#yandere qin shi huang
icantthinkyandere · 3 months
Could I request just some general fgo yandere headcannons for Ashiya Douman, Qin Shi Huang, and Oberon if the person they were interested in was painfully oblivious to all romantic hints?
I wrote this assuming the person is the master of Chaldea
{Ashiya Dōman}
This man would love a master who can't pick up on romantic hints. He would really push the limits of what they do or don't realize is romantic.
This would also depend heavily on how much they trust him. If they already keep him at an arms length, he'd start by complimenting them and giving gifts that are traditionally romantic(roses, chocolates/chocolate covered fruit, ect).
If they do trust him, he'll try to manipulate the master into believing that only he can do certain things.
Nursery Rhyme wants to hold your hand to show you something? Didn't you already promise to hold his hand and his only.
This would continue until he's able to convince his master that the only person they can truly trust is him.
Even if other servants would try to stop him because of his past and tell the master that these actions are inherently romantic. he would laugh at the suggestion he'd do anything romantic then just leave.
They better hope that servants don't ask him if you're both together. He'll just say yes, then deny it with the master questions him about it.
If any other servants see the master in a romantic light as well, he wouldn't see them as a threat. He will however casually ruin any attempt they make while mocking them for even trying in the first place.
Oberon is another servant that would enjoy having a master that doesn't pick up on romantic hints. At the start after he gets out of denial of having these feelings.
In the beginning, he wouldn't want to even possibly imagine that the master could be Titania.
He'll start off bullying them, but once he gets over his angst, he'll start being nicer. He'll start off slow and lie that Chaldea is starting to change him for the better. Or at least that it's making him consider nicer options.
At first, he'd fine their inability to pick up hints funny and cute. Since he's able to convince them into doing romantic acts without them knowing and flaunting their "relationship" in front of other servants.
If the master gets easily flustered, he would definitely enjoy doing something romantic to see them get flustered. Even if they don't get embarrassed easily, he'd also just enjoy confusing them on why he's being so nice.
Unlike Doman, he does get jealous. He believes that the master is his, and he's waited a long time to have someone he could even slightly see as Titania in his life. So, he'll do everything in his power to scare, annoy, or threaten other servants to stay away from them. Doesn't matter if they see them as romantic, platonic, or don't even like them in the first place.
{Qin Shi Huang}
While they'd prefer a master that is just oblivious, one that can't pick up on romantic hints isn't bad either.
QSH is a lot like Doman, but instead of servants preferring that, they cut off their own feet and eat it rather than trust them. They already do trust them since they aren't as evil as the other two.
So, unlike the other two, it's a lot easier to get close to them and even explain that they see them in a more romantic light. It would really just depend then if they'd like a romantic relationship with QSH.
If yes, they'll be ecstatic and very thankful. Because this means they'll be able to protect them easier and make sure servants like Doman or Oberon don't worm themselves into their brain and manipulate them into harming themselves or others.
The relationship would get very suffocating very quickly. With QSH constantly worrying about what they're eating, who they're talking to, and even where they're standing in Chaldea even if it's in the medical room.
If they don't agree, then they try to respect their master, even though they don't agree with that choice. They don't want to hurt their feelings or force them into something that would make them uncomfortable. Or do something that would make the other servants keep the master away from them.
They'll still watch over them and do the previous things mentioned just from a distance this time. Understand the idea that they only want to spend time with them and give them food recommendations from their country that they think the master will enjoy.
If other servants are interested into the master in a romantic way, they'd try to convince them into believing that the relationship is pointless and will only end in tragedy.
Like Doman, they don't get jealous. They get very concerned that the servant talking to them is trying to harm them in some way. The only exception being the child servants since they'll find them getting along with the kids adorable.
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lilys0evil0twin · 1 year
Hello ! I am sorry to bother you
(If you're busy) can i request Yandere Qin nsfw headcannons pleasee
Take care of you !
Bro the guys that make you believe they're blind? Uh just uh😩
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Qin is an emperor, which means you are an empress/emperor now too
It's the clothes for him, imagining you in the most expensive silk, jewelry and furs, works for him like medicine his "little" man is standing up to attention
But don't expect to wear underwear, he doesn't have any so why should you?
Everywhere he sits is a throne but his lap is the only throne for you, you either sit on his lap or you're not sitting at all, of course he wouldn't let you stand your legs are too precious
Is totally obsessed with the idea of you getting off on his muscular thighs, after the first time he suggests it all the time, privacy is irrelevant
Now you are wearing expensive clothes, and I gotta say they are really revealing.... Like really, but no one is allowed to look at you if they want their head intact
Qin loves your body, he loves to touch it, caress it, kiss it, and most of all he loves to watch your qi
He says your qi is the most beautiful and most fluid
Praise is on a daily basis and during your love sessions he worships you whole, it's enough that during the day he kisses the ground you walk on
Qin shi don't fuck, he makes love
Your pleasure is his only concern, but don't worry he gets off to your moans and sighs
His fingers do magic, never was a big fan of eating you despite loving your taste
Like Loki, Qin is a moaner, even tho his moans are quiet, he prefers to verbally show you how much he loves what you're doing to him
Expect him to moan your name repeatedly when he's close
Doesn't have a strict code on cumming, when you say to pull out he pulls out, when you say nothing it's inside
Qin is a master at after care and always asks if you're alright
All in all, Qin Shi Huang is a very caring yandere, and will gladly follow your every word, but watch out since you now have a great power at your hands
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amesenpail · 8 months
𝐐𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐡𝐢 𝐇𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐠 ( 𝑺𝑵𝑽)
Informações:As falas de Qin foram criadas por Mizuko_Yuki( Wattpad). Eu apenas dei um contexto para as falas de Qin, eu revisei muitas vezes isso.
Palavras: 1308
Isso é uma au/ia universo alternativo.Contém: Menção de estrupo, comportamento obsessivo, família tóxica, gravidez forçada, se não se sente confortável não leia.
A [Nome] tem 25 anos.
Eu me inspirei um pouco no Qin da vida real.
Para melhor experiência leia isso no modo escuro.
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        𝐎 povo estava pressionando Qin a tornar uma de suas muitas esposas a imperatriz, mas ele com certeza não ia querer uma pessoa com personalidade merda ao lado    dele, comando o seu povo, ele achava que não precisava de uma imperatriz.
Mas tudo mudou quando ele a viu na beira do rio, brincando com os animais, ele estava disposto a tornar ela a sua imperatriz.
[Nome] era a segunda filha do imperador Korei, irmã mais nova de Kogen, ela era ignorada pelo seu irmão mais velho e as suas irmãs mais novas, elas tinham inveja dela, pois sua mãe era a Imperatriz, enquanto as mães delas apenas concubinas, seu pai falava todos os dias como ela deveria morrer, só porque ela ficou muda, e surda do ouvido esquerdo por causa de um acidente.
Ela usava as piores roupas, comparadas as das suas irmãs.
O pai dela não se importava nenhum pouco com o bem estar da sua filha mais velha.
Ela aguentava tudo isso, apenas para ficar perto da sua mãe, a mãe dela a defendia dos seus parentes, mas ela começou a ficar doente, então [Nome] ouvir falar de uma flor vindo do sol.
Então ela ouviu que esta tal flor está na China.
Ela ia salvar a sua mãe não importa o que acontecer.
Neste momento ela estava perto do rio brincando com os animais, o único momento em que ela podia ficar em paz sozinha sem ser intimidada pelos seus parentes.
Foi quando Qin a viu lá sozinha.
Ele veio para o Japão, procurando uma esposa, ele foi para o palácio do pai dela, todas as irmãs dela estavam todas arrumadas.
Elas não contaram a ela, pois elas tinham medo de [Nome] roubar ele de umas delas, era melhor [Nome] não está alí.
— Qin, que bom que você pode vir, eu me sinto lisonjeado por você vir primeiro no meu palácio—disse o pai de [Nome] guindo Qin para onde estavam as irmãs dela.
—Você pode escolher qual você quiser—ele falava como se suas filhas fossem apenas objetos.
“Essas são todas? Elas parecem todas tão superficiais”Disse ele ao ver as moças em fila indiana.
— Na verdade existe mais uma, mas eu não acho que você vai gostar dela, ela é a minha filha mais feia, ela também é a minha filha mais velha, ela é muda e surda do ouvido esquerdo.
“Eu escolho que eu gosto ou não, você é apenas um velho interesseiro”Disse Qin com as pupilas já começando a ficar maior que nem o as batidas do seu coração.
E ele estava certo, o velho só queria que Qin casasse com uma de suas filhas, para evitar guerras futuras, pois ele sabia que iria certamente perder.
—Ela deve estar no lago, é aqui perto, eu posso mandar uma pessoa com você para te mostrar - ele não queria ver a cara da garota agora.
“Pode deixar, eu vou sozinho!”Disse ele já saindo do local sem deixar o imperador falar mais nada.
Chegando lá ele ficou encantado com [Nome], ele já a escolheu contra a vontade dela, a única notícia boa para ela é que eles iam para China.
Assim ela ia poder pegar a flor para dar para a sua mãe querida.Ele a levou para China e assim eles se casaram.
“Minha querida [Nome], você seria a minha rainha pelo resto da vida?”Qin pergunta para ela no dia do casamento.
Depois do casamento ele não deixou [Nome] sair para lugar nenhum.
Ela não podia dizer nem não, já que naquele tempo as mulheres não podiam dizer quase nada, e ainda mais dizer não ao um homem, e ainda mais ao imperador da China. ( Antes que alguém pergunte, ela poderia balançar a cabeça em formato de negação.)
Se passaram alguns meses e ela já estava planejando uma fuga, para buscar a flor, ela sabia que era arriscado mas ela precisava arriscar.
Então, hoje ela decidiu sair de fininho sem nenhuma pessoa ver, tava indo tudo certo até que Qin sentiu falta de você e foi procurar você no seu quarto.
“Cadê você [Nome]?”Qin pergunta para ver se a jovem respondia.
Mas ela não estava mais lá, ele procurou ela por todo o palácio.
Ele saiu do palácio sozinho com medo de te assustar, se ele tivesse com os guardas.
Até que ele viu uma cabeleira [cor dos seus cabelos] correndo, ele então soube que era [Nome], ele reconhecia aquele cabelo de longe.
Ela começou a correr mais rápido para uma multidão de pessoas quando percebeu que Qin a viu, ela conseguiu se disfarçar com algumas roupas que ela roubou.
[Nome] se escondeu debaixo de uma mesa, que ela viu, para não ser notada, mas quando ela saiu...
“Achei!!”Disse Qin aparecendo na frente da garota.
“Não pense que vai fugir de mim..”Disse Qin para sua amada esposa.
Qin segurou ela com força pelo braço,começando a arrasta-lá de volta para o palácio.
“Você é minha, você obedece a mim, nem tente fugir outra vez...”Qin diz apertando o braço da jovem com mais força.
E com isso ele leva [Nome] para o palácio, ele a deixa trancada por dias com só água para ela beber.
Em uma das suas visitas, que ele sempre faz, ele decidiu fazer você dele, para sempre.
“Está vendo o que acontece com garotinhas mal educadas?”Diz Qin em um tom debochado, ao te ver desnutrida e muito magra, ele não sentia remorso nenhum pelo que ele fez com você.
Ele já ia botar o seu plano em ação.E com isso ele arrasta ela para o quarto dele, e ele a estuprou sem piedade, mesmo ela implorando para ele parar, passaram meses e [Nome] descobriu que estava grávida, isso foi tudo planejado para ela engravida, ele só queria uma razão para fazer isso.
Será que ela achou mesmo que o imperador da China ia deixar alguém escapar do palácio cheio de guardas dele? Ele já sabia de tudo que passava pela a mente ingênua dela.
Qin não a deixou sair nunca mais, nem para visitar a sua mãe quando ela morreu.
Ela acabou morrendo, e outra das concubinas se tornou a nova imperatriz do Japão.
Ela se sentiu muito triste quando recebeu esta terrível notícia.
Qin dispensou as concubinas dele para dar o máximo de atenção a você e aos bebês, sorte dele que nenhuma estava grávida dele.
“[Nome], meu amor, prometo que nunca irei deixar que alguém te machuque. Eu estou aqui para te proteger, e pra te amar.” Disse Qin alisando a barriga dela de 8 meses, ele estava ansioso para o bebê nascer.
Ele queria um menino, mas ele ficaria muito feliz se fosse uma menina.
Quando os bebês nasceram ele teve uma surpresa ao ver que eram gêmeos, uma menina e um menino.
Os nomes eram Ying Yue e Yichen, o nome da menina é Ying Yue, ela nasceu primeiro, ela tinha os cabelos de Qin, e os olhos da mãe e a personalidade dele, já o menino é Yichen, ele é um menino alegre, ele saiu completamente igual a mãe.
Apesar de tudo você era uma boa mãe, mesmo nunca podendo falar para os seus filhos que os ama.
Ela para sempre vai lembrar dos momentos felizes que você passou com a sua mãe, antes dela morrer.
Até que ela viveu uma vida boa, mesmo sem poder sair sem o Qin ou um guarda.
Ela era feliz com os seus filhos, eles eram o seu novo motivo para viver.
Se ela fosse fugir de novo você com certeza ia levar eles.
Ela não queria que eles ficassem como o pai obsessivo deles, uma das pessoas que ela mais odiava.
Ele não deixou ela nem ir ao enterro da sua amada mãe, se ele não tivesse a impedindo de fugir, ela poderia pegar a flor e salvar a sua querida mãe.
Tudo culpa daquele monstro, não é?
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dolliestfairy · 9 months
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑈𝑛𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐹𝑎𝑤𝑛 ‌ིᨴּ ˒˒۪ 🦌ೀ
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𔓘 Tw: Kidnapping, Noncon, Forced breeding, Pregnancy, Bondage, and a little of housewife kink ig? This fics is kinda suffocating tho. read at your own risk. Chubby reader fics with no skintone of reader mentioned.
𔓘 Authors note: this fanfic is kinda fcked up. this more like a Psychopath Hunter x Fawn fairy than a yandere. some may found this kind of disturbing so.. if this isnt your taste then please gtfo..
Minors do Not interact!
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i'm thinking abt yandere hunter who is obsessed with chubby!fem!reader who is a fawn fairy.
yandere hunter who swears on his thumbs that he will kill anyone who tries to take away his wife from him who tries to hurt you.
yandere hunter who doesnt realize his obsessed nature over you. and called you "delusional" for calling him a crazy person.
yandere hunter who kidnapped you as soon as you placed one of your foot in his traps. shusing your cries while saying he would take care of you after.
yandere hunter who wants you to be his wife and bear his child. it doesnt matter if it was a mating season or not, he would try and no one could stop him.
yandere hunter who puts a rope above your chest and under your chubby belly just so you cant fly away.
yandere hunter who is almost dying from happiness because he just cant handle the cuteness of you with tears rolling down onto your tears.
yandere hunter who showed no mercy on you while his cock sliding into your pussy with an unexpected pace of speed. making you yelp.
yandere hunter whos one hand is on your mouth, covering you and muffling down your tears and cry, while his other hand plays with your nipple.
yandere hunter who suffocate you with affectionate after what all his done to you. shusing you and putting his plam hand on your cheeks and rubbing it while your body felt the cold air hitting every parts of your skin and wings, making you trembling.
yandere hunter who is 8 months later now is rubbing your swelled bellies, a bellies that now is filled with his unborn triplets. while he's thanking you for giving him this amount of happiness. which little did he know that he was far from a thing that was called "sane".
how can you even escape this madman when you're literally carrying his babies at the moment?
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ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏~♡ The MadMans are : DABI, MAHITO, Shigaraki, SUKUNA, GOJO, Itachi, OVERHAUL, DILUC, PANTALONE, Nanami, Geto, Kuroo, Suna, Tsukishima Kei, BACHIRA, OBITO, Sasuke, TOJI, Douma, Michael Kaiser, KAKUZU, KISAME, QIN SHI HUANG HOLY FUCKING SHIT, Alec, Hatake Kakashi, Horangi, Simon Ghost Riley, ALEJANDRO.
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coffeecubes · 11 months
𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕕𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕣𝕦𝕚𝕟 𝕤𝕖𝕩
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𝙝𝙘𝙨: 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙧𝙪𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙚𝙭
✩ 𝙣𝙨𝙛𝙬 | 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧, 𝙝𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙨, 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙣, 𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤, 𝙗𝙪𝙙𝙙𝙝𝙖, 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙯𝙚𝙗𝙪𝙗, 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙡𝙚𝙨, 𝙡𝙤𝙠𝙞, 𝙦𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙝𝙞 𝙝𝙪𝙖𝙣𝙜, 𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖 𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙡𝙖 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
✩ 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚
✩ 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩
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Thor: Quiet the whole time to the point where in the middle of his thrusts, you ask him to make a noise because it feels like you’re fucking a ghost 💀💀💀
Hades: Nothing. He is ✨perfect✨
Poseidon: You ask him to talk dirty and now he’s thrusting and ranting about the random and little things you do daily that piss him off 😭😭😭
Apollo: Fucks you in front of a mirror, admiring himself, his muscles, his looks, and the way his dick is going in and out of you the whole time 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Buddha: In the middle of fucking he stops and pulls out a giant bowl of snacks because he’s hungry. And no, he did not share. He wants more energy to keep going 😉
Beelzebub: Tells you you’re dry as hell and asks you why you’re not wet as if he’s expecting you to be ready for him on the get-go 🙄
Heracles: You call him “daddy” and he’s confused on what it means so now you’re both sitting up on the bed and you’re teaching him the meaning of that endearment name 🙃
Loki: Eats you out and then proceeds to ask you if pussy is supposed to taste like that since this dumbass thought it was supposed to taste like sunshine 🌤️ and rainbows 🌈
Qin Shi Huang: Moans so loud to the point the entirety of China can hear him. Also to let everyone know that you’re the only one who can make this king feel this way 😊😊😊
Nikola Tesla: Gets a phone call while in the middle of a passionate moment and he pulls out and gets dressed in order to see the next spectacular scientific alien 😤😤😤
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Additional stories:
✩ Infatuation (yandere!gods x reader)
✩ Little Darling (yandere!thor x reader)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
How about some Yandere Hercules, Thor, Ares, Lu Bu, Rudra, Hades, Qin Shi Huang and Apollo x Hiyori Reader (Leodonis’ Daughter) where she just straight up BITCH SLAPS Apollo for insulting her father
She refuses to back down or bow her head for forgiveness because ���I’m a Spartan’s Daughter, I will never back down! Especially when I know I’m Right!”
Underneath her cold, flirtatious and ‘vain’ exterior is a brave, compassionate and selfless woman who cares deeply for others, as she would manipulate any cruel and evil Gods, Humans and Demons with her irresistible beauty for their valuables and power until they have nothing left and give it all up to the people to live better lives
She loves and admires her Father deeply, and won’t tolerate anyone disrespecting him, as she has a high moral code, as her father was a brave and strong man (As she’s a total Daddy’s Girl, even showing her childish and tomboy side when he’s around *As she also tried to drop kick him, one of the moves he taught her for self defense, which he’ll laugh about since he’s glad she can at least defend herself*)
Leodonis is also on the floor cackling after hearing his daughter slap the hell out of Apollo (As her hand print is clear for everyone to see on his face)
-Leonidas couldn’t breathe, death was fast approaching as he held his stomach, never had his abs hurt like this before, even after years of intense workout or even getting stabbed.
-Before him stood a glorious scene, his daughter, who looked like an angel, delicate and soft, was standing over Apollo, who had just got bitch slapped right across the teeth, “I am a daughter of Sparta, worm, and if you insult it’s king, you insult me. And nobody insults Sparta.”
-Apollo was bringing it on himself technically, as the others around you could vouch for, as Apollo was trying to flirt with you, telling you how beautiful you looked and that he couldn’t understand how someone so crash and vulgar could be the father of such an angel.
-You were normally very level-headed and calm, but your papa was your soft spot, even if you would deny it, acting shy about it, you wouldn’t hesitate to throw hands to defend your papa, even though he could do it himself.
-You were known as quite the heartbreaker around Valhalla, but your targets were always cruel people, cruel gods and humans, and you would use your looks and never-ending charm to get in a good position with them, only to rob them blind.
-Many called you a villain and many tried to get you arrested for your crimes, but there were many more who would defend you, as everything you stole, goods, money, food, clothes, and you would always give it to those who needed it but didn’t have it, mainly because those you stole from had taken it or horded it, not distributing it like they were told to do.
-When the investigation was launched, you were actually thanked by so many high ranking gods for finding these thieves, who were punished instead. Many begged you for mercy, but you were cold and unforgiving, “I have no mercy to give to those who deserve none.”
-Many thought your icy nature was alluring, wanting to get to know you in a romantic sense, but in a serious romance, not your typical ones.
-You were always hesitant on making an actual relationship with someone, as you were afraid they would find out about your past exploits and what you’ve done, and you didn’t want to be deemed a loose woman.
-Leonidas would defend you, even if you told him you didn’t need his him, kicking his butt with your foot, telling him to leave, only to make him laugh while others would see your slight tomboy side.
-However, there were times like this where you easily showed your papa and anyone around you, that you were indeed a daughter of Sparta, and the daughter of the king, and you were not to be underestimated by any means.
-Many around were in shock, stunned with wide eyes but at the same time, they were admiring you, you took no disrespect and you slapped a god to the floor, not caring in the slightest that it was done in front of witnesses.
-Holy moly that was HOT!! He couldn’t believe his eyes to watch Apollo flirting with you, the object of his own affections, and then insult your father, and the next thing the sound of a slap is ringing around and Apollo is on the ground, a pulsing red imprint of a hand on his cheek as he lay twitching on the ground. Immediately approached you, asking if you were okay, taking your hand in his own, holding it gently; he was careful because he didn’t want a matching handprint on his own face. You felt your face warm as he held your hand so gently, massaging the palm gently, making sure you didn’t hurt yourself while praising you for making it look so easy. Leonidas couldn’t help but grin, seeing you acting so shy with soft affection, you were so cute!
            -Ares, Hades, Hercules, and Qin Shi Huang
-Was in awe, seeing you dispatch a god so easily and with just a slap across the face. It made him curious on how hard you actually hit Apollo. It also made him curious on how strong you actually were; it wasn’t everyday where a woman could drop a god with one hit. Picked you up when you started getting a little feistier then you probably needed to be, wanting to yell at Apollo some more, and they were worried that Leonidas really was going to die from laughing so hard. He was surprised when you went silent, being held princess style before your face immediately went red and you started to push on his face, demanding to be let down. This was an unexpected but enjoyable surprise, seeing you so shy from being treated like a maiden. Leonidas couldn’t help but grin, wiping the tears from his eyes, he knew you could handle yourself, but if you came to him, he had no issues putting someone in their place.
            -Lu Bu, Rudra, and Thor
-Stars in his eyes, birds circling his head, and ringing in his ears were all he could recall. He had been speaking to you but had realized, after you disciplined him, that he must have said something rude to you. Could see you glaring down at him, chewing him out but couldn’t hear anything but ringing. You were the whole package, beauty and strength, just like him, and he knew, being a daughter of Sparta, you could handle yourself, you were just like him! He couldn’t help but smile up at you as he became more coherent, hearing Leonidas nearby laughing loudly as well as many others laughing at his misfortune. Apollo beamed up at you, adoration in his eyes as he had never met a woman like you before, “Marry me!” Everyone went silent, completely stunned by the question, however it was your reaction that got more attention as you immediately flushed, holding your cheeks, “What are you saying?! Did I scramble your brains?!” before rushing to your father who was now standing, moving to hide behind him, however, seeing you so shy made Apollo fall even more in love. Now he just needed to convince Leonidas.
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11queensupreme11 · 30 days
If Arsenic Blues was Percy x Humans instead of Percy x Gods, which human fighters would you have picked for her? What kind of yanderes would they have been - if they were yanderes at all.
… what are the chances of them being worse than the gods?
okay okay, here are my list of human fighters that i would've paired with percy if my fic was humans x percy:
QIN SHI HUANG. he's just soooo hot im sorry, i melt when i see him 🫠
jack the ripper. man's never been loved by a god, but that's okay because percy will be your new favorite goddess (even tho she's only half)
NIKOLA TESLA. he will give her sexy math lessons (beelzebub needs to take notes)
leonidas. honestly, i mostly see him as a platonic yan, but then i remember the beef he would have with anthonius and it cracks me up. just a big beefy middle-aged man beefing with a teenage boy 💀
sasaki but things would get awkward after round 3 of ragnarok 💀
and i definitely can't see them as being worse as the gods tbh. the most intense out of them are probs gonna be qin shi huang and jack the ripper, but even they wouldn't be as bad. plus, yan dad adam would always be there to beat their asses if percy comes crying to him 😭
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praisethesuuun · 1 year
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him as a simp - headcanons
buddha x poet!reader
buddha x fem!reader🔞
him being teased under the table🔞
nsfw alphabet🔞
deaf!reader headcanons
nsfw alphabet🔞
poseidon x goddess!reader
him as a simp - headcanons
poseidon x priestess!reader
romantic headcanons
him being teased under the table🔞
headcanons with warrior!reader
size kink headcanons🔞
poseidon falling for hades' s/o
Qin Shi Huang
nsfw alphabet🔞
him as a simp - headcanons
nsfw alphabet🔞
jealous!loki x reader
him as a simp - headcanons
romantic headcanons
nsfw alphabet🔞
him as a simp- headcanons
yandere headcanons
romantic headcanons
him being teased under the table🔞
headcanons with warrior!reader
size kink headcanons🔞
poseidon falling for hades' s/o
nsfw alphabet🔞
ares x mom!reader
cheater!hercules x reader x ares
nsfw alphabet🔞
him as a simp
nsfw alphabet🔞
thor x reader
headcanons with warrior!reader
him as a simp
nsfw alphabet🔞
Jack the Ripper
romantic headcanons
nsfw alphabet🔞
jack x fem!reader
nsfw alphabet🔞
omegaverse headcanons🔞
Chen Gong
nsfw alphabet🔞
romantic headcanons
lu bu x reader x chen gong
Nikola Tesla
nsfw alphabet🔞
him as a simp - headcanons
him as a simp - headcanons
nsfw alphabet🔞
him as a simp
omegaverse headcanons🔞
Lu Bu
lu bu x reader x chen gong
nsfw alphabet🔞
finding you with his clothes on🔞
headcanons with warrior!reader
cheater!hercules x reader x ares
nsfw alphabet🔞
deaf!reader headcanons
deaf!reader headcanons
nsfw alphabet 🔞
nsfw alphabet 🔞
size kink and love bites headcanons 🔞
nsfw alphabet🔞
omegaverse headcanons🔞
All of them:
Reaction to you waring weird pajama pants
What would they be cancelled for: part 1 and 2
reacting to TMNT!reader
them with a nico robin!reader
389 notes · View notes
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Hey guys, welcome to my fluffy blog! You might have seen my yandere literature blog, @forbidden-sunlight! I hope you will enjoy your time here with a cup of tea and your favorite treat!
If you would like to read my yandere content, I will leave the link to it here.
Chainsaw Man
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Morning glory [aki hayakawa x gn!reader]
The Sunless Sands [aki hayakawa x fem!reader]
Record of Ragnarok
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A Brilliant Color from A Voiceless Volundr [jack the ripper x nezuko!reader]
Buddha headcanons with Yoriichi Tsugikuni!fem!reader
Buddha with Lady Tamayo!reader [request]
Ares with Haganezuka!fem!reader [request]
Qin Shi Huang headcanons with Yoriichi Tsugikuni!fem!reader
Buddha headcanons with Muichiro!fem!reader
Jack the Ripper platonic headcanons with Muichiro!fem!reader
Hades with Kanae Kocho!reader [request]
Chen Gong headcanons with fem!Tanjiro reader
Sasaki Kojiro with Mitsuri!reader [request]
Raiden Taeemon with Mitsuri!reader [100+ follower milestone special]
Hades with gender-neutral!Muichiro!reader headcanons
Rudra headcanons with Tanjiro!fem!reader
Giyuu!fem!reader headcanons with Leonidas and Buddha
Buddha with fem!giyuu!reader scenario
Anubis with fem!giyuu!reader scenario
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
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Kim Dokja headcanons with a fem!reader who is a writer
Kimetsu no Yaiba aka Demon Slayer
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Hotaru Haganezuka headcanons with Chise!reader
part one
part two
part three
Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy!
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Dark Schneider with Shinobu!reader headcanons
part one
part two
Dark Schneider with Shinobu!reader scenario
The Amazing Digital Circus
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Jax and tired!fem!reader scenario
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
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Rimuru Tempest with fem!Tanjiro!reader headcanons
Hazbin Hotel
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Husk with gender-neutral!reader headcanons
Alastor with gender-neutral!reader Christmas scenario
Platonic Angel Dust with Violet Evergarden!reader fluff scenario
Lucifer Morningstar with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario
Husk with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario
Lucifer Morningstar with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario in honor of Valentine’s Day
Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario: daily routine
Helluva Boss
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Stolas Goetia with sinner!reader scenario
188 notes · View notes
trafalgarlogy · 1 year
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" 留下爱在世间不断的轮回 " " 看透喜悦伤悲百转千回 " " 生死永相随 " " 走遍天地恢恢 与你自由飞 "
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He held her body, as the her blood dripped from his sword that pierced through her, as the blood escaped from the corner of her lip which curled up into a gentle smile showing no sign of pain
Placing her head on his shoulder for the last time she closed her eyes to fall in the eternal sleep as a single tear rolling down her face, no matter how much he called her name, screamed her name , it didn't change the fact she was never coming back......
" why did this happened? "
" why did we have to end up like this? "
" why?.....WHY?! "
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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐂 !: The fic's plot is highly based on the chinese drama "THE KING'S WOMAN", it can't be guaranteed if this fic is gonna have a happy ending, this story takes place when YingZheng/ Qin Shi Huang became the king and under his control Qin dynasty is conquering states and increasing its power, in other words its taking place during "The Seven Warring States" Era.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐅 !: Below 14, Racist, Sexist, Pedophile, Don't know what "Record Of Ragnarok" Is
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𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒 !: I work at my own pace, but also will update in free time
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
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223 notes · View notes
If you're going to do yandere ror could you do Poseidon, Hades and Qin Shi Huang(I think that's his name?) Like they feel in love the moment they see reader (G/N) *I really like Poseidon, it's kind of sad that Sasaki Kojiro slice him like he was going to make a sushi 🍣🍣*🥹🥲
Yes! I will! You are early and I'm in the mood! So consider yourself lucky! Though I'll just do the two brothers since I don't know Qin much.
Also thanks for requesting dearie! Feel free to ask for more, I'll be doing headcanons/short stories for them though.
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Let's be honest, for a man like Posideon it's not strange of him to be interested in someone just with a glance, just like Zeus he has his fair share of a large harem of lovers, his precious wife giving birth to so many nymphs for him, locked up in their castle under the sea while he, well, enjoys himself with the beauties of the surface. But no one will think of him as a player at the first glance, the blonde is emotionless and cold, but beneath that mask is something more, a beast hidden behind the mask, and most of the time that beast is not so gentle.
He killed his brother, he forced himself upon Medusa and cared less about what it did to her, his wife is locked up by him, he doesn't have an ounce of empathy for creatures that are beneath him, which is mostly anyone, yet he cares, his family is important to him, he does care about them, he let his brother live after he nearly destroyed his body, showing even if he's ruthless, he's not entirely mad. He has his wife under control since he fears for her safety, he cares for his children, and many wars happened because he was enraged by their deaths.
But it's not good news for you, no my dear, the moment the reflection of your pocket watch catches his eye, and he notices your frame, his whole head turns around, his attention now fully focusing on the little human that is witnessing the battle, Ah, you must have been a little more important in the society of those pathetic ants since you were there, your soul still wandering the afterlife, he had to admit, now in flesh, he hadn't had seen a dead soul could interest him. He had expected of his brother Hades, he lived with the dead daily.
Without his intention the corner of his lips curled upwards in a smirk as he beckoned for one of his guards, whispering in his ear to let him know you are not allowed to leave unless you are brought up to him, the tyrant didn't care about your opinion, he had to have you in his presence.
"Up!" "No dear...not right now...I have to put the eyeliner on-" "Up!" Looking at your reflection in the mirror you groaned as you picked up the little nymph and put her on your lap. "Happy now?" The little one nodded as she hugged you close, sighing as she inhaled your scent. "She picks up after her father...if he didn't demand you on his lap all the time you wouldn't have to hug the little ones one by one throughout the day. " Amphitrite said as she walked into your chambers, raising her hand to stop you from standing. "Put the formalities aside, young one, I have gotten used to my husband's shenanigans a long time ago. Now that you are trapped here just as I am, I can't add to your misery, can I?"
You smiled at the queen of the seas, though your smile faltered as the tall shadow of your "lover" appeared on the balcony, his habit of not coming from the doors was bothersome. "Look at you two...my meek little darlings...such a blissful sight" You couldn't help but blush at the words, earning a sympathetic glance from the queen, who could see how time had worn you down, making you vulnerable to posideon's words. He walked up towards his wife first, kissing her forehead gently as he touched her swollen belly, before shifting his attention towards you.
His eyes softened even more as he leaned closer, putting his hand on the eyes of his little daughter and making her groan, he kissed you on the lips, letting out a satisfied hum as you leaned into it, If your new attire and look didn't show him, your eagerness was enough for him to know you were anticipating his attention. After years of solitude now you were another treasure on his staff, now you were his, safe and secure, only for him.
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Hades is a passionate man, the amount of respect other gods bestow upon the oldest of the Olympian brothers is immaculate. He is the true king, having the end of the cycle of life in his hands he rules the dead. The most wealthy of the gods, yet, he seems to lack something. Even if he has the love of his life, Persephone beside him. There have been tales of him looking for someone else to fulfill his desires yet Persephone's jealousy had proven to be disastrous.
For thousands of years, Hades tried to refuse the urge to look at the "gifts" of the world above, where nymphs and mortal beauties danced and sang. Persephone, the pale queen, had noticed it, and now that he was under so much pressure with his realm and family, she knew she had to change the pace of their relationship. They both needed something new, or rather someone new. She wanted to spend some time alone with her mother, away from married life, yet she couldn't leave Hades on his own, if he was left alone he'd come and kidnap her again! So she thought of a solution, And what was better than looking through the souls that were in the like of resurrection?
Hades dwelled in his thoughts without noticing a figure in a robe approach his seat, not until their voice made him snap out of the trance. He picked the goblet from the tray, noticing the alluring aroma that the cupbearer had around them, he turned his head, his eyes widening slightly as the most delicious looking being bound their head at him. Persephone knew that her love potions were strong enough to fascinate Hades, but she didn't think much of the consequences of giving such a delicacy on the verge of starvation to a man like Hades, his passion burned like fire as he took in the scent of the cupbearer again and again.
He asked for your name, and the mortal in front of him spoke, telling him that the queen had assigned them his "personal" cupbearer. You dared to look at your master in the eyes after you finished your sentence, your heart nearly leaping out of your throat as you locked eyes.
"Y/N" Hades's voice echoed in your ears as he gently held you closer, you tried to push back the fog that was clouding your mind from the sweetness of his words that were filled with magic, you didn't want to lose your last chance at making him get over his "love" for you, you tried to reach out to the bottle of the antidote by the nightstand, but Hades's strong arms held you in place. "Shhhh...little one, don't bother with moving, let me care for you...I have been away for oh so long!" You cursed under your breath as you tried to not inhale much of the scent of the flowers that had filled the air, but you couldn't help it, you needed to breathe and that made you hate Persephone's filthy games even more.
The silver-haired God buried his face in your hair and took a good sniff of your scent, his mind now completely off of its logic as the potion was now fully activated by the pollen of the flowers of lust. You had thought that hades had let go of you months ago, forgetting you had existed, but no, he had to come back and ruin everything with his "love" for you. "Please! It's for both of us! Snap out of it-!" Hades only sighed at your words and shook his head, combing his hair with his hand as his weight held you down, ignoring your struggles, with a sigh he kissed you deep, muffling your protests as the pollen made your mind go blank. He wasn't going to leave you, ever again.
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seii-fantasy · 1 year
Sei's Masterlist
Record of Ragnarok
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Cred : me
《Get ready for some fluff , drama , angsty one shots
And also some memes and funny scenarios》
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⚠️Warning : Weird behaviour such as Yandere and some violence are in the masterlist ⚠️
●°•In Sei's Masterlist●°•
☆▪︎Gods team▪︎☆
Two kings for a bride [Part 1]
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
The Forbidden Love [Prologue]
Forbidden Love [Part.1]
Make it up to you
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon....
Zero/Hajun sharing S/o
S/o who suffers from a panick attack
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon....
°•Human team•°
Coming soon
Lü Bu
Coming soon..
Coming soon..
Kojiro Sasaki
S/o who suffers from a panick attack
Coming soon...
Jack the Ripper
Dont hide your true feelings (JTR /Nikola Tesla hcs)
Coming soon...
Raiden Tameemon
Coming soon..
Coming soon...
Qin Shi Huang
Two Kings for a bride (part.1)
Yandere ! Qin / Yandere! Alvitr x reader
My little doctoress [ Qin x Litchi Faye Ling ! Reader]
Coming soon...
Nikola Tesla
Dont hide your true feelings (JTR /Nikola Tesla hcs)
Coming soon...
Simo Haÿha
Coming soon..
Michael Nostradamus
Coming soon...
Sakata Kintoki
Coming soon..
♡◇Valkyrie Team◇♡
Hrist/ Randgridz / Gondul x Baby ! Reader
Coming soon...
Coming soon..
Hrist / Rangridz / Gondul x Baby! Reader
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Hrist/Rangridz/ Gondul x Baby! Reader
Coming soon...
Yandere! Qin / Yandere! Alvitr x Reader
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
And maybe Göll ?
Rudra Hcs and one shot
Dont hurt yourself , i'll always be there for you
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Samael / Azazel
Coming soon...
(Gautama(Buddha)'s brother)
Coming soon...
Chun Yan
Coming soon...
The four sages
Coming soon...
Shiva's harem (his 3 wives Kali , Durga and Parvati)
Coming soon...
Indra and Shiva's second harem...
My little Thunder
Coming soon...
175 notes · View notes
dolliestfairy · 9 months
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𔓘 Tw : Yandere, Dark Content, Spiritual Relationship, Jealousy, the word 'Rot' Mentioned, unholy thoughts, Virginity-take, Dubcon, Marriage, Unwanted pregnancy at the end (?) lmk if i miss anything. Chubby Reader Fics with no Skintone of Reader mentioned.
Do not cross any further Boundaries if this isnt your cup of tea. Dont like it? just block.
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thinking abt yandere spirit who are in love with chubby!soft!witch!reader.
Yandere spirit who spending his after-death life with regret because he really blame himself for not meeting you early enough to fuck your fat pussy.
Yandere spirit who is sooo eager to fuck you, seeing you go around with your tight dress that almost made your asscheeks and boobs go explode expose.
Yandere spirit who ask you to do something with him just so he can touch you like a human does.
Yandere spirit who is soo jealous when other people start to touching you without your constent at all. guess someone is going to get hunted this night huh?
Yandere spirit who likes to touch your thights when you were sleeping. putting his hands into your thights while rubbing it softly. as he drown himself in with thoughts of how your soft body texture would feel around his hands.
Yandere spirit who wished you to be dead sooner with him just so you can be together with him forever. seeing other people trying to get into you closer making him gawk.
Yandere spirit who soon enough -- declares a Marriage between you and him in a Village of Spirit or what-so-ever.
Yandere spirit who swears on his life and after-dead life that he would always be there for you even when his flesh was rotting. well i mean.. his flesh was rotting only for you too.
Yandere spirit who cant even explain with words how happy he was when his fingers start to opened up your fatty pussy, as his heads start to move forward to it while his tongue is out -- ready to eat his after-dead meal.
and after all of that dead dreams of his, we finally met to the end; he claimed all of your maidenhood. all of it, all the things you dont know about -- to all the things about sex that was quite popular in the time where he was once lived. where he was once have a dream to try it out, but sadly enough the reaper was fast enough to grab his lifefull soul. and now, its his turn -- as he grab all your maidenhoods that night. and at the early morning, where a blessing from a devils arrived. where you would find the shock of the news that you are carrying his baby just at that moment. yes, your baby. you and his baby. the dead 's baby.
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NANAMI, KAISER, Itoshi Brothers, Itto, XIAO, SCARAMOUCHE, Shibura, SEMI EITA, jiraiya, Sugawara, Tsukishima Kei, KAGEYAMA TOBIO, Itachi, CHOSO, Megumi, Gojo, MADARA, Hashirama, DEIDARA, Sasori, Al-Haitam, ZHONGLI, CHILDE, Kaeya, QIN SHI HUANG, Poseidon, OBITO, Kakashi, ALEC, Jack The Ripper, DOUMA, ENMU, Akaza, Muzan, SAKAMAKI AYATO, SAKAMAKI LAITO, Mukami Kou, Sakamaki Reiji, Oikawa, & SHIGARAKI.
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2K notes · View notes
Record of Ragnarok Masterlist
God fighters
General yandere headcanons
General yandere headcanons
General yandere headcanons
General yandere headcanons
Admirable - Pt 1
With a Gojo!Reader
Human fighters
Qin Shi Huang-
Jack the ripper-
55 notes · View notes
deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
A Female Tengen Uzui Reader with Yandere Shiva, Rudra, Indra, Loki, Raiden, Buddha and Qin Shi Huang who introduces herself, in a very flashy way, as the ‘Goddess of Festivals and anything Flashy’ and that she calls her opponent ‘Trash’ (Her opponent is pissed and tries to bring this arrogant mortal woman down a peg, only for Reader to WREAK him, winning her fight, in a very flashy way of course) after she’s healed up, (God)/(Human) tells her she was amazing, only for Reader to go “Well yeah. I’m a flashy, glamorous goddess of Festivals, that’s a no-brainer. Not to brag but I have 3 husbands too!” and God/Human goes brain dead for a moment, only for Reader to say “And I saw your fight and what a flashy display of power! If your interested, I’m willing to make you my 4th Husband. After all, a strong and brilliant flashy ‘goddess’ like myself wouldn’t have anything less!”
-When the arena found out the next fighter for humanity was going to be a woman, many doubted you, most of the gods laughed, thinking this was going to be an easy fight, while many of the humans were worried.
-Your opponent, Nergal, went out first, only some cheering for him, as he was such an evil and vile god, the only ones that were really cheering for him were ones that just wanted him to win, not because they liked him.
-A spotlight shone down on the entrance for humanity, and three men were at the top, throwing cherry blossoms down as the door opened.
-Your dual swords, connected by a chain in the middle, was slung around your neck as you skipped out, a bright grin on your face as you posed dramatically as Heimdall introduced you.
-You then pointed at him, leering down at him, “Wrong! I’m the Goddess of Festivals and anything Flashy!”
-Heimdall wasn’t quite sure what to make with you, as your makeup was done dramatically, hair pulled up in matching space buns, and while your outfit was plain, a black demon slayer uniform, you wore a bright and sparkly headband.
-You were quite flashy, blowing kisses up at your darling husbands who all grinned down at you.
-Nergal was annoyed, seeing such a cocky woman as you spun your swords around with easy, showing off before you pointed one of blades at him, “Shame that my opponent is trash- totally unflashy!”
-The gods quickly grew enraged at your disrespect, many jeering at you that Nergal was going to kick your ass while Nergal was fuming, calling you a shameful woman.
-Your battle was the shortest of the tournament, only lasting about six minutes, jaws were hanging, mouths open and eyes bulged.
-You made it look so easy to fight! You handed Nergal’s ass to him on a silver platter covered in sparkles and glitter. You were a seasoned and skilled fighter, anyone could see that, even the other warriors who were all in awe of your skills.
-You were only a little roughed up, nothing major like some of the other competitors, except for one cut across your left cheek that needed some stitches, a lucky shot Nergal had managed to get.
-Your husbands were cuddling you, praising your skills while you were grinning brightly, enjoying the attention, speaking so gently, so fondly to each of them.
-They left after a while, as you needed to get cleaned up, and only moments later a knock came to the door and you opened it, not caring you were topless except for the bandages around your chest.
-The man at the door was stunned to see you in such a state, but you weren’t bothered before he grinned warmly down at you, “Your fight was amazing Y/N! I wanted to come and tell you in person because you were breathtaking out there!”
-You beamed brightly, hands on your hips, “Well not to brag- but I am awesome! Both in fights and in life, I’ve got three lovely husbands to look after me!”
-He was stunned, as he didn’t realize this, a bit dumbstruck before you grinned up at him, giving him a small wink, “I saw your fight too, handsome, you were very flashy yourself! I could always use a fourth husband if you’re interested, since you’re the best and I only deserve the best!”
-Shiva- Was very…stunned to meet a woman like you, you were confident and cocky, but could back it up, you were so soft with your husbands, just like how he was with his wives, you were like a mirror image of himself. You couldn’t help but laugh, which got him quickly laughing, when he told you he had three wives, seeing the comparison between the two of you. Shiva couldn’t help but like you, he wanted you by his side, but he knew he could do nothing against your darling husbands, as they were there first, just like how Shiva’s wives were there first with him. When you brought the notion of combining the two families, his wives and your husbands were shocked to say the least, but they all agreed, as long as boundaries and rules were followed, which nobody was really bothered by. SCORE!! Husband number four and three wives as well! You were living the good life!
-Rudra- Was stunned by your forwardness, your cockiness, but he knew you could back it up and for some reason, he didn’t dislike your bold nature. Most women he knew were more reserved, sometimes, but you were completely different, and he fell hard and fast. Your other husbands were very welcoming, something that surprised the Storm God, as you four were humans, despite your insistence that you were a goddess, but he wasn’t complaining. Rudra learned that despite your ferocity when fighting and your cockiness with everything, you were so soft and gentle with your husbands, and Rudra was no different, you let him lay his head on your lap and he basked in your gentle affections, running your fingers through his hair. He was content in sharing you with your other co-husbands, as they were there first, but he wasn’t about to let anyone else join unless if you said so.
-Indra- Your arrogance annoyed him when you first walked out into the arena, you were obnoxiously arrogant, but as he watched you fight, he couldn’t even lift his cigarette to his lips, in awe. You were cocky, but you definitely could back it up. When you proposed that he become your fourth husband, Indra did have to admit that he was annoyed, but your praise, that you acknowledged him as a strong fighter and worthy enough to be your husband, he couldn’t help but be a little happy. He was not shy, but rather tsundere, with you and your husbands, as they were very welcoming to Indra, while you were so soft and gentle with the four of them, a stark contrast to when he first met you. As time passed, you had him wrapped around your finger and he wouldn’t hesitate to defend you or his co-husbands, something he still gets shy admitting.
-Loki- His eyes were huge and sparkly at your proposal, almost instantly sweeping you into his arms, hugging tightly which made you laugh warmly, liking his enthusiasm. He was like a toddler with your other three husbands, not wanting to share, which got them all competing for your attention, which you thought was cute and they all bonded, using different tactics and Loki had to admit the three of them were quick to grow on him, just like you. Your four husbands were like a pack of wolves, guarding their beloved mate, fiercely, nobody was allowed to approach you unless you said it was okay, you were truly the alpha of your pack. Odin was grateful to you for keeping Loki in check, as Loki liked it when you punished him~
-Raiden- Was like a giant puppy with you, in complete awe as he had never met a woman like you before, confident, powerful, and beautiful, you were the perfect woman! Your co-husbands were very quick to warm up to Raiden, he was so warm and inviting and you got a good show when the four of them decided to have a drinking contest, which you ended up winning. Raiden fit in so well with your family, he was the missing puzzle piece you never knew was missing, your other husbands adored him, finding him fun but easy to get along with, while all four of them adored you. You treated them all equally, never giving any preferential treatment over the other, which they liked, but wouldn’t hesitate to tease each other, like Raiden would hug you close, “She gave me four kisses!” while holding you hostage, so you couldn’t give your other husbands any more kisses.
-Buddha- He liked the vibe you were giving off, you were so full of life and energy, so full of fun, but also so full of love. Your proposal was a bit surprising but he bounced back quick, giving you a warm smirk and almost immediately accepted. Your husbands were surprised to find out you had married a god, getting a fourth husband, but Buddha always seemed to match the energy levels and was just so fun to be around. He was great for cuddling and relaxing, not just with you, all four of your husbands could just vibe and enjoy time together without you being around. However, when you weren’t around, their family wasn’t complete, not until you were sandwiched between the four of them, drowning in their kisses and love before demanding it back, which you were more than happy to do.
-Qin Shi Huang- The former and first emperor had never met a woman like you before, you weren’t afraid to talk back to him if he stepped out of line, you were funny, loud, but at the same time, he felt himself drawn to you like a moth to a flame. He desired to see what other sides there were to you and instantly accepted your proposal. He wasn’t bothered that you now had four husbands, in his time he had multiple wives and concubines, and he had to admire you that you gave all four of them equal attention, favoring none of them over the others. He fit right into your family, as he was flashy and obnoxious as well, something your three husbands had to learn quickly how to control, as the two of you were quite the handful when you wanted to be, however they wouldn’t have it any other way, else they would be bored.
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