#yandere shotou
i-cant-sing · 4 months
Thinking about my own grandpa and how he'd comfort me with sweets/icecream whenever i had the slightest inconvenience and i just dream of whether he'd still do it to me as a 23 year old, ruffling my hair, letting me cut his birthday cake, scolding my parents when they got mad at me (yes i snitched on my parents), wiping my fat tears with his handkerchief, showing me his drawings of airplane engines as cold air blasted through the ac, letting me eat food from his plate that my mom made me bring him lol.
and like it grandparents are sooo sweet man. they couldve been okay-ish parents to their own kids, but then they get grandkids and they're like a whole different species *sniffle* theyre so precious.
and now my mind goes to that yandere todoroki clan au (i think it was the bullied series) where at the end, reader dies because of rei, and the whole fam loses their sanity. then one day, reader is reincarnated (its her quirk) as dabi's baby and dabi shares the news with his siblings because he needs to restore their sanity too (cause he feels responsible for them too, the "eldest kid" syndrome).
anyways, after you, his daughter had died, enji lost it and killed rei and then just vanished into the mountains to mourn his loss. years later, for whatever reason, he finds out about you. he's standing there, watching toddler you looking at him with curiosity. you stumble towards him, and Enji's on his knees at this point, he's in shock. your scars, your marks from your previous life dont even register to him until later on, all he can focus is you- its you, his baby. his daugher. his child that he swore to protect and failed.
your legs give out when you reach him but your hands reach for him and enji's already lifting you up, bringing you to his chest. his eyes are filled with tears as u look at him and babble, your hands grabbing onto his shirt, touching his face, big doe eyes staring at him.
he hugs you, silent sobs wrecking his body as he gets a whiff of your head. you- you smell just like her- like his daughter.
It really is you.
he doesn't let go of you, even when you eventually fall asleep in his arms, rocking you gently as he stares down at you in awe and disbelief. he doesn't let you go even when dabi tries to take you back, even when dabi insists that he won't keep you two apart, that you need to rest in your bed as he explains everything.
he finally let's you go when you wake up and reach for your dad (dabi), crying when enji doesn't let you leave his arms. but he relents, enji relents when you cry- it hurts him so bad, he's reminded of all the times how you used to cry before, how you used to beg him for help, beg him to save you. his heart breaks to see you like this, in tears.
enji's only partially conscious of what dabi is saying to him, explaining to him that you're now "his" daughter and enji's "granddaughter" and that's how things will be if they need to work. But enji doesn't care whether you're his daughter or not, all he cares about is that he's in your life because he needs to- he will keep you safe. He won't make the same mistakes again. Never.
i can just imagine the siblings and enji all sitting down together to make decisions about your life in extreme detail so that they ensure that no harm befalls you ever again, and if by some extreme badluck you die, they need to make sure that you reincarnate back to them.
they plan your every day, they make sure that at least one of them is with you at all times, and most importantly, they make sure youre safe and happy. when you start going to school, you're taken to school by Shotou because Dabi (who went back to working as a chef) has to go to work early. then at school, your teacher is more than likely Fuyumi (and if she's not your teacher, then she still works at your school). then after school, you're picked up by Enji who takes you out for ice cream (always, he doesnt care if its before u have had lunch. he needs to make up for all the times he couldnt give u ice cream because of rei) and also buy you any toys u want. enji is just enjoying you padding away and pointing at things that catch your eye. at home, natsuo has returned from his shift at the hospital and then starts heating up the food dabi had already made for you, before letting enji put you down for nap time. when you wake up, natsuo takes your vitals and a basic medical check. by dinner, dabi is home and you welcome him by launching yourself at his legs with a thud. he laughs, picks you up and pecks your cheek before taking you into the kitchen with him to make dinner while you tell him all about your day.
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yanderenightmare · 2 years
Soo.. I watched this ballerina movie and cant keep my mind away from shoto. So if you're not busy can you make a yandere wealthy shoto x ballerina reader. They meet at the big opera show and shoto gets fascinated by reader. He lords his status over her to give him a -private- show. It can be sfw or nsfw! Btw your fics always made my day. Thank you and love you!
Shoto Todoroki x darling
TW: yandere, abuse of power
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“Dance.” The man said. Wearing fine-tailored rich black. 
Shoes so shiny they looked wet – like oil – with shirt buttons undone about two or three points down in the spot where a bow ought to have tied the ensemble together.
Everything else was straight – from the partition between white and red locks to the crisp crease lining his slacks.
“Come on, it's a simple request.” He added. Still looking at you in expectancy. “Just pretend I'm not here, Dove.”
You’d just danced for hundreds in a show where if any minuscule little detail were off, your ears would bleed hearing about it after – and though the pressure was crushing and the fall was steep – it had only made you feel prouder while you danced with every fine limb stretched and pointed to perfection – performing choreography on par with the beautiful orchestra classics resonating within the shell of the opera house.
But no music is playing with you now. And as you crossed your legs to establish the starting position - building up for a split and a spin in the air – you felt a lot of seizing things, but not one of those was proud…
“Beautiful.” He commented a beat after you landed, and you must have grimaced poorly in return, for he cracked a grin at you and offered a light-hearted chuckle that seemed vehement in the echo of the opera chamber. “That, however, not so much.” He tsked, though without anger.
You tried wiping your face clean of it and assumed a docile yet poised stance befitting of a professional – still wondering why you’d been called away after the show to amuse whomever the man you found yourself with was. 
“Does it anger you?” Said man asked openly, though gave no time for you to answer him. “That despite your skill, despite all your hard work- all your blood, sweat, and tears- you’re of no more value than my opinion.”
Your mouth fell open, but still, you held your tongue in spite of yourself. Though you were unable to keep the grimace from returning – a glitch in the narrowing of your eyes and a furrow between your brows, as well as a slight snarling tug of your lip.
“Worthless without my interest.” He continued, and you found it harder to maintain grace. “I’m Caesar and you’re my gladiator – just a pretty puppet on strings – all for my entertainment.” He mused. “I throw a thumbs down, and your carrier is done.”
Your eyes widened at that, faltering where you stood – crumbling in that stance that had been hammered into you through years of religious training to become the very epitome of flawless – now, like an amateur, your heels touched the floor, and your chest collapsed like you’d been shot.
“What’s the matter, Dove?” He cocked his head. “Is it unexpected of me to be so honest?”
You take a moment to assess him, still unsure of his motives. “If you’re so honest… tell me what you want.” You demanded, still wary but tired of being toyed with to the degree it had the feeling of unease outweighed.
He offered another smile. “You know what I want.”
tip-jar: Kofi
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shallyouobeyme · 1 year
Platonic!Yandere!EareserMic/Todoroki/Bakugo!Family x reader (GN) + Platonic!Yandere!LoV x reader (GN)
Summary: Trying to juggle hero class, very protective classmates along with their families which included multiple pro-heroes and your teachers who seemed to be incredibly extra attentive around you was hard enough - but at least they seemed to keep each other in check so that you were able to live on kind of normally, while being bounced around between them. Hopefully, no one comes around and ruins that delicate harmony...
! Minors Do Not Interact !
TW: Yandere, Dark content, kidnapping, manipulation, mentions of planning a murder, violence, swearing (thanks to Bakugo), Obsessive behaviour, I do not condone this, this is all fiction, tell me if I missed something - also this is not proofread so there's probably a lot of mistakes that I'll fix sometimes in the future
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Ever since you've started attending U.A., your life has become incredibly exhausting. Now, one would think 'Of course attending the top pro-hero school in the country would be exhausting, what did you expect? A walk in the park? Idiot.', but to this person you'd say that they were right. You hadn't expected U.A. to be easy, you really would have to have been stupid to do so, but the actual school wasn't the problem. Sure, classes were challenging sometimes and the training was working you to the bone some days, but you were able to live with that - after all, you had known that it would be hard when you had signed up for it, but what you hadn't known was that you'd somehow become the pet project for not one, not two, not three, but four pro-heroes, three hero-students and two overprotective suburban moms.
When you had started school, you had expected to kind of merge with the masses. After all, your quirk wasn't really anything flashy, your family didn't include any famous heroes or rich business moguls, and you weren't one to thrive with attention directed at you. Now as someone who joined the school later in the semester for personal reasons, you knew there would be some spotlight on you for a few weeks, but you also thought that there'd already be established friend groups and connections, so once the natural curiosity of a bunch of teens was satiated, you'd be able to just go the rest of your school days in peace and quite on your own. So imagine your surprise when after an entire month of being in class 1-A, the three most popular (and probably most promising) students of the class seemed to be glued to your side, and along with them their respective friends.
Izuku, you learned after a few days, was the kind of person who was probably predetermined to make friends with any new person he met, as he even tried to be friends with the boy who bullied him relentlessly - but with you, he seemed to drive that up a notch. He was interested in literally every word you said, started to have what seemed to be an entire chapter dedicated just to you in his notebook and soon that escalated to what seemed to be an entirely separate book just for information about you. But Izuku was a little weird in the very best way possible, so you didn't mind too much, he was funny and tried to respect your personal space and need for alone time - even though he seemed to think alone time meant that he was just sitting silently beside you while you were allowed to do something you usually would do completely alone, like writing in your diary or calling your parents. Honestly, you were surprised that he let you go on the toilet alone (even though on some days the second you went out to leave for the bathroom, someone from his friend group or he suddenly seemed to need to use the bathroom as well.
Shotou surprised you with how clingy he seemed to be, after all, from what you had heard from people from other classes and from how he seemed the first time you had met him he wasn't really the most sociable person. As far as you knew, he was only part of a friend group because Izuku had latched onto him and had refused to let go until he had become one of his friends by association. So, again, it was quite surprising when he seemed to initiate interactions with you as often as possible, be it insisting that you studied with him, that you joined him while making dinner in the dorms, sitting down beside you during lunch, or just silently sitting in the corner of whatever room you happened to be with and staring. The last one was definitely creeping you out, but after Izuku had told you about all the horrible things that had happened to Shotou (later he would definitely deny any accusations of manipulating you into being more accepting of his friend's stranger behaviours) you felt too bad to confront him about it. Still, Shotou was a lot more up to your speed when it came to how calm and quiet he usually was, so you didn't have all that many complaints about his constant presence, especially since he and Izuku got along great which made hangouts mostly peaceful.
The same decidedly could not be said about Bakugo. Bakugo was a chaotic and destructive force to be reckoned with. He was brash, loud, opinionated and (sometimes) violent - basically, he was everything you usually tried to avoid. Bakugo did not like that - not one bit. He insisted that he was 'the best f**king person in this f**king place to hang out with and he was better than any of these sh**ty extras so you should be happy he even wanted to be your friend, now shut up and let him cook your favourite meal." It was safe to say that spending time with him was usually very stressful for you - at least when Izuku and Shotou were there, which was almost always because he could not hold back on insulting them, screaming that he was the only person who had any right to hang out with you and that he was more than enough to protect you - the question about what they thought you needed protection from was always more or less elegantly deflected. Curiously, it turned out that Bakugo was able to act very differently when it was just the two of you - he was still very brash and slightly aggressive, but he became a lot quieter, and a lot more thoughtful too. When it was just the two of you - for example after he picked you up like a sack of grain when the others were distracted (by his friends usually) and locked the two of you up in his room, he allowed you to quietly read a book or draw or do the things you usually didn't have the calm to do while he studied at his desk, insisting you make yourself comfortable in his bed wearing one of his jumpers.
You figured sooner or later your teachers would figure out what was going on and intervene, but your homeroom teacher especially seemed to go in a different direction. In fact, he seemed to support their friendship with you - telling you that they were the best suited in class to protect you when he wasn't around (again, no explanation as to what you'd need protection from). He insisted that you spent at least one break every few days in class with him so he could 'supervise your progress and help you with especially difficult material', paid a lot more attention to you in class than anyone else, let you get away with forgetting homework or slacking off during training, always pair you up with someone who he'd knew wouldn't let you get hurt and who'd make sure you get a good grade, and you seemingly always got better grades than the students who did just about the exact same thing as you. Honestly, you didn't really have a reason to complain at first, but then the breaks spent with him turned into breaks spent with him and his husband Hizashi (sometimes joined by Shinsou who also seemed to be close to you whenever you left the classroom during breaks, but never really talked that much).
Now the three of them (along with their friends whom the three seemed to colour off on) and your teachers were already hard enough to handle, but they seemed to be happy as long as you spent the same amount of attention on all of them and didn't actively play favourites - even though they always insisted to be the favourite when talking to each other. This delicate alliance was broken though, when Izuku invited you to stay with his mother during an elongated weekend at home - and when he gave you his puppy eyes and let you listen in on a call with his mother where she sounded so incredibly excited at the prospect of her little boy bringing a friend home with him, you just couldn't say no. The weekend was actually very nice, his mother was such a kind woman and she treated you like her own child. Actually, she probably treated you better - she made sure everything was perfect for you, she only made your favourite foods (thanks to Izuku's intel), she made sure your bed was always fluffy, your room was always the ideal temperature, the shower in the guest bedroom always had the right water pressure, and everything the tree of you did was something that you'd enjoy. Sure, she could be a little overbearing, but given that your own family had never really cared about you that much it was really refreshing.
At least it was for the very first time, turns out being cared for 24/7 was a lot less refreshing when there were like a dozen people trying to do it at the same time. Given their rivalry, it was only natural that once Bakugo and Shotou (and Aizawa) found out about your little trip to Izuku's childhood home, they insisted that now you just had to come visit their families as well. And so you started being bounced from one family to the other. Gone were the weekends spent chilling in the dorms and getting to have at least some time to yourself, instead you rotated through four different homes - none of them yours, even though the families in them would vigorously insist that you were the most important 'resident' in it. And so you found yourself in the Bakugo residence, getting pampered by Misuki and Masaru, having your clothing thrown away and replaced by custom-made ones by them, and getting to enjoy being around the (slightly) calmer version of Katsuki.
Or you found yourself in the Todoroki's house, surrounded by his siblings and his parents - his mother seemingly wanting to forget that you were not her child as she treated you like one of her own, even insisting on you letting her or Enji tuck you in no matter how often you tried to tell them that you were actually not a child anymore (not that they wanted to hear that). Enji wasn't home a lot, but he made an attempt to be home as often as he could when he knew you'd be there, causing a vague tension between his family, but no one wanted to say it out loud since you actually enjoyed when he was there (since he not only spoilt you, not shying away from any expense but since he was also the one who was most likely to let you trips with his family - the others preferring to keep you all to themselves inside) and he sometimes brought Hawks along who always made sure you had a fun time since he kind of took on the role of a cool uncle.
The family that was probably most up your lane was the family of your teachers. Aizawa and Yamada cancelled each other's energy out for the most part, so it actually felt like spending time with a normal family, not to mention that their little daughter Eri had really grown on you, insisting that you were her younger sister (you didn't bother to correct her after the first few times, assuming that she was just using the logic a little child would use) and their son Shinsou would usually help you out whenever you needed some alone time by agreeing to play with Eri for half an hour if you agreed that you'd cuddle with him and the family's cats and kittens later - honestly you saw it as a win-win.
With all of these people wanting you to pay attention to them or wanting you to spend time with you all the time, it was no wonder that you were exhausted, but honestly, you were just happy that they got along fine enough to accept the 'schedule' and routine that had arisen from the chaos because you had overheard them talking about just how willing they were to go probably too far to keep you around. Usually, you'd probably gone to the police the moment you first heard Bakugo threaten Shinsou that he'd blow up his cat if one of them ever scratched you or when you heard Hawks and Enji talk about how they'd be able to permanently incapacitate Aizawa and Yamada if they ever needed to, but a) you were never alone, so when would you be able to and b) people tend not to believe that some of the most famous heroes and their children would ever be so obsessed with someone as unassuming as you. So, you just made do with the cards you had dealt to you, just happy about the little bit of free time and privacy you had left.
While you were so preoccupied with keeping these opposing forces at bay that you hadn't noticed some different, unknown, foreboding pairs of eyes on you whenever you were out in public. One Sunday evening in a nice restaurant as you spent the last of your weekend with Midorya, his mother, and All-might who had insisted on joining, to get to know his successor's new best friend and one of his favourite students better, you excused yourself to go to the bathroom and when you came out of the stall, you felt a pinch in your neck and everything turned black.
When you woke up in a dingy bar surrounded by people you had seen only when they had tried to attack your school and kill your friends, with the girl you knew liked to stab people having you lie with your head in her lap as she brushed her hands through your hair - your hands were tied behind your back with silk so there was sadly not a lot you could do about it - and the guy who liked to burn everything around him insisting on covering you with enough blankets to keep you warm to make sure you wouldn't get sick while insulting everyone and everything around him. It was safe to say that you knew that should you get out of the League of Villains lair again, you could probably say goodbye to any time spent alone and most likely to any outing where there weren't at least two pro-heroes protecting you.
A/N: Day 9 of my Yandere Writetober, Special thanks to @sol565 for the inspiration for this story, without them, I would probably not have been able to write what turned out to be the longest story on this blog so far and I really enjoyed writing it so lots of love and lots of thanks ❤️❤️❤️ Tomorrow's word is 'Fortune'
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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You are the youngest sibling and they are INSANELY OVERPROTECTIVE of you 
They won't micro chip you and all that shit, but... for your safety, they will insert bugs in almost ALL of your electronics for your safety, of course. They don't want their youngest sibling/child to be in any danger now, do they?
Rei likes braiding your hair and Fuyumi likes dressing you up which by the way, she thinks looks ADORABLE on you 
Natsuo sometimes gives you shoulder massages while eating and Dabi/Touya likes feeding his youngest sibling. The brothers think that you're a delicate precious little angel that needs constant attention or they'd get themselves injured
The whole family loves to SPOIL you to death 
Shoto would be breathing down your neck every second of the day he can; sitting close to you or holding your hand whenever he can
If you're angry about something, say, you didn't win something though you've worked really hard for it? Surprise, surprise! You're now the winner of whatever contest you've recently entered. Someone making fun of you constantly? Bones will be broken and NONE of them will be from YOUR family 
Believe it or not, Endeavor actually has a soft spot for you. He NEVER yelled at you, nor did he ever raise his voice at you, like AT ALL (Lol, I can't believe I'm writing this since I know this ain't gonna be true but put up with me peeps)
When Enji's not around, and you're throwing one of your tantrums, big brother Touya will come to calm you down. And you do. At the sight of his music playlist (Which btw the ENTIRE family has composed ESPECIALLY for you WITHOUT any cuss words. They don't want their baby cussing)
No one cusses while you're around 
However 2 things are off the table for you. One, no hanging out with boys other than your brothers. If you are spotted hanging around them, well... they can say goodbye to a couple of bones and you'll get your favorite things taken away from you by Enji and Rei though it breaks everyone's heart to see you pout and sulk and cry, they have no choice to do it. It's for your OWN good you know and two, NO going ANYWHERE without one of them being there to supervise you. Who knows what sort of trouble you'll get yourself into and after all, the outside world isn't safe for an innocent precious naive angel like you 
One day, you and Touya had gone to a concert since your favorite band had come to town. You guys had left in the morning and returned just before dinner. Enji and Rei were getting anxious about where your brother had taken you for so long. Fuyumi and Natsuo were texting Shotou back and forth about you, but he only told them that they will be returning soon and Shoto was repeatedly calling you but you didn't answer since you put your phone on silent. Since that day, Enji and Rei didn't let you go out for concerts IF you didn't place your phone on silent AND ANOTHER sibling of yours had to be around you the next time you were alone with Touya
Natsuo once saw you cut yourself accidentally while cutting some vegetables. After that you weren't allowed to be in the kitchen while Rei was cooking and BOOM, what a shocker, the ENTIRE FREAKING house was baby proofed as well (good luck)
They might ''accidentally'' hurt you just to keep you 'safe' at home. Why go out where there are SO MANY dangers when your family can protect you from them? Besides, it doesn't matter if you ran to Enji to escape them. Sure he could keep them away from you for some time, but he's a pro hero that's needed in the country every day. So once Enji's out of the house, they'll have to lecture how how being a tattletale isn't good for you
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megseungmin · 4 months
right im looking for an mha fic. it was a yandere prison type of thing where the readers a psychologist ( with a quirk) and ppl with quirks ended up being those in prisons/labs. i remember aizawa was like the other psychologist, and the ppl reader had to imterview was midoriya,bakugo,kirishima,kaminari,overhaul,hawks,dabi and shotou and eventuallg they all break out to try and get her but i cannot remsmber tje title or author. if anyone knows it plspls lemme knowww
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basicmyherowhore · 3 years
Stranger With Your Face [8]
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Summary: After a rough night, Shoto decides to leave you in the care of his most trusted ally, Izuku.
Pairings: Various Mha x Reader, Bakugo x Reader, Midoriya x Reader, start of Kirishima x Reader and Todoroki x Reader
Warnings: Yandere themes, allusion to night terrors/PTSD
Notes: I feel bad bc nothing really happens in this update. It feels like just a bunch of words :/ I fought with myself a lot of whether I should keep writing or if I should just post with what I had. Each time I wrote more I had to ask myself, ‘where can I end this within the next 5-10 paragraphs that it will still make sense?’ And I never found that point. So I took what I added on and put it towards the next part. Sorry about that guys. Hopefully that will allow me to get the next part out sooner. This is kind of a selfish way to do it, but I pace my writing based on how many notes the previous update has. I aim to have the next part finish by the time the last one reaches 100 notes. I figured I’d let y’all in on that little secret. Remember the taglist is open for this series and I love answering any asks you guys send my way. Thank you all for the love and support and I hope y’all enjoy!
The bed feels incredibly warm with you beside him, Shoto hasn’t felt such a subtle intensity in such a long time. Sure he’s felt the scalding heat of his own quirk and on more than one occasion, the heat from his father’s. But those times all he felt was hot. This is something different, something better.
The difference is that the soft heat radiating from your sleeping form is gentle and calm. It’s natural and peaceful, Shoto can’t help but find it alluring and oh so comfortable. He never wants to leave from your side, he never wants to lose this feeling of your soothing warmth.
He knows you don’t remember him and they way the two of you were before. But with your arms wrapped around him so tightly, it’s easy for him to pretend that nothing has changed. The both of you are still in high school, falling asleep studying together and cuddling into the night. It’s so - nostalgic - and it feels so real. It’s a facade he doesn’t want to let go of.
And it certainly doesn’t help that you’re holding him so tightly while wearing so little. Shoto’s not one to judge what people wear to bed, but in a house full of men you choose to wear a shirt and panties to bed? What a naïve little thing you are, he thinks fondly as he gently caresses your exposed skin.
Alas, duty does call, his time at his hero agency is drawing near. And as much as he wants to call off and stay by your side, he knows that he can’t. Word of your reappearance has begun to spread and your case has reopened, some of the top hero agencies have been given the task of looking into it again. His agency is one of them. And seeing as he’s a hero in the top 10, it’s only natural that he would be in the group assigned to investigate.
Of course, he was assigned to this only days before he’d actually reconnected with you. And now he’s too worried that if he reveals that he’s in close contact with you now, it’ll be viewed as conflict of interest and they’ll pull him off of the case. So for now he’ll keep everything on the low, work his hours, and find out everything that he needs to know to get his brutal revenge.
That’s why even though it pains his heart to leave you, he slowly extracts himself from your hold, unwinding your arms from his torso. He hadn’t had such a sweet cuddle in so long, he’s certain that it will be the main thing on his mind for quite some time. Mark his words, he will find a way back into your arms again. He adjusts you so that you’re centered in the bed, snug in your blankets in hopes that you won’t notice his absence. Yet, the thought of you realizing he’s gone and missing him does put a smile on his face.
The slowly fading moonlight still streams through your windows, illuminating your skin with an ethereal glow. Your beauty still stuns him even after all this time. It’s still so early, or maybe still so late, Shoto would feel immensely guilty if he robbed you of any more sleep this night. He walks as silently as he can away from your bed towards your bedroom door. Casting a final longing glance towards you, he steps out of your room and into the hall, shutting the door soundlessly behind him.
Shoto leaves your room to return to his own, he won’t be there long though. He changes into some street clothes and double checks his duffle to be sure all the pieces to his hero attire is packed, planning on changing at his agency before his shifts starts per usual. After slinging the bag over a shoulder, he heads into the bathroom at the end of the hall to brush his teeth and tidy his hair a bit. Looking himself over once more before he turns to leave, his thoughts stray to you once more. An uneasy feeling settles in his stomach at the thought of you waking up alone.
Moments later Shoto finds himself before Izuku’s door. He hates to wake the other man at this hour, especially when it’s to go be with you in Shoto’s place, but he’d much rather go to Izuku than Katsuki or Eijiro. He trusts the green haired man significantly more despite knowing all three men for the same amount of time.
He knows that he can work with Izuku, maybe even Eijiro, but Katsuki’s compliance is very unlikely. In the future, he can see the blonde being the one to put up the greatest resistance, especially when taking the relationship the two of you had in the past into consideration. He’ll worry about crossing that bridge when it’s time to.
He knocks twice softly, not wanting to garner the attention of the other sleeping males mere feet away. Shoto’s worried at first, thinking that Izuku had not heard him. His worries are eased seconds later when Izuku opens the door with bleary eyes, his body adorned with a t shirt and pajama pants.
“Shoto-kun.” Izuku acknowledges the other man with a yawn. “Is everything okay?”
“Keep a close eye on Y/N. She…isn’t well.” Shoto answers shortly.
“What’s wrong with her, is she sick?” The mention of you jolts Izuku awake, filling his body with energy that wasn’t previously there. He moves to step around Shoto towards your door but the other man stops him.
“Wait. She’s still asleep.” Shoto didn’t want to tell Izuku about your recent scare originally. Selfishly, he wanted to keep that between you and him alone. But he now sees that it’s in your best interest if he shares that information with Izuku. Your health and happiness is Shoto’s number one concern, and you will be neither happy nor healthy if something like that goes ignored. “A few hours ago I heard hear whimpering and shrieking through the wall that connects our rooms. Had our beds not been placed on exact opposite sides of the wall I probably wouldn’t have heard her.”
“I was concerned so I went to check on her to find her trembling in bed, still asleep. I attempted to wake her gently, but she reacted poorly. I don’t think she could recognize me for the first few moments after she awoke. Once she did though, she began sobbing and latched onto me.” Again, Shoto selfishly basked in the time you spent holding on to him. “When I asked her what happened, she seemed unsure how to answer. She later said that she had a night terror that felt very familiar, like she’d been through that before. There’s a possibility that she was reliving a previously forgotten memory from her time missing.”
The information hits Izuku like a brick wall, he struggles to take it all in at once while trying to actively solve the problem. Izuku’s lengthy skills of cognition come in clutch, allowing all the pieces to snap into place. “Her memories could be returning to her in the form of flashbacks disguised as dreams, or more accurately - nightmares, possibly a very much delayed symptom of PTSD…We should take her to see someone.” Izuku ponders aloud for a moment before looking back at Shoto.
“No, it’s too soon. We should observe more ourselves before we grant others unnecessary access to her, that could create a potential risk.” Shoto’s normal monotonous voice is frostier than usual. “This could be an isolated incident that won’t happen again. The only reason I informed you about it so soon is because I’m concerned about the status of her emotional state when she awakens.”
“I understand what you’re saying, Shoto-kun. I’m still a bit unsure about this though.” The discomfort in Izuku is obvious from the way he bites his lower lip. “So what is it that you think we should do for now?”
“Keep a close eye on her, offer her comfort, and collect any information she gives up. When I asked her what happened in the dream she was very unwilling to tell me. In the moment it was likely too much for her to relive, but that’s why it’s imperative that you get her to open up about whatever it is that she’s uncovered. Any information could clue us in as to what occurred over the 7 years and who masterminded the plot.”
Izuku hadn’t taken Shoto for the long run analytical type. Even after all these years the half and half man’s deductions always seemed fairly far from the truth, starting when he proposed that Izuku was the secret love child of All Might. After that his theories grew even more outrageous.
It seems like even after all of this time, Shoto’s still up to his antics, however maybe this time for the better. Maybe this time he would truly uncover the truth. Izuku sincerely hopes that he can, that would give everyone the happy ending they’ve been longing for.
You could have justice and begin to properly heal once it’s been served. They could find out what really happened to you and your quirk. If they could restore it, you could possibly become a hero and serve alongside them (an idea that Izuku is not entirely fond of). If your quirk couldn’t be recovered, then you could find a new passion in life (hopefully one with little danger) and settle down with a particularly strong green haired hero that you know.
You didn’t know it yet, but you and Izuku were meant for each other even way back then. Your personalities complimented the other’s perfectly and you guys clicked in a way that was impossible to replicate. He’ll give you as much time as you need of course. But when the time is right, Izuku will make certain that you know who you belong with. You will find your happy ending at his side.
“Okay, I understand.” Izuku says after a moment, determination in his eyes. Shoto gives him a curt nod to acknowledge the other man’s agreement. He takes a step to leave but stops in his tracks.
“One more thing.” He says without turning back to look at Izuku. “Don’t let the other two find out about this. Let’s keep this between the two of us.”
He doesn’t wait for Izuku to answer before he turns the corner to go down the stairs. Izuku watches as he walks away, feeling unsure of what his next move. He could go back to bed and wait for you to wake up in a few hours. Or, the option that sounded much more enjoyable, to go and check on you.
It’s obvious which he chose as he closes his door to walk down the hall to yours. He presses his ear against the door, listening intently. He waits to hear something, signs of you being awake, small whimpers that could mean another night mare, he’s listening for anything. But he hears nothing. So as quietly as he can, he cracks your door open. The foot of your bed is only a few feet away from the doorway, so even with the limited two inch crack he creates for himself, Izuku can see your bed. He can see that it’s empty.
With a steady hand, Izuku opens the door slightly wider, trying to locate you within the room. After scanning the room multiple times to be sure he didn’t miss anything, he finds that you’re no where in sight. Panic kicks in, causes the green haired man’s heart to race. He opens the door the rest of the way with little caution, his mind too preoccupied with that fact that he doesn’t know where you are. He checks the windows, looking for any signs of forced entry, but finds the locks in place and the glass undisturbed.
Izuku then remembers that there are windows in the bathroom that could have been used for entry. He takes two big steps forward before a particular sound stops him dead in his tracks. The sound of a flushing toilet, quickly followed by the sound of a running sink. He then understands what’s going on.
When you open the door you are surprised at the sight of Izuku standing before you. You both stare at each other for a moment, both of you too stunned to speak. You decide that you should break the silence to figure out what’s going on.
“-Is everything okay?” You ask cautiously, very unsure of what could bring Izuku into your room at such an early hour. He catches sight of what you’re wearing, feeling heat travel to places other than his face as it darkens three shades in embarrassment. He stumbles to find the right words.
“Y/N I’m so sorry!” He covers his heated face. “I just wanted to check on you and when I didn’t find you in your bed I assumed the worst.” You smile faintly at the sight of such a large man becoming embarrassed like a young teen.
“It’s okay Izuku, I appreciate you coming to check on me.” You step towards him and gently tug at the hands covering his blushing expression. “I’m fine though, I just needed to use the bathroom.”
When his eyes meet your own you give him a soft smile. His eyes search your face, still looking for any signs of danger. He doesn’t find any danger, he does however find the effects of your nightmare that occurred a few hours ago. Your eyes are twinged red from tears and the skin below them is puffy from crying. Your lips look to be chapped and nearly cracked from what Izuku assumes would you you biting on them. Overall your complexion is lacking it’s usual glow and it hurts him to see you this way.
“Are you sure you’re okay? I know there’s a lot going on around you right now, between moving houses and living with new people. It’s a very strange time to be asking, but I want to make sure that with everything that’s happening that you’re doing well.” Ever the gentle giant, Izuku takes your hands into his larger ones and holds them very gently. You don’t know it, but this is his way of prodding for information without him explicitly telling you what he knows. It’s a tactic used often in interrogations. And while this certainly wasn’t an interrogation, Izuku will use whatever tricks he must to find some answers.
You take a moment to ponder his words, searching within yourself for an answer. Are you okay? You’ve been through one weird situation after another and yet you find a lot of peace within yourself. Of course there’s the inner turmoil that surrounds your missing memories. And you did just have that awful dream that, for whatever reason, you can’t remember a bit of.
You can remember what it made you feel, you remember the paralyzing fear and phantom pains that you experienced, which made it all feel so real. It’s not something you ever want to go through again. But not a single moment of the dream caught in your brain. Had you not found the sheets wrinkled where Shoto laid beside you, you probably wouldn’t have any proof that it happened in the first place.
So with as much honesty as you can muster you say to Izuku, “I’m fine. I promise.” You can see the skeptical look in his eye as you say this. It’s obvious to you that Izuku isn’t satisfied with your answer and is still looking to give you the comfort he thinks you need. “But I guess it is a little scary sleeping in a new place all by myself. If only I had someone to lay with me until I fall back asleep.”
Izuku smiles cheekily at your offer. He knows that you’re only doing it for him, but the knowledge that you’re knowingly doing something to please him and willingly welcoming him into your bed, well that just puts him on cloud 9. He takes your hand and tugs you toward your bed. You follow, allowing Izuku to guide you into a comfortable position, one the two of you use often when you cuddle.
He pulls the covers over both of you to shield your bodies from the cold air of the late night. Being pressed so closely against him you only now remember what little clothing you are wearing, you face is set aflame in embarrassment. You wonder if Izuku had noticed your choice in pjs too. You hope that he hadn’t. But he very much had. However, his mind is focused on something else at this moment.
Izuku couldn’t wrap his mind around how calm you’re acting. According to Shoto you had been a sobbing mess only a few hours prior, he can still see the redness of your eyes as a result. So how could you be so composed now? You are certainly a strong willed person and he’s very aware of how much control you have over your emotions. When you were young, the slip of your emotions could lead to people getting hurt so it’s a skill that you must’ve never lost. This however, is something he couldn’t have expected.
Why aren’t you still upset? Why aren’t you trembling and begging for Izuku to comfort you? Shoto made it seem like you were on the verge of a breakdown, but here you are completely fine, snuggling up with Izuku and laying so peacefully. Something isn’t adding up here, yet he doesn’t believe that anyone is lying. Shoto honestly believed that something was wrong and you honestly believe that everything is fine. No one is wrong, but neither one has the full picture yet.
Izuku is determined to put the pieces together to figure out what’s going on in your mind. Especially in your subconscious and where ever the rest of your missing memories are hidden. He pulls you tighter against him, feeling an overwhelming need to protect you. You’re his everything after all, you had been for a very long time and you just never knew. But now that he has you, he’s never letting go.
He can do it.
He can find the pieces and put them back together.
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darkmoka · 3 years
Yandere Todoroki clan x Horny Top Male reader CH.3
part 1 right here. part 2 here. pt.4 here.
minors, don't interacts. don't like incest? ⇾ don't read. [please]
I do not support real like incest but I don't mind fictional. Please do not read of you don't like. I do not wish to get any backlash. I am merely completing a request. Thank you. ^^
oh yeah, tags : booba B,) - manipulation - harem - yandere ish - incest - bisexual [both men and women] - yes. very horny. - boobs because they're very cool. - mommy milkers for everyone. - EVERYONE IS AGED UP >:(
As Enji just stared at his son's snake, Rei was continuing to feed the youngest. Mama Rei kept giving him small pecs and 'good boy's as a reward. Well, Enji snapped out of his trance and just stared at Rei. They were talking with their eyes.
'Do we do it?'
'He's my innocent little baby! We can't! >:('
'I'm doing it. Help me or I'm sending you back. |:\'
Sighing, Rei called out to her little angel. "Baby, do you want to play a fun game with mommy and daddy?" Rei asked as she put down the bowl of congee on the nightstand. The youngest' eyes just sparkled and he nodded up and down very quickly. "Alright, lay down on your mother, facing me." Enji said as he liberated the younger from his clutches. Young Reader did as Enji said and just waited patiently. Rei felt like she could see a dog wagging it's tail excitingly.
As soon as the youngest got comfortable on Rei, they both raised his arms and pulled his sweater off. "M-Mama, it's cold.. :( "Reader said as he hugged himself. "It's okay, baby. Mommy and Daddy'll warm you up." Reader nodded his head and just stared at his father, Enji, pulling his shorts off and just staring at his raging boner. When Enji took out the forbidden noodle out of it's cage, both Rei and Enji gasped as they saw how big it was. Enji was even more shook as his son's cock was bigger than his. Way bigger. Rei didn't say anything but just kissed her angel on his cheek and stared at her husband playing with the massive raw noodle standing at an impressive 14 inch [it's unrealistic but I'm an 8 so whatever :/].
Rei just moved from her spot behind her son and went beside Enji. that was staring at Reader's cock, and looked up to her baby boy. "Baby, mommy and daddy are gonna play with you. If you don't like it, just tell us. Okay?" Once Rei saw her angel nod, she and Enji began to give Reader's cock kitten licks. Reader started flinching and mewling. "N-Nyoo! Mama, Papa! Stop it, I-I'm gonna pee!" Enji was surprised by the announcement and moved Rei off of the cock's tip and sucked instead. Rei grumbled but smiled as she looked up to her son. "Baby, let it out. You'll be fine." Rei said as she took off her top and crawled towards Reader. "Sniff.. Mama.. ;(" Rei cooed at her son's adorableness and just hugged him, forgetting she was topless. Reader's face was stuffed in his mama's mommy milkers so he didn't think twice and started to give kitten licks and sucked. Rei moaned. She didn't mind and just kept hugging him and patted his head. Head pats are best. :( [wish my mama gave me some too. oh wait- ]. After around 2 minutes after enji started sucking his son's tip, Reader came. A lot. Enji thought it was an inhumane amount of cum but Reader sniffed. "Daddy, what's that..?" Reader knew exactly what he was doing but he had to play the innocent card or everything's be for naught. Rei' eyes widened as she saw her husband struggle to keep all the cum in his mouth and had wondered what it would taste like. She whispered to Enji and kissed him, well not really. She tasted some of her son's cum. It was..sweet..? But she didn't mind. She knew her son was sweet since he was her angel.
next episode, natsuo and shotou walk in and join. eh? what was that? oh, dabi's gonna come too. fuyumi 's coming in pt.5. :)
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ssplague · 2 years
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Chapter 15
‼️Trigger warnings‼️
Sex, manipulation, toxic relationships, yandere, romanticized abuse, verbal abuse, degradation, Narcissistic family, mental illness/instability, delusional thinking, drug use leading to inevitable abuse, hallucinations, gas lighting, hostage situation, fractured psyche, co-dependency, enabling
✨A/N: I’m sorry for such a long wait you guys, truly I am 😣 I got over half of this chapter written and then I just kept hating the various continuations I’d add in. Things get a little hysterical at the end, but remember this is a YANDERE story and it’s honestly been extremely tame thus far. I meant it when I said things were going to start becoming unhinged 😵‍💫 I redid the banner animation again, I think I finally got it right this time 🤗
@angie-1306 @marifujioka @im1nobody @atmyhet @elaineplayz @rainstorm22 @bi-polar-pandas @itadakimasu @cr-33-d @winchescumberholland @po3ticb3auty @maggiecc @lordmypantsaresocool @shoslutt @venussakura @comfycozy @lilmad13 @lunamoonbby @youdoyou-andiwilldome @bookandstar @coffeeginie @bubblebombxbitch @presidentmonica @villanessnoblegirl @ss-aki @girlwithnokatsuki @lizethecookie01
The formatting is all kinds of fucked up AGAIN 🫥 Please excuse it
🏦 💥 💰 ❄️ 🕳
This is Latashia Jackson coming to you live from just a block west of the metropolitan bank in downtown Mustafu, a hijacking’s currently in place and we’ve just received word that the villains have at least twelve individuals held hostage inside. The police department has the entire street blocked off and are working together with the heroes on scene to resolve this incident as quickly and safetly as possibles
You frown as you stare up at the huge building infront of you, glancing down at your phone screen again and again as you circle it. Finally coming to a stop once you find what you were looking for. “You figure something out?” Shotou’s voice comes from behind you, making you jump. “I pulled up the blue prints of the structure online, the building has tunnels running beneath it that lead into the sewer system, if the hostages are being held where we believe they are, then this tunnel will give us direct access to them” you finish your explanation and finally take a breath, your stoic classmate nods his head as the side of his mouth quirks upwards in a lopsided grin, “I take it you weren’t planning on sharing this information with the others?”.
“We don’t need a large group for this cramped type of infiltration, and you already know they are going to have to pull up the blue prints and outline them before even making an attempt at entering” you gesture to what looks like a man hole beside the building “If the two of us go in, we can each take a group of 6 down the parallel running paths in the sewer and emerge on opposite sides of the street, leading to a low risk, simple evacuation”.
The smooth reply Todoroki is known for has you smiling as the two of you lock eyes” Then by all means, lead the way”.
Ground Zero was growing increasingly more frustrated as each minute he spent stationary grates on his nerves.
For the past few hours at least he’d had his princess nearby, her presence and subtle touches were just enough to keep his ire from exploding outwards.
He’d literally turned his back for a second and when he turned back around she was gone. He couldn’t go around yelling for her, so instead he’d taken to standing off to the side of the crowd, just close enough to over hear what was happening.
“Ah um..Kaachan have you seen Todoroki around? I guess I lost track of him, but I’ve walked back and forth-“
“What did you say?!” Katsuki explodes forward to grab ahold of the now startled Izuku “How longs it been since you last saw him?!”.
“I’d say about twenty minutes ago?” Deku offers nervously, only to realize his mistake instantly.
“She took off somewhere with him! Where the fuck are they?! I’ll skin that bastard alive!” The blonde was so angry he was snarling like a rabid dog at this point. “Please calm down Kaachan before anyone notices or hears what you’re saying, I know you’re upset but remember where we are right now” the green haired boy pleads with his furious rival. “I know that you damn nerd, don’t need your pathetic ass telling me shit” comes Katsuki’s gruff reply, slipping back on the look of cold indifference that would soon bring many a fan girl to their knees. Although, he would care for none of them, in this moment as well as in the rest of his life, Katsuki would always have only one female in his heart and in any time of her absence, constantly on his mind.
“We should be below the vault in another half mile” you whisper to Shoto as the two of you trek through the sewer. Sure enough you come to a halt once you reach an old metal latter leading up to a steel trap door. You climb it and immediately put your ear to the door; You hear quiet sobbing and some shuffling, taking a chance you quietly whisper “Can anyone hear me?”. You hear an abrupt gasp from above and something sliding across the trap door “I’m a hero, I’ve come to save you…Is anyone standing guard over you guys?”. A few whispers filled the air above and finally a soft female voice responds “They come to check on us once every ten minutes, Mike how long has it been since the guy last came to check on us?” A male voice now replies “It’s been two minutes and thirty five seconds since the last check”. You turn towards Shoto and he gives an affirmative nod, “I’m going to open the trap door and all of you are going to calmly hurry down the latter so we can lead you to safety”.
The hostages are surprisingly cooperative as they ensure to remain quiet and move quickly down into the sewer with you and Shoto. When the last one comes down you get back up and silently latch the trap door.
“How much time until the next check?”
“One minute and fifteen seconds”
“Come this way, Quickly” you start a brisk walk down the path you’d came.
“The door blended in with the tiles, surely that should buy us some time?” A woman behind you asks. “Not really, once they watch the surveillance footage they’ll know exactly where we went” replies a man behind her.
Once you reach the separate paths you take six people and Todoroki takes six people, carefully helping an elderly woman onto his back, he looks at you and you smile “See you on the surface”.
“Right” he nods and you guys head after your individual groups. Your group reaches the evacuation point within five minutes, and now you stand guard watching the second person start up the latter leading towards safety, then the third, and once the fourth starts, you hear it.
“Someone’s coming, please hurry you guys, I’ll hold them back as long as I’m able!” You whispered urgently, a young woman grabs your arm “No please come with us! We can’t leave you!”.
You shake your head “It’s my job to ensure your safety miss, when my comrade gets up there let him know where I went and send him back down here, okay? Can you promise to do that for me?” She nods and let’s go of you. You get your game face on and head back out of the escape alcove; Remember, you are walking into this with no prior knowledge of what’s coming at you, be ready. It’s not long before Something whizzes past your ear before lodging itself into the concrete behind you. Followed by a loud cackling and a shrieked “Found you little rat!”.
When Todoroki emerged from the manhole with the elderly woman on his back he immediately looked around for you. A crowd of people had gathered around the now freed hostages who had managed to locate one another and now stand in a huddle. He’d carried the old woman to where the other’s were and once he set her down she thanked him profusely. Before he could respond, the booming voice of his father sounded in his ear “SHOTOU!” just as Endeavor began trying to question him, one of the women from the group reached out and grabbed hold of him “Your friend! Please! She’s still down there! They were coming after us and she went back to hold them off! Please you have to go down there and help her!” She was absolutely hysterical as she begged him to save you. Thanking the young woman and ensuring her he was going to rescue you, he’s quick to push past his father, “I don’t have time to explain right now! Y/N is still down there and needs help!” The hot and cold hero begins to hurry back towards the hole he’d crawled out of but was pushed out of the way by none other than Bakugou, who literally jumped down the hole. “I’ll go after him!” Mirko says, patting Shoto on the back, “She’s my student after all, take a break kid, you earned it”. With that she swiftly hopped down the man hole as well. Shoto clenched his fists in frustration; He wanted to fight by your side, he wanted to be the one that protected you, this was a major accomplishment for both of you and now he couldn’t even see it through to the end beside you.
“Shit” you growled as your arm was grazed by what felt like at least ten needles. They struck the wall behind you in a neat line, some had taken your flesh with them. The villan that came after you goes by the name “Seamstress” and her quirk is called “Needle point”; She can transform her split ends into sewing needles. The worst type of opponent for someone that is better suited to fighting close range. Your suit was torn and your skin had puncture wounds pouring blood everywhere. Surely that lady had told Todoroki to come help you by now, where was he? You were backed into a corner now dammit, should have paid closer attention to where you were running. Just as you were sure you would be skewered alive, the familar heat of an explosion warmed your face. Squinting your eyes against the bright light you see a familiar pair of bunny ears “Katsuki! Mirko!”.
Both of them relieved and happy to see you alive, expressing it in their own way;
“Hey there! Looks like you could use a hand! Or better yet a fist”
“You dumbass! What were you thinking?!?”
A shower of needles is easily reduced to ashes by your irate boyfriend and the brief but bright flash of light served as a good cover for your mentor to land a couple well aimed kicks to the psycho seamstress’s head, knocking her out cold. “Thank you for coming to get me you guys, she’d have turned me into a pin cushion if you were even a second later” you say this while trying to stand on shaking legs. Mirko really takes a good look at you after cuffing the unconscious woman, “Hey lover boy, how about you carry your lady out of here before she drops, I’ll take the dead weight here” after addressing Bakugou she carelessly slings the villan over her shoulder. Katsuki is silent as he knelt down for you to hop onto his back, you almost want to say no, but you think better of it.
The atmosphere is tense; You can sense the swirling emotions simmering beneath the surface, like magma slowly rising inside a volcano. You didn’t know what to say, your injuries were extensive to say the least, but nothing too bad. Though you could still feel where some of the needles had stuck into your skin and pierced muscle. Once you reached the surface you began to feel disoriented; All of the lights made your eyes sting and suddenly everything was just a blur of colors and chaotic energy, the sounds were like a blaring siren in your ears.
This was all too much…
You buried your face into the familiar warmth that you knew belonged to Katsuki, you were safe.
With that thought, you allowed yourself to embrace the silent and black void behind your eyelids.
When you open your eyes again, the dark and unfamiliar surroundings are initially frightening. As your blurred vision begins to right itself, you realize that you are in the school’s infirmary.
How long was I out for?
Your head ache comes back with a vengeance, lifting your arms you immediately notice the many bandages wrapped around them, as well as your legs. The butterfly bandaid on your hand makes you think you’d been hooked up to an IV at some point.
What the hell happened to me? Surely a bunch of pokes couldn’t have put you in that bad of shape.
Uneasiness engulfs you, the pain in your head is god awful, it’s as if trying to make any sort of recollections increases the pain somehow.
Why am I in here all alone?
A change of clothes lays at the foot of your bed and that’s when you finally noticed you only have your underwear on. Snatching up the sweater and yoga pants, you easily slipped the top over your head. Once you started trying to get out of bed to put on your pants, voices began to stir just outside the door.
“You really have some Fuckin’ balls to show up here knowing you aren’t wanted, tch, can’t say I’m suprised”Katsuki’s angry voice Is still loud, even when he’s attempting to be quiet.
“I’m just checking up on my classmate, should have known she’d have an attack dog guarding the door, why aren’t you inside with her?” Todoroki’s icy tone has a fiery edge to it as he addressed Bakugou. “I’m sitting out here because I knew you’d drag your sorry ass up here eventually, and I’m not letting you anywhere near her”.
So he had been with you this whole time! Even though he was angry with you when you’d blacked out. Listening to their conversation takes priority over getting your pants put on.
The hostility beyond the infirmary doorway is daunting; If you could see the air in the surrounding hallway it would surely be crackling with electricity. Or maybe the crackling was coming from hands that were undoubtedly beginning to spark. Though unsure if he was in a particularly talkative mood, or if Bakugou’s words had struck a nerve, Todoroki was quick to respond.
“Who are you to tell me what to do? Or to tell her who she can and can’t interact with?”
“Since her life and well being became my responsibility”
“Did she agree to that?”
“Of course she did!”
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but In the past wasn’t the main issue between you two, that you were too controlling? Well that and a few other incidents were why she eventually ended things with you completely, no?”
Your heart skips a beat.
“We moved past that, and our relationship is stronger than it was then, she’s part of my family now, but I wouldn’t expect you to understand anything about that”
You can’t see it but both young men are glaring at one another as Katsuki’s words hang in the staticky air between them. It would have been impossible to not sense the anger in Shotou’s clipped reply, “I’ll talk to her another time then”.
“Don’t waste your time, go find someone else you icy hot bastard, because she’s not ever going to leave me for a pathetic loser like you”
You hear footsteps retreating down the hallway and then a heavy sigh from behind the door. A second later it opens and you quickly try to pull your pants on, but end up slipping and falling backwards on the bed.
“The hell are you doing?! You can’t be over exerting yourself!” The loud shout made you flinch and scoot backwards to avoid his touch, “Y/n come here I need to make sure your wounds haven’t reopened and that the bandages don’t need to be changed”.
“I can do it myself” you whimper, clutching your aching head.
It had to be something akin to primal instinct that was making you wary of Katsuki now that he was infront of your face. A feeling of dread grew in your gut each time he tried to grab for you.
The issue between you guys before…
What was it?
Closing your eyes to combat the painful spike in your headache, an image was projected of you staring in a mirror. You looked terrible; What had to of been Yesterdays make up, made you look like a raccoon, love bites and bruises covered your neck and chest. Swollen lips quiver as you cried quietly staring back at yourself.
The issue that lead to “the incident”
What was the incident? An accident of some kind?
The pain in your head was worsening as you tried to recall the memories. If it was causing you this much agony than it might just be better to stop attempting to trudge it back up at all.
“Y/n…” the gentle voice calling for you was not one you would attribute to the normally loud and brash individual before you. Katsuki sounded unsure, almost fearful as his hand reaches out towards you, the pain in his crimson eyes makes your heart ache.
“I would never hurt you, you love me remember? Please just…come here princess…that’s it, that’s my good girl, easy now” he was practically begging for you to come to him, and despite the initial distrust, you slowly crawled back towards him.
Once you were close enough Katsuki gave up on being timid; His arms wrapped around you quickly and pulled you against his chest. You allowed him to rock you gently as he coddled you, kissing, nuzzling your face all the while. You tried to close your eyes and relax, but every single time you just continued seeing your reflection in that mirror, the face of a broken woman. It was too much for you to process right now, so you kept your eyes open and used Katsuki’s hushed voice to ground yourself. The world around you was still slightly distorted; You’d emerged from that manhole into this dystopian reality, and sleep had apparently provided no escape.
“That psycho bitch you were fighting, she soaked her hair in some sort of neurotoxin before the heist..Luckily one of the on site medics used their quirk to synthesize some sort of antidote, you’re going to feel off for a few days” he pauses and you look up at him, he seems to be having some sort of internal struggle. You pepper kisses along his jaw line, nuzzling his neck afterwards and that encouraged him to continue; “They wanted to take you somewhere and keep you under observation, said you could wake up and be out of your mind, that you could lash out violently, but luckily I had recovery girl and Mr.Aizawa on my side when I told them that would be a terrible idea, of course you were going to freak out when you woke up alone, strapped to a table somewhere…So as long as your wounds haven’t reopened, we’re allowed to go back to my room, and I’ll watch over you for the next 48 hours”. An almost blissful sounding sigh escapes him as he gives you a tight squeeze before looking over your bandages, “Ready to head back sweetness?”. Katsuki carried you into his dorm room and kicked the door closed. At some point during the walk over, tremors had started throughout your body, and as he gently laid you down on his bed he saw you now fighting back convulsions. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, he promised to be right back and if he was being honest with himself; It bothers him that you didn’t began crying or pleading for him to stay, but he needed to piss and have a moment inside his own head. What had happened today could never happen again…The last thing Katsuki wanted to do was tell his mother about what happened, but she would have a better idea as to how he could keep you safe. That and the fact that he would be better off explaining the situation himself rather than her seeing it on the news. With a defeated sigh he shuts off the bathroom light and heads back into the bedroom.
At some point in his absence you must have gotten undressed because your naked, and the moon light is once again casting an ethereal glow upon your body. “I got too hot” your voice is shaky, just like the hand reaching out towards him is “Please lay down with me Suki, I need you right now”. You were confused and needed his comfort, but leave it to Katsuki to interpret your words to fit his desires. Ditching his shorts and shirt beside the bed before he climbed in beside you, you immediately snuggled into his side.
“Kiss me” he demanded and you do, using the feel of his lips slotted with your’s in an attempt to ground yourself.
When you both separate you’re quick to explain; “I’m not sure what’s real and what’s just inside my head…I’m afraid”.
That’s right, the toxin was probably making you delusional…The silence only increased your anxiety and you started rambling, unaware he wasn’t paying attention until you started audibly panicking, “-Heard you and Todoroki talking earlier when I woke up and I know what it looked like this afternoon, but I didn’t ask him to follow me and I know you were upset but I really didn’t mean to-“
“That’s enough”.
Why did you have to bring that up now of all times? Why did you have to say that assholes name?
When he’d seen that bastard come around the corner earlier, Katsuki had to stop himself from lunging at him. Todoroki seemed to enjoy getting his explosive classmate angry; It was like some kind of game to him. Katsuki had always humored his bullshit to a certain extent, but not this time.
“I dont want you interacting with that fucking bastard, whatever you had going on with him in the past is over, you are back with me now, and no one is going to get between us and our happiness”
Especially not that Fuckin’ half and half bastard and his stupid crush on you. That’s all it will ever be, just a pathetic school boy crush, something that could never compare to what Katsuki himself has with you; Love, loyalty, undying devotion, whatever you wanna call it.
“I wont go near him, and if he approaches me I’ll find an excuse to leave” something in his voice had you instinctively forming and reciting a response he would want. It worked, evident in the way that he rubs noses with you before trailing kisses down your neck and chest. The sight makes you feel ill, or maybe it’s the toxin working it’s way out of your battered body. Either way the nausea is enough to make you clamp your eyes shut, but it’s a brief reprieve as Katsuki chides you from between your legs;
“You aren’t allowed to look away princess, I want you entirely focused on me and what I’m making you feel, no putting me Fuckin’ second again today”.
How could you have made him feel so low? Shame on you y/n!
“Never again, I promise”
The pleased growl that comes from him tickles your pussy and makes it hard to keep your eyes open and locked with his. You were a good girl though, so you fought your heavy eyelids to obey his order.
“Taste so good angel”
The show he makes of licking the sticky sweet remnants of your orgasm off his lips makes your cheeks burn hot. “K-kat-s-suki” you stutter, reaching out and flexing your shaking hands. He moves up towards you, letting your shaky hands rest on his biceps, “Shhh it’s okay, you’re gonna be okay, I’m here, I’m never going to leave your side”. He kisses your trembling lips, the soft moan you emit serving as encouragement for him to deepen it. Your enjoying the feeling of his tongue caressing your own when he slips his cock inside you.
Your squeezing his shaft so tightly it’s making it difficult for him to maintain a steady rythm. “You okay? Am I hurting you baby?” the tone of concern is back in his voice as he pauses to focus properly on your face. “N-No do-don’t stop” you whine, blinking back tears as you look up at him through dialated eyes. Seeing you pleading and looking so fucked out does things to him, an overwhelming rush of emotions has Katsuki spilling his heart out to you; “You’re everything to me, you know that right y/n?” He breathes as his forehead rests against your own “You never get to leave or runaway from me, even if you hate me, I’ll always drag you back into my arms and make you love me again, I’m the only one that deserves to be by your side, forever”.
You aren’t in your right mind whatsoever; The weight of his words doesn’t sink into your toxin and lust addled brain. Somehow you know that he needs reassurance right now, reassurance that you love him, that you are always going to be here when he needs you, so you give it.
Over and over again you stutter out “I love you”, “I promise to always be here with you”, and his absolute favorite “You complete me”.
That’s how your night drags on into the wee hours of the morning; Over emotional, manic, hysterical love making until your both too spent to continue. Certainly not what the doctor ordered but oh well. Somehow such an insane and euphoric rush gave way into the much needed, most peaceful sleep of your life.
Apparently the trauma you experienced during the bank heist today, all turned out to be for the best.
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yan-san-yan · 3 years
I feel most comfortable writing character x gender neutral reader or female reader
I can write yandere and dark themes
Any AU is welcome! Just specify what you want, the more detail the better for me to understand what you want
I'm not good with angst but I'm open for it
Open for most things, really, ^^
Please specify if you'd like headcanons, reactions, imagines or one shots!
(More characters will be added, for now im only confident writing about the following charachters)
Mystic messenger:
Saeran choi/Unknown/Ray
Boku no hero academia:
Bakugou Katsuki
Todoroki Shotou
Ensamble Star:
After Life!:
Kamisama Hajimemashite:
Miraculous Ladybug:
Adrian/Chat noir/cat walker/chat blanc/etc
Lukloe (Luka x chloe)
Food wars:
Obey me:
Kaiketsu Zorro:
For now this is the requests I accept, will add more options in the future!
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
wAIT so if Rei dies the todorokis would kill us and buried us with this psychos ??? OR WORSE they will buried us ALIVE next to her ?? I thought that is Rei dies we will be more a peace and being capable to have a life more easy and less able to give us traume
No, in fact the day Rei dies is the day your life turns for better (not completely normal, but better for sure). Not only would they bury Rei in a graveyard far far away, but they would also never ever visit her again! Grave robbers can do whatever they want!😃 AND Enji and the fam would immediately leave the house of horrors and move to a new home!
Sure, they're still yanderes and still have a bunch of rules that you must follow, but there will be no more physical punishments, thatsvfor sure. And even when you do mess up, like sneak out to meet friends or skip a meal or two, Enji is very merciful. I mean, all you have to do is give him those big doe eyes and mumble an apology and his heart melts. He can never be mad at you🥺
I think that even Dabi would turn... softer. Rei was a major enabler to his "playful teasing" that was just borderline abuse, but with her dead and no one to defend him against Enji, Natsuo and Shotou's wrath, he has to play nice or else he won't get to see you at all.
I think the only one who u should be afraid of is if Shotou gets Momo as a gf and she becomes a yandere for u too and she's honestly just a mini Rei in the making, only worse because she has a family and resources to back her up insanity (that she masks in front of everyone).
And I think another yandere to be afraid of would be... Overhaul? Maybe, I'm not sure and I need to take a shower rn so I can't ponder to much over this. Maybe if Kai kidnaps you and his obsession with keeping you "pure" physically and mentally takes over, then he could be a yandere to be very very afraid of.
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yanderenightmare · 3 years
nii-san shoto and his cute snippy little sis!!!! she needs to share his bed with him because someone else is sleeping in her room, like family visits or something, and shoto is cool but also like playful and flirty about it, doesn't have to be nsfw, but CUTE n flirty
yandere nii-san ! SHOTO TODOROKI
goodiebag WARNINGS: slight nsfw, dubcon/noncon, suggestiveness, guilt, shame, blackmail ig, incest, obsession, abuse of power
“If you think that I’m willingly going to walk into his room and sleep beside him in his bed-” Her words were emphasized to max extent, dragging out her objection to make sure it was fully understood by everyone it concerned.
Shoto’s eyes, baring the glint of excitement darkened upon listening to the clear rejection and disgust in his little sister’s bitchy tone. Watching her stand there, ignoring his presence even though he was placed right beside her. Arms crossed over her chest in an uptight stance, chest puffed out with her breasts squeezed together, cradled in her arms in her revealing little thin-strapped crop-top. Face pouty, bratty and spoiled, demanding she get her will even though she had the least amount of power being but the itty bitty baby sister, just begging to be put in her place by her older bigger stronger smarter brother.
“Then you must be-” She continued berating, eyes closed in stubbornness, resting her weight on one foot with her hip pushed sassily out.
However, despite the fact that her voice could thread needles with its nagging precision, it did little to catch the attention of their massive brick of a father where he hadn't given the slightest single hint that he was at all listening to what she had of protests whatsoever.
Sitting in his armchair chair like he usually went about doing, steely eyes fixed on a decided task, not granting any amount of focus to whatever he deemed below necessary.
“I have no interest in arguing with you about this.” Voice pitiless as he interjected, strictly paying her no attention, where were it not for the one monotonous utterance, they could have just as easily thought he hadn't noticed their presence whatsoever. Otherwise preoccupied with watching yet another of what must have been a thousand documentaries about All Might: The Symbol of Peace, clearly stating that he hadn't the time nor interest and was currently amusing other more important matters then her sleeping arrangements. “Your room is occupied, and that’s all I have to say about the matter.”
She huffed, stomping a bit, her little fists clenched at her sides as she gave out a small whine showing her frustration.
Shoto eased up at her cute display, sighing with soft closed eyes and a small smile playing on his lips.
The smile grew into a playful smirk as she turned to look at him, brows cross and lips in a frown, where she saw by the wicked glint in his eye that he was going to have his way no matter what, knowing that in circumstances where their father didn't take responsibility that he was the next one in charge, the one with all the power in the family, where she remains but the sweet dumb little sister who always gets the bitter end of the bargain, unable to do anything about it, only nod her head pliantly, obey with a smile or face the consequences disrespect lands her in.
“You don't have to walk…”
Her brows furrowed together in confusion, faltering in her defiant stance at his words.
“I mean… I can always carry you if you wish?”
He reached out his hand to grab her, but she pushed it away before he had the chance, lifting her chin on her own to look strong and confident in her words. “Thank you, but my legs work just fine.” Her snippy tone rushed out her words as she stomped away, wearing frustratingly skimpy booty-shorts, hugging that cute round butt of hers that was always just waiting to be spanked, turning her into a grateful apologetic little crybaby begging for her nii-chan to fuck into her precious tight wet virgin cunt. 
She hurriedly made her way down the corridor, hands clenching at her sides, biting into her lip at the feel of the tall shadow cast over her, the dark presence of her callous brother’s sadistic victory hanging over her where he followed her tightly from behind.
She opened the door, still with that frown on her face, shoulders slumping dramatically as she exhaled a whiny sigh.
Todoroki standing close, so close she felt the whisper of his breath tickling down her neck and spine and the cold breeze that constantly oozed from him, making her shiver as he brushed frosty fingertips up the side of her arm, coaxing for a reaction, for her sour-puss attitude to falter and give him a pretty little whimper.
She halted at the threshold, relenting from stepping inside at the feeling of the alarming darkness within the room seemingly reaching out grabbing at her, wanting to drag her inside, a threat to be locked alone with her eerie older brother and his poisonous stare.
And though his room was always so pleasantly tidy and smelled a strange type of intimately good with sharp expensive cologne and that tang of potent male musk laced in accents in the air, it reminded her all to much of him to be welcoming.
A wicked chuckle rumbled from behind her, Shoto putting his heavy wintry paw on her shoulder as though to reassure her, yet being far from comforting, doubting if that was the true purpose of it at all.
“What’s the matter, imouto?” He whispered, voice slithering its way into her ear. “Having seconds thoughts about my offer?”
Her brows dipped once again at his words, but before she could ask had he wrapped large strong arms around her waist and hoisted her up off the floor.
Squealing before catching the sound in her throat, she kicked in the air, trying to shake herself free while Shoto carried her squirming little wild shape inside the enclosure of his room, her plump behind rubbing into his crotch before he plopped her down onto the bed with an amused grin. 
Suave eyes looked down into the split-second flabbergasted expression painting her features, adorable wide-eyes swiveled in nature before she managed to retort back to bearing that empty-threat frown, narrowing her eyes into thin slits as she leered back up at him, so very cute in her hostility where she had no means of making good on the warning her dagger-shooting eyes insisted on flaunting.
“You’re too slow.” He added tauntingly, face still smug while he obsersved as she huffed out in annoyance at his insisting intrusion of her space, pushing him away with strength much too feeble to ever level his, a soft chuckle leaving him as he walked back to the door, shutting it, a pretty click of the lock sounding off her entrapment and the beginning of the long night in the dark room, just the two of them sharing one singular bed, one pillow and blanket on tug-a-war.
He began removing his clothes, unbuckling his belt then popping the button to his slacks. She flushed when he started pulling them down his thighs, leaving him in tight black boxers, showing the large curve of his manhood.  
Slight panic bubbled up in her stomach as though she’d just chugged a liter of soda, choking on the urge to ask him something, failing to refrain as the words left her lips before she could catch them. “Could you perhaps leave your tee on?” Her tone was mild but rushed, looking at him coyly, thighs squeezed shut in her seat on the bed as he halted with his arms crossed in his grip on the edge of the fabric to his shirt.
His brow arched as though challenging her before he wordlessly took his shirt off anyway, disregarding her request in favor of flexing his perfectly toned abs, molded like a chiseled statue with a couple of scars disrupting the otherwise alabaster perfection.
She rolled her eyes, standing up from the bed with huff, trying to act fed-up.
However, her annoyed expression faltered into one of unease as she found him stalking slowly towards her, his larger taller frame backing her all the way up into the opposite wall, his hair long in the front casting dancing shadows over his face still in the poorly lit room.
“Take off your clothes.” He demanded, voice full of an older brother’s authority.
“What?” She blinked, her back hitting the wall behind her as she took one last step to widen the space between them.
“I’m not letting you sleep in my bed with dirty clothes on.” He gave an explanation, though it being far from the reason he wanted her in nothing but her cute cotton panties with her pretty perky tits all soft and bare for him, eyeing the nubs poking through her loose tank, pointing at her top as though it was something that came out of the woods. “So… take it off.”
He reached out to assist, but she slapped his hands away before he could even as much as brush his fingers against the fabric.
“Only because I’m sleeping in your bed doesn’t give you the right to touch me.” She snipped, where he had half the mind to call her an insolent brat and bend her soft feeble little body over his knee to teach how a proper baby sister should respect her brother, yet managed to hold himself back.
With eyes going dull, his steely cold nonchalance took the place of his smugness.
“Suit yourself.” He bit out while turning. ”But you will strip, or else you can sleep on the floor.” His voice was steely and demanding, as he settled into the bed with his back facing her, the atmosphere turning sour, slowly making its way to extinguish the warmth residing inside the room, already making the little barely-dressed girl shiver on a coat of goosebumps as she walked over, her steps unheard over the carpeted floor, shirt landing in a heap, shorts dragged down to her her knees before pooling around her feet as she stepped out of them while making her to the bed. 
Hurriedly, she crawled onto the mattress with the chilly air nipping at her skin uncomfortably, the covers looking more and more welcoming with the heat they offered.
She nuzzled into the sheets, body shifting for comfort before she maid to lie on her side, eying the curves of muscle on her big brothers back, while the room grew more and more chilly.
She looked up towards the window in the ceiling, seeing crystals of patterns forming across the glass, winding bends of winter leafs creating a beautiful framed picture of frost flowers, the little girl completely ignorant to how they were forming on the inside. But soon had the room grown so cold that she could even spot her own breath escaping her mouth, where by that time she’d already made half her way over to the warmth her big brother was emitting.
He heard her slowly shuffle over to his side, inch by inch coming closer every second that passed, until finally her fingers brushed timid digits across his skin, like anxiously tapping for his attention, asking for comfort, the smirk appearing on his face once again.
“And here I thought you wanted your space.” His voice carried back to where she shivered with biting cold, the chills eating their way into her bones, unfortunately not having been gifted with the same resilience to the aspects of winter as most of her other siblings had.
“It’s freezing, Sho.” Her voice spluttering, whining so adorably for him he could imagine the quivering pout on her face as her teeth slightly shattered together.
“And?” He questioned in a hard unsympathetic tone, quite like the one their father always used, opting on making her beg him just a bit before quitting his torment. “What do you suppose I should do about that?” The words almost as skin-splittingly cold as the air around them.
“Use your magic.” The plead in her voice was a joy to listen to, the way the words sang of her defeat music to his ears, as she buried herself into the warmth of his back, the cold stiff nubs of her breasts hugging against his skin while her hands desperately shuffled beneath his left side, scrambling for warmth.
“Magic?” He hummed, always having liked how she addressed his gifts. “Well…”
Turning around, he faced her shivering pouty little face and those pretty lush lips that would feel too good against him, cruelly good, cruelly tempting.
“This is a little magic I like to call body heat, imouto.”
He opened his arms for her to crawl into, the sour look on her face giving just a bit to shyness, knowing he was getting exactly what he wanted yet in no position to refuse.
“Hilarious, Sho.” Her words dripped of bitter sarcasm, but despite her grumpiness and in opposition to her pride, she hurriedly curled up into his chest nonetheless, allowing for his arms to wrap around her as she did so, shifting in closer as the heat seeped back into her body, moaning just a bit, making him have to suppress a groan.
“I am. Aren't I?”
His fingers curled into her hair, softly tangling within the smooth locks to pull her head closer, allowing him to place a kiss to her forehead that had her melting even more in his arms.
“Still cold?”
She could hear the smirk on his lips, her face immediately forming back into that signature pouty frown, nearly snarling at him like a grumpy little pussy-cat as she let out a vexed whine.
“Shut up.” Her words were short, her brows furrowed in annoyance with her eyes screwed shut, trying to grasp for the few strands of sleep that were offered between Shoto’s incessant teasing.
He pulled away with a snort, brows thrown up in mock offense.
“Oh? Is that how you thank me?” He sounded amused, but then he pushed her away. “You can remain cold until you thank me properly.”
She narrowed her eyes in suspicion as his smirk became an ugly wicked grin.
“I’m not thanking you for anything.” She spat with a scowl, twisting in the mattress to turn away from him.
He arched a brow at the act, amusement still plastered on his face.
“Well, if you want, you can always try and sleep on the floor.”
The thrill of entertainment flashing across his face as she shifted uncomfortably in the bed, the cold creeping and crawling about her skin by the flick of his left hand.
“You’re certainly more pleasant when you’re moaning my name in your sleep, imouto.” He lied, pulling the covers to himself, exposing her to even more harsh cold.
“I what?” She demanded, spinning back around with an incredulous expression slapped on her face, gripping the sheets to cover herself up. “That’s a lie!”
Shoto pulled the covers again and she scurried closer to him to get under, wanting both protection from the cold and from his gaze on her bare chest. However, she’d have to lie on top of him if she were to enjoy the warmth again, and that was far from close to ever happening.
He turned away to ignore her, the covers closed snuggly around him, as a silent war waged between her pride and her desire to avoid the cold clawing air.
Shivers sprung to her toes, boring their way through her, turning her blood to ice. 
He heard her defeated voice carry back to him quietly, once again shifting back around with the deepest smirk she had yet to ever have seen carved on his face, making her own face twist in discomfort, his amusement infuriating her, almost blood-boiling enough to warm her on its own. 
The two stared each other down for a long moment, her fiery glare into his cool calm sadistic delight. 
“Fine.” She said at last, bitterly breaking her stare, hands trying their best at covering up her chest. “Thanks.”
Shoto raised a brow, clearly unsatisfied.
“Is that what you call a thank you?”
Her hand reached out to pull the covers to herself, but he wouldn't allow it, gripping them to himself firmly, still baring his smirk.
“Thank me properly, imouto.”
Her eyes bore down into the sheets, not wanting to meet his as he brought her to her knees.
“Thank you.” She spoke through grit teeth, flinching as his warm hand cupped around her cheek and chin, bringing her face up to look him in his unyielding dual colored eyes.
Her gaze flickering from his hand to his face as the rest of her seemed to freeze even more so by his hot touch than the cold.
He watched as her ears drew back tensely and smiled, loving how innocent she was, and how easy it was to frighten her.
“Once more, imouto.”
His mismatched eyes had her caught now, where she felt strangely unable to look away even as her heartbeat sounded in her head like an internal alarm.
She took a breath, preparing herself, closing her eyes before opening them up again slowly to find his gaze softly.
“Thank you…” Her tone was gentle and calm, girlish and bashful, making his lips curl even further, eyes flashing at the thrilling feeling. “For keeping me warm… nii-san.” The endearing nickname rolling off her tongue in such a teasingly pleasant way, he wished she’d call him by it more often, wished to hear her scream it.
A warm flush crept over her face as he lifted the covers for her to crawl back in beside him, her cold skin brushing against his, feeling her sporadic heartbeat panic behind her precious perky tits hugging him softly.
“You’re welcome.” His voice was low and smooth, like the curling mist around heated embers in the dark hours of night.
He drew his hand over her shoulders smoothly, tucking the covers behind her back by her neck while a burning heat blossomed to the shells of her ears. Confident fingers tracing the curve of her waist on their way back, before lying to rest on her hip to pull her closer, messaging the skin rhythmically.
“Good night, imouto.”
Every nerve was on fire with the acidic simmering of shame curling around in her gut at the feel of how pleasant his touch was, something stirring in the hollow of her belly at the feel of his large tight thigh nudging against the cotton of her underwear, rubbing into her ever so slightly, something sticky and ticklish pooling down there at the hands of his teasing.
Trying desperately to quiet her breathing as so not to arouse any suspicion as she kept her gaze shifted downwards away from where she could feel him eyeing her and the furious blush adoring her cheeks.
“Good night, nii-san.” Was all she could answer, unaware that she’d be sleeping in her nii-san’s bed until she broke, until she was begging to flutter and cream around his big cock as he fills her up with hot cum, eyes glossy and velvety like cotton praying for big brother Sho-nii to breed her good, panting and blushing under his hands, pretty tits bouncing for him on every sharp thrust of his large big-brother cock up into her sweet snug vrigin baby-sister pussy.
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How about the Todos react to the Reader just vibing with her new life with them? She would ask Fuyumi for help with homework, Show Rei some dishes she would like to try, Share memes with Shotou, Sit around and chat with Natsuo, talk with Endeavor, and have a telepathic roast battle with Dabi. Reader isn’t even phased with the Yandere shit since she’s so docile and honest to them.
This would be the best case scenario. It’s one of the plotlines I want to explore in the main series lmao. But yes, this scenario is the best for you. Sure, this would make them tighten up on you. It’s only because they love you. Just let them love you.
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Pffffft can you imagine barbarian Bakugo and his clan bringing a whole parade to dabi’s kingdom to celebrate the readers period, meanwhile keigo’s eye is twitching as he ~screams~ gently asks for the whole clan to leave the kingdom
It's gotta be one of those times when Dabi was away on royal business, leaving his kingdom behind in Shotou's care, the instructions of keeping you, his most prized treasure safe went without saying.
Shotou assured his older brother that he will take care of you, as did concubine Keigo, which Dabi rewarded him with a quickie.
You were still asleep when Dabi came in your room to bid you goodbye, so he kissed your forehead and left a letter to notify you of his departure.
Only days later your period started, and while you were in bed, groaning in pain and absolutely in no mood to deal with your father's slut, servant Tomura tried his best to make you comfortable. Fluffing up your pillows, getting the maids to make more pads, having the palace chef make your favourite food.
But it seemed that your hormones prevented you from enjoying anything, and all you could do was cup your tummy and stay in bed, frustrated whenever you felt yourself bleed.
It felt disgusting.
Tomura just sighed as he sat in your dimly lit room quietly, embroidering your clothes. He offered to massage you aching legs, but you did not want to be touched, just wanted the sheets to swallow you up and spit you out a week later.
All of a sudden, there was loud commotion outside. You raised a brow at the disturbance, and Tomura was already out for the door to check it.
He walked towards the palace entrance, where concubine Keigo (dressed in a silk gown, like a little slut) and Prince Shotou (wearing his robes) were already standing with guards and servants. Tomura gave them a quick bow and he didn't need to ask before Shotou replied.
"Bakugo and the barbarians. They're here, at this time of the night." Shotou said, brows slightly furrowed as he wondered if they were under attack. A servant quickly brought over his crown and his sword.
"Guards, brace yourself. Be ready for anything." He then looked at Tomura. "Princess Y/n is the priority."
Tomura nodded, already preparing an escape route for you should things go south.
"Open the doors." Shotou ordered.
As the doors opened, everyone held their breath. Only to be visibly confused when he saw the barbarians dancing around, cheering and clearly drunk our of their mind. And to lead them all, Katsuki Bakugo rode on his horse, a lazy smile on his face.
He got off his horse, walking towards Shotou before a guard stopped him just a couple of feet away.
"That's close enough." The guard said.
Katsuki glared at the guard's audacity, but decided to let it go this time.
Katsuki huffed, before raising his hand.
And just like that, the rest for his clan came to a halt, dropping whatever they were doing and waiting for their leader's next command.
Katsuki stared into Shotou's eyes, and the Prince had no idea what was going through this crazy, uncivilised brute's head.
Katsuki then bowed, and his clan followed, bowing to Prince Shotou.
When he rose back up, Shotou nodded in acknowledgement. "How may I help you, Bakugo?"
The barbarian prince smirked, knowing damn well he was irritating him. "We heard the news."
"What news?"
Katsuki snickered. "The princess bled."
The instantaneous grim look that the entire palace shared was comical.
Katsuki shrugged. "And we have come here to celebrate it. It is a tradition among the barbarians to celebrate their females first period. So, why don't you get the princess to come down and join us? It's rude to turn away your guests."
Keigo's eye twitched. "Princess Y/n is asleep." Shotou said. "And while it is rude to turn away guests, it is even more rude to come uninvited and uninformed."
Katsuki scoffed. "Oh, but I did inform the palace I was coming."
"And you were told not to come!" Keigo interrupted. "I sent back a letter telling you not to come!"
Bakugo feigned shock. "Oh? What letter? I didn't receive any letters from the palace. I just thought that when I sent the letter to the palace, it was you who got it, right Prjnce Shotou?"
Shotou remained stoic, but you could see the irritation in his eyes when he realised that concubine Keigo took the letter, read it and then wrote back, instead of giving the letter to Shotou.
Keigo interfered with palace matters again. Stuck his nose where it doesn't belong and look where it got them.
He'll deal with him later. For now, he needs to control the situation at hand before it starts becoming apparent that there is a power imbalance in the palace.
"I see. However, it is late and the princess is tired-"
"Katsuki?" You called from the top of the stairs, eyes confused and still a little sleepy. "What are you doing here?"
Katsuki smiled warmly at you. Its as if at the sight of you melted away any malice he held for your family, along with creating doubts and troubles among them.
You walked down the stairs, past your uncle Shotou towards your blonde friend. The commotion had woken you up and when Tomura didn't return, you were concerned.
"Hi, princess." Katsuki greeted, taking your hand and kissing it, and he could hear the way the palace guards stiffened up at his close proximity (and breaking Royal protocol).
"Hello." You greeted back in a small voice, body still in pain and fatigue. "What are you doing here? Everything okay?"
Katsuki looked into your eyes, as if it was just you two alone in the world. "I came to see you. Heard you were feeling a little under the weather, so I came over to see what I can do to help. And-" He then pulled out a bright ruby and gold necklace from his pocket. "Its a dragonstone amulet, to protect you against evil and promote good health during your time of the month."
"Oh... Kats, its beautiful." You whispered, letting him put it on you.
"So, will you celebrate with us?" Katsuki asked. You pondered, eyes still fixated on the amulet.
"I am hungry." You looked back at Shotou. "Can we, uncle Sho?"
Within 30 minutes, the palace was bustling again late at night, the palace kitchen hurrying to make one dish after another because these barbarians and there weren't enough cows in the world to match their appetite.
After Bakugo made sure you ate well (he softly glared at you until you finsihed every single bite he fed you), he pulled you along with him to main floor, waltzing to music. He had took time to learn all kinds of royal dances for you, and it was about time he showed them off. You laughed heartedly as Katsuki spun you around, his clan cheering you two on. And when Katsuki placed his hand on your lower back to pull you in, you all but leaned into him as his touch soothed the ache in your lower back. Katsuki's warm, rough, muscular body felt like a heavy blanket against your cold, aching body. Like a warm cocoon, Katsuki wrapped his buff arms around you and swayed slowly, and your lolled right onto his chest.
It was simply perfect.
Shotou simply watched the two of you as he sipped from his chalice, wondering which hand of Katsuki he'll chop off first should he get the chance. Suddenly, concubine Keigo appeared beside him.
"Shotou, I did send him a letter back informing him not to come to the palace-"
"Prince Shotou." Shotou said, his tone barely containing his anger. "You had no right reading Bakugo's letter, let alone writing back to him. Do you know why? Because you are not a part of this palace, you do not belong to this palace, you do not belong to this kingdom." Shotou said, the wine in his chalice starting to heat up. "You are my brother's, King Dabi's concubine. You belong to him and that's all. He may allow you to prance around like you own this place, but I assure you, with a flick of his wrist, he can throw you out too. So don't expect me to extend you the same courtesy of deluding yourself as my brother does."
Keigo remained silent because uptil now, he didn't think Shotou hated him. He just thought he was indifferent to his presence.
Boy, was he wrong.
Shotou watched you chuckle as Katsuki whispered something in your ear. And while your protective uncle may not like Katsuki touching you, he did appreciate the colour coming back to your life, the miserable state of yours now being replaced with one of joy.
He only allowed the barbarians in because you asked, and Shotou would've done anything to help you feel even a little better in your condition.
Even if it was at the hands of that hooligan Katsuki.
Keigo watched as Shotou's wine lit up on fire. Shotou scoffed before using his other hand to freeze the wine, before using a napkin to dab his lips.
"Make no mistake, concubine Keigo-" Shotou said, staring at you and Katsuki before letting his napkin burn to ashes in his hand. -this is all your fault."
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Oh yeah, Katsuki definitely murdered the poor messenger who brought him Keigo's letter. And when news of a celebration got to young empress Momo, she was pissed because she could've celebrated your period instead. She could've been waltzing around with you instead of that idiot Bakugo.
Poor you though. You're gonna be punished by your dear friend Momo's jealousy. Be prepared and beware🥰
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
I AM DYING TO KNOW I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS EVER SINCE I GOT TO THE AIRPORT. If the todoroki’s were to go on a vacation (by todoroki’s I mean platonic yandere enji and shoto and daughter/sister reader and by vacation I mean an international tournament that enji is taking shoto to and brought his daughter along cuz’ why not!)and sit in econ for whatever reason idk in what order would they sit? who gets window? And aisle? Don’t forget middle? Both Teenage and baby reader please. Thank you!
Why are you dying to know this? Aren't airports more fun and have that surrealism that makes u daydream and remain in awe???
And to answer your question, for Enji, it doesn't matter. Whatever seat you want, you get. But for Shotou, he wants you to get the window seat so that he sits right next to you and Enji gets aisle, and in this way he is both close to you and he gets to protect you from dangerous people (Enji or strangers) AND he pretends to fall asleep so that you don't get to leave your seat until your bladder is absolutely about to burst. And even then, Shotou will stand outside the bathroom until you're done.
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Question for the royal gay au, how did Dabi end up with his own separate kingdom from Enji and Rei's? And why did Shoto choose Dabi's kingdom over Enji's?
Well, royals have a lot of castles and palaces, and when Enji forced him to marry your late mother and things became tense between the son and father, Dabi decided to move out and into another castle. Some people were already living around that castle, and then some of his followers came and started living there and then with time, he started his kingdom, occupying more and more land.
You could say that Enji's kingdom is also his kingdom, but that's when Enji dies. Enji does want to pass on his throne to Dabi, but Dabi doesn't want it. He hates Enji too much to accept it. He'd let his siblings have it instead.
As for Shotou, he's not choosing Dabi's kingdom over Enji's, he's actually maintaining communication between the two. He travels back and forth between the palaces, updates each other on how the other is. Plus, it greatly comforts Todoroki family to know that in Dabi's absence, Shotou is there to see that no one (whore Keigo) mistreats the little princess Y/n.
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
Okay but I need yall to help me figure out the character(s) for the following scenario:
Imagine a romantic yandere falling for reader, and ofc reader isn't in love with yandere for obvious reasons like red flags. Maybe they did try dating, Yandere is a charmer, comes from a rich family, he's smart and hardworking and oh so head over heels in love with you. He's always taking you out on best dates, HAS to get you the largest fucking bouquets (excellent taste in flowers) and buys you expensive but well thought out gifts.
But for whatever reason, things dont work out and you break things off hastily and most likely over the phone before leaving the country. And yandere just- breaksdown. I mean my man does not have a good mental health as is, but you leaving, actually leaving him just breaks him down and he has a full blown panic attack.
I'm talking about yandere falling to his knees, clutching his chest and gasping for air, tears streaming down his face as he screams your name like a mad man. His family, they love him, they adore their son/brother/grandchild sm, it pains them to see him in such a miserable state. Yandere man is so delirious that he has to be sedated, tranquillised by medical professionals because he's just losing his fucking mind, babbling your name over and over again like a mad man. His condition only worsens as time passes, and so his family decides to take drastic measures because they can't see their beloved son/brother/grandkid so fucking dead and depressed and a shell of a once bright man. They love him so much, they only want ti see him happy, so they use their money and influence to track you down and try to convince you to return and take yandere back. When you refuse, they take the high way and force you to come with them, dragging you kicking and screaming to their private jet and fly all the way home, where yandere is.
You're in a dishevelled state, tears running down your cheeks as you struggle to free yourself from their grasps as they take you to yandere. And when yandere sees you... for the first time in months, his family sees the light return in his eyes as the yandere reaches out for you, scared that you're just his mind playing tricks. When he finally touches you, he is immeadiately pulling you into a hug, arms tightening around your body like a gilded cage as he cries into your shoulder and thanks his family for bringing you back. His family only smiles with tears in their eyes as they lock the door behind them when they leave, so that you don't go running away. Meanwhile, yandere has pulled you into his lap and he's looking at you with such sad eyes, staring at each feature of yours over and over again as if to memorise it all again. He can't help the tears that continue to slip out of his eyes, maybe he's crying that you're finally here, or maybe he's crying for all the time that's been lost when you weren't here. You fall asleep soon due to exhaustion, but yandere doesn't sleep a wink that night because he continues to stare at you and play with your hair very gently, finally closing his eyes when morning comes and he wraps his arms around you and traps your legs with his.
By now, you guys realise that the yandere's family is not only yandere for their son/brother/grandson but also for you. They are yandede for you too, but they're not allowing you to leave them or their son or even make him unhappy ever again. Some members are willing to let all you "tantrums" slide, while others are not so kind. BUT one thing is for sure, you're ALWAYS safe with yandere s/o, no matter what.
Now, for the characters I've had in kind for this scenario are:
Halim Mehmet Shah and the Shah Family (my ocs)
Dabi/Shotou and Todoroki clan (I am the OG creator of Yandere Todoroki Clan)
I wanna say Naoya or Toji but the Zenin clan hates them both....
Dick Grayson/Jason Todd and Batfam
What do you guys think?
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Mood board for this scenario^^^(I love Pinterest)
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