#yandere 2p austria
shini--chan · 5 months
This was inspired by your Jessica Jones/Private Detective ask and me being like “That is true Like Father, Like Son energy right there.” at 2p!Austria and Italy being put in same category. How would Austria and Italy (Both 1p and 2p) react to the person they both have a crush on saying “You have such a cute father and son relationship.”
Well, in total, they would both be offended by this alligation. Austria would take it more on the light and playful shoulder and try to use it to make Italy "join the Fatherland" once again. Nevertheless, he still finds Italy to be a hellion so best don't imply a familial relationship there.
Italy would throw a knife at whoever said that and go away to sulk hide from Austria
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i really enjoyed your yandere allie’s being broken up with post! could you do one for a yandere 2p axis as well? thank you in advance :) sincerely, a yandere lover
(Y/N) stood in the doorway, a bursting duffle bag digging into her left shoulder while her hands tightly grasped the strap. Licking her lips, she murmured.
“I-I can’t do this anymore. We’re over.”
Japan: Kurai’s dull, garnet eyes slowly drifted from the paperwork on his dark, cherrywood desk to his Sakura blossom. He noticed the crystal tears that threatened to bubble over like an unspoken plea for mercy, terrified quivers that made her shake and tremble like a kitten left to die in the coldest December blizzard.
A shark-like smirk split his face as he cooed her pet name. “We have only three days until we are wed, do you really want to dishonor your family by calling it off?”
Trying to leave Kurai’s web is like trying to pull a live rat off a glue trap. He will manipulate you into staying by pulling at your sense of duty. It starts by mentioning all the people who will be disappointed should you two split. If you continue to insist that you are done. Then it will begin to get violent.
Kurai drags you with a bruising grip to a hidden white room, the door locking as he leaves you in isolation. For two weeks all you see is white, even the very food and dishes become that vile color.
At the lock’s click and hinge's squeak, you hoped in vain that Kurai had come to his senses. Finally letting you leave this hell. In reality, you saw red. A lot of red, of much so that he claimed it was to shine the honor that your ‘threat’ had tarnished.
Germany: Groaning, Luther popped his neck with a loud crack as he raised his scarred body from the worn, leather couch. His blond brow raised in a questioning manner. “What are jou talking about?”
He watched with cold, tired eyes as (Y/N) took a deep breath before forcing the horrible statement again from her throat like a lion cub’s first roar.
Chuckling, Luther shook his head as he held his out his calloused hand.
 “Come now, Kätchen. Let’s nap on it before we do anything.”
Shaking her head, (Y/N) backed up. She screamed a loud no, before sprinting down the hall. Her bag swung and bruised her hip as slammed against the wooden door and fumbled with the slippery knob.
The click of the locking mechanism quickly became a loud slam as the door was forced to close again. (Y/N) now frozen still from the man she was trying to escape.
“Vhat made jou think I was asking?”
Luther is quick to forgive. A simple bow to his demands will quell his anger in ways that could be used against him. IF, he wasn’t already suspicious of all behaviors leading up to your foolish declaration. The missing objects, full cardboard boxes hidden in the closet, and failed attempts at distancing yourself from him.
Your announcement is what causes the iron fist to finally drop.
Similar to the ‘fighting and married’ bit, he begins with house arrest while retrieving all the items you’ve sneaked out. Any found attempts of planning to escape will lead Lutz to become more controlling and to harsher punishments.
What makes it worse, is that even on the darkest nights, locked in the rusted, gilded cage and draped in heavy, silver chains, Luther will remain outside the door. Murmuring promises of a better life and love, if only you agree to stay and obey. Forever.
Prussia: It had been two weeks since Wilheim let (Y/N) go. Two weeks of hoping she would return, of hoping she would realize how deeply their souls were intertwined. Fourteen days he had been pained by a wounded heart, that felt like each weak beat may be its last without his Maus.
He could bear it no longer when he watched as she set off with another man. The bright laughter and innocent blushes told him all he needed to know. With the flutter of his cloak, Wilheim set out to reclaim what he had lost.
Wilheim’s long, blood-stained life has taught him a lot. One such lesson is the use of free will. He hopes by letting you go for a time that you will come back, but as the time goes on without even a text from you, Wilheim begins to crack.
His cracks start small by stalking and recording. But as he hears how happy you are to be away and the proud compliments from friends about escaping the abuse, they become large fissures within his psyche
The last straw is your attempt to move on. That was the night he drags you back once the date is done. Questioning you on why you would betray him, did the time you spent together mean nothing?
With eyes like a burning ocean, Wil will force you into a small cell. Its tight walls only allow you to stand or sit. As the days wear on, you’ll find yourself taking comfort in Wilheim by your own volition.
He is the only one to open the door. So, doesn’t he deserve your love?
Austria: Jon cocked his head in a similar fashion to his little bat. Observing her intently as (Y/N) shuffled. She, at first, might have thought it was cute until a demonic laugh erupted from his pale throat. Heavy heaves for breath causing his chest to sink in showing his ribs in the tight, red shirt before expanding outward like an organic balloon, that no one could properly fill.
“That’z a funny yoke meine Queen.” Jon wiped a tear from his red eyes. “But, vhile jou here, did jou pick a place for dinner?”
(Y/N) shook her head quickly and muttered a no. “I-I’m breaking up with you, don’t you understand that?”
A loud sigh came from Jon as he stood from the leather couch. His heeled boots clicked against the wooden floor as closed the distance on the cowering woman.
“Of course I do, but” he looked at his shiny, black polished nails. “if jou really vant to, zhen go for it. Juzt don’t be zurprized vhen zomeone dizappearz.”
Jon lives in an odd mix of delusion and reality. He will take the smallest acts of obedience and view it as you submitting to and loving him. Every moment of rebellion shows him how far he still has to go until you are ready to be his Queen of the Night.
Since, you’ve decided to walk out the front door, consider the threat now a prophecy. He will start with the disappearance of a close friend. At first, you may dismiss it, until a body is found and the red words ‘come home’ are painted on the alley wall.
During your mourning, you try to tell the police of the possible lead. That Jon may be the cause of it all. Yet, it all falls on deaf ears as they explain that man doesn’t exist.
You, wanting justice, decide to confront him and run to his home, expecting a fight. Instead, you find an open door that reveals a dark house. Stepping inside, you feel a cold chill and gasp as the door shuts behind you, locking you in. Before you continue your forced path forward, you notice the shadows move like dancing snakes.
A quick glance and scratching at the light switch reveal no working lights. You scream when you feel the first shadow latch onto your ankle. Attempting to pull you through the floor. Shaking and pulling doesn’t help as more attach, eventually pulling you into an inky blackness. Ensuring that Jon’s pale skin is the brightest thing you see in your world of eternal night.
Spain: Armando’s eyes slowly lifted from the stacks of paper in front of him. His quill rested limply against his rough fingers as he took (Y/N)’s form in wholly.
 He noted her straight lip tremble at its edges, the subtle scrapping of her nails over the nylon bag straps as his silence continued. She shuffled an inch back whenever he twitched or breathed too loud, before shakily regaining the lost ground. Though, she remained tense, ready to bolt at a moment’s notice.
His question shattered the silence like a hammer to a mirror.
“You want to leave me?”
“Y-yes, I do.” She nodded as her heels dug against the wooden floor.
“Well,” Armando stood before walking to a large glass and oak display case. His hand gripped the wooden handle as he opened it, reached in, and pulled out a large, silver axe. “I think that we should let a simple game decide our fate.”
This man isn’t going to let you go. End of story.
But! That doesn’t mean it will be a simple no with slices to disable your legs. No, Armando doesn’t work that way. He’ll have fun by forcing you to play a game, his favorite to be specific.  Axe throwing.
If you are one to see the dark side of his world from the beginning, then you’ll know that your chances are low, even if you have thrown axes before. He won’t play fair, offering damaged axes and using a target that is just a little too far out of reach.
Most likely, you were kept in the dark. Not fully knowing the amount of blood that stained his hands. Your axes are sharp, but the target itself is dry, hardwood. Your muscles were never meant to throw with the power to dent such a mass, and it didn’t. You could only watch in fear as Armando hit consistently a bull’s eye each time from a different angle.
Depending on how badly you lose will determine what comes next. If Armando absolutely destroyed you, then he’ll keep his punishment simple. A quick snip to one of your Achilles tendons and being locked in a room with minimal contact for a couple of weeks with only him to rely on will help subdue your fire without snuffing it.
If you presented a challenge to him, then it would be worse. A debilitating injury to hinder your chances of escape mixed with a strict schedule of labor on the farm and obedience training. This mix will drown any thoughts of rebellion, leaving behind a fearful shell of yourself that is easier to control.
Italy: The silence of (Y/N)’s statement reverberated off the walls as Luciano set his wine glass on the dining room table. His leather-gloved hands came together to intertwine as a chinrest while he leaned back into the wooden chair—a large grin on his face as he sized up his darling fiancée.
“What made you think that was your call? When you agreed to be mine,” He stood, slamming his hands down as he leaned forward on the table, the taunting smile turned to a vicious snarl in a mere blink. “It meant until the day the world stopped turning when Italia would be wiped off the map and forgotten about by the fragile minds of mortal men. NOT because you got cold feet! NOT W-“
“I NEVER AGREED TO THE BLOODSHED!” She sobbed; the dam of emotions finally bursting. “You are nothing more than a monster that feeds off the mutilated flesh of your victims. Always looking for an excuse to kill again!”
(Y/N)’s declaration shocked Luciano like he had been bitten by a hidden viper. His eyes were wide as his focus never left the woman he loved.
She backed up a few steps. Hesitance caused her frame to tremble, before she turned her back to him. “I’m leaving, goodbye.”
It was only a few steps before the sound of maniacal laughter accompanied the sound of whistling metal. 
(Y/N) gasped, before collapsing. As the laughter came closer, she saw three knives embedded within her flesh. All lay within her lower half, making the mere thought of running from the mad Mafioso impossible.
“Oh, Tesoro.” Her head snapped up to view the smiling Italian. “You’ll be staying with me forever.”
After your shouting match and injury, Luciano will decide it's time to retrain. After all, you’ve shown him that your loyalty was false. Nothing more than a piece of tin that needed to be forged into something stronger. Something steadfast.
He will take the time to rebuild you. Each step toward what he wants means healing, rebellion just creates additional injury. Eventually, you’ll either break into a creaked and numbed doll, or you’ll be the perfect wife, trustworthy enough to join Luciano in the flames.
Romano: (Y/N)’s stomach flipped as Fabrizio stepped closer, his questions ignored as she turned her back. She was ready to run, pushing her legs to their limit as she forced her stride to be at its max.
It wasn’t enough.
A small dart with a fuzzy tip, no thicker than the graphite of a #2 pencil and no longer than a standard ballpoint pen, had sailed into her thigh.
The mosquito-like sensation caused her to pause. Gingerly, (Y/N) tapped the object, before pulling it free. As she stared at it the world began to blur and sway. One dart became two, then four and more. Her attempts for balance failed as a numbing sensation crawled from the hit point.
Falling due to weakened legs, (Y/N) gasped as the marble floors caught her. She heard Fabrizio speaking, his voice muffled as blackness started to flood from her periphery. As the drug took its hold, the last thing she felt was the warmth of her devil’s hands.  
To Fabrizio, it was a sin to end the relationship. He has done so much for you; creating fabulous outfits, spoiling you with various luxuries, and most important of all gifting you something precious, his love. When you ended it, allowing him no time to rebuttal, he threw away his dramatic flair. A quick shot of a special sedative, and you’re down and out.
As you’re fainting, Fabrizio will give his monologue. He rants about how he won’t allow one of the purest things to grace him to just walk away. No, it was time you learned your place.
When you finally awake, the world feels off. Firstly, you’re upright with legs bound to steel bars. Secondly, it’s a new, strange room. Your stand is surrounded by glass-encased mannequins, all dressed in outfits from many different eras. Some outfits go back further than the Dark Ages.
A subtle tightening sensation on the chest would distract you. Taking away from the strangeness of the room. Looking down you would see a white, velvet corset with silver steel rivets. Your breath quickened as the constriction continued, while your arms felt paralyzed. Black spots would reappear in your vision as a hushed chuckle brushed against your ears.
“Mia Bambola, it’s-a time you learn to listen.”
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Headcanons for yandere 2p Austria?
Aph Austria - Siegfried  Edelstein   TRIGGER WARNING
Siegfried is a manipulative yandere. Siegfried is a little bit of a sadist and ends up hurting either you or people around you, just for his own entertainment. He is also very possessive of you and wouldn’t want you to talk to anyone else. He doesn’t care if it’s an adult, or a child, he will hurt them either way if they try to talk to you, before punishing you.  If you would reject him, well, he wouldn’t hesitate to kidnap you and torture you until you die. If you aren’t going to be his, he might as well enjoy you to the fullest before throwing you out, yes? 
Aph Austria - Johanna Edelstein
Johanna is a worshipper yandere. From the moment that she saw, she knew that you were the perfect toy. Without a second thought, she started to follow you around and treat you like you were something special. At first, you might find it cute, but it wouldn't be all that cute when you find out she has been secretly taking blood, hair and other things from you. If you would reject her, she would be enraged and kidnap you. If you don't want to come with her willingly, she will take you by force. She has no trouble with that.
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ask-2p-hetaliaaa · 3 years
Some recent 2ptalia art!
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cw: yandere ⬇️
(non-"canonical", i was just in the mood to draw yanderes)
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hetaliareaction2p · 7 years
2p Hetalia Yandere - computer/phone
2p America , 2p Prussia , 2p Germany , 2p Romano/2p Italy - pretty much will let you use the computer or phone but they have the passwords to them and you have to let them see what you're on or they'll watch you use it. But it won't be long to use because they'll tell you when to stop using the computer to spend time with them.
2p Japan , 2p Russia , 2p Canada , 2p England - they lack to use technology like everyone else , of course they have TV to watch but they would use it as a reward to something for you like if you did what you're supposed to do than tv time but for the most part Viktor will tell you to read instead.
2p Spain , 2p France , 2p China - they hardly ever use computers yet they watch TV still. Zao will be in charge of the computer time or phone use for you. Both 2p Spain and France will probably tell you to do something else because they don't have wifi at all...or they use the neighbors wifi.
2p Austria - "who needs those when you have me"
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Master List III: Asks & Nekotalia
Last Updated August 12th, 20:54
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America, Canada, Denmark, and Sweden flirting and teasing 
America, Canada, France, Germany, & Italy call you when you left for college 
America with an S/O who prefers Villains over Heroes
America and Japan adopting an introvert meme
America, China, and Japan w/ a Tamamo no Mae (Ninetails fox reader) 
Angel Ukraine X Merman Reader
Axis Trio + Prussia with a Darling who is afraid of storms
British Empire X Motherly Reader
Canada, Germany, and Prussia with the chaotic drunk reader
Canada, Japan, and Russia with an insanely strong reader
Chaos Lord Darling in Love with a human America, Germany, & Russia
China, France, & Italy with a Scene/Emo darling
Country Reader who used to be poor and dependent w/ America, China, & Russia
England and Germany with a Black Nation darling 
France with an Onyx skinned darling
Germany England and France with a Jade West like S/O
Germany, Italy, and Japan answering your texts
Germany with a free-spirited S/O
Italy x reader who loves reptiles (Skink specific)
It’s Hot: Russia, Canada, & America
Pirate France x Male! Reader
Platonic Yandere America and Prussia 
Platonic Yandere’s America x Russia w/Reader 
Platonic Yandere Protectors Germany X France w/Reader 
Quotes that represent the Allies 
Reader begging Germany, Prussia, and Russia with an axolotl
Russia admitting he's immortal to his Gender-Neutral Darling
Two platonic demons: Yandere Demon America with partner in crime Y/N 
Ungraceful Sleeper with Yandere! America, Canada, England, Germany & Japan
When Yandere’s switch places with their darling 
Wild Card Ask: Some RusAme Space Fantasy Thing
Yandere Alpha! 2p Japan with a Bratty Darling
Yandere America and England with Smart (While they languish in sexual frustration)
Yandere America, Canada, England, Germany & Japan breaking into their S/O's house and said S/O is an ungraceful sleeper
Yandere America, England, France & Germany with a darling who just wanted the green card
Yandere America, Germany, and Japan with a non-compliant darling
Yandere America x Reader x Yandere England who are in love with the same darling
Yandere Bully America x Reader X England 
Yandere China with a Pop/Idol Darling
Yandere Demon America x Archangel Darling that are soulmates 
Yandere Demon Hungary x Wizard S/O 
Yandere F.A.C.E. Family with an S/O that loves them unconditionally and yes, even after murder
Yandere France and Russia with an Oni S/O 
Yandere Japan and Germany stalking a celebrity S/O 
Yandere Lithuania Headcanons SFW and N$FW
Yandere Prussia disciplining his S/O
Yandere Prussia with a Spy Solider 
Yandere Russia playing with 3c Black Girl Hair
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Platonic Yandere France, Japan, America, Russia, and Austria 
Platonic Yandere Nordics 
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The Spicy Stuff, so Viewer discretion is advised N$FW
Double Feature: Yandere! Pirate UKUS & Pirate UK X Chubby Reader
Spicy Cardverse America 
Spicy Demon Japan Headcannons 
Spicy England and Germany with a Black Nation Darling 
Spicy Yandere Alpha America X Alpha Darling 
Spicy Yandere America with Pregnant S/O 
Spicy Yandere! Demon America Headcannons 
Size Kink: Russia
Yandere Alpha America having fun with his pregnant S/O 
Yandere Alpha Russia Headcannons 
Yandere Demon America w/ Yandere S/O that wants a baby  
Yandere Demon America & Demon Queen  Bondage  
Yandere Demon America with an Angel he's finally tainted  
Yandere Demon America claiming them for the first time after kidnapping  
Yandere! Demon Germany SFW and NSFW Headcannons  
Yandere Demon Japan sfw and nsfw  (Headcannons)
Yandere Norway Headcannons (SPICY!)
Yandere Omega America w/Alpha Fem Darling 
2p FACE aftercare 
2p FACE Spicy Headcanons 
An Ask I did that I love a lot, so Imma feature it. 
@my2phetaliaheadcanons Yandere with a Professor darling
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shini--chan · 4 months
Update Schedule for June 2024
01.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet I (1p Lithuania: Tolys Laurinaitis)
03.06.2024 China, England (Heart Blood) (You discover that they murdered/removed your child)
04.06.2024 England (Touche) (Calling England out on his snobbish behaviour)
05.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet I (1p America: Alfred F. Jones)
07.06.2024 Austria, France, Germany, Prussia and Russia (Genophobia) (You have genophobia - how do they deal with it?)
09.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet I (Levi Ackerman)
11.06.2024 Yandere Axis - National Guilt (You remind the members of the Axis, excluding Prussia, that they are not guilt free.)
12.06.2024 Yandere 2p! Allies - Silence is Gold (They mute you)
13.06.2024 Yandere 1p! & 2p! Canada - Sweet Lilly-of-the-Valley (After gaining his trust, you decide to poison him)
14.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet II (1p Russia: Ivan Konstantinovich Braginski)
16.06.2024 Yandere Japan - The Dying of the Light (A case study in how Kiku's anger manifests)
20.06.2024 Yandere Rome Oneshot
25.06.2024 Yandere Zeke Oneshot
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Hello! Can you please write about the 2p Axis (btw I especially love your writings about 2p Italy and 2p Romano! Love, love,love!) about the darling ask of the escaped and vanished for about a year and then one day they see them out in public ? Please and thank you for all that you write, it makes my day better ,always.
I don’t think I can iterate how thankful I am for how patient you guys are when you get your asks done.
The popping of colorful, confetti from their paper cannons and the cheers of a crowd full of delight rang out like the happy howls of a wolf pack.
Their loud songs of joy were directed toward the mayor’s marble balcony as he marched to the end of the platform. He looked down at them with a stressed smile as he welcomed them all to the summer celebration while sweeping his large arm to open the holiday event for everyone.
As the crowd thinned, with people moving about to start various activities, the mayor shivered. The dark glare burning into his back forced him to face the shadow that awaited in his office.
With the speed of a child knowing of an incoming scolding, he nervously shuffled into the dim room. His eyes were downcast as he looked at the feet of the sleep-deprived man, slouched on his navy couch.
“The festival’s begun.” The mayor licked his lips. “Is there anything else that you need to observe?”
The man spoke a simple “No.” as he slowly raised himself from the couch. His steps were heavy as he dragged himself to the blind-covered window. His cold hand pulled on the flimsy panel as his eyes slowly moved through the crowd.
The mayor’s continued cowering and questioning went ignored when familiar (H/C) locks flittered through the masses.
Locked on the locks his eyes followed them like a road map to gaze upon her face.
She looked so familiar, with the same faint scars and quirky grin. Yet, he noticed something new, the light in her (E/C) eyes that was once dimmed to mere dying embers had returned to their blaze. Instead of the fearful shuffle, there was a pep in skip that reminded him of the first time they met. 
He couldn't deny the rising hope at the sight of his long-lost wife. It felt like seeing the sun for first the time in a year, and yet a dark cloud quickly covered it. Reminding him of what had occurred almost a year ago to the day.
His darling wife had deserted him. Destroyed their happy home by slipping him a fatal concoction of medications, before slithering off into the night. Disappearing from his life, leaving nothing to hint at current her existence, until now.
Today, he thought, would change that. Today, she would be coming home whether she wanted to or not.
Italy: The Mafia Don never lost sight (Y/N)’s form, even as she began to blend back into the crowd.
The moment his eyes could no longer track her form, his hand dug into his pocket. The force that he used to pull a phone from its cloth confinements popped the seams of the pocket as he activated the device.
Two simple beeps before he held the silver phone to his ear. He waited with an intense focus on the crowds, searching for his wife again before a deep voice rumbled.
“Si, Don Vargas?”
There was no hesitation from the still-scanning leader as he gave his order. “My-a wife’s here at the-a summer festival. Find her.”
A simple ‘si’ came from the underling as he hung up the phone. A near-silent whimper made the magenta-eyed Italian turn to the trembling mayor.
He smirked as he pulled a knife from his brown suit and lifted the blade toward the coward. “If you-a value your-a short existence, you’ll say a-nothing.”
The mayor’s sweat-covered face bowed in a submissive nod before Luciano Vargas walked out. Leaving the mayor in the darkness and summer heat.
While Luciano’s men searched from the back alleys and dark corners, he walked more forward among the civilians. His pace was quick as he ducked and weaved.
Hours ticked by in the hot sun, and his stride never faltered even as his phone rang. The words that greeted him upon its answer, did make him stop. In fact, it made him smile like a crocodile that cornered squirming prey.
“Boss, we’ve got her.”
Luciano’s men hadn’t failed him. After last time, with the vivid memories of Medieval levels of torture and Pollock type of red mess, they refused to.
The confirmation of his darling wife’s capture, Luciano slipped away through the happy crowds. Allowing the alleys and shadows to guide him back to his car.
The drive was short as he sped over all limits and it screeched to a halt at the manor's stairs. 
Sauntering his way up through the oak doors and the large halls of the mansion, his men above breathed a small sigh of relief at their master's joy.
It was only a few turns along the marble corridor before he stepped down the stairs toward the dark, medieval basement. 
The Roman torches from long-forgotten eras cast long shadows along the iron cells. Each prisoner within attempted to hide when the Don walked by.
He paid no mind to the heavy chains shaking as walked to the heavy, iron door at the hall's end. It screeched open as he pushed against it.
The opening revealed a small, dark cell; furnished with only wall-mounted chains, a large pile of pillows, and a woman sitting upon it cuffed at the neck.
Luciano smiled wide as he reached up and pulled on the cord for the single lightbulb. He watched with joy as she flinched away upon its suddenness. Then trembling as she realized who stood in front of her. 
He stepped closer. A large smile on his face as grabbed the struggling woman's face. Dragging her toward him and tilted her head to the left as he whispered.
"Welcome back, mia Moglie." Luciano licked the shell of her ear before pulling back to look her in the eye. "I've missed you. Did you miss-a me?"
(Y/N) didn't answer, quietly shivering in his hold. Tears bubbled as Luciano's grin became feral.
"Because I'm all you have left."
Romano: (Y/N)’s body trudged forward with the unseen weight of exhaustion that comes from a day of excitement. Her lone footsteps were the only sound on the lamp-lit street that was still littered from the confetti released that morning.
She sighed heavily, but happily as she turned the final corner that would lead to the last leg of her journey.
Usually rounding the turn filled her steps with enough pep to skip her way home like a fairy tale bunny, this time however, she shuffled like a nervous horse stopped by an ashen rattler.
That serpent was no living thing, but a white limo with the nearest door opened like a snake’s jaw. Its light seeped out like venom from a bite, cascading along the sidewalk and highlighting her shoes.
Despite the shine, she could only see the shadows of a man within. His nice, white suit contradicted the black interior of the vehicle as his leg bounced. Whether it was excitement or nervousness she didn’t want to know.
Gulping, (Y/N) moved off the sidewalk to give the long automobile a wide berth.
As her path aligned with the open door, a sudden push came from her right. Shoved her into the door before being pulled into the limo that was now slammed shut.
The wheels screamed as the force caused her to crash into the man’s legs. Clutching onto them for some form of stability as the limo swerved.
Gentle fingers ran through her hair in a futile attempt to calm her down, but it only made her heart pound harder as (Y/N) finally looked at the mysterious stranger.
Her throat tightened as tears blurred her vision of the smiling Fabrizio. It wasn’t the loving smile he gave when he thought she had been broken. No, this one contained the traces of madness, obsession, and relief.
Like a spooked cat, she prepared to jump away, ready to duck and roll on the fast-passing terrain, but the hand tightened on her hair pulling her back to his feet.
“Now, now Bambola.” She flinched when he placed his silver stiletto against her neck. “You wouldn’t want-a make it worse when we get home, right?”
Germany: Like an old hound after a young vixen, Luther walked out of the office. Ignoring the mayor’s whimpering calls.
 His steps were quiet, yet quick as he slunk his way out of the City’s Hall. Into the streets, blending in with the crowds while his eyes searched for flickers of her clothing.
For moments, Luther felt that he was being led in circles. That his mind had played the cruelest of jokes as various flickers took him to multitudes of dead ends.
As the summer sun descended from its peak, the crowds thinned.
The lessened numbers brought out quiet conversations. One that made the German freeze.
The main voice was familiar, sounding like a lullaby that one’s mother no longer sang.
He followed like a bloodhound after a criminal. Its trail brought him to a small café with black wire seats under a cream-colored awning.
In the darkest corner were two women. The one to the right quickly faded into the shadows. The left one, his missing piece, was at first glance, like the warm blaze that welcomed heroes home from their quest.
Part of Luther wanted to embrace the blaze. Take in all the burns that would allow him to reunite with his heart. The other wanted to smother her. Place (Y/N) back into her hearth to prevent another wildfire like the one that gave her the chance to escape. To harness her passion to warm him alone.
Slinking toward the café, Luther went unnoticed in the dark as he entered the alley to the building’s right.
He watched with aid from a streetlamp as the women parted, hugging before they waved going their separate ways.
Luckily, Luther’s alley ran along (Y/N)’s route, allowing him to follow her like a shadow at sunset.  
Eventually, the sparsely filled streets became empty. 
Luther moved further ahead. Waiting at the next opening, back pressed against the near brick wall.
He held his breath as her footsteps approached.
At the same moment, his lamp-lit angel began her cross, his hands shot out. Grabbing (Y/N) and drugged her to his chest. His gun clicked as he lifted it from his waistband, muzzle pushed onto her temple.
Tears began to pour as she trembled in his hold. Small pleas for freedom and attempts at deals to prevent a return to their home fumbled from her mouth.
Luther heeded none of it.
Instead, he led her away. Far from the summer sun. Forcing her back into the damaged, cold hearth he called home.
Japan: As (Y/N) swam among the flood of sweat-covered people, a cold shiver vibrated her spine. The type that whispered the warning of danger to our ancestors on open grasslands. That gave way to the primal urge to hide from bloodthirsty beasts.
Yet, as her head snapped left, then right. Nothing stuck out. No one staring from amongst the crowds, no aggressive shoving, or screams of terror.
Swallowing her fear, (Y/N) shrugged off the feeling before jogging to the meeting point of all her friends. Trusting that the demon, who had claimed her as a wife, was nowhere near.
Not once did the feeling return as (Y/N) went about the festivities with friends. As the hours passed, she had long forgotten it ever occurred.
Even as she separated from the herd to return home, she felt relaxed. Safe, even as she moved through the empty, evening streets, but as she climbed the stairwell through her dark, apartment building that same shiver crept up her spine like a million, skittering centipedes.
Despite her glances showing nothing abnormal, the dark corners and shadows of the grey stairwell offered no relief with their shifting shadows. Instead, they seemed to reach out with long claws that caused her heart to race.
A door from the floor below slamming sent her running.
Up the stairs, she flew. Her arm acted as a balance as she swung the corner entrance to her floor. Panting, she leaned against her door as she struggled against her keys. Pushing them against the metal lock until the right one clicked in before a harsh turn allowed her to fall into her home. A simple kick, shut her own door as she scrambled away from it.
(Y/N)’s terrified clamber had become frozen mid-movement. She had hit something that did not exist within her dark entryway. It was warm and tall. Covered in loose-fitting cloth that felt of rough cotton. Her left hand moved backward and slowly slid across the smooth leather of military boots.
“Hime” At that simple pet name the tremors returned in full force. Tears collected on her lashes as she felt a gloved hand rake its way through her hair. With a little force, the hand angled her head upward.
Above her was the man she feared most. Kurai Honda.
 As she opened her mouth to scream, he covered it with a tight hand.
(Y/N) struggled against him. Flailing her arms and kicking at his arms. Kurai acted as though he felt nothing. Maneuvering (Y/N) like a doll into a choke hold and suffocating her.
As the dark spots crossed her vision, she heard him whisper.
“When you awake, our honor will be restored.”
Spain: Armando’s typically stoic face twitched for a moment before stretching into a mischievous grin.
A smile so sinister that the mayor’s teeth chattered as he backed away from the Spaniard. His spine shook as he cursed the hip bump that knocked the glass cup off the desk, it shattered upon impact with the wooden floor.
Like a predator mid-hunt, Armando’s head snapped toward the noise. His smile never waned as he stared.
“My apologize, Señor Mayor. But we will have to finish this discussion another day.”
The monster of a man turned on his heel, losing his smile as the mayor trembled with a prayer on his lips for the new target.
 The Spaniard’s loose-fitting shirt fluttered as he walked quickly through the administrative building, it whooshed backward as he stepped into the humid, summer air.
His eyes scanned the crowds once more from the marble steps. Another flick of (H/C) locks disappeared between the people at the market row.
Instead of forcing his way through the crowded streets, Armando sped his way along the edges. Cutting through the alleys like they were foxholes.
Immediately, he caught up. Watching his wife, like a lion prowling through tall grass.
She had changed so much, growing out her hair and wearing (F/C) jewelry. Yet, he noted upon closer examination her voice hadn't changed. It still sounded like his favorite lullaby.
Armando’s smile returned as she wandered closer. Leaving the sweet stand with a simple baggie in hand.
He stepped out, jogged to her side, and grabbed her hand in a constricting grip.
Before (Y/N) could scream, he hugged her tightly. Pressing her squirming form into his chest, before leaning down to whisper in her ear.
“Continue the fight and everyone will think you’re mad.”
For a moment, (Y/N) stilled. Armando could see her eyes were wide as he placed a chaste kiss on her forehead.
But that moment of peace didn’t last as her struggle returned. (Y/N) pushed and clawed at the Spainard like a fractious cat, yowling for help. Begging for someone to get her away from the madman.
He tchhed as the crowd formed a circle, tightening his grip on his woman before lifting her over his shoulder. Seemingly unaffected by her screams, Armando yelled over her, requesting the enforcers of the law appear as well.
Shocked, (Y/N) stopped mid-wail. Scrambling to figure out why he would demand to speak with the ones that would save her. Never once believed his warning.
It only took a minute for two black-clad uniformed policemen to shove their way to the front. Their gruff faces were marred by the annoyance of an easy shift gone wrong.
“What’s going on.” Questioned the taller of the partners. His eyes were sharp as they bounced between Armando and (Y/N).
“He’s trying to kidnap me!” (Y/N) shouted and attempted to fight. “Get me away from this freak!”
At her statement, the duo’s hands dropped to their holsters. Fingers grazed the leather-like excited hunting dogs on a thin tether. One wrong move and all hell would break loose.
The shorter of the duo lifted an open scarred, palm toward Armando. “Señor. Put her down.”
He complied but didn’t let go. Instead holding tightly to her hips with one arm as she squirmed. The other reached into his shirt to remove a letter, somehow maintaining its blinding whiteness while being pressed against his olive skin.
(Y/N) stared at the letter, while he made a silent gesture to the cops.
They approached and the taller took it from his hand. Opening it with a quick rip before scanning its contents.
The crowd remained silent as the shorter was then handed the letter. He read it much quicker, biting his lip before nodding to the first with pity in his eyes.
“Do you need any help getting her home Señor?”
(Y/N)’s jaw dropped as she looked between the three men. “What are you TWO DOING!? HELP ME!”
The taller policeman turned to her with sad eyes as he sighed. “Señora,” He nodded toward Armando. “Your husband just wants to take you home.”
“He’s not my husband!” (Y/N) insisted as she leaned down to rake the inside of Armando’s thigh with sharp nails, causing him to hiss and release her.
“Señora, you are ill. Let us help you.”
“Ma’am calm down.”
(Y/N) backed up panting as everyone approached. Citizens throwing in their voices, begging her to stop. Men stepped into the circle to help corral her.
As her head moved on a swivel, she noticed his dark grin. The smile never faded as the strangers held her down like wolves to prey. Presenting her toward their Alpha. Feeding her flesh to the beast she had tried to escape.
Never to be seen nor believed by anyone again.
Austria: His joy could not be contained as loud, frenzied laughter left him like a busted damn. Its power caused the monstrous nation to lean against the window as tears beaded and dripped down his ivory face.
As his guffaw slowed to silence, the room chilled chasing away any lingering summer heat. The darkest shadows shifted as they stretched themselves toward their master. Whipping like thin tentacles like cat tails as they curled around Jonathan. 
Their curling slowly turned into climbing as they pulled him downward like warped quicksand.
There was no fear from the Austrian as he looked to the terrified mayor. His serrated smile was wide as he called the government official before disappearing into the ink.
“Keep jour end of the deal, and jour family vill be zpared.”
The shadows fell away, revealing an upside-down office to Jonathan. A thump drew his attention to his feet, where he watched the mayor tremble before collapsing.
“Mortalz.” He chuckled before pulling out his umbrella from his jacket and bolting out of the office.
The change in orientation didn’t seem to affect him as the empty halls and streets aided him in his hunt.
As Jonathan approached the last location of his beloved queen, his carmine eyes returned to the ground. Quickly his vision bounced from person to person under him, scanning for the familiar (H/C) and (E/C).
 The dense crowd on the other side of the dimensional plane created a dizzying rainbow of features and colors that just weren’t right. It felt like hours for Jonathan as he worked through them, street by street and stall by stall.
The melodious sound of a guitar that was accompanied by the tender vocals froze him. He took in the words; broken love, unfair capture, and a promise to never allow love, created seismic shivers that rivaled earthquakes down his spine.
Only one bat could sing such a divine tale.
Toward the town center, he sprinted. Kicking up dirt as he slides to a stop at a stage at the town center.
Mere feet from him stood his Angel of Music. Singing the songs, he had once thought he would never hear again. A healthy glow had returned to her sunken skin and a brightness in her movements that had existed at their first meeting.
Jonathan licked his lips as his mind concocted the perfect reunion. He prowled toward the stage and climbed down to the lights at the top.
He lined himself up so perfectly that a single jump would flatten her.
Jonathan crouched, hanging his umbrella off a single light, wiggling like a stalking cat. Allowing his muscles to tense like a coiled clock spring.
He jumped. Launching himself upward. The shadows opened, allowing him out.
He tackled (Y/N) mid-song. A gasp choked in her throat as they both tumbled back into the shadows.
(Y/N)’s fight did nothing as he kept her trapped in his arms. The sounds of hysteria from the world above were muted as he nuzzled into her back. Enjoying the warmth of her flesh.
The sickly groaning was ignored as Jonathan muttered a welcome home. Promising that this time they would be together until their final song was sung.
Prussia: Wilhem’s movements were stiff as the blinds snapped back to their original tension. His pale hand slowly dropped to his side as he turned toward the mayor.
The icy stoicism caused the low government official to shuffle in place like a nervous gelding. Rubbing his arm, the mayor spoke to the cold knight.
“Iz there anyzing elze jour bruder needs, Herr. Beilschmidt?”
“Nein, jou preformed az expected.”
With a simple nod in farewell, Wilhelm turned to leave the office.
The mayor, on the other hand, prayed that they wouldn’t meet again until next year.
For many the festival ended too quickly as the sun set and the streetlamps lit up like fireflies in a field. Vendors closed their stalls with a mix of clicks and tings as merchandise was packed away and doors were locked.
Soon enough, only a small group of young adults were left on the streets. Their laughter echoed like drunk parrots as they pushed against each other in youthful fun.
The loudest of them was (Y/N), her smile wide as she ducked and weaved between the members like in an impromptu game of tag. Jogging in place she watched them fumble in their reaches.
The gaggle unleashed a riotous roaring as (Y/N)’s jogging became teasing gestures. Peals of laughter bloomed as she danced along the street edge, allowing the crowd to convince her to create grander displays.
Panting with excitement, she failed to disappoint as the center of the empty road became her stage. Jokes and burns were shot off in rapid fire while she moved in swift excitement.
Just before the euphoria could reach its peak, a loud whinny silenced it.
Everyone looked to the source. Shocked gasps were heard at the sight of a large, grey and white horse. Upon its back was a man dressed in dark armor, his face hidden behind an enclosed helmet.
The mysterious being forced the horse to rear back. Its dark hooves waved in the air, the shoes catching the light like lightning before crashing down like thunder. Sparks flew as it galloped down the road.
(Y/N)’s friends called for her to move. Screamed for her to run to either sidewalk.
She couldn’t. Something about the knight had frozen her stiff.
As the thunderous hooves encroached her mind wondered why. Was it the feeling of familiarity with the entity? The way his hidden gaze seemed to command her to remain put like the monster she had killed or was it because apart of her believed that this knight was his ghost? Coming to drag her to his grave. To forcefully bury her beside the man she detested most of all. Combining their souls as one for all eternity.
The horse was five feet away when ancient instinct overrode the fear. She attempted to dive at her friends. Arms stretched out toward them. But she never connected. Never felt the touch of those who helped lift her out of the darkness.
Rough hands tugged her away. Throwing her across his lap as his steed sped off. (Y/N)’s screams disappearing into the darkness.
For hours (Y/N)’s friends and the authorities searched the city. Neither the hide nor hair of the beasts or the woman was found.
Some of the cops whispered about the Ghost of Order. Blaming his centuries of loneliness on why the woman was taken. Others were quick to silence that speak around (Y/N)’s worried friends.
It was a shame that no one knew how right they all had been. Except for (Y/N). For the ghost had been the man she once killed and had pushed her back into their shared crypt. Only this time, should one of them die then they both shall perish.  
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How would yandere 2p axis react if their fem s/o actually always loved them back and always stayed loyal to them?
They would all be ecstatic!
2p Italy: I knew you would love me, bella/o. Now, let’s always stay together, mi amore
2p Germany: You’re not dicking with me right? You love me back? WHOOOHOOO!
2p Japan: would just smile and kiss them while leading them to the bed
2p Romano: OMFG REALLY! THEN LET’S GET MARRIED!!! will nonstop plan the most perfect wedding. Big part is he is making the dress (If s/o won’t wear dress or it won’t fit them, then he will wear it. He can rock a dress!)
2p Prussia: Really? You sure? poor baby would be confused and think s/o is only saying that in order to gain his trust and leave. will never fully trust s/o to stay with him. will still lock them up
2p Austria: Of course you would. Who wouldn’t want to be my queen?
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Yandere headcanons | Hetalia
Nyotalia Japan - Sakura Honda
The types of people that would attract Sakura are confident and friendly people. Maybe a bit of a flirt, but not someone who would go around and flirt with many people. If you're going to flirt, then just give that to her.
Sakura herself is pretty reserved and she's more of the housewife type of person. If she becomes interested in you, she will put all her eggs in one basket, as one would say. In her mind, there is no chance you will try and reject her.
Sakura met you at a grocery store. She was unable to reach something, so you helped her. The two of you started to chat, as you were outgoing, and ended up exchanging numbers.
After that, the dating would seem pretty normal, but the closer you become to her, the more dependent on her she makes you become. She can't live without you, so she'll make sure you are the same.
"You forgot your lunch, honey... I brought it to you~"
Nyotalia China -  Chun-Yan  Wang
The types that Chun Yan is into are usually overly feminine (no matter the gender) and spoiled people. Usually, the pillow princess types, who like to be spoiled and worshipped while acting like complete brats.
Chun Yan is a complete spoiler. Her love language is buying stuff for her loved ones. She is confident and outgoing and absolutely adores it when people try to fight back against her. It just gives her a thrill of losing power.
Chun Yan probably met you either on a dating app, you looking for a sugar mommy, or in a kink-based environment. It all would start off as an exchange to entertain both of you, with no feelings attached, but that wouldn't last for very long.
Soon, Chun Yan would start to feel like she wanted to have you around her more and more often, and that she would fill up with jealousy if you ever got someone else to spoil you.
"If you're a good baby for me, I'll give you my credit card~"
Nyotalia Russia - Anya  Braginskaya
What Anya is looking for is mostly tall, strong, and extremely dumb. Kind and understanding, but wouldn't know what two plus two is or wouldn't know how to spell economy. She wants a bimbo/himbo/thembo to love and treasure forever while lightly gaslighting them into blissful oblivion.
Anya is a very caring and gentle person, but she can be pretty possessive of people that she likes. Siblings, friends, and of course, significant others.
Anya probably met you while you were lost and trying to find a place that was literally before your own eyes, but you didn't notice it. She simply was stolen away from how adorably dumb you were and offered to be your guide.
You both exchanged phone numbers and ended up becoming friends. You didn't even mind when she started to slowly replace everyone in your life and become the most important to you.
"Awww, silly! You forgot where you left your wallet again! Here, take mine~"
Aph Austria -  Anneliese  Edelstein
Anneliese's type is mostly someone who is quiet, distant, and extremely artistic. Someone who buries their heart and soul into their craft, be it music, art, craftsmanship, or anything else in that realm. She wants someone who would share her passion and never mock her.
Anneliese herself is a quiet individual who has a hard time connecting with people, usually just staying around her family and ex-husband, who is her only friend.
The way you two met was probably through her ex-husband. You probably had the same problem as Anneliese and he decided to help you both out. You two immediately hit it off because of the love for art that you both shared.
Because you were a loner like Anneliese, it didn't take long for you both to become each other's whole world. You had a lack of understanding of what was toxic or not, so you both fell into an unhealthy co-dependent relationship.
"My love, please, stop speaking. Let us bury ourselves in our craft instead."
2P Nyotalia America - Rebecca Alison Jekyll
Rebecca is completely and utterly obsessed with intelligent and cold people, who hide a soft side somewhere deep inside of them and is much older than her. If you also have a fat wallet and love to spoil your pretty girl, then could she really complain? There are some new shoes she wants to buy and she would love you forever if you bought them for her!
Rebecca is pretty much what you could call a new-age bimbo. Not the smartest in math, but she has her opinions, a hardcore leftist who has a few body modifications here and there, and is very positive towards sex work.
Rebecca would probably meet you either while on the job or with you becoming her sugar daddy. Her plan was to essentially scam you out of money and leave you, but who knew you were such a dream boat? She absolutely fell in love with you!
If you had other sugar babies, well, not for long anymore, as they either ran off or mysteriously disappeared! She doesn't like to share, you know?
"Hey... I'm a very selfish girl... Pay attention only to me!"
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yandere-2phetalia · 6 years
I was wondering, how would the 2p face family and 2p axis react to a s/o who hates how she looks? She avoids mirrors and when they try to tell them they are beautiful either ignores it or starts crying. I am sorry it's so long, I really adore your blog❤
“Oh fuck no, there ain’t gonna be any mirror avoiding or other shit because if you accept the way I look, I accept the way you look, and If you don’t mind my scars and other things, I don’t mind your stretch marks and/or some other skin conditions. I love you for who you are and your gorgeous appearance is just a big ass bonus, so cheer up and look into the mirror proudly, because every time you do, the mirror, surroundings and literally everyone and everything in general is fucking blessed by your presence.”: 2p America, 2p Germany, 2p China
A low chuckle would escape through his lips as he’d look you dead in the eye. “Tell me honestly, do you think I would ever want something that is not beautiful? Look at the way I live. I have beautiful cars, clothes, houses and all one could’ve ever dream of. And yet I am here, sitting with you on my couch, not understanding how you can think of yourself so low when to me you are worth more than all the things I have listed just a second ago. I always get only the best and most perfect things and that is why I have you now and also why you will be mine forever and more.”: 2p Italy, 2p Romano, 2p Japan, 2p Austria
“…..That is also what I’ve dealt with in the past, many times. But ever sine you are with me, I feel somehow better about myself, so let’s just appreciate the fact that we are here for each other and that you are so beautiful, please don’t think of yourself like that and I won’t think about myself that way too, deal?”: 2p Prussia
“You’re fucking beautiful and that’s it. Don’t think about yourself that way and don’t cry because of your appearance, because it’s pointless. As I stated before, you are beautiful, always has been and always will be. And I don’t want to hear any complaints about that.”: 2p France, 2p Russia, 2p Canada
“Now, now, darling, why would you think that?” He would stood up and take you in front of a mirror, letting you say all the things you think about as flaws and explain to you, while holding you by your face, standing behind you so you both are facing the mirror, why it is not flaw at all and slap down every argument you have about it until you can’t find any flaw: 2p England
(Oki doki, so mun here and I just want to tell you that if you have these issues, you can message me whenever you feel like it and we can talk about it with no pressure and maybe it will help. I have lots of these problems too and I hate seeing people be sad about these things even when I am too. So just know, that you are beautiful and that if you are single etc, maybe there is just someone who is shy about asking you out because to them you are so precious and stunning that they are doubting themselves and think that you will turn them down and so maybe that is the reason, this also does not have to be true, but it can be, you never know)
Love you guys, please try to cheer up, you gorgeous people
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Hetalia: Eastern Europe and Central Europe Masterlist
Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below. Also, starting now. I also accept headcanons and scenarios for 2p Hetalia other than just 1p Hetalia.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
Eastern Europe
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Trying To Be Romantic To Make Their S/O Notice❤️🍭🧸
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- Empty -
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- Empty -
Central Europe
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- Empty -
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Prank Called by their P/O as a Friend🧐😂😐
Reaction to Prussia Adopting Latin🧐🧸
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When S/O Have a Nightmare🥀🍭
Trying To Be Romantic To Make Their S/O Notice❤️🍭🧸
Reaction to Prussia Adopting Latin🧐🧸
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S/O Asking him out (Male Reader)🧐🍭
Reuniting Their S/O for a Long Time🥀🍭
Celebrating their S/O Birthday (Part Four)🍭❤️
Prank Called by their P/O as a Friend🧐😂😐
Tall S/O who Charges Them when They are Distracted😂🧐
Reaction to Prussia Adopting Latin🧐🧸
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hetaliareaction2p · 7 years
Yandere 2p hetalia say when you run from them.
Allen - "you can run but you can't hide doll face"
Matt - "you can't run for me maple"
Oliver - "ooh I love hide & seek!"
Francois - "mon amour"
Viktor - "sunflower you can't escape from me!"
Zao - "you can't run from me! I'll find you"
Kuro - "oh what a bother..." -he'll run after them-
Luciano - "Bella/bello you can't escape from Luciano Vargas!"
Lutz - "wait Kätzchen (kitten)!"
Flavio - "wait Bella I won't let you go!"
Gilen - "w-wait please!" -runs after them-
Roland - "ooh I love when they run ~" -he's going to find you-
Andres - "chica get back here!"
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oinkinpigprince · 2 years
You can call me slushie my pronouns are he/it/they, this isn’t my first tumblr blog sadly and I’ve gone off the deep-end again
I will be having a god complex because I am simply amazing at this type of stuff
I’m mainly doing headcanons but I can also write short fics too!!
Current inbox count: 25
Current draft: 2
Rules and character list below 👇
I don’t do nsfw
I will do heavy angst but I will kindly decline anything I am uncomfy with such as mentions of SA and other things like that I
Yandere request are welcome
Chubby!readers/character are VERY welcomed( I want more representation:33)
For headcanons: Be as vague or specific about your requests as you want
For letters: plz give me something to work w/ such as relationship w/ character, and maybe reason for writing the letter
I can also do, Character x character, character x reader, or even character x OC and crack ships
Fandoms/characters I will do but not limited, you can ask for other more obscure but don’t count on it lmao
Stardew valley
Everyone else
Micheal myers
Jason voorhees
Billy loomis
Stu Macher
Billy lenz
Brahms heelshire
Bo sinclair
Vincent sinclair
Lester sinclair
Kurt Kunkel
Bubba sawyer
Nubbin sawyer(he’s my husband :33c)
Choptop sawyer
Pyramid head (is he a slasher? Idk, is he hot? Yes.)
(1p/2p Axis powers)
(1p/2p Allies)
(1p/2p Others)
There’s definitely others I forgot, I was in this fandom for 4 years so try me, ive read fanfic of the most obscure characters
The disastrous life of saiki k
Saiki kusuo
Kaidou shun
Nendo riki
Teruhashi kokomi
Yumahara chiyo
Aren Kuboyasu
Mera chisato
Hairo kineshi
Smiling friends
Charlie dompler
Everyone, including the journalist
One piece
Straw hats minus jinbe
Pizza tower
Theodore noise
Fake peppino
Slime rancher
Beatrix LeBeau
Viktor Humphrey
Mochi Miles
Ogden Ortiz
Welcome home
Wally darling
I might make a masters list later idk
Tonetag list because I use them a lot
(Just in case the image doesn’t load)
/j joking
/hj half jokin
/s sarcastic
/srs serious
/p platonic
/r romantic
/t teasing
/neg negative connotation
/pos positive connotation
/lh light hearted
/th threat
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shini--chan · 3 years
Hi can you please write a secnario where the 2p axis/allies s/o country reader approaches them hands them a love letter and runs away crying the 2ps are confused to why they ran away until they read the letter which explained their feelings for them how would the 2ps react ? If you can't do it I understand thank you for your time reading this
Course you may. I’ll be taking the Axis for this one, and I’ll be making it a more compact as well.
Yandere 2p! Axis – Confession
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He would be surprised. Honestly, he had though he had betrayed some of his more… violent intentions by accident. When you would first hand him the letter and then promptly scram, he would assume that you would have handed him a farewell letter, or at least something detailing how he is such a monster. Or, that the envelope would contain a poison or a biotoxin.
Therefore, when he would later carefully open it with a gasmask and a thick pair of glove, he would be shocked beyond believe. There, black on white, would be you professing your undying love for him. It would be enough to make him do things that are very uncharacteristic of him, like hopping up and down with joy. The news that you would be head over heels for him would reaffirm his faith in you two being soul mates, inseparable. It would also mean that it would mostly be smooth sailing for him, since you would willingly ignore all the red flags. – Austria, Germany
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At first, he would be heavily confounded. Yet before you could even disappear, he would quickly open it and skim-read the last few paragraphs in an attempt to understand what all the fuss is about. After the first ‘I love you’ that would catch his eye, he would set off after you, being quick to corner you and press you about the letter on your emotions for him. He would force you to read the letter aloud.
Later on, he would use this act against you. As in – you confessed your love for him, you initiated this relationship, you sung praises about him to the heavens. So how dare you try to resist him? How dare you call him a monster and accuse him of ruining your life? How dare you, when it was all your own doing. – Japan, N. Italy
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In his own way, he would be understanding. While he might call out after you when you run away, yelling if you’re ok, he would let you go. That would be despite an instinct deep in him urging him to go after you – you would only be allowed to be vulnerable around him, after all. Furthermore, what would people think if you would run away from him crying.
After reading through the letter in detail and multiple times. After that, he would carefully contemplate his further course of action. He would choose to reach out to you by sending a letter, echoing your feelings. To top it off, he would even recycle a few of your phrases in order to hit closer to home. By mimicking your coyness, he would be able to ensnare you. – Prussia, S. Italy
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Hello, I was wondering if you could please do yandere 2p axis headcanons for when they come home and their darling with OCD has completely rearranged the room she’s in. Thanks in advance, I love your writing! It’s also completely fine if you don’t want to do this request!
(Y/N) sighed happily as she wiped the sweat from her shining forehead.
For the last six hours, she had been rearranging her cushy jail cell to her liking. The fluffy memory foam nest of a bed that once sat within the room’s middle, allowing her capture to circle her like a love-sick vulture, was now tucked into a cooler corner.
The bookshelves took longer to move, being bolted to the floor and wall. Though, (Y/N) persevered and scraped her fingers raw to move it to her liking. Once they were free, she wasted no time positioning them into a small library-like nook by the door.
With hands now on her hips, she nodded satisfied at her work when the door opened. Turning, her (H/C) locks bounced as gazed upon her captor’s confused face.
Italy: “What the hell-a?” He whispered; magenta eyes wide and roaming around the room. His steps were slow as he gazed upon the changes. Spinning to take it all in.
(Y/N)’s head quirked to the side as she watched his expression change. The magenta became hidden behind narrowed lashes and a small click broke the silence as his white teeth ground themselves.
With a deep breath, Luciano turned to his treasure. His voice was sharp and a smiled like a mother about to lose their cool.
“Tesoro, what have you done?”
“Rearranged the room…” (Y/N)’s voice quieted as Luciano’s hands clasped with his pointer fingers tapping against each other at their peak.
“(Y/N), my darling,” Luciano stepped closer, the smell of his spiced cologne fogging her mind. “You SHOULD have asked. Instead, you’ve hurt yourself.”
He pointed to the minor, scabbed cuts along her fingertips before taking her naked hands into his brown, leather-gloved ones.
His voice dropped back to a whisper. Reminding her of her fragility as a mortal and the dangers of disobeying him.
Romano: Fabrizio hummed as he walked further in. His head moved on a swivel causing his blond locks to shimmer in the artificial lights.
With a hand to his chin, he nodded to himself. With a sudden turn, Fabrizio revealed the large grin to his sweet bambola. A shrug in his shoulders as relaxed into the newly organized room.
“If you wanted to redecorate, then all you must do is ask.”
Germany: Luther’s left brow arched while his head tilted to the right. His lavender eyes settled on (Y/N) as he meandered into the room.
“Zo,” He dragged out while shifting his weight from left to right. “Vhat made jou svitch za room around?”
(Y/N) ummed and twiddled her damaged fingers. Biting her tongue as subtle jolts of discomfort came from the habitual rhythm. Words stuttered and tumbled from her mouth like a child’s first steps as she explained her reasoning.
The paranoia made only the unreachable layers of skin itch. The shadowy demons covered her walls every night. Peace could only be achieved, in (Y/N)’s mind that is, if the room had been reorientated.
Luther chuckled, his hand plopped onto her head, ruffling the soft hairs.
“It’z ok but ask first next time. I would hate for your fingers to become worse.”
Prussia: Wilheim’s steps were the only sound in the silent cage as he approached (Y/N). His vision focused on her hands instead.
Rubbing her arms with damaged hands, (Y/N) fought every instinct to run.
She flinched when Wilheim dragged him toward her, their bodies bumping together. Her cut hands became cradled within his cold, iron grip.
(Y/N) felt tremors cause her body to quake as he spoke, firm and quiet.
“What have you done to your hands?”
Spain: Armando stalked into the room; his approach was slow as he circled the room. Observing each change with a stoic face, his caramel eyes danced with mischievous flames.
His cold exterior melted into a sly smirk as he faced his bride-to-be. Closing in, like a wolf ready to rip out the throat of a struggling doe. Armando spoke. Questioning her reasoning for the switch, wanting to know how her fear manifested and festered in her mind.
(Y/N) stumbled back, and attempted to escape the pressure, but he followed. Unrelenting in his hunt. With no escape, she tumbled onto the bed and was pinned within in his steel grip. Out of options, she whimpered out each one like an innocent man before their executioner.
Armando’s grin became large as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. His nose caressed her face as he reached her ear. Gently he whispered.
“Put it all back.”
Austria: “Vell, how unexpected.” That was all Jon muttered as he strode into the room. His head was held high like some long-dead noble.
He fluttered and spun around the gilded cage once, then twice to take in the changes (Y/N) had made.
His bat-like display ended when he reached (Y/N). His smile showed many sharp teeth as he leaned down to her, twirling a lock of her (H/C) between his fingers.
“Looks like my Queen has finally begun to embrace her kingdom.”
Japan: (Y/N)’s eyes remained on Kurai as he entered the room like a nervous dog on a veterinarian.
He walked silently on the tatami mats as he kneeled on the pink, summer futon. Softly, Kurai patted the blanket. Inviting her to join him.
Hesitantly, she slides over, socks cause her to skate slightly.  
Sitting, she side-eyed the Japanese man as the silence engulfed them. (Y/N) felt it grow the longer his unbroken stare continued.
Biting and rolling her lip between her teeth, she spoke the obvious question. Wondering about his temper.
“No, Sakura. This is your space. Do as you please.”
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