#yandere omori
Yandere Kel, Sunny, Basil, Aubrey, and Hero sitting in their S/O's lap - Omori
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[yandere Kel x reader]
-he usually likes to lie on you so if you redirect him to your lap, he'll get attached
-he's not afraid of affection at all, so if you want him in your lap he'll do it
-but then he gets too comfortable with it
-sitting on the couch? he's in your lap. trying to get work done at your desk? he's in your lap.
-sometimes he'll still try to sit in your lap even if you aren't sitting!
-he's at first a little bashful about being in your lap
-he always wants to be manlier and impress you, so he feels like he shouldn't be the one in your lap
-but once you reassure him and he gets used to it, he's totally blissed out
-he becomes very proud as if he isn't the one in your lap
-he's lounging around, nuzzling into your and bragging to anyone who mentions it
-he's a little to excited to fall asleep, but he probably would eventually since he's so reluctant to leave your lap
-you probably need to remind him not to yell since he's right in your ear
-he's usually pretty chill but he will get frustrated at people interrupting you both like this
-he can get into petty arguments so he'll usually just stomp over to you for comfort
-if you are preoccupied, just lean back and he'll just sit in your lap and pout until he feels better
-your lap is his favorite chair now, so get comfortable
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[yandere Sunny x reader]
-the moment he trusts you, he'll get cozy in your lap like a cat
-he's not too shy about it since I can imagine him doing it to people he's close to before
-but now you're all he cares about so be prepared for a clingy cat
-he IMMEDIATELY falls asleep in your lap
-and he's not shy in public either
-if you're at a picnic with everyone, he's not embarrassed to crawl in your lap and take a nap while everyone chats
-if he can't sleep, he'll just stare up at you until he drifts off
-he can be at peace in any scenario as long as he's in your lap
-he definitely dreams in faraway about this, completely isolated with you while sitting in your lap
-it's a common joke among the entire group that he's glued to your lap
-he doesn't care about any sort of teasing and is way more upset when someone tries to convince him he actually needs to leave your lap every now and then
-if you can handle it, he'll just crawl on your back if you need to get up
-he doesn't get emotional all too often, but if he does then it's your lap he runs to
-jealousy of a chummy stranger, fear of SOMETHING, or any damage he's taken after a fight can be fixed when he crawls into your lap
-this is his default cuddle position, so get used to letting him in your lap because he won't listen to you if you ask him to move
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[yandere Basil x reader]
-he's superrr shy so you'll have to tell him to sit on your lap
-he's extremely rigid and doesn't know what to do with his hands so he just stares down and keeps his hands in his lap
-you'll have to gently push him against you so he can actually get comfortable
-he's one of the few that won't sit in your lap and go to sleep or watch TV
-he'll just stay facing towards you, watching your face
-don't feel pressured to stare back because if you do he'll probably pass out
-movie nights are useless dates since he'll just crawl into your lap and watch your face
-he's pretty shy with PDA, but if he feels he needs to sit in your lap he may or may not ask if you need to sit down just to get into your lap
-he's very emotional, so he needs to sit in your lap and cry into your shoulder sometime
-and with everything he does he'll try and find a new way to make it a way to manipulate you
-so even if you don't feel like having him in your lap, he's going to cry until you let him
-and if he thinks you're getting distant then he'll crawl into your lap and then cry
-especially if there's a reason that you need to get up for any reason because then he'll be sad and jealous!
-it's just plain greed- if you keep letting him in his lap, he'll get more dependent on being in your lap
-sure, if you limit his time in your lap then he won't be as addicted to it, but then he'll just find something else to latch onto like holding hands or petting his hair
-he's as greedy as he is clingy
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[yandere Aubrey x reader]
-she's probably the most shy about it
-she really doesn't want to look soft in front of anyone and really wants to be strong for you
-sometimes she'll pull you into her lap in a way to show that she can protect you or calm her jealousy
-but if you ever see her crying or if she opens up to you, she really needs you to just pull her into your lap and comfort her
-her anger and aggressive behavior is just a facade
-she's just a soft and vulnerable person who wants to rely on someone
-she latches onto you and cries until she can't
-afterwards, she's going to need to sit there a lot more often
-i mean, she opened up to you! she ripped her heart out and gave it to you! you need to let her in your lap whenever she wants
-sometime she'll just order you to sit on the sidewalk just so she can cuddle into your lap
-all of your dates will usually involve her cuddling up to your lap or at the very least laying her head in your lap
-she loves sitting by the pond and just lying in your lap, it's one of the few times she won't force herself to be mean or have to deal with the stress around her
-at first she wouldn't want other people to know that she's that vulnerable
-but eventually, she realizes its nobody else's business and will just kick anyone's ass who teases her about it
-and if somebody tries to make you get up and steal your attention (which usually just means somebody asked you to move because you're in the way or made prior plans) she'll crash out
-she'll push them back into a trash can or tree and just drag you to her house where you both won't be bothered
-she really just needs this time with you, it's the only time she can be herself
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[yandere Hero x reader]
-he's not used to this
-he's the tall gentleman, he feels like he needs to be the one to let you lie in his lap like a princess
-so he's very flustered when you pull him into your lap
-it's very refreshing, though
-he's always trying to be the best for everyone around him, so its so relaxing to just have someone else take care of him
-he's probably going to be the one who hops in your lap the least, but it's not a one time thing
-every now and then he'll get super burnt out and he just nervously asks if he can crawl into your lap and have you comfort him
-if you ever offer it, he'll immediately agree
-he's not shy at all and will just chuckle and lie into your lap
-definitely the type to take a nap whenever he gets into your lap because it's such a relaxing change of pace
-he will give a little pout if you have to get up, but he's not as bad as the others where he'll try and make you stay with threats or manipulation
-he'll just distract himself by baking for you or writing some sappy love letters since he's such a sap
-so even though he's more casual then the rest about this, he's probably the most appreciative of it on a mental level
-he's the one with the most responsibilities and also hardly gets comforted like the others could
-plus, he loves when you take the lead for once, it flusters him like crazy!
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gothicxreylover · 9 months
hello! I saw you accept requests for headcanons and omori so I have a request if you feel like writing!
can I request platonic yandere headcanons (could be anyone/everyone from main 6!) or oneshots for gender neutral reader? I'm sucker for platonic yanderes and sadly there's lack of them everywhere
you can freely dismiss this request, please take care!
Hello! And I would love to do your request I don't see much of OMORI so I would serve this to you. I hope you enjoy!
Sorry if this doesn't seem platonic but I hope it's still showing in there.
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Sunny- Sunny is a very calm person and isn't very social at all. Of course, just because he doesn't talk to you a lot he still enjoys your presence. Sitting there in silence makes Sunny happy (even if he doesn't show it). Quality time is how he shows his appreciation towards you he does love affection but not all the time. Maybe small hand-holding or a hug is what he likes. Cuddles or small kisses (It's shown as platonic) are something he was he be prepared for and doesn't like to be rushed with.
Mari- Mari is a very social butterfly and loves to talk to you. Telling you stories about her adventures with her friends or even made-up ones just to get your attention. She loves affection and often shows it towards you. Just like Sunny, he doesn't like to be rushed with affection so it would take her a small amount of time to warm up to you (it takes her about a week or so). She craves quality time and loves to have fun with you such as baking or having a small picnic with her friends.
Hero- Hero can be a dork around you he can't help but be all giddy or happy in your presence. Hero is the same as Mari he loves to tell you small stories and likes to have quality time with you. Sometimes the whole group goes on adventures to make memories or is just too goofy but Hero treasures it in his memories a lot. Hero is more like a brother since he's the oldest in the group but you saying that he's a brother to you makes him happy to know that you feel close it him.
Kel- Kel the massive goofball who just loves talking to you a lot. He loves quality time and affection and he's not afraid to show it to you. He shows you how to do tricks in basketball and sometimes shows off just to hear your praises. Affection is something that Kel lacks a lot so his receiving a hug makes him happy and he craves more of it. He sometimes gets you into trouble and you both get scolded by Hero, Mari, or an adult but that's okay since it creates a lot of inside jokes between the two of you.
Basil- Basil is kinda the same as Sunny. He's very shy and doesn't talk to you a lot but he warms up on how he gets used to your presence. He loves to talk about flowers and shows you his garden from time to time. He loves quality time and sometimes acts of service. Sometimes just being there with you makes him calm and collective. Acts of service are something he likes to do even if it's just bringing you something small.
Aubrey- Aubrey is a massive tunsudere and pretends that your not really worthy of her. But sometimes she does let her touch persona slip once in a while. She loves quality time and Acts of serves and affection. You being there makes her calm and she warms up to you. Acts of serves is her way of showing she cares for you and doesn't mind getting things for you even if she complains about doing them. Affection is something she doesn't receive a lot and something she lacks in life. You showing her affection makes her feel loves and worthy to be your friend.
Sunny- He gets pretty jealous a lot especially if your hanging out with someone he doesn't know. He overthinks a lot a thinks that the person your with would take you away from him and he doesn't like that at all. You can tell him that they're just a friend and he'll apologize to you and them but that doesn't mean he still can't hold a grudge against them.
Mari- Sometimes Mari can be a bit overbearing she loves to hang out with you and invites you over a lot. This makes you feel suffocated in her presence and you can help but think she's a tiny bit clingy. If you tell her about it she'll be hurt but fully understanding and apologize she would fix the problem but also goes back into her behavior again after a while.
Hero- He's overprotective of you and doesn't want you to get hurt. This causes a bit of an argument between you and him but does get settled down. You argue that you can take care of yourself and there's nothing he should be worried about at all. Hero claims that you shouldn't be walking around without any company due to how dangerous outside could be.
Kel- He's a bit oblivious towards everything and doesn't see a problem with what he's doing. Sure he can be clingy and slightly jealous sometimes but that's normal. If you bring it up he'll say it's normal for him to feel that way and does push on to you. His being oblivious to everything makes your friendship a bit complicated but you still have a strong bond.
Basil- Basil guilt trips you a lot if you want to hang out with someone he would say that it's okay and he'll be all alone with no one with him. He also obliviously brings up his trauma on how he doesn't want to be alone or you'll leave him like the others making you stay with him. He doesn't want you to leave too many people in his life left him already he doesn't need you too.
Aubrey- Her anger issues are something she needs to work on a lot. She gets jealous of people you talk to and sometimes yells at the scram off. Her presence is already intimidating enough so people do back away from you and her. You tell her that her anger is something she needs to work on and she knows that. Of course, she tries her best to work on it but it's just too much for her to actually fix.
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strawbxrryanime · 7 months
Yandere Kel Won't Let You Escape - yandere!kel (omori) x reader
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"I love you so so much... SO SO MUCH!" Kel cries out, he cries out that he's suffocating. Suffocating with his love for you, his burning heart for you. After making you drink a special OJ from him while you were trying to leave his house in the night, you quickly started to fall asleep and you are now tied down to his bed frame.
Kel is sweating, panting. He's panting in the presence of you, the thoughts of him preserving you forever made him go crazy, butterflies are in his stomach. Kel takes a deep breath as he shakes. "I'm going to go get some fresh air..." Kel stood up, only for him to turn back at you, you stopped struggling. "You want anything?"
You nod your head no as Kel walked away from the room, there you had the perfect opportunity. Those photos, those photos on the walls of just you and Kel were haunting memories, tainted with evil by how Kel has locked you into his own personal domain, to keep you away forever, they were haunting reminders of his obsession for you. Each photo resembling a different story, a story that Kel mistook for true love and obsession.
You maneuver your way to cut the ropes off however, and you drop to the ground after being in the bed for a while. You stumble across the walls, heading to the exit bedroom door. Seeing all these items, guitar, everything. But one thing stood out the most, a whole shrine of you.
Kel has been watching you this whole time, his energetic and friendly demeanor just covers up the sinister factor that he’s been watching you for over a year. You slowly gasp at the news. You run up the hallways.
“Y/N?” Kel called out, you slowly froze and stood to turn, that kitchen table with the glass of tampered OJ you just drank, right behind it, lied an obsessive Kel. Shaking. “What are you doing?” Kel shakily questioned you, he seemed unhinged. You slowly back away as you try to stay away from the exit door, not pushing anything else further.
You explained that you just needed some fresh air, and that you weren’t planning on leaving him. This only made Kel more questioning, the fury growing inside of him. “Then… how did you manage to get out of the tight ropes? I tied it extra tight just for you! H-how… did you…” Kel questioned himself, was he not doing anything right to keep you safe?
You slowly backed out as soon as Kel kept thinking, muttering to himself that he’ll protect you and how much he loves you. The photos on the wall depicting just that, as true obsession grows over Kel. “You sure you don’t want to talk this out of a burger?” Kel asks, as you back away just a little. You knew his shenanigans, you knew how he tampered with that glass of OJ that led you into this mess.
You explain that you don’t want to talk this over a burger. Rather, you just couldn’t trust him anymore with food or drinks. “W-why?” Kel asks, you kept explaining. “I thought we were having a nice sleepover Y/N… a long-lasting one.” Kel frowned and looked down. He grabbed the basketball he picked from the ground. “I want to play basketball with you, I want to be with you, I want to protect you, I WANT TO KEEP YOU SAFE!” Kel yelled out.
Kel dropped the basketball, bouncing for a mere 12 times on the ground as each time it hit, Kel looks at you with those eyes, those pleading eyes but at the same time, those eyes picture more of a sinister look. If Kel can’t have you, nobody else can, and he’ll do whatever it takes. Snatch you with his own bare hands, suffocate you with his embrace and warmth to make sure you won’t feel outed.
“Y/N, you can’t go out.” Kel said bluntly, you tried to back away even more from him, but Kel stood up from his seat and took a step further. “Remember that time… when you had a gaping wound in your leg?” Kel made you remember that same exact memory. “You asked me to help you with the pain, it gave me a sense that.. y-you wanted me to keep you safe. You wanted me to take you away from this misery… and Basil would take a bunch of photos of it remember? How I’d hug you and try to heal your leg…” Kel recounts these memories, these memories hung up on the walls.
“It meant that you wanted to seal a bond with me, right?” Kel said, he was shakily breathing. Almost zombie-like, he needed to protect you, he needed to be with you. “I… I can’t live without you Y/N…” Kel pleaded, as he slowly takes a step further and further towards you. Almost reaching out his hands towards you. As you slowly back away. “Why are you trying to hide from me?” Kel started to smile, his smirk turned into psychotic laughter and smiles. His eyes, sinisterly dark. “I’M THE ONE KEEPING YOU SAFE!”
You started to dash for the exit door, just for Kel to catch up to you and outrun you, pushing you to the ground missing the exit door completely, as Kel chased right after you. You began to dash through the halls, managing to find the staircase as you climb up. Kel chased right after you, dragging you down by the leg. As you try your best to kick him away. “Y/N! STOP PLAYING RIGHT NOW!” Kel psychotically yelled out. Now, that sweet energetic boy that you once knew is an obsessed psychotic delusional person who craves you and only you.
Kel giggles as you kick him down, he thinks this is a fun hide-and-seek tag game, isn’t it? You kept running down the hallway, stumbling and scared for your life. Kel came down shortly after. “Y/N! TIME OUT!” Kel yelled out as he whined, you quickly hid nearby on the side of your bed, in front of a window that you could use to climb down.
Since Kel was incredibly athletic, he could take you down in a single maneuver, so you tried your very best to stay silent. Kel doesn’t even notice your raggedy breathing as you see his feet pattering against the carpet floor. “Y/N?” Kel searched frantically everywhere for you, you can even hear the sound of his electric guitar twanging as it hit the ground. Leading Kel to groan in a bored way.
“I’M DONE PLAYING THIS GAME WITH YOU Y/N!” Kel yelled out, as you slowly try to open the window, it couldn’t budge. “I wrote the investigators a message, pretty sure they’d be nice to stop trying to look for you…” Kel muttered out, you keep trying to budge the window open. Kel kept groaning for you to come by. “I’ll tear off all your limbs Y/N… if that means you couldn’t leave.. heheh..” Kel chuckled, he was going crazy now. What seemed to be a cool, energetic person sinisterly turns the pages into an obsessed maniac, waiting to attack.
You kept cranking the window to make it budge, but it couldn’t. “Y/N?” Kel questioned, he hasn’t checked the bedroom yet. As you kept trying to budge the window, you decided to smash it instead but the windows still wont budge. What the fuck is this window even made out of? As you kept trying your hardest you hear a loud creak which startled you and made you look back. Until… a short while of silence.
“Y/N..” Kel whispered as he maniacally chuckled. You look down at your foot, hands were emerging from under the bed as you screamed, your legs were dragged underneath the bed as you try to get a grip but couldn’t. Kel kept covering your mouth as he holds you down on top of you.
“Shhh… shhh…” Kel smirked, the darkness was enveloping him.. the whole entire sight was just dark underneath the bed. “I love you so much Y/N… how could you even try to escape me? Why would you escape the one who’ll keep you safe? The one who’ll love you!?… I guess I might have to punish you to stop you from leaving…” Kel muttered, the word “punish” makes you struggle, your eyes widened. As you kept struggling Kel kept shushing you and putting you down like a rabid dog.
Kel slowly smirks yet again. “All the ways I could make you scream…” Kel chuckled, all the different ways. “Maybe if you weren’t so naive to escape, then this wouldn’t have happened. Either way, I won’t let you outside… not ever.” Kel kept laughing psychotically, impulsive thoughts are roaming around the room in his head. Kel puts in more pressure to your mouth, this time putting both hands in your mouth, intoxicating your nose with the smell of orange juice and obsession.
His body pressed more into you while on top, making you unable to move or shimmy out the way. Kel laughs hearing your grunts and begs, pleading to let yourself out was like ear candy for Kel. “Awwww, shhh… it’s okay. We’re just having fun are we?” Kel chuckled yet again, smirking at you as his pressure starts pushing more and more, leading you to feeling unconscious and bound to faint. He pushes down more on you making you groan helplessly as he kept pushing down slowly but surely to make you faint.
“They don’t love you like I do Y/N, so why would you try to escape me?… Now, I really wonder what limb should I try first?”
You hear another chuckle, and gone. Gone you were. Waiting to be awoken again.
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When we watch anime, we encounter a rich tapestry of characters, each one embodying a specific archetype, a trait, or a stereotype. However, few character types have captured the imagination and morbid fascination of fans quite like the yandere. At first glance, they might seem like the ideal partner – loving, attentive, and utterly devoted. But, hidden beneath that veneer of affection lies a dark undercurrent of obsession, madness, and sometimes, violence. As we journey into the world of the yandere, tread lightly, for love here isn't just blind—it's often dangerous. Join us as we delve deeper into the psyche of some of anime's most iconic yandere characters, exploring the twisted love stories and the fine line between passion and possession.
1 Yuno Gasai from "Mirai Nikki" (Future Diary): Yuno's extreme love and obsession for Yukiteru Amano are central to the story.
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2 Kotonoha Katsura from "School Days": Kotonoha's descent into madness due to her love for Makoto Ito is one of the most memorable aspects of the series.
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3 Shion Sonozaki from "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" (When They Cry): Driven to madness by her love for Satoshi Houjou.
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4 Rena Ryuuguu from "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" (When They Cry): While not a traditional yandere, her intense behavior, especially in certain arcs, qualifies her for the list.
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5 Satou Matsuzaka from "Happy Sugar Life": Her obsession with Shio Kobe, a young girl she believes to be her one true love, defines her character.
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6 Kurumi Tokisaki from "Date A Live": Her yandere tendencies are especially evident when she's around the protagonist, Shido Itsuka.
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7 Ayase Aragaki from "Oreimo" (My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute): While more of a yangire (a character who snaps suddenly out of jealousy or irritation), her obsessive tendencies can't be ignored.
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8 Kaede Fuyou from "Shuffle!": Once the truth about her past surfaces, her yandere nature becomes clear.
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9 Misa Amane from "Death Note": Her obsessive love for Light Yagami and willingness to do anything for his sake place her in the yandere category.
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10 Sekai Saionji from "School Days": Her actions, particularly towards the end of the series, reveal her yandere nature.
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As we conclude our journey into the captivating realm of yanderes, it's evident that these characters are more than mere vessels of madness and obsession. They embody the age-old debate of how far one might go for love and at what cost. Their stories serve as cautionary tales, reminding us of the thin line between affection and fixation, devotion and domination. While the yandere archetype may be a product of fictional storytelling, their essence resonates with many, leaving an indelible mark on the anime community. We may not always agree with their methods or their motives, but the yandere's complex blend of love, fear, and fervor will continue to intrigue and haunt us long after the screen fades to black.
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~Yandere Basil~
Hello. Welcome to my first fanfic. I dont know why I made this to have fun reading this. And I'm sorry if it suck because this is my first time
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Basil Fey
Basil Fey. One Of the most loved Omori Characters
But as a yandere. So let's go
I think Basil as a yandere is a... scary one. Due to him being alone so long if you even show him the littlest affection he will fall over heels for you.
He would be a manipulative, worshipping, clingy, and a 'if I cant have you. No one can' mind of yandere
Basil as a yandere is scary to say and have in general. He will cling to you.
Though... He would try his best to stay with you. He will do anything to keep you with him, like kill you and himself
Pull you away from people, Hold your hand in a defensive manner, carry his gardening sheers in case someone attacks.
But let's be honest, basil is all bark no bite unless it's someone he REALLY hates. He will attack, kill, and get rid of the body.
If you somehow try to break up with him he will cling to you and beg you not to leave him, threatening to hurt himself if you left, he would appear at your door and knock for hours
He would try to convince his old friends to help him.
He loves you alot, doing anything in his power to keep you near him
The last thing we want is a kidnapped Y/n. Or a dead Y/n
I would say... stay with him
He wants you and you alone, he doesnt need or want anything else. Just please stay with him
I'm sorry it sucks. But I hope you kinda like it? See you next time
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moonyhasmanyanimals · 4 months
All right. Torture my drafts with me
Idea from @yandereunsolved
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i-love-yoi · 1 year
Well, I will not delay these HCS and write today! I will try and try to start quickly to other characters. Although I really want to sleep.
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TW: Yandere, Romantic (Relationship), GN! Reader, actions occur after the death of Mari (Sunny did not tell them the truth), persecution, the collecting type Yandere, dependence, mention of Mari.
• In general, it seems to me that Hero from the real world, it would not be different from the hero from Headspace.
• But this does not mean that they are completely the same.
• They are different, which is very sorry.
• Because Hero from the real world has completely lost sanity, unlike Hero from Headspace.
• And we all know why it happened.
• Mari ...
• No, now not before.
• In general, Hero is still your fan.
• But unlike Hero from Headspace, it is more terrible.
• You are not just a person he loves you, you are his God, his Savior, his love of life.
• Maybe you even overlapped Mari.
• But even without looking at it, you will belong to him and only to him.
• Only you are the only and beautiful God, to whom he is ready to worship.
• Hero would also be a collector.
• He would collect all your things.
• And when I say "everything", then I really mean all things that when they were in your hands or in any other places.
• This can be a handle, eraser, money, items of clothes, everything.
• Without him, no herself, it just knows what was it in your hands, and so it is now covered.
• And if you still have your smell, then in general a fairy tale.
• This will help him in those moments when you are not around.
• He wants you to be always next to him.
• Therefore, he pursues you.
• More precisely, no! Of course! He does not pursate you! He just wants you to be all right!
• Thank you for the fact that he does not even break into you in the home or to the toilet, there is still a conscience.
• However, in other cases it will always be next to you.
• Not depending on the situation.
• It seems to me that if you were already adult and have been in relationships, then he would offer you to move to one apartment and the city.
• Of course, if he did not do it before your relationship.
• He will clearly be alert.
• Before you enter it into a relationship, he will think that everything will want to take them with hands and feet, even if it is not so.
• You are so beautiful! How do not you take such a wonderful being, how are you, yourself?
• of course! They all want to take you away! There are no other options!
• However, even here's so jealous, he will not immediately tie the fight and be too emotional.
• He closed his emotions, supplying them for general security.
• Therefore, he would just be cold-blooded, but not to you clearly.
• You are the one who will accept it. God in the flesh! Only you will give it all the vulnerabilities and emotions.
• But not right now, not when he did not admit.
• You are not ready for this huge wave yet.
• This can scare you and only destroy everything that he is so strictly building.
• No, it can not be allowed to dare.
• And yet, it seems to me that Hero would be overall-impudent.
• If you did not answer him at least one day, he would be to be spaming you with messages and calls.
• An alarm that you follow from it, as MARI did it, scares it to death.
• But he is not so straight imposing as, for example, his brother Kel.
• I also think that Hero will not use violence in order to achieve their goals.
• Oh no, it's not for his morals.
• No, it will only exacerbate in the situation.
• He Healer and excellently operates on other his charm.
• I think you yourself guessed, what is everything going on.
• Yes, he would manipulate people, only to assign you to yourself.
• He will not directly use it, so it's not necessary to straighten much.
• But it will definitely use it when you start to remove it, give your other special care and attention that should only be.
• He will not allow anyone to take you and your excellent attention that it should only be
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sani-chan · 1 year
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uhhhandskullanon · 1 year
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You should’ve known that you never really could escape them, no matter how hard you tried. You wanted to scream, shout, sob, beg, whine, yell, anything at all, but the gag in your mouth prevented any sound whatsoever.
Not like if it wasn’t there it’d change anything. The basement is still sound-proof either way. You just wish Fyodor put a second thought in cleaning it up, because it smelled horrid in there.
Probably because of the pile of rotting body parts in the corner, or the bloody, moss-covered walls.
…he probably did this on purpose, actually. It’s only a part of your punishment, for leaving your loving fathers, is what he might say.
The gag was leaving a literal bad taste on your tongue, and if you could see the chains on your wrists, you’d bet they were already bruising and scarring. It was too dark for that though.
That was all in the start, however. It’s been nearly months since you’ve been ‘saved’ and ‘returned,’ in Nikolai’s terms. Everything had only been horrible, up until you were finally trusted enough to be let out of the basement. You would never say this, but it is partially thanks to Nikolai’s delusion and nagging of Fyodor that sped up that process.
…you missed the Agency. A lot, actually.
You missed Atsushi, and how he’d comfort you and you two just went out for chazuke on breaks.
You missed Yosano, and her headpats with the occasional need for healing. Despite her (kind of hidden) sadism, you never really were awake to feel her abilities… pre-measures.
You missed Dazai’s stupid antics, and the way he’d somehow drag you into them one way or another, but always made sure you never really got in trouble.
You missed Ranpo just rambling or being sleepy with you, occasionally sharing sweets and always calling for you to join him on cases whenever he could.
You missed Kunikida scolding you for joining Dazai’s shenanigans, but always doting over you like a real dad.
You missed listening to Kenji ramble about cows and farm animals.
You missed going out with Kyouka and eating crepes with her.
You missed just chatting with Fukuzawa, and even the cats at the shelter you two would visit.
You never voiced these though, because lord forbid you speak of anything or anyone on the outside while within the confines of Fyodor’s new base… you didn’t want to see that basement ever again, either.
“Oh [Y/N]! We’re baaaaaack!~” A (unfortunately and overly) familiar voice called out happily, before you were immediately tackled into a hug by none other than Nikolai. “Didya’ miss us?” He’d ask, and you already knew exactly what to say.
“Of course I did. I always miss you, Dad.” You smiled, hugging him back tightly. You knew how this went, and you knew that this would slowly but surely coax him into letting you out of the base… and after a few outings sticking by his side, surely you’d be freed.
Surely. Surely you kept telling yourself. Optimism and hope slowly blending into desperation and longing inside your mind. Surely you’ll find a way to run away. Patience is a virtue. Patient, patient, patient and good little [Y/N] before you leave them again.
“Waaha, how cute!” He’d exclaim soon after, hugging you even tighter before picking you up and spinning around, and you had to force out a fake chuckle and expression of joy. He only put you down (but still held you,) when Fyodor entered the room, brushing off his coat. It was then when you noted that they both had small splashes of blood splattered across certain spots, but you didn’t say anything on it. You knew how that went…
───── ⋆⋅ ?! ⋅⋆ ─────
"You can't- you can't keep doing this if you want me to stay!" You shouted at the two, blood-soaked males who in return just stared back at you.
"Are you saying you don't want to stay, my dear?"
"N-no, I just...-"
"Are you saying you'd leave us if we didn't stop?"
"That's not what I was saying! Don't put words into my mouth! I- ?!" You were cut off by a sudden cold knife to the throat, held by a gloved hand appearing out of a yellow portal.
"Watch your words wisely," Fyodor warned, "We are your fathers afterall."
'Never,' You wanted to shout, 'Never in a million years will you two ever be anything more than monsters to me.'
But even a fool knows when to bite their tongue.
───── ⋆⋅ ?! ⋅⋆ ─────
“Hey, Father?” You turned to Fyodor whilst still hugging Nikolai.
“Hm? What is it, doll?” He responded, taking off his cape and hanging it on a rack near the door before looking back at you.
You hated that nickname. “Doll.” Like you were some sort of item to show and control.
'Not for long,’ You’d think, ‘Not for very long at all.’ Though you were about to ask a risky question… you’d just hold on tight to Nikolai and hope for the best.
“...what happened to my kidnappers?” You hated referring to the Agency like that.
“Oh.. Well, not much. Merely a bit of… framing.” He said darkly, and eerie and small grin crossing his face.
"They won’t ever take your freedom away again, and you’ll never ever have to leave us again, isn’t that right dove?” Nikolai smiled evilly whale hugging you even tighter to the point that it hurt, and you had to muster up the ‘happiest’ smile you could.
"Yes, thank you Dad, and Father.” You said softly, looking at the two ‘gratefully.’
...You were going to get out of this hell hole, and you were going to save the Agency, one way or another.
───── ⋆⋅ ☆ ⋅⋆ ─────
'This might be a bit of a stretch,’ You thought to yourself as you stared down at the large drop ahead of you. Its been a long while, and you’ve finally been allowed to go outside with them… however, you’ve taken precautions. You know exactly what to do.
You’re on top of a large building with a barrier, and you’ve marked it just enough so that you’re only barely out of reach of Nikolai’s ability. It’s also only a matter of time before they find you…
…It’s a long way down. Do you want to jump?
— TAG : @kolyakisses
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kloudinthesky · 7 months
Valentines Flowers 💐
Cove from Our Life: white poppies
Alexei from Infinite Blue: yellow coreopsis, freesia, and daisies
P from Lies of P: blue camellias and forget-me-nots
Lamb from Cult of the Lamb: red camellias
Basil from Omori: yellow sunflowers
Eddie from Yandere AI Girlfriend Simulator: pink sakuras
Charlie from Hazbin Hotel: red roses
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Yandere Hero's First Kiss w/ S/O HCs - Omori
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[yandere Hero x reader]
-he's very romantic so he'd try to wait until the moment is perfect
-whether that's when you first confess or under the moonlight in a late night picnic date
-he may be a little obsessive about making the first kiss perfect, planning it the moment he meets you
-of course, he's basically your dog so if you wanted to kiss him randomly, he'd let you
-but he just really wants to impress you
-he's a lot more shy than he pretends to be
-he avoids eye contact for a bit before a bit going into an intense staring contest right before he kisses you
-he forgets to close his eyes since he wants to see what you look like
-def the type to hold you
-even if he didn't initiate the kiss, it's almost instinct how when your lips touch his arms clamp around you like you're magnetic
-i can also see one of you peppering the other in kisses immediately after
-he's the type of dork who thanks you after a kiss
-the first kiss definitely opens up the flood gates for his overbearing affection, so good luck
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fr6e · 2 months
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please notice me senpai 🩹 🔪
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strawbxrryanime · 5 months
hey can i request a yandere werewolf sunny x femscared reader? The reader avoids sunny at all costs and doesn't really like him and feels uncomfortable to be around him
look away - yandere!werewolf sunny x fem!scared!reader
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"Why are you looking away from me?" Sunny cried out. "I did everything I could to get your attention..." Sunny had not always been in the brightest of places despite his name, in fact he was a werewolf, a human that is part werewolf, and he's been obsessing over your name for the past couple of months that go by. He was too obsessed, way too obsessed, he's needy, he's absorbing.
You, in fact, are a scared girl that once you've known his obsession flowing over you, you began to commit total isolation away from him. Something that Sunny has been painstruck by like a dash of lightning hitting to his heart. "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AWAY FROM ME!" Sunny kept on yelling out, but you just couldn't respond, you were too scared. He surrounded you, up to a corner where you can't look away from him, but only at the wall nearby.
"My pretty Y/N... Why can't you see me?" Sunny cried out, you can feel his breaths pattering over your forehead, those same breaths that echo like growls at the same time. You began to face him with scared eyes, as Sunny smirks and smiles. Soon-to-turn werewolf Sunny tries to embrace you with that fear of yours as you run away.
"Y/N!" Sunny yells out, his breathing turning into growling as his fears sink in deep enough, succumbing to his anxiety giving in of you leaving, succumbing to his abandonment issues. If only, if only, if only he could just make you understand. So he vowed to make you understand, by hunting down the scent of you.
As you ran away from your werewolf black-hearted friend as all your life you've been uncomfortable by his presence ever since. Avoiding calls, missing out on plans, ever since he confessed who he really was, now was the time to start fearing. His heart was pounding with rage, rage and confusion, heartaching love, and unrequited gloom.
"Oh Y/N... I love you so so much!" Sunny yells out, as you kept running towards the woods without a sound as your eyes well up with tears fearing your life. "Don't look away from me now, I'll be much much... closer." Sunny chuckles, he was obsessed more and more, you keep on trying to pass further these woods but the trees just won't budge, scraping your ankle on a branch as you tumble down the hill, making a little yelp as you fell.
"COME HERE BABY!" Sunny, in his werewolf form, comes at you with striking speeds as you roll over trying to avoid his capture. You stumble trying to get up on the woods as you just kept on running. "I love you... I love you..." Sunny crazily mutters, "I just can't wait to seal your heart in a glass cage and make you mine.."
You were trying your best to make a B-line through your path, trying to keep running and running, the trees seem endless. Until you hear heavy breathing coming from behind you, building up and building up to a single growl. Until, silence echoed on the woods that night. Not a scream from you to be heard. In fact, not a trace of you documented anymore. As the only branch grabbed a piece of your clothing from your scraped ankle, and a trail of blood leading to nowhere.
"WHERE IS Y/N?" Signs fluttered all over the place, a search team came to find you. But you were gone. Never to be a word from again.
(NOTE: Please request me more prompts of your fav Anime Characters, either to smutify it, or to add your own twist to it. Thank you :D)
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YANDERE SIMULATOR VOICE OVER SCRIPT: Info-Chan= All Recorded Lines as of 9/27/2023
Transcribed by Yours Truly &lt;3
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"Warning: this game contains bullying, kidnapping, torture,
murder, suicide, graphic violence, partial nudity, kittens,
raw sewage, cooked sewage, microwave-ready sewage,
true nightmares, eldritch monstrosities, bald assassins,
DK mode, fake tans, Titans,
murderous ice fairies, impossibly strong punches, genocide,
Crusades, spooky scary skeletons,
(SUNG)"standing on the edge!"(SUNG)
zombies, vampires, succubi,
lewd manga,
busty pink-haired schoolgirls,
game-breaking bugs,
an overworked programmer,
and much worse."
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"Do I know you?"
"I saw you stalking an upperclassman today."
"Do you have a problem with that?"
"No, I wanted to give you some information about the girl he was with. Her name is Osana Najimi. She has a crush on him. She believes in the myth about the cherry tree behind the school.
"The myth that if you confess your love to someone underneath that tree on a Friday, they are guaranteed to accept your confession?"
"Correct. She's planning to confess to him next Friday."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"I would be happy if something bad happened to Osana Najimi. I think you might be the right person to give her what she deserves."
"Who are you?"
"I'm the person nicknamed Info-chan at school.
"I've heard rumors about you.
You blackmail girls and sell panty shots to boys.
Nobody knows your real name."
"The rumors are true.
If you ever need a favor,
text me a panty shot,
and I'll give you whatever support I can.
If you want to know personal information about anyone at our school,
just send me a photograph of their face,
and I'll tell you everything I know about them."
"You're disgusting.
"You're a stalker."
"If you want my help, text me.
If you don't care, ignore me."
You have one week until your precious senpai belongs to Osana Najimi.
I hope you make her suffer."
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"I know you're there."
"Run along now."
"There's nothing for you to see here."
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"Trying to Look up my information?
"Don't bother."
"There's nothing you need to know about me."
"You're a client."
"And I'm a provider."
"That's all we need to know about each other while doing business with you."
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"Pleasure doing business with you."
"you don't have enough panty shots to afford this."
What do you need?"
"This one's free. Don't get used to it."
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Thanks for reading. Please Share. and like! <3
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I don't know why but I feel like writing yandere basil. Sooooo. Yeaaaaaaaa soooooo. Idk yet but I might start writing
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moonyhasmanyanimals · 6 months
I did some housekeeping! so you guys can now send me asks!!
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