#yandere failgirl
carnivorousyandeere · 4 months
Want to kiss both Erik and Thorn which is kinda funny because they're supposed to be the opposite of each other
Now I’m just imagining the world’s most dysfunctional polycule 😂😭 Erik is utterly incapable of sharing his Darling, but let’s suspend our disbelief to say— even outside of that, these two would wanna kill each other so damn badly lol.
When Thorn was a student, she was a real displeasure to have in class. Always talking loudly, interrupting people, doing class clown type shit (albeit without the popularity that usually comes with such antics… maybe due to her alternative fashion sense, occasional violence, or lack of social skills). Thorn would have pissed Erik off so badly as a student, all wrinkled songbooks, sparks of genuinely good playing that are quickly overtaken by purposefully going off-key for shits and giggles, and begging them constantly to give her credit for late assignments. Entirely immature and unbecoming of a young professional, if you ask Erik. If you ask Thorn, Erik’s just an uptight asshole who probably hasn’t had a day of fun in his whole sad life. She might be cringe, but she is free! She finds Erik’s pursuit of respectability to be pathetic. Erik probably gives up on instruction and fails her out on purpose, hoping she’ll never take a class from them again. Hell, he probably got an ulcer from the stress of dealing with Thorn and constantly popping ibuprofens for the headaches she brought him. They definitely both fantasized about hatefucking, but ultimately Thorn couldn’t be assed to initiate, and even if she had, Erik wouldn’t trust her not to “kiss and tell,” so for his reputation as a professor, he’d have to refuse anything with most students anyway.
I do think it would be really funny if Thorn stole Erik’s Darling right out from under his nose. Erik would absolutely not consider her a threat to take seriously until it was already too late.
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gachapulls · 1 year
see also yanderes have to be fucking losers . is mahiru a loser to you?
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neet-elite · 3 months
good evening!! had a couple thoughts today….
1. not to be icky but…love interest pube style. personal bias taking place but
- i don’t think whitney does much but trim them. they’re blonde and he has a happy trail. f!whitney has a landing strip (your art of puppy m!whitney is exactly how i picture it)
- kylar doesn’t grow much body hair, so he doesn’t have to do much to his as well, but he also barely has them. f!kylar trims hers but still has a dark bush
- avery, regardless of gender gets waxed to keep up with their high end attitude
- robin, regardless of sex doesn’t think much about their pubes, but like kylar also doesn’t grow much
- eden is hairy and owns it completely
- not sure about sydney…?
also, as a sdv and dol enthusiast, whit/kylar and sam/seb occupy the same space in my brain. almost like whit/kylar are the dark version of sam/sebastian? i mean when you play with the yandere seb mod its basically kylar but in the country. not that i see sam as ever being a bully but i also see how the angst in his personal life could lead him to being angry at the world.
also, i fucking hate shane too.
hope the rest of your evening night is well!!!
- <3 whitney’s toy
good evening my love :D pubes are not icky do not worry <3 i actually love chatting about them, they're such a neat detail to discuss. as well as body hair in general, i looooove body hair hehe..
Whitney: i agree with your words. to be honest, i was a little inclined to say that they might be clean shaven down there, if only because i think they care too much about their appearance and seem like the type to do that. but they're also a slut, and im unsure if they'd have the time to keep on top of being clean shaven. so i think they'd more often than not just tidy the place up and think good enough.
Kylar: i think they both don't grow a lot like you said, and also that the hair that is there is very dark. m!kylar might be more inclined to shave if asked to, but f!kylar is such a failgirl that i think you'd have to help her shave. wet cat f!kylar looking up at you like the pleading emoji being like: pwease... pwease help me.... i also think they're both just so gross and nasty that they prefer to keep it natural anyway.
Avery: definitely waxes everything the moment hair even thinks about growing, especially pubes. too expensive not to like you said LOL. high maintenance BITCH i love them.
Robin: likes to keep it natural too i think, and also definitely prefers it if their partner is natural also. would enjoy shaving every once in a while just for a change, but otherwise has enough on their plate and forgets about shaving entirely most of the time lol.
Eden: is so hairy ur so right. kind of like robin, eden doesn't even register that they might want to shave, because they're too busy otherwise. has a big bush anyway and would think it a waste of time to even trim.
Sydney: doesn't to begin with, but i think after some sexual experience they might like to at least try shaving. just for a change. i don't think they have a preference either way, but would be happy to accommodate their partner if they have a pref.
and you're right about whit/kylar and sam/seb. it's just the sun/moon duo, right? another example would be: naruto/sasuke. extroverted blonde bitch x introverted black haired bitch, yknow? im sure there are plenty other examples, but i deffo see the similarities between them in relation to character studies! tbh i love placing characters into ill-fitting roles anyway like dress up dolls, i don't think i've written a single piece of fanfiction depicting any character the way i actually think they'd act, so.
and FUCK SHANE. all my homies HATE SHANE. i want to kill him in the game. when he's dying on the cliff i wish there was an option for me to kick him off.
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cringetransgirl · 6 months
failgirl yandere
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lizalfosrise · 1 year
top 5 anime waifus
Righty I won't count games for this and it'll be more '5 I can settle on at this time' honestly but here in no particular order:
Saphentite Neikes from Monster Girl Doctor - lightly-yandere lamia nurse in a complicated star-crossed lovers-ish situation with her beau the eponymous doctor; (Miia is the more famous lamia sure and an utter sweetheart but god did this show have great designs going for it like the redhead harpy and fuzzy arachne...)
Jibril from No Game No Life - knowledge-hoarding weirdgirl that's casually the strongest angel; she's a delight (I should give it a rewatch eventually since S2 never)
Hot Ice Hilda from Outlaw Star - badass veteran space rogue & mentor with an eyepatch and suitably fearless resolve; hell yeah!! (Yeah, I have to place Aisha ClanClan third there, not even second to her since Melfina was great and while being an iconic failgirl kitty Aisha is far too much 'slapstick moron only' bless her)
Satou Sakie from Interviews with Monster Girls - the succubus maths teacher with social anxieties/traumas from how people treat succubi and that fear of inadvertently harming loved ones etc. Thus it was greatly compelling to see her developing relationship with the beefcake biology teacher mc. (Gotta track the manga down in some form tbh)
Sword King Ghislaine Dedoldia from the trashfire that is Jobless Reincarnation. I'm absolutely choosing to salvage her from it. Big buff werewolfy catgirl swordmaster. Very good.
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