#yandere Mitsuya
animeyanderelover · 3 months
For my Second request, of 10 random yandere of your choosing, being involved with a gang member female s/o who hides the fact she’s part of another gang from her yandere. She hides the fact she’s part of a gang due to several reasons: she feels a sense of connection and community with her gang, she feels obligated to be loyal to them as her gang had saved her and accepted her, she doesn’t want to be judged by her yandere that she is a part of a gang, and she knows with how stubborn/passionate their yandere is they will try to get involved and she wants to avoid that. With this reasons in mind, she tries to hide it, however, she sucks at lying, so whenever she gets injured, she basically tells them the truth but skips over the fact that since she’s part of a gang, she got it from fighting. But she’s says everything so cheerfully and obliviously, as if it’s no big deal. Such as “oh, this bruise on my arm? Some guy on a motorcycle tried to hit me on the head with a steel pipe, but I caught it (totally not the fact a rival gang member tried to jump Me)” or “oh my broken leg? That’s due to some guy trying to shank me at the side of the street, but don’t worry I kicked them to Valhalla!! (totally not from a group fight where a rival gang member played dirty)” It eventually reaches a point where she becomes hospitalized, but she cheerfully insists that she fell down the stairs, but the yandere by then already knows something is up.
I'm so sorry but this request is low-key Tokyo Revengers coded so this entire post is just characters from Tokyo Revengers. I only wrote about 7 characters since I've been under stress with my most recent exams so I hope that isn't too bad.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive relationship, obsession, clinginess, manipulation, bribery, violence, injuries, isolation, female s/o
Gang member s/o who sucks at lying
Hanagaki Takemichi
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👊​You'd think being part of Toman and having been part of countless battles would have hardened him against violence, especially because he himself has tanked quite a lot of heavy punches and kicks in fights. Any trace of normality has been thrown out of the window ever since he discovered his ability to travel back in time and he has most certainly been misguided by believing that you could provide him with a lingering sense of regularity. Seriously, with the way his life has been shaping what was he even thinking? Normally someone who is on the easier spectrum of being portentially manipulated by his darling since he is a simp, Takemichi recognises occuring injuries you suffer from all too well. His heart always drops when you appear with a new broken limb or injury, though by now he at least doesn't collapse out of shock like he did the first time he saw your horrendous condition. He's seen those wounds before and he has been in a similar position as you before. You can't fool him this time, as lovesick as he may be.
👊​His initial reaction would be to beg you to stop with the way you are living but he is surprisingly self-reflective enough to realise after his initial panic that it would be quite hypocritical of him to ask you to leave your gang whilst he himself has risked his life multiple times for Toman before. To top it all, he knows just how stubborn and scary you can be if you are told to do something against your will, even he is frightened of you when you get mad though it's somewhat sexy too. He turns to people like Chifuyu and Draken to ask them about other gangs they know about besides Toman to figure out in which gang you are even in and as a Division Leader and essentially another head of Toman overall, he does what he can to ensure that you will never get into a fight with Toman and him. Whilst he hasn't seen you fight just yet, judging from how well you deal with injuries he can tell that you are quite robust but he'd rather get beaten up bloody before he has to see you getting hurt in front of him.
👊​He eventually breaks down when he receives news that you had to get hospitalised due to a recent brawl that escalated. He goes down on his knees, begging you to stop with this as he is mentally beating himself up for not having done more to prevent this from happening. Takemichi has a habit of thinking that he has to shield everything by himself as the time traveler and for that beats himself all the more up when something terrible happens as he sees it as his sole fault for not having done more. He starts gearing up to finally take direct action. His route is initially surprisingly diplomatic as he offers your gang to work together as he wants to protect you in future fights either himself or by knowing that there are capable guys he trust involved in the fight yet a rejection won't be accepted in his vocabulary. Always one prone to attempting to do everything on his own, he's probably going to ask for a fight with your leader, even if they are a better fighter than him. No matter how heavy their punches are though, he always gets back up, desperate for them to accept his conditions and not caring what happens to him in the process.
Sano Manjiro
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🦶​There is no way to deteriorate Mikey's obsession into something leaning into his dark impulses faster than a darling as reckless as you. It is in a way almost laughable how oblivious you can be to the obvious signs of it all as you give him that carefree grin, reminiscent of the one he always has when he is in a relaxed and playful mood. Only that he does not reciprocate your grin, dark eyes widening as he looks at the cast plastered over your broken leg before dulling when you chirp cheerfully that a few guys ganged up on you. Your half-baked reassurance that you broke the nose of one of the guy and are responsible for a broken jaw of another one does not heal the growing hole in his heart. Instead he steps closer to you, hands grasping your shoulders in a tight hold as he asks you in a flat tone to tell him who did this to you, his grip tightening the longer he stares at the cast. You only get a few seconds to assure him that you dealt with them yourself before he cuts you off quickly. Answer his question. Who. Did. This. To. You.
🦶​Even Draken is astonished with the sheer outrageous lies you conjure up whenever a new bruise or cast appears on your body yet you insist cheerfully every time that it was a stupid coincidende or accident. It really isn't hard to deduce that you are also involved with a gang and brawl regularly with them and that knowledge only has Mikey seething with rage even more. His mind is filled with dark thoughts of murdering every piece of shit who kicked and punched you to the point where some members have caught him mumbling about his horrific fantasies, deeply stuck in his thoughts that he didn't even notice them standing there and looking at him mildly terrified. Another emotion that crawls up his spine after the revelation though is one that is a much sharper and stinging pain. Betrayal. Betrayal that you chose to keep your gang life a secret from him and betrayal that you chose them over him. He would have gladly let you join Toman if you would have asked him. Sure, he wouldn't have let you fight but he would have taken you with him anywhere. Why do you stay loyal to your gang still? He's your boyfriend...
🦶​Paranoia gets the best of him as he fears that you would choose them over him. It is a thought that dominates his heart and mind with fear and growing dark urges. Mikey normally is a person who doesn't want to show any weakness around others yet it is a different story with you. He demands of you to leave your gang and just join his instead so that you two can always be with each other and so that he can guarantee that no bastard harms you ever again yet it is when you firmly refuse that he snaps. Your rejection and affirmation of your loyalty to your gang essentially confirms his paranoia that you value them more than him and would drop him for them. With nothing able to hold him back, he drowns in his obsession and goes after your own gang with Toman, irrational to the point where no one can stop him. The final nail in the coffin is your hospitalisation that convinces him that your gang isn't even capable of protecting you. Toman assaults your gang whilst you lay in the hospital and Mikey takes on your leader, merciless and brutal even after they are down before he tells them with blank eyes that from now on you belong to his gang and that they'd do better to stay away from you.
Ryuguji Ken
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🐉​Draken should technically be used to this all and he can't deny that this all is very reminiscent with experiences he was with another person in his life. Exhausting antics, a tendency to get into brutal fights and brush off all injuries despite their seriousness and a carefree grin always given to calm his nerves. It's like taking care of Mikey all over again yet the protective nature he has quickly tranform into an overprotective obsession with you as his darling. He's had his suspicions from a very early point on as he is well informed about gangs and the violent life they lead as the vice-president of Toman. Swollen eyes, broken limbs and other injuries you constantly have the next time he sees you quickly leads him to the conclusion that you must be involved with a gang yourself. Honestly, it really isn't hard to figure it out and he doesn't even know why you are so surprised when he presents you with his theory. Really, have you ever listened to yourself lying before? You're the worst person at lying he has ever met so far.
🐉​Whilst Draken won't demand of you to abandon your gang like Mikey does, he is not fully convinced to let you continue as you are doing either. He starts prying for more information and even if you do not want to tell him about certain aspects, it is rather easy for him to read you due to your inability to be convincing when you lie. It's by constantly questioning you without putting you under pressure by upholding a interested and caring facade that he is soon able to have a rather accurate picture about your gang and its members. That's when he starts using other ways to gather more intel about the individual members of your gang, mainly by letting members from Toman spy on them. All of that of course in secrecy as he wouldn't want to displease you as he's aware that you do not want to get him involved in your life. Draken on the other hand wants to figure out now how capable and loyal the people of your gang really are as you obviously view them in a subjective light and could never seriously criticise them.
🐉​His mind is made up when you land in the hospital with severe injuries from your last fight. His expression is unreadable as he visits you, dark eyes watching you as you muster a grin and tell him that everything is fine and you just fell down the stairs in an attempt to hide from him that you got into a rather intense fight this time before he interrupts you. He thinks it would be better for you to leave your gang. In a short fit of outrage, you nearly get out of bed but he quickly forces you back down and hisses at you to lay still or else your injuries will open up again. His gaze is firm though as he informs you that he doesn't think the members of your gang are good enough to survive gang life out there nor do they possess other qualities needed in his opinion. You're terribly stubborn and he knows that but he can't bear to watch you like this anymore. He will have to find a way to have you leave the gang or to come up with an idea how to break them off. Perhaps he should pay your leader a visit himself and show them just how silly their fantasies are. A good dose of genuine fear may finally help them realise just how dangerous the life of a gang not suited enough is in the streets out there...
Baji Keisuke
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🖤​People like Chifuyu can only watch with eyes as wide as saucers as it is almost like watching two Bajis at once when you are around. The similarities between him and you are mindblowing and Baji himself isn't sure whether he should find this amusing or if he should be slightly concerned. Your grin is like a trademark, one that you always flash him even if there are stitches over your eyebrow or if multiple fingers of yours are bandaged. Baji on the other hand always turns up his sleeves whenever he sees your injuries, a feral grin of his own on his face that does little to hide his sparking anger as he asks you which bitch he has to pummel into the ground. The First Division Captain is strikingly possessive and protective and his concern mainly shown in his willingness to beat anyone up who he suspects to be responsible for your emotional or physical strain. He has never gotten a truthful answer from you though as you always come up with bullshit on the spot in hopes of calming him down.
🖤​Whilst Baji may lack in academical knowledge though, he is someone who has a sharp intellect and can understand things well outside of school. He suspects that there is something up that you don't want him to know about and it irritates him that you keep it from him. The irritation is quite visible on his face but he doesn't force you immediately to spit it out what you are keeping from him. As a countermeasure to the wounds you have received though, you find Baji taking the role of the guard dog for you whenever you go anywhere. He's far too stubborn to listen to you when you reassure him that you can spend time on your own without the need for him to protect you. The injuries pile up on you though and he feels more and more like wanting to murder someone as he starts pressuring you to tell him the truth only for you to remain silent. Chifuyu eventually brings up his idea that you may also be involved in a gang and fight with them as your injuries and your horrible lies would line up nicely with that theory.
🖤​Somehwere in his mind he can acknowledge your loyalty to your gang as he is nothing short of dedicated to Toman as well yet there is a double standard that becomes soon apparent. He'd rather have you take a step back from gang life as he deems you as too weak to continue. Far too often do you end up with wounds and injuries that he takes as proof that you are not good enough in fights and that belief is especially strengthened when you end up needing to stay for a longer time in the hospital due to your most recent injuries. Both of you get in an argument as neither of you backs off from their belief and it ultimately leaves Baji with no choice but solve things the way he knows best. With a good brawl. He seeks out your gang himself and challenges them to a fight. If he wins, he demands of them to disband and to not get involved in fights anymore. He's fully prepared to become the villain in your eyes, though that doesn't mean that he'll let you leave him. If you really wanna beat up people that bad though, he wouldn't mind jumping random guys in the streets with you. You look rather hot after all whilst beating someone up...
Mitsuya Takashi
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🪡If there is one person in Toman who would see right through your lies even if you wouldn't be such a terrible liar, next to Draken obviously, it's Mitsuya. As level-headed and calm as he is, he serves as the counterpart to your reckless and occasionally feral behavior by attempting to calm you down and talking some sense into your brain. He can tell by simply observing you and taking notice of your injuries that you are part of a gang. Whilst Takashi is also a very essential part of Toman, he surprisingly enough isn't too keen on fighting unless it is absolutely needed which is why your willingness to constantly join the fights of your gang is something he is secretly displeased about. He may not outright scold you nor even let you know that he is already on about your secret that you try to cover with horrendeous lies yet he is already trying to make plans himself. As someone who is a subtle manipulator, Mitsuya gently coaxes you into revealing bits of information about your gang and the individual members every time you two meet.
🪡​Partially he is self-aware about the fact that you essentially do what lots of members in Toman would also do. Inherently he isn't completely against the loyalty and devotion you exhibit for your gang yet all the wounds and injuries you constantly suffer as a result hamper his patience and willingness to let you go on that way. You disregard your own health and body and merely brush it off as little scratches even if he reminds you sternly that one day you may not get away with only a broken leg or twenty stitches. Really, he doesn't want to be overbearing but how can he not end up being very overprotective when you yourself are so incapable of looking after yourself? It gets more noticable as time passes by and he essentially turns into the overly worried mother for you who constantly has to remind you to rest in bed or take it easy to not strain your already injured body. He offers all the help he can give though even if you reject it, he'll end up giving it to you anyways.
🪡​You do not know that yet but Mitsuya has actually already gotten in contact with some members of your gang out of concern for you yet it is when you end up in dire need of an operation that he finds himself confronting them with a much more serious disposition. This has gone too far. You could have died this time around. He demands of them to do some serious reflection on their ways and reminds them that they would stand no real chance if a bigger group would ever decide to take them on. A serious and level-headed composure can be rather frightening under the right circumstances and this is what happens in that moment as he also reveals nonchalantly that he has gotten his hand on some unsavory information that could end up fatal if given to the wrong people. He refrains from violence and instead goes with blackmailing for now, though perhaps his status as a Division Captain is already protection and intimidation enough. Perhaps it would be seen as dirty in the eyes of your gang and even yourself but Mitsuya would be open enough to admit that he has actually held back merely because you see those people as your friends and from what he has observed, they value you as well.
Matsuno Chifuyu
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🟡​Chifuyu is the definition of loyal and sticks with you through thick and thin even if your antics threaten to drive him up the wall at times. Your whole demeanor reminds him very vividly of his own Division Captain and even Baji himself likes to make jokes about it when you spend time with Chifuyu. Truthfully spoken, it really isn't difficult to sense that there is something you are hiding with all the injuries that litter your body on some days. You deny it every single time as you come up with an explanation for every broken limb or every scar and stitch that you sport yet seem very unaware of the fact that your lies only fuel his suspicion further. Chifuyu is honestly not sure whether he should be baffled or pull at his hair in frustration whenever you present him with another excuse for an injury. Do you even know that you suck at lying or do you genuinely believe people to accept the lies that you offer? He's worried for you though even if you lie to him again and again and refuse to tell him the truth and those protective instincts push him to grow clingier, worried that with your careless behavior you might end up reopening some stitches.
🟡​He tolerates your bullshit for quite a while though even if he feels like a kicked puppy every time he attempts to ask you if you could tell him the truth only for you to dismiss it with yet another of your stupid lies. Chifuyu is honestly too good to you at times and he is actually self-aware of that but can't help himself. The longer this drags on though and the more serious your injuries get, the more he finds himself pushed closer to the edge. He knows, alright! He knows already that you must be involved in the gang life yourself but it is killing him that you don't let him in on it. He could help you. He could protect you! He's your boyfriend, for fuck's sake. Why are you locking him out? The habit of stalking you is solely born because you refuse to let him in on everything and it is via stalking that he also figures out who the other people belonging to your gang are. He hates to admit it but he feels a sense of anxiety as he realises just how loyal you are to them and wonders if he is just second place as he has entered your life after you had already met your gang.
🟡​He's witness to another violent fight between your gang and another one and when he realises that you are down and seriously injured, he rushes in and takes the beating for you from a member of the enemy gang. Even bruised and battered though, he puts your health before his own as he drives you to the hospital where he waits for hours on end before he can finally visit you. Even then you still dare to lie to him and that's when he breaks. He lashes emotionally out as tears run down his face. Are you serious?! You're still trying to lie to him?? Do you really think of him as that untrustworthy?? It's rare for him to let his emotions overwhelm him easily but it happens in that moment, the most prominent ones are betrayal and a doubtful fear that he really means less to you than your own gang. It's after his outburst that he is finally done with keeping up with your behavior as he reasons that he has in fact been too tolerant about everything. No wonder that you seem to take him for an idiot. He hasn't been assertive enough. That'll change from today on though...
Kokonoi Hajime
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💴​Normally Kokonoi would love to mess around with his darling a bit since he can be a tad bit more malicious and sadistic at times yet it's those repetitive injuries that trigger a vulnerable and raw side out of him. Every time he spots you with new broken bones or he notices a freshly stitched wound of yours, his mind automatically flashes back to Akane in the hospital. There is probably no quicker way than to break him down faster than constantly appearing with new casts or stitches in front of him. There has never been a time where he hasn't demanded from you with narrowed eyes to tell him who did this to you so that he can arrange some things here and there to see it through that they never bother you again yet it is your unwillingness to tell him and always present him with a dumb lie of yours that always serves as fuel to the stirring inferno. Whether you see him as an idiot or merely try to hide something from him and just suck at lying, his anger only festers every time another lie leaves your lips.
💴​It really doesn't take long for Kokonoi to already know everything he needs to know and he is beyond unhappy. As someone whose obsession is one build one possessiveness and the desire to control his darling, everything you personify goes against his own wants. You are far too independent, recklessly throw yourself into brawls to defend the honor of your gang as your loyalty lies with them when it should belong to him and risk your own body and health as a result which seems to be a constant fear that has a vice-grip on his heart. He despises your antics and the grin you give him every time you end up with a new reminder of your most recent fight and act as if nothing happened at all. Do you seriously think you'll be fine or do you simply not care? Part of his ire is also turned against your gang though as he loathes them for many reasons. Not only does he see them as a threat to your safety but also as rivals he has to get rid of. He has to cut their ties with you and make you believe that they abandoned you so that he can swap roles with them and become the person you depend on.
💴​Money has always been something he could use to corrupt and buy people and he uses it in this situation as well. He hires thieves to work as spies for him and collect more information on the life your gang leads as well as digging up some dirt on individual gang members. Even if he finds none, he can always make up some stuff. As Kokonoi wants to break your trust in your own gang, he even attempts bribing them with money and manipulating them to abandon you. It's when he is informed that you were sent to the hospital and had to go through surgery that he finally loses composure when he visits you only to be greeted with that same cursed smile that you have been giving him since forever. Do you have a death wish or what?! He flips out for a few moments, hisses out words dripping with venom as he openly admits how he feels about your gang and directs some of his words against you as well. He won't let you risk your life for those people! He can't understand for the life of him what worth they could possibly have. You just wait, he will see it through that you will never see them again.
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inuiiwonderland · 10 months
At your service
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Being a rich man’s wife isn’t always bad. You love ran and how hard working he is and he loves you for how patient and supportive you are of him. But the more he goes out to business trips, the more lonely you feel every day. So ran, as the good husband he is decided to surprise you with his newest android, Mitsuya Takashi.
Yandere Android!Mitsuya x Fem!reader
TW: yandere, bit of nsfw, character death, and uhh mitsuya is fucking crazy so yeah
You and ran have been together for years now. Getting together at 16 and never leaving each others side after that. So it didn’t surprise anyone when the two of you later got engaged at 24 and married at 25. Everyone basically knew that the two of you were meant to be since the start.
He always spent his time with you. Taking you out on dates, taking you shopping and even cooking for you after a long day because he loves the faces you make when you enjoy the meals that he cooks for you.
He was like the perfect husband
But all that stopped when ran took over his father’s company.
As the years passed by, you saw how busy ran was getting.
After his father passed down his company to ran and his brother, ran was barely home. Always at work and never home. And when the times that he is home, he’s always locked away in his office. Working on paperwork and upcoming projects for the company.
You also start noticing how your husband barely gets any sleep because of his busy schedule. And for the years that you have known ran, you know how much ran loves his sleep more than anything.
You often walk in his office to see his tired form slump over his office desk as he sleeps. And when you walk a bit closer, you can see the dark bags under his eyes as you brush your fingers through his hair. A small smile gracing your face as he leans in towards your touch.
So you always feel bad seeing your husband wake up in the early hours of the morning everyday to go back to work.
And it starts making you feel bad for wanting his attention and time.
You might think ran doesn’t notice anything but he does. He sees how sad you look when you bid him goodbye for work but quickly covering it up with a smile and a kiss to his lips.
And ran feels awful
He feels like he isn’t being a good husband to you. Always spending more time in the office rather than your own home. Him barely being able to see you and spend time with you. And he knows the house can get lonely without him by your side.
So what does ran do? He starts making up a plan.
He worked on this project for MONTHS before surprising you with it.
You groan as you hear your alarm go off. You lazily turn it off before sitting up and looking at the spot next to you.
Again…he’s gone off to work
You sigh before getting up and deciding to get ready for the day.
The moment you stepped out of the bathroom, you could smell a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen. Confused, you quietly walked out of you and ran shared bedroom and all the way down to the kitchen.
When you walked in the kitchen, you see a tall black short haired man who’s back was facing you. Terrified, you quickly took a couple steps back before bumping into somebody which caused you to let out a loud terrified scream.
“Hey relax it’s me!” You quickly turned around to see your husband.
“You okay? You seem a bit shaken up”
“R-ran there’s a m-man-“ But before you could finish your sentence, an unfamiliar voice interrupts you.
“Have I scared you Mrs.Haitani? I sincerely apologize for frightening you this early in the morning”
You quickly turn around to see the man from earlier. He was tall, had short black hair and lavender liked eyes.
Who is this man and why is he in your house?
“R-ran who is this?” You say. You turn to face your husband who just gave you a sheepish smile.
“Didn’t mean to scare you. But uh me and mitsuya over here wanted to surprise you with a nice breakfast before introducing you to him”
“Here, come sit down first” You took a seat and suspiciously eyed the strange man who was standing in the middle of your kitchen aisle.
“Y/n dear, this is mitsuya takashi. My newest android” He says proudly. Your eyes widen in shock as you took a good look at mitsuya.
“Huh? H-he’s an android?”
“Mhm” Again, you looked at mitsuya before looking back at ran.
“Why is he here? If he’s your newest android then shouldn’t he be in the lab right now?”
“About that. He’s the only model I have because I made him specifically for you”
“For me? Why?” You were confused. Ran sighs before taking a seat next to you.
“I know I haven’t been a good husband to you over the years. Always at work and never home to spend time with you or care for you.”
“And I know the house can get a bit lonely when it’s just you and no one else. So I decided to do something about it”
“By making…him?” You say as you point at mitsuya.
“Do you think I’m a loner?” You ask with a raised brow.
“What? No!” He says. Panicked almost. You stare at him for a bit before laughing. You found it cute how scared your husband was about offending you.
“Don’t worry ran…I think it’s sweet, but also a bit weird. You know I have real friends right?”
“I know that! But I also made him so that he can help you around the house! Since I’m not always home to help you with chores…” You giggle before pulling your husband into a passionate kiss.
But then you remembered that you two aren’t the only ones in the room and so you quickly pulled away. Much to your husband dismay.
“Am I interrupting something? I can leave if you two-“
“No! No uh it’s nothing you can stay” He smiles before placing a plate in front of you.
“Your breakfast Mrs.Haitani”
“Oh! Thank you” Your mouth waters at the sight of the delicious food. Without missing a beat, you quickly took a bite of the food. You looked up at mitsuya with wide eyes.
“Did you make this?”
“I have. Is it not to your liking?” He asks. Worried about you not liking it.
“This is amazing!” You say as you continue to stuff your face. Ran chuckles before standing up and checking his watch. He sighs as he notices the time.
“What’s wrong ran?”
He stays silent before looking at you with an apologetic look.
“I have to go to work. I’m already late by an hour so it’s best that I get going now” And there goes your excitement.
“Oh…” Ran notices the change of mood and moves you to look at him.
“Y/n I-“
“Just go. You’re already late, and there’s no need to apologize”
“Please…just go” He looks at you for a bit before leaning and kissing your cheek.
“Take care. And mitsuya”
“Yes Mr. Haitani”
“Please take care of my wife”
“Of course”
Months have passed since ran introduce you to mitsuya.
And at first it did take you a week or two to get used to the lavender eyed boy. But after seeing how nice and polite he was, you grew comfortable having him around.
And mitsuya is great!
He helps you with buying and putting away groceries, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, and even helps you with taking care of your garden outside!
He also accompanies you to stores or errand runs which actually turn out to be fun when he’s around. He helps you with carrying and putting away groceries, buying new cleaning supplies, and even helps you with what to cook for the evening.
You also noticed how the android has an eye for fashion. You can see him taking glances at the tv when your favorite fashion show is on and see how he stares in awe when seeing all the beautiful clothing pieces.
You caught him doodling more than once on pieces of paper when you make him take breaks from doing chores. (Even though he’s a android and can’t get tired, you still feel bad and make him sit down and relax for a bit)
You remember the first time you caught him. You were in the kitchen while he was in the living room. You were making some snacks for the movie night that the two of you were about to have while mitsuya was “looking” for a movie.
Instead. You walk in the living room only to see him sketching something on a piece of paper. You gasp once you saw what he was doing. The sketch was beautiful! The design, pattern, and details were just perfect! You complemented mitsuya on his work as you continued gushing about how beautiful it is and that’s it’s something you’ll definitely wear.
And so the next day you decided to buy him a sketch book. You remember the look of shock on his face as you happily gave him the book and told him that if he were to ever run out of space, then he should come and tell you so you can buy another one for him.
That was also the day that you learned that androids can blush and get shy!
Wow! Ran must’ve really went all out!
The more time both you and mitsuya spend together. The more closer you guys grew. You started seeing mitsuya more like a close friend than a servant. But unbeknownst to you, he didn’t see you as a friend at all.
In fact, mitsuya started seeing you as more like a romantic interest.
Everyone knows androids can’t feel emotions. Hell even mitsuya knows that! So, why did he suddenly start having this weird feeling whenever you were near him?
When he wakes you up for breakfast, when he helps you clean, when he goes out with you to get groceries or to just hang out.
He always gets this weird feeling in his chest that he can’t quite get rid of.
Was he broken?
Maybe that it!
He doesn’t have any emotions. He was never programmed to feel anything. Only to serve and make his creators wife happy.
His creators wife
You make him feel those things. No one else gives him this weird feeling.
Only you
And then there’s this other weird feeling that he gets.
This feeling is different. And he doesn’t like it
He hates it. He despises it.
He gets it when he sees you and ran get all close and cozy together. He gets this weird disgusting feeling. He doesn’t like it when ran wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss.
The way you look so so so happy in his creators arms.
He’s the one who supposed to make you feel happy. That’s the whole reason why he was created. To make YOU happy.
Not ran!
Ran who is barely home! Always at work, in his office doing paperwork, brainstorming ideas for future projects, making and programming androids.
He’s not the one waking you up everyday with a nice breakfast all laid out perfectly for you every morning. He’s not the one going out with you to buy groceries when food is running low. He’s not the one helping you clean and do the laundry when you notice that the house is starting to look messy and that you need your clothes.
He’s not the one helping you take care of your plants or even PLANT new plants with you as you both giggle and play around by throwing dirt at each other.
But he is!
He’s the one who does all that with you! Not ran! Not the man who’s SUPPOSED to be your husband!
Mitsuya acts more like a husband than ran does.
Mitsuya is always home with you. Helping you with everything and cooking your meals.
He’s the one you go up to for approval with the outfits you buy because you know he’s someone you can rely on when it comes to fashion.
Not ran
And maybe that should tell you that he’s the better one out of the two of them.
Maybe he should be your husband
It was midnight and ran was still not home. You sat patiently on the couch waiting for your dear husband to come home. You were hoping that he would come home early today.
Especially since today is a very important day for the two of you.
Maybe he’s just running a little late?
You looked at the clock again
You grabbed your phone and decided to call him
No one picks up
You tried to control your emotions once you saw how many times you called him today. And not even a single one were you able to get him to pick up.
You could feel tears starting to form as you took deep breaths and decided to call him one more time.
You finally let your tears fall as you quietly wiped your face with your hands. Not caring if it would ruin your makeup.
“Y/n” You looked up to see mitsuya. He had a worried look on his face as he handed you a handkerchief.
“Oh, thank you”
“If you don’t mind, why are you up so late? I mean, you usually never stay up so late and you also got all dolled up. Why’s that?”
More tears slid down your face as you tried to control your breathing.
“It’s nothing….I-I just…I thought he would come home today”
“Mhm” You say as you continue to wipe away your tears.
“Today is our 5th year anniversary. And I thought he remembered and would come home early today to celebrate it with me. But I guess that won’t happen” He stays quiet as you continue to silently cry next to him.
“What do you guys usually do? When it’s your anniversary I mean”
“Oh well…. we either cook something together and just spend time together at home or he plans a dinner reservation weeks before our anniversary and takes me out to eat and later ends up with him taking me shopping”
“And that’s all?” You could feel his eyes on you. Your face heats up knowing that’s not the only thing the two of you do.
“Um…yeah that’s all”
“Mm” Mitsuya could tell you were lying by how you tried to avoid making eye contact with him and also by your body language.
But mitsuya wasn’t stupid. He knows what else you and ran do after having a nice meal together or a fun night out.
Besides. He’s heard everything that goes on in your guys bedroom when ran is home and just wants to spend all his time with his lovely wife.
Yeah he knows
“Then how about I cook you a meal for your special day?”
“If you’ll like, I’ll cook you an extraordinarily meal for you or even the two of us and spend the night with you”
“Oh mitsuya! You don’t have to-“
“But I’ll love to. Besides, it’s my duty to make you happy”
The way he said that sentence gave you chills. You looked at mitsuya before slowly nodding which makes the man android smile.
“Very well then”
He helps you get up and wipes away your tears with his thumb.
“Don’t cry. He doesn’t deserve your tears”
He doesn’t deserve you at all
Is what he wanted to say. But he didn’t.
“Just sit and watch me do all the cooking. And then we can both enjoy the meal together”
The two of you chatted as he cooked. You would laugh every now and then when he would crack a few jokes and sometimes you would stop and admire him as he prepared you your meal.
You have already forgotten the reason why you were crying in the first place with mitsuya by your side.
The next day
You woke up by the delicious smell of food coming from the kitchen. You smiled knowing that it was most likely mitsuya preparing your breakfast. You quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom to brush your teeth and get ready for the day.
You happily walked down the halls to the kitchen as you couldn’t wait what Mitsuya decided to make you this time. By the time you got to the kitchen, you excitedly called out the androids name.
“Good morning mitsuyaaa….” You stopped dead in your tracks once you noticed that it wasn’t mitsuya making breakfast.
“Ran?” He turns around and smiles once he sees you.
“Y/n. Good morning sweets, I’m making breakfast for the two of us”
“I-I see…umm...where is mitsuya?”
“Mitsuya? Oh he’s in my office. I turned him off because you won’t need him this week”
“What? Why?” He turns off the stove and neatly prepares your plate as he motions you to sit down.
“Because I won’t have work this whole week. Meaning that I’ll be home all week and will be able to spend time with you”
“Oh” He frowns when he hears your tone.
“Are you not happy?”
“Oh…um I am! I am….but it’s just that I’m so used to having takashi around and so not being able to see him all week just feels…weird”
“But I’m glad you’re finally taking a break from work!”
“About last night” You looked down as you knew what he was about to say.
“I’m so sorry love. It’s just-“
“I know I know. You were busy….like always” It hurt his heart seeing you like this. He pulls a chair next to you and sits down.
“I just want you to listen to me, please” You stayed silent.
“I was planning on leaving work early yesterday but a sudden emergency happened and I had to stay the night in the office”
“But please believe me when I say that I wanted to leave early. Because I truly did! I had everything planned out for the two of us last night but-“
“The foods gonna get cold…” He stays silent before getting up.
It’s gonna be a long week
The first few days of the week, you notice how ran would cuddle you in bed before getting up to go make breakfast. After the two of you finished eating, he would either suggest that the two of you watch a movie and cuddle or would tell you to go get ready before taking you out to the mall to spoil you.
He would sometimes come home with a bouquet of flowers and some chocolate to surprise you and would cuddle you on the couch or bed.
There are times where stuff would get a little steamy and he would take you to you guys shared bedroom before sitting you down on the edge of the bed and getting on his knees.
He would eat you out for what feels like hours before fucking you nice and good.
Ran just wants to make up for lost time and he just really misses you.
But the one thing you guys don’t know is that when ran fucks you in your shared bedroom, a certain android is creeping around in the corner and he doesn’t look to happy about what he’s seeing and hearing.
Ran may have turned him off but the android has found a way to turn himself back on and seeing you get fucked by your husband wasn’t something he wanted to see and hear when coming back.
And he’s going to do something about it
It was Saturday Night. You and ran just got back after a night out and all the two of you wanted to do was sleep. You head over to the bathroom to take off your makeup and shower before going to bed. Your husband said he’ll be with you soon because he had to go check something in his office real quick.
As he walked to his office though, ran felt a little off.
Like something wasn’t right
He ignored the feeling and opened his office door. He walks over to his desk, not paying attention to the now empty spot where the android was supposed to be in.
Ran looks over some papers and as he’s doing so, he doesn’t notice the lavender eyed male android creeping up behind him.
Until it was to late
Ran groans when he feels something hit his head. He stumbles to the ground as he holds his head in pain. He looks up to only lock eyes with mitsuya who had a brick in his hand.
“Takashi? How-What the fuck!”
“You don’t deserve her. You don’t deserve her at all!”
“My wife?” Ran was shock. So many questions were running through his head. How the fuck did mitsuya turn on? He was sure that he turned him off for the whole week! And why did he hit him on the head with a brick?! And lastly, why is he talking about you?
“I’m the one who’s supposed to make her happy. Not you. She doesn’t deserve a shitty ass husband like you who barely has any time for her!”
“But unlike me. I’m always there for her….im the one who wakes her up in the morning with a nice breakfast. I’m the one who helps her clean, cook, everything! I comfort her when she cries about YOU not showing up home. I’m the one that makes her laugh and smile…it’s me not you!”
“I love her….I love her more than anything- I would do anything for her! Just to make sure she’s happy”
“But you never did that”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about! I’m her husband for fuck sakes! The hell is wrong with you mitsuya?!”
Ran was in disbelief. He couldn’t believe that the android that he created was going on a crazy rant about how much he loves you. His wife!
“But you don’t act like it. I’m more of a better husband than you’ll ever be” And before ran could say another word, mitsuya repeatedly hits ran on his head with the brick.
And ran was gone
“What a pathetic excuse of a husband” He then kneels down and takes off rans ring before slipping it on his ring finger.
“Looks better on me anyway”
He soon hears the shower stop and he starts fixing himself before walking towards your soon to be shared bedroom.
Mitsuya hums as he slowly makes his way into the room. He smiles when he sees you sitting on the bed with your pjs on and phone in hand.
The sound of the door creaking open captures your attention and when you looked up from your phone expecting to see ran, you see a bloody mitsuya with a huge grin on his face.
You shook in fear as he only chuckles. He starts walking towards you as you backed up against the headboard. Terrified.
“Shh don’t worry love. It’s not my blood!”
“Where’s ran? W-what did y-you do?!” He only smiles which sent chills down your spine.
Tears ran down your cheeks as mitsuya lovingly wipes them with his bloody hands.
“Don’t cry love. He was never a good husband to you anyways. But I’m here and I’ll never treat you like how your so called husband did”
Your eyes widen as he shows you his ran ring with a smile.
“I’m your new husband from now on”
I literally almost did not want to finish it because tumblr kept fucking up with my drafts💔 and then I also accidentally deleted the draft so I was having a full on breakdown with this😭
Anyways I hope you guys like it🤍
Taglist: @mysouleaten @mariam12344 @jk--47 @wisteriarose214 @strawberry123sweet
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yanderederee · 5 months
congrats on 800 followers, i love your work (especially your baji x tutor! reader stuff)! could i please request L(ove letters) with mitsuya?
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Mitsuya’s naturally smooth and suave. He acts very laid back and casual when approaching you, effortlessly adding a flirtatious swing to his tone when he compliments you.
It’s hard not to swoon over him. How can you not, when he looks at you like you’re the more precious thing he’s ever seen. Others almost feel embarrassed when watching you two talk with how affectionate his gaze is.
Asks to spend time with you with casual outings that could be seen as dates, but weren’t blatantly such. He needs to find a fabric that’s just the right shade of purple, and you happen to have an eye for colors, won’t you help him?
There’s a new macaroon bar that opened up in Shibuya, you like desserts like that right? He’s happy to treat you to some.
He will come up with every excuse under the sun to spend more time with you. And it works every time because how can you resist his charismatic charm?
Takashi will take you window shopping at expensive stores to gauge your taste in fashion, and recreate the pieces you eye with such fancy to your exact size.
He loves making you little stuffies to add to your school bag (with his initials sewn onto the butt in case anyone needs to know who made it for you, like a branding almost.)
Will always indulge you in activities you want to do, with what limited time he may have. He’s a busy man, but he will find time for you always.
Maybe if he’s lucky, you’ll be the one to ask him out.
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macsimagines · 1 year
Yandere toman [draken, mikey, baji, chifuyu, mitsuya] but everyone bar darling is an alpha.
Please forgive my lack of clarification 😅
(Ok so I'll do this because of all the confusion but next time, please read carefully because I did ask only three and i did ask you to specify multiple times. try to be courteous next time)
TW: ABO, Breeding kinks, Smell kink, Stalking and generally ruuuude behavior.
Smells like iron and blood. Others hate it but its such a powerful and intimidating scent that others know to back the hell off.
You were Mikey's first. He's a prime alpha and when he smelled you as a child when you first met he knew you were gonna be his it was like an unspoken rule.
Strangers are surprised he's a prime alpha with his baby face but Toman knew there was never gonna be any other way.
You being an Omega was also a no brainer. He'd been preparing you since your children to match his designation, he wasn't going to accept anything less.
Slowly he started to build his pack. It wasn't that he had any biases for the other genders, but he did have preference for alphas. Ruling over a powerful group of apex predators made him feel like a real beast.
Mikey isn't as possessive over you as one would think. Everyone in the pack belongs to him and therefore he groups you all together. He likes it when you smell like the others because he makes the others smell like him. All the scents mingling really pleases him.
Favorite thing to do is to hold you still while one of the other's scents and marks you. He wants you to smell like all of his men and he wants his men to smell like you.
Really likes watching you get drunk off the collective pheromones. Thinks your flushed face as you get high off of it is the biggest turn on.
You're such a good omega, your body knowing that your alphas are all gonna make you feel so good. And that's another big thing, his pack needs to be servicing you and him.
There's so much love to go around you'll never feel the need to leave...
He loves it when you nest and you've got two or three of his alphas there to protect you. Such a good pack looking out for the Omega
Smells like fresh cut grass, so soothing and calming.
Submits to only Mikey. Everyone else can go die, but he does make an exception for you. He likes to let you scent him more than he does Mikey because you're so gentle when you rub against his neck.
Is very perceptive of smells though, the second he gets a whiff of someone not Pack on you he's quick to memorize the scent and wipe it away with his own.
That punk better hope to god Draken never finds him, Toman's Omega needs to smell like Toman and he's got no right to fuck with you.
Knows his place is keeping everyone in line, and keeping you pleased and safe, makes sure they all know that too. If you're feeling scared he's making sure that the Pack alphas have you surrounded and protected.
Makes sure you fulfil your job as well though. The Pack needs their omega ready for them and he's got you presenting and ready for whoever needs you. Makes sure to clean you up but also keep you stuffed.
Mikey likes to know Toman is taking care of it's sweet girl, and Draken is such a good boy he makes sure their leader can see that his Omega is well full of her alphas.
But this boy also takes his rewards too. He gets second dibs after Mikey when your heat hits and your nest is guarded and ran by him. No one gets in without Draken saying its ok and if you haven't earned the privilege then fuck right off.
Somehow smells like a car crash. A huge warning sign about him.
Takes no shit type of Alpha. He very rarely submits voluntarily because he wants to be made to submit. You want to be in charge or on top then prove it to him.
Is constantly scenting you, and has gotten checked by Mikey and Draken multiple times. It's not his fault his scent is so strong right?
Needs his omega often. You're his stress relief and he's such a good alpha that he deserves it right?
You want a knot? He's there to give it. Also gets into trouble for not asking permission to have his way with the omega.
Can't stand other alphas outside of the pack being near you, nearly tore off Pah's arms for holding out his hand to you when you tripped.
Gets into huge trouble for not asking permission to be in your nest. You've bitten him multiple times and Mikey's kicked him across the room for not listening.
Subconciously scents everyone's possessions. Everyone's bikes, their jackets and bags. Everything. He needs people to know who they're dealing with.
At least he's good at warding people off.
Alpha! Chifuyu
Smells like citrus. Lemons and Oranges so fresh and clean.
Suuuuuch a good boi. Always chirping after you, making sure you've got food and blankets for your nest.
Very responsible alpha! Also very good at submitting to the others. Knows his place and sometimes is rewarded with second dibs during your heat. (Mikey is always first)
BUT he is also the residential snitch. Caught you scenting someone else? He's telling the others immediately, doesn't matter if it was your kid cousin thats NOT ok.
Has got a tracker on your phone, and makes sure the other's can see where you're going.
Finds out you're alone and without one of them and makes sure he's there or one of the others knows you're unsupervised.
Goes crying to Baji when you try to give him the cold shoulder for being a good Alpha, then lets Baji talk him into knotting and scent marking you to teach you a lesson in loyalty.
Really like's it when you scent him, and when you don't he eats you out so he can smell like you for the rest of the day.
Really really really like eating you out after everyone else got to have you. Especially licking you clean after Baji. You all taste so good he can't help it!!
Very weird smell of clean linen and paint chemicals, but it works.
Makes a lot of your sweaters and when he doesn't do that he's approving of your wardrobe first before you wear it. He wants to make sure your clothes are comfortable and markable. Certain fabrics retain their smells longer.
Is in charge of your nesting materials and makes sure it gets delivered and scented by all the alphas before giving them to you.
Has on occasion helped build your nest. Mikey and Baji get jealous but Draken actually defends him stating he know what he's doing.
Has the most important job of panty patrol, where he takes whatever undies you've been wearing that day and delivers them out to the other alphas.
Mikey gets first dibs on the one's when you're about to go into heat because those are his favorites.
Feeds you often like a good alpha should, after making dinner for his family and of course you.
Usually takes you to the other alphas because you can't be trusted to not wonder off and they're not reliable about sharing you with each other.
He's got the biggest breeding kink out of all the others though. Seeing you with his sisters makes him want puppies out of you the most...
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Yandere Alphabet: Mitsuya Takashi
It was so much fun to write something for him. I really like him a lot. I´ve had it finished quite a bit ago, and thought now would be a good time to share it. I actually finished quite a bit pieces, when I had the time. But in October my university started back up again, so I now I´m posting what accumulated in the inbetween to give myself a little breather...
Mitsuya Takashi
That boy can play innocent. And he knows it! I believe, that Mitsuya is genuinely someone, that uses his reputation to manipulate everyone around him. He carefully cultivates the image people have of him as well. A little two-faced snake. By the way, I honestly believe, that he feels fulfilment whenever he can take care of someone. He is used to it, and he loves it.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Taking care. He shows his affection for his darling in taking care of them. Whatever they need, he will be there to provide it for them. He wants to be needed by his love, and so he does everything to make sure, that he can´t be replaced. He has an eye for details, and he uses it. Small annoyances will just vanish out of your life, because he will already have dealt with them, before they can get to his love.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He is more used to violence than he lets on. While he tries to resolve tension peacefully at first, it won´t take long, before he decided that a good old fist to the face won´t have the same result. He clearly isn´t above brawling to get someone to back off. Though his fights are always disturbingly clean. He knows how to get someone down quickly, and how to keep them down. Afterwards, he will be careful to touch his love, not wanting to get anything on them.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Rather than abducting his love, they simply won´t leave again. Why would he go to the trouble of abducting them, when he can simply invite them over to his house? He just has to find enough excuses to ensure, that they never leave his side again, and then he will have them. Here. With him. Of their own free will. This is exactly how he does it. A small invitation to his home, becomes the same as if you suddenly agreed to live with him.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He will do a lot of things, that at the beginning of the relationship would have gone against what his love wants, but nowadays align pretty well with each other. Mitsuya slowly manipulates his love, so that their wants and need start to align more and more. Another thing he is quite fond of is slipping his love some sedatives every once and a while. It will make him feel useful, when he can then flit around you to nurse his love back to health. But not only that, it also makes him feel safer.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He believes that a good relationship is dependent on a good communication. This in turn, will make him quite open. He adores a good conversation with his love, and craves to know their thoughts and feelings on any topic. While he won´t always agree with your opinion, you can be sure, that he will always take it into account, when making a decision. He wants to know their feelings as well, and in turn shares his own frequently with you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Seeing his love acting like this makes him angry. He is close to loosing his patience with them every time, they start screaming at him again. You become unrecognizable to him. In the end, he isn´t above to use medications to let them become docile again. After all, he doesn´t mind, when they can´t take care of themself and need him for everything. It gives him ideas to keep his love always like this.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He will let you try to escape exactly once, even if they won´t realize what they are doing counts as an escape attempt. When they are on the run, he will play on their sympathy so badly. He will make the world outside his domain seem scary and cruel. He will act as if the result of them leaving will be his literal suffering. Sometimes he will offer them to go out, and relish when he gets a „No“ from them.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Hindsight. The scariest and most disturbing thing with Mitsuya will be hindsight. You will never notice what he is up to in the moment. It´s hard to catch even when you start looking for it, so it always fly under your radar. Though looking back, thinking clearly and with the time between you and the situation, things start to clear up. More and more you can tell what was happening around you the whole time. And it´s disturbing. But at this point you´re not in any position to do anything against it. Not any more.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
When Mitsuya thinks of the future, he can never get an actual image to come to mind. In the end he chases after impressions. The sunlight filtering in through the half open window. Laughter, that never seems to leave the halls. Your limbs tangling with his own. He wants to hear them breath and the rhythm of their heartbeat. A future that he wished for is safe. Almost cozy. And always with his love by his side.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He doesn´t want to waste his emotions on something, that will never happen anyway. He is confident enough in himself to know, that you cheating on him is a low possibility at worst, and a downright hilarious thought at best. His manner of thinking in that way his more practical. Doesn´t mean, that he doesn´t want to keep his love all to himself. He does. But not because he is jealous. At least not of other people. But he wants to keep them close. Always.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He dotes on his love. And sometimes acts more like a parent than a lover. It certainly caused an argument before. But he still never changes his way of acting. He flutters around his darling and tends to keep an eye on them. He encourages them to try out new things, as long as they can be done in the comfort of home. He creates for them, and has a plethora of nicknames for his love, though he always circles back to the same one. He is a constant presence, but never becomes suffocating.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He takes them on dates. All the time. He wants this to develop like a normal relationship would. Because of that he pays attention. What are they saying? What do they like? What do they hate? He makes it clear, that he is aware of the preferences of his love, and likes to show it to them every once in a while. It´s almost adorable. Sometimes he will tease. Other times he makes sure that they know, that they are an inspiration for him.
Mask: Are their true colours drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
He always managed to hide it well. Even the people closest to him will be mostly unaware of it. But he is a lot more controlling and manipulative than he lets other people see. It mostly shows itself in wanting to know where the other person his all the time. Most people won´t even realize that he is digging for more information when he small talks. He wants to be in control, and he can even get it quite easily.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He won´t punish his love, but he can get annoyed. If that happens, he will try an keep his distance for a while. Either because he doesn´t want to hurt them right now with carelessly chosen words or because he is trying to understand their point and needs a bit more time to mull it over. But if it got really bad between his love and him, he will simply make them regret it by purposefully putting himself into dangerous situations.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Mitsuya wants to become the primary caretaker of his love and so he will do everything, that he can to actually achieve that goal. It doesn´t matter to him if they will even realize what is happening around them. He is stubborn in that regard and pursues this with a rare single-mindedness, that is almost never seen by him. One day, they might realize that all medical decisions are done solely by him, but this could take quite a while.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very. He is here to play the long game. It doesn´t matter to him, that this means, that he has to wait several weeks or even months to get to his goal. He will wait. In the end, he is sure that this will all be worth it, because his love won´t even suspect a thing.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Mitsuya is heartbroken in that moment. He can´t quite understand why they are doing this to him. What went wrong? But he will not drown himself in self-pity for long, before he comes after them. He will get them back. That they will leave him behind forever, after all that he did for them, is not even a possibility in his mind. There is no way, he will let that perfect love escape him. Not now. Never again.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Considering that he never really abducts his darling, he can´t really feel guilty about it either. He invites them over one day and then simply makes sure, that there are enough reasons for them to stay. Indefinitely. Of course there is a bit guilt, when he sees them crying over him because of his manipulations. He feels bad in that moment but tries to soothe his own guilt with comforting you.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
He had always loved to take care of his little sisters when his mom simply couldn´t. And over time he would develop a possessive streak and some sort of separation anxiety. He can hide it very well, but it never goes away. He wants to be as close as possible to the people he loves, and wants them to dependent on him as well. Because then, they could not leave that easily, if they really need him.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Somehow it makes him feel incompetent. He hates to see his love like this. And no matter what he does, nothing seems to be working. He will try so hard to cheer them back up again. But when everything seems to fail, he will become despondent over time as well. Just sitting next to them, as he tries to plead one last time with them. You will have to pull yourself out of this slump and him with you.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Soft. The one thing, that differentiates him to a great extent from the classic yandere is that Mitsuya is soft. He doesn´t want to hurt his love and instead always makes sure, that they are well taken care of. He doesn´t force his presence onto them, when he can tell, that they don´t want him close. He is gentle and kind, and he weaves an unnoticeable web around his love that they can never escape.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Mitsuya at his core is an incredibly soft and gentle man. He wants to take care of the people he loves. It never matter to him, what needs to be done, he will do it, if it can benefit his loved ones. This is his strength, but also his only vice. He can be manipulated, he can be convinced. But if it fails, he will be hurt. And this hurt might make him cold.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He will never hurt his love in a way, that would show. While he can get angry with them, he tends to become louder instead of physical. In a fight with his darling his words may grow sharp and he will purposefully keep a distance between them, to not even accidentally hurt his love. But there is one thing he will always do, not caring about the side effects. Some days, he will just slip them something, just so that he can watch them sleep without any tension for as long as he wants. Just so he can stop being afraid, that they will just leave him.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Mitsuya adores them. He sees them as the love of his live. There are few things he wouldn´t do to keep them by his side, and most of them he would do if needed anyway. He loves them so deeply. But while he never puts them on a pedestal, he still sees them always as their best version. He always wants them to be the best version of themself they could be as well. He never outright worships his love, but he will sometimes just sit there and appreciate them being here with him.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He is someone, that goes out of his way to court his love. Taking them on dates, and letting them fall in love with him is so important to him. He wants them, to want him. He will take them out to walks in the park, picknicks, getting a coffee, stargazing. Everything he can think of, that he believes will be romantic. Maybe he will show of his skills to them as well. He doesn´t snap. He lays a trap, that is designed to go unnoticed.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
This is not something that he outright wants. On one hand, he wants to always take care of his love. So does this mean, that he can never treat them cruelly enough to break them? Or does this means that he will break them, because taking care of them will be easier then? In the end, he is more likely to pick the hard way. He likes them after all quite a bit. A bit of struggling can be fun too? Right? Don´t make him regret this decision, he can always change it after all.
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possessivedesires · 9 months
Ownership Part 2
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Yanderes: reverse harem (Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu, Baji, and Mitsuya)
Reader: street racer, ex-gang member
Warnings: fighting, some nsfw themes because this is the dark world- but not in detail to keep everything g/n, murder, mind break, childhood PTSD from gang involvement some ooc Emma drama because of Draken being involved.
Guide: each of the boys have their special names for you. That's the only thing they'll call you (unless you're good and they're giving you praise) and of course it has something to do with you being their lap dog. Mikey's mutt, Draken's pup, Baji's bitch, Mitsuya's puppup, and Chifuyu's puppy.
Your hand gently moved in the water, your eyes watching the ripping in the water; feeling the steam in the air on your skin. Mitsuya pressed his lips gently against your neck, moving his hands over your hips. Chifuyu was gently scratching your hair, having that relaxing spot of yours memorized by now, your eyes shutting as you tricked your body to just relax into a small daydream. That none of this black mail ever happened… That this was some fairytale ending…
But sadly that wasn’t the case, your body was still sore from the last session they had on you. Mikey and Baji are always the rough on you, but even Draken was rough on you last time… The blonde had been frustrated and using you to his advantage. But at least you could always depend on Mitsuya and Chifuyu for the gentle aftercare.
“You did so well for them.” Chifuyu whispered, breaking you from your little fantasy. He moved his hand over your cheek, your body wanting to curl in. Mitsuya continued littering your collarbone and neck in gentle kisses; being soft and careful with you as you were in his lap. E/c eyes blinked, finally opening back to glance at Chifuyu.
The door opened, the sound catching your attention. Mitsuya finally lifted his head from your neck, glancing at the doorway where Baji was holding the door open with that large grin of his. A grin that haunted your dreams, especially paired with dangerously glittering eyes. “Hurry it up with them already! You know what day it is, we’re waiting for our bitch.”
It’s Friday… Everyone knew what Fridays were, something that they called hunting days, where they enjoy chasing you down to see who gets you for the entire weekend.
But you were exhausted… All you wanted to do was sleep… Leaning against the side of the tub, resting your head on your folded arms as you tiredly stared at the tiled floor. Baji narrowed his eyes, making his way over and crouching down. His rough voice whispering in your ear, “I wouldn’t mind chasing down that bastard Hiro and finishing him off if you don’t feel like running tonight.”
And there was the fight that Baji wanted to see again. His body leaning back to avoid the way you stood up quickly, the burn in your e/c eyes and jaw tightened. He glanced down your exposed body, seeing the bruises from him and Mikey; licking his lips in delight. Oh he couldn’t wait to have you for the weekend…
“Don’t know why you’re so happy; I’m winning tonight and going to have them all to myself this weekend.” Chifuyu said as he sat on his knees, wrapping his arms around your waist and those words made Baji start laughing loudly. Glancing at the blonde like he lost his mind. “Is that what you think?”
Chifuyu nodded with a soft pout, he already had such a cute weekend planned for the two of you. Your fist tightened by your side… Mikey and Draken are usually the winners, but those weekends aren’t too bad. Baji usually are the worst weekends, but sometimes he’s chill. As long as you’re warming him with your mouth, he can get cruel if you don’t. But Mitsuya and Chifuyu always takes you on little dates if they win.
As if they’re trying to make you happy in this arrangement you’ve been forced into. But they really did want to do anything that made you happy, except leave them.
“Fine… just… let me get dressed.” You mumbled, Mitsuya standing up to show Baji out of the room. Chifuyu grabbed your chin, kissing your lips before leaving after Mitsuya. They didn’t care to leave the room naked, knowing it was only Mikey and Draken out there. That there was some clothes waiting out there for them.
The back of your hand wiped your mouth, getting out of the bath to dry off. As you grabbed your clothes from the shelf, something clattered to the ground and catching your attention. Kneeling down on the tiled ground, pressing your fingers against the metal. Thumb nail digging under the latch, opening it to trace your finger over the pictures. Nine on one side and Hiro on the other. As long as you’re safe…
“Hurry up in there! We got a weekend to plan!” Mikey called out, your hands pulling the hoodie over your head. Then the boxers and shorts, picking up the locket from the ground to put around your neck. As you left the building completely, they were all standing outside.
There was a light drizzle, it actually felt refreshing. Taking a deep breath, leaning your head back softly to feel the light mist on your face. Baji was bouncing his weight between his feet, loosening up as he gave you an excited grin. He wanted you this weekend. “Your three minutes starts… Now.”
Draken announced, starting the stopwatch. That sent you running, panic clutching at your throat and bare feet hitting against the asphalt. Jumping over the boxes in your way, turning around the corner to try and get as much distance between you and them as you could. They always have given you a head start, giving you a chance. At least, that’s what you thought…
But no, this was to make the hunt more worth it for them.
“Y-Y/n?” Your body seemed to freeze, your head turning to see Fox standing there with grocery bags in his hands. His eyes were wide, reflecting your own wide eyes- unsure of what to do. This is the first time in months since you’ve seen any of your once large family.
Months… It’s been months since you’ve become their lap dog. How you have your sanity, how you still have your fire, is something you still don’t understand.
Fox didn’t understand, he was scared to know if this was real or some messed up dream. “W-we… We thought we wouldn’t see you again! We were so worried about ya! You-you just disappeared without a trace?? What the hell happened? No call? No note? Nothing! Do you understand how much Nine has been worrying about you?!”
His voice was raising the more he rant, his blood pressing rising and that was making you panic. Especially because you knew the time before the started chasing you was ticking, you didn’t get as far as you wanted to, and you didn’t want them to hear his raising voice. Fox noticed your panic, noticing the way you were trying to shush him. “Y/n… Whats going on?”
“I…” You saw Mikey turn the corner, making you quickly turn around to take off running again. Instead of continuing to run in the open street, you aimed into one of the store and running through the aisles. But Mikey had seen you, quickly grinning and pushing Fox out of the way to get into the store.
You were crouched down behind one of the small freezers holding fish. Sneaking through the store by sneaking to hide behind the end freezers as you could hear his steps, using them to know when it was safe to cross the aisles.
You could see the back exit door out of the corner of your eye, the panicked feeling of being hunted made you immediately book for the door. Though, you didn’t know if Mikey saw the sharp movement of you suddenly running but you also didn’t have time to care. As the door opened, you ran out and seen a broom to which you helped stuck the door with it.
“There you are puppup.” Mitsuya’s voice made you silently cursed, turning your head just a bit to glance back at him. He had just turned around the corner, but was immediately coming closer. No… No, you couldn’t get caught. This was the day you win…
Before his hand could grab you, you dashed right- not giving yourself a chance to catch your breath. Your lungs were beginning to hurt, feet becoming bruises and making you curse inwardly about not having enough time to grab your shoes.
Mitsuya’s fingers had just skimmed past your hoodie, swearing he could momentarily feel the softness of the fabric of your hoodie. Running after you, chasing you down the street, he wanted to give you a sweet weekend date!
Y/n…? An older man thought, eyes wide under the hat that had been hiding his face but allowing him to see things. He had been sitting on the edge of the curb to watch for any information, but he wasn’t expecting you to run by.
"Gotcha puppy!" Chifuyu yelled as he saw you, running after quickly. Smoke had been staring at you and Chifuyu in shock, watching you run into a smaller shop. Running to a back room, slamming the door behind you and locked it. Leaning against the wooden door, refusing to let go of the handle. Chifuyu immediately grabbing at the handle, “C-come on puppy, don’t ya want to have a nice weekend? You know I won’t hurt you, just open the door.”
Chifuyu tried to sweetly coax you, wanting you to unlock the door. Your hand tightened on the handle, bottom lip beginning to quiver. Of course… Chifuyu and Mitsuya would be your best option… They would treat you sweetly, especially with you already being so exhausted, you just wanted to collapse.
Your hand was shaking, some part of you wondering why you were still fighting. Maybe you should just give in… What’s the point… Months were taking a toll on you, unnoticed of the figure sneaking in. Black eyes watching the way you were beginning to unlock the door, eyes dulled while staring at the door.
“Hello pup.” The hand covered your mouth, making your eyes widened quickly as you realized you had just unlocked the door. You were pulled back from the door, into Draken’s chest as he smirked. Your head turned, feeling your body shaking lightly and he cooed before booping your nose. Suddenly pulling you over his shoulder.
Chifuyu’s smile brightened when he saw the door opened, quickly falling into a pout when he saw Draken carrying you. The taller one only smirking. “They’re mine for the weekend.”
Fox glanced at Smoke when your old uncles watched the way you were carried out from the small store. Smoke nodded, even the older man sitting on the side of the curb got up to make his way to Smoke and Fox. Your three uncles leaving the neighborhood.
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“We saw them!” Fox exclaimed while he threw open the door, Ratchet jumping from the loud noise. The sharp clattering sound of him dropping his wrench echoed in the room, Ratchet making some annoyed sound before he getting back to work on the radiator.
“The hell ya talkin ‘bout ya two?” Nine’s voice was a bit slurred, pushing his empty cup away. Ever since you disappeared, he’s been stuck between the fight of drinking his pain away or grieving with his emotions. Sometimes, like today, the drinking wins; and Ratchet was here to make sure that he didn’t drink too much. Already had been cut off by his friend, leaving him with an empty cup.
Hiro glanced over at hearing his uncles, pausing in the hallway. Both of his legs were in casts, a gift from Baji. He had been trying to stumble to the bathroom, but now he was curious from the urgent voice of his uncle and loud noises. Pain scrunching up his face, leaning against the wall to listen in on the conversation. Is… he… could he really be talking about Y/n…?
Hiro thought to himself, hand reaching out to brush his fingers over the frame of a picture where your captured smiling face was seen. This was actually one of the last good pictures before Hiro had left in the first place, when it seemed like all of them were together. If he hadn’t gotten so jealous of you, if he hadn’t been so rash, and desperate for his father’s attention… He should have never left…
“Listen to me Nine!” Fox snapped, slamming his hands on the table and giving the drunken man a glare. Nine just lazily waved him off, looking to his cup as if more alcohol was magically gonna be in there. Hiccup in annoyance and trying to find his body, Smoke sitting at the table. “Nine… They were running, chased… And a blonde with a tattoo on the side of his head caught them.”
“Hah! Runnin… If that was the case…” He hiccuped, shaking his head and almost falling out of the chair from the way shaking his head seemed to take off his balance. Hand trying to grab at his class, instead accidentally hitting it and the glass rolling off of the table. Shattering on the ground, Ratchet sighing while fixing the radiator. He should have stopped his friend earlier… “Th-they would’ve come back… stupid fuckin glass.”
Tattoo on the side of his head…? No… Draken… He-he was serious. Hiro thought, first in confusion before his eyes widened in realization. Hand reaching up to grab at his shirt, feeling like his chest was hurting… Remembering that day that he was let go from them.
“Seems like today is your lucky day, good for you.” Draken spoke as he walked up, arms crossed. Black eyes looking down at Hiro sprawled out on the floor. Blood pooled around his head from the busted skin; the result from Baji’s insane punches. And the pain he felt from his broken legs… It was unlike anything he’s ever felt before…
“H-how…” He coughed, blood spitting across the asphalt as he wheezed. It would be a miracle if there was no broken ribs, but Hiro had a suspicion that they were… But Hiro didn’t understand where this was coming from, he thought he was going to die with them… “Y/n made a deal with us.”
“Y/n?! The hell you do to them?!” Hiro suddenly yelled, letting out a wheeze like cough from the way that Draken kicked him. Spitting out more blood, feeling like he wanted to get sick. He should have felt annoyed that you were saving him once again, should have felt that anger he usually felt whenever you solved his problems.
But yet… He didn’t, no, he felt something different… Those times, all those times that he snapped at you for taking care of him, all those times he was an asshole for you saving him. He was never upset at you, no, he was upset with himself. That he put his little sibling in possible danger as they protected him, that he couldn’t be the solver of problems. But he didn’t understand the anger he felt to himself, instead taking it out on you for so long… He shouldn’t have done that…
“You’ve been given a second chance. Don’t fuck it up by tryin to play hero, you never were anyways.” Draken said as he was kneeling down besides Hiro, darkly glaring at him. Hiro felt tears pooled in his swollen eyes, staring at Draken. “Wh-what… What are you going to do to them…?”
“We’re going to keep them, they’re ours now. Our little pet.” He stood up, nodding to Baji who picked up Hiro by the collar of his shirt. Hiro’s breath caught in his throat, terrified of what Baji was about to do. “Take him back home Baji, he won’t do anything rash.”
And the worst thing that made Hiro feel sick… Was the fact that Draken was right… As Baji was dragging him out, not caring by the way Hiro’s broken legs were in pain from the dragging on the ground. “Wh-why?! Why would they do that?! M-make a deal! Why?!”
“To save your pathetic ass.”
Tears fell down Hiro’s cheeks, feeling his fist clenched by his side. He was the only one who knew where you were… But yet, he never told his dad or his uncles about it. Even when his father begged him to know what happened to Hiro when he was taken, Hiro didn’t want to say anything in case he accidentally spilled about what you did…
Hiro didnt understand you. Though Hiro acted like the worst brother you could have asked for… You still gave up your freedom for his and didn’t understand it. No matter how he looked at it; he couldn’t wrap his head around it. And he hated how the guilt tore him from the inside.
“Think about it Nine… come on man, think. They were caught! It must have been what they were dealing on their own before they disappeared.” Fox was arguing with the drunk Nine, Smoke immediately freezing in his seat. Ratchet stopped working on the radiator at hearing that, paling where he was sitting. Smoke quickly shaking his hands, silently mentioning for Fox to shut up.
“What are you talking about?” Nine asked dangerously, Ratchet turned his head to look back at Fox. Ratchet had been one of the ones that had been trying to find out what you had been fighting on your own; but they had trained you well growing up… If you didn’t want someone to know something, they wouldn’t.
“Look, they came to Ratchet wanting parts. Their bike was crashed. They were unfocused, biting their nails, they were fighting something on their own.” Nine’s unfocused eyes widened at hearing that, beginning to cry at hearing that. His friends’ eyes widened at watching him beginning to cry, tears falling down his cheeks. “I failed them!”
It was no secret that biting your nails was a nervous habit of yours, when you’re carrying too much on your shoulders. It was a sign that all your uncles knew it was an unconscious silent cry of help. None of them knew how to get Nine to stop crying… Ratchet spoke up, “Did you see where they went?”
“No…” It made the others’ mood drop, Fox’s eyes widened at watching them before quickly trying to cheer up the mood. This was the first sign in months they’ve seen you, this should be good news! “B-but I’m sure we’ll see them soon!”
“Yea, yea of course! Look, we know how much they fight back and how stubborn they are. They’ll find a way to reach out to us soon and we’ll bring them back home.” Smoke agreed with Fox, trying to make the situation lighter.
They shouldn’t have given me this life… It didn’t belong to me, not after I hurt dad. But you… you took care of dad and the uncles, you deserve to be here more than anyone. I shouldn’t be feeling the warmth from my uncles, I should have never been able to leave those psychopaths. But what the hell can I even do…? Hiro finally thought defeatedly, slumping to the ground. Hanging his head, hands holding his head as he silently sobbed.
“Just trust them Nine, they’ll be home before ya know it.”
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The bike slowed to a stop, engine getting cut off. Your body was caged by Draken, since he wanted to let you sit in front of him so he could make sure you didn’t try anything. Plus when you held onto the handle bars, it always gave him the excuse to hold your hands- keeping his hands over yours.
“What are we doing here…?” You asked softly, looking over at Draken in confusion. This garage, you didn’t recognize it. He hummed at your question, only giving you a smirk. “You’ll understand when you get inside.”
Draken’s been waiting for his weekend to show you this, wanting to be the one to get the praise for what he did. But all you wanted to know is what he was planning, confused as you watched him open the door. Mentioning you inside, every internal warning and alarm going off as you made your way through the door.
Blood stained the floor, the metallic scent was thick in the air. It could like you were choking on it, hand reaching up to grab at your mouth and help cover some of the scent. It seemed like forever since you had smelt something like this.
“Since you’ve given yourself to us to save that bastard, no reason to keep letting them freely crawl around.” Draken explained as he kicked one of the guys sprawled out on the ground. These… These were the guys you had raced, that had put you in this position. But hearing his explanation made his stomach drop.
They only made that deal with me to get me to willingly work with them… They knew where these guys were the entire time, it was all a game to them! They-they were like pawns… But since I made the deal to take Hiro’s place and get him home… They didn’t need these pawns, this deal couldn’t be held above my head. If I had found them… Before I gave myself up for Hiro, I could have been free.
“Buuuuuut, they still owe you money.” Draken said, annoyed that someone had the idiocy to steal from you. Sure it was before they all met you, but still, these scum still did it. Your eyes widened as you could the guy under Draken screaming in pain, watching the way Draken was stepping on the already wounded head. “So, where’s their money?”
“Wh-what are y-y-you-“ He screamed again as Draken leaned down against his knee, pressing more of his body weight. But the injured guy’s eyes widened when he saw who walked over to look at Draken. He was the one that raced you… They never thought they would have seen you again, so why… “Don’t play dumb with me.”
Draken growled, your body turning away from the screams. Everything in your mind seemed jumbled, you couldn’t pinpoint why it was happening. You were upset that someone stole from you, even if it was months ago and you’ve had bigger things to worry about, you were upset that there was a chance you could have escaped this hell earlier- and you never realized it till now.
You looked around the garage, hand reaching out and running along one of the crates. Feeling a steel rod resting on top of the wooden surface, one of your fingers trailing over the spiral like design. This was usually your go to weapon if you had business to take care of.
“This is the fourth time ya’ve come in with wounds.” You mentioned as Hiro snuck into the garage. He would rather get caught sneaking in by you than his father. Hiro tried to brush you off and walk past to the house, when the monkey wrench was held out in front of him. “What are you doing?”
“What happened to you? Why do you keep getting hurt?” You asked, concerned, but his jaw clenched at hearing you already ready to get fight. “I don’t need any help from baby brother/sister.”
He snapped, pushing your arm down roughly and not caring when you fell back of your chair. Narrowed e/c eyes glared at him, watching him disappear through the doorway and you waited even just a little bit more for everything to go quiet.
You stood up, brushing the dirt from the back of your pants. Just by one look, you had made up your mind. Reaching out to grab the steel rod from the corner of the garage and leaving.
“Did you see that idiot? Can you believe that he says his dad used to be a gangster?!” One of the boys laughed, lightly punching his buddy. Your eyes watched them, having a feeling that if you stuck around here then the culprits would show up. “There’s no way! I think he made it all up for attention.”
“Do ya? Is that what ya think?” Your voice asked behind them, making them jump from your sudden appearance. First they were worried of being caught, but then they saw it was a smaller kid. “Who let in the shrimp? Come on kiddo! Run back before your parents cry about curfew-“
His buddy’s eyes widened when they saw the one talking fall to the ground, blood seeping out of the wound. You had a big grin on your face, eyes seeming to sparkle a bit at the adrenaline beginning to spike. Blood now covering your favored steel rod.
“Pup? What are you doing?” Your eyes blinked, seeing one of the guys on the floor in front of you. When did you move…? The metal rod that you had been looking at was in your hand; and now had a little bit of blood.
“Well… I’ll be damned pup, look at you. You protected me.” The pride that Draken felt… Oh he couldn’t wait to tell Mikey about this. But you were stuck staring at steel rod, wondering why you had moved. Did… they break you already?
“Ya guys took our pup’s money after racin’ on our turf. So how about this, ya give them everythin’ ya got. Dead men don’t need riches anyways.”
“Dr-Draken… I…” You tried to speak out, maybe to argue about your actions, maybe to stop all this. You really didn’t know why you were speaking out or what you were going to say. But he only gave you a small look, “Hush pup, we’ll go out once we’re done. You need to be rewarded anyways.”
But I didn’t do it on purpose… You thought, shoulders slumping. But Draken only grinned at seeing you listening to him, not realizing you were just in your thoughts, and look at where the injured guy was pointing. “It better be there or I’ll make things even more painful before your death.”
Draken stepped off of his head, kicking him away before making his way over to he had been pointing at. Grinning at seeing the money, looking back at the dazed you. “Ready to out pup?”
The rod dropped from your hand at his question, clattering on the concrete with an ear ringing sound. Your eyes were staring at your hands, just a couple drops of red against your s/c skin. After months… Months of being treated like a little lap dog… You still had your fight.
“Pup, are you listening to me?” Draken asked, pulling you from your thoughts as he pulled you to his chest. His hand buried in your hair, pressing you against his chest. All the money was in his pockets, sending a text to Mikey that he had news to share- telling him where to meet the two of you.
“There we go pup, your attention back on me. Come on, I said we’re leaving. The others will come to finish them.” Draken said as he was pulling you out of the garage, keeping an arm wrapped around your shoulder. You swung your leg on the back, following the routine you’ve come to know and Draken leaned his head on your shoulder. “Let’s get going, I’m starving and you must be too after today.”
You’ve learned how to properly survive with each of them, knowing what each of them wanted. Mikey likes a little spitfire with them, but ultimately likes you listening to him. Mitsuya is chilled, he doesn’t like ordering you around so much and loves living in the delusion of a happy relationship. Chifuyu is clinging; he loves the affection and wants to be close to you. Baji is always a wild, it takes careful precision to know which mood he’s in- from wanting a brat to put in their place or a sweet little pet he can dote on.
“You’ve been zoning out today, this isn’t a very fun reward weekend.” And then there’s Draken. He’s soft, unless he’s frustrated, always showing that he wants to protect you- in his dark and twisted ways. Showing you his dedication to you, he loves rewarding you when you’ve been good in his eyes. “Sorry Draken.”
“It’s okay pup, but we’re here now. So you can make it up to me by sitting in my lap for dinner.” He said with a smile as he parked the bike, leaning back to stare at you. Wondering how perfect and how lucky he was for universe to have sent you racing on their turf. You’re everything he could ask for, glancing down at the collar around your neck.
You got off of the bike, Draken following after you. He held out his hand, wondering if you do it without him having to say anything. And to his surprise and pride, you slipped your hand into his. “Good pup.”
He praised you, walking into the restaurant. You were surprised to see that Mikey was already sitting there and Draken gently pushed you into the booth. Draken sat besides you, glancing over at you while patting his thigh. “So what happened? What’s the big news?”
Mikey asked as you moved to sit in Draken’s lap. At first; he was thinking that he was gonna have to punish you. The dark excitement grew at the thought, but the annoyance bubbled at thought of fighting back still. Draken hummed, gently brushing his fingers over your jaw. “Pup deserves a reward tonight.”
“Oh yea? What’da they do?” Mikey asked, interested and leaning forward to rest his chin on his hands. Draken smirked, wrapping his arms around your waist. “When we went to get their money, ya know the ones that those bastards still had. Pup had protected when one of those assholes got up to get me from behind.”
“Wait, really?” Out of all the things that Mikey had been thinking of what we was about to hear, that definitely wasn’t one of them. But he couldn’t fight the grin that was growing on his face, excited at the thought to have you finally broken in. The perfect little pet.
“I’m so proud of you baby.” You looked up quickly at hearing Mikey, surprised. They’ve called you anything but their pet, so to hear a pet name… A sweet praise, it sounded so… Affectionate. You weren’t used to this, you didn’t know how to respond. But yet; you craved for more. “Continue being this good and you’ll be rewarded nicely.”
If… If I continue to hurt people for them, I can get good things… Could I even get… freedom? You thought to yourself, trying not to let the smile grow on your face at the thought. You couldn’t let them know what you had planned.
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Your hand spun the baseball bat in your hand before cracking it against the skull of the guy standing in front of you, pretending the skull was a baseball. Baji grinned at seeing you, letting out a loud laugh. He had heard it from Mikey and immediately wanted to test you the first chance he had gotten.
So of course he didn’t give you a chance the next hunting day. With his weekend, he had a fight set up. Of course not letting you know about his plan. You had just reacted when you saw someone running up to Baji to attack him.
Of course Baji would have no problem taking out this guy, could easily defend himself. But no, he wanted to see what you would do. And he loved it.
He walked over to you, grabbing your hair with a harsh grip. Once you would have winced at the pain, but now you seem to have gotten addicted to it. Grinning at Baji in response and Baji was addicted to see your response. He wanted more. “Atta boy/girl.”
You seem to vibrate with his growl of a praise. Slowly you’ve lost that goal of freedom, trickling away till nothing was left. Every praise you had gotten made your brain feel fuzzy, you were addicted to them. “Don’t worry anymore my lovely bitch. Let me take care of this scum and we’ll go do something fun, yea?”
He hummed, leaning close to nip at your lip and feeling your smile grow. With one last tug on your hair, he let go of you to drag off the poor son of a bitch away. You watched him, still in that delicious haze you’ve grown to enjoy when around the people who own you.
Footsteps caught your attention, they were coming up behind you. Not Baji’s pattern of footsteps, or any of your other owners. So, all you could tell, that it was threat. Tightening your grip on the baseball bat, quickly swinging it as you turned.
A hand snatched it, golden eyes stared at you with a small ring of a bell sounding out. The bell on his earring, catching your attention to watch it momentarily. He smirked softly, “I was wondering when you would finally be left alone. They’ve been clinging onto you forever.”
There was a giggle from him, but you glared at him. All haziness from Baji’s praise was gone, leaving you sober and alert to this danger of a newcomer. You didn’t know who this person was or what he wanted. You demanded, “And you are?”
“Name’s Kazutora, nice to finally meet the lap dog of Toman. I’ve been wanting to see what kept ya ‘round so far.” He leaned down, getting in your face but you didn’t shy away from him. You weren’t scared of him, he didn’t intimidate you. Instead, you tilted your head to the side- almost mocking him, “And you’re not just here to taunt, are you?”
Kazutora was curious, he wanted to test you. Enjoying that cold look in your eyes, it made an excitement in him stir. “Nope~ I wanted to see what got them all fired up, but here I find a little… nothing.”
You let out a breathy chuckle, shaking your head. Kazutora smirked at you, growing excited at the thought of seeing what you would do. “I wish it was nothing, then I wouldn’t be stuck here.”
His grip tightened on the baseball bat, wondering if you wanted to leave. Your eyes narrowed, remembering their praises and whose collar was around your neck. Suddenly head butting Kazutora, making him lean back in surprised pain before your leg kicked his out from under him.
Excitement sparkled his eyes, staring up at you. The baseball bat was pressed against his chest, but there was nostalgia beginning to dig its claws in your chest. This is how you were before Toman, you craved to go back to the way it used to be.
“Babe! We’re leaving!” The crave to be how it used to be disappeared, leaving with the haziness happiness. Instead you were instinctively perking up, tossing the bat to the ground and leaving Kazutora on the ground as you left to go find Baji with a smile. Babe? That’s a new one!
Holy shit… I want them. Toman doesn’t deserve them. He thought, sitting up and feeling the unstable grin stretching across his face.
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Your fist swung, watching the blonde easily dodge and you kicked back. Baji grabbed your ankle, yanking towards him and making a small yelp coming from the sudden movement- hopping on your foot to keep up with the pull.
Ever since you showed loyalty to them, they’ve been testing you more and more. Curious to see just how far you would go for them, Draken finally figuring out the secret way to. He’s the one that basically studies you, noticing the way you were addicted to their praise. So you best believe that they took advantage of that.
Some part of you wants to please them, to have them proud of you. Like the eager pet they’ve trained you months to be.
Your body spun, pulling your leg out from Baji’s hold. Mikey grinned, grabbing your arm to pin it behind your back, his other arm wrapped around you. He loved the the feeling of your body pressed against him.
“You did so good.” Baji praised with the growl of his rough voice, his hand loosely wrapped around your throat. Watching the way you looked up with those shimmer e/c eyes. He loved seeing the way you melted for them, they all loved the way they could see you fall deeper in their clutches.
You grinned, already wanting to hear more praises from them. Your wrist, that was in Mikey’s hold, twisted ever so slightly as you flexed your hand. Your free hand knocked down Baji’s loose hold, suddenly jumping up. They were surprised at your sudden movement; your feet pressing against Baji’s chest to use him to push your weight back onto Mikey. Sending the two of you to the ground suddenly.
“I win.” You said proudly as you were straddling Mikey, grinning down at him as you sat victorious. He glanced down at where you were straddling him, a devious smirk tugging at his lips. “Sorry mutt, but I’m always on top.”
“What-“ You didn’t get to finish your confused question before Mikey reached up, hand grabbing your throat and flipping to the two of you. Manhandling your body like a rag doll, pinning you face first into the ground. You whined in protest, his hips pressing against yours. “Don’t whine mutt, we’re proud of ya.”
He nipped at your ear, watching the way you shivered and grinned. Baji groaned loudly, already annoyed that he wasn’t the one pinning you to the ground. He wanted to feel you against your hips, watching the way your face would get red from his teasing movements. He wanted to be the one to squeeze your hips, wanted to be the one leaving oh so pretty fingerprints on your waist.
“Mikey, we still have to go out today. Remember? We’re going to be late.” Baji grumbled, only mentioning it because he didn’t have you under him. Your eyes opened, feeling Mikey’s teasing touches retreat. Of course, you remembered what they had been talking about they were sparring with you. Another gang wanted to meet up, to talk about racing turfs and even possible a challenge. This was the meeting night.
“Think mutt should tag along for their reward? We could always entertain them if they ever get bored.” Mikey asked he was getting up, easily pulling you up. Your eyes lit up, listening to Mikey talking to Baji. He hummed, smirking while licking his lips. “They’ll definitely be better than whatever those idiots will want to talk about.”
Usually, you’ve been left with one of the others or even locked up for the time they’ve had to meet the others. Of course the lock up was when you were constantly fighting them.
An eager nod came from you, wanting to go! They both grinned at seeing your excitement, Mikey cooing about how you wanted to stay with them. “Let’s stop by Draken’s then, he’ll definitely have something nice for ya to wear.”
“I vote leather.” Baji growled excitedly as Mikey pulled you to sit in front of him. The other narrowing his eyes with a small huff as Mikey grinned cheekily, pecking your lips. “Win next Baji!”
And with that, Mikey was racing off with Baji behind him. Once they arrived at Draken’s place, Mikey called the said blonde and explained that you would be tagging along. Baji was holding your hand as you were dragged inside. Your body hiding behind Baji, Mikey laughing at your undoubtedly shy nature when it comes to being affectionate in public places. They thought it was adorable.
“Hey pup.” Draken greeted, making his way over to you. Grabbing your cheeks, tilting up your head to kiss your lips. Sighing softly in happiness against them. “Missed ya, hope they played nice with ya.”
“They pinned Mikey down~” Baji chuckled, Draken giving you a small look with a surprised him. You shyly explained how you had done it; that it wouldn’t have been possible if Baji wasn’t there. Because you needed a sturdy surface to hold your weight. “Sturdy~? My, if you just wanted to feel me up, you don’t even have to ask bitch.”
While the three of them bickered playfully between each other, you were looking between each of the women. Remembering the women that you grew up interacting with, the kind of women who made things difficult for you.
“Who let in this stupid little brat?” One of the woman asked, poking your forehead harshly. Her fake nails scratching your skin, making your small hand slapping away her hand. Giving her an annoyed look. “How dare you? Don’t you have any respect for your elders? So disrespectful.”
“You look like you should be in a grave already, hag.” You commented, looking around for Nine. She gasped at hear that, anger boiling at your disregard and disrespect. Raising her hand sharply, aiming to hit you. But all you saw was a threat, quickly grabbing the little Swiss Army knife you always had on you.
She screamed loudly, in pain. Her scream caught the attention of others, different people quickly making their way into the room and closer to you. She was cradling her injured hand, your grip tightened on the bloodied Swiss Army knife. Some part of you wanted to go for her vocal cords.
“Nine!” You yelled out when you saw your father figure, quickly running over to hug him. He picked you up, your eyes watching the woman cry about how she was just trying to help you find your parents. Acting like she was so nice and sweet, pretending that she was in the right… And all you could do was watch this lying hag get everyone on her side, Nine having to take you somewhere else.
It was then… That you realized the women in the world you knew were vicious. That they would screw anyone to wrap around their finger, that they could torment and get away with things easily… All they needed to bat their eyelash and spread their legs.
“Pup? What’s the matter?” Draken asked, noticing the way you had stopped walking. You had mentally checked out, no longer paying attention to anything around you. But at Draken’s question, the other two glanced at you.
Your unfocused eyes darted between each woman, swearing you were seeing women that you only saw your childhood. That this place itself didn’t look the same anymore, looking like the one you’ve been in years ago. The same place that held the same women who would torment you, the ones that would hurt you- or your aunties by messing with your uncles. The ones-
“Mutt.” Mikey’s commanding voice and tight grip around your throat grabbed your attention from the fog you had been stuck in. You released a breath, blinking and reaching a hand to grab at his around his throat. Your fingers dug under his, getting the oxygen back but smoothly hiding the action to raise his hand to your face. He watched you, watched the way you nuzzled into his palm. Blinking under your eyelashes and wanting to make him forget that you had been stuck in your memories. “Thank you, master.”
“Little minx… Draken, get us all of us a room.”
By the time you had actually left that place and arrived to where you needed to be. Your skin was decorated in bruises and hickeys, the leather top and some ripped denim shorts showed off the marks you gained from them.
The boys appreciated seeing all forms of ownership on you; from the collar to the personal markings. Chifuyu brightened up when saw you arrived, quickly running over to wrap his arms around you. Tucking his hands in your back pockets playfully, squeezing your ass. His lips were attached to your neck, pulling you close to his body and adding more to the hickeys. Making such a sweet sound fall from your lips.
“Missed ya puppy, so so so much.” He panted in your ear softly, getting drunk off of your scent and the feel of your body. Mikey placed a hand on Chifuyu’s shoulder, making the excited blonde whine as Mikey pulled them back. “We have a meeting to attend to. Let’s go Chifuyu. Mitsuya, you’re in charge of them.”
Chifuyu complained while he was being dragged away, Mitsuya wrapping an arm around your shoulder and tucking you against his body. Kissing the side of your head with smile. “You look so perfect puppup.”
And all those marks were a cherry on top. You smiled softly at him, leaning into him as the two of you walked into the club. The music was loud, bass vibrating the floor and your eyes glancing at the bodies grinding on each other; drinks being shot down at the bar; couples sloppily making out; a couple people passed out.
“You want to dance?” Mitsuya asked, moving a hand from your shoulders to grasp your hand. His hand guiding and spinning you, pulling you along to dance to the bass filled music. There was a smile on your face, starting to get into the music and swaying along. And seeing your smile was the best feeling in the world for Mitsuya, his chest fluttering in happiness.
“I’m thirsty.” You said while the song changed, Mitsuya nodded and was about to leave and get something to drink for you when you shook your head. You didn’t want to bother him for that, holding his hand and kissing his lips softly. Immediately feeling him smile against you. “I’ll go get it, just stay here and I’ll be right back.”
And since you’ve gained their trust, showed your loyalty, they didn’t care to let you go off sometimes. Always knowing that you would be back, you were just as addicted to them as they were to you.
There was a crowd at the bar, leaning against the bar. Flagging down the bartender when you had a chance to order a sprite, leaning against the wooden surface as you waited. Everything seeming to freeze as you heard a female voice introduce herself to someone, “I’m Emma.”
And it felt like a cold water splashed down your spine, the music seemed to have faded out nothing. Everything felt wrong…
“He- he messed with Emma! Draken’s girl and- and Mikey’s sister.” “E-Emma has been… been pinning after Draken for years…” “She- she always flirts with other guys… trying- trying to get Draken jealous.”
You remembered the information you had gotten from Chifuyu… Hand grabbing your sprite, turning from the bar. She’s the reason Hiro was brought into this in the first place… The reason that I’m stuck in this… That whore.
“And I’m Y/n.” You spoke, sliding between the two of them easily. Leaning against the counter while glaring at Emma coldly, who froze at your entrance before glaring when she recognized your name. She knew of you, that you’ve been hanging out with Draken- you’ve been all over him. She hates it. Always seething in jealousy.
“Scram.” Your voice was cold, authoritative. This is was the you before Toman, the one who could have been your own gang leader. He had been intimidated by you, quickly leaving and almost tripping over his feet. “You bitch… What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Emma demanded, watching the way you sat in that guy’s abandoned seat. Sipping at your sprite, her eyes narrowing at the air you held yourself with. She didn’t like the inferior feeling bubbling in her chest. You smiled, unnerving and made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Every nerve in her body told her to run.
“Me? Oh nothing, just wanted to see how cheap of a whore you are.” You commented, watching the way her face flushed in anger. She tightened her hand on her glass, the hatred burning her chest. The thoughts running of things you’ve done with Draken. “Why you-“
“Fucking these men? Really Emma? Just to get one person to look at you. Pathetic… If ya ask me. But ya dragged my brother in this mess of yours, that’s something I won’t forgive.” She hated the way Draken won’t look at her, she hated the way that he always seemed to be focused on you. She hated how you felt like you were all that.
Your head turned to the side suddenly, Emma had just slapped you in anger. The lights of the club bounced off of the reflective surfaces, creating unique patterns on the moving bodies. But yet, you still couldn’t focus on the music or the crowd. Your only attention was now focused on hurting Emma.
“I’ll break your legs in return.” You mumbled to yourself, tongue swiping over your lips to feel if she had busted your lip. Emma was terrified at the look in your eye when you glanced back at her. But when you lifted your hand to do anything, moving your body to hurt her, a sudden force harshly pinned you against the counter.
Your arm was pinned to your back, feeling the familiar feeling of a knife pressed against your skin of your neck. And this knife was a familiar one too… But that could only mean one thing… “The hell do you think you were about to do?”
Mikey growled, any hint of playfulness or adoration gone from his voice. His grip harsh on your arm, your eyes widened at this feeling. This… This felt like nothing like you were sparring with him and Baji. That clicked something for you… They had been playing with you, there was no way you could really beat them.
“Th-they threatened to break my legs Mikey!” Emma cried out, looking for Draken to cry on. You noticed her action and gave out a harsh laugh, your eyes a bit wild as you gave her a grin. “He ain’t here for ya to leech on sweetheart! He don’t care for ya whore!”
“Watch. It. I may love you, but this is my sister.” Mikey snapped, pressing the knife closer to your skin. Usually this would give you such a pleasurable fire under your skin at feeling the blade… But now? It only gave you the cold feeling down your spine. But you couldn’t believe what you heard… L-love…? He… loves me…? Do they all…?
You thought, confused. You had thought you were only a toy, a pet to have by their side… Glancing at Mikey through the corner of eye, he looked so… distraught. You didn’t understand, his voice was so cold, but he was so torn in his eyes.
“M-Mikey? Wh-what do you mean love? Haven’t you seen them cheating on you with your buddies?? Why would you love something like that?!” Emma cried out, not understanding why her brother fell for someone like you! You could only laugh loudly, wincing at feeling the grip tighten on your wrist. “Cheating?! I’m not you! I’m not jealous and fucking men. I belong to them!”
This was the first time Mikey heard you admit it. They’ve always told you… But oh to hear you say it with your addicting voice… Oh fuck it made it him excited, oh what he wouldn’t want nothing more than just show exactly that. You belong to them.
“My sister isn’t like that.” Mikey argued with you, having to protect the last of his family, Emma quickly agreeing with her brother’s naive defense. She definitely didn’t want to be on the end of Mikey’s wrath. But you were confused, glancing back at Mikey. For someone who seemed to know or find out about anything… “Wait… you don’t know?”
“Know what mutt?” Mikey asked lowly, narrowing his eyes. You couldn’t fight the way that his low growl of his voice seemed to make your chest do a flip. Emma’s eyes widened, fearing that you would expose her. “Th-that Y/n was trying to flirt with someone at the bar! And- and when I tried to tell them to stop, they threatened to break my legs to keep me quiet about their betrayal.”
There they go… always like clockwork, always the same dance. You thought, letting out a harsh breath as your fist tightened. But by the way that Mikey pressed more of his weight on you, you knew that you weren’t going to win. So instead… “Is that true mutt?”
With a bat of their eyes, these women who have men so far wrapped around their fingers can get away with anything. For they do no wrong…
“Would you believe anything I would say?” Your monotone voice took him off guard, glancing down to see you look so… distant. You decided that you would protect yourself, cutting Mikey as one of your owners, shutting down. “Mikey, let our pup go.”
How many times those snakes would take people away from you…? You thought to yourself, still keep your pressed position at the bar even when Mikey stepped back. Draken hand brushed along your cheek, noticing the light in your eyes were gone. Swiping his thumb along your lips, easing you to come back to him as you sat up.
Why won’t he look at me?! Emma cried in her head, watching the way you curled into Draken’s side when you noticed he was standing there. Frustrated tears pooling in her eyes, wondering what was going on, why was nothing work in her favor!! “Draken-“
“Not the time Emma. Let me see pup.” His voice was so annoyed when he talked to her, easing your head from his side to tilt up your chin. He enjoyed the way that you immediately hide in his side when you noticed it was him, but he hated to see you so hurt… Emotionally… and physically. “Not good Mikey, you know the one rule we all created and you broke that.”
No blood is to ever be drawn on your body.
“But they were threatening Emma! She says that they were flirting with someone here. They belong to us, not some stupid scum and need to be reminded-“
“And do you believe Emma? Because I certainly don’t.” Emma’s eyes widened at hearing that, glaring at your eyes that were blankly staring at the countertop. Her fist tightening in anger, she hated you. Hated you so much, how you could take him away from her…?
“Come on man… You really think my sister would lie about something like that? She has no reason to!” Mikey argued, Draken tucking your chest in his chest. His fingers gently rubbing soft circles in his neck, giving Mikey an annoyed look. “And you think our pup would betray us when they’re addicted to us? It’s your sister Mikey, think about it. The same sister who’s been sleeping around. So yes, I think she would.”
Emma’s eyes widened at hearing Draken call her out, freezing and silently wondering how Mikey would react. Mikey narrowed his eyes at Draken. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, back it up man. Don’t talk about my sister like that.”
“You’re the only who refuses to see it Mikey.” That was the last thing Draken had said, picking you up and carrying you sit in one of the rooms. And… you just sat that, silently wondering what you had done wrong to make one of your owners not trust you anymore. Well… ex owner in your mind.
“We’ll fix this, okay… come on… look at me pup.” Draken whispered, rubbing at your cheek softly. But you didn’t react, adjusting your thoughts, not glancing at him when he crouched down and was in your line of sight. It was like you were catatonic… “We’ll fix this…”
Draken said to himself, nodding and standing up. Mumbling about waiting for Mitsuya and left the room to text which room you were in, going to end the meeting.
“Lookie here, a lap dog abandoned by its masters.” You knew that voice… And the soft ringing of the bell. Though the music was loud outside of the room, you could hear the bell so clearly and for the first time- you moved your eyes to glance at the door where Kazutora was walking to slide into the booth across from you.
“What do you want?” You spoke, making him giddy because he knew you didn’t even speak to Draken- one of your so called owners. So in his delusional mind, he was different- no he was special.
“I watched that stunt earlier, came to check on you and see how ya were feelin. Getting betrayed by your owners must suck, hmm?” He leaned over, brushing his thumb over where the blood was on your neck from the nick of Mikey’s knife. Your eyes narrowed, watching the way licked your blood off of his thumb, shivering in delight. “Might I say… Red’s such a good color on you.”
“I don’t like you.”
“That’s a real shame because I like you, ya know?”
“Forget it. I belong to them only.” He felt his eye twitched, glaring at you with the annoyed shimmering momentarily. Of course, you had to fight against him… He loved it and hated it at the same to him. But, he knew how to get things he wanted. And the best way to get you was make you feel like you’ve been betrayed by all your masters. “Tell Mikey to kill her.”
And the first step was the leader himself, Mikey. He wanted Mikey to suffer. Losing his sister and his pet. Two birds, one knife. But you were confused, looking at him in confusion. He grinned, smiling at you oh so innocently psychotic. “He said he loved you, right? Tell him to prove it.”
Your head shook, you didn’t want to ask someone of that! Kazutora leaned forward, hands pressing against the table as he could see you struggling. Fighting back against the giggle bubbling in his throat. “Maybe he doesn’t really love ya. Ya know, he lies just like his sister. They’re the perfect siblings.”
“I would’ve done it for you.” Your eyes widened at the confession, staring at him. He flicked out his switchblade, putting it under the collar and jumping the original steps. But that rushing triggered your fight, immediately snatching his wrist and pushing it to the table. “Cut this off and you’ll make a target on your back, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
“Feisty… that’s why I want you so bad. Such a pretty thing, you have no idea…”
“Leave.” You let go of his wrist, watching the way he slid out of the back of the room. By the time Mitsuya had walked in the room, you had already laid your head back on the table. His hand petting your hair lightly and feeling the bandaid covering the small, bleeding scratch. “Oh baby… How do you feel?”
He asked he sat down, his chest tightening when you silently crawled into his lap while curling up against your chest. Sad, you felt hurt… And Mitsuya could see that. Frowning, wrapping his arms around you and rubbing your back gently. “Can you tell me what happened?”
Someone really wants to know my side…? But no one ever did before… You thought, your eyes widened before feeling yourself breaking at hearing him. “I- I saw Emma… She… was with another guy at the bar… B-but I could only think about what she did to Hiro… That maybe this man was someone’s brother, how sad they would be without them… So I stepped in…”
You had been unconsciously testing the waters, slow in story telling. Ready to stop if he seemed to be reacting badly, but he only nuzzled against your head gently. Whispering about how proud he is for you telling him and asking for you to continue.
“She slapped me… But when I went to hit her back, Mikey had the knife against my throat.” His eyes widened at hearing that, immediately pulling you a bit from his chest to look at your cheek. Being able to see the red mark on your cheek now that you weren’t laying on it or hiding it in his chest.
“Oh baby… I’m so sorry you had to go through with that, we’ll deal with her.” He promised you as his thumb brushed along the sensitive skin, making you wince softly. The door opened, Mitsuya letting you laid back against his chest as Baji leaned against the doorframe. “How are they?”
Chifuyu ducking under Baji’s arm to snuggle up to your side, Mitsuya wrapped his arm around Chifuyu to pull him close to you. Feeling protected with your owners made you slip into a sleepy state, barely conscious.
“Well… Emma slapped them.” Mitsuya explained, already knowing of Baji’s protectiveness when it came to you. It was violent for the poor fuckers who ever said something about you, so to hear that someone had the audacity to lay a hand on you? “I’m breaking her hand.”
“You know Mikey’s not gonna like that…”
“You really think I care ‘bout what Mikey’s gonna like? Who’s more important? Because no one gets away with slapping our bitch. She should be lucky that’s the only thing I’m doing.” Baji said with a scoff, glancing over at Draken who was walking up to the room. Stopping Baji from leaving to the bar. “Move Draken.”
“I’m stopping you from doing something rash-“
“That fucking whore slapped them!” The most sadistic one to you was also the one most protective over you, oh the irony. Draken took a sharp breath, glancing at you and his eyes softening when he saw that you were barely even conscious, resting on Mitsuya and Chifuyu. “We’re heading out, end of story Baji.”
“Mikey won’t be coming with us, nor able to see our pup for a while.” They all glanced at Draken who looked firm on his decision. It didn’t matter if Mikey was his best friend, he had hurt you and Draken wouldn’t allow that.
Draken picked you up from Mitsuya, a sweet whine slipped from your lips at the movement. He cradled you to his chest, watching the way you snuggled your head in his neck, falling back asleep. They always loved the sleepy you, you were always so clingy when you were tired.
“I still want her to suffer.” Baji mumbled, glaring at where he could see Emma still talking to Mikey at the bar. Where the girl was still trying to convince Mikey that she had seen you with someone else, that you were the bad guy in the situation. About how you needed to disappear and she was innocent.
“I know you’re angry.” Chifuyu said behind Baji, placing a hand on his shoulder and getting a glare in return. But Baji was surprised to see the cold look in Chifuyu’s eyes as he looked at Emma. No one had really seen Chifuyu so angry… The silent anger just brewing, like a dangerous storm. And he didn’t know how to react.
“Don’t even waste your time on that whore, come back to the house with puppy. Mitsuya’s gonna be cooking curry.” Chifuyu said while looking at Baji, all the anger seem to have disappeared like it was never there. The gentle eyes of Chifuyu looking at Baji as Baji wanted to laugh. Of course his buddy was silently a killer, look at all of them. “Fine Chifuyu, but I’m lockin out Mikey.”
Chifuyu smiled at hearing that, laughing in agreement with a nod before running after Draken carrying you. Mitsuya was walking besides him, Chifuyu catching up with a happy hum as Baji walked after him. Giving a dark glare to Mikey through the corner of his eye.
Leaving Mikey there at the club, no goodbye or where they were going.
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“I’m not weak.” Hiro spat at your figure as you hopped over the railing, sitting besides him while swinging your legs. His hand wiped the blood from his busted lip and he hated the way you smiled at him so carefree. “No ones saying your weak.”
“They are…”
“And they’re also currently in the hospital.” You made your point, grinning at him and seeing him roll his eyes. He’s always hated how you took care of his battles, he didn’t need you! It always seemed like you shoved it in his face how you’re so much stronger than him! You didn’t, but his jealousy made him feel that way. “Leave me alone.”
“Hey… I just took care of your bullies… Why are you mad at me?”
“No one asked you to! Why are you always butting in places where you don’t belong?! No one wants you here!” Hiro yelled at you, wanting you to be just as upset as he was. Watching the way your fingers momentarily tightened on your pants before releasing as you gave him a joking grin. “My parents didn’t want me either.”
How could you still smile at him? He didn’t understand you! And seeing you smile just made his jealousy and anger worse… “I’m serious! You’re always in places you don’t belong! If- if… if you were never here… then I would have my father!”
He yelled at you, standing up to climb over the railing and storming away. His eyes widened when he past the blood stained rod. You were left alone, leaning back against the railing as you could feel the night air. The joking smile fell from your lips, dropping that mask as you were quiet.
Your eyes opener, your body feeling heavy and swear you could still feel the stinging on her skin. One of your hands rubbed at your cheek softly, standing up and noticing you were wearing a large shirt and a pair of boxers. You weren’t surprised to see that they had changed you while you were sleeping, it was the first time that it’s happened and you were happy to be out of the clubbing outfit.
Moonlight was seeping through the curtains, your eyes glancing over at the clock to see the digital red numbers. It was 3:28 in the morning and you were alone in the room… That was new for you, usually you were never left alone in the night.
“They’ve been crying since they got home, they’re going to wake up with a headache.” You could hear voices as you silently padded down the hallway, pausing just outside of the living room. Your fingers reached up, feeling the puffiness of your eyes. Crying… You had been crying… When was the last time you cried…? Right, when you were begging for Hiro’s freedom.
“Mikey’s been blowing up my phone.” You heard Draken sigh, your mood dropping at hearing that name. Feeling cold as you lowered your hand from your eyes as Chifuyu huffed. “He’s the one who broke the rule and he even made them upset! So why should he get to see them??”
“Yea, I got banned for a bit for prettying them up in bruises.” Baji complained; slamming something on the counter. Mitsuya’s voice scolded, “No slamming sodas on my counter, now can someone go wake up them so they can eat?”
“I’m awake.” You announced softly, Draken had been sitting on the couch with his arm over his eyes. Chifuyu was laying on the floor, Baji sitting at the island. “Come over here pup.”
You made your way over at Draken’s command, his hand pulling you to sit in his lap. Chifuyu immediately shuffled over on the floor to sit besides you on the floor, holding onto your leg and laying his head on your thigh. Rubbing gently circles to comfort you silently. “How are you feeling puppy?”
“Fine. It’s his choice, he’s no longer my owner.” Every movement stopped at hearing your words, all four of them staring at you. Mitsuya was the first to move, carrying over the plate of curry and rice to sit in front of you on the coffee table. Feeding you some of the curry.
He was happy to take care of you, giving a cute smile. They were still surprised at your own cold voice, not knowing that you could just cut someone like that… And Baji was watching you, seeing you this relaxed with them, it makes him want to destroy the world for you- just to know that you’ll stay safe and protected. Just like this, in their arms.
“We can’t avoid Mikey forever…” Mitsuya said the one thing that everyone else was thinking. Knowing that Mikey was going to snap sooner then later for you. Baji scoffed, downing the rest of his drink. “Watch us.”
“Tag me.” You suddenly spoke, catching their interest immediately as your fingers reached up to press against your collar. “And… a proper collar… Tag me owners, please.”
Who were they to deny you of such a beautiful request?
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“What did you find out about them?” Hanma asked, interlacing his fingers together as Kazutora was pacing on the floor. He had been muttering to himself of how your conversation with him, muttering your words over and over.
It drove him insane. And he loved it. Hanma had sent Kazutora to get information about you while he was in the meeting with Mikey and the others. Walhalla was challenging Toman, but of course they were going to meet up again to talk about the bets. What they were putting on the line.
“Them. Make Toman put them on the line.” Kazutora said cheerfully, looking at Hanma with sparkling eyes. Hanma was honestly a bit worried about his unstabled state, but curious to see how it’ll play out. “Yea? Why?”
“Toman will go crazy, rip themselves apart, be lost without them. I want to watch them suffer by taking their treasured little lap dog.” Kazutora said, clenching his fist. Imagining how you would look lounging at his feet, how your leash would feel in his hand. How you look with his name across your neck.
Hanma chuckled, pulling out the burner phone with only two contacts in it. Draken’s and Mikey’s. Kazutora spun the knife in his hand, remembering the fierce look in your ear. He couldn’t wait to hear you say the words. “I belong to Kazutora.” He will make you say them if he has to.
Your lap dog’s on the line.
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strawbxrryanime · 6 months
Yandere Mitsuya Takashi Is Way Too Overprotective - yandere!mitsuya takashi x reader
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"Hey, who are you texting?" Mitsuya said in a serious tone. You shiver on the spot, your boyfriend is extremely protective. And you’re not just talking protecting, you’re talking about protecting EVERYTHING. Whatever it is your boyfriend needs to know about it and hear about it. So immediately you just respond.
“An old friend before..” You muttered to Mitsuya, his eyes widen as his frown widened. “An old friend hm?” Mitsuya asked as he eyes you with his look, Mitsuya wouldn’t take his eyes off of you, even when he’s working with the sewing machine, he’d eye you from across the whole room. “Yeah, an old friend..” You responded.
“You never told me you had an old friend before…” Mitsuya stood up, turning off the machine as he walks towards the couch. “What’s their name?” You gulped at the response to that, surely you can’t just say that your friend is a guy. “His name is-“ You were cut off by Mitsuya’s widened eyes.
“Wait his?!” Mitsuya said, as he sat right next to you. “Give me the phone…” Mitsuya asked, as you stood up. No more are you going to be weak to him anymore, so you tried to retaliate. You didn’t hand him the phone. “Oh, come on Y/N.. Give me the phone.” Mitsuya’s demeaning tone as he leaned in towards you that made you back away.
“Y/N..~” Mitsuya sung in a singing-like tone, as he chuckles. “Just give me THE DAMN PHONE!” Mitsuya jumped in and snatched the phone out of your hand. “What are you doing?!” You ask, as Mitsuya reads and deletes all your text messages and throws your phone in the wall breaking it. You start to yelp as the phone shatters before your very eyes.
"You think I'd let that random guy even text you let alone look at you?" Mitsuya chuckles, you back away from him in fear. "What if he hurts you hm? WHAT IF HE TAKES YOU AWAY FROM ME Y/N!" Mitsuya kept yelling, scaring you off as he chuckles. "You're mine Y/N.." Mitsuya smirks as he gets closer to you. "I ought to give you a punishment for talking to that rando.. or I mean 'old friend' that you have there.." Mitsuya chuckles and sighs.
"You know I get crazy about you... you know I'm way too protective over you Y/N..." Mitsuya said in a calm and serious tone. "You need to know that you're mine.. and how are you going to learn without any punishment to prove that hm?" Mitsuya smiled. You ran off to the exit door of his house, scared of Mitsuya's wrath and punishment. You look out the window, the weather was a thunderstorm, the hail clunk onto the door as the groan of the heavy winds are heard.
You try your best to open the door, shaking hands from the cold doorknob as it's jammed shut. It seems like Mitsuya knows what you're doing even before all of this happened. In the meantime, Mitsuya took off his shirt and smiled as he realized you had nowhere to go at all, either way he knew you'd escape somehow. Such a clever boyfriend wasn't he? You hear footsteps coming nearby as you run to the kitchen.
"You know I'd do anything for you Y/N..." Mitsuya's faint voice can be heard, the groans of the heavy winds growing as you pull out a kitchen knife and point it towards your direction. "Do you know... how much I love you?" said the shirtless Mitsuya, veins bulging out his wrists as he clenched his fist. "Why can't you understand?!" Mitsuya yells out as you try to be aware of your surroundings.
"Are you really going to stab me with that knife?" Mitsuya chuckled, as he whispered behind your ear. "I'm right here.." You quickly turn around as Mitsuya makes you let go of your knife as he grabs you towards the basement, his soft lips tangle towards yours as his hands wrap around forcefully on your waist, holding you as tight as he can as the groan of the winds silence your screams as he marks your neck his.
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kissesforsatoru · 1 year
For the ask event: Baji, Mitsuya, Waka
What if darling parents are telling darling to break up with you and they do bc their scared of their parents who threaten to hit them/use corporate punishment
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baji : my darling can try to break up with me all they want but i’m not letting them go. ever. and i’m not letting their parents lay a fucking hand on them either. if i have to kill those assholes to stop them then i fucking will. im not letting anyone take or hurt my darling.
mitsuya : i'll just call CPS on them and get my darling away from them for good if they want to be fucking heartless assholes and hurt my darling like that. then i'll open my home to my daring and comfort them in their time of need.
wakasa : pft. do they honestly think that’s gonna keep me away from my darling? the moment i decided i liked my darling they became mine. my lover, my property, my everything. i own them. their dumb fucking parents sure as hell aren’t going to stop me from having them. and if they’re gonna hit my darling to keep them away then i’ll just hit them back. if they’re persistent then i’ll just kill them, but they seem to think hitting is a good control tactic so i might as well try it out myself, right? fuckers deserve a taste of their own fucking medicine.
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have a question for your yandere lover? ask them! ⟶ masterlist
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nendo-kyotei · 2 years
this is just some extra hornies but
tw: dubious consent, sexual favors sort of, foodplay, mitsuya is unhinged, he literally shoves a piping bag inside your coochie and goes to town, don't do this irl pls
The thought of being Mitsuya's good friend and hot mess roommate who is always late on rent, who can barely fry an egg without setting the kitchen on fire and who never wakes up earlier than 1 pm. On the other hand, he is smart with his money, an incredible cook and baker and always keeps the house immaculately clean.
It seems like he has a soft spot for you, as he loves seeing you make a mess as you try to chew on two eclairs he baked, all at once. "Dork", he thinks, as he watches you with a warm smile, and a strange glint on his eye you haven't noticed yet.
Luckily for you, he likes you enough to let all those annoying little things about you slip. He likes you enough, in fact, to not get mad at you for not being able to pay rent this month, and instead makes you lay on the dinner table as he shoves a piping bag inside your cunt and squeezes, filling your insides with the homemade whipped cream you enjoy so much. It's both soft and sticky inside you, oddly warm. It almost feels like a filthy, ticklish massage when he squeezes even more. You grit your teeth at the weird sensation but you don't dare complain, considering this might be enough to let you get away with not paying rent this month, even if it is humiliating.
It's so much, too much, and you can't help but whine when you feel it overflowing out of your pussy.
Mitsuya is absolutely enamored by the sight, so hypnotized that he can't help but go on his knees and give your whipped-cream covered pussy a lewd lick that makes your toes curl, as he mumbles,
"You know what could go well with whipped cream? Clementine slices. Let's see if we can fit them in too."
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
Towjdjjf imagine a mitsuya yan vs dere where u both are arguing over meals or bc u were home late and u were on the last straw and wanted to end things with him 🫢
❤ 𝐘𝐚𝐧 𝐕𝐒 𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞 💘 -> 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐲𝐚
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╰┈➤ . . . 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧: 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚒𝚖 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚒𝚖.
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╰┈➤ . . . 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Oooohhhh drama 👀 actually I don't see Mitsuya arguing with his darling, he ✨️ Gaslight ✨️ tho
💘 𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞 💘
"[Y/N]..." Mitsuya's voice was soft as he called out your name, his presence clear on your side yet you refused to look at him and instead staring at the side, arms crossed over your chest "Don't." You scowled, trying to move away and looking anywhere but Mitsuya, knowing your boyfriend's worried expression would pain you and force you to give in as always... But not this time "I'm worried about you [Y/N], you know that. I just think that it isn't safe for you to stay out so late without me..." It's always you arguing, Mitsuya never dares say anything with a loud voice when he refers to you, but his behavior....
"I'm an adult Takashi, I've told you a million times that I can take care of myself. I don't need you to interrogate me every time I go out without telling you where, what and with who!" You shot back with a stern and louder tone, reaching up to carefully rub your face in frustration "I know that, but it doesn't make me worry any less darling... I wouldn't be asking all those questions if you texted me and told me you were safe beforehand." Mitsuya remained calmer than you, his attitude not only frustrated you when you were upset with him but added to the guilt ten fold when the problem was resolved, making you apologize and try to make it up to him in any way you can- Takashi was never the one to apologize "You know I don't like arguing with you, but you've been coming home so late these past few days. Without even calling me and telling where you are, you're not ignoring my calls and texts right? I'm just trying to make sure you're okay..."
You clenched your jaw when the smooth and gentle voice reached your ears, Mitsuya having inched closer again and gently rubbing your arm. Almost as if comforting you to open up. But his words "I know darling, sometimes you get a little excited and can't help yourself, it's cute don't get me wrong! But all the people that approach and that you choose to befriend seem like... A bad influence." It seemed like Mitsuya was talking to a child or someone who doesn't know anything. The way he'd smother you and explain things. He always took care of you, but it was reaching a point where he didn't let you make any decisions for yourself without inserting himself and his opinion- or flat out telling you to do something different "Takashi, when will you stop telling me that I can't make decisions for myself!?" You snapped, lifting your head up to glare at Mitsuya, as usual he was staring at you with that same patient and sad puppy look "I never said that-"
"You were implying it! I-I don't know, but whenever I do something you don't approve of you always seem to treat me like a child who doesn't know any better! You pick my outfits, meals, where I should go, what friends I should be around- which mind you are always people you need to know first, it's..." You bit the inside of your cheek, first time it had happened you felt ashamed for not knowing any better when Mitsuya gently pointed out the mistakes in your choices, then annoyed, you almost got used to it but now you were just angry "It's belittling." Mitsuya's eyes widened at your words, seeming panicked "I... [Y/N], I didn't know you took my words and advice like that, you know I'm just conce-"
"Maybe... Maybe we should take a break. I-I can stay at a friend's house... I want to leave." Your words made Mitusya visibly flinch "... I need to leave Takashi, this- this isn't making me happy... I feel crazy sometimes..." The confession you spat out seemed to hurt Mitsuya more than it hurt you, he quickly looked away and you caught glimpses of a serious expression on him "... I-I'll help you pack." You sighed, ignoring the gut feeling and more so glad Mitsuya agreed to it "Thank you."
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❤ 𝐘𝐚𝐧 ❤️
And Mitsuya did help, with the awkward silence hanging around the entire time and Mitsuya avoiding to look at you "Here." You glanced at the glass of water he handed to you and nodded, drinking it quickly and grabbing your bag to leave already, only then for your body to give out and hit the floor "H-huh???" You starred at the floor in confusion, dread creeping up inside you from being unable to move "Wha..." Words were stuck in your throat as Mitsuya carefully lifted your torso from the floor, sitting you up and having you lean on his chest "Damn, that was a bad fall..."
"T-taka..." Your breathing was heavy, limbs barely twitching when seeing the uncaring and nonchalant expression on his face. Mitsuya didn't say anything as his eyes scanned your face "Least you didn't get any bruises here. I'll check your body later." And easily lifted you up in his arms "Must've been surprised huh darling? But as always you're acting stupid." The condescending tone had your chest tighten, looking at Mitsuya with wide and terrified eyes when he laid you on his bed, finally noticing how he was smirking, eyes holding a light mocking look as he patted your head "Thinking I'lll let you leave me. I'm not above using a few drugs to keep you still darling... Actually, I've stocked them for a while, just in case you did something especially dumb but this... Hah."
After he made sure you didn't get badly injured, you were only left to observe how Mitsuya unloaded your bags and threw a few of your clothes onto the floor instead "Always hated that... This too... The guy who gave you this for your birthday? Yeah he was an annoying fuck to deal with..." Your blood ran cold when Mitsuya, in a carefree and casual manner, started talking to you about what he has done "I was so mad when you bought this dear, wanted to burn it... Least now I can. Like I burned the person you bought it with, she was a bad influence anyways."
'What the fuck... What the fuck!?' You couldn't help the tears forming in your eyes when Mitsuya's words got more disturbing and his voice got even louder "Do you know how frustrating it is, darling? To deal with those bastards who approach you and say you need to think for yourself? Am I alone not enough!? Huh!?" Mitsuya turned to give you a heated glare "We were doing fine, you were leaning on me and letting me take care of you- but once those fuckers came to tell you to do stuff on your own everything was ruined, for months I had to pretend to smile and get along with them because my stupid little darling doesn't know when to take a hint."
Throwing the final shirt on the floor Mitsuya walked back to you, despite your best efforts to move away your body didn't budge, the scream caught in your throat as he sat next to your laying body and sighed, frowning in trouble "Look at the state I'm in, yelling at you like this..." He chuckled, giving a small smile as he cupped your face and kissed your forehead, wiping at your tears with a satisfied look "So don't say some bullshit like "We need a break" or "I'll leave" ever again, okay darling? After all, we don't want any more arguments to happen between us."
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cannellee · 4 months
would you ever write hybrid ABO? like they have animal traits and features (usually ears and tail) but beyond that its basically ABO
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୨୧ hybrid! alpha! tokyorev x hybrid! omega! reader (pairing : mitsuya, draken, taiju, chifuyu, ran)
— a little peek of what a life with them would be like in a hybrid au!
cw : slight mention of sex in taiju's
I can give it a try but I don't think I'll be writing hybrid content in the future!
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mitsuya as a hybrid radiates even more warmth than usual, he has such an inviting presence and such calming pheromones it's hard to ignore.
he is attentive and nurturing, always reassuring you and detecting even the slightest changes in your mood or well-being. he's quick to provide comfort and support during times like this when you're more vulnerable. he gives you little soothing licks on your cheeks and softly bites your neck in order to make you feel safe and cherished.
his tail often wraps around your waist or rests gently against your leg, it's his way of showing you have his full attention, even in public. he notices right away when you're upset and your ears drop a little or whenever your frenetic tail isn't as active as usual, you just can't fool him.
he takes care of your hair, ears and tail the best way he can. he makes them shine and all soft. he knows you like your fur to be well maintained, so he's careful.
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boy is alert. he has straight ears, just like those of a doberman and they're always moving and twitching in every directions, capturing any little noise.
hybrid draken is your loyal guard dog, literally. if you couldn't already tell from his frown and angry pheromones, the way his tail is immobile and his ears are lying flat on his head are a heavy indicator of his irritation. he's watchful, stays vigilant and always positions himself between you and potential threats.
but draken is gentle and sweet, and whenever it's just the two of you, he lets you pet his head and scratch his scalp. he loves the cute purring you let out because of how pleased you are to have tamed this imposing alpha.
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taiju as a hybrid is easily mistaken as a wolf, he's just this big and intimidating. he has sharp, attentive ears and an enormous build. he looks like he'll crush your bones if you look at his omega (which is true). he's always growling at others and often overwhelms you because of his strong pheromones.
his teeth are sharp like razors and always make you tremble whenever he's grazing your skin with them, making you feel even smaller than usual. his scent is a constant reminder of the dynamic of your relationship, you're weak and sweet and you listen, while he's the one in charge who knows what you need.
he considers that he can touch you whenever he wants, you're his after all. he likes to see you crumble under his touch, see how pouty you become once he plays with your ears or pull on your tail when you're having sex from behind, just like animals. it hurts so good you end up crying for more like a dumb little puppy.
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he loves to groom you, taking care of your fluffy tail and loving to watch every single one of your reactions. he likes the way your ears moves and reacts to his words and comforting pheromones and how your tail seems to swing even harder each time he tells you you're pretty.
similarly, you often tease him and tickle his ears, knowing fully they're sensitive and causes him to blush. he's nuzzling you 24/7, showing his affection in every ways possible.
hybrid chifuyu is even more protective but extremely gentle and caring, the duality is insane and hard to ignore. it makes you feel privileged and warm inside to know that your alpha is acting like this towards you only. you're able to do whatever you want with him, put little ribbons on his tail, spray it with your strawberry perfume, messily curl his fur with your hair straightener and decorate it with other pink hair clips you have. chifuyu simply wants you to enjoy spending time with him!
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ran absolutely loves his adorably sweet omega who's always so happy to see him, tail moving so fast he can barely see it.
he teases you about it after an argument for example. he'll try and make you laugh when you refuse to look at him, trying hard to ignore him. but he'll drop a few funny remarks and even while doing your best at remaining stoic, your tail just won't cooperate! look at that excited fluffy thing and the angry pout you have! it just doesn't match and makes you look even cuter.
he loves to tease your little ears too! softly pinching them with his fingers, watching with a sadistic grin how it makes you whine. it doesn't hurt though, but the unexpected touch has you all flustered.
and the teasing is always one-sided, you can never seem to be quiet enough to surprise him from behind and jump on his back. he hears you because of how your happy tail bumps into things and brushes against furniture. but he'll sometimes play along and let you creep up behind him, acting all scared before enveloping you in his arms and scent, which is even more prominent as a hybrid. it's powerful and clings to you for days.
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cheesus-doodles · 10 months
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If only life was always so simple.
Because I'm a simp with a soft heart and @purarupu 's talent has no limits, please have another absolute heartwarming piece of Izzy and Boss! 🥹 Thank you for your hardwork on such a gorgeous piece! (click for better res)
Patting myself on the back for another chapter done, do check Swallow the Sun out!
Red Dragonflies Masterlist | Commissioned Art List
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yanderederee · 11 months
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Poll’s only for a day because I want to write but I want to do something people would actually be interested in
Also put in replies if you want a particular continuation for any specific fic I post
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macsimagines · 1 year
Buenos días, tardes o noches, ¿no te preguntaste cómo serían Mikey, Mitsuya y Kazutora cuando descubrieran que su amor de la infancia/novia adolescente, con quien rompieron por cualquier motivo, está a punto de casarse con un viejo amigo de ellos?
I will let your imagination fly
First and foremost, I have nothing against spanish or spanish speakers but please understand that i don't speak it and dont want to have to go through google translate to decipher a request again. NEXT, I have done this exact scenario for Mikey Here and therefore will not be including him in this
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Yandere!Mitsuya Takashi
He didn't think this would happen... TBH he wasn't a yandere when you two were together or even when you two broke it off. You both had been going onto different paths and Mitsuya wasn't going to ask you to put your whole life on hold for him.
But then years later he sees you and realizes just how miserable he had been without you, how empty all the fashion shows and runways had been without you by his side.
He wants to reconnect, want to be with you again and try to do this right, his career has taken off and he wants to share it with you... but you're engaged. Nonononononono- he can't take that.
Mitsuya is smart though. He makes an offer you can't refuse. "Lemme make you a wedding dress. One of a kind. C'mon, Y/N~ You were always my favorite model."
And he spends months with you, going over design after design and fitting after fitting, each dress more breathtaking than the last to you. And hideous to him.
You're beautiful of course, the most perfect bride any man could ever ask for. And you're just out of reach. Mitsuya is like a man dying of thirst just a few steps away from an oasis.
If you were his wife you'd be the most beautiful bride, if you were marrying him the dress would've been the greatest in the world, if you were his, everything would be ok.
But you're not. It doesn't matter how much time you spend together, how hard he's trying to prove you belong with him, you still want to marry someone else.
The last fitting before the wedding that's only a few days away. "I know its last minute, but you'll love this dress more than anything," and you do. Its a dress that's completely different from the one you had chosen before but its too breathtaking to say no to.
"Takashi, it's perfect! I can't wait to wear this to my wedding!" "Our wedding, darling." "Wha-!" you don't see the hit coming, just the sharp pain in your neck and you vision blacking out are the last sensations you feel, panic rising within you when you realize suddenly that Mitsuya had knocked you out....
"Bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her dress, I know, but I gotta take matters into my own hands. Sleep well, when you wake up we'll be on our honeymoon~"
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Yandere!Kazutora Hanemiya
He broke it off with you while he was serving time after Baji's death. It was a single moment of clarity. "I can't drag you down with me anymore, Y/N. I love you too much to destroy you too..."
Regretted it the very next morning. No matter what the detention center's therapist said about 'Healthy Boundaries,' and 'Breaking Cycles' he knew deep down it was a mistake.
When the guilt and shame he has brought onto himself aren't eating him alive, his head is full of thoughts of you. Are you doing ok? Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you staying loyal to him? Of course you are, you were the first time he got locked up surely-
Chifuyu has to tell him very gently a few days after he's released. "She's ok. Better than that. She's happy. Can't that be enough?" And Kazutora tries to let it be.
For your sake and his own and all the people that he's hurt, he tries to let you go again but it doesn't work and his resolve crumbles when he sees you on the street one day.
With him. You're smiling like an angel, like your soulmate wasn't locked away in a prison cell to rot all these years, next to some stranger, some fucking interloper.
Kazutora just shatters right there in the middle of the street and makes the biggest scene, shaking you by your forearms demanding answers.
"How could you do this to me!? To us? I waited so long to be with you again and you've betrayed me like this!" and your fiancé makes the sorry mistake of trying to get in between you two and is just dropped in five seconds flat from one devastating hit.
And he would've done more than just that if you hadn't stepped in to save him, tears and fury and hate burning in your eyes. "I wanted you, you turned me away! I would've waited life times for you, but then you rejected me! You don't get to act like you were betrayed when you gave up first!"
Your words and tears leave no room for argument, he can't say much to that, o he just lets you walk away with your fiancé and watches you the whole time, eyes searing into your back...
The day of the wedding finally comes but your groom is no where to be seen. Apparently nobody had heard from him since the night prior and you're so scared.
Of course because the love of your life has seemingly abandoned you at the altar, but what terrifies you more is Kazutora who showed up uninvited and unwanted. Smiling, wide and knowing eyes never leaving you once...
"Are you ready for your actual soulmate to step in?"
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metranart · 6 months
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Mitsuya Takashi x Reader (Tokyo Revengers)(Shameless smut)(PART 2)
LINK TO PART 1 HERE! - Warning tag: nsfw, possessive!Mitsuya, naive!reader, first time sucking cock, teenage hormones ragging, cock-drunk!reader, pet names, unprotected blowjob, praise, creampie, out in the open, cumplay, sloppy blowjob, love confessions , teenage craves, hormonal minds out of control, cum swallowing, face fucking, heavy teasing, Mitsuya being cute little fucker.
Takashi Mitsuya wasn't lying when he reminded you that he was a dangerous gang member, as no other boy his age would look so intimidatingly dangerous from the ground.
You don't know when he put you on your knees, nor when he took his cock out, the only thing you know is that now he prodded your closed lips, smearing the swollen head against the cold flesh, precum coating it like a lipstick before ordering.
“Open up,” Mitsuya commanded with the little patience you had left him and you being the instigator that he loved, obeyed.
You didn't know why you pushed him over the edge so hard, but you just couldn't stop, not when he looked so frustrated and stupidly handsome when he was flustered.
You looked at him from your kneeling position with eyes full of defiance and feigned innocence and it made him loose the little control he had left. Fuck! The boy thought, fucking hell! He cursed under his breath, he loved you so much that he could cum on your pretty face right then and there, but he held back. You wanted milk, he would give you milk.
Smirking dangerously calm, his fingers caressed your face making you lean into his touch like a purring kitten, and without warning, he pinched your nose, restricting the air. Your eyes widened at his sly move, and he just smiled when you instinctively opened your mouth. 
Your cheeks turned impossibly red at the act that you had already seen him use against his little sisters when they didn't want to eat... the context was totally different but still, it moistened your pussy making the fabric of your panties stick at how enticing you found it.
“There we go,” you heard him moan huskily as he shoved that huge piece of raw, palpitating meat down your frozen throat. “That’s it, kitten.” He purred, eyes shutting close as he bottomed down, kissing the back of your throat, “—nice and full, ngh.... want me to thrust or you think you had enough, babygirl?” 
The lilac haired boy was just showing a display of power, he loved you and would never, EVER hurt you, but you do need to know he wasn't someone to tease, he wasn't all honey, he was dangerous. He was a violent gang member, not just a talented seamstress…. but you weren't just an innocent kitten either.
Your arms hugged his thighs to his immense surprise, and your nose nuzzled against his pubic hair, swallowing him even deeper. Mitsuya had to swallow hard, ironically.
Your pretty, watery eyes looked up, lips impossibly stretched, and cheeks hollowed as your hands linked into a knot behind him. Without losing eye contact, you slid his thick, long cock out of your mouth, saliva painting every inch until your lips kissed the head. 
“When I asked you to use me, I was talking to the gang member, honey,” you teased openly, ignoring the tears falling on either side of your cheeks, “do you think he can fuck my mouth before the bell rings?”
It was an open challenge, and as a member of the Toman, Mitsuya was used to answer and emerging victorious. 
“My beautiful, wonderful, naive little girlfriend,” tsked the eager gang member, “—I suggest you breathe through your nose.”
And without further ado, his firm hands on either side of your face pulled you again to swallow it, this time you only got halfway before you started choking, which this time Mitsuya ignored.
He began to fuck your mouth as you had asked, pounding those narrow hips against your face, a delicious back and forth that only became more exciting when his heavy balls hit your chin, gaging sounds echoed around the deserted and hidden playground, saliva falling down your chin as you struggled to keep it inside your mouth, your jaw would no doubt hurt afterwards.
“That's it,” Mitsuya praised holy driven, taking his cock out just for a couple of seconds to give you a small break, he palmed the phallic flesh, prodding hard at your tongue to get your mouth to water more for him.
“Look-” he pointed his thumb back through his shoulder. “There’s a slide there, do you want me to sit on it?”
Your loving and caring boyfriend didn't want your knees to suffer and in that position he would definitely take longer to come, lying on the slide he would have better access and control of your head.
You all but moaned before nodding your head. “God that’s so cute-” your boyfriend purred with a loving smile and then pulled you up into his arms to carry you to the slide, where he sat and place you on top of his lap. 
“Ain’t you just the sweetest thing to ever sit on my lap?” He said more to himself, even so, staring straight into your eyes, strong palms doing the gentlest of massages along the shape of your jaw, easing the pain away with every careful motion of his working thumbs. 
“Mhm, yes, she definitely is.” He agreed to himself flippantly, leaning to kiss your heaving lips heatedly, his tongue tasting himself and the ice pop in a mix of new flavors that only serve to roughen him up, making him feral again. 
“Enough pampering for the princess, back to work, sweet thing.” Obeying like the good girlfriend you aimed to be, you climb down from his lap, and cuddled between his spread thighs. Yes, in that position you were comfier, so thoughtful of him. Nestling his cock back into your mouth, let him palm your skull with both hands to use your throat as his own personal fleshlight. 
“Fuck- that’s good.” He snarled, deep and husky, watching his progress as he thrusted into your throat- nice and lax thanks to your eagerness to please him. Your hazy, now watery eyes stared endearingly forward, right up at his cock while Mitsuya fucked your face. Your boy studying your pretty, teary and flushed face with a pleased hum. “I think my girl has sucked dick before.”
“Hm?” you questioned; an eyebrow raised.
“-If I dip my fingers inside your pussy how wet would they come out, pretty?” You kept bobbing your head up and down his shaft, openly ignoring his accusation with a blunt shrug of your shoulders, making him laugh heartedly. 
“Well hot damn.” Mitsuya spelled between chuckles, pulling your face up to nestle into his lilac pubic hair. “Won’t have to train you too much then, yeah sweetheart?”
He said, before shoving his cock down your throat at a steady pace. "That's better." The gang member hummed as he kept thrusting down your cold throat, fucking the back of your mouth. “Fuck! The mix of cold and warm inside your mouth is something else-,” you choked around his length, closing your eyes- trying to concentrate. 
There was no way to close your lips around him as he shoved into your gag-reflex, making you drool over yourself. 
"Swallow, (Y/N)." He commanded, and you did so, swallowing around him, which in turn made him groan. The heat of his body grew, and he quickly began to open his shirt because when felt that it was suffocating him, your small hands without hesitation climbed up his thighs, up, up until reached his toned stomach, where you traced each sinful muscle with special interest, scratching and tracing the soft skin until there were little red lines as a devastating proof of your need for him.
You hiccupped, blinking back tears as the burning in your throat began to sting. Shakily, you held up your hand- and Mitsuya had the courtesy to pull back and allow you to rest. You could feel the pressure build- your gag reflex going crazy- Mitsuya pulled out of your mouth entirely, gently grabbing you head by the hair and wrenching your face up.
"What does my little cocksucker needs?” he grunted, landing his thick thumb on your dripping lower lip, “Does my princess had enough?" Mitsuya smirked, one of those dangerous smirks of his. "Nah!" she can take it...."
⭕️ READ THE WHOLE CHAPTER IN MY PATREON LINK (Also find NSFW art of this story and an animation) .... Plus, more stories of Tokyo Revengers and JJK, each with a NSFW art from scenes of the story, plus! 'tier rewards' like: voting poll privilege for future stories, couple pairing selection and kinky mood selection for the story and images, and my eternal gratitude for your support!!!
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r3linx · 9 months
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⇄ ◁◁ 𝚰𝚰 ▷▷ ↻ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⁰⁰'²⁵ ━━●━━───── ⁰²'⁰⁸
╰┈➤ characters...•`S. MANJIRO [MIKEY], R. KEN [DRAKEN], M. TAKASHI, M CHIFUYU´•.
ᴘᴀʀᴛ. 1; ᴘᴀʀᴛ. 2
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ SYNOPSIS... no one's perfect, neither them, so here's their issues in your loving relationship. ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WORDCOUNT... 1,9k ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WARNINGS... tw! disturbing content, gender neutral reader, obsession, manipulation, emotional dependence, overprotection, toxic relationship ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ OTHER... reblogs, likes and requests are appreciated!
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ ​🇲​​🇦​​🇳​​🇯​​🇮​​🇷​​🇴​. [​🇲​​🇮​​🇰​​🇪​​🇾​] 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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'loneliness induction '
‘they induce mental trauma into their love interest’s head in order to push them away from others. they make themselves out to be their love interest’s best option, making the love interest believe that all the others will betray them and that the yandere is the only one who can be trusted, but they actually just want to isolate their love interest. they destroy relationships and ruin families to get their love interest as isolated and vulnerable as possible.’
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“trust in me… you trust in me, y/n… right?” mikey’s dark orb fixated on your face, seeking out your reply. little nod. he smiled. “that’s my girl.. i just want what’s best for you..” you push your face in his firm chest, the cloth of his shirt sticking to your face thanks to your fresh tears, smudged across your face.
“the word’s cruel, darlin’… and i’m the only one, who wants your well-being..” mikey cooed, his palm glided across your -compared to his- small back over and over again.
in his point of view, he had to cut you away from everything that isn’t him and everything that could make you leave him. to accomplish this nothing was too much, no money and no time mattered. only you. he would rather die, than paint his hands with the crimson fluid and you knew about this. we all know how much power and influence he held at his service, and so it was piece of cake to get done easily anything, without him getting involved. minions were perfect to do the work for him. take someone’s life and then have your dear father take the case? crashing down your family into pieces? they did it for mikey within a whistle. you’ve drifted away from one friend after another. they were bad people, the news and rumors about them was unstoppable. it left you shocked, they would never do this.. right?
it felt like he was all you had, no family, no friend.. you changed they changed for the bad. and mikey was the one who brought spotlight to it. his being was better than anything, the way he cared about you… made you forget about his manipulation.
but mikey never failed you, he was the one. always. just stay still and look as pretty and vulnerable as you can so he can save you from those filthy people you call your ‘relatives’, it would be such a damn shame you getting involved with them.
‘he’s bad’ they say. ‘he’s manipulating you’. liars. mikey wouldn’t do that. you are so grateful for him in your life. he’s like a guiding light, day after day, he’s the only person in your life you trust to the end and back.
as you hug your one, face buried in the crook of his neck seeking out safety, his lips slightly curve into smile. he holds your body against his. “i’ll always be here.. pretty girl...”
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🇰​​🇪​​🇳​. [​🇩​​🇷​​🇦​​🇰​​🇪​​🇳​] 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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'training '
‘they will punish and torture their love interest if they think they did something they shouldn’t or when they don’t act like wanted to give them a lesson. these yanderes use methods that are usually pretty morbid and painful, some could even leave permanent damage to the love interest. they will then “reward” the love interest when they finally do something wanted of them.’
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he takes ahold of your chin, pressing a quick smooch on your skin.
“i’m so, so, so proud of you, love..” he leaves those soothing words hanging in the air. draken took special care to praise you for every little gesture that brought him joy in your behavior. it filled his heart with pure loving, knowing you were so obedient and faithful. it took him so damned long time and so much effort to form you this way. dealing with you was hard at first, the way you would make the typical teenager and draken would be the worrying mom.
he wasn't afraid to punish. punishment meant new lesson for you and like that, slowly and steadily you grew into what you are now. a dog. a respectful and respected human being. they looked at you, they thought you are weird. they thought he's weird. oh how much they were wrong, he did everything for your sake. it was painful, but it served your progression. bruises covered your neck, down to your ankles. others weren't allowed to see it. those bruises were only for his eyes, it was like trophies. he knew he had forged you into what you are now, and it made him proud.
even so, he wasn't cruel. rewards was also something he loved giving to you and did with so much happiness. you meant the literal word for him, he would do everything that he's capable of, now listen to him and everything will be so happy around you and not a single problem in your life will be left. the fantasy of leaving him got pushed out of your mind at the very beginning. it's a topic you don't want to bring up again, for your sake. blaming others for laying a hand on you? the best solution would be to train you to avoid contact with everyone but him. this way, he doesn't have to hurt them and the 'losing you' thought would be solved too. everyone's happy!
draken kisses your lips softly. you loved this side, when all he did was praising you for your good work. you learned with time that obeying is so much effective, than resisting. resting in his strong embrace, forgetting everything and everyone that isn't him was the best decision.
​⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🇹​​🇦​​🇰​​🇦​​🇸​​🇭​​🇮​. 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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'protective '
‘they see everything and everyone as a threat for the love interest. they will use extreme methods to get rid of other “dangerous” people permanently, and even punish and torture them for the harm they did to the love interest, even if they didn’t really do all that much. feeling that the love interest is fragile, pure or vulnerable, and that everyone else can taint or hurt them, the yanderes finally decide to take care of it themselves and protect the love interest, getting rid of all “bad people” near them for the sake of their love interest and at any cost.’
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the doors clicking sound could be heard only in the night’s darkness. it was 2:05am, -you glanced at the clock- blankets were all over your body, that was the only thing keeping you warm by the lack of his body next to yours. small steps echoed in the house, it was him. he finally arrived home. you exhaled a long breath of relief.
while you tried to find peace in your mind to get at least a blink of sleep, takashi furiously and hastily dragged out the contents of the black bag, dropped over his shoulder. drenched white shirt landed on the bathroom floor along with a few metal stool. how he had to take matters into his own hand, made him go nuts, what a nuisance to take care of, instead of being next to you on the soft sheets, having heartfelt conversations and talking all night long, his body perfectly fitting with yours in his arms. his lavender locks tangling into yours, his chest softly rising up and down under you head.
you just waited patiently for takashi all day and night, to return back from his work and finally be with you. and so you did now too, eyes now got used to the dark, staring at the door, counting the seconds and minutes till he steps inside.
hand stinging through the gloves from the bleach, slowly burning holes in the fabric and scratching the very skin. eyebrows furrowed at first in concentration, now from pain. he squeezed the remaining water out of the cloth. hopeless. better get rid of it all tomorrow morning, before you get any hint of what could have happened. the lilac tip of his hair now red, rosy cheeks now bloodstained. dragging his tired legs over to a quick shower. the dried fluid now snaking its way down the drain, a grunt falls from his chapped lips. a few minutes after, stopping the tap, he steps out of the shower. he feels new and fresh, the metallic smell now completely gone.
by 2:54am he happily climbs beside you in gray sweatpants, the hem of it sitting lowly at his waist, shoving his v-line. you immediately rolled over to face him, steam still covering his whole, without a thought of where had he been, with a delighted smile, you place your head to his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. strong fingers curling the strands of your hair, drifting off to sleep. he humms deeply. this was what he wanted to protect at all cost.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ ​🇨​​🇭​​🇮​​🇫​​🇺​​🇾​​🇺​.​ 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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' dependence'
‘wishing for their love interest to be able to know that they make a difference in the lives of their dependence yandere partner/spouse, they seek to be vulnerable around their love interest by depending on them. this can range from stupidly simple things, like constantly dropping or forgetting something, behaving like an idiot — often times subconsciously so, to claiming that they’d die without their love interest (although that’s obviously false)..’
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‘she won’t leave me… she won’t leave me.. she won’t leave me.. she won’t-’ the words echoed in chifuyu’s head, like a broken record. his orbs staring into the void,- sitting on the edge of the bed, knuckles white from the way he gripped the sheets next to him.
“chifuyu!” you exclaimed, entering the room. as if all the life came back to his soul, he shot up his head to turn his attention towards you.
"my sunshine..” the boy muttered. he didn’t realize the moment he felt your presence next to his body. warm fingers grazed the line of his face. somehow he seemed ever so sad, just like on other days, when you weren’t in his company. those moments were suffocating for chifuyu. without your loving and caring soul, heart and body, his life felt empty and pointless. it was a hassle to get you in his possession, now he has to make sure to keep you. he can’t lose you. he has to keep you beside him. the constant fear of losing you would never leave his mind free, the uncontrollable clinging to you has turned into madness and so the self-pitying had started.
his voice dropped to a raspy tone. “i…” breathing out, chifuyu intentionally turns his head away from your gaze. with your palm, you made him facing you. “i.. don’t want to lose you..” green eyes filled with forged sorrow, you wrap your gentle arms around his neck, pulling him closer to your chest in a comforting manner. in his sitting position and how you stand in front of him, between his legs, he closes them, trapping you in. you ignore it, placing your chin on top of his head. now his lips has curled into a grin from ear to ear. he runs his arms around your waist, you don’t struggle in his clasp. it seems so welcoming to you, as if he’s manipulating your mind and body, you feel attached to him-but not as much as he is to you.- you have to take care of him, not in a child-like way. he craved your love, he was so sweet, you just couldn't deny it from him.
you never saw harm in him, he wouldn’t be able to hurt anybody, and especially not you. he makes the perfect boyfriend and significant other in your eyes. -and that’s exactly he want you to think.- chifuyu is fragile without you, do NOT even think about leaving or breaking up. and if you do, to your regret the anguish, bitterness and agony will swallow you up whole. he will make sure it does.
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈 ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ᶜᵒᵖʸ, ᵐᵒᵈⁱᶠʸ ᵒʳ ᵘᵖˡᵒᵃᵈ ᵐʸ ʷᵒʳᵏ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘʳˢ!
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