#yandere shoot
uvobreakmylegs · 11 months
When Push Comes to Shove
first Shoot fic :D
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Warnings: stalking, depictions of violence, kidnapping
Word count: 4.9k
The apartment was largely empty; the walls were bare and the only pieces of furniture within the unit were a small table, a chair and a sleeping bag that stayed out in the living room area as opposed to the bedroom. The only other pieces of miscellaneous objects was the phone that was currently plugged into a charger, a bag and a small pile of laundry that had yet to be washed. Other than those things, there was little else in the apartment unit.
Aside from Shoot himself.
Currently he was standing near the window that looked over a parking lot and a different apartment building across the way, peering through the glass as he watched his current target.
….. Using the word target didn't feel quite right in this situation. Even if it was accurate. Even if the person he was watching was one that he'd been watching for months now.
No, 'watching' wasn't the correct term; what he was doing was stalking.
But it was different, he told himself.
After all, Shoot didn't mean you any harm. He just wanted you to be with him.
But actually going through and making that desire a reality was where he was slipping up.
In his role of a Beast Hunter, Shoot had faced down hordes of charging animals and encountered all sorts of shady characters in the most hostile of environments, but somehow the thought of taking you, a defenseless civilian, felt like the more difficult task. As usual, his cowardice would show its face at the worst possible time.
He sighed to himself, and then looked back again to a particular window in the apartment building across from his.
You were in the same place: on the couch in your living room with your laptop, your eyes focused on the screen and your mouth set in a slight frown.
No doubt you were looking through available job listings.
The company you had worked at previously had downsized, causing a fair amount of employees to be laid off. Unfortunately, you were among those that were deemed to be expendable.
All that had happened a few months prior, and you had since gotten a temporary job. It wasn't one that you liked, however, and you had told everyone around you that it was just something to keep yourself afloat until you found something better. Except the 'something better' that you were looking for had yet to reveal itself to you, so you'd been scouring job sites and putting in your resume where you could, though it wasn't going as well as you'd hoped. You were still stuck with a job you didn't like, and came back home after every shift exhausted and stressed.
Shoot had been keeping an eye on you since you'd gotten back today, and some time had now passed since you first opened up your laptop in search of a job better suited to you. Though it seemed as if you were finishing up with the job search tonight, as he watched while you sighed to yourself and then shut the laptop closed, stretching your arms out over your head after. It was confirmed to him when you pulled out your phone and began scrolling through it aimlessly.
No luck tonight, but you'd try again tomorrow. That was most likely your line of thinking.
He hoped you'd eat something soon, though. Since getting back, you all you had done was take a shower and then immediately after went on the job search, and the only thing he'd seen you consume during that time was a single glass of water.
You needed to take better care of yourself.
But as much as he wished he could head over to your unit and remind you to eat something, all that would result in was you becoming afraid of him when you realized that he had been watching you. Plus some possible issues with law enforcement if you were to go to the police. Though with his Hunter license on hand, they wouldn't be able to do much of anything even if they did manage to come across him. But it would no doubt cause you stress.
That worry about your well-being was also why he was in this current predicament:
As much as Shoot wanted you, he worried about how well you would take it if he went through with kidnapping you. No matter what, your mental state would suffer and you would definitely hate him in the beginning.
Shoot sighed again, chiding himself internally. There had been a time when needing to take you wouldn't have been necessary, when he could've possibly approached you and started up a relationship in a 'normal' way. But every time he had tried, he always ended up psyching himself out and running off before you could even lay eyes on him.
And every time after, as he berated himself while staring at you from the apartment he rented for the sole purpose of keeping an eye on you, he told himself that he could try again next time, and that he'd be successful then. That he had as much time as he needed to accomplish that.
What a stupid thought.
He should've known better. Not just as a Hunter, but as someone with common sense. He should've known that he couldn't have expected that things would always stay the same with you, that you would magically stay single until he finally built up the nerve to speak to you.
Shoot noticed when the screen of your phone suddenly lit up as you received a phone call, and after reading the name on the screen, you smiled to yourself.
Based on that reaction, Shoot already had an idea as to who was calling, and his suspicions were confirmed when you answered the phone and he read your lips as you greeted the caller with a 'hey babe'.
The only person you would speak to like that was Kian.
Your boyfriend.
The two of you had only been going out for over a month now, but it seemed to be going well for you. And despite the short amount of time together, you always seemed so happy whenever you spoke to him after a difficult day.
Just like now, when he saw you smiling at something Kian had said and observed the way the tension left your shoulders. Just because of a few words from him.
… Ah, damn.
Shoot realized that he was grinding his teeth again. It was a bad habit that he'd begun only recently, coinciding with when you started dating Kian. Just knowing that another man was spending time with you like that frustrated Shoot more than he thought possible.
It was even worse to see another man touching you.
Though that was his own fault, he reminded himself. For never getting up the courage to approach you and telling himself that it was fine to continue hanging back and watching you from afar. That cowardice of his had cost him his opportunity, and now he was forced to watch you go on dates and being affectionate with your boyfriend.
Despite that, Shoot couldn't bring himself to do anything to your boyfriend. Not only because he truly didn't enjoy hurting others, but he was aware that Kian hadn't done anything wrong. Even if he frustrated Shoot just by the way he spoke to you, you had chosen him, so it was natural that he would be loving towards you and that you would respond in kind.
Shoot simply disagreed with your choice.
You were still on the phone with Kian, and Shoot could tell most of what you were saying by reading your lip movements, though you occasionally made it difficult whenever you turned your head away from the direction of the window. The topic was your job search and how you still hadn't heard anything from any of the places you'd applied to.
After you said that, your expression fell slightly, and your demeanor was more in line with what he'd seen when you were on those job sites earlier. But that changed when your boyfriend said something to you, and there was a smile on your face once more. It looked like you were agreeing with him.
I sent in an application to Motoba, too. Maybe they'll like my resume.
That was the last thing he could decipher before you changed the topic away from the job hunt and instead asked your boyfriend how his day had been. After that, you were mostly quiet, only piping in occasionally with some comment to whatever your boyfriend was saying.
All Shoot could hope for was that this wouldn't be a call that lasted hours again. It wasn't terribly late, but you had a tendency to talk for a long time with Kian. And you still hadn't eaten.
Tell him that you need to hang up, Shoot silently urged you. That you need to do the bare minimum in taking care of yourself. If he really cares about you, he'll respect that.
All you did was reach for the glass of water you'd gotten for yourself earlier and drink what little was still left in it.
And the phone call was still ongoing.
Shoot sighed.
Once again, all he could do was watch. Watch and wait until you were done talking with him, and then hope that you'd get some dinner before you eventually went to bed. At least you could get a decent rest tonight, he thought to himself. Your job had scheduled you to work in the early afternoon tomorrow, so you could sleep in if you needed to.
That would likely be the only highlight, however. After that, it would be another day where you worked hard at a job you hated before returning home to continue your unsuccessful search for one that would be better for you. All because Shoot couldn't bring himself to follow through.
Because every time he felt like he could go to you and catch you off-guard, a voice in his head would give him some reason as to why he shouldn't.
Breaking in would make too much noise and leave too much damage.
You would fight him and he'd need to use more force than he wanted.
There were too many bystanders in the area that would either act as would-be rescuers or potential witnesses to your kidnapping.
Every time, lines of reasoning like that would pop into his head, and his cowardice would reappear as he once again did nothing to put an end to the limbo he'd created for himself.
And that was the case now, it seemed.
It was unlikely that anything more would happen tonight. Once again he was disappointed in himself for having squandered another chance to take you, but he countered that by telling himself that it would be fine; he'd follow through once he worked himself up to it.
….. Wasn't that mentality the reason he was in this predicament in the first place?
He found that he wanted to assure himself that it'd be different tomorrow, that he would finally follow through and make his desire to have you for himself a reality.
Unfortunately, that was also something he'd said to himself far too often.
Shoot glanced over to you again, just in time to see that you were now speaking, and he read the words on your lips again.
Yeah, that sounds great! I work later tomorrow, anyway.
Shoot's brows furrowed.
What had you just agreed to?
You stood up and turned around as you ended the call, inadvertently keeping Shoot from being able to tell what you said to your boyfriend before hanging up. Then you walked away from the window, heading towards your bedroom.
A pit formed in Shoot's stomach; it felt like something was going to happen that he wouldn't like.
When you walked back into view, you were carrying a small backpack, finishing up in stuffing extra clothes inside before tossing the backpack onto the couch and collecting your shoes from the other side of the room.
You were going over to spend the night with him, Shoot realized.
All the signs were pointing to that, and he felt his teeth grinding again.
….. No.
He wasn't going to let that happen.
But what could he do to stop you? Your boyfriend was expecting you and he would quickly notice that you were missing when you didn't show up at his place if Shoot chose to take you then. At the very least the Hunter wanted a few hours head start before anyone realized you were gone. That couldn't be accomplished at the moment.
It likely wouldn't be questioned it if you canceled on those plans, though. But the only way Shoot could see that happening was if he grabbed you on your way out and forced you to call up your boyfriend to tell him that you weren't going over. That would probably require threatening you, something Shoot didn't think he could do even if he didn't mean it. And it still ran the risk of you blurting out something over the phone and thereby making his efforts pointless.
No, the safest way would be if you canceled on your own.
But was there any way he could get you to do that?
Not sure of what to do, Shoot looked about his own unit, if there was possibly anything in there that could help him. That was when he caught sight of his phone, still plugged in and fully charged, and a thought struck him.
It was a bit late, but not so late that it would be outrageous if you were to get a call from one of the companies you applied to. Even if it was still odd, you were probably desperate enough to not question it.
And the name you had mentioned during your call... It was Motoba, wasn't it?
Taking in a deep breath after retrieving his phone, Shoot typed in the number to call your cellphone, a number he had learned and memorized a while ago but never had any reason to use. He then put the phone up to his ear, and listened as the line began to ring.
So much time spent watching you, but it was only now, when he felt that his back was up against the wall that he'd managed to make himself go forward with something.
Not the best tendency to have, but at least it was some assurance for himself: when push came to shove, Shoot could do what needed to be done.
He moved towards the window again, peeking out of it to see if he might see you again. Sadly, there was no sign of you in the window of your apartment, but after the phone rang twice, he heard you pick up.
Your voice came through the phone's speaker, and Shoot felt as though his heart was fluttering at the sound. Realization hit him that this was the first time the two of you would exchange words.
Trying to keep his tone level, he addressed you by your first and last name as he asked if that was who he was speaking to. He needed to do his best to keep from messing this up.
“Who is this?” you asked.
The next attempt at speaking to you failed, and he needed to clear his throat again before he could get the words out. There was a time where he'd needed to impersonate a company worker and convince the manager in charge of an oil rig to allow Morel and Knuckle access when the management on said rig had refused to be accommodating towards the Hunters. As long as he put himself in the same mindset that he had for that job, he could pull this off too.
“I work for Motoba,” Shoot began, “I'm calling about the application you sent in.”
There was more of a cheerful tone to your voice now, and he heard you walking about the apartment as you spoke again. He still didn't see you – you must've been in your bedroom.
“For the assistant position?” you asked.
“Yes, the position you applied for.”
Shoot immediately felt awkward answering like that and added “I wanted to know if you could come in tomorrow for an interview.”
“Tomorrow?” you asked.
There was a hint of surprise in your voice, as if you weren't expecting an interview to be scheduled so soon.
Stay in that mindset, he told himself. Play it off like it's normal.
“Is that a problem?” he asked.
“No no. That's completely fine,” you quickly answered, “Sorry, I just didn't expect to hear anything so fast.”
“Of course,” Shoot replied, “I'm sorry if I'm calling too late.”
“Oh no, not at all! I'm really glad to hear from you.”
With his eyes still on your window, he saw when you finally walked back into view, the phone up to your ear while you looked ready to head out. He had called just in time, then.
“What time would you like me to come in?” you asked.
“Does eight in the morning work for you?”
“Yes, that should be-”
You stopped speaking when your eyes happened to look out the window. For a brief moment, your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at the apartment across from you.
The one where Shoot was currently standing at the window.
Only for a brief moment, however, for as soon as he saw your eyes catching sight of his form, he moved to the side and out of view.
His palms were starting to sweat, but he kept himself calm.
“Is everything alright?” he asked you.
His question brought your attention back to the call, and you stammered out “y-yeah. Sorry. It's fine. Eight is just fine.”
“Good. And you know where the main building is?” he asked.
“I believe it's off of Continental Street?”
“Then yes, I know where to go,” you replied. In the background, Shoot could hear you doing something, though he wasn't certain what exactly that was just from the noise alone.
“We'll see you tomorrow, then,” Shoot told you.
“Yeah- yes! I'll see you tomorrow at eight,” you said, trying to keep your words professional as you added “thank you for calling me.”
“Of course.”
The phone call ended shortly after, leaving Shoot to stare at his phone screen.
Your voice sounded warm during those last moments of the call, and Shoot imagined you smiling when you spoke to him, like he'd made you happy. Though part of him was fully aware that you were happy for the opportunity he told you of and that you felt nothing for him. Certainly not from a phone call that didn't even last five minutes.
Still, he chose to imagine that it had brought you a little bit of happiness. Largely because he knew it would take some time for you to feel happy again after tomorrow. It would be a long period of distress and anger on your part once you realized what he did, and it would likely stress you out even more than your current situation was doing to you.
But it would work out for the best, he told himself.
Shoot then peeked out his window to look at you again, but he was disappointed when he found that the blinds to your window had been closed.
So that was what he'd heard you doing at the end of the call.
Still, it could've been worse; you could've been heading out to be with your boyfriend right now. And as Shoot watched your front door for several minutes and saw that it stayed closed, he felt some relief. The need to get up early in the morning kept you from going to spend a late night out at your boyfriend's place.
At least he had put a stop to that.
The next few hours passed by without any incident. You stayed inside, though because of the blinds that now covered the windows, he only had an idea of what you were doing based on what he had seen of your previous habits. Eventually the lights in your apartment turned dark, signaling that you'd gone to bed so you could get up early to be ready in time for your interview. Once that happened, Shoot sat down, leaning against the wall as he went over everything in his head.
There was no backing out of this now.
No matter what happened tomorrow morning, he couldn't back down again. Even if things went wrong. That internal voice of his would need to keep its mouth shut.
And finally, the limbo would come to an end.
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In the early hours of the morning, when the light of the sun was only barely brightening up the sky, Shoot was waiting for you.
Standing at the end of the walkway, his eyes were fixed on your front door as he waited for the moment where you left.
You hadn't left yet, though he assumed that you would soon in order to make it to your eight o'clock interview. With the distance and how bad traffic could get, you would want to make sure that you had plenty of time to get to the Motoba building.
He would strike when you stepped out, when your back was turned and you were focused on locking up the door behind you. And even if Shoot wasn't the strongest Hunter around, subduing you wouldn't be an issue for him. Compared to some of the jobs he had taken, it would be incredibly easy.
As long as he didn't psych himself out in the middle of it.
No, that wouldn't happen. Like he had told himself last night: when push came to shove, he could do it. And as long as he moved fast and quiet, everything would go as he hoped.
A click from the door sounded as the lock was undone.
Anticipation caused his heart to beat harder when he heard that.
The door opened, and there you were. Wearing a set of nice clothes that you typically used for instances like job interviews when you wanted to make a good first impression. As expected, you were distracted when you stepped out, your attention on the door as you began to close it.
He moved.
Reaching you in moments, he clamped his hand over your mouth. He then pushed against you, forcing the door to crash open while you were forced back into your unit. And once the both of you were inside, he used his foot to shut the door behind him.
Now there would be no witnesses.
Initially, you didn't fight back. Perhaps it was shock combined with how fast it had all happened that left you pliant as he forced his way in after you. But at the sound of the slamming door you began to struggle and pull at his arm, a muffled screaming coming from beneath his palm as you tried to make as much noise as possible. And when that didn't work, you began to try your hardest to bite and scratch at him.
Shoot's left sleeve slipped off, falling to the floor.
You didn't notice the hands at first, too focused on gouging your nails into your attacker's arm to get him off of you. But you became aware when two of them grabbed ahold of your wrists and forced them away from his arm. For a brief moment, your cries stopped and you looked on in shock as you saw that you were being further restrained by a pair of floating hands.
Then you started to hyperventilate, taking in harsh breaths as you tried to comprehend the situation. Without a knowledge of nen, you couldn't understand it.
Shoot had been watching your expressions during this whole time, and when you looked up at him as the tears started to form in your eyes, he felt his resolve falter slightly.
He could stop this.
He could end this before it went any further and leave you alone. Leave the area completely and never come back, and if by some strange chance he was identified as being the one who attacked you, his Hunter status would still protect him. This could end here and there wouldn't be any affect on his life as it was right now.
For you, the situation was one that was terrifying and the aftermath would leave you shaken and confused, but if it stopped here it would leave you relatively unharmed. All you would need to deal with would be police reports and therapy sessions, and you would no doubt have some trauma that would cause you to be more aware of your surroundings, but that would be it.
Shoot could leave, and then all he would be to you was just a terrifyingly bad memory.
A bad memory....
…. And then what, you would go to your boyfriend for comfort every time that memory surfaced? Forever viewing Shoot as the monster while you stayed with a man who wasn't right for you?
Shoot's jaw clenched as he steeled himself. This needed to happen.
“I'm sorry,” he told you, “but this will be for the best.”
You were trying to shake your head 'no', trying to convince him without the use of your words that what he was doing was wrong. You were so focused on trying to appeal to him that you didn't notice the third floating hand that hovered in front of you and clenched itself into a fist.
You weren't aware of it until it slammed into your stomach.
Your eyes widened further for a moment before they fell shut, and you became limp in his grasp. Now you were unconscious, something he was grateful for as Shoot had no desire for you to be awake as he began the process of placing you within Hotel Rafflesia. There was now a hole of black mist in the area where he had hit you, and when the hands on your wrists squeezed hard to cause just enough pain to meet his requirements, those areas of your body also disappeared, replaced by the black mist while they were sent to the birdcage that stood next to him.
No, you didn't need to see any of that.
Minutes later and now Shoot was the only figure standing in the apartment, his heart still beating wildly, this time from the knowledge that he'd actually done it. He had you. Not that he was in any position to be celebrating; he could still be discovered if he hung around here too long. Best to leave sooner rather than later.
But as he picked up his sleeve that had fallen earlier, his attention went back to the small cage before him. Hotel Rafflesia now housed all of you, and you were now sprawled out on the floor of the cage. You would likely be out for some time. That was what Shoot hoped for, at least. You hadn't understood his conjured hands from earlier, and you definitely wouldn't understand if you woke up while still being trapped in his ability. It would be for the best if you slept through all of that.
You'd be sore all over when you woke up, but all the injuries you'd gotten from him would be easily healed.
Less easy would be the state you would be in mentally, but he chose not to think about that for now. That would be a bridge Shoot would cross when he came to it.
As for now, he needed to leave.
With the cage and his conjured hands hidden within the long cloth of his sleeve, he quietly shut the apartment door behind him before heading back towards the stairs. He couldn't hear anything odd coming from any of the units he passed by as he descended, no signs that anyone noticed something amiss. A majority of them were either asleep or too focused on their morning routines to notice the slight disturbance from moments ago.
Good. That was what he'd hoped for.
When he exited the property line of the apartment complex was when Shoot allowed himself to let out a sigh of relief. He had gotten you out without incident, though he was well aware that it was still too early to celebrate. You were now out of the apartment, and now he needed to get you out of the city, preferably before you woke up.
That part would be easier, all things considered, as it would take a bit of time before anyone was aware that you were missing. He knew for certain that you weren't expected anywhere until the early afternoon, and even if you had made plans to meet up with anyone for immediately after your 'interview', he still had plenty of time to leave before any alarm could be raised on that front. It would all work in his favor.
Just as that thought crossed his mind, he remembered the way you looked at him before he knocked you out. The terrified look in your eyes as you started to cry, convinced that he was going to do something horrible to you.
…. In fairness, you weren't wrong – he had hurt you. But he did it because he needed to. Not just as a way to keep you from the other man, but because things couldn't continue as they were any longer. He couldn't keep watching you and doing nothing as you went on with your life, but he couldn't imagine leaving you behind.
It would take some time before you could trust him, no doubt. But again, he told himself to only worry about that when the time came.
And again he told himself that when it really mattered, Shoot could go through with anything.
Getting you to love him back would be no different.
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just-null-cult · 6 months
i lost count
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congratulations on your new marriage!!
Noritoshi will absolutely accept your marriage proposal, no hesitation, but hes a man of order. Marriage is the greatest promise that comes with a bunch of unsaid rules. A perfect opportunity he can take advantage of and use to love you till his heart's content. (spoiler, he's insatiable)
You'll accept them all though right? Of course you will! The security and stability of you finally being his is what gets Noritoshi's heart beating impossibly fast. As for the requirement, don't worry about your answer. He'll keep it for both of you. You already accepted all his terms and conditions by proposing to him first.
Usually to any other form of affection, Noritoshi would fumble in a desperate attempt to sputter out a response, but this time it's different. He's been thinking about this moment since he fell for you. Initially, yes, you caught him off guard, he never assumed you'd be the one to propose first. Regardless, he's willing to adapt to get things back on track.
He's ecstatic but has to be quick on his feet. He wants all of you for forever, and wants you to know that. Wants you to accept that. You're going to be married after all so might as well continue your new life together with honesty! Not like you can escape from it. You're in too deep.
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kumzorg · 21 days
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aoi mukou redraw 2022 - 2024
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stickyspeckledlight · 2 months
VERY short drabble based on @harmonysanreads recent brainrot-quick thought whatever you call it post, of sunday singing lullabies
you used to think sunday to be a kind man, but recently, he's revealed his true colors; which leaves you here, tossing and turning.
at his betrayal and from your stress and hate, you transmitted your unbridled rage toward him. from one halovian to another, nothing so out of the ordinary (though, the brutality of those emotions was another matter entirely).
perhaps sunday wasn't completely shaken (for how else could he have remained as head of the Oak Family?), but it certainly had an effect. he didn't notice that one of his lapels fell slightly askew for three minutes, in fact. it was a sweet victory, but if you bite the hand that feeds you, why should you expect to have kept eating from it?
it must've been hours ago, but those waves of emotions he sent to you still run through you. you can't decipher them, when you're so overwhelmed---
love, obsession, love, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, love, worship, my dove my creed---
you scream into your pillow. your migraine may have degraded into a headache, and the agony may not be so intense, but its still the same flavor. it's acrid and cracking on your tongue. every time you think you've spat it out or rinsed it out, it grows back into an arid patch on your tongue.
you can't sleep. you want to sleep for a reprieve, yet if you do...
what else would sunday send to you, in your dreams?
"you're awake," the door opens, greeting you with that awful voice, "at this hour?" there is a particularly way sunday speaks, when he thinks you unruly, but not enough to properly punish. it's infantilizing, chiding, antagonizing, yet also warm. it reminds you of a mother, one who couldn't bear to let her children go, to let them step out of the lines she set. "i understand that you are still in the process of transitioning, but bear in mind that you---"
"what makes you think I can even relax, after that?" you hiss, "that...that..." you take a sharp inhale when a pang of agony hits.
sunday hums dismissively. "merely the consequences of your actions. do not worry. so long as you don't step out of line, I will ensure you only the best, as a valued member of the Family...and a 'dove.'"
you hiss with frustration. your mind is far too occupied trying to not collapse and break down, and there's no retort you can offer sunday. you close your eyes, and wrap your blankets tighter, till you are trapped in a coil.
the bed dips, and a glove hand runs through your hair. you know who it belongs to, but the touch is warm, kind, and you can fool yourself into thinking it to be loving. it is a relief from the weight of the past hours.
and comes a calm, harmonious, melodious hum. you nearly jolt from as the agonizing weight in your mind gets replaced with the kind warmth of a fire, the sweetness of soulglad, and the security you find within sunday's arms---huh? wha---the softness of sunday's lips, the beauty of his smile, his enthralling gaze, his downy feathers which accompany wonderfully silken hair.
gloved fingers encourage your eyes to shut, and you abide, wrapped in this soothing, blissful melody, and let yourself be carried away into a dream.
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wayfayrr · 2 months
I didn't think hyrule had berlin-
had a silly thought about the links in Mario kart getting a little attached to you, so when you end up in hyrule? well of course they're gonna get close if they can :3
gotta thank @peepthatbish @tomsishere and @xxbuttercup for helping me brainstorm this <33
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“You think there’s a chance that the shadow could ever send us to my world? I mean, it did bring me here so there’s gotta be at least a small chance right?”
“Yeah, I hope so anyway, I’d love to go to Berlin with you. That always looked like a nice city.”
“Wait tears how-”
“Really? Athens always looked nicer to me.”
“Course you’d say that goddess boy.”
“Goddess boy?”
“HEY YOU TWO - you can bicker later, how the FUCK do you know the names of cities in my world?”
That got their attention, with them both turning to me with some clear confusion before it quickly melted away into a… look of devotion? It’s pretty clear that they both know something that I don’t, hopefully they’ll be kind enough to let me in on it soon enough, if I even want to know from the look they’re giving me that is.
“Do you not remember my dove?”
“Or did you not know that we could hear?”
“... That you could hear?” 
Hear what exactly, me when I was off of their games? Before I got to hyrule? 
The places they mentioned - the fact that it’s just them who seem to know - could they be talking about mario kart? If they are then… how much could they hear? Did they hear any of my friends? Did they hear when I was drunk? If they could then, how much do they know about me? There have been times when I’ve been too drunk to remember what I was even saying and if they heard that then… What don't they know about me? 
I don’t have a clue how to start processing this, do I even want to stay with them now - the others don’t seem to have a clue are they safe for me to be around. Neither of them are really touching me so, if I’m going to move now is my chance. Just got to hope they don’t notice me trying to move.
“Hey, sundelion, where are you going? We - we finally opened up about that and you - you, please don’t leave.”
There goes my chance then, he’s got a good grip on my hand and he’s not likely to let go. Even if he didn’t it’s not like I could get all that far now that he’s noticed me trying to leave, he’d just use recall on my clothes to bring me right back over. Aaaand now he’s tearing up. 
“You’re worried about what we know right? Well I’ll tell you - anything you want to know if we know, just don’t leave please.”
“Tears - what no, No you can’t decide that for the two of us, that’s not fa-”
“Sky… I just - I can’t lose them - I can’t- you know I can’t!” 
“But to just tell them everything off of the bat like that.”
“What would you suggest instead, you want their trust right?”
“You two know that I can hear everything you’re saying, you aren’t alone.” 
“Mhm, it’s still strange getting used to you being here and being able to hear us too though. Guess we still have old habits.”
Just finding out about the secrets they’ve been keeping seems to have taken a load off of their shoulders, with tears instantly sticking himself onto my side tighter than if he were to fuse our shirts together again. Sky is still a bit more distanced though, like he’s scared of letting his guard down, he’s frowning too. It’s been clear for a while though that sky is hiding something, his saccharine-sweet facade being far too kind even for a hero and with what he’s just said… there’s more to him than he’s let on. Honestly? I’m not sure I want to find out what’s being hidden away. 
“[name]? Would you be able to come over here a moment?”
Oh to think time saying that would one day not fill me with dread, it’s a good opportunity to get a bit of time to process everything. And who knows, maybe he’s got some good news about the search to find me a way home, he’s been near obsessed with the idea of getting me home since- well since sky and tears started to get more attached. Does he - is there a chance he knows more than he’s letting on? It’s not a surprise seeing how many other secrets he keeps from the others I guess he promised you the second he knew you knew his past that he wouldn’t keep any from you unless it was for your own safety. Why are you ignoring that? Tears still has his hand holding mine, Sky’s still staring too, just need to try to move; they heard time just as well as I did so I should be able to move. “Wait, do you have to go, he doesn’t sound urgent. Can’t it wait?”
“Old man should learn to wait his turn with you…”
“Knowing him it’s probably a - what was that sky?”Knowing how he was in game it shouldn’t be surprising that he’s acting like this, he was always the link with the snarkiest dialog, even being outright mean at times. It shouldn’t be surprising that the calm sleepy soft boy was a bit of a persona he put up, but it is surprising he’s starting to let it drop. Time didn’t seem to like how clingy they’re getting though, seeing as he decided to come over to get me himself instead of waiting any longer. Helping me up and getting us away from the others.
"So what is it you wanted me for so badly?"
"I think I've found a way to get you home."
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mamayan · 8 months
Yaannnn!! Congrats on your milestone! ʕ⇀ᴥ↼ʔ♡ This event is so cool!! It’s creative, I really like it kekeke
My prompts are 9, 67, 92, 99 for Nanami Kento please?? ( x fem!reader)
Thank yoouu ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Finally! Haha! Bang! You’ve been shot!
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Nanami Kento
tw: NSFW • Obsessive/Possessive Themes • Implied Kidnapping/Imprisonment • Implied Forced Relationship • Dark Themes • Fem! Reader • Dubcon • Fingering (F) • Sex (M)(F) • Yandere • Punishment
wc: 1960
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He sometimes wished it could be different.
The air is frozen as he walks farther into the room, the scent of chlorine overpowering and burning his nose as he clicks his tongue and moves towards the back wall. Hundreds of stainless steel metal doors rest closed, numbered placards to the right of each one. Most are blank, but a few towards the right hand side have a few code words scribbled in messy writing on them. Nanami strides towards one such door, your name standing out due to the pristine hand writing on the card.
He takes his time removing his jacket and tie, rolling up his sleeves before his glasses and wrist watch follow onto the table off to the side. The latch to the door clicks, audibly signaling it’s opening as cool air rushes out. He grips the handle that greets him as he opens it, pulling out the table hooked to a rolling system which allows it to be removed from the wall.
He really did wish it could be different. His stoic face almost bored as he gazes down at you, your body curled and shaking on its side while you whimper brokenly like a scratched record.
You flinch when a drastically different temperature touches you, his body heat almost burning against your chilled flesh as you cry out.
“Shh…” he hushes, voice low and soft as he gently helps you sit up, pulling your trembling figure into his arms as he slides one around your torso and the other under your thighs to lift you up into the air against him. “Good girl, I’ve got you now.” He recognizes the irony of his words, no doubt irritated he uttered them to begin with but… he can’t deny how good it feels to have you clinging to him like a life line at the moment.
He knows it won’t last. He’s not optimistic this alone is enough to crush your spirit in the slightest, though it truly is a grim punishment in its own uniquely sick way.
“Na-Nanami,” you croak his name in a voice clearly hoarse from screaming.
He hadn’t left you long enough for any permanent damage to set in, but you were certainly becoming feverish as he warms you with his body heat now.
He chose a plain metal folding chair to sit, positioning you to straddle his lap while he helped you lean against his chest. His large calloused hands card through your stiff locks, the cold having hardened the strands.
“—m’sorry…” he hates how it affects him, the little sniffle and your painful tone while you apologize. He wishes it were different, and it could be when you stopped being so stubborn. He’s silent as he rubs your back. The exposed skin darkened in some areas, chilled more than the rest, cold burns could hurt just as badly as those caused by heat. He was even more gentle as his fingers traced over those spots, already noting the supplies he’d need to to use to help you heal properly.
Your tears seemed to melt with the frost on your body as you sobbed, numb arms moving to curl around his thick neck where he radiated heat. Your face pressed into the crook of his neck, and he leaned down further to hold you close to him while you cried. He didn’t say a word, only lightly patted your head and listened.
“—sorry ‘Nami, please, don’t please, m’sorry, hck,” it broke his heart to hear you cry like so, made him feel sicker than he knew he already was as he placed sweet kisses to your temple while you soaked up the warmth his body offered. The only warmth he was offering to you.
When you began to feel your extremities again, able to shift and wiggle without feeling like a mummy encased in wrappings, you clawed at him. Arms too weak to actually drag him down, but he obliged when you tugged and allowed you to connect your cool lips with his own. His eyes narrow, hating how the tears on your face and the desperation in your gaze made his slacks tighter. You should be smiling and teasing him, whispering naughty words in his ear after he grumbles about his shit day at work.
That’s all he ever wanted truly.
Instead your actions are fueled by something primal and gut wrenching, a display of submission and asking of mercy he doesn’t stop. He lets you slip your tongue in his mouth, groaning and helping your eager little hand pawing at his belt buckle, lifting you into his arms so he could shift and drop his pants while still keeping your mouths connected. He keeps you pressed close, aware the chill still affects you and happy to grab his jacket and bring it over your shoulders while you tremble and pop the buttons of his dress shirt open. He sighs into the kiss, turning your eager desperation into a slow burn to warm you up and silently show the affection he wants to shower you in. He sucks on your small tongue, taking control as he settles your exposed cunt against his throbbing cock, the heat from it nestled against your folds while your hips twitch. He doesn’t move yet, just kisses you languidly while you sigh, taunt muscles slowly but surely relaxing as drowsiness sets in as the adrenaline and fear fade. He lets his hands move, careful for the areas tender from the chill, moving over your skin and heating you a little more as he squeezes and rubs you. It’s difficult not to like it, the way he smells and the warm muscular body you rest against weakly. Your mind is too fuzzy and clouded to fight or even want to as he slips both hands onto the globes of your ass, massaging gently and moving down to your thighs and copying. Eventually his fingers creep closer, mouth moving sensually against your own and invading your mind with lust and the promise of warmth and pleasure. He’s spreading your pussy open without resistance, feeling the front pressed against him while he runs two fingers down the back where your hole leaks pitifully.
“Such a good girl…” he murmurs against your lips, chuckling when you chase his own as he pulls back, “Getting wet just for me.” He resumes the kiss as you tangle your fingers into his hair and tug, his groan deep and reverberating into your mouth. He pressed one finger inside of you, swallowing your gasp of pleasure as he wiggles the digit deep and then joins it with another as he fills you.
Your back arches, bare chest pressing further into his own as he slicks his fingers with your growing arousal and fucks you with them, calculating each thrust with just the right depth and strength to have you mewling for him.
Nanami breaks the kiss to trail his lips lower, down your jaw to your neck where he sucks the sensitive skin into his mouth. Your breathy moans are music to his ears as the capillaries easily burst under his tender nibbles, marking you up as he curls his fingers and makes you sing.
“‘Nami, m’gonna cum—,” he knew even if you didn’t say it, but it makes him proud you remembered he likes it when you tell him.
“Cum for me sweet girl,” he whispers, groaning when you clench tight around his fingers and gush, making a mess in his lap as you sigh and wiggle your hips, fingers digging into his chest while he works you down from your high softly.
He pulls his fingers out slowly, your pussy eager to hold onto him still as brings the sticky coating on his fingers up to his mouth to clean noisily while you watch.
You always looked so adorable after an orgasm, watery eyes half lidded and face slacken.
“You did so good, baby, I’m very proud of you.” You shiver at his words, pupils dilating and it makes something dark inside him swell with pleasure. He’s cleaning his fingers and then kissing you, forcing the taste of your cum into your mouth now as he circles your hips with one arm. Nanami easily lifts you up, using his free hand to position the fat mushroom tip of his cock at your entrance and then allowing gravity to do the work.
You don’t have enough strength to lift up and off him, too weak to stop each thick inch from breaching your walls as you choke and gasp into his mouth.
He relishes the way you grip him, the intimacy and closeness of having you pressed so tightly against him. Nanami grunts as he bottoms out, as deep inside your pretty cunt as possible, while you whine and cutely nip at his bottom lip.
“That’s it sweet girl,” his hips jerk up, bouncing you as he nudges up against your cervix, “you took every inch.”
It’s slow, Nanami leaves you to breathe and merely hold onto him while he lifts your ass and fucks you. His mouth filthy as he kisses you and groans your name, heating your body inside out as he pushes his cock in and out you, dragging the girthy rod against your sensitive walls.
“We could’ve avoided all this you know,” he mumbles darkly, teeth skimming your ear as you gasp and moan, “I could’ve been running you a bath already after I made you cum until you saw stars, but you wanted to be a brat today.” He hisses it into your ear, uncaring as tears well and spill down your cheeks again, your little moans and sniffles not affecting your tight pussy wrapped around him.
His grip is firm as he snakes his free hand around your neck, grip loose so you could breathe unhindered as he tilts your head up to look him in the eye.
The submission in your gaze is addictive, but he knows it won’t last for very long.
“If you pull another stunt like that,” he jerks you down onto his cock roughly, amused how you scramble and try to sit up from the intense pressure he placed inside you, “I’ll lock you in here for a week.” The threat snaps something inside you, clear as day to him your dislike for this space as you shake your head and murmur pleas while he bounces you on him. His pace not slowing as you cup his cheeks and promise to be good, “‘Nami I won’t again, be so good for you, I promise.” Your watery eyes and hips which struggle to gather the strength to meet his own are so precious it has his balls drawing tight, lips pressing together as he grips you tight and fucks you harder. He drinks in the moans you release and promises to him, feeling how your walls clench and pull him in deeper.
“M’coming ‘Nami, fuck, please,” you’re so desperate and needy like this he wishes you’d just stay this way forever, clawing at his shoulders and crying his name.
“Take it all baby,” he grunts, cock twitching and filling your cunt seconds later as you come apart around him.
He holds you close as you both come down, keeping your trembling body lifted against him to avoid your thigh muscles from straining too much.
You’re asleep a minute later, eyes closed and mouth lax as you pass out.
Nanami gently stands and begins cleaning up, keeping you in his arms the entire time as he fixes you both up enough to leave and return home.
He doesn’t believe this will be your last escape attempt nor trip to the morgue, he’s not optimistic like that unfortunately. He wishes this could be different though.
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Post dividers/@cafekitsune
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yandere-romanticaa · 11 months
It's a crime just how there's no content for this series, especially because the men in this show are just out of this world. Lucky you, I have thing for the Lord of Crime.
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Hell is empty and all the devils are here - that is what William liked to tell you from time to time.
Afternoon tea with William James Moriarty and on occasion his brothers as well, was always lighthearted and enjoyable. Their home was always warm and welcoming, their smiles contagious as the sun and the food they would fill your belly with was always out of this world delicious. Playing games with William became one of your favorite hobbies ever since moving to this neighborhood the Moriarty family took an odd liking to you, William in particular. He would tease you until your ears would burn from embarrassment, his red eyes gleaming with mischief as he would sit across you, a knowing little smirk on his face. He was a bit of a bully like that but it was all in harmless fun at the end of the day. William would never take it far, he detested seeing you in a sour mood. Sometimes if he felt like it, even his elder brother Albert would join in on the fun as Louis calmly watched the commotion in the background, his stance seemingly neutral.
Yes, the Moriarty brothers were a charming little bunch. You loved being with them, you loved being with William. You couldn't deny the way in which his mere presence made your heart flutter. He was handsome, so incredibly handsome. And his unmatched wit only make him more lovable, how could you not fall for him? On the surface he really was the perfect man of anyone's dreams. One simple glance from him took your breath away, as if he somehow managed to crush your lungs with some otherworldly ability unknown to you. William James Moriarty really was the perfect man.
Which is why it became harder to ignore some of the things which disturbed you in the dark of the night.
Suspicious men would linger around the estate, like wild beasts out on a prowl. You managed to identify them as the Moriarty house staff and there was a question which would linger in your mind for ages - what in the devil were they up to in the middle of the night?
They could not be this active by their own choice, someone most definitely ordered them to make haste with whatever mysterious task they were up to. The men clearly knew what they were doing as they would always move with precision and determination, their weapons always hidden well despite being safely covered by the inky black darkness.
You lost sleep over this, monitoring them quickly bled into your evening activities. The Moriarty brothers were hardly ever spotted, it was mostly just the staff. At first you figured that you were nothing more than paranoid and was just looking for an excuse to oogle at William, which wasn't necessarily untrue either. To any random person passing by the men were doing house chores and obeying their bosses. They were good and hardworking men, you had no right to judge them for something that they clearly were not at fault for.
Things took a sharp turn once one of the men came back to the Moriarty estate with a few splatters of blood on his fine white shirt. It was carefully concealed in order to avoid suspicion and yet you still saw it.
Someone out there was dead or dying and you knew who was responsible.
There was no turning back now.
And William, ever the charmer, kept luring you in. The more you observed him the more you came to pick up on his ticks and came to the realization that he was not the simple but perfect gentleman who had so carefully crafted his image. He was like a venus flytrap and you the dumb little fly, it was inevitable that he was going to catch you one way or the other.
He found it amusing how you watched over everyone like a hawk. It could not be more obvious but he still silently praised you for your efforts. It was good to remain vigilant, especially in a cruel world like the one you both lived in. Evil and wicked men roamed on the streets freely, who knew just when one was going to snatch you up.
In your eyes, maybe he was one of those men too. Regardless, he was planning on enjoying this silent game of cat and mouse he had set up. And you never failed in taking on the bait, each and every time.
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heroinangelz · 1 year
♡ I just want to be high with you ♡
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"whats it feel like?"
"theres a chill....dont forget it passes.. and you'll see, I'll see you there ♡"
~Breaking Bad - Jesse And Jane (Episode 11)
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mochixkisses · 4 months
you make the prettiest muse, my love. everything i create is made with you in mind.
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zhongrin · 1 year
cw.firearms, yandere(-ish?)
sorta inspired by Apotheosis Upon Your First Feast (Yandere!Wanderer & Pantalone/Reader) @/throwaway-yandere and this rb comment from ansy:
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blame them for this. it made me brainrot because my grandpa and mom were shooters (the legal kind where they'd go on competitions and stuff lol) and i used to shoot back in uni (honestly i wanted to learn to use a rifle instead of a pistol but all the girls chose pistols so peer pressure won hsldfjklsdf) and. and. and.....
pantalone with a gun.
pantalone who teaches you how to shoot, who fixes your posture and nudges your feet apart so you'd be more stable. who hums at the way your arm trembles and fails to straighten the first time you hold a gun and teaches you a trick to help with holding them. who gifts you your own gun with your initials engraved on the metal and a special holster for you to keep the said gun on your hip, close to you at all times.
pantalone who teaches you how to aim. who chuckles the first time you hear the loud gunfire and feel the recoil from the bullet. who hums in approval the first time you hit the center of the target card. who claps at your accomplishment when you finish one full round with all your bullets hitting the inner circle of the linear-moving marks.
pantalone whose hands gently rest on your trembling shoulders. who whispers lowly into your ears about how ready you are to move to real targets now. who glances darkly at the poor man who was kneeling in front of you, begging for forgiveness for bumping into you that one time when you both were on a little date.
"why don't you try to run? give my darling a challenge, hmm?"
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ask-yandere-sim · 10 months
i wonder how an interaction between the journalist and ayano would go if they ever met
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just-null-cult · 9 months
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are you oka- oh.
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the-fo0l · 1 year
Hi again! So my idea was for a yan Agent 47 having to take reader with him on missions. The place 47 kept them in was recently infiltrated by another rival organization. Now he doesn't trust anyone other than himself to protect his darling (let's just say he can't leave her with Diana because she's constantly on the move). So whenever he takes them with him, he has them blending in with other civilians... the only problem is that reader attracts danger. Literally. No matter where they are, the targets are somehow within the same vicinity, chatting them up and becoming infatuated with them like our fave agent, who is slowly losing his stoic composure. I imagined this for his missions in like Paris, Bangkok, and even Dubai since the crowd of npcs are huge and the targets are usually just walking around. (Sorry if this is too long 😅)
"Thrill of the kill"
agent 47 x nb! reader
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Notes: uhhhh omg this is like my favorite request ever??? god i hope i did it justice. but it also took like 5 months for me to get to :((
Summary: 47 has to bring reader with him on the Bangkok mission. and they have an certain encounter with Jordan Cross that motivates 47 to bring a...satisfying end to this mission
Warnings: violence, some swears, unhealthy love obsessions, may not be 100% accurate, takes place a day before the actual mission
[the dotted lines are little timeskips]
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The atmosphere was so tense, almost suffocatingly so.
Rain pelts fall down onto the windshield, creating a steady loud drumming sound that fills the car. The darkness outside is impenetrable, making it difficult to anything more than a few feet away, and the windows being covered in water certainly doesn't help.
Occasionally, a flash of lightning illuminates the outside world for a brief moment before plunging it right back into darkness.
Still, 47 drives with ease, weaving through the rain-slicked roads with impressive precision, not that you expected anything less. There's a sense of exhilaration that comes with the speed of the car and the current circumstances.
You've been lost in thought for a while now, the events of the last few hours melt together into one big blur. How the hell they managed to find you remains a mystery, but considering the countless measures that'd been in place to prevent situations exactly like these, it couldn't have been easy.
You hear 47 exhale shakily, an involuntary little thing that brings your attention back to him. 47 was normally so calm and collected, yet now he's visibly troubled. You could see it in the stiffness of his posture, the way his eyes move rather erratically between the road, the rear-view mirror and you, and in the way his fingers flex and fidget around the steering wheel.
You could sense the palpable paranoia emanating from him. See that he's struggling with his decision to bring you along on this mission. He knows your presence might complicate the job, or worse, put you in harm's way, but he loves you too much to leave you unprotected at a time like this. The thought of leaving you with someone else, or just letting you out of his sight at all, made him anxious. No, he himself is the only person 47 could trust to properly protect you now.
For you, the night had been both terrifying and surreal. You'd been held captive by this man for so long that you'd forgotten what freedom feels like. Hell, you'd forgotten what car rides felt like. Watching the rain slide down the windows was a sight for sore eyes.
47 continues to drive forward, and as you hurtle towards your unknown destination, you feel liberated in a way, even if you are by all means not free.
The journey to Bangkok had been long, but not unpleasant. Between the private and exclusive transport and 47s determination to make you as comfortable as possible, you weren’t really given the opportunity to be uncomfortable.
Even while out in the water, you can make out a set of yellow buildings surrounded by green leafage. Once docked, 47 courteously helps you off the boat and leads you down the dock towards the Himmapan.
As you approach the luxurious hotel, you're immediately engulfed by the lively and vibrant atmosphere, the sound of the waves, and the smell of exotic flowers hanging in the air. The tropical setting is adorned with towering palm trees and lush greenery, which provide a certain tranquility even amidst all the hustle and bustle.
On your way here, 47 had told you about the place you were going, but nothing had prepared you for a sight like this.
Naturally, 47 wasn't as affected by all the grandeur, having become accustomed to luxury after his many missions of executing the obscenely wealthy and powerful.
Instead, he marveled your awestruck expression. Taking a moment to look at you with a mix of amusement and affection, although his stoic expression doesn't falter much. 47 can't help but feel a sense of protectiveness over you seeing you delight in the simple pleasure of being out in the world again.
His hand came to rest on your lower back, making sure you stayed at his side while he guided you towards the buildings entrance. Already hating how the sight of you made a few heads turn.
Stepping into the spacious atrium, your eyes widen a bit in awe at the opulence of it all.
The plush carpet under your feet, the eager-to-please staff greeting you as you walk by, towering exotic plants and the golden light bathing everything in a warm glow. The serene ambiance was a sharp contrast to the modern safe house in the woods, where you'd been holed up in for months, although both had the massive windows in common.
"Wow, this place is gorgeous," you whispered to the assassin. "I've never been anywhere like this before."
47 nodded stoically, his eyes scanning over the room. "Stay close," he murmured to you as you two made your way to the front desk.
"Welcome to The Himmapan Hotel," the receptionist said, straightening up at 47s commanding aura, "Hello there, how may I assist you?"
"Checking in, name's Tobias Rieper," of course, 47 had prepared a reservation under his usual alias.
All while a certain Jordan Cross had been close by, preoccupied bitching to the staff about the preparations for his party tomorrow. But once he grew bored of dealing with others' incompetence, his gaze drifted away from the apologetic staff to you, and his eyes found you. All of a sudden, the staffs responses were falling on deaf ears, his attention now fully fixated on your figure as you stand a short distance behind 47.
The receptionist nodded and quickly found the reservation along with the keycard to room 205. "Thank you, sir. Welcome to the Himmapan Hotel"
As you were being given the keycard, the singer sauntered up to you, a smirk plastered his face. "Well, well, who might you be?" he said, eyeing you up and down.
"Hey there, beautiful," he purred, looking down at you with a smug expression. "What's someone like you doing here all alone?"
The look on his face made your skin crawl. You didn't need to look at 47 to sense how incredibly tense he'd become. 47 was glaring at the man from where he was standing behind you, yet he didn't say a word, even though he knew who the man was, and what he had done.
You shook your head, voice a bit shaky, it'd been a while since you spoke to someone except 47. Sad how your first non-47 interaction in months was with this asshole.
"I'm with him," you said, gesturing towards the stone faced assassin, who was using all his restraint to not pull out his gun right now in front of dozens of witnesses and cameras.
The singer continued, undeterred. "Him? Seriously? Come on, do you not know who I am? How 'bout you let me take you out tonight, I'll show you a better time than he could."
All you did in response was take a step closer to 47, fully at his side now. You had to admit, being so stupidly smug with 47 glaring at him is ballzy, or just moronic.
The whole interaction was making 47s patience run thin, his composure cracking, thinking of nothing but all the different ways he could kill him right now. Though he did feel a twinge of pride when you moved closer to him, allowing him to wrap an arm around you.
Jordan sneered, his confidence wavering when being met with your silence and 47s piercing glare.
"Suit yourself," he said, backing away. "But when you come to your senses, come up to my emperor suite, my guards'll let you in."
He turned to walk away but couldn't resist taking one last glance back at you. That look in his eyes told you this wouldn't be the last of him, and 47 saw that too. Sending you a wink was just the final nail in the coffin. The assassin involuntarily tightened his protective hold on you, glaring at his target as he walked away.
But 47s grip on your waist softened when he turned to face you, and his focus was brought back to the present moment. "Stay close," he murmured, trying to seem as unbothered as possible.
"Experience utmost relaxation and lavishness amidst beautiful surroundings," the line that'd been printed on the brochures left in your room. Tell you what, one thing the Himmapan doesn't do is false advertise.
The room was exquisite, tastefully designed, with quality furniture and an incredible view. There's even a 5-star restaurant that 47 ordered you dinner from.
But not as you were settling in, 47 finally felt a sense of calm wash over him, knowing that you were in a place of relative safety now.
Though you could have sworn you'd seen that same man from earlier lingering in the hallway close to your room, he wasn't looking for you, was he..?
First, people find a way to infiltrate the safehouse. Now he has to bring you with him on a mission, potentially putting you in danger, and then the target has the gall to come on to you like that. 47 wasn't sure he could take another incident like this.
His mind couldn't help but drift to his mission, and the fact his primary target had been trying to flirt with you earlier in the lobby. After all, the only reason you and him were here in the first place was because he had a job to do, a job that he was, weirdly, looking forward to carrying out.
Despite his focused thoughts, 47 couldn't help but steal glances at you, perched on the edge of the bed, staring out at the stunning view of the city skyline from their balcony.
A couple hours, and you were finally asleep, meaning it was time for 47 to go to work. His eyes never left your peacefully resting figure as he prepared.
"Happy hunting 47,"
Diana's words rang in his ears, though 47 acknowledged none of them, too busy making haste towards the man who'd now become his own personal, primary target.
The hotel was eerily quiet at night. Yes, some people could still be heard out and about in the distance, but the only sign of life in the hallway was that of 47s footsteps.
The darkness in Cross' bedroom was broken only by the moonlight and street lamps outside. 47 crept towards the bed, where his target lay asleep. He could clearly hear the man's shallow breathing and see the rise and fall of his chest, not that he would continue breathing much longer.
47 preemptively turned off his communication with Diana. She didn't need to know about what was about to go down. He could later blame it on a bad connection. After all, no one would think of 47 as anything but professional.
The assassin never had any reason for excessive violence, but this target had brought out that strange desire in him. For the first time, 47 wanted him to feel pain. So, he moved to the bedside table and took out a length of thin wire, which was then swiftly wrapped around the Jordan's neck.
The man woke suddenly, gasping for air as the wire around his neck only grew tighter. Jordan struggled for a few moments, weakly and fruitlessly struggling against 47, until the killer decided that strangulation simply wouldn't be satisfactory enough.
The singer gasped and sputtered for air, his hands flailing as he tried to fight back. But 47 was too strong, too skilled. He threw him out of bed and to the ground, pinning him down and beginning to viciously punch the singer until he went limp.
47 couldn't stop there, though. He wanted to do more. He continued to beat the lifeless body with a ferocity he had never shown before, overtaken by an irrational instinctive desire. Slowing down only once, the singer was completely beyond recognition.
Talking to you like that, disrespecting you like that, as if looking at you wasn't bad enough in the first place.
He wanted to keep punching until there was nothing left of the rock star. Blood stained 47s face and hands as he continued the assault, breaking the singers face in, long after the man had taken his final breath.
Catching his breath, he begun cleaning up the crime scene, after all, this kill looked like the exact opposite of an accident. 47 left the room as silently as he had entered, knowing that his work was done and his revenge was taken.
"All targets down, good work fou--" 47 cuts Diana's farewell is short.
A job well done, the artist is dead, along with his lawyer, even if 47 lost his cool there for a minute. It doesn't matter. He'd seen to it that no one would find Jordans body.
47 crossed the threshold of your shared hotel room as quietly as possible, carefully closing the door behind him.
He changed out of his bloodstained clothes and threw them away. Still, you don't exactly beat a man to death and bejond expecting to come out completely unscathed, even if your opponent couldn't get a single hit in.
He cleaned up his bruised knuckles as best as he could. You'd probably still ask about it, though. The thought of your questioning expression and smooth hands grazing over his calloused injured ones made him happier than he cared to admit.
47 stood beside the bed for a moment, watching you peacefully rest while he put away the last of his gear. The anger and bloodlust he'd been consumed by before were replaced by a deep sense of relief. He couldn't afford to lose you. Never, not for anything or anyone in the world. And he wouldn't.
Slowly, he eased into the bed beside you, pulling you closer carefully so as not to wake you. Though his hold on you gradually tightened, and he basked in the smell of your hair and the feel of you securely back in his embrace, right where you belong and where your safety is guaranteed.
Finally, he felt he could breathe again.
Your departure from Bangkok had been scheduled for tomorrow since the mission was completed and all. But perhaps you two could stay one more day, you do seem to like it here after all.
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cant wait until i get better at writing. but whateves. this is about to be the busiest week of my life, so probably not gonna get much done. love you all !!!!
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spirit-lanterns · 5 months
If that okay to know, when you mentioned about yandere as limit, what did you meant? Like what are comfortable with and what you're not comfortable when it comes with yandere?
Basically, my limits for writing yandere are these:
- No mentions of graphic torture (like detailed body mutilation)
- No physical harm to the Reader (yandere character(s) cannot hurt the Reader physically)
- No noncon, r*pe, s*xual ab*se of any kind.
- No drugging for sexual activity
That’s basically it for my limits with yandere. I’m okay with topics like killing others, stalking, kidnapping, clothes stealing, peeping, Stockholm syndrome, etc. just be sure to put a warning at the top of your yandere thirst, so other people can be wary!
I advise that if you want to send a yandere-related thirst, please put trigger warnings on everything you think might be triggering! No trigger warning? No response :)
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badboyfriends · 7 months
I've seen you mention in a couple posts that Grian at some point scrolled through wattpad. Is it in a video, and if so, do you happen to know where I could find it so that I can experience the horror for myself?
oh my god. okay i will be so real with you and say i DONT know if it's still on the internet. I know I watched it because weirdly enough im pretty sure that's what made me get on Wattpad. it would've been around 2015 or early 2016. It was a vlog of a convention that Taurtis, Grian, and Sam all attended. I do not know who's channel it would be on. I remember them being behind the curtain at a panel, on a computer there and scrolling through their names on Wattpad. it was a very short 1-2 minute clip of them being confused. I don't believe they clicked on any of the stories.
i think if I looked for it i would personally vomit from the nostalgia, cringe and terror I have remembering this
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Imagine if reader is a gen z 💀💀
They would NOT understand the horrible and brainrotting slangs that we use (like rizz or some shit like that lol)
"you have absolutely zero rizz, joseph"
"what is a 'rizz', (name)??"
"you got that autistic rizz, jotaro"
tiny what-if thing if reader slipped up with some Gen Z slang. Not going any further than rizz because I think you might have some of the jojo’s malfunction from hearing any other words.
“oops….uhhh….it means charisma” If you use slang you better try to correct course real quick. Joseph ends up bursting out laughing at a ridiculous turn of phrase.
“Yare yare” is the first thing to leave Jotaro’s lips, “I don’t understand your brain sometimes”
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