#yandere trager
little-horror-smut · 2 months
Unexpected Encounter Part Two
Kim Coates x Reader (yandere)
Warning; Smut, Sex, Daddy/Kitten play, Kidnap
Disclaimer; This is a 2 part series. Read the first one before you start this. This has more yandere themes in it. This story was requested by a friend.
Part One
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You decided you wanted to leave, it was late. “I’m gonna call a cab and go. it’s getting late” You said as you stretched. “Let me call a cab for you. There is no service out here, we need to use the land line.” Kim offered. You nodded “Thanks” You walked over to get your jacket and put it on. You said goodbye to Kim and walked towards the door. Turning the knob you noticed it wasn’t budging. You tried harder, thinking it was an old door. Still no movement. You were confused, why was the door locked? “Hey Kim! Can you open the door, it’s locked.” You called out, thinking he might have locked it because it was already late. You turned around and there he stood, mere inches away from you. “I’m sorry Y/N, I just can’t let you leave”
Kim said as he had a tormented look on his face. Your heart skipped a beat. “Stop fooling around. Open the door” You said, now more serious than before. He looked up at her. “I can’t” He whispered, as he walked up to you. Pushing you against the door. “You’re too beautiful to let go” His hand caressing your cheek. Panic set in, you tried to get free but he was stronger. He gave you a sedative in your arm. “Shh Shhh.. It’s just to relax you” As you felt yourself slip away, he carried you to a bedroom. Tying your hands to the bed frame.
It was the break of dawn, as the light hit your face. You woke up in a blur. It felt like you have had a bad dream. Trying to get yourself up, you realise that your hands are tied above your head. The realization kicking in, that the man who you admired, had kidnapped you in his cabin.
“Good morning kitten” his voice broke through. Your eyes widened and panic sat it. “Don’t worry. I’m not gonna hurt you” His voice was warm and gentle. The weirdest part about this whole ordeal was, that you didn’t even feel that threatened. It didn’t make sense at all. “My wrists hurt” Is all you could say. Your eyes spoke of pleading and pain. He sighed, running a hand through rough curly hair. “I can only loosen you up, if you won’t escape. And right now, I’m not sure that you would stay” There was confusion edged on his face. A clear struggle with his morale. He got up frustrated and walked out the door with a sigh. As you lay there, contemplating what has led you to this moment, you hear Kim muttering to himself. Your mind races with thoughts, wondering what his plan was gonna be. You had a clear confrontation with yourself, why weren’t you as scared as you should have been? Why did the voice of your kidnapper still make your heart flutter?
After about an hour, your bladder rang with need. “Kim!” you called out, hoping he’d hear you. No response. You scraped your throat. “Kim?” You asked a bit louder this time. He opened the door. “Yes?” He asked, as if it was the most normal situation in the world. “I need to use the bathroom” You said, your voice soft. You saw him thinking. He walked over towards you and put his hands on your cuffs. “Alright, kitten. I’m gonna open these up for you and guide you to the bathroom.” He said as his piercing blue eyes locked on yours. Your heartbeat raced, still mesmerized by his eyes. You nodded. “I need to hear you say it” He said with a little frustration in his tone. “I will obey you” You said softly. He smiled and nodded. Kim opened your hand cuffs and led you to the bathroom. You relieved yourself and after splashed some water in your face. You looked at yourself in the mirror, confusion setting in. You took a deep sigh and walked back over to the door. “I’m finished” You said, hearing the door click as you spoke. He guided you back and cuffed you to the bed again. “I don’t want to tie you up, you know that right, kitten?” He spoke, sincerity laced his voice.
A few days had passed. He had been taking care of you, he fed you, let you shower, gave you fresh clothes. Still there was a part of you that didn’t want to leave. You gave in to that feeling, more and more. He slowly became more demanding, there was a power dynamic growing. He told you to speak to him in a certain way. You also noticed he had never called you by his name after the first night. Your new name was Kitten. He came into your room, slowly walking over to you. “You’re so beautiful kitten” He said as he slowly caressed your face. He brought himself closer to you, his lips touching the skin of your neck. It send shivers down your spine. Each one of the kisses on your neck, felt like electric jolts. You felt yourself getting wet as he went down your neck. Slowly adding more sucking to his kisses, little bites and sliding his tongue up and down. You let out a soft moan. His eyes sparkled, seeing you enjoy this. He moved his hand on your thigh, slowly bringing it up. “Beg me for more kitten” He demanded. “Please touch me..” You softly moaned. He stopped, looking into your eyes. Confusion gathered on your face but then you realized what it was “Please touch me, Daddy” You corrected yourself. A smile appeared on his face and he let his hand ride up. His fingers reaching your pussy. He kept his eyes locked on you this entire time. He pressed against your lips and moved his fingers up and down. You leaned into his hand an let out a small moan. He slowly took of your pants, leaving your panties on. He spread your legs and let his fingers find your pussy once more. He caressed it lovingly, making small circular movements. He felt your wetness seeping through. You could see his dick growing in his pants, it wasn’t hard to miss. He had quite the size. Your eyes grew wider at the sight of it. “You like what you’re seeing, kitten?” He asked you with a low and raspy voice. “Yes, Daddy” You replied, purring. He took your panties off and smelled them. Closing his eyes as he took a deep breath. “You smell so sweet” He almost whispered. He spread your legs once again and placed himself in between. He was looking at your beautiful pussy. Taking in each and every fold, every drop of wetness. At first he kissed her, then he let his tongue glide, savouring every little bit. “Mhmm” He moaned as he tasted you. The movement of his tongue was electric, you could feel he had done this a many a time. Moans filled your body, arching your back with every touch. He played with your clit, sucking on it. His fingers teased your entrance, he slid them in one by one. Each movement triggering more and more. “Fuck, you taste so good, Kitten” He said, turning you on even more. His fingers had found the right spot, he curved them and caressed you G spot. Bringing you close to your climax. The combination of his skilful tongue and talented finger work got you on edge. “Daddy, please keep going. I- I’m almost there, fuck!” You moaned aloud. “Beg for it, Kitten” He said in a low rumble. “Please Daddy, I want to cum so badly. Please Daddy, I beg you” And with one final suck, he made you reach your climax. Pulsations and pleasure filled your body. You were shaking and trembling like you never had before. This man made you have the best orgasm in your life. He kept sucking your clit, the pulsation get more. “Daddy, please stop. It’s too much” You begged him. He slowly stopped and dressed you up again. “ You’ve been a good girl, Kitten. This will give you an extra treat.” He said sweetly as he caressed your face and kissed your forehead. “Get some sleep, goodnight Kitten” His voice soft and caring. “Goodnight, Daddy”
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Dating Yandere Trager Would Include:
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He was fiercely protective and obsessive, constantly checking in on you and becoming suspicious if you even looked at another person. He demanded your attention all the time and would get violent if you even attempted to leave him, or if someone else came near you. He was also manipulative, making you feel guilty for even thinking about leaving him. He made sure to isolate you from any loved ones, forcing you to rely on him.
He was also possessive and jealous, getting furious if you even breathed in the direction of another man, or if you even spoke to another person. He would constantly try to isolate you and control every aspect of your life. He wasn't afraid to use physical force to get what he wanted and was always monitoring you to make sure you weren't trying to escape his grasp. He would often use guilt and emotional manipulation to make sure you would never leave him.
He would frequently display his obsession by keeping tabs on you at all times, like installing surveillance cameras in your room, as well as tracking your location on your phone.
He would use love bombing to try to make you forget how terrible he was, then use guilt and emotional manipulation to make sure you would never leave. He would belittle you and make you feel like nothing so you would have no confidence on your own, making you think you were weak and needed him.
He was always paranoid and had a short temper. Anytime you did something that he deemed as wrong, like speaking to someone else or even just looking in another direction, he would explode in anger and take it out on you. He was also extremely controlling and demanding, making sure you did everything he wanted you to do. If you even attempted to disagree with him or go against his wishes, he would become furious and use emotional manipulation to make you submit to his will.
He was also paranoid and untrusting, always believing that others were trying to take you away from him or that you were cheating on him. He would often fly into fits of jealousy and anger if he thought you weren't paying enough attention to him.
He was extremely clingy, always wanting to be near you and needing constant affection. He was obsessed with your attention and would constantly need reassurance that you loved him.
He was also very controlling of your wardrobe and appearance, insisting you wear specific clothes or makeup that he liked. He'd often make cruel comments about your body, making you feel insecure about yourself.
He would often reassure you that he loved and cared for you and that you were the most important person in his life. However, this reassurance always came with strings attached, as he would remind you that you belonged to him and that you couldn't leave him. At times, his reassurances could also be manipulative, as he would try to make you feel like you were the only thing that mattered in the world.
He would often give you rewards to keep you happy and in line. Sometimes it would be small gestures, like buying you gifts or taking you out on dates. However, these rewards would usually come with strings attached - like having to do things for him or being expected to be grateful. He might also withhold rewards to punish you or to make you do what he wanted - basically rewarding good behavior and enforcing his dominance.
His punishments could range from mild to severe, depending on the situation. Sometimes he would simply withhold affection and attention, making you feel guilty for whatever you did wrong. But other times, especially if he felt threatened or thought you were disrespecting him, he could become aggressive and resort to physical violence. He would also use verbal abuse and manipulation to make you feel worse and remind you of your position
He would often start fights with you over seemingly small things, like if you spoke to another person or did something he didn't like. He would fly into a rage and start yelling and screaming, accusing you of not caring about him or not loving him. He would also use these fights to manipulate you into doing things you didn't want to do, bringing up how you had "disrespected" him or not given him enough attention.
Despite his possessive and abusive tendencies, he would still try to show you affection. He'd often say that he loved you and would make empty promises to take care of you and make you happy. But the problem was that his affection was always conditional, and he could take it away if he felt like you weren't doing enough. He'd often use affection as a way to manipulate you and keep you under his control.
He would often make a big show of taking you on dates to expensive restaurants or doing other romantic things to impress you. However, these dates always came with a caveat - he would expect you to be grateful and pay him back by doing things he wanted, or by showing your appreciation in some other way. He also could become very possessive and jealous if he thought someone else was looking at you during these dates, and would often lash out at you afterwards.
He would absolutely have a shrine dedicated to you. He would collect items that reminded him of you, like photos, clothing, or other personal items. He would probably have them laid out in his bedroom or another private place, where he could spend time admiring them and thinking about you. He might also do other things to honor you, like pray to your shrine or leave offerings at it. He would definitely see it as a symbol of his devotion and love for you.
He would definitely kill for you, especially if he felt like you were threatened or he would probably try to keep it a secret since he wouldn't want to worry or upset you. But he would also use it to remind you how far he was willing to go to protect you.
He would definitely want to get married to you, but not for the traditional reasons. For him, marriage would be a way to solidify his ownership and control over you. He would expect you to be completely obedient and submissive to him and would use the marriage as a way to keep you under his thumb. He would also see it as a symbol of his power and domination over you.
He would definitely want to have children with you, but not because he wanted to start a family. For him, having children would be a way to make you even more dependent on him. He would expect you to take care of the children and do everything he wanted and would use the children to make you feel even more guilty about leaving him. He might even become possessive and jealous of the time you spent with the children, seeing them as a threat to his control over you.
He would likely be very disappointed and may even become angry if you couldn't have children. He would probably try to pressure you into trying to conceive, even if it wasn't possible. If you had absolutely no interest in having children, he would see it as a threat to his control over you. He would try to convince you to change your mind, or might even try to sabotage birth control or other methods you used to prevent pregnancy.
"You are mine! You are nothing without me. I control your every thought, your every move. You will do as I say, or you will suffer the consequences. No one else can make you feel the way I can. You are mine, and I refuse to let anyone else have you. You belong to me, and you will never escape my control."
Erotic photography - The thought of being photographed in various states of undress or even engaged in sexual activities is incredibly arousing. Knowing that others will see these images later only enhances the experience.
Sleep sex - Engaging in sexual activities while both parties are asleep, often without conscious awareness, adds an element of mystery and unpredictability to the act.
Medical play - Using medical equipment or pretending to perform medical procedures on you can create a unique blend of fear, and arousal for me.
Sensory deprivation - Experiencing intimacy in complete darkness or silence, relying solely on touch and intuition to navigate the encounter...it's a thrilling sensory adventure.
Edge play - Exploring the darker side of BDSM, including activities that could potentially cause harm or push the boundaries of pain tolerance, is a risky but tantalizing prospect for him.
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noellawrites · 1 year
I actually think that while a lot of people think Jax and Tig are the worst of the Sons as yanderes but I think it’s Chibs personally. He’s got a nasty streak. Your thoughts?
oooh this is so interesting! i’d love to discuss!
unfortunately i think yandere!jax is most prone to physical abuse, that could be why he’s thought of as one of the worst. but he would really love his s/o and that would prevent him from doing too much damage. he just has a hard time controlling himself.
yandere!tig is just overall really creepy and weird, he’s the type to follow reader around or put a tracker on them, sneak into their house, jerk off on their pillow, etc.
however, i definitely agree that yandere!chibs would have a sinister streak. he enjoys toying with reader’s emotions and torturing them physically and mentally. his goal is to make them into the perfect s/o but really he just fucks them up a lot. he’s probably one of the worst ones in terms of verbal and mental abuse.
an underrated yandere, yandere!happy might be the worst to have obsessed with you. he’s killing everyone in his path. he’s kidnapping you asap. he’s forcing you to bake with his mother. she wants grandkids? he’s forcing himself on you right away.
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milesfingers · 10 months
Basically I showed some Outlas characters to a friend of mine (who hasn't played the game) and asked him to tell me why he thinks they don't get bitches. Below are the answers
(Please don't take this too seriously)
Miles Upshur: He looks like a texan, what woman would ever want to be with a person with all those weapons?!
(I apologize to all texans)
Waylon Park: He looks old, and homeless and dirty. Its a clear pass (😭)
Blake Langermann: He looks like a marine, and a killer of the woods
Richard trager: Surgery went bad for him. But he's broke af. So no surgery to be a himbo. So no bitches
Chris Walker: He is a butcher and therefore an average Italian. Automatically disgusting except for a minority of women that unfortunately our company does not represent
Eddie Gluskin: He's a maranza*. No woman would have a maranza
*"maranza" is an italian term to describe classic street kids who go around in large groups, come from the city outskirts and pose as bullies. Their vandalistic actions are intended to create confusion in a chaotic and vulgar way. They look like this:
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Father Martin: Cleary a drug dealer, as well as RE4 meme merchant
Jeremy Blaire: Obvious CEO of a multinational company that openly exploits poor children in fourth world countries. People like that are not happy so no bitches
Sullivan Knoth: Italian restaurateur who emigrated to Jamaica to escape finance. He runs a nightclub and exploits adult men in 20-hour shifts with unpaid overtime
Marta: Mommy. But. Yandere. And real Alphas don't like possessive women
Val: They are very sexy but they are also very machaty and people make fun of them because their faces are too lean
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lucifers-horror-harem · 11 months
Top 5 Kim Coates roles ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
YEAHHHHH ACE U ACTIVATED MY TISM TRAP CARD!!!! So I'm gonna go from 5 to 1 cause i love he so much sdfgfrfghtrd
5. Bennett in Resident Evil: Afterlife
I know he's not in the movie long but FUCKKKKKKK he's just perfect Kim Coates role, he's doing his thang and it's amazing. What an asshole, scummy asshole film producer, I love him.
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4. Steve Serrano in King of Sorrow
This one is a BANGER role for him. He plays a corrupt cop that does drugs and does vigilante kills for his fucked up morals, and ends up hooking up with a psychologist who is also fucked up and they are fucked up together. It's great and I love him. I haven't made gifs of it yet but look at this bit crushed image of him in boxers chained to the toilet as he tries to go cold turkey from heroin.
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3. Maurice and Sal in Ferocious
So Kim plays TWINSSSSSSSS in this movie, both of them nasty gross guys, they're not on screen at the same time cause Maurice bites it almost immediately but then you get Sal doing his deranged freak shit and oughhhhhhh he's so hot as both of them it's unfair and unreal and he deepthroats a gun at the end of the movie and he does it in such a slutty way. (not a real good pic of him as Maurice so again another movie i need to gif cause apparently this shit falls to me)
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2. David Snow in A Friend of the Family
So this was a fucking Lifetime movie adjacent movie that was damn near impossible to find but I found it on ONE website and my god am I glad I did cause holy shitttttttt He basically plays a yandere stalker who's obsessed with his new next door neighbor and wants to kill her husband and basically gas lights her and keeps trying to get her to get with him as he slowly keeps trying to ruin her life because she won't get with him. It's INSANE and APPARENTLY supposed to be based on a real story that they blew out of proportion but anyways finding a movie where he's such a yandere AFTER I made Alan is like..... *AGGRESSIVE MONKEY NOISES*
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Tig Trager in Sons of Anarchy
Okay I mean this one is obvious, right? Like this is the DEFINITIVE Kim Coates role. Tig gives you everything. You get slut, you get asshole, you get secret sweet dude, you get loyal till his last breath guy, he's your ride or die man. I'm obsessed with him.
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Welcome to Actually Villainous F/O!
A blog for imagines for selfshippers with villainous and morally gray f/o’s!
18+ ONLY
This blog is run by two villain fans who wanted a space for writing and reading dark content about their f/o’s without judgment. We will likely add more to this pinned post as we feel the need.
Mod Princely 🧋 - he/him. Lover of villains and dark romance, also boba. My main villain squeeze lately is Eddie Gluskin. I don’t mind sharing. My personal selfship blog is @princelythirsts
Mod Lite 🎃 - she/they. Horror and comic fan and Halloween season fanatic. Current problematic villain favorite is Richard Trager. Also fine with sharing! Selfship blog is @miscelliteeous
Read more for our terms :)
Imagines for Villains, morally gray characters
F/O gushing!
Any dynamics - romantic, sexual, platonic, familial, any mix of those.
Fictional enemy / nemesis dynamics!
Pretty much any character, go nuts!
Topics we tag for-
-Sexual content (#nsft)
-Gore (fictional ofc) (#gore and #nsft)
-Rape/non con, dubious consent (#non con)
-Age gap (between adults) (#age gap)
-Yandere (#yandere)
-Abusive ship dynamics (#abusive)
-BDSM, kinky stuff (with a few exceptions) (#kinky) (or tag with individual kinks)
-Incest (#shipcest)
Not allowed -
(These aren’t allowed by tumblr guidelines, or we’re just not comfortable taking submissions on these topics. It’s cool if you have it in your ship. But we’d just prefer not to hear. Thanks!)
-Adult/minor, explicit imagines for underage characters.
-Imagines where the F/O is bigoted to S/I (or vice versa)
-Animal abuse/death/injuries
-References to real life hate groups
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Dirty, Dirty Doctor 2 (One Shot) Richard Tragger X OC Marie
(Traders pov)
"Work... what do you mean ...work?" She asked as she was still trying to fight how she felt, but her body wasn't lying. Bit she was so deluded in her delusions that she wasn't aroused by this.
"Why, the medication I gave you, it just relaxes you. So my little patient..do you want the doctor to look at that sweet untouched cunt of yours..or maybe we start with your anu--"
"n-neither doctor I want to go! I-I'll.. I-I'll tell Mr. Blaire!" She said as I look at her and smile.
"So electroshock therapy was scheduled today..but I told them you shouldn't have that pretty little head shocked.. but ..other parts..~"
(Uh I'll take tickle rape instead)
(XD Please back to tickle rape XD)
Her eyes widen and he attached one to my clit. "We will start with the clit~" I purr and charge up the device on low. Her eyes widen as she was about to speak before I shoved the gag in her mouth as it powered up sending a very dull shock so she wouldn't be really hurt. I hear her let out a loud groan beneath the gag as her eyes rolled back. I smirked and let it go up one notch. She started fighting, or.trying. so I turned it up another notch as she screamed from under the gag as drool dripped down the sides off her mouth.
"Plsh. Sshtop!" She tried to speak from beneath the gag as her legs shook before I noticed water leaking. .no not water. Dirty girl~
"You naughty girl~" I purr and lean down sucking on the pee she leaked out.
She muffled something again as I kicked up her thighs, the salty taste filling my mouth as I shudder before pulling back when she had nothing else to give only to be shot in the face with her squirting as a smirk great, wider this time as I turned it off looking at her red, stiff little clit
"Peeing on your doctor..bad girl~" I said flicking it causing a strained moan as I removed the gag
"I think you need to be punished~ how about that clit enlargement~" I say.
(Sick sicko that is sick)
(Says the dude who just drank her pee and liked it That's a reward right there xD but that's trager)
She was too out of it to rely deny as I grabbed the syringe really all it would do is increase blood flow. But if I don't love an enlarged clit~
I inserted it as she snapped out of her state screaming before I pull away and kiss it. I still worry about her.
"Now while that takes effect..let the doctor tell you what he has plannedm" I said strapping her hands down so she'd be forced to listen to ever degrading thing I was going to have her do. I didn't want her covering her ears. "But first say you want to know."
"then I'll give you another dose--"
"OK! OK. ..do-doctor..what are you going to do to me?"
"Now that is the spirit Buddy!" I say. "Well I am going to enlarge your clit, then maybe enlarge your breasts or maybe just your nipples. The breasts are already so big. Then I am going to tease you and then I am going to pop your cherry. That was you always know you are mine and mine alone then I am going to fuck your ass over and over and over until you are a nice creamy cream pie. Then I am going to give you a breast milk enema and if you are good I will not give you a cock and balls ...maybe."
(So......be bad? XD
(Jk xD)
(XD For Marie For us it is tweedleing taco time XD)
She looked at me as she looked away. "...." "what? Don't get moody--" "are you...going to throw me away after doctor?" She asked.
(Attachment issues. And deception. But no unfortunately you're his)
"Nope! Your mine for life even if I have to cut your leg off so you dont leave me!" I say cheerfully.
"But... you won't. ..bore of me? Replace me with.. with another?" She asked as my smile faded.
"Hey buddy what's with ya?"
"..." she went quiet not wanting to talk. Was..she confessing her-- oh! Her clit~
"OH my look at it buddy isn't it--" I stopped when her hands grabbed my head pushing my face between her legs.
"I-I'm sorry doctor I-I couldn't-- I-I didn't mean to!"
"No I like it~" I say grinning. "Use me like the dirty doctor I am~"
(XD No think Mark with Tragger XD That be something XD)
She looked at me as her hands slowly gripped my head as she would purposefully thrust against my cheek for me. I smirked and let her do just that as I suck on her two inch clit. She moaned as she was still fighting with herself as she would try and push me away every now and then before she would start moaning again and pulling me closer. I could feel the blood pumping under my tongue as my lust for her grew as I felt around the table without turning my head until I grabbed the syringe,but didn't let her see it. Don't need her kicking me again. I trailed up her body before pushing the syringe in the sides of her breasts as she cried out pulling away from me, rubbing the now bleeding spot.
"Don't worry buddy it will feel amazing~~~."
She looked at me as I lay her down again as I strapped.her back down and cupped her breasts as I kissed her neck before stopping and kissing her on the lips for the first time. She gasped in shock and stared at me in even more shock. This moment was perfect~ Our first kiss~ I feel her slowly start to kiss back as a smile broke out on my face. She slipped her tongue against my lips. It was inexperienced but that made me feel even better.
I loved it we made out as her breasts slowly expand. I pull away as I gave her breasts a few squeezes as I push against her hole.
"N-No wait, wait doctor." She said. She was a tease
I stopped and looked at her. "Yes?"
"...h-hold my hand while you do it?" She asked looking at me scared.
(Great she like "this is gonna happen no matter what..at least be gentle..at first)
I nod my head and kiss her head and and take her hand kissing it.
I enjoyed being the one in control but I enjoy a little loving. "Sure buddy." I said as I push into her
She gasped and arched but did her best to relax. I could feel myself pressing against her hymn. I was going to be the one to break it~ I take a deep thrust and she screamed in pain gripping my hand hard. I gripped it back as I felt light headed. Of God she was so tight~ I sink rest of the way in and then still letting her adjust as I kiss her face all over and hold her hand tight. Yes, I had dreamed of this moment for months, saiting my lust until the ferret moment and now she was all mine..~
She panted as she tried to get used to the feeling as I kiss her breasts, licking her nipple.before taking it in my mouth, hand still locked in hers.
(OH God imagine the twins dear Lord who's worse the twins..or trager)
She moaned and arched her chest into my mouth as I suck. I could.feel her tighten even more around me as something entered my mouth. I moaned as I realize it was sweet sweet breast milk. I was unaware of her lactation~ But I did not mind it~ In fact I love it~ I moaned as I couldn't hold back from thrusting my hips up into her. She moans and starts to move her hips with me.
"It feels good doesn't it~?" I purr.
She nods her head. "Yes doctor~"
"Good~"I purr as I grip her thighs as she moaned loudly
I continue to thrust in and out and was already so close. She cried out thrusting again up into me. I smirked and we find a very nice Rhythm. Her body was shaking as she came around me. It pushed me over the edge. I came inside of her as she panted coming down from her own orgasm. She is now mine and I am never letting her go.
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whiskehorange · 3 years
Inbox: (102)
Holden, Wendy C., & Bill fluff
Jiraiya crushing on taken reader
Calling Candyman for help
Anton's s/o getting captured
Will x immortal s/o
Thomas, Michael, & Brahms' s/o kissing Dr. Phil cutout
Will autism HCs
Will fluff
Platonic Will
Jareth, Morticia, & Gomez's s/o w/ PTSD
Danny x shinning reader
Jareth, Morticia, & Gomez x suicidal s/o
Telling Merrill you're pregnant
Jareth, Morticia, & Gomez x previously self-harming s/o
Holden NSFW
Bill x sad s/o
Holden x nurse s/o
Greg crushing on someone opposite of him
Wendy, Bill, Holden, & Greg dating HCs
Greg x quiet, new detective
Bill & Holden's s/o bringing them lunch
Jareth, Morticia, & Gomez's s/o getting into an accident
Morticia & Gomez x depressed s/o
Norman x sadomasochist, male s/o
Jareth x depressed s/o
Will x mute s/o
Norman, Herbert, Thomas, Yautja, Morticia, & Gomez's s/o having a miscarriage
Norman, Herbert, Yautja, & Danny x infertile s/o
Norman's s/o loving him in a suit
Jareth, Morticia, & Gomez x submissive s/o
Jareth, Morticia, & Gomez x mischievous s/o
Auditor NSFW
Slasher x squirting s/o
Thomas Hewitt stuckage
The Collector stuckage
Hexxus' s/o working in an autoshop
Pinhead & Auditor's s/o w/ congenital insensitivity
Michael NSFW
Pinhead, Norman, & Bishop x oblivious, male s/o
John x stubborn s/o
Yautja x werewolf
Platonic Addams
Lizard NSFW
Lydia introducing you to the Maitlands
Gomez x depressed s/o
Lizard freebie
Anton's pregnant s/o being targeted
Pyramid Head reacting to s/o having a wet dream
Jiraiya catching you reading Icha Icha
Pinhead & Auditor x Prince of Hell
Candyman x Mexican s/o
Michael x immortal s/o
Jiraiya hurt/comfort
Yandere Will
Otis & John NSFW
The Maitlands letting you see them
Domestic Lester
Dating Merrill HC
Merrill NSFW
Hannibal & Will x witch s/o
Platonic Will
The Man, John, & Otis NSFW
Bubba, Thomas, Billy, & Stu's male s/o doing sweet things for them
Will x tiny s/o
Wendy T. x female s/o
Yautja's male s/o w/ scars
Hannibal & Will x tall s/o
Jack, Candyman, & Herbert x trans s/o NSFW
Doom Head NSFW
Domestic The Man, John, & Doom Head
Hexxus crushing on a witch
Pinhead, Hannibal, Pyramid head, John, & Vincent x shapeshifter
Jealous Hannibal
Hannibal, Billy, Stu, & Michael x plus size s/o
Luigi, Jareth, Bubba, Hannibal. & Tiffany x trans s/o NSFW
Eddie, Chris, & Trager x humanoid s/o
Graverobber, Yautja, Shilo, Nathan, Morticia, & Gomez's friend making them a pie
Morticia x kinky s/o
Anton going to his ex wife for care
John & Herbert x short s/o
Michael's s/o providing mask materials for him
Nick & Yautja x selkie reader
Giving Will a massage
Will x anxious s/o
Graverobber, Tiffany, Michael, Bo, Luigi, & Pavi x oblivious s/o
Hannibal eye fucking
Pinhead doing human activities
Amber x fem s/o
Jealous Graverobber
Tiffany x Charles' younger sister
Graverobber's s/o teasing him with zydrate
Will dirty talk
Jareth x insecure. plus size s/o
Freddy & Collector breeding kink
Bishop NSFW
Bishop x netomophobic s/o
Adjusting to life with Lizard
Michael & Jason x hitman/woman s/o
Danny x caring & understanding s/o
Drafts: (7)
Michael x nurse pt. 2
Hoffman rough, kinky NSFW
Jealous Beetlejuice
Ex platonic Rose x reader x platonic Danny
Nick x bright s/o
Wendy T. NSFW
Herbert pegging
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ghost-whvre · 4 years
Yandere Richard Trager x Reader? (If that's alright)
Yes of course, sorry it took a while but here it is. I didn’t really know how to write about a yandere character but I hope I got it right. Enjoy and thank you for the ask
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⊱ 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 ⊰
𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞!𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫.
You managed to slither your way out of the chair that mad doctor put you in, picking up your camcorder you were prepared to get the hell out of here. With a deep breath you opened the door anxiously, immediately you heard this patient strapped to a bed start speaking to you about 'Trager' that must've been the guy that helped you and then captured you.
"How do I get out of here!?" You whispered to the guy but to no avail the guy just kept on speaking louder and louder with each word, before the doors behind you were flung open.
"Oh shit." You were terrified, this guy was really obsessed.
"Now, are you gonna cooperate with me here and go back into that room or am I gonna have to cut your feet off?" He said standing in front of you.
"Not talking eh? What about when I do this?" He said stabbing the poor guy on the bed with his bone shears, you see this as a time to escape and dashed past him. You heard him groan with annoyance, there wasn't many places for you to go, except an elevator however it needed a key and knowing that secular maniac was on your tail, would make it harder to search the place. You see a open vent hopefully a way out of here. Climbing through you realize it only took you to the next hallway, this one was much more creepier. Slowly walking down you see a plethora of rooms to discover, your discoveries were cut short when a very angry Trager knocked down the doors to the side of you and pinned you against a wall.
"Where do you think you're going sweetheart? Ricks gonna take good care of you." He said maniacally.
"N-nowhere." You stuttered gripping your jackets sleeves, he was getting super close you could feel his breath on your face.
"You, are mine. You got that?"
You nodded slowly, you didn't know how you were gonna get out of this situation, all you could do was agree with him. He grabbed you by the arm dragging you back to the room you were tied up in, the bottom of your shoes scraping along the floorboards, Trager could tell you were uncomfortable and he loved it. You made it back to the room you were in before, Trager throwing you in as a smirk plastered on his face.
"I'm gonna enjoy this!" He said slamming the door shut, you were screwed.
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datenightfright · 4 years
You probably knew it was coming but yandere Trager, Eddie, and Walrider but maybe with an S/O that's totally cool with it cause they love the attention and being "the exception"? (if that makes sense🥺)
It totally makes sense. Everyone loved being the exception to a rule! You’re the One and Only! 
If you like what I do, please consider donating here. 
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Trager: “Tragic,” He says, hanging his head low, “Just tragic.” You nod along with him, kicking your feet back and forth from your gurney, ignoring the rattling chains attached to your legs. “Oh, Honey,” You say, “Don’t worry, the next experiment will work.” 
“Will it though?” He sighs, sitting in his chair, next to you. He places his head in your lap and you begin to rub his scalp. He liked that better than rubbing his shoulders, “Well, maybe, maybe not,” You tell him truthfully, “But! Didn’t you learn something from this one?” He grunts, its an affirmative once, however. “And you’ll learn something from the next!” You say cheerily. “And the next, and the next. All until you get it right.” He breathes deeply, and for a moment you’re both silent. “I suppose you’re right.”
“of course I am!” You say, bending down to kiss his cheek. “Now go out there and catch another one Honey, You can do this.” Trager stands and looks at you. “Where would I be without you?” He asks. You shrug your shoulder, honestly, you didn’t know. 
Eddie: The smell of cooked meat wafted to his nose the moment he opened the door. He grinned. “Darling~” He calls, “I’m home!” You rush out of the kitchen, flustered at his early arrival, patting your hair down so you look suitable. “Welcome home dear!” You say, a little breathless as you wrap your arms around him and bring him in for a kiss. 
“Dinner smells amazing,” He says as you two part. You smile widely at him, “It’s your favorite my dear,” You say, grabbing his hand and and pulling him into you cramped dining room. The table is all set for two, complete with candles and soft music. Eddie’s heart swells with pride. He trained you well if he had to say so himself. Not that it took much, you had been willing from the start. 
Everything was picture perfect. 
Walrider: You run through the night, trying your best to stay ahead. Pumping your arms and legs as fast as they will go. It’s to no avail, he’s faster and you both know it. Besides, he’s letting you win right now. That knowledge only serves to infuriate you even more. You burst through the tree line, slipping on wet grass, and go tumbling down into a small ravine.
You brace yourself for an impact that never comes. Thousands of tiny nanites swarm you as they save you from certain death. You laugh breathlessly as they set you on the ground and begin to swarm you, worried you’d been hurt. 
Collapsing backwards you look at the sky. It’s so beautiful out in the country, with no light and nothing but stars. You know you have to go back in soon, you’ll never be allowed to stay far from your home, but you don’t mind, as long as you get to be with your precious man...men...nanites. You try not to think about it too hard. Still, it’s nice to enjoy a night like this...every once and a while anyway. 
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popcandyan · 3 years
oi tudo bem ? eu espero que sim eu sou nova aqui então eu espero que gosta das minhas escritas :)
[ yanderes que eu vou fazer ]
sauve , pegajoso , tsudere .
[ yanderes que eu vou postar ]
jojo - Jonathan , Joseph- jotaro , josuke , giorno , jolyne , johnny, gappy
jobros : kakyoin , yashuo, gyro , emers , ff . [ desculpa se estiver errado ]
outros : diego , parte 5 de jojo , trish , lucy( ela merece um amor depois de todo ) hot pants .
vilãos : eu estou pensando talvez - dio , kars , doppio/diavolo .
agora os stands não sei se eu for fazer mas se você quiser eu posso trager :)
[ outros animes ]
hanako- san
boku no hero
jjk - jujutsu no kaisen
demon slayer
bye eu posso fazer fazer em inglês é português e so manda que eu faço , se cuida toma água descansa a mente 😁
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Dating Would Include:
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Mystic Messenger
Poly-Dating Seven and Yoosung
Poly-Dating Jumin and Jaehee
Obey me! Shall we date?
Poly-Dating Lord Diavolo and Lucifer
Poly-Dating Lord Diavolo and Mammon
Poly-Dating Leviathan and Barbatos
Poly-Dating Beelzebub and Simeon
Dating Solomon
Dating Simeon
Dating Mammon
Dating Lucifer
Dating Leviathan
Dating Satan
Dating Beelzebub
Dating Asmodeus
Dating Weird Barbie
My Hero Academia 
Dating Izuku Midoriya
Dating Yandere Bakugo Katsuki
Dating All Might
Dating Yandere Enid Sinclair
Dating Enid Sinclair and Best Friends with Enid Sinclair
Best Friends with Wednesday Addams and Dating Yandere Wednesday Addams
Dating Tyler Galpin
Dating Xavier Thorpe
Stranger Things
Dating Robin Buckley
Dating Steve Harrington
Dating Yandere Steve Harrington
Dating Eddie Munson
Dating Yandere Anthony Bridgeton
Dating Yandere Benedict Bridgerton
Dating Peter Parker
Dating Yandere Brother Day
Dating Yandere Logan Howlett
Peaky Blinders
Dating Arthur Shelby
Dating Yandere Thomas Shelby
Dating Yandere Alfie Solomons
Dating Bonnie Gold
Dating Yandere John Shelby
Dating Halfdan
Dating Yandere Ragnar Lothbrok
Dating Bjorn Ironside
Dating Ubbe
Dating Hvitserk
Dating Sigurd
Deathstroke Dating An Easy-Going S/o
Dating Bane
Dating Yandere Jason Todd
Dating Yandere Tim Drake
Dating Yandere Erik Lensherr
Dating Yandere Superman
Dating Yandere Spawn
Yandere Al Simmons Having A Crush and Al Simmons With A Crush
Poly-Dating Poison Ivy And Harley Quinn
Yandere Harley Quinn With Hero Darling
Dating Wonder Woman
Dating Yandere Bi Han
Dating Yandere Kuai Liang
Dating Yandere Hanzo Hasashi
House of the dragon/ Game of thrones
Poly-Dating Rhaenyra and Alicent
Poly-Dating Sugar Mommy And Daddy Rhaenyra And Daemon
Poly-Dating Jacaerys and Lucerys
Poly-Dating Jacaerys and Cregan
Dating Jacaerys Velaryon
Dating Yandere Benjicot Blackwood
Dating Yandere Duncan Targaryen
Dating Yandere Jacaerys Velaryon
Dating Yandere Daemon Targaryen
Dating Daemon Targaryen
Dating Harwin Strong
Dating Yandere Criston Cole
Dating Yandere Cregan Stark
Dating Cregan Stark
Dating Yandere Alicent Hightower
Dating Yandere Aegon Targaryen
Dating Yandere Aemon Targaryen
Dating Yandere Ramsay Bolton
Dating Yandere Brynden Rivers
Dating Yandere Maekar Targaryen
Dating Tyland Lannister
Dating Yandere Jon Snow
Dating Yandere Robb Stark
Dating Yandere Aerion Targaryen
Dating Yandere Aegon The Conquerer
Dating Aegon Targaryen
Dating Yandere Aemond Targaryen
Yandere Aemond Who’s Obsessed With His Maid
Dating Yandere Rhaegar Targaryen
Dating Yandere Baelon Targaryen 
Best Friends with Helena Targaryen
Dating Yandere Rickard Stark
Dating Yandere Domeric Bolton
Dating Yandere Brynden Rivers
Dating Yandere Roose Bolton
Dating Yandere Arryk Cargyll
Dating Yandere Erryk Cargyll
Dating Cole Caulfield
Dating Jamie Drysdale
Dating Jack Hughes
Dating Nico Hischier
Dating Yandere Mick Taylor
Being Married To Yandere Eric Newlon
Dating Yandere Fire Lord Ozai
Dating Yandere Clyde Shelton
Dating Yandere Dark Mario
Dating Yandere Cat King
Dating Yandere Archie Hicox
Dating Yandere Deucalion
Dating Yandere Hans Landa
Dating Yandere Dieter Hellstrom
Dating Yandere Jeepers Creepers
Dating Yandere Trager
Dating Yandere Husk
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noellawrites · 4 years
Sons of Anarchy Masterlist
Thanksgiving with the Sons
Cycle - Yandere!Sons x reader
Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz
Herman Kozik
Yandere Headcanons
Filip “Chibs” Telford
Conjugal Visit
Alexander “Tig” Trager
Jackson “Jax” Teller
Fight & Make Up
Happy Lowman
Nero Padilla
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I love how long and detailed all your posts are but I especially LOVE your Eddie Gluskin post!! Would you be able to do one for Trager?
Here you go! Hope you enjoy
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What about a story of yandere Richard Trager?
I did start a whole fledge story of it a long time ago but forgot about it it only has one chapter I really should continue it 
here are the links. 
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Outlast Gang Bang 1 (One Shot) Various X OC Sissy Mark
(marks pov)
I cover my ears the sirens blaring as the lights flash.. patients ran around as I try to find someone I knew. The priest most likely, Dr. tragger. maybe Christ. He must be scared. Then the twins, then..then Frank and then Eddie.
I walk through the halls calling their names, desperate to find them as I continue to call out for them, going into room after room as I see the priest as I ran over. "father, father your okay!"
"Mark, Mark come with me. It's dangerous."
"No I have to find the others, my patients and Dr. Tragger. I cannot and will not leave them to suffer." I say. "Do you know where they are? I need to make sure they are all okay."
(Ooofff poor mark has no idea what is about to happen XD)
"come, they are in the chapel." He said as he lead me to it, and he was telling the truth they were all there, however he shut the door suddenly
"What are you doing?" I ask confused as he locked the chapel doors.
He didn't speak as tragger suddenly walked up and grabbed me. His one hand on my waist...the other one on my legs.
"He's just ensuring you can't run anymore buddy." He said, a smirk on his face
"Run? Why would I run? I am just helping patients." I say confused.
However his hands suddenly trailed up. "You've been running away from us since the start buddy, you think I didn't notice that you'd ask to change shifts?"
"That was so I could sleep in." I say. "Why does it matter?"
I suddenly jerk as his hand went down my shrubs pants
"Wh-What are you doing!?!" I demand to know scared as he jerks my cock making it stir.
I felt odd, I was scared as I tried to back away but Father Martin held me steady.
(Man he's not beating around the bush ..but he is beating marks Meat)
I groaned and felt him jerk me off to full hardness. I still tried to get away but their grips only tightened more when I did that. I groaned and then he moved his hand down and slip a finger over my clit. I groaned and shudder.
"So your file was right you have a cunt to~" He says grinning.
My eyes widen. "Please--" I was cut off when he pushed a finger between my lips, not deep but still was uncomfortable.
I whine softly and tried to pull away
He didn't enter any further as he pulled away, but his hands suddenly move to my chest.
"I wonder, are you more feminine or masculine under here?" He said.
"G-Guys.." I moan out.
"Tragger stop hogging her." I hear Chris say and I look at him shocked
He... wasn't going to try and save me?
"I'm not just.. examining her~" he said as he pulled my scrub shirt off as I went red in the face.
For a girl I was small.. but I'm not a girl, I'm a boy, and yes, I grew some breast tissue. Maybe a small B cup..
"Nice cut little breasts~" He says and leans down taking off the wrapping I had on them.
The wrapping fell to the ground as I blushed darkly only to cry out as he pinched the nipple. I cried out as my chest was always sensitive.
"don't you think her chest is nice...Eddie~?" Trager asked as I tried to get out of their grips as Eddie walked up.
"A bit small, but nice and perky~" He says and licks my other nipple. "They will get bigger when she is filled with my seed~"
I shudder at that knowing this was wrong and yet..
"Well don't worry Eddie buddy, her toys were an a when she came last year, and I've got some special medications of course." Tragger asaod as Eddie smirked.
"T-They aren't small.." I mutter, why that was the point that annoyed me, I don't know. A b cup isn't that small..
"They are adorable though just like my darling~" he says smiling at me it made me feel warm
However I tried to cut that thought out of my head as his hands grazed against the nipple causing me to let out a surprised jerk
"And oh so sensitive~" He purrs twisting it gently.
I let out another jerky spasm as he pulled down my pants, completely ignoring my cock as he rubbed my lips, his lips biting on my nipples. "Perhaps one day we can experiment with some nipple rings for you~" he said as I feel Mattson let go of me. I could run..but I didn't..as Christ came up behind me, I feel his large hands suddenly grasp my ass. They weren't fucking me...they were just teasing me both with their grasps and their words.
(Because you're a slut that gets off being talked dirty to and told your a whore, and that's what they are gonna do, Gott loosen you ;))
(XD Mark is a sissy slut XD)
Chris gripped my ass with one hand and my chest with the other massaging both. I couldn't help it the loan I tried to desperately to hold back came out, I've never felt more powerless..or this good. He smirked and started to kiss down my neck and bit my shoulder. I cried out and with Eddie fingering came hard from both my cock and woman hood.
He pulled away slow looking at his hands. "I'm not one for men." He said. "But I am one for making you cum~" he said as suddenly the others walked over.
"Alright alright two to start to not overwhelm him." Trager said. They weren't serious..
"We need our turn first." One twin said. Tom the one with the hair says.
"Yes we do." Tim adds
"the others don't know him as well as we do."
"Yes." Tim agree. "We known him the most and longest
They suddenly move forward as I they smirked at me. Tom bent me on my hands and knees and Tim kisses me my first kiss. I feel him grip the side of my face. The kiss was hot, passionate, and messy as he looked at me as I panted, drool still connecting our mouths.
"Mm... think I know.how to make this better." He said as he grabbed my bag as I was confused, his brother just smirking as he walked over.. with my makeup bag, roughly grabbing my face as he took out my lipsticks he seemed to be stuck between the hot pink and bright red.
They went with the bright red and he had me put it on as well as my mascare and eyeliner. After that was done I see Tim had removed his pants and tom stuck his tongue in my ass.
I let out a shocked cry as my legs try to kick him away. "g-get off!"
Tim looked at me and smirked. "Why don't you put on a show for us~? And them? If you do, we'll go as easy on you as you need." (Don't trust him) he whispered in my ear.
"L-Like what?" I moaned. back as he placed a finger on my bottom lip.
"Oh..a sultry, sexy professional who is a total sissy slut but poorly hides it." He whispered as I looked confused but I already had agreed when I humored the idea.
"O-ok--oh! N-No stop! T-That's the wr-oo~" A genuine moan slipped out as I gather my nerves once more."th-the wrong hole! T-This is unacceptable behavior towards your h-head nurse!" I snap. And part of it was how I truly felt but something in me..felt excited.
"We do what we want with sissy sluts like you~" Tim says and rubs his cock against my lips I could tell he was going to take it slow. "Now lick my cock like a lollipop head nurse~"
I almost did.. bit I stop myself.
"T-There's no way I'd lick that.. that thing." I said and I wasn't lying. "I wouldn't ever want to lick that dirty, disgusting ..huge.. thick ..cock.."
"Then we will just have to punish you~" Tom says and bites my ass and I yelp.
Tim starts to jerk off his cock occasionally smacking it against my cheeks and I moaned as he did and soon he came thick ropes of cum on my face and smearing it into my cheeks.
I let out a moan as he suddenly pushed it against my face once more.
"Come on you sissy, look at it. This is what a real man's cock is like. get a good look,because your cock will never be like this." He said smearing it against my cheek as my body suddenly shuddered, my cock and womanhood feeling weird..
"T-That's s-so cruel to say to your superior.." I said trying to not let my voice change.
(Oof mark being a superior. The only thing he's superior at is being a masochist who can cum while only sucking a cock)
"You better star licking it or my brother here will fuck you senseless without any lube~" He orders and that made me shudder more.
"F-Fine you disgusting man~!" I say.
I look at the cock as I give a kiss to the head before licking up the shaft as I let out a moan when he brother would roll his tongue inside of mebefore he suddenly retracted as I ha e a confused look.
"Look at you, being a good slut." "You call yourself our superior, you're supposed to watch us and make sure we are safe, and here you are, taking orders from us. It's rather pathetic isn't it Tim? No wonder she dresses like a girl, she's not a man at all" he states as I kept licking the shaft as I actually shudder at the insult.
It was turning me on so damn much and I could feel my cock ache. "Her big cock is a lie to what she really is a sissy slut begging to be teased." Tom says.
I moaned as I was closer than ever.
However I tried to keep in the role but it was so hard..
"I think she's actually getting off to it and she hasn't even put your cock in her mouth."
I glared at him. "That is enough Ti-"
He cuts me off shoving his cock in my mouth. I let out a choked gag as he gripped my hair.
"sissy sex toys don't speak." He said.
"I think underneath all this is a whore who can't wait to be fucked up the ass, in nice frilly outfits, we'll even set some new rules what do you think Tom?"
"Oh I know she was born an anal slut. I agree though Tim. No standing to pee being one of them, with supervised bathroom trips just to make sure." He said as my fave burned red as I let out a whine. To have no control of how I went to the bathroom..to be told that they'd be making sure, taking any masculinity I had from me..it somehow aroused me as I only realized I was bucking my hips forward
"I think he finally wants something in her slutty ass~" Tim says.
"I agree~" Tom says with a smirk. "Ready for my cock you nasty slut~"
I look back at Tom as I couldn't help but pull from Tim's cock, giving a lick to it before answering.
"G-Give it to.me~.dont hold back~" I moan
He smirked and thrust in hard I cried out and Tim thrusts in my mouth again. They were now spit roasting me. I let out a loud moan into their crotch. Spit hung out the corners of my mouth as he would thrust in when Tim would thrust out, never lea I g me empty.
"Look at her, she's a total natural~"
"what about her sweet little bussy."
"Mmmphh,", I try to tell them no but it just came as a moan
"Nice a tight~ fits like a damn glove two sizes to small~" he moans. "Can't wait to fill it up~"
I felt so full..and it was just two fingers inside of me. I let out a loud moan pulling away from his cock as I rub my cheek against the dripping, slimey member, moaning at the feeling of being less than.
I almost could take it I needed to cum so bad~! It was all I wanted right now~
"Hm? What's this?" He asked a smirk on his face as I moan.
"I-I-I love your cock." I said as I kissed it as he smirked.
"do you think a sissy like you deserves to have such a nice cock ramming into her nasty slutty mouth?" He asked his tone making me shudder and clench around Tom.
"No but please! Give it to me! So me how much of a cock sleeve I am~!" I beg
He looked at me for a moment as he kissed me again. And although it seemed rough..it was so gentle. . Like he was making sure I didn't actually think that low of my self. He slowly pulled away only to lay his heavy, hot, twitching cock on my forehead.
"Well get to making yourself worthy." He said as I knew what he was implying he wanted me to do. "And don't forget to worship them, letting everyone hear how much you love them."
I started to lick his balls and mentally gaged I did not even kick my own balls. Why would I want to suck his but that is exactly what I did taking both into my mouth. I suck on him, feeling Tim's hand push against my clit as I moaned as I kiss and lick him before pulling up to the base, kissing, licking, biting at the shaft, smearing my lipstick.
He groaned and Then pulled back cumming on my face and I feel Tom cum on my ass I was drench in cum. "Who is next?" Tim asks and I fall to the floor they could not be serious.
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