begins to lay a series of snares. Each one is layered like hair-thin threads, so small that even Cher’s power of perception cannot catch them all. With each pulled off, two have gone unnoticed, until their combined power is stronger than steel cables. Leading to an easy capture for François.
America: A man with a temper like Allen’s doesn’t do well with an observant doll. Similar to what would happen with a professor darling, each escape would be like a tick on a detonation clock. The closer to zero that hands get, the more likely Allen is to become drastic, especially once his pride becomes damaged. His final tactic is the same no matter what, he or allow those around you to die.
Canada: Matt’s work with animals sets him up well with an observant darling. Both rely on their keen sense of awareness to survive in this world and in response, Matt first views each false trail he’s led down as just that. Someone struggling to survive. Unlike the others that chose more physically damaging methods, he doubles down on ways to build reliance on himself. Maple’s car breaks down or her window shatters, Matt makes sure that he’s the one that fixes it. It doesn’t matter if he’s punching a man’s lights out to take their uniform or finding Maple on the side of the road, he’ll be the one to do the repair. Sadly, if his gentle methods fail, then Matt will become harsh. Repairs are replaced with destruction, and gentle herding turns into a bruising grip on her forearm. This game won’t last forever, because at some point he will run her down. It will only take one slip, and she’s doomed.
England: Oliver would watch as Dearie slipped out of his fingers the first time. Tutting to himself as he replayed the days leading up to his failure. Mumbling about the notes left for him by his rabbits, when one thing pops back up in his mind. Dearie always could tell when she was being watched, meaning she was very observant. Like Allen, it’s a similar song to the Professor. He thinks it's cute until it's not. Her avoidance of his ‘gifts’ and duty to remain professional with him rubs Oliver wrong. By the game’s end, a deal is made with a creature of her nightmares. Dearie’s shrill screams show that her punishment is underway, and her silence means she’s almost in his arms.  
Russia: Just like Oliver and Allen, Viktor has also dealt with a professor situation, and she was just as observant. He will not enjoy being outmaneuvered but does take note of what he learns. Slowly creating the perfect tactic to ensure no escape. As the plan commences and his darling runs, swerving like a serpent between the trees as his men give chase. All the while Viktor remains hidden and watches from strategically placed cameras like a wolverine in the trees. Waiting for his darling to sprint past in fear, only to be ambushed. Dragging into his stone chest, stuck forever with a blizzard-like man.
China: Centuries of success can only be achieved by observation. As she knew Jin was on her tail, so did he know Qin had that stubborn, little trait. For a while, Jin will allow her to feel as though he’s been outplayed. Repeatedly allowing her to escape and feel safe, only to repeat the cycle within a matter of hours. It takes a toll on her mental health as her observant nature allows her no rest due to the cycle he had forced her into and the unknown amount of people working under him. As her world became shaky from the lack of sleep and paranoia, her once beneficial trait worsens it. Until the world becomes dark and Jin can take his sleeping beauty home.
Romania: As a hunter, Nicodim would enjoy a perceptive lover. Something about the constant vigilance reminds him of a small creature. A simple, rabbit that thinks as long as its predator is in sight and several feet away that the danger has been managed. Though in reality, Nic is working to change the wide meadow to a dark, city alley. Eventually, she’ll be cornered and Nicodim will capture his prize, eager to dissect every side of his rabbit.
Poland: Piotr is already tired enough and a darlin of this caliber makes him more so. From the constant vigilance to the complex escape plans, this man feels the wariness from those actions deep in his bones as he slowly follows like a true persistent predator. As the chase progresses and her decisions to escape become more often, Piotr becomes annoyed. That annoyance quickly turns into irritation and with that comes aggression. Just like a frog in a pot, his harsher tactics of capture start off pretty soft with pitfalls, snares, and herding by his men. The passage of time brings with it crueler methods; rusty bear traps, home invasions, and the destruction of anything that makes her independent. If she’s perceptive enough to dodge even all of this, then Piotr’s final option is to appeal to his boss for a legal summons. At that point there is no way out, she’s finally cornered and captured. Forever stuck in his cold house, sleeping with the one source of constant warmth, Piotr.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Hhhh, ok. After stopping my heart like a virgin with the 2p FACE headcanons, can we see some aftercare? Do they spend any amount of time checking on the aftermath?
May wanna have 🚨emergency 🚨 on speed dial because you’ll have a humming bird heartbeat 💓 from this one .
🚬2p France 🚬 : The one who takes the most time himself to recover but he does make sure that you have everything you need and then some. I hope you like long luxurious bubble baths complete with smooth rain lofi, wine, or a hot beverage, a novel or magazine if you want, or he’ll even turn on a podcast. If all you want is silence he will happily oblige to your command. He wants to make sure you are comfortable as you decompress. He will go outside for a few cigarettes and will do his own time to unwind. Also, don’t be intimidated by his elongated silence and nothing more than one-word answers. He’s not angry just he’s 100% has a whole conversation going on his mind about seeing you in such an intimate capacity he… needs time to process.
He’s fallen in love and that’s not really a thing for him.
You now belong to him and eventually, he will come and join you in the bath and make sure that all of your needs are being met. He’s in a state of pure bliss while he gets to stare at your bare form. So enjoy the lavender and rose-scented air that romance has bloomed in.
🕶2p America🕶: Sucks at it but he’s learning. He’ll get it right eventually. And yes, I referring to the way that he’s not so good about romance. He does make sure that you are okay and will offer to help you to the bathroom and get you some water so that you can begin to stabilize yourself. He does make sure that during the act you’re okay and that he isn’t seriously injuring you. He does keep a first-aid kit stocked near the bed that has slings, an AED machine, bandaids, painkillers you name it he probably has it in the dresser. He’s that rough during the in-the-sheet shuffle.
He will gently apply Neosporin to your love bite, scratch, and bruise he gave you. He’ll praise you for surviving.
“Good y/n you’re as tough as the nails in my trusted bat.”
“You’re so eloquent with words.” You say sarcastically.
“I’m hot so what doll.” He will squeeze one of the areas he just finished mending just to be a dick. You’ll punch his arm playfully and call him an asshole. Next thing you know you’re making out again. And you’re going for another round. (Yes, in my previous post I did forget to mention that roughhousing / play fighting appeals to get you in the mood for lovemaking. He’s the only one and maybe Canada that can pull that move off well and put the stamina to keep it up.)
🍁2p Canada 🍁 : He’s a good romantic if not better in his 1p version. That means his aftercare is also top-notch. He’ll kiss you on the forehead and linger and his hot breath adds more condensation to your soft skin. He will look at you directly in the eyes and ask
“Tu vas bien ma feuille d’érable?” in his French Canadian accent he likes to use from time to time.
He’ll help you out of the bed so you can get to the indoor sauna that he built in his log cabin that is deep within the Canadian wilderness. He will offer to massage your hands, feet, and back. Matthew will also make sure you’re relaxed, clean, pampered, and fed.
He will make your favorite comfort food or if you let him he will make some classic Canadian favorites, like butter tarts, Montreal-style bagels, or his favorite Halifax donair. He will even spoon-feed you so you really won’t have to lift a finger.
🧁2p England🧁 :He will always finish by kissing your face all over and saying over and over “I love you” like an addicting harmonic song.
“Are you alright poppet?” He will lower his head to yours and gently ask: “Breakfast in bed with cupcakes to finish.” Once you confirm with him what you desire he cleans himself up so he can do so. He draws you a bath and lights cotton candy scented pink and yellow candles. He trys to keep a romantic but peaceful vibe long after you two are done for the day. He then headed down into the kitchen to help you recover.
“Make sure you’re hydrated by the way poppet.” He leaves a glass of sparkling water next to the bath as he came to check on you while he was cooking. Once your clean and he’s brought up the food you watch a movie together and doze off while snuggling one another.
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theunderneath · 6 months
Part 1 Hetalia / 2p Hetalia
Yandere 1p and 2p America with a darling that chooses 1p America? (headcanons / EDITED)
2p America and 2p Canada's reaction to their s/o getting badly hurt in a car accident (Headcanon /
2p FACE + 2p Romano react to a s/o who bruise easily (Headcanon /
Yandere Canada that is a Wendigo (One Shot /
Would the 2p's still drug/tie up/lock their darling in the basement if they were in a relationship with them willingly? Could they have a normal relationship even if they are Yandere? (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Canada/James Williams and his darling fucking up the people who hurt both of them in the past (Headcanon /
2p Allies scared their Darling so bad they punched them (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Prussia SFW and NSFW headcanons (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Nordics headcanon (
Yandere 1p Allies in love with a Darling who yandere for someone else (Headcanon /
NSFW headcanons for 2p and 1p Japan (
NSFW headcanons for 1p Russia (
A sociopath darling with Allies (Headcanon /
2p Norway sharing a Darling with 2p Iceland (Headcanon /
NSFW headcanons for 2p Russia and 2p America (Headcanon /
2p Prussia, 1p Canada, 2p Canada, 2p England, and 1p Japan that has a big tiddie goth gf Darling (Headcanon /
1p/2p axis with a cold-hearted/sociopath Darling (Headcanon
Yandere 2p Russia, 2p England, 1p America, and 1p Germany with a darling that rejected their marriage proposal because of superstition (Headcanon /
2p Russia do if his kidnapped Darling one night comes to his room while he was asleep and cuddled to him (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Italy headcanon (
Yandere 2p Italy's favorite outfits to put a fem Darling in (Headcanon /
The most sexual vanilla p2's (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Russia and 2p Prussia proposing to their Darling and they turn them down (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Spain headcanons (
What 5 2ps are most baby-hungry (Headcanon /
What 2ps would want a personal Playboy bunny (headcanon /
2p Italy kink headcanons (
2p Japan with a Darling that gets flustered when he speaks Japanese (headcanon /
2p Axis most taboo kinks (Headcanon /
Part 2
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Could I have 1p! Allies reacting to s/o who is the personification of the universe? (This sounds so weird but listen I had a thought-)
That is an interesting thought! Let us see how our bois react!
America: Whoa! That is so totally cool! I mean I already knew that there was more to the universae than just Earth cause of Tony, BUT YOU MAKE IT EVEN BETTER!!!
England: ...Why do I feel like if France knew this he would make a sexual comment...Sorry I am not reacting properlly love, but I can feel the Frog making this post weird. Curse him.
France: Mon Amour, no wonder you are so bautiful, you reperesent everything!.... Wait, does this mean you represent Earth as well since Earth is in the Universe... Boss?...Hmmmm Kinky, I like it. Boss, will you pease disiplan your underling. Preferabbly on a bed since the ground isn't too nice on the knees. ;3
Russia:...Are you alright? Being the personification of a country is very harsh at times. You are so much more than that and I worry about what stress you might be under.
China:....Is this the first person alive that I've meet that is older than me? Wait, please tell me that isn't true. Everyone older than me disappears too soon! Please don't leave me as well...
Canada: Oh wow. that sounds like a big responsibility. Do you need any help or anything? I often help Alfred when he needs it.
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