#yandere father kratos
the-broken-truth · 2 years
Ooh! You're doing God of War now? Awesome, I have a request if possible for Yandad Kratos and Yander older brother Atreus who want to protect their youngest male sibling, who unironically makes friends with their enemies (Freya, Odin, Baldur, Thor, Magni, even the Valkyries) while they themselves try to keep him as their own
Atreus and [Name] were twin brothers - Atreus being the older of the twins by an hour and being the larger of the twins - while [Name] was rather small with a slender body like Faye; [Name] favoured his mother while Atreus was more like his father. As the boys grew, Kratos would take Atreus and train him but he would always leave [Name] with his mother - stating that he was too small and delicate to partake in the training of a Spartan. [Name] would protest but Atreus would always shoot him down stating that he was 'The Older Twin', but [Name] would state 'By an hour, that doesn't make you any different than me, Brother.'. Kratos would kneel before his younger son, take his head in his ashy grey & scarred hands, and began speaking softly to play on [Name's] emotions; stating that [Name] was important to Kratos and Atreus and they wanted to keep him safe, he didn't need to train, all he had to do was stay home with his mother and protect the house. [Name] frowned and pulled away from his father and marched into his section of the house and sat in the corner with his head in his hands, but he didn't cry - he wanted to be strong like his father and crying wasn't the way to prove to his father and brother that he was just was strong as his younger brother. Faye understood that [Name] wanted to be strong just like his father and brother but she didn't want to go against her husband and trained [Name] in secret; learning that her son had a hidden talent for magic and held him hone his skills but they kept it from Atreus & Kratos.
When Faye was laid to rest, Kratos gave Arteus their mother's bow but when [Name] asked what kind of weapon would Kratos give to him, the father of the boys stated that [Name] would not be given a weapon and would remain home to see to the upkeep of the house. [Name] roared at his father and brother and ran away into the forest with tears in his eyes, tired of being treated like a burden and not a warrior.
[Name] was awakened by the sound of combat outside of the cabin and ran outside to see what was going on, he saw his father fighting some strange man with blue markings all over his body. Atreus tried to pull [Name] back into the house until the man pinned Kratos to the ground and tried to hit him in the head. [Name] lifted his hand and fired a lightning spell at the strange man, sending him flying off of Kratos and over the cliff. When Kratos got to his feet, he questioned [Name] as to how he did that, and [Name] confessed that Faye trained him in secret and they found out that he was able to use magic; this angered Kratos and Atreus, causing them to yell at [Name] that he was not allowed to use his magic ever again, he was not allowed to fight and he would remain home while he and Atreus went on the journey to spread Faye's Ashes. [Name] refused to listen to them and walked away from them and traveled into the depths of the forest again. While walking, [Name] was suddenly snatched up and backed into a tree, coming face to face with the strange man that Kratos was fighting at the cabin a few moments before.
"That was a nice little trick, kid. Seems like there is more to you than a weak little brat." The strange man said with a smirk on his face.
"Well, my father and brother don't seem so." [Name] said as he looked at the snow-covered ground with sadness in his eyes. The man looked at [Name] with an unknown emotion in his eyes before placing the boy on his feet, making the younger man look up at him.
"You having issues with your family too, kid?" The man asked.
"My Father and Brother think that I'm something to be protected and won't let me be the warrior I want to be - the warrior I know I was meant to be. Mother saw something in me and trained me…but she's no longer with me; now, there's no way I can get stronger." [Name] balled his fists and shook them in fury.
"I can understand - you're kinda small for a kid but that attack was strong enough to send me flying. You have something in you, maybe your mother was right about something." The man crouched and was at eye-to-eye level with [Name]. "What's your name, kid?"
"I'm [Name]. What about you?" [Name] asked with his hand gesturing in the man's direction.
"I'm Baldur."
After that, Baldur and [Name] would meet up and spar together or just talk about their families; turned out that Baldur was having a hard time with his family too, especially since his mother took away his ability to feel anything and taking away the ability to die and stay dead. [Name] felt bad for him and asked him to try to make amends with his mother but Baldur expressed that he wasn't interested. One day, Baldur didn't show up at their meeting spot, and [Name] was upset but returned home, only to find out from Kratos and Atreus that he would be going with them on the journey. In the end, [Name] came face to face with Baldur again when he appeared before them to fight with Kratos again until he noticed Freya there and turned his attention to her and the anger on his face made [Name] shiver in his skin.
"Baldur, that's your mother?" [Name] asked as he stood from behind his father and brother, who looked at [Name] with shock and horror in their eyes.
"This is the bitch that took away my feeling - the one who took everything from me." Baldur said as he glared at Freya before turning to face [Name], "What are you doing here, [Name], shouldn't you be a home?"
"Father and Atreus told me to join them… Baldur, please, this is your chance to make things right with your mother." [Name] said as he took a step forward but Kratos grabbed his arm and dragged him back.
"Do not get close to him, [Name], he is dangerous," Kratos said as he looked down at his younger son.
"Don't you handle him like that." Baldur said as he pointed at Kratos with anger in his eyes before he turned to Freya, "You want me to forgive you? Take the kid and get him somewhere safe." Baldur said as he looked at Freya, whose eyes widened at the sudden request from her son. She looked at Baldur before looking at [Name], who pulled away from his father's grip and held her arms open wide.
"Come to me, [Name]." Freya said, causing everyone to look at her.
"You are not taking my son." Kratos said as he withdrew his axe and Atreus took out his bow with his arrows. Baldur, seeing that they weren't going to give [Name] up without a fight, charged at Kratos.
"Father!" [Name] called out as he looked at Baldur tackling Kratos to the ground, he tried to get in the way but Freya suddenly appeared behind him and grabbed him gently, holding him up. "Let me go! I have to stop them!"
Freya looked at the boy with confusion in her eyes - her son, who normally cares for no one but himself and his desires, made friends with his enemy's son. She was going to protect [Name] with everything in her. The fight raged on and during it, Baldur was struck by Atreus' arrow and regained his feeling in his body again, Kratos had him pinned to the ground, and [Name] pulled away from Freya to push his father off his friend and stood between them.
"Enough! Leave Baldur alone! All he wanted was his feeling back and he has it! Just stop and let's go home." [Name] begged his father. Kratos, not wanting to see his son said, warned Baldur not to touch Freya and to let go of the hatred he possessed for her before walking away with his sons but that warning fell on deaf ears as Baldur began strangling his mother.
"Baldur, no!" [Name] called out but Baldur didn't stop, "Father! NO!"
Kratos grabbed Baldur by his neck and snapped it, killing him for good this time. Freya swore to make Kratos suffer for what he had done but looked at [Name] who had tears in his eyes before turning to Baldur's body. Kratos and Atreus began walking away and [Name] looked at Freya and Baldur before following his family when Kratos called for him.
It was weeks after Kratos killed Baldur, [Name] was still upset about the loss of his friend but Kratos was too busy training Atreus who turned out to be the Giant - Loki. [Name] knew he was meant to be more than what his brother and father tried to make of him and trained in secret with his power - he was a God and a Giant after all.
One day, [Name] sought a weapon, something swift and mighty, like a sword or dagger, but Kratos refused to give him a weapon so [Name] went into the forest to look for materials for a weapon when he was suddenly pinned to the ground by a winged woman. She pointed her sword at him and demanded to know what he was doing in her part of the woods. [Name] would have been afraid but something in him heard something in the woman's voice and he spoke a name.
The Valkyrie looked at him with a gasp and lowered her sword before sheathing it and taking off her helmet - revealing the tearful face of The Goddess Freya. Freya quickly got off of him, allowing him to stand and look at her with wide eyes before looking at her wings. Freya looked at the boy before her and took a step forward, making him take a step back. Her hand reached out for him and placed it on his cheek, gently, like a mother, but her eyes were full of pain and anger - pain for the loss of her son and anger for his father.
"Why are you out here?" She asked him with a shaking voice.
"I..I…I seek a weapon for myself." [Name] said with a tremble in his voice that he tried to steel, he knew that Freya was still angry at his father and might take her anger out on him.
"Didn't your father make you one?" Freya asked.
"No… He's more interested in training Atreus and making him stronger but he wants me to remain at home; he thinks I have to be protected instead of doing the protecting myself." [Name] explained.
"Just like you tried to protect my son from your father's wrath," Freya said.
"Baldur was my friend - he understood what it was like to be ignored and sheltered. He would spar with me sometimes… Freya, I'm really sorry about what my father did to your son; I wish I was stronger, strong enough to protect Baldur too." [Name] looked to the ground with tears building in his eyes. Freya used her thumb to wipe the first tears away before they hit the boy's shirt.
"Come with me." She spoke.
"Huh?" [Name] asked in confusion.
"Come with me, [Name]. Baldur cared about like you were his own flesh and blood, and I shall care for you as if you are my own flesh and blood. Come with me and I shall be the mother you lost. I will train you, give you a weapon, all the freedom in the Midgard." She placed her hands on his cheeks and looked deep into his eyes. "All I ask is that you be my son and mine alone. Stay with me, [Name], and be the brother Baldur saw in you."
[Name] was shocked at Freya's words and opened his mouth to speak but the roaring call of his father in the distance made Freya break away from the boy, turn into a bird and fly away into the trees.
"I shall come for you and once I kill your father, you shall be my son. Mine and mine alone." Freya's voice whispered in the trees. Kratos suddenly burst through the trees and marched over to [Name], demanding to know what he was doing so far away from home.
"Nothing… I was just going on a walk. I hate staying at home alone and you know it, Father." [Name] said.
"That is to keep you safe and well-protected," Kratos said.
"Lies… And you know it." [Name] said before he walked passed his father and went home.
[Name] was with Kratos and Atreus, walking to some kind of gate when a man came falling from the sky on the of a creature as he snapped its' neck. He bore blonde hair, no shirt but a great necklace that stopped at his stomach, and a great sword. He looked at the group of three and from the creature, tossing it to the nearby wall before walking before them.
"Surrender. The All-Father demands it." he spoke with a deep powerful voice.
"No." Kratos took a step forward.
"Good." The man spoke as he pulled his sword from his back with a smirk. The man looked at [Name] and his smirk grew larger. "I remember you - Baldur's Friend."
"Wait… Magni. You're Magni… The Son of Thor." [Name] said as he stood from behind Kratos.
"Aye, that's me, Lad. Baldur told me everything about what's been going on with you and your father. Don't worry, we're going to kill them and give you a better life as a Son of Thor." Magni said as he glared at Kratos and Atreus.
"We?" Atreus said, just them, Modi dropped from the cliff above and landed in front of Atreus with his hammer in his hand and shield in the other.
"Modi! The Son of Thor." [Name] said as he picked up a discarded sword from the ground and defended himself. "Please, you don't have to fight, we just want to pass and get to a mountain."
"Drop the sword, boy!" Kratos demanded his son but [Name] shook his head.
"No, Father. I'm not going to be defenseless anymore." He looked at Magni and Modi, "Please… just let us pass."
"I'm sorry, Kid, but I can't do that. Just stay out of this, I don't want you getting hurt, little brother." Mangi said as he charged at Kratos and Modi charged at Atreus. [Name] cried at he charged at Modi to aid his brother and swung the sword, only for it to be blocked.
"Don't fight us, Little Brother, we only want to help you." Modi said.
"Please, I don't want to fight you but I can't let you hurt my brother! Just let us pass and the All-Father will never hear from us again!" [Name] begged as he pushed the sword again Modi's Shield but the larger man was stronger than him.
"Forgive me for this." Modi said as he used his shield to knock [Name] away, sending him crashing into the wall and slumped to the ground before he began slipping into unconciousness. When [Name] woke up by the feeling of someone shaking him, he blinked at few times to see what was going on - his father, Atreus…and…Mangi was dead on the ground.
"NO!" [Name] hurried to his knees and ran over to Magni's body, looking at the blonde-haired male with tears in his eyes. "No… Not again…"
"He is dead, [Name, he shall not hurt you anymore." Kratos said as he reached out for his younger son's shoulder, but [Name] moved away from his father and glared into his eyes.
"He wasn't going to hurt me, you didn't need to kill him." [Name] hissed.
"He wanted to take you away from us, [Name]." Atreus said with sadness in his voice. [Name] scoffed at his brother and walked over to the sword he dropped and picked it up again, "[Name], you don't need that."
"Yes, I do and I'm not going to be defenseless again. Leave me alone." [Name] said as he walked away from his father and brother.
The Son of Odin came to the cabin years after Baldur was killed and Atreus learned about his true name of Loki of the Frost Giants; Kratos trained Atreus even harder and ignored [Name] even more, even though he was an Frost Giant-God Hybrid as well. [Name] was at home when a roaring thunderstorm rolled in and lightning began striking the ground, [Name] walked outside a cloaked man with a runed hammer standing before him. Just by the look of the hammer, [Name] knew who it was.
"Thor… Son of Odin and Thunderer of Asgard." [Name] said as he bowed his head with his eyes closed, this made the Thunderer chuckle at the display.
"The Spawn of Sparta knows respect…and I'm glad that you are the one who was home alone and your father wasn't here." Thor said as he walked over to [Name] and placed his hand on [Name's] shoulder, making the younger boy look up at him, "You aren't like the others."
"You know me?" [Name] asked.
"My Sons - Magni and Modi - spoke about you from the stories with Baldur. When your father and brother killed my sons, you attempted to stop them and made friends with my sons. You wanted to make peace with the All-Father, my father…and I would have loved to call you a son." Thor said with a smile at the young man.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't able to save Magni and Modi, my father didn't listen to me and I wasn't strong enough to help them; Modi knocked me out to keep me out of the fight with my father and brother." [Name] looked to the ground with sadness in his eyes.
"Don't be upset, son, you couldn't do anything at the moment, but I've been watching you and your personal training. Come to Asgard with me and let me train you, [Name]." Thor said with a smile on his face. [Name] looked up at Thor and opened his mouth to speak when a cycloen of black birds came an old man in a fur cape came with an eyepatch over his right eye walked over to them..
"Is this him? This is Loki?" The old man asked.
"No, All-Father, this is Loki's Younger Brother - [Name]. Loki and his father aren't here at the moment." Thor explained.
"The All-Father? Odin himself?!" [Name] asked before bowing his head, "Welcome to my home, All-Father! My name is [Name]." The younger man said as he looked at the ground while his head remained bowed.
"Raise your head, boy. Where is Loki and your father, I need to speak with them about something.' Odin said. [Name] opened his mouth to speak but the trees began to shake as Kratos and Atreus walked out with a deer on the Father's Back. When they saw Odin and Thor, Kratos dropped the deer and he & Atreus pulled out their weapons and aimed them at the Asgards. [Name] got in-between them and held his arms out.
"Leave them alone, Father! They didn't do anything to me, we were just talking!" [Name] tries but Kratos didn't seem to be listening. [Name's] face took a scowl and he ignited his fists in the fire before roaring at Kratos and Atreus, "Listen to me! Leave them alone!" Kratos looked at his younger son's fire and put his weapons back before walking over to them.
"Who are you and why are you in my home, talking to my son?" The Father Asked.
"They are the All-Father - Odin - and the Thunderer of Asgard - Thor. They have something to speak to you about, Father." [Name] said before stepping back a dousing his fire.
Kratos, Thor, Atreus, and Odin went into the house but when [Name] tried to go in, Kratos stopped him and told him to wait outside. [Name] looked at the ground before he began walking away from the house and disappeared into the wilds once again - at least the woods was always there for him in his loneliness.
After getting abducted by Thor and Odin along with Loki, The All-Father asked for Loki's attendance and left [Name] in the company of Hrist and Mist - Two Valkyries that were loyal to him. They shadowed the boy in the library when he pulled out a book about Valkyries and began reading but the facial expressions he was making got their attention.
"Is something wrong, Brother of Loki?" Hrist asked from her place at [Name's] Right.
"Don't call me that, please, my name is [Name] and I'm more than just Loki's Brother. It's this book, something about it doesn't seem right about the Valkyries." [Name] exhaled.
"You are correct. It was written by a human who thought she knew everything about our race but knew nothing. Are you interested in Valkyries, Little [Name]?" Mist asked with her head tilted.
"I respect the Valkyries. I met a few in my travels but my father…father wasn't as respectful as me and they attacked him. I think they are lovely creatures with vast knowledge." [Name] smiled at the thought of speaking with the Valkyrie Queen before his father killed her - she was kind to him.
"We can teach you about the Valkyries if you wish, young one. You are not like Loki or the Ghost of Sparta, you are respectful and powerful in your words. Come with us, we shall train and educate you." Hrist said as she began leaving the library with a smile hidden under her mask. [Name] smiled and rushed after her with Mist at his back.
The afternoon was of them sparring, learning, or having conversations about their lives when Lady Sif walked over to them with a smile on her face. [Name] noticed her and bowed his head.
"Lady Sif… It's nice to meet you." He said.
"Raise you head, my son, there is no need to bow to your own mother." Sif placed her hand under [Name's] chin and caused him to look at her with confusion in his eyes, "I know you are confused but everything shall be clear soon." Sif said as she walked away.
"What was she talking about?" [Name] asked as he looked at the Valkyries behind him.
"We know not, Little One, but she seems to have taken a liking to you, regardless of your relation to Loki." Hrist said, "Let us not worry about that, let's continue your training." Hrist said as she began walking away with Mist at her side, [Name] hurrying to follow her with a smile on his face. During his training, Sif came again and called for the two of them to follow her because there was something she needed to deal with when [Name] offered to aid them as well but she just placed her hand on his head and shook her head with a sad smile.
"Not this time, my son. Soon, but not today." She spoke in a calm tone of voice.
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yandere-kokeshi · 9 months
Pregnant! Darling with kratos mhmhmh. The reassurance on both sides, and constant soft comments on how Kratos is better than he was before not only for their unborn child but Atreus mhmhmmm
— Yandere Kratos with a pregnant darling
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Warnings: yandere behavior and pregnancy
A/N: I fucking love this, please send in more shit like this. I'm feral for this man <3. Enjoy!
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Once he finds out, he’s quiet. Kratos is staring at you, then hovers down to your stomach. His body is stiff, hands clenching and unclenching before a hand reaches and touches your stomach, grasping at it as his fingers glide over your skin. It’s only a matter of seconds as he brings you into a tight embrace as he repeats his promises.
“Are you — sure? I promise. I promise to Atreus, and to you, I will take care of you two.”
Atreus loves to ask questions which only result in the baby. He’s just as excited as his father, and promises to protect you. 
It’s no surprise Kratos is paranoid. Even at the start of the few weeks, he’s constantly checking up on you; asking if everything is okay, or does all-nighters to ensure you and Atreus are safe. He knows it’s unhealthy, but he can’t stop the guilt — the obvious fear of losing you. He’s always ready, in a sense that danger is around, even though it’s been days from fights. 
This also comes with him being a severe mother hen. Any noises or sighs coming out of you, has him hovering and asking what’s wrong. If you say nothing, he seemingly doesn’t believe you; giving you an ‘are you sure?’ look before huffing and returning to whatever he was doing.  
He’s always been a gentle giant with you, touching you with such gentleness. But now, with you being pregnant? He’s extremely careful with you. Always treating you like a shell from the sea ready to shatter. He’s always guiding you with his hands on your hips and lower back, and yelling at ‘no’, when you try to help with house chores. 
On the topic of house chores, he doesn’t let you do anything. Not a single chore or hunt is done by you; he orders Atreus or goes by himself to do it. In his defense, he doesn’t want you wasting your energy, or pulling a muscle, especially if you’re far more down the months. 
Morning sickness is guaranteed and when it happens, Kratos takes it with a stroll. He’s there next to you, holding your hair back if you need, or rubbing your back. He brings you fresh-cold water to sip on and insists you stay hydrated. 
When the baby bump starts showing, Kratos spends most of his time just looking at them — admiring your body, and how gorgeous you are. He finds the pregnant body attractive, how your body grows accustomed to the baby: long and spreading stretch marks, the black line, and muscles that become more prominent. He enjoys tracing them, especially if it’s the time when you two can rest. 
When sleeping, he’s always had a habit of you having your head lay on his chest or directly on top of him. Now with you growing a kiddo, he’s constantly wanting you on top of him — your weight helps him sleep better and eases his mind while he overthinks. Plus, he gets to grasp and hold your tummy. 
From his experiences with pregnancy, he knows it’s difficult — especially for you, so he never gets mad or upset whenever you yell at him or suddenly cry. Surprisingly, he’s good at supporting you when your emotions are unregulated; always comforting you, and rubbing your back when everything becomes too overwhelming. His hugs tighten, and leaves you alone when needed.
Kratos is always following you, especially in the baths. He enjoys sitting behind you, washing your back or places you cannot reach. Towards the end, he just holds your stomach, rubbing large circles on your lower hips and kissing your sore muscles, whispering how much he adores your perfect body.
The best healers are assigned to you. He’s always with you, asking questions regarding your health and the baby. His demanding presence is enough to scare them, if not his rough voice that constantly shuffles to you and back to them. If he feels unsure, both of you are leaving and going to Freya’s — to which he tries to avoid, but if it needs to be done, then so be it. 
Even though he doesn’t want to say it, Kratos worries about the day of meeting the baby. He’s excited of course, wants to meet them and can’t wait for the day of their cries, he’s scared of hurting them– large hands filled with old tainted blood and guilt; what if’s playing in his head. 
At night, on the ones he can’t fall asleep, he loves to talk to your stomach — his low baritone asking questions and ensuring their safety, with his own blood, will be his top priority. 
Kratos loves seeing Atreus engaging with you. 
The boy always reassures you of bending over on an object that he’s already reaching for, and treating you like glass; just like how his father does. He hunts, brings you food, spends time with you and sometimes asks if he can feel the baby. He’s just as attached as his father, and already views you as his other parent.
Masterlist || Reblogs, comments, and likes are very much appreciated!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
Gotta ask for that Kratos from God Of War concept with whatever intention you want 👌
While researching him only one thing came to mind... this man has been through a lot.
Here's my general thoughts of him as a yandere!
Potential spoilers for all/most God of War games except Ragnarok.
Yandere! Kratos Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Trauma, Fear of loss, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Isolation, Possessive behavior, Murder, Violence, Blood, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Out of all the yanderes I've written, Kratos is probably up there for being one of the strongest/scariest.
This man has gone through so much and it's only built him up to who he is.
He's gone from mortal man who was forced by Aries to kill his family, to a God of War with undying rage even when he's settled down.
He has killed Gods, Deities, Titans, Beasts... he even can't seem to be killed.
Honestly, Kratos falls into the same category as the Doom Slayer (DOOM) and Master Chief (HALO) when it comes to you.
That being this strong as hell man who has been brutal with his enemies is so soft towards this one weaker person.
Kratos is a being of rage constantly tormented by the Gods around him.
He has lost many close to him.
His wife and child, his mother, his brother, his people, Athena, his second wife...
It just goes on and on.
Safe to say by the time he finds you he is prioritizing you.
Kratos can act as an overprotective guardian or father figure when platonic.
When he's romantic he can be possessive, protective, yet caring.
What doesn't change is his brutality towards those that threaten the bond he has with you.
He'd definitely be calmer around God of War 2018 yet still keep his fierceness from before.
This is the same man/God who killed pretty much almost the entire Greek pantheon.
He'd not be one to tolerate a threat to his new loved ones.
Safe to say no threat is able to come close to you due to how fast Kratos slaughters them.
This also makes Kratos near impossible to leave.
Kratos tries his best to show he cares for you as he's lost so many dear to him in the past.
Which may even mean he has a fear of loss.
The mere idea of losing you sends him into a panicked state.
Sometimes he acts cold and distant due to his past.
But the moment he realizes he could lose you sends him to bombard you in attention.
Kratos would not trust many with you, if anyone.
He has betrayed too many times by Gods in the past.
As a result he feels he can only trust himself to handle you.
If this is 2018 God of War then he trusts his son with you and you with his son.
That's all though.
Your life with Kratos is rather isolated.
I imagine Kratos fears you'll leave his side so he tries to bring himself to be overly affectionate.
The most he does is usually verbal affection.
Although there's times he'll scoop you into his arms to hold you.
Your warmth feels soothing on his broken mind and tired body.
The idea of another person or God trying to win you over is a funny thought.
Kratos isn't phased by blood of gore.
Someone can be talking to you... then all of a sudden the God of War is standing behind you.
After he manages to tear you away from the other person, he brings you into isolation again.
Perhaps even with some possessive kissing to erase the thought of that other person from your mind.
Then afterwards... well... that other being will be gone.
However, after seeing you look at his bloody body in fear, he tries to keep it out of sight from you.
Just because he tries to hide it does not mean he doesn't kill for you.
While in 2018 he tries to be calmer, he still finds himself overcome with rage at times.
He'd never harm you as you're mortal though.
He has a past with accidental family murder.
Despite this... Kratos does love family.
He may be a being of rage yet he'd do anything for those he loves.
Be it near impossible tasks or near death experiences... he'd probably go anywhere if it meant he had you.
By the 2018 game he cares about you and his son.
After the death of his second wife he feels you take the secondary parent role to his son.
So while he is a being of war and violence, Kratos is incredibly caring towards the one he loves.
He may not be the most passionate with affection but he is passionate in his actions.
All the bloodshed he creates?
He creates it in the name of you.
The beings he slays, the actions he takes, he learns to dedicate it to the love he feels for you.
If Kratos still has you as his darling in the 2018 era, or even meets you during this time, Kratos wishes to live with you and his son in Midgard.
If you tried to leave he'll simply drag you back into isolation with him.
Even if he has to chain you to him... Kratos is determined not to lose the one he loves again.
Maybe he'll find a way to make you immortal, just so he has you live as long as him.
He'd do anything to keep you alive and well.
Regardless on if he makes you happy or not....
Kratos doesn't plan on losing anyone else... even if it means you're unhappy
After all... he's seen the danger this world has to offer... no one else can protect you as well as he can.
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ravenloop · 2 years
-In Time-
Pairing: Yandere!Heimdall X Female!reader
Request (in summary [requested by @oyasumimosura]): Reader is the daughter of Kratos and sister of Atreus. She goes to Asgard with Atreus and is very protective of him. While she's there, she catches the eyes of Heimdall and finds out his feelings for her are far more deeper and darker than she thought. (So sorry this took so long! Also was worried about making Heimdall too OOC so I changed it a bit, hope you don't mind :))
Warnings: Just normal Yandere stuff, Heimdall being creepy and possessive (more towards the end), bit of swearing, some violence.
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AN: YALL IM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN SO LONG 😭 I was busy and honestly didn't even know how long I didn't post in :') so have this request! Trying to clear out my inbox lol. I hope y'all like it cause I Def stressed trying to make it good sjnsj enjoy <3
There was something so creepy about him.
The way he looked at you. Stared at you. He didn't even think about looking away when your gazes crossed. It was like he wanted things to be awkward between you both.
Not like you wanted any sort of relationship with Heimdall, but it would be nice if he tried to be a little hospitable, would be far better than whatever he was currently doing. Which was—not so shockingly—staring.
You shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, trying to act like you couldn't see him. Though, by now he probably read your mind and knew how you felt. Maybe that's why he kept doing it, he wanted you to feel extremely unwelcomed.
It wasn't like you wanted to come to Asgard in the first place. Your brother, Atreus, did. After a very heated argument back at Sindri's tree home, he ran off and sought out Asgard in spite. Of course he wasn't happy when you tracked him down, your father wouldn't be happy either—considering you went without his permission.
All you wanted was for Atreus to be safe. You'll be damned if you let your little brother get hurt by a bunch of piss-faced gods who think they're above everyone else.
With a sigh, you turned and walked away from the open area where Heimdall and a few other Aesir stood. Still, you could feel those eyes piercing through you like a spear.
"He's a weirdo, right?" You jolted, not expecting someone to talk to you. Turning towards the voice, you noticed Thor's daughter, "Um..."
She snorted at your awkward demeanor, "Relax. Everyone here thinks Heimdall is a jerk." You chuckled slightly at that, at least you knew you weren't alone.
"Im... glad to hear. Thrúd, is it?" She nodded. You've seen her talking to Atreus before leaving back at the lodge. Maybe she didn't have enough time to talk to you then, so she's doing it now. That or her parents didn't want her to.
"And you're Loki's sister, Huh?" She put her hand out, "Nice to meet ya!" Slowly you reached out and grabbed her hand, she shook it roughly. Seems like she's excited.
"He's told me a lot about you. Must be fun having a big sister. I've only had brothers." Oh, right. You remember her brothers, Magni and Modi—the ones father killed.
"Right." Suddenly the situation turned awkward.
"Always have to make newcomers feel threatened or uncomfortable, do you?" A hand landed on your shoulder, making you flinch and turn.
It was Heimdall again.
Good gods, how long was he standing there—was he watching you the entire time?!
This time he wasn't looking at you though, he was staring at Thrúd. She stared back, a frown on her face, "I don't always make people uncomfortable. Right?" She looked at you, making Heimdall do the same.
Both pair of eyes pinned you to your spot. Licking your teeth, you responded, "No, I don't think you do." This was literally your first time talking to her so you didn't know if what you said was even true. Hopefully it was.
Heimdall rolled his eyes, "Lies. Lies. But I will leave you to be her personal toy if that's what you'd like. Nine realms know she hasn't made a single friend since being pushed out." Stepping back, he bowed mockingly before walking off with a laugh. But you didn't miss the way his eyes lingered on you a little longer.
Thrúd scowl, "Don't worry about him. He's just being an ass as always. It's nothing new." You nodded. That was strangely relieving. Maybe he'd soon realise you weren't worth it and would leave you alone. Maybe.
He didn't stop.
Those purple eyes never left your form. They tracked your everywhere. It felt like not even walls could stop him, like he'd just burn holes through them.
Even now, as people talked and murmured amongst themselves in the dining hall, he didn't focus on them. He only focused on one person. You.
The only reason you were even there was because Atreus was. It was late, the moon was high, and he had only just gotten back from a mission Odin sent him on a few minutes ago. It frustrated you how much Odin kept you and your brother separate, and Atreus was too oblivious to notice it.
I need to speak to him privately. We can't stay here any longer, You thought, staring at Atreus as he munched on a piece of bread. It was probably cold.
Opening your mouth, you were about to call his name, but he cut you off by yawning. "I think that mission tired me..." He laughed sheepishly, rubbing his neck, "I'm gonna go sleep."
Atreus stood quickly, moving to leave the hall. "Wait-" You grabbed his shoulder, making him turn, "Atreus, I need to speak to you... In private."
He stared at you. His eyes swiftly glanced over your shoulder before returning to you, "Could... It wait until morning? I'm really tired..." Your brows furrowed. Why was he acting like this? "I- alright..." You let go of him, watching as he smiled at you, saying goodnight before disappearing down the stairs.
It bothered you that he clearly knew it was important, yet decided it could wait, but the look in his eyes told you something was off. And the way he looked past you—at what? At who?
Turning around, your eyes scanned the hall. And you noticed one person—one god—who wasn't there. Heimdall.
That bastard.
The large doors of the lodge swayed the tiniest bit, indicating someone just left, forgetting to close them properly maybe.
You weaved past a few servants in your way, not caring about what they whispered to their fellow acquaintances. You shouldered open the door more aggressively than intended, but you didn't care. Right now you had your mind set on confronting a certain Aesir.
It didn't even cross your mind that whoever left the lodge could have just been a random Aesir that likely didn't even know your name. But to your eyes only one person was missing from that room, and you would have noticed if he went down the stairs in the lodge, right?
Just in case, you kept one hand on the dagger attached to your hip. The one your mother gave you, since your father was far more detached from you when you were a child than he was with Atreus.
You shook the thought from your head. Now wasn't the time to reflect on your childhood. Things have changed. For better and for worse.
Slowly, you stalked through a smaller, narrower path connected to a larger one. It made you less likely to be seen by others, and right now you didn't need people being suspicious of you—far more than they already are—you'd add.
"Looking for me? I feel honoured." You turned around, finding Heimdall emerging from a gap between houses. It was just big enough for a person to make themselves comfortable between.
Not wasting any time, you asked, "What did you tell my brother?" You saw his lips turn upwards ever so slightly, but it was hard to make out his expressions when he was standing so far, in the shadows of the houses, caused by the moon's light.
"You caught onto that quick. Though," His arms raised, extending outwards, "I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. You're one of the smarter... Half-giants I've met. I mean it, really!" Could he answer your question any slower?
"I didn't ask if you think I'm smart. I asked you what the hel you told my brother." You saw his eyes roll. They were the only things that the darkness couldn't hide from you. Every second they glowed brightly.
"I only instructed him one thing..." Heimdall moved closer to you, stepping out of the dark and into the moonlight. Instinctively you pulled out your dagger, aiming it at him. He stopped moving, but by the look on his face, you doubted he was intimidated. "...that he stay away from you, or I'd hurt you in ways that he'd never imagine possible."
That didn't scare you, it may have you feeling a bit uneasy, but not scared. "Is that what you're here to do now? Hurt me?" "No. Something quite the opposite, actually. That is... If you comply." The hand holding your weapon to him didn't falter, not even as he took a step closer.
"You don't scare me, Heimdall." He took another step closer, you stood your ground, "That's exactly what draws me to you."
You scoffed, "My lack of fear for you?"
"That and the lack of consideration you put behind your actions. I mean, how many other people would put a weapon  between themselves and I?" The tone of his voice grew more playful, as if the current situation didn't stress him, "When they know damn well it cannot stop me." It was clear it did not.
And to you It became increasingly more clear that you were in a secluded area. Hidden from any and all eyes expect Heimdall's. No one was around. No one could help you. No one would hear you.
He led you here. So you were with him and him only.
You gripped your dagger harder, the muscles in your arm straining, your breathing growing heavier when he stepped even closer, "Try anything and I'll kill you." He stared at you, a frown on his face. And you silently regretted saying that when he didn't speak.
It was tense. Quiet. All Heimdall did was stare into your eyes. You didn't dare tear your gaze away from his.
After a moment, he scoffed, before breaking out into laughter. Moonlight bounced off his golden teeth as he continued laughing, making them shine. "Do you..." He calmed himself down, still smiling widely, "Really think... That you can kill me?" He tutted, eyebrows furrowing in a way that made him look like he was staring at you with pity. "Oh, sunshine... That will never, never happen."
You dashed toward him.
As soon as the last syllable rolled off his tongue, you moved forward. The muscles in your arm burned at the movement, but it was a relief. They were finally able to move after being suspended in the air for so long.
You aimed for his throat. Your mission was to kill him. He gripped your wrist, yanking you towards him before throwing you into a nearby building. Your head banged against the wall and you hissed in pain. Weapon long forgotten, lost somewhere on the ground when Heimdall threw you. Everything became blurry and you closed your eyes for a moment.
When you opened them, Heimdall was kneeling in front of you. "Have we learnt our lesson yet?" His head tilted to the side, eyes staring into your half-opened ones.
Clear your mind. The words of your father echoed through your head. Do not let your enemy know your thoughts.
"No." Your left hand reached up to grip his braids, your right hand punching his face.
He stumbled back, groaning, his hand reaching up to his now bleeding face. You took your chance and ran, heading for the lodge. You needed to find Atreus.
The path seemed a lot more confusing on the way back, or maybe it was your racing mind making it seem like that.
You could hear Heimdall's rushing footsteps growing louder and closer. They were far more quiet than yours, but you could still pick up on them.
Finally, you saw the lodge come into view, the lights on it glowing brightly—but there was one thing that worried you.
Heimdall's footsteps stopped.
But yours didn't. Your legs kept moving. They went even faster now. Just as you were in a meter or two of the lodge, a hand gripped your arm, pulling you behind a house and back into the darkness as a hand covered your mouth.
You squirmed in Heimdall's grip, biting, kicking and doing whatever to try and escape.
Your teeth bit deep into his palm and he gritted his own teeth. The hand around your midsection, holding your back to Heimdall's chest, squeezed tight until there was little air in your lungs.
This caused you to stop moving, your head spinning once more. You heard Heimdall 'tsk', "Now now... Is this any way to treat your lover?" He finally released his hand from your mouth, trusting and knowing you wouldn't scream.
"You're a deranged fuck if you think anyone could ever love you," Venom dripped from your words, "Especially... when you do... stupid shit like this..." The little air in your body slowly disappeared with each word.
Heimdall noticed your struggles, and despite your words, he loosened the grip on your waist. You took in large gasps of air while Heimdall began speaking.
"True. Though being loved is a hard thing to do or come across now." His hand on your torso moved further up until it reached your throat. It didn't do anything, it just lingered there. "So sometimes, you just need to do things like this."
"I wonder why it's so hard for you..." He didn't like your tone. "Don't worry, you'll have plenty time to find out. It's not like you're ever leaving."
Your eyes narrowed, staring at the wooden wall in front of you. Before you could speak, Heimdall did, "And you will be staying here, sunshine. Unless you wanted your brother to have a... Painful death."
"Touch him and I'll-" you choked on your words when he squeezed your throat, stopping your breathing again.
"I won't touch him if you agree to what I'm proposing." His hand let go so you could breath, "And we both know you can't defeat me. So your best option would be complying." Not even the slightest bit did you agree to what he wanted you to. You hated him. This only expanded that feeling.
But your brother...
You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if he died.
"I'll make your life a living nightmare." It wasn't a yes or a no, as much as you wanted to say the latter.
There was a warm feeling on your neck and you recognized it as Heimdall's breath, "Even better. I love a good challenge. Hard to find one when you're a god of my capabilities."
Everything he said made you want to roll your eyes or curl you lips in anger. The hate you had for him was unmatched. The anger that filled your body when near him made you feel like exploding.
"I hate you."
He chuckled and it sounded like what a snowstorm felt like. Cold.
"I know. But don't worry... in time, you'll learn to love me."
No. No, you definitely would not.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
Could you make more yandere heimdall x reader oneshots? Or maybe make it a series? I really like how you wrote it because reading yandere fics where they're abusive to the reader/ what not kinda gets old and your fic was refreshing to read. 10/10 best yandere fic I've ever read.
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Yoke of the Gods- (Yandere!Heimdall x Reader) pt 2.
(Let's be real, flattery like this will get you damn near everywhere with me)
Warnings; Heimdal is a jackass as per usual, Reader is technically under a spell, yandere behavior, yandere relationship, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, god of war ragnarok spoilers, manipulative behavior, adult themes, dub-con touching, objectification
Inspiration part .5; https://www.tumblr.com/kiame-sama/704495622290571264/heimdall-obsessing-over-a-darling-with-some-kind?source=share
(NSFW warning) Part 1; https://www.tumblr.com/kiame-sama/706987664714432512/yoke-of-the-gods-yandereheimdall-x-reader-in?source=share
"Do you know how much others look at you, how Thor looks at you? Their intent is to take you from me, but I won't let that happen. You are Mine. Only mine..."
Another evening of Heimdal recasting the binding spell keeps him awake. Where he had once needed to recast the incantation every night, he only had to do it every once in a while as his beloved lay sleeping peacefully in his arms. The only one that could hurt him adoring and worshiping him was certainly good for his ego.
Even if he didn't need to reaffirm the spell he would lay awake and talk softly into your ear, arms wrapped around you to keep you with him. Something about the way you showed no intent that he could detect that made him press so close to you at night. As if holding you reassured him that you were still there, you were still his dearest and there was nothing anyone could do to keep him away from you.
He knew he needed to have you swollen with his child and The All-Father will have another loyal warrior. The things his child will do will only make him shine even more in the eyes of The All-Father. Your body was certainly accepting of his advances even as his hands hold you tighter.
Heimdall gently kissed the forming ink on the back of your shoulder as he checked on the spells progress. Though it was a long and twisted spell, it was known to be unbreakable once formed. Soul-binding some may say is extreme, but Heimdall knew an opportunity when he saw one and he was going to grab it with both hands.
He had felt what was once indignation at you touching him, the warmth of your body, the soft crooning of your voice even as you threatened him, but it melted away to adoration. The feeling of that connection with another being though your touch rendered him weak kneed and speechless.
He needed that power for himself and he needed you to come along. To him you were just part of the perks for being The All-Father's favorite. The tattoo symbolizing the spell etched permanently into your skin.
"I know you didn't want this, but we know how this ends... See you soon"
As soon as Freya was done murmuring the words to Kratos, she departed, leaving the Aseir god to chuckle.
"Oh, we both know that's not true. But don't worry, Frigg! I'll be coming for your and your brother as soon as I am finished here."
Despite the fact that Kratos no longer craved the blood of Gods, his rage played with the idea of just outright killing the man. Mimir- the ever loyal amd helpful companion- called up to Kratos with a barely calm voice. The fate of Kratos' daughter was still uncertain and it is difficult to question a dead god.
"Steady, Brother."
Heimdall laughed at this, holding up his hand as if to cover the fact that he was laughing. The purple eyes seemed to shine and glimmer in a way that looked crazed as he swept his hand around himself as if being a showman.
"It truly is nice to meet you, Ghost of Sparta. After all, it wasn't long ago that I was wondering if I would ever meet my Beloved's father."
"What have you done to her?"
"Nothing that she wasn't enjoying."
Mimir spoke up suddenly, always prone to talking whenever the casual banter lulled. His voice was a mix of rage and fear, trying to look at the Aseir to demand answers from the bastard.
"You had better not have put your filthy hands on her you-"
"I don't consort with traitors, head, and I found a very loyal woman who was being held back by her father. She needed to be set free into my arms, because I am the only one who can keep her safe now."
"Slit his throat, Kratos, I want to see the bastard suffer."
"Ah-ah-ah~ you wouldn't want to take away her one and only love, would you? The second she stepped on Asgard was the second she unlocked her true purpose with me! You don't want to make her hate you, do you? She is so truly... Loyal."
He chuckled, even risking getting within direct range of the Spartan due to his confidence in the battlefield.
"Now, whatcha got?"
The spear sunk deeply into Heimdall's arm, pinning the man to the stone where he found himself trapped.
"Wait... What is going on in that empty head? Oh no no no no no... You are going to spare Me out of pity?"
The spear still imbedded in his arm kept him stuck to the wall and prevented his movement. As Kratos approached, a sudden shape rushed between the two, defending the Aseir man.
"Release him!"
The voice that pleaded with the Spartan was a familiar one that gave the man hesitation. Laying her head almost pathetically against the chest of the blond, she ensured to keep her father as far away as she could. Her eyes were pleading and begging, wanting the man to be released even if it meant putting herself in harms way.
"Let him go!"
Heimdall was stunned as he had been under the impression that you were not able to leave Asgard without him. Apparently you found a way out of your shared home and straight to Heimdall before Kratos had the chance to kill the arrogant man.
"Brother, she must be under a spell to make her loyal to him-"
"Let my husband go, damn it!"
"Husband? Lass, what in the nine realms are you on about?"
"Lay one more hand on my husband and I will end you."
The hateful hiss that came from you made surprise and shock run through both Mimir and Kratos as you ensured to remain close to Heimdall. Clearly his choice of taking you as his beloved was having more and more benefits even he did not foresee. Judging from the concern in Kratos' eyes and the clear hesitation the man showed, you gave Heimdall a certain level of protection from the infamous god-killing god.
"(Y/n), lass... That is not the kind of man you want to stand by. Aye, he isn't as bad as Thor in many regards-"
"Speak ill of my husband again and I will destroy every shred of you, head."
It was clear none of what Mimir was saying really registered to you and you were deep under whatever kind of spell had been put on you. The hostility that you showed towards the two of them was far out of character for you. They both realized that there was no way to convince you otherwise and their only choice was to play into your delusion.
Kratos was careful to not explode his spear as you could be easily injured by being too close, instead he chose to knock both you and Heimdall unconscious. He set to cradling you in one arm and slinging Heimdall over his shoulder so he could transport the both of you. Though he didn't want to bring Heimdall as well, he knew you would respond poorly to waking without the arrogant Aesir god nearby.
"Brother, I fear this may be too complex of a spell to be removed easily. I vote we take both with us. Perhaps Freya can help cure her."
"And if she cannot be cured?"
"We will get to that when we can. For now, we are to complete our mission here and take them back."
With a soft grunt of acknowledgement, Kratos begrudgingly carried both his dear daughter and the nuisance who enchanted her.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Okay so this is a list of my headcanon/preferences, with links leading to each post. I give a basic summary of the headcanon/preference, then what fandom it belongs to, and who from said fandom is involved. Plus whether or not it was requested, just because.
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1.) You ask if you can peg them. (X)
• It (Movie 2017)
• The Bowers gang.
2.)They react to the phrase "Fuck me running." (X)
• Vikings (TV series 2013)
• Ragnar, Rollo, Harald, Halfdan, Ivar, Björn, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Alfred.
3.) They react to you telling them you're allergic to bullshit. (X)
• Vikings (TV series 2013)
• Ragnar, Rollo, Harald, Halfdan, Ivar, Björn, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Alfred.
4.) You ask if you can peg them. (X)
• Horror movies addition.
• Dr. Herbert West (Re-animator 1985), Dr. Daniel Schreber (Dark City 1998), Ash Williams (Evil Dead 1981), Stu Macher (Scream 1996), Bo Sinclair (Wax Museum 2005), Eric Draven (The Crow 1994), Otis Driftwood (House of a Thousand Corpses 2003), Djinn (Wishmaster 1997), Josh Lambert (Insidious 2010).
5.) How do they feel about you being more badass than them? (X)
• Assassins Creed (Video game series)
• Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Connor Kenway, Edward Kenway, Jacob Frye, Bayek, Desmond Miles.
6.) They react to you telling them to bruise your esophagus. (X)
• American Gods (TV series 2017)
• Mad Sweeny, Shadow Moon, Mr. World, Technical Boy, Low-Key Lyesmith.
7.) They react to you telling them "I wanna choke on your dick until I pass out." PART ONE (X) PART TWO (X)
• Miscellaneous fandom's
8.) They develop a mommy kink, & along with a bit of a lactation kink, because of how busty you are. (X)
• It (Movie 2017)
• The Bowers gang
9.) You let them design your next tattoo. (X)
• The Lost Boys (Movie 1987)
• David, Marko, Paul, Dwayne.
UNLISTED : How would each of the bowers gang react if the other members walked in while they’re being pegged/fingered/eaten out. (X)
• It (Movies 2017)
• Bowers gang
10.) The basics of their yandere obsession with you. (X)
• Type O Negative (Band)
• Peter Steele.
11.) Basic relationship headcanons. (X)
• The Black Phone (Movie 2021) crossed with Stranger Things (TV series 2016)
• Vance Hopper.
12.) The basics of their yandere obsession with you. (X)
• Star Wars (Solo triplets)
• Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, Matt Solo.
13.) How would magni and modi handle their child being named Thor’s successor? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi.
14.) What is the relationship between magni and modi’s children and their family? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi.
15.) Magni, Modi, and Baldurs children reacting to their parents death. (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi, Baldur.
16.) Freya learning she is a grandmother. (Baldurs daughter) (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Baldur, Freya.
17.) Will Kratos take you in after the death of your father Modi? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Modi, Kratos, Atreus, Mimir.
18.) How will they react when you die in place of them? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi, Baldur.
19.) Romantic headcanons. (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Baldur, Magni, Modi.
20.) How do they react to you having visions of dark things? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Modi, Baldur.
21.) They react to finding out you're pregnant with their child. (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi, Baldur.
22.) They react to finding out you're pregnant with their child. (X)
• Actors.
• Tom Cruise, Antony Starr.
23.) The basics of their yandere obsession with you. (X)
• The Witcher (TV series 2019)
• Geralt.
24.) They react to you yelling "VIBE CHECK!" as you hit a victim with a baseball bat. (X)
• Slashers addition.
25.) How do they react when you ask them to lay on top of you for the first time in your relationship. (X)
• Slipknot (Band)
• Corey Taylor, Joey Jordison, Mick Thomson, Sid Wilson, Jim Root.
26.) Romantic headcanons (X)
• Resident Evil 7 Biohazard (Video game 2017)
• Lucas Baker
27.) He reacts to you being an absolute tech wiz. (X)
• Resident Evil 7 Biohazard (Video game 2017)
• Lucas Baker
28.) Being Rocky's little sister, and falling for Ivan Drago. (X)
• Rocky IV (Movie 1985)
• Ivan Drago
29.) Platonic relationship with The Grabber. (X)
• The Black Phone (Movie 2022)
• Albert Shaw
30.) Syd is a dilf/gilf. (X)
• Cocaine Bear (Movie 2023)
• Syd White
31.) He's got a breeding kink. (X)
• Batman Forever (Movie 1995)
• Dick Grayson
32.) He loves his plus size sweetheart. (X)
• Rocky IV (Movie 1985)
• Ivan Drago
33.) Reactions to their partners nipples being pierced. (X)
• Miscellaneous fandoms
34.) What is Valentine's Day like with them? (X)
• Miscellaneous fandoms
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queenmoonking · 6 months
Yandere kratos x y/n
Y/n is a she/her, also there are episodes to this, blue is you red is him, violence, bad word,
Y/n is a shy female, and is not know for he to speak to people or god's, kratos have all was wish to be her...but never really had the heart to say it, he love the fact you and his son is getting along,
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"y/n" *he say in a deep voice* "...be my wife" *he slowly put up his blooded hands hoping you take it*
"w-with what?!" *you take a step back, is processing of what just happened trying to take everything in*
*a sinister smirk crosses his face as he steps closer* "y/n. You heard me perfectly" *his voice filled with menace* "I will do whatever it takes to have you by my side" *he reaches out, grabbing her wrist gently* "Join me in matrimony... and we'll see the world through different eyes"
*you try to push him away, but he'll his to stronger*
*laughs deep in his throat* "You can't fight against your destiny, y/n. We are meant to be together" *he pulls her closer* "And together we shall create a legacy. I'll raise Atreus as my own son... and our family will rule over this world!"
"your at your fuck up mind...will this if you have one" *you say in a sarcasm tone*
*ignores her sarcasm* "I have a plan, y/n. Your father has an influence in politics... it'll serve us well" *he runs his fingers down her cheek* "Be mine and I will make your life a blissful paradise. You shall want for nothing. Nothing!"
*you hit him, and cuz him to bleed*
*raises an eyebrow, surprised* "You dare strike me?" *a look of fury in his eyes* "y/n... this will not end well for you" *he clenches his fist, ready to retaliate but reins himself back* "Fine. Have it your way" *stepping away from her slowly, smirking maliciously as he sheds some blood from the corner of his mouth*
*you look at the door behind him, thanking if you can run out*
*notices her intention and swiftly grabs her arm, pulling her back* "Nowhere to run, y/n. We both know this is destiny... embrace it"
"dick head" *you whispered*
*raises an eyebrow* "Interesting." *smirk deepening* "Let's get you ready for your new life, my future queen" *his grip on her arm tightens as he leads her toward his hidden chamber*
*you try to fight him off*
*effortlessly overpowers her, dragging her down a long dimly lit hallway* "You're making this harder for yourself. Come with me and everything will be perfect"
"you can suck a tree"
*grins* "You're just bitter about losing your freedom. But don't worry, you'll soon adapt to our life together." *as they reach his hidden chamber he shoves her towards an empty chair* "Sit down, y/n."
*she sit down, knowing she doesn't have a choice*
*looking at her thoughtfully* "Tell me, y/n... Do you really dislike me? Is it my past deeds or am I not charming enough?" *his gaze flickers over her features as he waits for an answer*
"one you kill, two you hurt people, you don't carol your wage, I know more if you wish to hear it" *you never really understood why that knowledge was in your mouth, you was just moving your mouth give him a reason to not marry you*
*smirks* "Yes, those deeds were a part of my past. But they don't define me anymore" *a predatory light in his eyes as he looks at her* "And now... I have you. You're mine. And that is all that matters."
"you lie to everyone I ever care for" *you say I'm tear*
*leans closer to her* "You... Care for someone else?" *his voice low and dangerous, threatening her* "Are you trying to hide something from me, y/n~"
"I was all ready in love with a aather man"
*pulls away, anger flickering in his eyes* "And now... He'll pay."
*you daily brace into running for the door to exit*
*grabs her by the arm again, preventing her escape* "y/n, listen to me. This isn't some whimsical crush you had for someone else... They'll never compare to me." *he pulls her close, staring into her eyes fiercely* "I swear on my life... You won't regret choosing me."
*you look down* "I hate you"
*gazes at her tenderly* "That's fine, y/n. Eventually... You'll grow to love me." *he captures her chin in his hand, tilting her face up to look at him* "But first... Let's start with acceptance"
The end, of part one
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
God of war I love that
Can I request yandere kratos x daughter reader x yandere boy Atreus ( I can't help but call him boy😁)
Like the reader is is the twin of Atreus
If I remember correctly it been a while since I played the game. Kratos didn't know they where Born
But he finds out that his daughter is strong like him and her brother but is very sick like either a bad heart condition or something that she sick and needs break's
But she can still fight and everybody calls her weight for it and her father and brother get better protective about that and say she's a strong goddess
Broken Truth: The Twin Sister of Yandere Brother Atreus and Father Kratos. She's strong but has a sickness or a weak heart. I think I can do that. Now, let the words weave together.
[Midgard - Kratos' Cabin]
Kratos knew that something was special about his children the moment they were born but there was something extraordinary about his daughter, who he and Faye named [Name], while the son was named Atreus. As time traveled on, the twins grew and Kratos noticed that his daughter was much stronger than Atreus but Atreus was faster than [Name] and was more skilled in the art of the bow; one day, Kratos found his daughter swinging a bar of steel like a sword and her form was perfect, even without training, she was a natural Spartan.
When Faye passed on and the children reached that age, Kratos passed his wife's bow to Atreus and crafted a sword and shield for his daughter. Kratos would train [Name] with the Leviathan Axe and she was able to hold her own, but her heart wasn't complete and she would get tired after a while of training; Kratos understood this and would let her rest while training Atreus with his bow and hunting.
Atreus would always be by his sister's side - getting whatever she needed when she was tired, from a jug of water to the elixir that was written in Faye's Notes that would aid her with her heart condition. Kratos was the same with [Name], he didn't let anyone near his daughter, and Atreus was always walking around with one hand on his bow, ready to shoot anyone who came near his sister.
"Father. Brother. I am fine, stop worrying." [Name] said one day at the market when they ran out of ingredients for [Name's] Elixir.
"Stay back, sister. I don't want you in the gaze of all those other people." Atreus said as he held his hand out to stop [Name] from getting too close to the vendor at the shop.
"Atreus..." [Name] groaned.
"Listen to your brother, [Name]," Kratos said in his deep voice. [Name] just explained and stood away while Kratos spoke to the vendor.
[Name] would have the most difficult time as Atreus' Brother when it was time to take Faye's Ashes to the tallest mountain in the Nine Realms and [Name] insisted that she came with them but when they met Freya, the woman found herself drawn to [Name] and began getting closer to her as her mother, or at least, she tried to but Atreus and Kratos stopped her from getting to close to [Name]. When Kratos killed Baldur, Freya swore that she would kill Kratos and take [Name] as her own daughter.
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the-broken-truth · 10 months
Hello friend! How are you? Are you making Yandere letters?! How awesome!! I want to request a Yandere letter too but from our Mighty Bear AU, for now I would like a Kratos Yandere letter to Björn that he receives when he’s in Asgard with his adoptive family. Björn decides to read what’s in the letter but when he finishes he’s like “HAHAHAHAHA F*CK U!” and he burns the letter with an annoyed smile in his face.
Broken Truth (Reading a Nordic Scroll before looking up at the ask, then back at the scroll): Björn getting a letter from Kratos while he is in Asgard? How would it even get there? Revna could take it to him - considering Kratos doesn't know who Revna really is. (Waves tail) Let the words weave together!
Björn was seated on a sofa in front of a fireplace, feeling the warmth radiating from the pit that filled the room with light and comfort. His clawed hands were holding a tome, and his golden eyes scanned through the written words on the pages. Lord Heimdall had given him the task of learning everything he could about the Asgardians and their way of life. Having made a name for himself in Asgard, Heimdall wanted the Bear Cub to be well-versed in the Asgardian hierarchy. Surprisingly, Björn knew his place as someone below Heimdall, even though Thor had taken him as his kin after losing his own sons Magni and Modi and his brother Baldur. Heimdall wanted Björn to be all he could be in Asgard, and he knew that knowledge was power, which is why he gave him books to read.
Björn looked up from his book as his mother Sif and twin sister Revna entered the living room. Sif kissed Björn on the forehead before allowing him to continue studying. Revna, known as the Wise Raven of Asgard, sat next to him. Despite her vast knowledge, Björn respected her just as much as she respected him. She handed him a folded letter from her satchel without a word. Björn looked confused at first, but as soon as he began reading, he understood why Revna looked uninterested. The letter contained news that left him stunned.
I hope this letter finds its way into your claws, I was certain to give it to the girl known as Revna since she seems to know where you are all the time. I would have given the letter to Atreus to hand to you but I understand from what he has shared with me during his time in Asgard, that you avoid him as if he is the personification of death itself; I shall assume that you have not forgiven him nor I for what we have done in that past but you must understand that your anger, your rage, towards your brother and I are completely misplaced. We were only trying to make you see the error of your ways by making bonds and blood ties with the Sons and Brother of Thor; why would you make them your 'brothers' when already had a blood brother in Atreus - the one whom you shared a womb within the belly of your one and only more - Faye.
When you were born moments after Atreus, you mirrored Faye to perfection even though you were her son; now that I think of it, that girl to whom I had delivered this letter to you also looks like Faye, almost a spitting image. It is quite chilling considering that she has no links to her or even you, correct? I digress, I am getting distracted from the reason I am contacting you: You are to come home at once the next time Atreus returns here. This game you are playing has gone on long enough and we are sick of it, Björn - you are one of us, not them. You have the blood of a Greek God and a Jotunn and, I am sure that you know, the Jotunn are enemies to the Asgardians; especially Thor, who hunted down all of them but only missed your mother since she was able to defeat him in battle. How can you really call yourself Faye's son when you are calling her mortal enemy 'Father'? Get this through your head, Boy; you are not an Asgardian and you never will be. The only reason you are there is because they believe the Blood Contact you did with their lost spawn means that a piece of them still exists within you but we both know that is mere fantasy.
Stop this game and return home. You are not meant to be a warrior and you shall never be what you desire. Accept what you are and allow us to defend you as Faye would have wanted.
Until Then, ~ Your Father, Kratos
Björn looked at the letter for a while before looking at Revna with an expression that matched her own; they held their eyes together for a good minute as if they were having a silent conversation before they started bursting out with laughter as if they were jackals.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I needed a good laugh." Björn said as he balled the letter up between his clawed hand and threw it into the flames, watching the burn away the Ghost of Sparta's Words, "Your delusion is that I would actually believe your words, Ghost. FUck you and your words." He said before picking up his tome once again and continued reading with the smile remaining on his face.
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
OMG, i just love your platonic yandere gow stuff and i kinda have a prompt that i just can't get out of my head and i wanted to know if you'll up for writing it
so lets say that reader is well lets say understatemented because of how much people don't really see him as anybody else then being kratos son and loki's/atreus brother
so… what if lets say the reader sees the peeps (sif, thor, heimdall, freya and anybody else you want) in trouble and reader being seen as the weakling out of his family suprisingly saves there life like they do some powerful magic shit
Sorry if you don't want to write about this, but it was just stuck in my head and i wanted to share
thank you and goodbye :>
Broken Truth (Looks at the ask): Let's be honest - Thor and Heimdal can handle themselves in a fight, Lady Sif really wouldn't leave Asgard and Thrud would be able to defend herself without any help; so I'll write for Freya because she's the only one I can see getting into trouble and needing help. If I think of someone else, I'll come back to this ask and add to it. I hope that's okay.
Someone gave me an idea to make [Name] something like the Dragonborn from Skyrim because I gave his voice power in the Thrud Extension and it would do good in this.
I'm thinking of giving [Name] a name, what do you guys think about 'Nithe' for a name? It means Dragon or Serpent in Old Norse if my research is valid. Anyway, let the words weave together.
Freya was looking for some kind of rare ingredient in the land where the dragons were plentiful, it was quiet for a while when she found the ingredient but that's when the dragon attacked. Freya did what she could and used her magic along with her combat skills but the creature overpowered her and knocked her into the wall, causing her to drop her sword and slump to the ground. She looked at the creature with blurry vision as it slowly stalked toward her before charging at her; she closed her eyes and waited for the impact but it never came, she opened her eyes when she heard the dragon roaring in anger and pain, and came face to face with an unbelievable panorama.
A single body stood between Freya and the Dragon & that body was [Name] - the youngest & 'weakest' of the Sons of Kratos. Holding the head of the dragon still as it struggled and tried to get away from him.
"Dovah Mul!" [Name] roared out in an unknown language as he began lifting the dragon up and threw it against the wall, making it slump to the ground. [Name] looked at the downed beast with an unknown fury in his eyes, this made Freya rise to her feet and hold her bleeding arm.
"[Name]? What are you doing here?" Freya asked.
"Stay back, Lady Freya, I'll deal with this." [Name] demanded as the dragon began to stand again. The beast inhaled and shot a river of fire in [Name's] direction, he inhaled and spoke in the strong language again.
"Yol Toor Shul!" [Name] roared out as a river of fire left his jaws and collided with the dragon's canceling each other out before he inhaled again and hit the dragon in the face with his fire, causing the creature to screech in pain and fly away from the agony. [Name] watched to make sure it was gone before turning his attention to Freya, who healed her wound. "Are you alright, Your Majesty?"
"I...I am fine. How did you do that? You had the strength of a dragon and you could breathe fire like one; aren't you a human?" Freya asked as she walked over to [Name] who shook his head.
"I'm half-giant & half-god. My Blood holds the blood of a dragon, my mother found that out a long time ago and was training me to learn more about controlling it but ever since she died, father refused to train me." [Name] explained it as he looked around for something.
"What are you looking for?" Freya asked as she followed his gaze but couldn't see anything.
"I heard that this dragon took a very powerful steel and I wanted to use it to make a weapon for myself." [Name] said as he walked over to the dragon's hoard and began digging through all the various metals until he found the one he was looking for. "I need to get back home and craft my weapon before father and Atreus get back." [Name] began walking to the ledge of the high point before Freya called out to him.
"Wait, have you thought about my offer? Will you become my son and the brother Baldur saw in you?" Freya asked him.
"I...I can't see myself leaving y father and brother. Please understand, Lady Freya" [Name] said as he turned and sprouted dragon wings and began flying away.
"I understand that you are too good for him and I shall make you my son, [Name]." Freya said as she went to the hoard and got the ingredients she needed.
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