#yandere delta squad
yanderes-galore · 11 months
Can I request rivalry between Marcus and Baird? With wingman ( platonic yandere Cole and Dom)
Man... I love Delta Squad.
This is me spilling thoughts based on the Anon messages before. If you want their singular yandere types please look at the concept below. I wanted this to be longer but I decided to primarily just focus on the wingman idea.
Using behavior from here
Yandere! Marcus vs Baird (+ wingmen Cole and Dom)
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry (Marcus+Baird)/Platonic (Dom+Cole to Marcus+Baird)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Mature language/Swearing, Obsession, Manipulation, Jealousy, Stalking, Coercion, Slight abuse of power, Violence, Mentioned murder, Secret recording, Isolation mention, Possessive behavior, Forced relationship.
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This is probably one of my favorite Gears yandere ideas.
You're a member of Delta Squad who just so happens to gain the attention of two of its members, Marcus and Baird.
Marcus and Baird alone are intimidating and sometimes... well... assholes.
Marcus is hard to read, gruff, apathetic, and seems like he hates you.
He doesn't, he's just not used to being so close to anyone except Anya.
Then there's Baird, an arrogant and antisocial man who appears upset at everyone and everything.
He struggles to connect with others as he seems so hard to get along with.
Marcus and Baird are known for fighting at times, especially in Gears 1-2.
These two fighting certainly puts you off.
Even more so later on when the topic tends to revolve around you.
To quote my previous concept for these two;
"Marcus is a stern protective yandere who is hard to read. Not only that but he often gets help from Dom if there is some issues between you and him."
"Baird can be a yandere who seems to hate you at first to hide his obsession. In reality he struggles with his obsessive tendencies towards you to the point he can't take it anymore and takes control of the situation."
These two often come off strong and intimidating to their darling if you are a new Delta recruit.
Which is why they have Dom and Cole respectively to help them.
The two are way more friendly compared to their respective best friends.
Cole is incredibly charismatic and easy to get along with, unlike Baird who struggles with the whole people thing.
Meanwhile Dom is softer and more open/caring than Marcus who is more closed off.
They are their best friend's opposites.
Which would make them wingmen to their friends since they seem to enjoy you.
You could make the argument that these two would be "platonic yanderes", trying to help their respective friend get with the new recruit they got.
They'd be willing to do whatever they can to help Marcus and Baird obtain your favor.
How this rivalry would primarily go is either Dom/Cole tries to warm up to you first.
Once you trust one or both of them, they'll introduce you to Marcus/Baird.
Dom tries to ease you into trusting Marcus.
He's soft and tells you Marcus means well.
You still struggle to stay around Marcus but Dom is adamant that he cares about you.
Dom may even encourage Marcus to be a bit more open.
Just small things at first... like praising verbally or even small pats on the back.
Considering Dom has a wife back at home and Marcus was with Anya for a few years in this, the two would have some knowledge in the subject of courting you.
Dom promises Marcus will be perfect for you.
Plus, maybe with Dom helping, Marcus will try to be more straightforward with his feelings towards you.
Then there's Cole helping Baird.
Cole is very easy to get along with so warming up to him is easy.
It's when he tries to get you close to Baird that there's struggle.
Baird tries his best to play nice as Cole is acting as a bridge between you.
Cole is being kind to try and win him over this recruit he likes so he'll comply.
Plus internally Baird is excited because you and Cole are the only people he likes to be around.
It's hard as sometimes you frustrate Baird when you still distrust him.
But hopefully Cole can smooth things over enough to finally make you Baird's.
While Marcus and Baird get into arguments about you, Dom and Cole occasionally get tense around each other as they both know what they're doing.
They won't hurt one another but they may also argue.
Cole no doubt knows about Baird's tendency to stalk you through JACK.
As a result he simply helps hide all the folders Baird has of you.
Meanwhile Dom is aware Marcus gets aggressive when your life is threatened or he's jealous.
Which means he'll help hide any evidence of possible murder in the future for his friend.
Dom and Cole are certainly enablers for their yandere friends.
They support their actions and coerce you into getting with one of them.
Ironically, this scares you more than before they got involved.
Marcus comes off as scary yet he tries his best around you to be softer.
In truth he's unsure on how to properly connect with you, even with Dom's help.
But over time it gets to him holding you close and muttering about how much you mean to him in your ear.
Baird's personality is rather volatile but he tries to cool it for you via Cole's advice.
When not being... him, Baird expresses a softer side to you.
He isn't heartless even if he tries to antagonize Marcus to have you.
He is capable of being caring, giving gifts to try and win you over.
Once he has you... he dreams of you and him in a lab, in total isolation, away from everything and everyone.
Then it'll be just you and him.
Marcus and Baird often try to antagonize each other into doing something to scare you while also appealing to you.
That way you'll have to side with one of them.
They are often petty with one another.
However their fights can escalate into physical ones, which often results in Dom and Cole pulling them apart.
They're still a team.
It doesn't matter if you manage to side with one side or not.
The other will still be unhappy and things may even get worse.
If anything, it's best you swap teams to keep things at bay.
Even then there's certainly aftermath.
Truthfully, your fate was most likely decided once you joined the team.
Leaving now may just cause problems...
But staying may not change anything either.
Perhaps you were stuck here ever since you joined and they laid eyes on you.
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xviiper-rents-houses · 2 months
Sev— Delta Squad, all voice lines.
Guys. Need I say more?
Need I say more?
After I finish writing some of my yandere sonic requests, I'm gonna do something for his squad.
I feel like he'd be a great friend..maaaaaybe.
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Sentence challenge for Artianna and Delta Squad! For reference, Artianna is a Jedi!OC that I've talked to @icouldntfinditsoiwroteit about. She's a Jedi healer and archeologist/researcher who joined Delta Squad on missions instead of becoming a General.
Boss didn't need the Force to tell that Arti was upset, and after being stunned and locked in a padded room built for unruly Jedi he can't blame her- it still hurt to see her like this, glaring at her squad as they all filed in, only to turn away like looking at them pained her, but that was okay because they were going to fix it, fix everything, and then she'll forgive them like always and she'll go back to being their squad mate... their Jedi.
Boss didn't need the Force to tell that Arti was upset, and after being stunned and locked in a padded room built for unruly Jedi he can't blame her- it still hurt to see her like this, glaring at her squad as they all filed in, only to turn away like looking at them pained her, but that was okay because they were going to fix it, fix everything, and then she'll forgive them like always and she'll go back to being their squadmate... their Jedi.
But it seemed that their patience was being tested, of course, they would never do anything to just Arti, and they would give her all the patience in the galaxy, but they had been getting anxious especially when it seemed that they were doing no progress.
They were doing the exact same thing that had been done with others to make them understand but she didn't even look at them anymore, hell, sometimes they had worried she had gone into a hunger strike, but every time as she was about to reach the limit she would eat, drink, it was beginning to become torture.
Even Scorch couldn't get her to even look at them.
"Calm down Sev," Boss said as he checked over some documents that he needed to fill.
"How do you want me to calm down, she doesn't even look at us!!" 
"They said this would help her understand, that it has made others understand, but everything is the same...hell I think it's even worse!"
"We need to be patient," Fixer reminded.
"It's just that I can't understand how can she still want to go back to a galaxy that would throw her to a sarlacc pit if she stopped being useful!!"
"She has always been compassionate and too willing to give second chances," Fixer reminded.
It seemed that Sev wanted to rebut but they all quieted down as Scorch entered their barracks, this had become routine, he would come back deflated and with a defeated look, but today he had a hopeful look, even Boss put down his datapad.
"I think I have an idea," He said almost smiling.
"What happened Scorch?" Boss asked.
"She...she spoke to me and...and asked me for help...I got to touch her hand," Scorch said dreamily as he held his right hand as if it was the most beautiful thing in the galaxy.
"How?" Sev asked.
"I was going to leave her room but as I was a cadet came to us crying about how a youngling Jedi had suddenly fallen to the ground and started to convulse,"
"Arti immediately shot up and ran to him asking where the younglings were, the cadet lead her with me and other clones following suit,"
"When we got there she got to work, immediately taking care of the younglings and asked me to help her," Scorch said ecstatically.
"We got the little one to stabilize before taking them to the med bay, but even after this she let me touch her and she looked at me,"
"How is this meant to help us?" Fixer interrupted his daydream.
"Ever heard of positive reinforcement?"
Scorch had indeed been right, they had begun to let her out and to the medbay so she could help around, of course, there were protests, but after they finally began to make progress, the protests not only stopped but they began not only using this method on some o the most stubborn Jedi, but soon enough different tactics were developed, hell there were some for specific species.
And of course, soon they got to the point where they could let her have Wally back, a day they all sighed in relief, since the little demon had caused so much trouble they were now convinced that he could have ended the war on his own in less than a month.
"Wally!" Arti exclaimed delightedly as she ran to greet the small droid that made many delighted sounds as it jumped into her arms.
"I'm so glad you're okay, how have you been, have they been treating you well??" Arti asked rapidly and Wally answered just as fast in multiple beeps.
"Don't worry, he had us quite occupied," Sev mumbled as they all shuddered at everything he had done and how he had traumatized so many others.
"That's my boy," Arti hugged him tightly.
"The cutest bravest and smartest droid in my life," She booped him in the head as it chirped happily.
And even if they all weren't glad she was happy at their misery, it was still a lot of progress, she now talked and beat the crap out of them, but progress is progress, as long as she kept smiling.
A/N: Hope you like it, sorry if it is a bit short though
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foundationsecured · 6 years
Can you do another yandere 049 x reader? Maybe a containment breach happens and 049 prevents you from leaving?
Hoho. This doesn’t take place in the Cold Winter AU, but does involve a Yandere 049. Mostly implications, but heavy implications. Here you go!
Yandere SCP-049/Reader
Scientifically speaking, the likelihood of a containment breach occurring was about one in some hundred thousand percent, not accounting for confounding variables and other factors.
So of course the containment breach occurred today.
“Doc, we gotta go,” the security guard, Lawson, said. You frantically stuffed your papers into your bag, along with your clearance card, nodding.
“Of course,” You agreed, casting a lingering glance at SCP-049’s security papers, before hurrying out of the room with the guard. 049 would be fine.
“The breach is in Sector 5, Heavy Containment,” Lawson stated, listening to something on his radio and barking orders into it that you didn’t understand. You could only nod again, following him down the halls.
”I’ll get you to the evacuation shelter,” Lawson looked back at you, “Don’t worry.”
You could only hope. Once you reached the end of the hall, Lawson took out his gun, checking the corners. He gestured for you to keep following him, even as his radio began to shout, indistinguishable static broken up by yells. Again, you found yourself wondering about 049. He was so polite, you could hardly believe he was a dangerous SCP. What if something happened to him? But, as before, you shook your worry off. You’d been working too hard on reviewing his papers lately, and now it seemed he was all you could think about.
“Delta squad can’t get a read on which skip is out,” Lawson frowned, “Keep your eyes open, stick close.”
You nodded. And so you both kept on going, getting closer to the evacuation shelter. Though it was around a few minutes later that you both stopped, but for different reasons: fear.
“Quiet,” Lawson whispered, pointing his gun towards the end of the hall, the area where the noise had come from. Your eyes stared, wide, unsure, and Lawson narrowed his own glare as he slowly opened a door to the side. He gestured for you to enter, and you did, feeling your heart hammer in your chest. Lawson made a few signals, which you interpreted as a ‘stay quiet’, and the door closed.
You waited. Footsteps down the hall, the door at the end opening, silence.
You waited. But Lawson never came back.
Suddenly, more footsteps. Lighter than guard boots. You tensed, holding your breath, eyeing the door with alarm. It slid open, and you felt your blood run cold, your demise near.
“Good doctor? Is that you?” A voice, gentle and accented. You knew that voice; It was SCP-049.
“In here,” You confirmed, your own tone subdued as 049 entered. You weren’t sure how he had gotten out, but you didn’t want to question your blessings. You felt safer around him, ironically. 049 approached you, and you stood up, smiling slightly.
“My flower, are you well?” He asked. In the dim lighting of the room, his eyes seemed to glow slightly, “When I saw that you were not in your room, I feared the worst.”
“I’m fine,” You assured, then paused, “But, I was with a guard earlier. Have you seen him?”049 seemed to bristle, or maybe that was another trick of the light, “No,” he replied smoothly, “I’m afraid not.”You wilted, “I hope he’s alright.”
“Forget about him, my dear. We must get you somewhere safe,” And 049 held the door open. You nodded, stepping out with him. You cast one last glance down the door where Lawson had gone, but then 049 directed you the opposite way, gracefully stopping you from ever going to look. You smiled and went with him, trusting his judgement, however odd that was.After all, there was an escaped SCP on the loose. You couldn’t be too careful.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Can I request alphabet for Marcus gow?
Yeah, sure! I'm pulling from my old thought on Delta Squad for this Formatting is butchered because I wrote this on PC. You can find said thoughts here.
Yanderes Alphabet - Marcus Fenix
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Mentions of war, Blood/Gore, Violence, Death, PTSD/Trauma, Slight possessive behavior, Manipulation, Mentions of kidnapping, Fear of loss/attachment, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
I feel Marcus is not very emotive. He shows he cares at times but he isn't anything overly affectionate. He can feel intense but he really doesn't mean it. His affection for you is often small words of praise and pats on the back, maybe a hug. He's been through a lot... he's seen many people die... he has trouble being attached/showing physical affection. He comes off as intense as he's so stoic and protective.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Blood and gore is just in his line of work as a soldier. He's used to the thought, especially when it comes to getting into fist fights since he's been in prison for being a traitor before.
He doesn't mind getting a little bloody when it comes to making sure you stay alive and safe.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
If Marcus were to ever abduct you, he wouldn't feel the need to mock you. Him abducting you is rare and would only happen if he felt you were in danger. He would still treat you like a normal human being and make sure someone cares to your needs if he's not there.
He just wants you safe.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
If he feels it's necessary, besides that, not really.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Marcus is not a very vulnerable person, even when he loves someone. He is very stoic and cold due to his fear of getting too attached to comrades. He briefly shows he cares but mostly tries to keep his feelings to himself...
Tries to, at least.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
A bit irritated and disappointed, but he tolerates it for a bit. It's understandable you'd fight.... Yet he hopes you'll trust him as your leader enough to protect you and care for you.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not a game and he does not enjoy you trying to leave him.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
There's a lot of horrible experiences in the Gears of War/Gears franchise already. When it comes to Marcus?
I imagine a lot could be a bad experience with him. Even if he doesn't intend it. After all, he never takes his eyes off you. He never leaves you alone for that matter.
If I had to say an experience, maybe him yelling at others around you for not keeping you safe, or maybe even him manipulating you into accepting his strange affection for you. That or one of the fist fights he gets into over you. Something like that?
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants to settle down with you, marriage and everything. Maybe a kid if you're able to have them. Just... somewhere quiet, peaceful, and away from fighting.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
If he's jealous he never really shows it. Ways to tell may be him pulling you closer to himself at times. Although, he may lash out at others if they try to get too close to you. Soon he just can't hide it anymore.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Serious, Overprotective, Slightly possessive, Manipulative, Stoic, and not very emotive. But he still shows moments where he genuinely cares for you.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Really he just treats you like a new recruit for Delta Squad at first. He's protective and commanding as your superior. But his feelings change the more he knows you.
He begins to reconsider what he had with Anya....
Soon he tries to express his care for you more and more. He probably even has Dom try to help him win you over. His obsession starts subtle... but soon you're trapped in his embrace as his partner by the end of the Locust War.
He promises he'll protect you as your husband.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
He's more affectionate with you, but other than that he hides his obsession well.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Marcus would probably try isolation and nothing physical. Maybe restrain you with cuffs and accuse you of going rogue. Yet he really feels no need to punish you. He's very understanding of your panic and fighting.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Marcus would try not to take any rights from you unless there's a possibility of you getting hurt.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Marcus has a surprising amount of patience, but he can lose it quickly.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He'd have a really hard time with it, he's seen so much death and violence happen to the people he loves already.
He just wants to prevent that from happening to you... but in this case it appears he's failed...
It would wound him even if he doesn't make much of a fuss about it.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Yes, but he feels he can't let you go.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Trauma from his past and war, this is Gears of War after all.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Deep down he feels horrible as he knows he could be coping with his emotions much differently than this. However, he is still a bit selfish and pulls you into his arms regardless of how you feel.
He couldn't let you go if he tried.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
It's hard to pinpoint a weakness on Marcus. Maybe if you retired from the war effort or reciprocated his feelings and worries? Marcus does a good job of hiding his emotions/weaknesses from you.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Marcus would never lay a hand on you. Emotionally? Maybe unintentionally.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Marcus is not a worship yandere. He would go to great lengths to protect you and maybe even have you love him. Yet he is surprisingly patient for that to happen.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He holds his feelings back for quite awhile, he tries to be in denial of them for a bit so his obsession could develop for years if he had to.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not intentionally, he would hate it if that happened.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Can I request Yandere Anya Stroud concept please 🧎‍♀️
I'll try my best. Sorry it might be short, she's mostly not on screen except for in Gears 3.
Yandere! Anya Stroud Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Paranoia, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation/Controlling behavior, Violence, Death, Fear of loss, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Anya's obsession would most likely start fully in Gears 3 during the Lambent Crisis.
This is because during Gears 1 and 2 she's part of Control which just gives info to Delta Squad.
Anya's primary relationship is Marcus, so a yandere Anya could go one of two ways.
If you want romance, she cuts off her relationship with Marcus and later falls for you.
If you want platonic, she views you as a close friend while still being in love with Marcus.
For this concept I imagine you're part of Delta Squad, you're a soldier who joined and works under Marcus Fenix.
This way, no matter the intentions, Anya has an eye on you and Marcus.
Her obsession is very subtle and barely visible at first.
After all, she's just meant to give orders and make sure your team gets out alive.
The most she knows you for by this point is your skill and how focused you are with helping Marcus through this war.
You working so close with Marcus is probably what makes Anya curious of you.
New recruits of Delta Squad usually die like the Carmines, but you haven't.
You're determined to fight and survive in this world.
Something Anya is impressed with.
Before Gears 3 you only met Anya a select few times.
It's usually for planning on how to take on the Locust.
Other than that you usually hear from her on your radio and it's almost always battle plan related.
Your relationship with each other is strictly duty related, you barely have time to even discuss things outside of battle.
You only get to casually speak with Anya after the sinking of Jacinto.
You meet one another probably on the Sovereign and Anya is actually intrigued to finally meet you.
She's seen how well you've performed before the Lambent issue.
Even at the camp in Gears 2 where you managed to meet one another in person, you've improved.
Marcus must be training you well.
Considering how the time between Gears 2 and 3 is 18 months, the start of her interest in you could start there.
While humanity fights against the new Lambent threat, you've been working on the Sovereign with the rest.
Anya originally may come up to speak to you to ask about your time in Delta Squad.
After that, well, you two begin to actually get to know each other.
Marcus may even be a bit surprised that you and Anya hit it off so well.
You two often speak with one another while tending to crops or maintaining the ship.
Honestly... you two make good friends.
Well, you think you're good friends.
You aren't quite sure how Anya feels about you.
She's very professional yet determined, yet you also can't deny she feels a certain way about you.
She may even ask Marcus about you and how well you did during training.
If she just saw you as a friend then she just thinks her obsession is her being curious and protective of someone under her command.
If she saw you as a romantic partner, she may feel a bit guilty about her obsession as she hates the idea of sleeping around.
One thing I can say for certain about Anya is she's protective but independent.
She doesn't rely on her darling much and would actually like them to lean on her.
Especially when Gears 3 rolls around and she begins to realize the danger everyone's been thrust into.
Her obsession is definitely worse as Gears 3 plays out.
It doesn't matter what her feelings are, she keeps close to you when Lambent and Locust start to become a problem.
Her feelings would only get worse when Dom sacrifices himself to have everyone else survive...
Her obsession peaks after Gears 3.
However, it's a subtle development as Gears 3 goes on.
She becomes part of the squad with Marcus and you, allowing her to be more involved in your protection than over the radio.
On the Sovereign you two were able to become close friends, perhaps bordering on something more in Anya's mind.
So her feelings get quite shaken when you're put through hell to find Marcus's dad.
She knows how easy it is to lose someone you're close to.
She and Marcus are aware of such a danger.
Whenever you're in danger, Anya is quick to pull you close and out of the way.
She is often the one to look after you and scolds you about reckless behavior.
She begins to realize she should do something when Gears 3 concludes.
Adam Fenix is dead, Dom is dead, and Marcus is left a mess along with Anya.
Anya no doubt notices your distraught due to what you've seen too.
But she's there to comfort you.
Anya isn't that intense of a yandere, probably playing subtle mind games to make you close to her.
For example, maybe she acts as comfort for you to make sure she stays in your life somehow.
Be that as a lover, or as a close friend or guardian.
If she was romantic with you then she may pull you close while comforting you, only to kiss you softly.
It's very subtle... but your emotional mess of a mind may take her confession and not realize she planned it.
If you were just platonic, then she still holds you close but offers you to stay in contact with her and Marcus.
They'll look after you... care for you... keep you safe unlike all the rest.
Other tendencies to note is her using her rank in the past to keep you out of danger like I've done with other yanderes outranking their obsession.
Although, she'd more likely just have Marcus watch over you instead.
Unless you probably couldn't tell she was yandere until she lets the mask slip a little.
Like later on after Gears 3 she may seem a little... controlling.
She blames it on what you both have gone through, but one can't help but wonder if she was... always like this?
You'll only know things are wrong when she becomes smothering.
There should be nothing to worry about with the war over.
Not to Anya.
She refuses to throw away your bond and plans to keep you in her sight.
There's no need to fight or train anymore yet she acts like she still outranks you.
She doesn't plan to leave your life... not when you've grown so close.
She promises never to lose you... even if you want to leave, she'll cage you beside her one way or another.
"Controlling? No, I'm not! I guess I'm just worried... we've been through a lot. You won't leave me, will you? Not after everything we've done?"
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Can I request yandere marcus and baird after the event of gow3 reader dissapear from them then years later found a kid that look like her later?
Yessss! Pardon me for some suggestive parts in this, I tried to not make it too bad. In terms of yandere behavior, this is tamer than what it could've been. (Even though I... wanted too... *cough*)
Yandere! Marcus + Baird finding their Darling with a kid
(Mentions events from Gears 3, 4, and possibly 5)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Pining, Consensual intimacy mentioned but that's it, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Stalking, Recording, Canon typical violence, Implied infidelity on Marcus part but it is up in the air, Isolation/Implied kidnapping, Mild swearing, Clingy behavior mentioned, Possessive behavior implied, Implied forced relationship.
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Marcus Fenix
I know the original request didn't say Darling's kid was theirs (Marucs/Baird) or not but I'll write this how I want.
You were most likely a member of Delta Squad, one that was rather close to Marcus.
You didn't get too close as you didn't wish to threaten the romance Anya and Marcus had in the past.
However, you had no idea Marcus actually had feelings for you.
Yes, Marcus happens to love the young woman of the group, even if he tries to ignore this fact.
You look up to Marcus as a leader.
Although, perhaps soon in a lapse of judgement Marcus falls into pursuing you.
It's small and in secret but somewhere right before the events of Gears 3 you two happen to be in private.
You and Marcus were probably intimate at least once.
It's consensual and you feel guilty at the fact you enjoyed it.
It was all kept away from other members of the team, yet now you knew the true feelings Marcus had towards you.
The thought made your heart fuzzy that Marcus liked you that way, but you were professional.
A taste like that no doubt hooks Marcus even more, even if he tries to hold himself back from having more.
It's after this that the events of Gears 3 take place.
By the end of getting rid of the Lambent/Locust you all lost many you loved.
For example, Dom had sacrificed himself for your success.
This no doubt affects both you and Marcus.
Marcus left the COG after the war and you had opted to leave too.
However, you two never got together.
You had managed to convince yourself it was all just a fling.
After all, Marcus most likely belonged with Anya.
Plus, maybe you need to be away from your past.
This causes you two to separate, which originally doesn't bother Marcus.
That was until he couldn't get over you.
Marcus most likely doesn't meet you again until maybe Gears 4?
Marcus now has a son yet his wife, Anya, passed away.
You haven't seen Marcus in years and have a kid of your own.
Maybe they're older than JD or around the same age.
Maybe they are related to Marcus, maybe they aren't
What is clear is they take after you, their mother.
This similarity is no doubt caught by Marcus when your kid starts being around JD more often.
He doesn't want to think about it… but the evidence is there.
You're still out there and he still yearns for you.
After all this time… he still loves you.
Perhaps even to confirm he asks your kid if they are related to you.
Which they say yes to.
Your meeting with Marcus can go a few ways.
You are aware that with the return of The Swarm you are meant to fight alongside him once again.
Maybe you show a sense of nostalgia with Marcus when he greets you.
Maybe you feel guilty for leaving.
Either way, Marcus feels an uncharacteristic happiness in his gut when he sees you.
You're older now, like him, it's been a long time after all.
Your feelings for him aren't really there anymore.
Sure, you were intimate once or twice, but that was all.
However, Marcus still feels for you.
You notice it in his affection.
He's more physical with you, he looks fondly at your child and his.
He often speaks about the past.
You can tell he holds fondness towards you.
Who knows? Maybe when there's downtime, perhaps between Gears 4 and 5, you two are intimate again.
It's clear Marcus wants a relationship again.
You may say yes when it's all over, but not right now.
Marcus, however, is scared of losing you like Anya.
As a result he becomes more protective.
He's protective of you and the kids you two essentially look after now.
Perhaps there's a point where Marcus is stern with you.
He tells you to stay out of a fight like you're that young woman again.
Soon he even suggests isolating you away.
You try to tell him you can take care of yourself and your kid.
You aren't a rookie like back then.
Despite this, Marcus continues to be stern with his tone.
Marcus is determined to not only have you as his again, but to protect you.
He's lost Dom, he's lost Anya.
Hell, in Gears 5 he may have even lost his own son.
He refuses to lose you and the kid you had away from him.
Even if it means protecting you to the point you hate him.
“Look, I know, I just can't lose you both too.”
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Damon S. Baird
Just like the Marcus portion of this, Baird and you were part of Delta Squad.
You and Baird most likely flirted with each other.
He's an arrogant asshole but no doubt playfully teases you.
As a result there was probably some form of reciprocated love at one point in time.
You're the only other person he gets along with beside Cole and maybe Sam (That's a hard maybe).
There's probably some yandere behavior that manifested while you two experimented with each other.
He still stalks and records you, he's antisocial and prefers isolation yet can't seem to clear you from his mind.
Similar to the Marcus section you two were probably intimate before Gears 3.
At first it was just a little experiment.
An experiment you both didn't mind… you may have done it a few other times.
Yet the blossoming relationship between you two was put on pause when Gears 3's events kicked in.
You both were more focused on ending the war than with each other.
By the end of it you wanted to leave your past for a while.
This is what caused your disappearance, something that devastated Baird.
Part of him wants to blame you for leaving him but he can't.
As Baird moved on throughout the years to put together Damon Baird Industries he kept all the footage and pictures he had of you.
He assumed you had a reason.
Yet he still misses you.
If anything maybe it was good you left, the COG sucked now anyways.
Baird's experiences with parenting are mostly just him being an uncle to JD until Anya died.
So when he notices a kid looking similar to you with JD, Del, and Kait he's intrigued.
Again, maybe they're his, maybe they aren't.
What he does know is there's striking similarities in their face to you.
When he asks your kid who their parent is, they say you. 
Since Marcus and Baird are no doubt being dragged in to fight The Swarm, you join too.
Even if it's just to watch over your kid.
When you meet Baird again you're shocked yet pleased.
It was like you were greeting an old friend.
Baird is surprised too, although he's paying more attention to the fact you're attractive even as an older woman and mother now.
Baird isn't really one for kids… but he does have a soft spot for yours.
A really small part of him hopes they're his too.
You two no doubt tease each other like old times.
Baird doesn't mind, he missed you quite a bit.
As I said in the Gears 1 concept for Baird, you can only push Baird away from you for so long before he forces himself into your life.
He doesn't want to lose you again so he finds himself clinging closer to you.
He no doubt tries to impress you with his company and offers you a part in it.
You can tell Baird is trying to encourage something between you two again.
Yet maybe you say no and Baird has to pretend to be patient.
Baird is more possessive than Marcus, who is a more protective yandere.
He no doubt goes back into taking pictures and recordings of you.
He adds them all into his collection to look at later when he's alone.
Baird would eventually attempt isolating you with him.
He even tries to earn the trust of your kid.
You comment on the fact Baird never wanted kids, which he feels has to defend himself on when you confront him.
He likes your kid (As part of him thinks they are his)
Baird's obsession is destructive.
He'll try to manipulate into being with him again as he feels he can't be without you.
He tries not to do anything rash.
However… How long will it be until Baird decides he doesn't want you to fight out there anymore?
Maybe he'll lock you away like he should've long ago.
He'll take good care of the both of you… Just take him back.
Who knows what he'll do to have you again?
“It'll be just like old times! I'll even help with the kid, okay? Please… I need you, alright? Is that what you need to hear?”
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
You know that au we've been talking about for a bit after you sent and indoctrinated me with all of the gears game movies?
Could you please make a small scenario for the Locust Princess AU? I Don't mind if it is one of the generals, Delta squad, or that one poor simping drone we joked about.
Friend, I give you... the silly. I couldn't think of a plot for a scenario so this is more of an imagine/me sharing the idea more than anything :( Happy I indoctrinated you though, lol. I appear to be good at it as some of my followers have told me.
Yandere! Locust Drone with Locust Princess! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Protective behavior, Worship yandere, Social class differences, Unrequited love/one sided obsession, Mentions of mate.
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So before I've talked about the Locust Generals with a darling who was Myrrah's kid.
Well, an idea that came to mind that I spoke with the requester about was if a drone fell for a Locust Princess! Darling.
Imagine, the Drone is aware he's only a drone.
He isn't worthy of coming close to you.
He knows he must serve you and his queen.
Yet he wishes to be more than expendable.
Just think about it, the idea of a Locust Drone following you around like a puppy.
Wherever you go or appear in The Hollow, he's there.
He hates that he is barred access from the palace, however.
Only high ranked Locust get to be near you.
As a result, if he doesn't die in the process, I imagine he'd try his best to rank up for you.
Imagine a Drone working hard and showing exceptional talent to the point he rises in the ranks of the Horde.
It's a struggle but certainly possible.
This Locust is honestly just desperate to win the approval of his favorite princess.
Even if you never feel the same he still tries his best.
Soon he becomes more than a foot soldier, earning a name for himself.
Maybe he becomes a Theron Guard, learning the art of the Torque Bow.
He still isn't high enough to get into the palace but soon he will be.
He still follows you wherever you can be seen and snatches up any information he can get.
He loves both his Princess and Queen.
Yet he hopes he has a chance with you.
He worships the ground you walk on and is ecstatic when he manages to get the rank of Palace Guard.
As a Palace Guard is all of his intricate golden armor he can finally get closer to you.
Now he follows you even more, always one step away.
He's eager and happy that he's finally been given the role of your guard.
He's surprised he's alive at this point but would give everything to defend you.
In the Rise of RAAM comics it's shown that Locust have their own personalities and aren't mindless.
I imagine this one fantasizes of being your mate and one true partner.
He is a completely loyal puppy to you.
Imagine the once lowly Drone footsoldier, now promoted to Palace Guard, living for your praise.
He bows to you, hisses how wonderful you are, and vows he's yours.
The Generals find this particular Drone odd, but Myrrah allows you to do whatever you wish with him
At this point it seems he's happy with being your little plaything if you so choose.
Maybe you find him creepy of annoying... or maybe like your mother you feel a sadistic sense of wanting to tease him.
The Guard doesn't complain, all he wants is you to praise him.
Imagine your newly chosen Guard getting jealous at other Locust passing by.
He's worked hard to get into this position, to be near you, he'd be a fool if he allowed those lesser than you to get near.
I imagine there's a lot of hissing and threats to keep you as his.
In his eyes, you're his and he's yours.
Yet your view is most likely different.
You see him as just a guard, not a partner.
Despite this you're told to reward his loyalty.
The Guard is willing to die for you, he defends you with his life.
The least you could do is reward him a little, yes?
He's easy to manipulate with your power.
You can do whatever you please with him.
A simple touch to his exposed skin or praise has the Guard growling at the sensation.
He's worked so hard to get to this point.
Now he's here... in your presence... and yours... he'll do anything, such as kill, to stay right here where he feels he belongs.
He's yours to use and abuse just to keep you happy.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Just making this because I've been replaying Gears 1/Ultimate and wanted to share my niche little interest with you all in here so you just know what I like. If someone here likes Gears feel free to hmu, I'll happily listen to your brainrot and please do tell me if you have other ideas for how they act or if I got something wrong. No one's done anything like this but... hey... Gears was the first thing I ever wrote fanfiction for so I love it.
I decided to just do these four In one post to see what happens. As a result, it's kinda long :p Pure unedited brainrot, enjoy! Maybe I'll do another for the Gears 4 crew or the Carmines in the future.
General Look at Delta Squad as Yanderes
(Marcus, Dom, Cole, Baird)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Mentions of war, PTSD, Character's feeding into obsession, Violence, Death, Blood, Guilt tripping, Manipulation, Delusional behavior, Self-destructive behavior, Possessive behavior, Threats, Kidnapping mentioned, Stalking, Trackers, Swearing with Baird's part, Recordings, Secret pictures, Dubious relationship/companionship.
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Marcus Fenix
Marcus would certainly be one that's hard to read.
Due to his past and tendency to lose those close to him due to war, he isn't the most expressive person.
He's loyal to his comrades and does care for others such as Dom, Anya and in this case... you.
However, Marcus doesn't show much emotion compared to people like Dom and Cole.
He often comes off cold and angry, yet he's a leader and expects to be listened to.
His darling may often think he doesn't care despite the fact he does.
To a concerning degree, actually.
He tries to avoid risks that could cause unnecessary loss.
As a platonic view towards you, he'd be most likely to take on some sort of father role or even be a friend. Yet father seems most likely for him due to Gears 4?
Romantic he sees you as someone he'd like to settle down with when he has the chance.
It's hard to tell how he feels until his obsession progresses due to his lack of emotion half the time.
Even if he seems apathetic, he'd be devastated if anything happened to you.
I feel when it comes to Yandere! Marcus and the loyalty Dom has towards him, Dom would feed into his tendencies.
The two are friends and Dom would probably encourage his less emotive friend to be closer to you.
Marcus doing dark things for you isn't too OOC.
He's seen death, he's been through a lot, he's often assertive and aggressive at times...
Anything like violence or murder isn't too hard to think of when it comes to him, but he tries to avoid it.
In terms of jealousy I feel he doesn't show it much.
He may take it out on others or maybe even Locust in battle, but he isn't going to outright admit it.
He shows he cares for you in his own way.
Physical affection is difficult since he's only known war for so long.
However, when it comes to you and coaxing from Dom, he gives in.
The most I can see for affection from him is pats on the back and pulling you close.
Outright hugging you is rare but happens.
He just... isn't very expressive.
A yandere being hard to read can be an issue.
With Marcus I can agree somewhat.
He knows better than to kill another human, he's already been labeled as a traitor once.
Fist fights don't count.
Marcus would get physically violent to protect you.
He's been covered in multiple times before, it's his line of work.
Violence is just expected of him.
But when it comes to you he gets softer.
He doesn't let his guard down but he's a bit more considerate.
Marcus would never let you out of his sight.
As a leader he feels responsible for your safety.
Plus, he expects you to listen to him due to his authoritative nature.
I feel he's a protective yandere and isn't all that possessive.
He'll have you return to him in the end in some way.
Marcus fights for you and the future he could share with you.
Be it taking you under his wing or taking you as a romantic partner, he's determined to see you live through it all and be beside him.
If you rejected Marcus then I don't think he'd be violent towards you.
He understands but doesn't leave you alone.
Then there's if Dom finds out....
Being loyal as ever, Dom would guilt trip you into going back to Marcus.
You'd be dragged back by his friend to return Marcus' care towards you.
Marcus tends to make orders towards you and is stern.
Out of everyone on Delta, Marcus and Baird may be the more "forceful" ones towards you if you disagree with them.
Marcus wouldn't force his darling into "obedience" aggressively.
He won't lay a hand on you but he may threaten or be persistent about it.
He most likely outranks you, so you should listen to his orders anyways.
He knows what to do so just listen.
He doesn't seem the type to kidnap.
Yet he does seem like someone who could murder and will probably even get help from Dom. (Platonic yandere Dom/hj?)
Overall, Marcus is a stern protective yandere who is hard to read. No only that but he often gets help from Dom if there is some issues between you and him.
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Dominic Santiago
Dom is a much different type than his friend, Marcus.
He's an upbeat family man who's loyal and defends those he cares about.
He's most loyal to Marcus, willing to even break his loyalty to the COG to help him.
Dom would lean more into a protective delusional yandere.
He thinks his darling couldn't hate him and is always super caring towards you.
In terms of a platonic yandere, Dom could work as a fatherly yandere or a close friend.
He's loyal and one for family.
When it comes to romantic intentions he's incredibly affectionate and caring.
While Marcus tends to bottle his feelings and obsession over you, Dom is more emotive about it.
He knows how to be serious but also knows how to make his darling smile.
However, he isn't as in your face about it as Cole.
Dom makes it known he cares for you.
Plus he thinks you'll feel the same regardless on how you feel now.
Dom is someone willing to sacrifice everything for you.
You and Marcus mean the world to him.
As a result, he'd get himself hurt to protect you.
One of his biggest fears is losing those he loves.
Which means he'd rather die than lose you.
Dom can be a bit invasive at times but will give you space.
In terms of jealousy I'd imagine he'd make it known in passing.
He seems like he'd get moody or mention it later but wouldn't hurt anyone over it.
The only time he hurts others over you is if your life is in danger.
Other than that, Dom is an affectionate man who wants nothing more than to give you the world.
In terms of Delta Squad he's in the middle.
He's protective and delusional at times but knows when it is right to give you space.
Although Dom tends to use emotional manipulation to nudge you in the direction he wants.
He isn't really possessive, just jealous at times.
When it comes to Dom I can't really see him killing people out of jealousy.
Not unless he was overcome with some sort of emotion or was aiding you or Marcus while doing it.
In terms of if Marcus would help him with his obsession, it can go one of two ways.
Marcus either tries to correct him and tells him off...
Or Marcus helps by intimidating you into compliance, because they're friends after all.
Dom doesn't want you to be scared of him.
He wants you to eventually love him in whatever way he feels (romantic or platonic).
He'd be more physically affectionate, he's much more willing to physically embrace you and kiss you.
Dom would be one who wants to pamper you.
He wants to make you happy and cared for.
Sometimes his own dark thoughts of obsession disturb him, but he gives in eventually.
Dom is someone I can see kidnapping you.
It isn't at the top of his list but he does seem like the type to do that.
His motive is most likely to start a family but he doesn't need to kidnap you to do that.
Manipulation is theoretically all he needs.
If you told him you hated him he'd be in disbelief.
In his mind he doesn't think he's doing anything wrong once he fully accepts it.
He sees following you close and holding you to be a sign of protection.
Obviously you're going to need someone to be your second half in the world, right?
In a war riddled Sera you'll need him to keep you safe... so let him help!
He'd do anything for you.
Overall Dom is certainly a very loyal, protective, yet delusional yandere. He's pretty average when it comes to Delta Squad's yandere behavior for the most part... but has his moments.
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Augustus Cole
Cole is similar to Dom but more intense.
He's energetic and enthusiastic.
Cole knows how to cheer up his squad and is always friendly.
Everyone seems to get along with him and he's even been friends with one of Delta's most stubborn members, Baird, for years before Delta.
I have a feeling no one could really hate him as he's just that nice to be around.
In fact you most likely get along with him fine.
Before E-Day Cole used to be a celebrity Thrashball player, he's famous prior to the Locust war but stays modest.
He actually doesn't like flaunting his fame all that much.
Yet if his darling knew him from those days and still admired him, he isn't complaining!
I have a feeling Cole is protective like most, a bit delusional, and a bit manipulative.
He'd also be one to prioritize his darling's happiness and often tries to keep them happy.
I can also see him being very affectionate and somewhat clingy.
Cole as a platonic could work as either a fatherly yandere or a very close friend.
He's a dad in canon at some point and is just so damn friendly.
With romantic intentions he'd be charming too.
Honestly, Cole may even fit into the role of the yandere you have no idea is a yandere.
He could get close to you and even integrate himself into your life before you even figure out something's wrong.
His friendly persona is no facade but he certainly utilizes it to stay on your good side.
He's just always so excited and happy despite the situation.
Cole would probably not harm another human unless they hurt you first.
Locust on the other hand?
He takes pleasure in killing them.
He's has a fighting spirit and it even disturbs others at times how often he runs into battle with no plan.
It would definitely be hard to tell he is a yandere.
He doesn't consider kidnapping or murder, most of the time he's just slowly worming his way into your life.
He makes all these cute promises of taking care of you and lives for your smile.
He'd also give you little nicknames.
He'd definitely be physically affectionate, probably even more than Dom.
He loves the idea of you smiling and laughing in his arms.
Cole would never want to do anything that would upset you.
Which is why overall he'd be a rather tame yandere for your sake.
However, if it ever comes to it, he doesn't mind getting some blood on him.
It comes with the job, plus, while he tries not to hurt other humans/soldiers...
Can you really tell the difference between human and Locust blood?
Overall, Cole would be very caring and would give you anything to make you happy. Any signs of obsessive behavior are really hard to spot with him.
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Damon S. Baird
Baird is noted as being hard to get along with.
It isn't until later in the series that he stops being selfish and tries to get along with others.
Before that he only ever got along with Cole and later on, Delta Squad as a whole.
When he just meets you he's going to be a bit of an... ass.
As a result I feel Cole would help him out similar to Dom with Marcus.
Cole acts as a bridge between you at first to get along.
Doesn't matter if he's aware of Baird's obsession or not, he's willing to help you get along.
Baird has always been antisocial and poor with people.
He prefers to turn to machines and work on those rather than talking.
He's skilled in mechanics, demolitions, and robotics.
He could use such talents in his obsession.
Especially in Gears 4 where he owns the DB robotics company.
I could see him making drones or trackers to help his obsessive need to be near you.
Baird would be the yandere of Delta Squad more prone to stalking.
He'd secretly place a tracker in your armor or clothes or assign JACK to watch over you.
Baird when it comes to being platonic would more likely lean closer to being a friend than a fatherly yandere.
He's the type of friend that's hard to get along with at times but cares for you above all else like with Cole.
When it comes to romantic feelings he comes off awkward when trying to express it.
He struggles with personal connections like Marcus and struggles with his attempts to flirt or be on your good side.
You may hate Baird at first but he begins to grow on you.
He tends to run his mouth when he shouldn't which may make you upset.
As a result Cole may need to step in to repair things between you.
Cole is a bit of an enabler, guilt certainly creeps up on him at times though.
I feel Baird falls into the possessive category more than the others do.
You are one of the ones he tolerates the most.
It gets on his nerves at times when others are around or you're placed on another squad.
I feel if Baird ever got jealous he'd be willing to make it everyone's problem.
He'll complain to you about it and overall make it a big deal.
It gets annoying quickly.
He just wants to be alone with his robotics and have you to talk to him.
He also doesn't really need to kidnap because he'll have you covered in trackers.
No, don't ask what the device in his hand is that he keeps checking.
It's not important... (it's the thing he uses to track you).
Why kidnap you when he can just know where you are?
Murder? Ehhh... probably not his thing.
He could kill Locust all day like most of the COG.
Humans? He doesn't really like people but won't turn his gun on them unless they were traitors.
Threatening them would be up there though.
He's mostly bark but would probably punch someone if they got on his nerves.
He'd probably try to hide the fact he cares for you until much later, sort of like he's in denial.
He claims he doesn't have any specific feelings towards you when anyone asks...
But that's a huge lie.
He keeps track of you through tech and often shows worry when you're not around.
Others seem to notice but he quickly hides hid worry if it ever shows too much.
He's bad with affection at times but could give either verbal or physical.
He struggles with verbal.
He doesn't want you to think he hates you, truth is you often occupy his mind more than he'd like.
He'd probably lose it if he lost you somehow.
Which often means he clings around you, both to keep your attention and defend you.
Baird may also be one to utilize JACK to take pictures/record you when you aren't looking.
He definitely has a folder of such information recorded by JACK.
Baird would appear forceful at times, often getting frustrated if his darling was refusing him or ignoring him.
He has to be calmed by Cole but it only does so much.
You quickly become a big part of his life...
Recording you, protecting you, and being covered in blood for you becomes part of his daily life.
Regardless on if you like him or not due to his past behavior, he always has liked you.
You can only push him away from you for so long before he attempts to force his way into your life.
Overall, Baird can be a yandere who seems to hate you at first to hide his obsession. In reality he struggles with his obsessive tendencies towards you to the point he can't take it anymore and takes control of the situation.
He may seem like he doesn't care... in reality he cares so much it may just be destructive for the both of you.
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Can I request yandere Damon Baird alphabet
Sure! Here's more Baird, the yandere who doesn't want to admit he likes you. I apologize for spelling mistakes.
His behavior is pulled from here.
Yandere Alphabet - Damon Baird
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Violence, Manipulation, Stalking/Trackers, Secret recordings, Denial, Blood mention, Kidnapping mentioned, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Baird struggles when it comes to getting along with people, he's antisocial. He's slow when it comes to loving his obsession. However, once he is attached, he can be physically affectionate. He can come off as intense due to his overprotective/possessive nature.
He's awkward with flirting at first and affection... but he gets the hang of it... and doesn't like to stop once he figures out he enjoys it.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Baird can be confrontational but he mostly bark than bite. Not saying he's harmless... he just is naturally verbally aggressive. Baird wouldn't murder a fellow COG... or if he would, it isn't often.
Despite that, I think he would beat up another COG if they got too romantic with you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Baird isn't one to kidnap... if he did, he has his reasons. Maybe he locks you in his lab? If he did he'd treat you with care since you are so special to him.
He wouldn't necessarily mock you... unless he felt you were being rebellious.
Baird tries to stay away from abduction, so if it ends up happening... something must've pushed him over the edge.
The trackers and footage from JACK weren't enough, huh?
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He may seem like he would, but I think he wouldn't actually want to force you into much.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Baird doesn't appear vulnerable. Even when he cares for people he sometimes gives them a hard time. Baird may appear to not care about you or denies it... but he cares for you so much.
His obsession is destructive. You're never off his mind and he feels calmed when you're around. He may not show it... but you ruin him internally.
An addiction he can't quite shake.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He'd be annoyed and irritated, maybe even getting into a verbal fight about it before apologizing and trying to fix what he said.
He never wants to harm you on purpose.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
No and he wouldn't enjoy watching you try to leave.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
When it comes to Baird, I might say finding out the truth about his obsession or him locking you in his lab.
Both of those would reveal his true nature towards you... along with seal your fate.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Hard to say as Baird doesn't seem like one for marriage in canon. So he might want to be with you in some way... for one reason or another.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes and he plans to make it everyone's problem. He isn't one to silently be upset about his irritation. He will complain... and he will be annoying about it.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Obsessive, Overprotective, Possessive, Manipulative, Jealous, Suffocating, Observing.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Baird most likely met you as a member of Delta Squad. You're a rookie a bit younger than him and at first he comes off as cold. He just sees you as reckless and a bit irritating.
However, over time you begin to grow on him and he accepts you as part of Delta Squad. He even gets a bit worried about you when on the field. Eventually he even sees you attractive... never taking his eyes on you...
He has trouble admitting it... but he gets attached.
Attached to the point of never leaving you unmonitored.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not really, no.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Isolation, Restraints, Scolding.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Not many if he doesn't have to.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Moderate patience, leans towards impatient.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He'd have a really hard time with it and it would always leave a mark on him... When it comes to your death, that is. If you left he'd try to find you again no matter what.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
A little... maybe he'd let you go if you let JACK follow you.
And allow a tracker on you.
Hard to say... maybe he felt a need to protect you when Cole introduced you and then things escalated?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He's bad at comfort so he'll either try his best or leave you be.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Easing his worries might help you.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not intentionally.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not a worship yandere but would try to be more welcoming with his obsession to have you love him naturally.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Year or two? He's mostly slow acting with his obsession.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not intentionally.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere! Gears of War Masterlist
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Multiple Characters
- General Look at Delta Squad as Yanderes (Marcus, Dom, Cole, Baird) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- General Ideas on Locust Leaders being Yanderes over Myrrah's Kid (RAAM, Skorge, Karn, Sraak) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Marcus vs Baird (+ wingmen Cole and Dom) [Romantic - Rivalry (Marcus+Baird)/Platonic (Dom+Cole to Marcus+Baird)] [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Marcus + Baird finding their Darling with a kid (Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! Carmine Brothers Sharing Darling (Anthony, Benjamin, Clayton) (Romantic - Sharing) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Marcus Fenix
- Yandere! Marcus + Baird with Mother! Darling (Darling Tries To Escape - Expanded Idea) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! JD, Kait, Gabriel with Darling kissing them on the cheek (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yanderes Alphabet - Marcus Fenix (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Damon S. Baird
- Yandere Alphabet - Damon Baird (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Tai Kaliso
- Yandere! Tai Kaliso Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Clayton Carmine
- Yandere! Clayton Carmine Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Clayton Carmine with Awkward/Shy! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Gabriel Diaz
- Yandere! Gabriel "Gabe" Diaz Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Reyna Diaz
- Yandere! Reyna Diaz Concept (Gears 4/Human! Reyna Diaz) (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
JD Fenix
Anya Stroud
- Yandere! James Dominic Fenix Concept (Platonic -> Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! JD Fenix Concept (Mother! Darling AU (?) - Extended Idea) (Platonic) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! Anya Stroud Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Queen Myrrah
- Yandere! Queen Myrrah Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Locust Horde/Swarm
- Yandere! Locust Drone with Locust Princess! Darling (Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Possessive/Attached Berserker Concept (Animal/Pet-Like) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
No one's going to know what I'm talking about but I'm going to plant my seeds of brainrot here for anyone who does.
I've been replaying Gears and decided to make HCs for Delta Squad.
Then I realized "Hey, I've written for Locusts years ago... those could be fun."
You see, what I forgot is Locusts are Hivemind creatures under one queen. Like they confirmed with the Swarm in Gears 4/5.
If you had a Yandere Locust, that's bad enough. But the fact they are part of a Hivemind is worse. Because that means multiple Locust share the same feeling...
Or more likely... even Queen Myrrah herself has an obsession over you.
Probably could work the other way around too. Myrrah is attached to you, so the Locust are too.
For clarification, I'm talking about Gears of War/Gears. They're games similar to Halo but third person.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
We've been talking about how helpful Cole and Dom as wingman so what this asshole do for darling with Baird and Marcus? Their fight will be worse much worse than in their gears of war 1 they'll talk shit about others when darling around and recruit some rookies to spies their darling probably Carmine and JACK with Marcus walking darling home and Baird always checking out her equipment. In their relentless pursuit of winning their beloved's heart, Marcus and Baird occasionally sabotage each other's plans. This often results in unintentional comedic chaos on the battlefield. Explosions triggered by tampered grenades, mistimed smokescreens, and hacked communication devices become commonplace. The squad's survival sometimes depends on their ability to thwart these bumbling attempts at sabotage. Throughout all the chaos, the object of their affection remains mostly indifferent to their advances.
They're trying so hard.
While I can see their attempts to sabotage as somewhat comedic, I do genuinely think these yanderes can be relatively intense.
Not the worst in this universe, as Myrrah and any Locust General exists, but these two may be more prone to violence than Dom or Cole on their team.
Then there's the manipulation and power dynamic thing to consider, which would bring up Anya, Loomis, Hoffman, ETC....
Now that I think about it, most yanderes are either fine in Gears or about to ruin your day.
Baird and Marcus can be bad and mildly comedic and are the worst on Delta Squad.
But Darling is certainly... better off than most?
Idk we've talked about Delta a ton and Baird vs Marcus, I'm throwing ideas out there.
Then there's Gears 4/5's crew....
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Delta squad with smoll darling the guys just very swollen and big but now there's darling in the squad that's 5 ft 0 to there 6 ft 1 please leave her alone she can manage to kill locust herself and no don't baby her to hype she doesn't like your friends at all in fact after all this over she just want to be alone rn
As someone who's 5'2 myself, being surrounded by Delta Squad would be intimidating.
Like I'd try and befriend everyone but having them yanderes?
It's bad enough with one or two with someone encouraging them.
But imagine four?
H e l p-
Darling just wants to go home after the Locust War, not settle with any of them.
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